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5: The Pitch
5.1. The structure of the pitch


High status High status

Sharp, Autonomy
enthusiastic, STEP 2: PITCH
expert Loop around
10.000 Feet idea objections
Get intel

Generic solutions

Your solution


5.2. One sentence persuasion

memorization aid
• Encourage their dreams
• Justify their failures
• Allay their fears
• Confirm their suspicions
• Catapult rocks at their enemies

• Encourage
• Justify
• Allay
• Confirm
• Catapult

• E
• J
• A
• C
• C


5.3. The Pitch template

1. 10.000 feet idea: Today, in xxx area, things have changed. Long gone
are the days where you could do X. But economic and social changes
make that impossible (explain why). Meanwhile, technology has moved on
(explain how and what that means for that specific problem).

2. Hard Problem: That's why X is so difficult… and many smart, very

smart people have failed at solving this problem in the past…because it's
such a hard problem

3. Generic solution: “Now you could do X to try and solve this problem,

4. Your value proposition:

“For [target customers] who are dissatisfied with [the current offerings in
the market], our approach is different because it focuses on [something
obvious that makes sense to them] and because of that, it provides [key
feature, i.e. something interesting].

Unlike generic solutions, our idea is tailored to a specific question, which

is (circumscribe the specific problem they are facing in under 5 words if

5. Take away: “Anyways, we’re dealing with this kind of problem all the
time, so this is not just what I would go about solving it, but only you
know what’s right for you. I got a hard stop in 3 minutes from now. If
there are no further questions, I would now go back into the coal mine.
(jokingly saying you are busy and need to leave – if you say 3 minutes,
you actually have to leave in 3 minutes; otherwise, your urgency looks


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