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Definitions of Soil OM and Its Components

Soil Organic Matter

• The sum total of all natural and thermally altered
biologically derived organic material found in the
soil or on soil surfaces irrespective of its source,
whether it is living or dead, or stage of
decomposition, but excluding the above-ground
portions of living plants.
Definitions of Soil OM and Its Components

Living components
• Living tissues of plant origin. Standing plant
components that are dead.

• the total amount of living organic plant matter, of
both higher and lower plants, accumulated at a
given moment in the aboveground and
underground(For example, standing dead trees)
are also considered phytomass.
Definitions of Soil OM and Its Components

Microbial biomass
• Organic matter associated with the cells of living

Faunal biomass
• Organic matter associated with living soil fauna.
Definitions of Soil OM and Its Components

Non-living components
• Organic fragments with recognizable cellular
structure derived particulate organic matter from
any source but usually dominated by plant-derived

• Organic materials derived from mineral residues
located on the soil surface.
Definitions of Soil OM and Its Components

Macroorganic Matter
• Fragments of organic matter >20mm or >50mm
contained within the mineral soil matrix and
typically isolated by sieving a dispersed soil.

Light Fraction
• Organic materials isolated from mineral soils by
floatation of dispersed suspensions on water or
heavy liquids of densities 1.5 to 2.0 mg/m2.
Definitions of Soil OM and Its Components

Dissolved organic matter

• Water-soluble organic compounds found in the soil
solutions that are less than 0.45 mm by definition.
Typically, this fraction consists of simple
compounds of biological origin (e.g., metabolites of
microbial and plant processes), including sugar,
amino acids, low-molecular-weight organic acids
(e.g., citric, malic, etc.) but may also include large
Definitions of Soil OM and Its Components

• Organic materials remaining in the soil after
removal of macroorganic matter and dissolved
organic matter.

• Identifiable organic structures that can be placed
into discrete soil communities
Definitions of Soil OM and Its Components

• Categories of biopolymers, including polysaccharides
and sugars, proteins and amino acids, fats, waxes and
other lipids, and lignin.

Humic substances
• Organic materials with chemical structures that do not
allow them to be placed into the category of non-
humic biomolecules.
Definitions of Soil OM and Its Components

Humic acids
• Organic materials that are soluble in alkaline solution
but precipitate on acidification of the alkaline extract.

Fulvic Acid
• Organic materials that are soluble in alkaline solution
and remain soluble on acidification of the alkaline
Definitions of Soil OM and Its Components

• Organic materials that are insoluble in alkaline

Inert organic matter

• Highly carbonized organic materials, including
charcoal, charred plant materials, graphite, and coal
with long turnover times.
Soil Water

Mineral Matter

Soil Air

Organic Matter
Why Should You Care About Soil Organic Matter?

SOM Improves Soil Physical Properties

• Increased granulation and aggregate stability
• Makes heavy soils easier to work
• Increases water infiltration rates
• Increases water holding capacity
• Decreases erosion
Why Should You Care About Soil Organic Matter?

SOM Improves Soil Chemical Properties

• Increases Cation Exchange Capacity so the soil is
better able to store and supply plant nutrients
• Increases pH buffering so the soil resists changes in
• Reduces Aluminum, Iron, and Manganese toxicity in
acidic soil
Why Should You Care About Soil Organic Matter?

SOM Improves Soil Biological Properties

• Greater abundance, diversity and activity of soil
• Increased nutrient cycling
• Increased root elongation and abundance
• Increased access to water and nutrients
What is Soil Organic Matter?

• All material in soil that contains (reduced) carbon.

• SOM is derived from plant residue (both litter and
roots), animal remains and excreta, and living soil
microbes (microbial biomass).
• Over time, microbes transform fresh organic material
into stable soil organic matter.
Organic Matter Decomposition
• Mix fresh organic materials into the soil
• Brings organic matter into contact with soil
Soil insects and other arthropods
• Shred fresh organic material into much smaller
• Allows soil microbes to access all parts of the
organic residue.
Organic Matter Decomposition
• Population increases rapidly when organic matter
is added to soil.
• Quickly degrade simple compounds- sugars,
proteins, and amino acids.
• Have a harder time degrading cellulose, lignin, and
• Cannot get easily degradable molecules that are
Organic Matter Decomposition
• Grow more slowly and efficiently than bacteria
when organic matter is added to soil
• Able to degrade more complex organic molecules
such as hemicellulose, starch, and cellulose.
• Give other soil microorganisms access to simpler
molecules that were protected by cellulose or
other complex compounds.
Fungi and Soil Structure

Active Fungi Present Fungi Absent

• Fungal hyphae (threads) helps • Soil structure is not
hold soil granules together. maintained when immersed
• Fungal exudates help cement soil in water.
particles together
Organic Matter Decomposition
• The clean-up crew
• Become dominant in
the final stages of
• Attack the highly
complex and decay
resistant compounds
(cellulose, chitin (insect
shells), lignin, waxes.
Organic Matter Decomposition
Protists and Nematodes
• Feed on the primary
decomposers (bacteria,
fungi, actinomycetes)
• Release nutrients
(nitrogen) contained in
the bodies of the
primary decomposers
Organic Matter Decomposition- Carbon and
Nitrogen Cycling

• During each cycle of degradation about 2/3 of the

organic carbon is used for energy and released as
carbon dioxide.
• During each cycle of degradation, about 1/3 of the
organic carbon is used to build microbial cells or
becomes part of the soil organic matter.
• Recently deposited organic material
• Rapid decomposition
• 10-20% of SOM

• Intermediate age organic

• Slow decomposition
• 10-20% of SOM

• Very stable organic material

• Extremely slow decomposition
• 60-80% of SOM
Crop Residues
Crop Roots Decomposition
Manure Inputs

Soil Organic s
Soil Organic Matter is Dynamic
Rate of Decomposition is Affected
Soil Organic Matter is Dynamic
Rate of Decomposition is Affected
No- till

Conventional Tillage
Conventionally tilled field No-till field Biopores (earthworm
channel) enhance
Surface crust impedes Open, granular surface infiltration and allow water
infiltration structure enhances infiltration to rapidly move past the
surface horizon
Management Changes to Increase Input of OM

• Return more crop residues

• Add cover crops
• Diversify crop rotations
• Add other sources of organic material
Management Changes to Decrease SOM Losses?

• Decrease erosion
• Decrease tillage
OM Decomposition- CN Ratio
OM Decomposition- CN Ratio
OM Decomposition- CN Ratio
Importance of C:N Ratio
• The microorganisms in compost use carbon for energy
and nitrogen for protein synthesis, just as we use
carbohydrates for energy and protein to build and repair
our bodies

• The optimal proportion of these two elements used by the

bacteria averages about 30 parts carbon to 1 part nitrogen

• Given a steady diet at this 30:1 ratio, they can decompose

organic materials very quickly.
Methods of SOM Determination
• LOI or the loss-on-ignition is widely used; the ignition
temperature and length of ignition are critical
• Soil preparation is an important parameter, as a
portion of the LOI measurement may be due to loss of
soil-bound water.
• Various wet oxidation procedures are used, each
method giving slightly different results depending on
the reagent used and also the laboratory procedure.
Mgt. Requirements for High OM Content Soils
• Soils high in organic matter content (>5%) are more
difficult to manage because they remain wet and cool
when soil preparation procedures are required.
• High organic matter soils tend to be sticky when wet; and
when plowed when wet, clods easily form that can be
difficult to break up, requiring additional tilling in
preparation for seeding or planting.
• Remaining cool with rising air temperatures, delayed
seeding or planting may be required, and then after
seeding or planting, plant growth will be slow due to cool
soil temperatures.
Adverse Effects of OM Additions
• With increasing organic matter content, a soil will have
higher water-holding capacity, will remain cool with
warming air temperatures and make the soil more
difficult to cultivate when wet.

• Depending on the source of the organic material,

elements may be added that would accumulate, and with
time adversely affect the nutritional status of the soil and
growing crop.
Managing to Improve Soil Organic Matter
• Soil organic matter is dynamic
• The amount of SOM depends on the balance between inputs of
organic material and losses of SOM from decomposition and
• Both the quantity and the quality OM inputs can be managed to
increase SOM levels
• Losses of SOM can be reduced by decreasing erosion and
decreasing tillage
• Most change in SOM occurs in the active SOM pool
• Many soil quality benefits accrue from the active pool
• Maintaining the size and rapid turnover in the active pool may be
more important for soil quality than actually increasing the overall
SOM level

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