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[01:36:01] {FFFFFF}SA-MP {B9C9BF}0.3.

7 {FFFFFF}Started
[01:36:02] Connecting to
[01:36:02] {8c8c8c}BulletTrack: {ffffff}Àâòîð ñêðèïòà: {8c8c8c}Dima_Fax{ffffff}.
Íàñòðîéêè: {8c8c8c}/btrack{ffffff}.
[01:36:02] [GameFixer]{FFFFFF} Loaded. Open menu: {dc4747}/gmenu. {FFFFFF}Author:
{dc4747}Gorskin. {FFFFFF}Translator: {dc4747}SHARK BLIND
[01:36:02] {73b461}[RAOII] {ffffff}RadarAutoOFF in interiors loaded! Cmd:
{dc4747}/rint {ffffff}by Dapo Show
[01:36:02] {FFF08B}[CopyText_K] {dd2e22}Found old copytext.cs script, please delete
[01:36:02] {FFF08B}[Copytext] {FFFFFF}by {5AD9F9}gumball3000 {FFFFFF}has loaded!
[01:36:02] {FFF08B}Use ALT + Left/Right arrow keys while the chat is opened.
[01:36:02] {FFF08B}[CHANGESKIN] {FFFFFF}by {5AD9F9}gumball3000
[01:36:02] {FFFFFF}Command: {83D47D}/cskin {FFFFFF}[0-311]
[01:36:02] {ff0000}Mo{FFA500}to{FFFF00}Spe{00ff00}ed{ffffff} - activated!
[01:36:03] Connected. Joining the game...
[01:36:04] {FFFFFF}CLAN CMD {ff0000}† FAMILIA BUCATTI † {ffffff}created by
[01:36:04] {ffffff}Pentru mai multe informatii foloseste comanda {009dff}[/ccmd]
[01:36:04] {00ff00}Modpack {FFFFFF}by {FF0000}Teodor {FFFFFF}for {ff1ac6}B-HOOD.
[01:36:04] {ff9900}Acest modpack este realizat de Teodor!
[01:36:04] {ff9900}Server recomandat: B-HOOD RPG
[01:36:07] {9400D3}[DMG Informer v9]{ffffff} > Author: {9400D3}EndK (WOASRY)
{ffffff} / For more details: {9400D3}/dmginfo{ffffff}.
[01:36:07] {9932CC}[DMG Informer v9]{ffffff} > Download:
{9932CC}{ffffff} by {9932CC}Tibi{ffffff}.
[01:36:07] {CC474B}[DMG]: Numele celui care ti-a / i-ai luat HP o sa apara acum.
[01:36:11] Connected to {B9C9BF}B-HOOD RPG | Battlepass (week: 2/8) [2x Payday]
[01:36:11] (( Mr.West completed the summer quest (day: 4), congratulations! ))
[01:36:11] Ad by JoinTx69 (custom: {FFFFFF}papi{00D900}): Vand Al 2 lea Police
Rancher Full | Al 2 lea Securicar stock | astept oferte in B
[01:36:11] ... ilioane !!
[01:36:13] {73b461}[SPAWN FIX] {ffffff}Óñïåøíî çàãðóæåí! Àâòîð: {dc4747}Dapo Show
[01:36:28] Welcome back, ToniRo89!
[01:36:28] {A9C4E4}(Clan) {FFFFFF}ToniRo89 from your clan has just logged in.
[01:36:28] (Clan MOTD){FFFFFF} {FFFF00} Welcome! /chq
27/casa 120/ 70kk/30 pp r up/150jb/salari x5 .
[01:36:28] {bd0000}Summer Quest: {FFFFFF}0/10 pools.
[01:36:28] {6bcf00}Daily Job: {FFFFFF}Job-ul zilei de astazi este Lumberjack. Vei
obtine cu 10% mai multi bani muncind la acesta.
[01:36:37] Ad by ANDI_XT (phone: {FFFFFF}77337{00D900}): cumpar elegy p + alte sis
[01:36:43] * Newbie No1_bunicu: am prins un tepar
[01:36:43] * Helper .juanel: Daca ai dovezile necesare ii poti creea o reclamatie
pe [/panel].
[01:36:44] {FF0000}[CLAN] ToniRo89 a spawnat vehiculul Infernus #2 (rank: 1).
[01:36:51] This Infernus (ID 249) is owned by clan {FF0000}† FAMILIA BUCATTI
[01:36:57] {A9C4E4}(Clan) {FFFFFF}Pufuioru from your clan has disconnected.
[01:37:24] Ad by irinaaa05 (phone: {FFFFFF}5010{00D900}): vand marquis, nrg stock
si un nrg rainbow. SMS pt detalii si pret
[01:37:52] Ad by Tigrut (custom: {FFFFFF}Tigrut{00D900}): Vand toate masinile de pe
panel, masini cu zile multe/in top! - Doar oferte!
[01:37:56] * Newbie Miron90kg: dc nu ma lasa sa bag de odata toti banii in banca???
[01:37:56] * Helper .juanel: Nu poti face asta deoarece asa este scris sistemul.
[01:38:04] * Newbie iamdaniel151: am masina inchisa,cum o deschid
[01:38:04] * Helper MaKaOsHii: Foloseste tasta 'N' pentru a o deschide.
[01:38:07] * Taxi Driver carpetanossREGELE is now on duty for $5.000, use [/service
[01:38:10] (( darkadv1 completed the summer quest (day: 1), congratulations! ))
[01:38:12] (( Crate: oAcadea opened a {7556ff}Vehicle Crate{A9C4E4} and won
Sanchez. ))
[01:38:15] (( elementul_x completed the summer quest (day: 1), congratulations! ))
[01:38:17] Ad by qVlad54 (custom: {FFFFFF}vladutu{00D900}): Vand Infernus 12d, x1
hidd, NOS 3kkk / Turismo 702d 900kk
[01:38:29] (( Crate: oAcadea opened a {7556ff}Vehicle Crate{A9C4E4} and won
Sanchez. ))
[01:38:36] * Newbie Aniaa: beneficii skin legendary?
[01:38:36] * Helper .juanel: Acel tip de skin nu mai exista pe server.
[01:38:38] (( Crate: twoshacosonebox opened a {00a6ff}Summer Crate{A9C4E4} and won
$828.494.337. ))
[01:38:48] (( Crate: Mr.West opened a {ff0c0c}Transcendent Crate{A9C4E4} and won
Skin 223. ))
[01:39:00] Your Elegy has been spawned.
[01:39:02] Ad by sumamondialu (custom: {FFFFFF}NRI{00D900}): /vc vand tot ce am pe
[01:39:10] This Elegy (ID 533792) is owned by ToniRo89 | Age: 0 days | Odometer:
12.00 km | Insurance: $6000 (4 points) | Colors: 6,1
[01:39:29] Vehicle color changed!
[01:39:33] Kick: Razyy96 was kicked by AdmBot, reason: AFK without /sleep for more
than 30 minutes.
[01:39:39] Vehicle color changed!
[01:39:43] Vehicle color changed!
[01:39:45] Vehicle color changed!
[01:39:47] Vehicle color changed!
[01:39:48] (( Giftbox: vladds a castigat un Bandito din giftbox. ))
[01:39:55] * Newbie AdeptuuX: sunt special questuri ?
[01:39:55] * Helper MaKaOsHii: Da, este activ 'Summer Quest-ul'.
[01:40:01] NR GVAValy: Iti place sa respecti regulile de circulatie? Iti recomandam
sa activezi intr-o factiune de tipul 'Police Department
[01:40:01] ... '.
[01:40:06] * Newbie xSuNeTx: cat mai dureaza paydayx2 ?
[01:40:06] * Helper .juanel: Ne pare rau, dar nu detinem aceasta informatie.
[01:40:14] Ad by ZeroHUB@REVINE (phone: {FFFFFF}566{00D900}): Vand Tornado TOP 5
R/VP/N Red PF.Cumpar Fcr Cu Neon.Cumpar Mtb Cu Neon.sms me
[01:40:24] * Newbie iamdaniel151: cum pun radio la masinaa
[01:40:24] * Helper MaKaOsHii: Foloseste comanda [/carradio] pentru a face acest
[01:40:32] Ad by Radu4517 (phone: {FFFFFF}14852{00D900}): Vand Neon Red / Vand
Rainbow Ticket / Cumpar SWS Ticket
[01:40:32] .OCBToniRo89: {FFFFFF}mane
[01:40:36] .OCBToniRo89: {FFFFFF}adeptuu
[01:40:40] (ID 498) AdeptuuX | Level: 3 | Faction: None | FPS: 37 | Sleep: No |
[01:40:41] AdeptuuX: {FFFFFF}da
[01:40:44] (( 3Dexe completed the summer quest (day: 1), congratulations! ))
[01:40:45] .OCBToniRo89: {FFFFFF}a lasa
[01:40:50] This Elegy (ID 533792) is owned by ToniRo89 | Age: 0 days | Odometer:
13.07 km | Insurance: $6500 (4 points) | Colors: 0,3
[01:40:51] * Newbie Petronel_: cum deschid un giftbox?
[01:40:51] * Helper .juanel: Pentru a putea folosi comanda [/getgift] ai nevoie de
minim 300 Gift Points, 5 ore jucate si o ora in Last 7.
[01:40:52] Ad by Rutpu_44 (phone: {FFFFFF}61438{00D900}): Cumpar Pf tickets urgennt
[01:41:09] {289e2b}(Skins){FFFFFF} Ti-ai setat skin-ul 98 (transcendent) de pe
slot-ul #7.
[01:41:14] This Elegy (ID 533792) is owned by ToniRo89 | Age: 0 days | Odometer:
13.42 km | Insurance: $6500 (4 points) | Colors: 0,3
[01:41:19] * Newbie aaniculae: ce fac cu spin points
[01:41:19] * Helper .juanel: Cu 'Spin Points' poti folosi comanda [/spin] pentru a
iti incerca norocul.
[01:41:27] {FF0000}[CLAN] {ff9900}» [5]Legend {ccff66} ToniRo89: cat costa rainbow?
[01:41:33] {FF0000}[CLAN] {ff9900}» [5]Legend {ccff66} not.luki: 8-10
[01:41:44] Ad by real_gobst (phone: {FFFFFF}71777{00D900}): cumpar masina cu p si
vp b: 150
[01:42:10] * Newbie Unkn0ane: de unde fac rost de crate uri?>
[01:42:10] * Helper MaKaOsHii: Poti obtine crate-uri de la referal, Battlepass,
‘Crate Place’, [/spin], [/shopquest], [/petupgrade] si [/ge
[01:42:10] ... tgift].
[01:42:19] * Newbie Clarzzz: Ce ofera skins summer 23
[01:42:19] * Helper MaKaOsHii: Skin-ul 'Summer 23' iti ofera 69# armura, 1 Loyalty
Point, 1 Premium Point si 3 Respect Points in plus la Pa
[01:42:19] ... yday.
[01:42:40] (( Crate: oAcadea opened a {7556ff}Vehicle Crate{A9C4E4} and won
Sanchez. ))
[01:42:42] Ad by shinijikun (phone: {FFFFFF}16205{00D900}): Vand skin premium id
167(cocos). [/sms 16205]Vand skin premium id 167(cocos). A
[01:42:42] ... stept oferte! [/sms 16205]
[01:42:43] * Newbie alexandru.marian79: ce poti cumpara de la crate cu 7000
[01:42:43] * Helper MaKaOsHii: Poti merge chiar tu la [/gps - Important Locations -
Crate Place] pentru a vedea acest lucru.
[01:42:48] * Newbie Alberth: Cum cresc nivelul la /spin
[01:42:48] * Helper .juanel: Vei avansa in nivel la 'Spin' la acumularea a 4 chei.
[01:43:00] * Newbie balawciorixxx: ce ofera skin summer 78?
[01:43:00] * Helper MaKaOsHii: Skin-ul 'Halloween Red' iti ofera 2 Premium Points
per Payday daca ai peste 1801 secunde jucate.
[01:43:02] Ad by JuVee (custom: {FFFFFF}Juvica{00D900}): Clanul TEPAR recruteaza
membrii activi cu lvl 30+ / factiune, Clan [FULL].
[01:43:07] * Newbie aaniculae: cum fac spin points?
[01:43:07] * Helper .juanel: Primesti spin points la payday daca joci peste 2700
secunde, job-uri, quests, Job Goal, Drop, Giftbox.
[01:43:28] Ad by [Razvyy] (phone: {FFFFFF}79600{00D900}): cumpar
Infernus/Bullet/Packer/Elegy cu Premium sms 79600
[01:43:37] * Newbie Sebiq6: Am cazut in apa si nu vine adminu de 10m
[01:43:37] * Helper MaKaOsHii: Probabil acestia sunt ocupati, iti recomand sa
[01:43:37] * Newbie SergentGT: cum pot face rost de licenta de pescuit
[01:43:37] * Helper .juanel: Nu ai nevoie de o licenta pentru a pescui.
[01:43:40] (( Crate: aaniculae opened a {ffc849}Mythic Crate{A9C4E4} and won Skin
269. ))
[01:43:41] (( Crate: Stefan_Alexandru opened a {ffc849}Mythic Crate{A9C4E4} and won
Skin 221. ))
[01:43:47] Ad by Marian.RPG (custom: {FFFFFF}MRNN{00D900}): Cumpar Casa Ls sau Lv |
Cumpar mave cu sisteme
[01:43:47] * Newbie Lucaqp: cum ies de la paintball
[01:43:47] * Helper MaKaOsHii: Foloseste comanda [/leavepaint] pentru a face acest
[01:43:51] (( XeNNyw0w completed the summer quest (day: 1), congratulations! ))
[01:43:52] > MarioXr: {4F90FF}ToniRo89{FFFF00}, trage pe dreapta imediat! <

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