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It is evident that human being being are selfish in nature, and this make choice a priority to satisfy

human desire.

Given the above, since we human being we make choice to suit our desire I always use leather rather
than Fur due to its numerous benefit to human beings. hoverer, I was unware of the agony this animal
go through the mulesing,practice according to PETA, that makes the animal suffer before their actual
death (20…), Since I can leave without eather it as there are other accessories, coupled with the non-
information on the processing of this leather has discourage me to purchase them for future use.

Reading the chapter does not make me want to go vegan or vegetarian because before considering it
you should check your health status and most people who does it do it for medical reason such reducing
with, managing kidney condition. I have been practicing a healthy diet through the use of the 5 food
groups: vegetables and legumes (beans); fruit; grains and cereals; lean meat, poultry, fish, eggs, legumes
(beans), tofu, nuts, seeds; and milk, cheese, yoghurt or alternatives because every one this food group
has important nutrients. Given that I like plant-based diet, I always eat chicken and seafood wit few
meats; this I go for the free range products and farmed seafood coupled with community meat and egg
production, because buy it locally and observing the process will ethical done as per venteniary active

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