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Customer Service Role-Play Scenarios

Internet Technical Support


The customer is calling because they don't have an internet

connection and the customer want to send a technician right away.
However, there's an ongoing outage in the area...

Ring... Ring...

Agent: Hi! Thank you for calling Sterrah Internet Services. This is
Swin. How can I help you today?

Customer: (On set irate customer) I had enough of you people. I

don't have an internet connection since this morning! I
have done troubleshooting, unplug and replug the
modem and the router but still I don't have an internet
connection. I want a technician now!

Agent: Oh, I totally understand how important it is for you to have

an internet connection and I do apologize for the
inconvenience this may have caused you and I will do my
best to assist you and find the best solution for your issue.

Customer: Stop reading your script, get me a technician now!!!

Agent: I understand your frustration right now however, before I

get you a schedule for a technician can I have your Full
name please to pull out your account.

Customer: mmm, the account name is Karrah Gem Samson.

Agent: Oh, thank you Ms. Karrah.

Please confirm the contact number and your exact address.

Customer: 09461230987 and my address is Blk. 1, Lot 2, Russia St.,

Purok 5, Brgy.109-A, V&G Subd.

Agent: Got it, thank you for that helpful information. Now I will be
sending you a verification code to open your account kindly
check your cellphone for the code.

Customer: This is ridiculous! How long are we going to do this?

Agent: Ms. Karrah, I already have your account here and thank you
for your help.
I'll put you on hold for a minute or two for me to find out
what is causing this issue and what's going on in your area
why you don't have internet connection. Please stay on the
line, thank you

Customer: Oh my God!

After 2 mins...

Agent: Ms. Karrah, Thank you for patiently waiting on the line. Upon checking
our real time data here is the reason that you don't have an internet
connection because there was an ongoing OUTAGE in the area but our
Expert Engineers and Technicians are already there fixing the outage.

Customer: That's ridiculous! How long are they going to fix it?! I'm using the
internet for my job. Are you gonna pay me for all this trouble you
caused me?! Ha?!

Agent: Again Ms. Karrah, I understand your frustration right now and if I will
be in your shoes I will feel the same way you're feeling right now. As
much as I want to help you, however, this is beyond my scope.

Customer: Then what we gonna do now?

Agent: We have to wait for the update from our Engineers and field technician
for about an hour or two. Moreover, once the outage is fixed you will have
an internet connection right away. For the meantime we have to wait.

Customer: Is that it? You can't send a technician?

Agent: Yes we have to wait because our field technician is currently not
available right now.

Customer: Ok I wait then.

Agent: Is there anything else I can help you with?

Customer: No

Agent: Ok Ms. Karrah, Again this is Swin and Thank you for calling Sterrah
Internet Services. Have a great day! Goodbye.

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