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Sugar Tech (Nov-Dec 2019) 21(6):1039–1044


Allometric Equations to Estimate Sugarcane Aboveground

Eric Xavier de Carvalho1 • Rômulo Simões Cezar Menezes2 •
Everardo Valadares de Sá Barreto Sampaio2 • Djalma Elzébio Simões Neto3 •

José Nildo Tabosa1 • Luiz Rodrigues de Oliveira1 • Aluizio Low Simões2 •

Aldo Torres Sales2

Received: 5 December 2018 / Accepted: 25 May 2019 / Published online: 18 July 2019
Ó Society for Sugar Research & Promotion 2019

Abstract Sugarcane harvest implies in the movement of general equations and the number of stems per area. We
very large amounts of biomass and, therefore, demands believe these equations are also useful to estimate biomass
careful planning of logistics. Accurate pre-harvest estima- for other sugarcane varieties around the world, considering
tion of sugarcane field productivity provides useful data to the simplicity of sugarcane plant structure.
plan harvest, transportation, selling and industrial pro-
cessing activities. Currently, the estimation of sugarcane Keywords Stem diameter  Plant height 
biomass in the field is based on destructive techniques. The Number of stems  Cane weight  Dry biomass
use of allometric equations is an adequate, nondestructive
tool to provide this information, but these equations are
scarcely available for sugarcane. We created regression Sugarcane (Saccharum oficinarum L.) is an important
models to estimate stem fresh (SFB, kg) and total above- renewable energy resource within the global energy matrix,
ground dry biomass (AB, kg) based on plant height (H, cm) and its cultivated area has been increasing over the last
and diameter (D, cm), for different Brazilian sugarcane decades (Herrmann et al. 2018). Two main types of energy
varieties. The models adequately estimated biomass for all products are obtained from sugarcane: alcohol which is
sugarcane varieties. Based on that, we developed two produced from the sucrose stocked in the stems (or stalks)
general equations valid for all varieties: and electricity (thermic energy) produced by burning of the
SFB = 0.046 H 9 D1.5647 and AB = 0.4001 H 9 D1.0743. bagasse residue left after the cane juice is extracted (Hof-
To calculate biomass per hectare, SFB and AB must be setz and Silva 2012; Defante et al. 2018). The leaves,
multiplied by the average number of stems in the row including the terminal meristem, can also be collected and
(N) and divided by row spacing (S). In our study site, N was burned to generate electricity, but this is not a common
adequately estimated counting stems in four 100-m row practice because it involves the extra costs of harvest and
segments. Overall, precise estimates of stem and whole transportation. Furthermore, the complete removal of
plant biomass for sugarcane can be obtained using the leaves from the fields could eventually deplete the soil
from organic matter and reduce soil fertility. However, the
& Eric Xavier de Carvalho
use of part of the leaf biomass to generate electricity will probably increase in Brazil in the next years (Chandel et al.
Agronomic Institute of Pernambuco (IPA), Av. General San The estimation of sugarcane biomass before harvesting
Martin, 1371, San Martin, Recife, Pernambuco State
50761-000, Brazil
could provide useful information to make better decisions
in the sugarcane production system. Sugarcane growers sell
Federal University of Permanbuco (UFPE), Av. Professor
their production to the mills based on stem weights, and it
Luiz Freire 1000, Cidade Universitária, Recife,
Permanbuco State 50740-545, Brazil would be an advantage to know beforehand the value
3 obtained from a certain field instead of relying only on the
Federal Rural University of Permanbuco, Ângela Cristina
Street S/N, Recife, Carpina Permanbuco State 55810-700, final weighing usually defined by the mill. Stem harvest
Brazil and transportation requirements and costs could be

1040 Sugar Tech (Nov-Dec 2019) 21(6):1039–1044

precisely planned. Besides that, estimating the proportion 300

of sugar and bagasse allows planning of the amount of

Precipitation (mm)
alcohol and electricity to be produced. Finally, knowing the
biomass of leaves would help to decide whether and how
much could be collected to generate electricity and how 50
much should remain in the field. 0
Although useful, this estimation is seldom done, and
when it occurs, it is usually based on the harvest and
weighing of a certain number of plants. The fact that this is
a destructive sampling is one of the reasons why it is not a Fig. 1 Monthly rainfall during the experimental period in Itambé
common practice. Weighing a small number of canes municipality, Pernambuco state—Brazil
results in imprecise values, and cutting a high number of
canes wastes the production. Moreover, under certain according to the methodology recommended by Embrapa
conditions, cutting the plants is not possible or interferes (1997).
with other measurements. This is particularly the case of Plants of five sugarcane varieties (RB863129, RB92579,
research conducted in field plots, usually limited in size. RB867515, RB962962 and RB931011) were cultivated
Therefore, a method to allow determination of the pro- from July 2012 to October 2013. Planting occurred in drills
gressive increase in sugarcane biomass in field plots (25 to 35 cm deep), maintaining 18 buds per meter of row.
without disturbing the plants is a valuable tool for research The fields were fertilized with 40 kg ha-1 of N,
scientists. 120 kg ha-1 of P2O5 and 80 kg ha-1 of K2O.
Allometric equations are the solution adopted in many After 180, 240, 300 and 360 days of planting and at
areas to estimate biomass in a nondestructive way. They harvest (450 days), the number of individual stems (each
have been extensively used in forestry (Paul et al. 2013) one considered as one plant) was counted in 10-m row
and crops such as coffee (Antunes et al. 2008), but are segments that were randomly distributed in the fields of
scarce for grasses such as napiergrass, energy cane and each variety. Sets of ten plants were cut at ground level
sugarcane (Youkhana et al. 2017). Interest in allometric from fields of each variety, and each plant had measured
equations has increased in the last decades due to the the height and diameter of its stem. The height was mea-
importance of carbon sequestration as a strategy to reduce sured from ground level to the intersection of leaf number
atmospheric CO2 concentrations and its implications to one and the diameter measured in the intermediate portion
mitigate climate changes. However, allometric equations to of the stem length. After measuring, each plant was sepa-
estimate cane biomass are not commonly found in the lit- rated into stem and leaves, which included the top meris-
erature (Youkhana et al. 2017) and certainly are not in use tem and leaves still unfolded. Each plant component was
in Brazil, one of the largest world producers of sugarcane. weighed while fresh and again after oven-drying at 65 °C
Therefore, the objective of this work was to develop allo- during 72 h.
metric equations for some of the most planted sugarcane Two methods of sampling were also compared to
varieties in the Northeastern region of Brazil, providing determinate the number of sugarcane plants per linear
growers with a simple formula to estimate the biomass of meter: the first method consisted of counting the number in
the plant and its main components (stems and leaves). a unique segment of 100-m rows, and the second method
Considering the relative simplicity of the cane structure, consisted of counting the number of plants in ten segments
we hypothesize that single equations can provide a reliable of 10-m rows. The methods were replicated four times. The
estimate for sugarcane biomass of all varieties. means were compared using Tukey test (P [ 0.01). The
Sugarcane plants were counted and collected from number of plants is necessary to extrapolate the average
experimental fields in Itambé municipality, Pernambuco weight of each plant (kg) to the weight of all canes in a
state, Brazil (7°24’50’’S and 35°06’30’’W and 190 m field area (Kg ha-1).
altitude). According to the Köppen–Geiger classification, Regression analyses were calculated using the dataset of
the climate in the experimental field is tropical and rainy the fresh or dry biomass of each plant component and also
(hot and humid), with annual rainfall averaging 1200 mm, of their sum against height or diameter or the product of
mainly from March to June. Monthly rainfall during the these two variables. Linear and nonlinear allometric mod-
experimental period is shown in Fig. 1. The average annual els were tested individually for each variety and also for all
temperature is 24.8 °C, with a maximum of 30 °C and of them. The best models were selected based on precision
minimum of 20 °C. The soils of the experimental area are and simplicity of the equation, considering the coefficient
red and yellow dystrophic Argissols, and their chemical of determination (R2), the mean error of the variance
and physical characteristics (Table 1) were determined (Syx%) and the relative error of the estimation (Er).

Sugar Tech (Nov-Dec 2019) 21(6):1039–1044 1041

Table 1 Chemical and physical characterization of the superficial (0–20 cm) soil layer where the experimental field was established in Itambé
municipality, Pernambuco state, Brazil
pH P N Ca Mg Na K (cmolc Al (cmolc H (cmolc S (cmolc CEC1 V2 M3 Ad4
(mg dm-3) (mg dm-3) (cmolc (cmolc (cmolc dm-3) dm-3) dm-3) dm-3) (cmolc (%) (%) (g cm-3)
dm-3) dm-3) dm-3) dm-3)

5.3 3 3.6 0.18 0.60 0.07 0.18 0.2 5.8 3.65 9.45 38.6 5.5 1.46
Cation exchange capacity
Base saturation
Aluminum saturation
Apparent density

Total aboveground or plant part biomass, fresh or dry, segments were around 10%, and the coefficients of varia-
can be calculated in an area base considering the average tion of the averages of 100-m lines were even less. Con-
number of plants in the rows, the spacing between rows and sidering the majority of cases, we determined that counting
the average plant weight using the formula: the number of plants in four sets, each one comprising ten
  consecutive segments and each segment 10 m long,
 100 BW
Biomass Mg ha1 ¼ 10 N   ð1Þ resulted in an estimate with less than 5% standard error of
S 1000
the mean. Therefore, we recommend that producers and
which can be simplified to: researchers use this procedure to estimate the numbers of
 BW cane stems in their fields. Since in some cases the variation
Biomass Mg ha1 ¼ N  ð2Þ may be larger, more replications can be done until the error
of the estimate arrives in the intended range.
where N corresponds to the number of plants in ten seg- The stem height (H) and diameter of sugarcane plants
ments of 10-m rows or 100 m of a continuous row; S cor- were used to develop linear regression equations for
responds to the spacing between rows in the field; and BW aboveground biomass (fresh and dried) (Table 3). The
is the average of the plant biomass weight (or of its parts) varieties did not differ from height, diameter and number
obtained from the best allometric equation, divided by of plants when the comparisons were made with plants of
1000 to convert from kg to Mg. the same age (P [ 0.01). This was the first criteria to
The accuracy of the biomass prediction equation for decide to advance for a general equation to estimate sug-
stem production was tested under field conditions during arcane biomass production.
three sugarcane cycles (approximately 1 year each) for 14 Table 4 shows the fittest regression for each compart-
varieties. Before harvesting, measurements were taken and ment for the sugarcane varieties studied. The large set of
applied into the equation described in the methodology equations generated for each specific sugarcane variety and
above, and then, the fresh cane biomass was harvested, sampling period turns unviable their use in a large pro-
transported and weighed in the sugar mill production units. duction system with many varieties. Therefore, one uni-
The results of the predicted and harvested biomass were versal equation was generated for all varieties studied and
subject to analysis of variance, and the means of each year sampling periods. With this larger dataset, which includes
were compared by the Tukey test (P \ 0.05). larger ranges of stem height and diameter, in general, the
The number of plants in 100 m of row did not differ best equations were those based on the potential model and
statistically between the sampling methods (P [ 0.01) using HD as an independent variable (Biomass = aHDb).
(Table 2). Overall, the coefficients of variation of ten These equations had coefficients of determination above
0.86 (all with P \ 0.01), the lowest coefficients being those
Table 2 Number of sugarcane plants per 100 m row according to the for dry leaf biomasses (Table 4). Values of the parameters
sampling method a and b varied for the different varieties (Table 4) but in
Sampling method Number of plants
such a way that one partially compensated the other and the
curves of all varieties for one type of biomass were rela-
Continuous (100 m row) 72a ± 3.61 tively similar and could be represented by a single general
10 segments of 10 m row 68a ± 4.49 equation.
Values are expressed as mean and ± standard deviation of the two Particularly interesting are the general equations for
sampling methods. Means sharing a letter is not significantly different fresh stem biomass and total aboveground dry biomass
(compared by Tukey test, P \ 0.01) (Table 4). The first one represents the common sellable

1042 Sugar Tech (Nov-Dec 2019) 21(6):1039–1044

Table 3 Height and diameter of individual stems and number of sugarcane stems in 10-m row segments along the growth cycle in five different
sugarcane varieties
Age (days after planting)
180 240 300 360 450

Height (cm)
RB863129 41.3 74.6 140.5 206.2 254.2
RB92579 50.4 80.7 144.5 216.2 260.3
RB867515 43.9 70.5 140.9 216.7 267.7
RB931011 48.5 75.2 141.6 208.6 255.0
RB962962 51.0 81.7 149.9 227.8 273.7
Diameter (cm)
RB863129 2.08 2.56 2.50 2.40 2.49
RB92579 1.81 2.37 2.53 2.55 2.58
RB867515 1.77 2.22 2.35 2.34 2.39
RB931011 1.87 2.26 2.36 2.32 2.42
RB962962 1.94 2.29 2.30 2.23 2.38
Number of stems
RB863129 58 55 65 63 71
RB92579 70 59 68 66 69
RB867515 83 69 74 80 81
RB931011 75 66 71 66 71
RB962962 56 50 61 65 68
Means without letter are not significantly different (compared by Tukey test, P \ 0.01)

Table 4 Allometric equations to estimate aboveground and leaf dry biomass, and stem fresh biomass (kg) of different sugarcane varieties or all
of them combined (general), based on plant height (H, cm) and stem diameter (D, cm)
Variety Equation R2 Er Syx%

Total aboveground dry biomass

RB863129 Y = 0.265 9 H 9 D1.1449 0.90 18.87 2.71
RB92579 Y = 0.3665 9 H 9 D1.0387 0.94 17.32 2.51
RB867515 Y = 0.6034 9 H 9 D1.01 0.91 20.51 2.70
RB931011 Y = 0.3188 9 H 9 D 0.90 17.67 2.79
RB962962 Y = 0.4381 9 H 9 D1.0484 0.86 24.68 3.09
General Y = 0.4001 9 H 9 D1.0743 0.97 20.39 61.68
Fresh stem biomass
RB863129 Y = 0.083 9 H 9 D1.492 0.87 19.10 5.93
RB92579 Y = 0.0444 9 H 9 D 0.98 11.47 3.97
RB867515 Y = 0.132 9 H 9 D1.3907 0.90 22.71 5.02
RB931011 Y = 0.0425 9 H 9 D1.5776 0.94 14.69 5.75
RB962962 Y = 0.0575 9 H 9 D1.5313 0.98 12.34 4.64
General Y = 0.046 9 H 9 D1.5647 0.97 14.20 110.65
Dry leaf biomass
General Y = 0.1775 H 9 D ? 21.359 0.78 19.48 0.37
R = regression coefficient of determination; Er = relative error of estimate; and Syx% = standard error of variance

part of sugarcane, which is the main component of the refractometer (Fujiwara et al. 2012). Stems are frequently
price paid for a field lot, usually including also sugar the only plant part that is harvested in the fields and
content, which can be easily determined using a simple transported to the mill. Therefore, precise estimates of stem

Sugar Tech (Nov-Dec 2019) 21(6):1039–1044 1043

weigh allow planning the labor and equipment necessary differences, to those harvested in the field in three growth
for these processes. Considering our measurements plus cycles (Fig. 2). Such results confirm the efficacy of the
those reported in the literature (Cerqueira et al. 2007; regression model to predict sugarcane biomass production.
Hofsetz and Silva 2012), we can estimate that 20–30% of Therefore, it is possible to estimate sugarcane stem and leaf
this biomass is bagasse which is now burned by almost all biomass, separately and together, using allometric equation
Brazilian mills to generate electricity (Pandey et al. 2000; models. These equations represent a new tool for the
Cardona et al. 2010; Hofsetz and Silva 2012; Bezerra and practical and nondestructive evaluation of biomass accu-
Ragauskas 2016). mulated under field conditions along the sugarcane life
The dry aboveground biomass was not a major concern cycle and especially at harvest.
of producers until a few years ago, particularly because
most of the non-stem biomass was burned prior to har- Acknowledgements The authors of this paper thank CNPq, Capes
and Facepe for the scholarships to students and research scientists and
vesting (Pandey et al. 2000; Cardona et al. 2010) and also for financial support through the following research grants:
sometimes also after harvest, by a second burning of the ‘‘Consolidation of the Research Center on Water and Carbon
residues (Sexton et al. 2017). Harvest without burning is Dynamics in Ecosystems in the State of Pernambuco’’ (Edital 08/2014
becoming a federal environmental norm in Brazil (Chandel Facepe Pronem, APQ-0532-5.01/14); and also for the project ‘‘Data
generation and modeling to support policies for adaptation to climatic
et al. 2012; Dias et al. 2015) and other countries, like variability in agricultural systems in the Northeast region’’ (CNPq
Australia (Sexton et al. 2017), but not in some other Edital 37/2013–Climatic Changes, Proc. 403129/2013-3).
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