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There are many explanations given by Durkheim regarding a situation

where there is confusion among people concerning norms. Some
examples after the Reformation are collective fighting, people burning a
person suspected of being a pickpocket, social clash, etc. This condition
refers to a concept of ...
(A) anomali
(B) anomie
(C) abnormal
(D) unusual
(E) aloha

2. Some sociologist may define society as an organism which has many

parts and its functions are interrelated and dependent to one another.
This kind of logic refers to the theory of ...
(A) Structural functional
(B) Conflict
(C) Biology
(D) Psychology
(E) Organism

3. In a rural society people are integrated by norms, good cooperation,

personal interaction, and intensive care among members. Emile Durkheim
calls it as a ...
(A) Gemeinschaft
(B) Gesselschaft
(C) Mechanic solidarity
(D) Organic solidarity
(E) Patron client solidarity

4. A teenage girl may be a daughter to her parents, a sister to her brother,

a student at her school, and a goalie on her soccer team. What is the term
that refers to all the statuses a person holds at a given time?
(A) superior status
(B) inferior status
(C) status set
(D) status citizenship
(E) status conflict

5. Stratification in agriculture communities are classified as follows:

farmers with land of more than 2 hectares, 0.5-2 hectares, less than 0.5
hectares and the landless. This stratification system is based on ...
(A) education
(B) work
(C) ethnicity
(D) aristocracy
(E) land ownership

6. An officer who made a mistake is penalized by demotion; he

experienced ...
(A) Horizontal mobility
(B) Downward mobility
(C) Upward mobility
(D) Climbing mobility
(E) Intragenerational mobility

7. The motto of the Indonesian nation which is 'unity in diversity' shows

that the Indonesian society is ...
(A) A plural society
(B) socialist
(C) An authoritarian society
(D) A democratic society
(E) A modern society

8. Several years after the Reformation several regions in Indonesia

suffered ethnic and inter-society conflict such as in Maluku, Sambas, and
Poso. Those conflicts can be regarded as …
(A) Horizontal conflict
(B) Vertical conflict
(C) Religious conflict
(D) Ethnic conflict
(E) Potential conflict

9. Globalization has made the world shrink and look like there is no
borders between countries. Globalization has supported liberalism and
freedom in many aspects, EXCEPT ...
(A) Trading
(B) Investment
(C) Man-power
(D) Organization
(E) National law
10. In a quantitative approach, a researcher does not put questions to the
entire population but analyzes samples only


Sample is the number of persons in a population that the researcher

requests to answer the questionnaire

11. Children under five years begin to learn to take the role and imitate
the closest person to them at the play stage


At this play stage children play the role of the people around them without
understanding the meaning

12. Secondary deviation can be tolerated by society


Secondary deviation is not a crime

13. The structure of society characterized by the existence of social units

based on differences in ethnicity, religion, profession, race, custom and
region is referred to as social differentiation


Social differentiation is a form of social structure that classifies social

groups and persons horizontally

14. The characteristic of social groups is

(1) Have a social structure in which every member has a specific role and
(2) Have a common interest
(3) Have norms that govern relations among its members
(4) Have the same physical characteristics

15. In human life, people are managed by formal and informal institutions
from their time of birth until their death. In this case, what is the role of
an institution?
(1) To manage the norms
(2) To give directions for human behavior
(3) To give social appreciations
(4) To give a punishment for someone who break the

16. According to Robert K. Merton's theory of deviance, which of the

following accepts cultural goals but rejects the institutionalized means to
reach them?
A. Retratrist
B. Rebel
C, Innovator
D. Ritualist
E. Conformer

17. If a mother tells her child not to play with certain other children,
fearing that her own child might learn another child's negative behavior,
the mother is adhering to which of the following theories?
(A) Differential opportunity
(B) Differential association
(C) Differential socialization
(D) Middle-class measuring rod
(E) Labeling

18. A sociologist wants to study the attitudes of college students in the

United States. The researcher contacts 1,000 students from colleges and
universities all over the United States. These 1,000 students constitute
the ...
(A) population
(B) sample
(C) median
(D) control variable
(E) independent variable

19. A family unit that is composed of relatives in addition to parents and

children who live in the same household is ...
(A) a disjointed kinship
(B) an extended family
(C) a nuclear family
(D) a conjugal family
(E) a modern family
20. The practice of marrying within one's own social group or category is
(A) exogamy
(B) homology
(C) heterogamy
(D) endogamy
(E) Monogamy

21. According to Max Weber, power legitimized on the basis of a leader's

exceptional personal qualities is what kind of authority?
(A) Charismatic
(B) Traditional
(C) Coercive
(D) Rational-legal
(E) Influential

22. Which of the following is NOT a manifest function of education?

A. Socialization
B. Transmission of culture
C. Production of social networks
D.Social control
E. Change and innovation

23. A group to which a person does NOT belong and toward which the
person may feel a sense of competitiveness or hostility is ...
(A) an in-group
(B) an out-group
(C) a secondary group
(D) a reference group
(E) a family of orientation

24. What is Charles Horton Cooley's term for the way in which a person's
sense of self is derived from the perceptions of others?
(A) Development of personality
(B) The "looking-glass" self
(C) The "I' and the "me"
(D) The human psyche
(E) The "window of life"
25. According to sociologist C. Wright Mills, the ability to see the
relationship between individual experiences and the larger society is
referred to as ...
(A) the conflict perspective
(B) symbolic interaction
(C) reality perception
(D) the sociological imagination
(E) the scientific vision

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