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Center O11 F2-8104 Giukyo Kasei Koeyo Go.. Ltd, Reference theber 38101 Date rev, + Ostober 5,2012 * Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) | eteaton Comey nme: Cho Kasi Koay Go id pasos: 10-1, Nea feck-cho, Kai Ati pen Deparonent “Tecra Reseach heute Contact Parson reper’ Yo Meruyame Teleshore +-<08-30-2680 Foc Naber 81-S06-20-2001 Kinergnay contact Teel Reve rth Telephone +81-50-09-2083 Rafrercenenber 26101 Proper: Octaber 52012 Produce Cats OFFZ-HOT bandeduce etl Working Lubroants 2 ead eeaon (GS essen HEALTH HAZARDS: ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARD: GHS symbol: ‘Signal Word: Hazard statement ACUTE TOXIGITY-RHALATION Catagory 4 ‘SKIN. CORROSION/IRRITATION Category 2 EYE DAMAGE/IRRITATION Category 1 SENSTTIZATION-SKIN Catagory 1 GERM CELL MUTAGENICITY Category 2 SPECIFIC TARGET ORGAN TOXIOITY (SI Oatogory Aespiatory tract) NGLE EXPOSURE) SPEGIFIC TARGET ORGAN TOXICITY (RE Category {une akin) PEATED EXPOSURE) HAZARDOUS TO THE AQUATIC ENVIRO Category 3 NMENT - LONG-TERM. HAZARD SSO Hareful if inhaled Cause skin intatin Cause serious o> damage May cauee an lie skin reaction Suspected of causing genetic defects May cause camsge to organs lung and respiratory tract Gause domage to organs lung and skin through prolonged or reposted exposure Harmful to aquatic Me with long lasting effects Obtain speciel instructions before use, De not handle until al safety precautions have been read and understood. Do not breathe dust/fure/gas/iist/vepours/seray. Wash hands and eyes thoroughly aftor handling, Do not eat, dink or smoke when using this product, Use only outdoors or ina wal-ventisted area. Contaminated work clothing should not be sllowed cut of the workplace. ‘Avoid ralease to the envrcrment, Wear protective gloves/pratective clothing/eye proteaton/face protection. Use personal protective equipmant as required. IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of sosp and water, IF INHALED: Remove viotin to fresh air and keop at rest in @ positon convortable for breathing IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and & ay to do, Conte rinsing JF exposed or concemed: Get medica! advioe/attention, Immediately call 2 POISON CENTER or doctor/ohysician Cal a POISON CENTER or doctor/phywsician Hf you feel urwell 1/3 Genter Oi! FZ-8101 ‘Chukyo Kasei Kogyo Co.. Ltd, Reference Number 36101 Date rev. > October 5, 2012 lin irtation occurs: Got mace! edhice/attonton, IF shin intation oF rash occurs: Get medical acvice/attention, Take of ‘Storage: 13 clothing and wash before reuse. Disposal: Dispose of contents/eontainer in accordance with lacal/regonal/nationa/interational regulations. NOTE: Even if you do rot have the above-nentienad noto by the classification according to GS, making a sufficient consideration relates to the disposal / storage / first aid measures / safety measures with reference to the follovire information. ‘3. Composition information on ingredients ‘She substance or mixture: Mixture Chemical name: Lubricant adtve and Mineral oi! Ingresionts and contont: Ingredients Contents) CAS No. Sulfuized mineral ol 10-20 (68201-54-7 Suluized fatty ol 35-45 1790-46-56 Zine dalkyldthionhosphate 10-20 3649-47-3 Calclumpetroteum sulfonate 15 61789-86-4 Fetty of 110 iste Sulfurized Olefnes 1-10 7762-55-4 Rust end conosion inhibitors 110 mixture Mineral cil 20-30 mixture UN classification and No: Not aonisd PRTR Law: _Not sped. “4 Frstaid Measures IF INHALED: Remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a poston comvortable for breathing the vietin feels Lull cll a physician, IF ON SKIN: Wash the affected part with soan and water: kin tation occurs, got medical adice/attention. IF IN EVES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing eye nitation persist, got medical advice/attention, IF SWALLOWED: Do not induce vomiting. Get immediate medial attention. mouth becomes contaminate, thoroughly wash aut with water Expected acute symptom and most. May eause diarrhea and vomiting f swallowed 5 important sins and symptom Notes to fist ad provider ‘Special notes to a physician: Fre-fuhtng Measures Exrquishing Moder ‘ectinguishing mecia which mast not be used Spocfc hazards Specific methods of fre-fhting Protective action for fire-fighters: ‘Accidental Release Mescuroe Personal precautions Protective equipment ond ‘emergency procedures Environmental preesutons: Recovery, neutraization and method ‘and equipment for containment and May cause inflammation in contact wth eyes. May cause inflammation in contact with skin May cause a porcon to fea sit vapors or mist is naled AS of now, Use nfrmation is st available, ‘As of now, useful information isnot avaliable Lud spray, foam, powder er carbon diode, Use powder, carbon doxde extingcher at early stages of re Fern s suitable to block ain case of a large re. Do not use drect et of water to extingsish a fre. t may spread the fire and can be very dangerous. Containers may explode when heated Keep the material away from the origin of ro Col of sureandre facies with water spray Keep unauthorized people away fom the area ofthe fre. Fight fire from an upnind postion and alvays wear protoctve equipment while extrguishing the fro. Isolate soil area immediately and maintain a suitable dtance i all drections Keep unautherizd people aay. Do not touch o° walkthrough sled material. Ensure product does not few nto waterways and crinage systems, ‘Any agent used at sea should meat the technical ortera designed by the Miristry of Land océnance. Remove al igitio sources ireediatly and stop lake a the site Evacuate dangerous areas. Rope of the dangereus ara and keep people out, For small spils, absorb with sand. sawdust waste cloth ete, and then wipe up completely, For large sls, make a dike to keep the material from spreatng and drain to a safe plece for later containment. 28 Genter Oi! F2-810t Chukyo Kasei Kogyo Go., Ltd. Reference Nunber 22107 Date rev. : October 5,2012 Prevention measure for second Get rid of ignition sources inthe region inmedataly and prepare extinguishing media. seeident 7. Handling and storage Handling Storage Other information Ventilate a work place suficienty, wear suitable protective quipments. Avoid a fre, ‘Store inthe orginal closed containers under normal cooldry conditions. Avoid direc rays of sun and keep anay from heat and flares. Materials to avoid: Strong oxidizing agente '8 Exposure controls/personal protection ‘Standard control concentration Threshold Sit value Facilty measures Personal protection equipment Not estabished Not established Use facties/equipment which was shut as much as possible or use a local exhaust ventilation Normal precautions should be observed a¢ for handling all chemicals {chemical safety eases. respiratory masks and protective gloves) 8 Physical ond chemical properties Physical state Color Odor Boiling. poit/boling ange Vapor pressure ©) sotubity in water fig Dark brown Characteristic odor Insoluble Partition coeficient Jog Pow) Viscosity £200 mm/s (40%) Density osst15e) 10. Stabiity and reactivity Stability Stable under normal conditions Reactivity Reactivity against strong acid and strong base Adding acid, carbon dioxide gas occurs Flash point ‘sow Combustibity Combustisity Autoigition temporature Explosive/Oxiizing properties 11 Toxicological information Acute toxcity Oral L059 Dermal ~ LD50 ‘Skin and eye initation Skin conosiveness No to be expected Iritant Eczema may occur Sensitization (OY 12 Beotgca information “There is no Formation which shauld be mentioned Desradsbilty Ecotoxicty L050 — ECs 18, Disposal considerations Methods of dispocal Contaminated packaging 14. Transport information Dispose of according toa recognized method of chemical waste disposal Observe local regulations ‘Bofore transportation, confm that there are not damatine, corrosion laskage and so on ofa container ‘Load without @ tumble, a fll and damage and prevent surely a cargo from unfastentw. and shifting in the hold. As well as it folw the rules and regulations such a the fire laws, 15, Regulatory information __Cassifeation 16, Other information = Information not avaible To the best of our hnowiedge, the information contained inthis sheet is corect. However, we cannot accent responsibilty or liability for any consequences arising fom ite use, 3/3

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