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Ncl f¡¢VÑl p¡jË¡SÉh¡c ¢h­l¡d£ B­¾c¡me Hhw

­L¡j¡N¡a¡j¡l¦-pwNË¡­jl ­N±lhju C¢aq¡p

p¤¤pÀ¡a c¡n
1911 MË£ø¡­ël ¢X­pðl j¡­p LmL¡a¡ ­b­L fËL¡¢na l¡j¡e¾c Q­–¡f¡dÉ¡u pÇf¡¢ca ¢hMÉ¡a Cwl¡¢S p¡j¢uL fœ
jXÑ¡Z ¢l¢iE-­a S°eL os‰dl c¡­pl (a¡lLe¡b c¡­pl RcÈe¡j !) l¢Qa HL¢V ¢h‘¡fe-¢ehå “Information
for Indian Students Intending to Come to the Pacific Coast of the United States” A­e­Ll eS­l
f­s¢Rmz¢ehå¢V­a ¢n¢ra i¡la£u R¡œ­cl Evp¡¢qa Ll¡ q­u¢Rm Bd¤¢eL EµQ-¢nr¡l ab¡ LjÑpwÙÛ¡­el p¤¤­k¡N
m¡­il SeÉ HL¡¿¹ fË­u¡Se£u ¢LR¥ ­f¡o¡L-f¢lµRc ¢e­u p¡eé¡¢¾pp­L¡­a Q­m Bp¡l SeÉzB­j¢lL¡l j¡¢V­a
HV¡ ¢Rm Ncl f¡¢VÑl n¢š²hª¢Ül HL¢V ¢h­no f¢lLÒfe¡ k¡ ­pC pju h¡P¡m£ k¤hL­clJ p¢œ²u L­l a¥­m¢RmzfËp‰a
E­õM­k¡NÉ 1912-l j¡QÑ pwMÉ¡u jX¡ZÑ ¢l¢iE- ­a fËL¡¢na q­u¢Rm p¤¤c§l j¡¢LÑe j¤m¤L ­b­L Ncl f¡¢VÑl ­ea¡
m¡m¡ qlcu¡­ml f¡W¡­e¡ f§ZÑ °c­OÑÉl HL¢V ¢ehå “L¡mÑ j¡LÑp : B jX¡ZÑ G¢o”z HV¡ ¢Rm ­pC pju kMe p¤¤a£hË
l¡S°e¢aL B­¾c¡m­el g­m L¡SÑe f¢lL¢Òfa h‰i‰ Ah­n­o lc qm Hhw ¢hË¢Vn-i¡l­al l¡Sd¡e£ ÙÛ¡e¡¿¹¢la
qm LmL¡a¡ ­b­L ¢cõ£z
i¡l­al ü¡d£ea¡ pwNË¡­jl C¢aq¡­p Ncl f¡¢VÑ-l Evf¢šl C¢aq¡p i¡la£u S¡a£u B­¾c¡m­el C¢aq¡­p
­L¡e HL¢V ¢h¢rç OVe¡ ¢Rm e¡zfËbj ¢hnÄk¤­Ül ¢WL fË¡‚¡­m i¡la£u ¢hfÔh£­cl l¡S°e¢aL A¢eh¡kÑ fËh¡­p p¤¤c§l
B­j¢lL¡u HC B­¾c¡m­el SeÈ ­cu Hhw f­l a¡ R¢s­u f­l ¢h­nÄl e¡e¡ fË¡­¿¹zfËbj p§œf¡a AhnÉ B­j¢lL¡l
j¡¢V­a fËn¡¿¹ jq¡p¡Nl£u f¢ÕQj EfL¨­ml p¡eé¡e¢p­ú¡­a 1912-13 MË£ø¡­ë ­kM¡­e Ncl f¡¢VÑ fË¢a¢ùa
quzi¡la£u cnÑe-n¡­Ù»l ¢h¢nø f¢äa AdÉ¡fL m¡m¡ qlcu¡m ¢R­me Hl pÇf¡cL Hhw flhaÑ£L¡­m i¡l­a
L¢jE¢eØV B­¾c¡m­el AeÉaj ­ea¡ l©­f p¤¤f¢l¢Qa ­p¡qe ¢pw i¡LÚe¡ ¢R­me fËbj pi¡f¢az
ü¡d£ea¡-pwNË¡j£­cl ¢ae¢V fªbL d¡l¡ Ncl B­¾c¡me­L pjªÜ L­l¢Rmz HL)f¡”¡h£ L«oL k¡l¡ j¡¢LÑe-
k¤š²l¡øÊ J L¡e¡X¡­a LjÑla ¢R­me h¡ L¡­Sl på¡­e ­pM¡­e ¢N­u¢R­me; c¤C) i¡la ­b­L B­j¢lL¡u Q­m k¡Ju¡
i¡la£u ¢hfÔh£l cmzfËd¡ea Hyl¡ Ešl-f¢ÕQj i¡l­al A¢dh¡p£ ky¡l¡ qu ¢h­c­nl j¡¢V ­b­L AbÑ J AÙ»-nÙ»
­k¡N¡­sl SeÉ Abh¡ Cwl¡S plL¡­ll AaÉ¡Q¡­ll q¡a ­b­L j¤š² qJu¡l SeÉ j¡¢LÑe-j¤m¤­L BnË­ul på¡­e
¢N­u¢R­me;Hhw ¢ae) f¡”¡h£ ab¡ AeÉ¡eÉ i¡la£u R¡œcm(j§ma: h¡P¡¢m) ky¡l¡ L¡¢lNl£ J fËk¤¢š²-¢hcÉ¡ ­nM¡l
Bn¡u j¡¢LÑe-­c­n k¡ezHje¢L ­p-pj­u üuw lh£¾cÊe¡bJ ay¡l f¤œ J S¡j¡a¡ pq nË£¢e­La­el ¢nrL­L
B­j¢lL¡u ­fËlZ L­le L«¢o-¢hcÉ¡ ¢nr¡ m¡i¡l E­Ÿ­nÉz
Fe¢hwn na¡ë£l ­noi¡N ­b­L ¢hwn na¡ë£l fËbj cnL h¡ fËbj ¢hnÄk¤­Ül p§Qe¡(1914)¢LR¥L¡m B­N
fkÑ¿¹ djÑ-hZÑ ¢e¢hÑ­n­o ApwMÉ f¡”¡h£ L«oL J nËjS£h£ j¡e¤o l¦¢S-­l¡SN¡­ll E­Ÿ­nÉ ¢h­c­n f¡¢s ­cezi¡l­a
¢WL ­pC pj­u ay¡­cl LjÑpwÙÛ¡e h¡ S£¢hL¡-Ef¡SÑ­el HL¡¿¹ Ai¡h ¢Rmz¢hnÄk¤Ü öl¦ q­m AhnÉ LjÑpwÙÛ¡­el
p¤¤­k¡N f¤el¡u pª¢ø q­u¢Rm k¤Ü-¢n­Òfl Evf¡c­el fË­u¡S­ezk¡­q¡L ea¥e LjÑÙÛm ¢q­p­h HC i¡la£u A¢ih¡p£l¡
­h­R ¢e­u¢R­me h¡jÑ¡,j¡mu,¢p‰¡f¤l,qwLw,p¡wq¡C,c¢rZ Q£e,A­øÊ¢mu¡l jae f§hÑ-fË¡­¿¹l ­cn…¢m R¡s¡J f¢ÕQj-
­N¡m¡­dÑl L¡e¡X¡ J j¡¢LÑek¤š² l¡­øÊl jae ­cn…¢m­Lz¢h­no L­l B­j¢lL¡l f¢ÕQj-fË¡­¿¹l fËn¡¿¹ jq¡p¡Nl£u
EfL¨mhaÑ£ A’­mC ay¡l¡ fËd¡ea S­s¡ q­u¢Rmza­h pL­mC ­k öd¤ L¡S ­My¡S¡l SeÉ H­p¢R­me a¡
euzl¡S°e¢aL E­ŸnÉJ ay¡­cl A­e­Ll ¢Rmz
¢nM Be¤N­aÉl Ahp¡e : Ncl B­¾c¡m­el ­fË¢ra


Kuka Movement


‘Kuka Movement’

The Namdhari Gurus

Baba Ram Singh and eleven of his lieutenants were deported to Burma


¢L¿¹¥ ¢nM-Cw­lSjd¤Q¢¾cÊj¡ ­h¢n¢ce b¡­L¢ezn£OËC L«¢o-¢i¢šL f¡”¡h£ pj¡­S 90% L«o­Ll j­dÉ a£hË
¢hË¢Vn-¢h­l¡¢da¡ BaÈfËL¡n L­lz
f¡N¢s p¡jq¡m S¡V B­¾c¡me

'Khalsa Advocate', 'The
Khalsa Samachar' 'The Khalsa Sevak'

'Oh Jat, guard your turban'

(nq£c-C-BSj iNv ¢pw-Hl

Separatism : The Politics of Faith h­m­Re ­k ¢hË¢Vn-fËn¡pe
p¡j¢lL Ai¥É›¡­el Bnˆ¡u i¥N¢Rmz
fËh¡­p i¡la£u ¢hfÔh£NZ J Ncl B­¾c¡me

India House
Indian Sociologist 'Indian Home Rule
India House

Jean Longuet

"Oh Martyr"

' '

­m¢ee HC p­Çjm­e Ef¢ÙÛa ­b­L i¡oZ ­ce a­h j¡c¡j L¡j¡l p­‰ pñha ay¡l
pw­k¡N qu¢ez
ü­c­nl ü¡d£ea¡ pwNË¡­jl fËi¡­hC B­j¢lL¡ fËh¡p£ i¡la£u R¡œ J nË¢jLl¡ L­uL¢V S¡a£u pwNWe N­s
­a¡­me I ­c­nz1907 MË£ø¡­ë LÉ¡¢m­g¡¢ZÑu¡u HCi¡­h N­s E­W¢Rm 'C¢äu¡e C¢ä­f­ä¾p m£N'zHC fË¢aù¡e
NW­e ¢h¢iæ i¡o¡l fËh¡p£ i¡la£u al¦Z-pj¡S p¢œ²u i¨¢jL¡ f¡me L­l¢R­mezHy­cl j­dÉ E­õM­k¡NÉ ¢R­me
f¡ä¥l‰ M¡e­M¡­S,a¡lLe¡b c¡p,M­N¾cÊQ¾cÊ c¡p J AdlQ¾cÊ múl fËj¤MzHC pw­Ol c¤¢V n¡M¡ A¢gp ¢Rm Hhw
pcpÉ pwMÉ¡ ¢Rm fË¡u 500 Sezj§max B­j¢lL¡ fËh¡p£ i¡la£u ¢h­noax ¢nM-pÇfËc¡­ul j­dÉ ü¡d£ea¡l
i¡hd¡l¡ J °hfÔ¢hL LjÑd¡l¡ fËQ¡­ll E­Ÿ­nÉ HC pwO fË¢a¢ùa q­u¢RmzHR¡s¡ N­s J­W 'fÉ¡¢p¢gL ­L¡ØV
¢q¾c¥ÙÛ¡e AÉ¡¢p¢p­une'(The Pacific Coast Hindustan Association)zj§max L¡e¡X¡ J B­j¢lL¡u LjÑla
i¡la£u(fËd¡ea f¡”¡h£) nË¢jL­cl pwN¢Wa Ll¡ ¢Rm HC pwNW­el L¡Sz­pC pju ­pM¡­e ­lmfb
pÇfËp¡l­Zl L¡­S hý f¡”¡h£ ¢nM k¤š² ¢RmzHR¡s¡ 1910 p¡­m p¡eé¡e¢p­ú¡­a phÑ¡­fr¡ A¢dL d¡e-
Evf¡c­el ­N±lh ASÑe L­l¢Rm ­pM¡eL¡l f¡”¡h£ L«oLNZzk¡­q¡L l¡S°e¢aL ja¡c­nÑ h¡jf¿Û£ ­p¡qe ¢pw
i¡Le¡ HC pwNW­el pi¡f¢al c¡¢uaÆ A­eLL¡m f¡me L­l¢R­mez
'C¢äu¡e C¢ä­f­ä¾p m£N' ('k¤N¡¿¹l BnËj' e¡­jJ Hl AeÉ f¢l¢Q¢a ¢Rm)-Hl BcnÑ pð¢ma fËQ¡l
f¤¢Ù¹L¡ f¡”¡­hJ fËQ¡¢la quzl¡Ju¡m¢f¢äl m¡m¡ ¢f¢äc¡p HC ph f¤¢Ù¹L¡ ¢hal­Zl c¡¢uaÆ f¡e Hhw ay¡l HC
L¡kÑLm¡­fl SeÉ ¢a¢e p¡a hvpl pnËj L¡l¡c­ä c¢äa q­u¢R­mezHCi¡­h LÉ¡¢m­g¡¢ZÑ u¡,¢hË¢Vn
Lm¢ðu¡,­f¡VÑmÉ¡ä,Ju¡¢nwVe fËi«¢a nq­l HC pw­Ol fËQ¡l ­L¾cÊ ÙÛ¡¢fa quz1911-12 MË£ø¡ë e¡N¡c
'C¢ä­f­ä¾p m£N'­hn ­S¡lc¡l q­u J­WzHhw HC pj­uC f¡”¡h ­b­L H­p ­fy±R¡e m¡m¡ qlcu¡m J i¡C
flj¡e¾czay¡­cl CµR¡e¤p¡­lC m£N pq AeÉ¡eÉ ¢hfÔh£ pwNWe…¢m f¢l¢Qa q­a öl¦ L­l “Ncl f¡¢VÑ’ l©­fz
ph¡C e¡ q­mJ HC R¡œ­cl A­e­LC h¡LÑ­ml LÉ¡¢m­g¡¢ZÑu¡ ¢hnÄ¢hcÉ¡mu J AeÉœ i¡l­al ü¡d£ea¡l SeÉ
¢hfÔh£-pwNW­e Awn ¢e­u¢R­me h­m ¢h¢iæ I¢aq¡¢pL p§­œ S¡e¡ k¡uzHC R¡œc­ml j­dÉ f¡”¡­hl LaÑ¡l ¢pw
p¡l¡i¡ J h¡P¡¢m ¢hfÔh£ ¢S­a¾cÊe¡b m¡¢q¢sl e¡j ¢h­noi¡­h E­õM­k¡NÉz
LaÑ¡l ¢pw p¡l¡i¡(1896-1915)-­L h¡¢s ­b­L f¡W¡­e¡ q­u¢Rm B­j¢lL¡ ­b­L C¢”¢eu¡¢lw f¡n L­l
Bp¡l SeÉz¢a¢e 1914 p¡­m ­c­n ¢g­l B­pe Hhw Ncl c­ml q­u ¢hfÔh£ LjÑL¡­ä S¢s­u f­sez16
e­iðl,1915­a ay¡l gy¡¢p qu j¡œ 19 hRl hu­pz j¡œ L­uLj¡p B­N Bð¡m¡ L¡l¡N¡­l gy¡¢pL¡­ù fË¡Z
­ce 19 ­j 1915 a¡¢l­M hp¿¹L¥j¡l ¢hnÄ¡pz¢a¢e 23 ¢X­pðl 1912 a¡¢l­M ¢cõ£­a hsm¡V q¡¢XÑ­”l
Lei­u ­h¡j¡ ­g­m dl¡ f­s¢R­me 1914 p¡­mz¢S­a¾cÊe¡b m¡¢q¢s ¢R­me h‰-i‰ ¢h­l¡d£ ü­cn£ B­¾c¡m­el
k¤­N nË£l¡jf¤­ll ¢hfÔh£-p¢j¢a­a AwnNËqZL¡l£ k¤hLz1912 p¡­m ¢a¢eJ R¡œ ¢q­p­h B­pe LÉ¡¢m­g¡¢ZÑu¡
CE¢ei¡¢pÑ¢V­a Hhw Ncl c­ml p­‰ k¤š² qez
h¡LÑ­ml LÉ¡¢m­g¡¢ZÑu¡ ¢hnÄ¢hcÉ¡m­u i¡la£u R¡œNZ e¡m¾c¡ e¡jL ­q¡­ØVm NWe L­l hph¡p Ll­a b¡­Lezh¡LÑ­ml
j¡œ h¡­l¡ j¡Cm c§­l p¡eé¡e¢p­ú¡ nq­l Ncl c­ml pcl-cçl 'k¤N¡¿¹l BnËj' e¡­j f¢l¢Qa ¢Rmzm¡m¡ qlcu¡m
1912 p¡­m B­j¢lL¡u H­p HC c¤C ÙÛ¡­eC ¢eu¢ja h¡p Ll­a b¡­Lezay¡l E­c¡­NC JC hR­l ¢X­pð­ll ­no
pç¡­q Ncl f¡¢VÑ N¢Wa qu (AhnÉ h¡h¡ ­p¡qe ¢pw i¡Le¡l j­a fË¢aù¡L¡m j¡­QÑl ­no pç¡q)zm¡m¡ qlcu¡m
¢eu¢ja LÉ¡¢m­g¡¢ZÑu¡ h¡ p¡eé¡e¢p­ú¡l i¡la£u R¡œ­cl p¡j­e ­cn¡aÈ­h¡dL J E­š¢Sa i¡oZ ¢c­aezi¡o¡ EcѨ-
¢j¢nËa f¡”¡h£ J Cwl¡¢S c¤­V¡C hÉhq©a qaz¢a¢e fËh¡p£ i¡la£u R¡œ­cl E­Ÿ­n hm­ae,"i¡la£u i¡Cph
­a¡j¡­cl SeÉ jqv ­cn­fËj£ L¡S A­fr¡ L­l B­RzzHl SeÉ ­a¡j¡­cl A­eL Lø pqÉ Ll­a q­h,BaÈh¢mc¡e
¢c­a q­hz­a¡jl¡ H­c­n H­p­R¡ ¢LR¥ q­u JW¡l SeÉzj­e ­l­M¡ ­k-­LEC HLSe hÉ¡¢lØV¡l,HLSe C¢”¢eu¡l
¢Lwh¡ X¡š²¡l q­a f¡­lz¢L¿¹ haÑj¡e i¡lah­oÑ HMe fË­u¡Se ü¡d£ea¡-pwNË¡­jl °p¢e­LlzCw­l­Sl c¡paÆ Ll¡l
A­fr¡ jªaÉ¥J i¡mz"
S¡e¡ k¡u nË£l¡jf¤­ll ¢hfÔh£ ¢S­a¾cÊe¡b m¡¢q¢s ¢k¢e fË¡u pjL¡­m h¡LÑ­m B­pe,m¡m¡ qlcu¡­ml hš²«a¡ ö­e
EŸ£fa q­ae Bh¡l ay¡l p­‰ e¡e¡ fË­nÀ aLÑ-¢ha­LÑJ ¢mç q­aezü¡j£ ¢h­hL¡e¾c öd¤j¡œ BdÉ¡¢aÈLa¡l
fËQ¡lL ¢R­me,ü¡d£ea¡ pwNË¡­j ay¡l ­L¡eJ Ahc¡e ­eC Hhw i¡l­a ¢hË¢Vn p¡jË¡SÉh¡c pÇfÑ­L ¢a¢e e£lh ¢R­me-
----qlcu¡­ml HS¡a£u j¿¹­hÉl a£hË ¢h­l¡¢da¡ L­le ¢S­a¾cÊe¡bzqlcu¡mJ ay¡l a­bÉl ApwN¢a J A¢L’ea¡
ü£L¡l L­l ¢e­u¢R­me HC ­aSü£ h¡P¡¢m ¢hfÔh£l L¡­Rz

q­u J­W

m¡m¡ qlcu¡m : HL ¢euji¡‰¡ ¢hfÔh£ J ay¡l Lj­lXNZ

m¡m¡ qlcu¡­ml S£he ¢Rm HLSe ¢hfÔh£l ¢L¿¹¥ A­eLV¡C ApwN¢Wazay¡l SeÈ qu HL pÇfæ L¡uÙÛ ¢q¾c¥
f¢lh¡­l 1884 MË£ø¡­ë ¢cõ£­azE‹Æm ­jd¡h£ R¡œ qlcu¡m ¢cõ£l ­p¾V ¢ØV­g¾p L­mS ­b­L pwú«a p¡¢q­aÉ
¢h-H Hhw 1905 p¡­m f¡”¡h ¢hnÄ¢hcÉ¡mu ­b­L HLC ¢ho­u Hj-H fl£r¡u fËbj ÙÛ¡e A¢dL¡l L­le Hhw
¢hnÄ¢hcÉ¡m­ul p¤¤f¡¢l­n ¢hË¢Vn-i¡la plL¡­ll ­jd¡hª¢š m¡i L­le h¡¢oÑL 250 f¡Eäz­pC Bj­m HC AbÑ
¢ea¡¿¹ Lj ¢Rm e¡z1905 p¡­m qlcu¡m A„­gÑ¡­Xl ­p¾V Se L­m­S i¢aÑ qezC¢aq¡p ¢hou­uJ ¢a¢e ¢X¢NË
m¡i L­l¢R­me Hhw BC-¢p-Hp fl£r¡ f¡­nl ­Qø¡ L­lez¢L¿¹¥ f¡”¡­h aMe öl¦ q­u ­N­R L«oL-B­¾c¡me J
plL¡l-¢h­l¡d£ Ai¥É›¡ezqlcu¡m 1908 MË£ø¡­ël fËb­j ¢a¢e ¢hË¢Vn plL¡­ll Sm-f¡¢e hª¢š fËaÉ¡M¡e L­l
ü­c­n fËaÉ¡hšÑe L­le Hhw Ešl i¡l­al ¢hfÔh£­cl p­‰ ¢e¢hs pw­k¡N N­s ­a¡­mezHL hR­ll ­h¢n pju
d­l qlcu¡m a£hË ¢hË¢Vn ¢h­l¡d£ ¢hfÔh¡aÈL ­mM¡­m¢M Ll­a b¡­Le ¢mh¡¢VÑ fËi«¢a ¢h¢iæ L¡N­SzHC pju ­b­LC
ay¡l j­dÉ h¡L¥¢ee-fË¥­dy¡ fËj¤­Ml °el¡SÉh¡c£ c¡nÑ¢eL­cl lQe¡l fËi¡­h B­pe Hhw ay¡l i¢hoÉv ¢Q¿¹¡d¡l¡u a¡l
fËi¡h f­s¢Rmz
f¡”¡­h ­kpLm ¢hfÔh£l p­‰ m¡m¡ qlcu¡­ml O¢eùa¡ N­s J­W Hy­cl j­dÉ ¢h­no E­õMÉl¡ ¢R­me:i¡C
flj¡e¾c,c¢lu¡m¡m,l¡SL¥j¡l J l¡jnlZ c¡p a­m¡u¡l fËj¤Mzl¡jnlZ ay¡l R¡œS£he J ¢fa¡j¡a¡l ­S¡l¡S¥¢l­a
pcÉ ¢h­u Ll¡ ehhd§­L ­R­s m¡­q¡­l ¢N­u qlcu¡­ml Ae¤N¡j£ q­u ¢hfÔh£ L¡­S f§ZÑ-pj­ul SeÉ ¢mç
qezl¡jnlZ c¡­pl e¡j ¢h­noi¡­h E­õM Ll¡l L¡lZ qm ay¡l j¡dÉ­jC qlcu¡m ¢h­c­n Ncl f¡¢VÑl p­‰ i¡la£u
¢h­noax h¡P¡¢m ¢hfÔh£­cl pw­k¡N lr¡ Ll­aezL¡f¤lb¡m¡l i¡la-j¡a¡ ­p¡p¡C¢V -l m¡m¡ l¡jnlZ c¡­pl p­‰
1912 ­bL1915 fkÑ¿¹ HCp§­œC l¡p¢hq¡l£ hp¤¤ ,ka£¾cÊe¡b j¤M¡¢SÑ,hp¿¹L¥j¡l ¢hnÄ¡p,L¡¢mfc ­O¡o­cl ­N¡fe
pw­k¡N N­s E­W¢Rmzl¡jnlZ c¡p­L 1915 p¡­m fËbj m¡­q¡l-¢cõ£ osk¿» j¡jm¡u(k¡­a LaÑ¡l ¢pw p¡l¡i¡l
gy¡¢p qu)A¢ik¤š² L­l j¡â¡­Sl p¡­mj ­S­m h¾c£ l¡M¡ q­u¢Rmz­pM¡­e ¢a¢e üfÀi¨¢j e¡­j HL¢V L¡hÉNË¿Û HC
pj­ul ¢hfÔh£ B­¾c¡me ¢e­u lQe¡ L­lez1920-Hl cn­Ll j¡T¡j¡¢T pj­u j¤¢š² ­f­u ¢a¢e f¤el¡u iNv ¢pw-
Hl ¢q¾c¥ÙÛ¡e ­p¡nÉ¡¢mØV ¢lf¡h¢mLÉ¡e B­¾c¡m­el pwØf­nÑ B­pe Hhw f¤el¡u ­NËç¡l qezay¡l üfÀi¨¢j L¡­hÉl
i¨¢jL¡ ¢m­M¢R­me iNv ¢pw üuwz
HC pjuL¡­m 1907-08 p¡m i¡la S¥­s ¢hfÔh£ B­¾c¡me a£hË q­u E­W¢RmzfËd¡eax h¡Pm¡ J f¡”¡­hz¢pf¡q£
¢h­â¡­ql AdÑ-na hRl f§¢aÑ Efm­r Ba¢ˆa q­u E­W¢Rm ¢hË¢Vn fËn¡pezc¤C fË­c­nC Qm¢Rm ü­cn£
B­¾c¡m­el ­S¡u¡l ab¡ pnÙ» ¢hfÔh£ B­¾c¡mezh¡Pm¡u Al¢h¾c ­O¡o,­h¡ð¡C­a ¢amL Hhw f¡”¡­h m¡m¡ m¡Sfv
l¡u pq na na ¢hfÔh£­L L¡l¡l¦Ü L­l p¡S¡­e¡ j¡jm¡ öl q­u¢RmzHC ¢hfÔh£ f¢l¢ÙÛ¢a­L hÉhq¡l Ll¡l E­Ÿ­nÉ
qlcu¡­ml ­c­n ¢g­l H­p¢R­mez¢L¿¹¥ Hje HL¢V pj­u ¢a¢e ­c­n ­g­le kMe m¡m¡ m¡Sfv l¡u­L h¾c£ L­l
j¡¾c¡mu ­S­m f¡W¡­e¡ quziNv ¢pw­ql L¡L¡ pcÑ¡l A¢Sa ¢pw-­LJ HLC ÙÛ¡­e f¡W¡­e¡ q­u¢Rm L¡lZ ¢a¢e J
ay¡l ï¡a¡ ¢L­oZ ¢pw ¢R­me f¡N¢s p¡j¡mÚq S¡V e¡jL L«oL B­¾c¡m­el AeÉaj ­ea¡ziNv ¢pw­ql ¢fa¡
¢L­oZ­L ­c­nC BVL l¡M¡ quzf­l ¢a¢e HL¢eù N¡å£h¡c£ q­u¢R­mez1907-08 p¡­m Cw­lS plL¡l Ešl-
f¢ÕQj i¡l­al ¢hfÔhh¡c£­cl Efl ¢ekÑ¡a­el j¡œ¡ Hje h¡¢s­u ­cu ­k hý l¡S°e¢aL LjÑ£ ¢nM-¢q¾c¥ J j¤p¢mj
¢e¢hÑ­n­o ­cnaÉ¡N Ll­a öl¦ L­lz­kje p¤¤¢g Að¡fËp¡c J m¡m¡ W¡L¥l c¡­pl e¡j H­r­œ ¢h­no E­õM­k¡NÉzay¡l¡
­cnaÉ¡N L­l ­ef¡m q­u Cl¡e Q­m k¡ezpcÑ¡l A¢Sa ¢pw L¡l¡j¤¢š²l fl ay¡­cl p­‰ ­k¡N ­cez­cnaÉ¡N£
j¤pmj¡e j¤q¡¢Sl­cl j­dÉ ay¡l¡ fË¡b¢jL ¢hfÔh£ pwNWe fË¢aù¡l L¡S L­lezB¿¹ÑS¡¢aL Ncl B­¾c¡m­el p­‰
ay¡l¡ f­l ¢e­S­cl pwk¤š² L­l¢R­mez
m¡m¡ qlcu¡m f¤el¡u CE­l¡­f ¢g­l B­pe 1909 MË£ø¡­ëz­pM¡­e nÉ¡jS£ L«o·hjÑ¡,j¡c¡j L¡j¡ fËj¤M fËh¡p£
i¡la£u ¢hfÔh£ ­ea«­aÆl pwØf­nÑ B­pezHC pju ay¡l l¡S°e¢aL ­Qae¡u c¤C dl­el °h¢nøÉ ­cM¡ ¢N­u¢RmzHL¢c­L
°hc¡¢¿¹L h¡ fË¡Q£e i¡la£u BkÑ-piÉa¡l ­N±lh(f­l AhnÉ ¢a¢e ¢f-HCQ-¢X L­le ­h±Ü d­jÑl p­‰ ¢q¾c¥-d­jÑl
pÇfÑL ¢e­u);Afl¢c­L ay¡l j­dÉ °el¡SÉh¡c£-pj¡Sa­¿»l ­Ty¡L BaÈfËL¡n L­lzAhnÉ gl¡p£ f¢l­hn ay¡l i¡m
e¡ m¡N¡­a p¤¤c§l-fËu¡p£ f¢lLÒfe¡ ¢e­u j¡œ 28 hRl hu­p Ef¢ÙÛa qe j¡¢LÑe k¤š²l¡­øÊl f¢ÕQj EfL¨m i¡­N
1911 MË£ø¡­ëzØVÉ¡e­g¡XÑ ¢hnÄ¢hcÉ¡m­u ¢a¢e ­k¡N ­ce i¡la£u cnÑ­el AdÉ¡fL l©­fz¢L¿¹¥ AÒfL¡­ml j­dÉC
ay¡l °el¡SÉh¡c£ l¡S°e¢aL L¡kÑLm¡f,lQe¡¢c J i¡o­Zl SeÉ qlcu¡m LjÑQ¥Éa qezHlf­lC ¢a¢e 1912 p¡­ml
­n­o Q­m B­pe p¡eé¡e¢p­ú¡­a Hhw h¡LÑ­ml LÉ¡¢m­g¡¢eÑu¡ ¢hnÄ¢hcÉ¡m­ul i¡la£u R¡œ­cl (HC ¢hnÄ¢hcÉ¡m­u
aMe ¢a¢e pwú«a i¡o¡ J p¡¢q­aÉl AdÉ¡fL ¢R­me) J fÉ¡¢p¢gL EfL¨­ml i¡la£u nË¢jL­cl j­dÉ(ÙÛ¡e£u
B­j¢lL¡e fËn¡p­el J ­nÄa¡‰ nË¢jL­cl à¡l¡ HC pju a¡l¡ M¤hC ­qeÙÛ¡l ¢nL¡l q­ae) Ncl-f¡¢VÑl ja¡cnÑ
R¢s­u ­cez1912 p¡m ­b­L ­Qø¡ Ll­mJ Be¤ù¡¢eL i¡­h Ncl-f¡¢VÑ ÙÛ¡¢fa qu 1913 MË£ø¡­ëz
B­j¢lL¡l f¢ÕQj EfL¨­m ­rœ fËÙ¹¥a ¢Rmz1909 p¡m ­b­L L¡e¡X¡ NiÑZ­j¾V ¢hË¢Vn LaÑ«f­rl Lb¡u
i¡la£u A¢ih¡p£­cl Ae¤j¢a R¡s¡ fË­hn ¢e¢oÜ L­l ¢c­u¢Rmzay¡l¡ A¢dL¡wnC aMe pj­ha qu p¡eé¡e¢p­ú¡l
¢h¢iæ nq­lzN­s E­W¢Rm k¤N¡¿¹l-BnË­jl jae e¡e¡ l¡S°e¢aL pwNWez¢L¿¹¥ ay¡­cl L¡SV¡ ¢WL L£ ­p pÇfÑ­L
f¢l×L¡l d¡lZ¡ ¢Rm e¡zm¡m¡ qlcu¡m H­p p­¿¹¡o ¢pw i¡Le¡,LaÑ¡l ¢pw p¡l¡i¡,f¢äa f¡ä¥l‰ pc¡¢nh
M¡e­M¡­S,a¡lLe¡b c¡p,¢S­a¾cÊe¡b m¡¢q¢s,l¡jQ¾cÊ ilà¡S fËj¤M­L p­‰ ¢e­u pwNWe N­s a¥m­a E­cÉ¡N£ qez
djÑ-hZÑ ¢e¢hÑ­n­o hý i¡la£u HC fË­Qø¡u AbÑ p¡q¡kÉ L­l¢R­mez­kje f¢äa Ly¡¢pl¡j HL q¡S¡l Xm¡l Qy¡c¡
­cezHlLj fË¡u 1500 i¡la£ul Qy¡c¡u fË¢a¢ùa qu p¡eé¡e¢p­ú¡l 436, ¢qm ØVÊ£­V pcl cçl ÙÛ¡¢fa quz 5
ew EX ØVÊ£­V Ncl f¢œL¡ R¡f¡M¡e¡ ÙÛ¡¢fa q­u¢Rmzpj¡¿¹l¡m m¡m-­Nl¦u¡-ph¤S ¢ael­Pl j¡­T Bs¡B¢s c¤¢V
L«f¡Z HC ¢Rm Ncl c­ml fa¡L¡zAbÑ¡v ¢hfÔh£,¢nM-¢q¾c¥ Hhw j¤pmj¡e phÑ-j­al pjZÄ­ul fËa£L ¢Rm HC
fa¡L¡zfËb­j B­j¢lL¡l f¢ÕQj EfL¨­ml e¡e¡ nq­l ;a¡lfl L¡e¡X¡ J B­j¢lL¡ jq¡­c­nl e¡e¡ fË¡­¿¹ Hhw
fËbj ¢hnÄk¤Ü öl¦ qJu¡l f­l CE­l¡f J H¢nu¡l e¡e¡ ­c­n ­kM¡­eC f¡”¡h£ pÇfËc¡u J i¡la£u ¢hfÔh£NZ
l­u­R,­pM¡­eC Ncl f¡¢VÑl n¡M¡ N­s E­W¢RmzH­cl fËL¡¢na Ncl-¢c-…” (Ncl-N¡b¡)L¡hÉpwLme ü­cn¡aÈL J
Ae¤­fËlZ¡ pª¢øL¡l£ l©­f al¦Z­cl Eà¤Ü Llaz

Ncl f¡¢VÑl fË¢aù¡ LjÑp§¢Q :

p¡eé¡e¢p­ú¡­a Ncl f¡¢VÑl j§m ¢hi¡N ¢Rm c¤¢V : 1)fËQ¡l ¢hi¡N,2) p¡j¢lL ¢hi¡NzfËQ¡­ll j¡dÉj ¢Rm ¢eu¢ja
°hWL,f¡¢hÔL i¡oZ, Ncl e¡jL pwh¡c fœ fËL¡n Hhw ¢eu¢ja e¡e¡ dl­Zl fËQ¡l fœ fËL¡ne¡zEcѨ, …l¦j¤M£,j¡l¡W£
Hhw Cwl¡¢S fË­u¡Se ja Q¡l i¡o¡­aC fËL¡ne¡ qazNcl f¢œL¡ ­hl¦­a¡ j§max Cwl¡¢S J EcѨ­aCzH¢V fËbj
fËL¡¢na qu 1 e­iðl,1913 a¡¢l­MzfËbj pwMÉ¡u ­O¡oZ¡ Ll¡ q­u¢Rm Today there begins in foreign lands,but
in our countr’s tongue,awar against the British Raj....what is your name ? Mutiny.Where it will
break out ? India.The time will soon come when rifle and blood will take the place of pen and ink. ”
Ncl f¢œL¡ fËbj ­b­LC Qs¡ ­jS¡­S fËL¡¢na q­a b¡­Lzi¡l­al k¤hn¢š²l E­Ÿ­n HC f¢œL¡ BqÄ¡e S¡¢e­u¢Rm
“To take up arms,rise in insurrection,kill the British.”
HS¡a£u ¢h‘¡feJ L¡N­Sl ­n¡i¡ hÜÑe Lla, h£l °p¢eL Q¡Cz“i¡l­a Nc­ll (¢h­â¡­ql)B…e SÆ¡¢m­u ­a¡m¡l
SeÉ h£l °p¢eL Q¡Cz­hae : ja¥Éz f¤lú¡l : nq£caÆz hª¢š : ü¡d£ea¡zpjl¡‰e : i¡lahoÑz”
Ncl f¢œL¡l Se¢fËua¡ œ²jnxC h¡s­a b¡­Lz¢hfÔh pwœ²¡¿¹ fËhå R¡s¡J i¡l­a ¢hË¢Vn plL¡­ll e¡e¡ cjej§mL
LjÑL¡­äl pwh¡c,AaÉ¡Q¡l J A¢hQ¡­ll Mhl HC f¢œL¡u ¢eu¢ja fËL¡n ­f­a b¡­Lz­cn¡aÈ­h¡dL L¢ha¡,N¡e,i¡la£u
pwú«¢a pÇfÑ¢La …l¦aÆf§ZÑ fËhå J lQe¡ fËL¡n HC f¢œL¡l fËd¡e °h¢nøÉ ¢RmzfËL¡ne¡l L¡S i¡mi¡­h Ll¡l SeÉ
AaÉ¡d¤¢eL C­m¢ƒÊL R¡f¡-­j¢ne œ²u Ll¡ qu k¡ Q¡m¡­e¡l SeÉ HLSe B­j¢lL¡e ­fn¡c¡l ­m¡L­L ­hae ¢c­u
¢e­u¡N Ll¡ q­u¢RmzC¢”¢eu¡¢lw-Hl R¡œ LaÑ¡l¡ ¢pw p¡l¡i¡ Hl ac¡l¢L­a ¢R­mez
Ncl f¡¢VÑl Afl HL¢V …l¦aÆf§ZÑ LjÑp§Q£ ¢Rm p¡j¢lL ¢hi¡­Nl fËÙ¹¥¢az A­eL pwNWL HSeÉ Bj¢lL¡l J­uØV
­L¡ØV ¢j¢mV¡¢l BL¡­X¢j­a J i¢aÑ q­u¢R­me Hhw Bd¤¢eL k¤Ü-¢hcÉ¡ ¢nr¡ L­leznœ¥f­rl ­m¡L­L qaÉ¡
Ll¡,plL¡l£ ­L¡o¡N¡l m¤˜e,­SmM¡e¡ i¡‰¡,­lmfb J ­V¢mNË¡g m¡Ce r¢aNËÙ¹ Ll¡,­h¡j¡-¢h­Øg¡lL °al£ Ll¡,AÙ»-nÙ»
pwNËq Ll¡ Hhw ÙÛ­m S­m ­N¢lm¡-k¤Ü fÜ¢a­a fËhmaj nœ¥l ¢hl¦­Ü ­no lš²¢h¾c¥ fkÑ¿¹ m­s k¡Ju¡l phÑfËL¡­ll
­VÊ¢ew Ncl f¡¢VÑl p¡j¢lL ¢hi¡­Nl …l¦aÆf§ZÑ °h¢nøÉ ¢RmzLaÑ¡l ¢pw p¡l¡i¡­L ¢hj¡e Q¡me¡l fË¢nrZ ¢e­aJ f¡W¡­e¡
q­u¢Rm h­m S¡e¡ k¡uz
Lj­lX p­¿¹¡o ¢pw i¡Le¡l Øj«¢aLb¡ ­b­L S¡e¡ k¡u a¡ A¢a j§mÉh¡e ¢h­hQe¡u ýhý a¥­m dl¡ qm :
“ The Indian workers of Oregon and Washington states called a conference in March, 1913 in
Astoria which was attended by representatives from Monarch Mills, St John, Portland and Bridal Vale
and Astoria Mills. The conference was attended by 120 representatives and Lala Har Dyal was invited
from San Francisco (California). The workers assembled here laid the foundation of the Hindi Associa-
tion of Pacific Coast of America or the Ghadar Party.
The Following resolutions were adopted in this conference:
1. It was resolved to create a revolutionary organization to liberate India from British slavery by an
armed revolution and to establish a democratic regime based on liberty and equality.
2. The name of this organization would be the “Hindi Association of the Pacific Coast of America”.
3. A weekly Party newspaper should be published in Punjabi, Urdu and Hindi. To commemorate
the Ghadar of 1857, the name of this paper would be Ghadar.
4. The party’s basic slogan would be “Bande Matram” because more than anything else this revolu-
tionary salutation invited British wrath.
5. The main office of the Party would be located in San Francisco (California) as it was the centre
of International revolutionary activity and a sea port.
6. All work in the Party office, press and newspaper would be voluntary. However, everyone would
be provided food and lodging from party funds.
7. All Indians from different mills and gangs would pay a monthly subscription of one dollar each.
8. In every mill and gang, a representative committee would be organized which would be affiliated
to the Working Committee.
9. A Working Committee would be elected by the representatives from individual units.
10. The Working Committee would elect a Commission of three members who would be responsi-
ble for the secret work of the Party.
11. The Party would not be a platform for religious discussion. Religion would be treated as the
personal affair of an individual.
12. Every activist of the Party will be required to support and participate in the freedom struggles
and liberation movements of all countries of world.
13. There would be no subscription for the paper. It would be distributed free.
13. The election for party offices would be held annually.

After the adoption of the above resolutions, the following office bearers were elected:
1. President — Sohan Singh Bhakna
2. Vice- President — Kesar Singh Thathgarh
3. Chief Secretary — Lala Hardyal
4. Joint Secretary — A nominee of Ajit Singh
5. Treasurer — Pandit Kanshi Ram
6. Assistant Treasurer— Harnam Singh Tundilat
7. Organizing Secretaries — Karim Bakash and Munshi Ram
A Party fund of ten thousand dollars was collected. Five thousand dollars were in cash and the rest in
real estate.”

[Source : Sohan Singh Bhakna, ‘Notes On The History Of The Ghadar Party’HERITAGE dated November 1, 1995
and April 7, 1996 - Bulletin of the History Sub-Committee of Desh Bhagat Yadgar Committee, G.T.Road, Jalandhar –
144001. Editors- Narinder Kumar Joshi, Gurbux Singh Banuana and Chain Singh Chain ]
k¢c j­e¡­k¡N pqL¡­l pcÉ-fË¢a¢ùa Ncl f¡¢VÑl LjÑp§¢Ql ¢h¢iæ ¢cL ¢h­nÔoZ Ll¡ k¡u a­h Hl j­dÉ fË¡b¢jL
AhÙÛ¡u j¡LÑph¡­cl ­L¡eJ ¢ekÑ¡p f¡Ju¡ e¡ ­N­mJ ;¢jm­h HL¢V p¤¤pwN¢Wa ¢hfÔh£ c­ml f¢lL¡W¡­j¡zQ£­e 1911 p¡­m
p¡e Cu¡v ­pe ­k l¡S°e¢aL pwNW­el à¡l¡ Q£e¡ l¡Sa­¿»l fae O¢V­u 1911 p¡­m fËS¡a¡¢¿»L ¢hfÔh pj¡d¡
L­l¢R­me,Ncl pwNW­e a¡l Bi¡p fË¢ag¢ma q­u¢Rmz¢lf¡hÚ¢mLÉ¡e në¢V m¡m¡ qlcu¡­ml A¢a ¢fËu ¢Rmz¢lf¡h¢mL
Ah L¡nÈ£l NW­el HLV¡ f¢lLÒfe¡J ay¡l ¢Rmzay¡l HLSe Lj­lX h¡h¡ qle¡j ¢pw a¥¢ämV Hhw ¢X.­Qe¢Qu¡qÚl
lQe¡ [Source : HERITAGE Bulletin of the History Sub-Committee of Desh Bhagat Yadgar Committee, G.T.Road,
Jalandhar – 144001 Editors- Narinder Kumar Joshi, Gurbux Singh Banuana and Chain Singh Chain; dated
July, 1996 and Nov, 1996] ­b­L S¡e¡ k¡u ­k HC pju qlcu¡m L¢jE¢eSj,l¡¢nu¡u hm­n¢iL ja¡cnÑ,­m¢ee
Hje¢L j¡LÑph¡­cl h¤¢eu¡¢c AbÑ°e¢aL ašÄ pÇfÑ­L M¤h ­h¢n ¢LR¥ h¡ B­c± ¢LR¥ S¡e­ae e¡zk¢cJ ¢a¢e HC
pj­u(j¡QÑ,1912) L¡mÑ j¡LÑp­L HL jq¡e G¢o ¢qp¡­h a¥­m d­l¢R­me jX¡ZÑ ¢l¢iE­u-l fªù¡uzHhw HV¡J OVe¡
1917-l e­ið­l l¡¢nu¡u hm­n¢iL ¢hfÔ­hl fl ­b­L Ncl f¡¢VÑl p­‰ B¿¹ÑS¡¢aÑL L¢jE¢eØV B­¾c¡m­el pÇfÑL
N­s E­W¢Rm e¡e¡ p§­œzp­¿¹¡o ¢pw i¡LÚe¡l¡J aM­e¡ L¢jE¢eØV q­u J­We ¢ez¢L¿¹¥ ­pC p§Qe¡L¡­m Ncl-f¡¢VÑl
NWea­¿» ­ki¡­h hm¡ q­u¢Rm djÑ-¢hnÄ¡p j¡e¤­ol hÉ¡¢š²Na ¢hou Hhw Ncl pwNW­e l¡Se£¢a R¡s¡ ­L¡­e¡ djÑ£u ja­L
fËnËu ­cJu¡ q­h e¡—HV¡ ¢Rm pjL¡­ml ¢hQ¡­l HL k¤N¡¿¹L¡l£ OVe¡za¡R¡s¡ f§ZÑ-pj­ul ­fn¡c¡l ¢hfÔh£­cl f¡¢VÑ-
L¢jE­e ­b­L phÑr­Zl LjÑ£ l©­f l¡Se£¢a AwnNËq­Zl f¢lLÒfe¡J ¢Rm Acªøf§hÑz
üi¡haC i¡l­al Cwl¡S fËn¡pe B­j¢lL¡ jq¡­c­nl j¡¢V ­b­L HC S¡a£u °hfÔ¢hL L¡kÑ¡hm£ hlc¡Ù¹ Ll­a
l¡S£ ¢Rm e¡za¡l¡ h¤T­a f¡l¢Rm fËbj ¢hnÄk¤Ü Bpæ Hhw Ncl ¢h­â¡q£­cl Efk¤š² pj­u cje Ll¡ e¡ ­N­m
p¡jË¡­SÉl f­r jq¡ ¢hfczHC SeÉ L¡e¡X¡ J B­j¢lL¡­a A¿¹a c¤Cna f¤¢m­nl ­N¡­u¾c¡ f¡W¡­e¡ qu h­m S¡e¡
k¡uz¢h­no L­l L¡e¡X¡ plL¡­ll p¡q¡­kÉ EC¢mu¡j qf¢Lepe e¡jL HLSe A¢i‘ i¡la£u i¡o¡u cr AÉ¡w­m¡-
C¢äu¡e f¤¢mn A¢gp¡l­L f¡W¡­e¡ q­u¢Rm ­pM¡eL¡l Ncl pwNWe­L dÆwp Ll¡l SeÉzc­ml j­dÉ A­eL …çQl Y¥¢L­u
f¡¢VÑl pwNWL­cl gy¡­c ­gm¢Rm qf¢Lepez­n­o ­ph¡ ¢pwq e¡jL HL Ncl-LjÑ£l …¢m­a Bc¡m­al j­dÉ a¡­L fË¡Z
q¡l¡­a q­u¢Rmz1915­a ­ph¡ ¢pw­ql gy¡¢p quz Ncl ¢hfÔh£­cl b¡j¡­a ¢hË¢Vn LaÑ«fr Hpj­u jl£u¡ q­u
E­W¢Rmza¡l f¢lZ¢a ¢Rm 1914-­a m¡m¡ qlcu¡­ml ­NËç¡lz
fËp‰ax E­õM­k¡NÉ qlcu¡m,Ncl f¡¢VÑ J ay¡­cl j¤Mfœ pÇfÑ­L ¢hË¢Vn e¢bf­œ HpjuL¡­m e¡e¡ A¢i­k¡N
E›¡¢fa q­u¢Rm z “This man (Hardayal) had arrived in San
Francisco in 1911, imbued with passionate Auglophobia and determined to inspire with his own spirit as
many as possible of his fellow-countrymen. He started a newspaper called ‘Ghadar’. With his followers he
decided to distribute the Ghadar freely in India. Their press was called the ‘Jugantar Asram’. Their paper was
printed in more than one Indian Language. It was widely distributed among Indians in America and was
forwarded to India.” (‘Sedition Committee Report’, P. 102)
“It was of a violent anti-British nature, playing
on every passion which it could possibly excite, preaching murder and mutiny in every sentence and urging
all Indians to go to India with the express object of committing murder, causing revolution and expelling the
British Government by any and every means. ” (‘S. C. Report’, P. 102)

of famous seditionists and murderers were displayed on the screen and revlutionary mottoes were exhibited.
Finally Hardayal told the audience that Germay was preparing to go to war with England, and that it was time
to get ready to go to India for the coming revolution.” (‘S. C. Report’, P. 102)

Q­m ­k­a h¡dÉ q­me

qlcu¡­ml Ae¤f¢ÙÛ¢a­a Ncl f¡¢VÑl fËd¡e pÇf¡cL q­me

HLSe al¦Z lÉ¡¢XLÉ¡m p­¿¹¡MÚ ¢pwz¢a¢e Hhw l¡jQ¾cÊ ­k±bi¡­h Ncl f¢aL¡l pÇf¡c­Ll L¡S Q¡m¡­a
b¡­Lez¢LR¥¢ce f­l AhnÉ m¡m¡ qlcu¡­ml fR­¾cl AdÉ¡fL jqÇjc hlLaEõ¡q i¡C iNJu¡e ¢pw S¡f¡e
­b­L H­p Ef¢ÙÛa q­m ¢LR¥¢c­el SeÉ c­ml ­ea«aÆ ay¡l à¡l¡C f¢lQ¡¢ma q­a b¡­LzS°eL ¢hfÔh£ ¢m­M­Re,
a­h HC
p§­œ E­õM L­l l¡M¡ i¡m ­k phC ­k ¢WL-W¡L Qm¢Rm Hje euzql cu¡m Hhw p­¿¹¡o ¢pw i¡Le¡ J hlLvEõ¡q­cl
B­j¢lL¡ R¡s¡l fl ­b­LC Ncl f¡¢VÑl AiÉ¿¹­l p¡ÇfËc¡¢uL fË­nÀ Hhw rja¡ cMm­L ­L¾cÊ L­l ¢LR¥i¥m ­h¡T¡h¤¢T J
Efcm£u ¢haä¡ öl¦ q­u¢Rmzk¡l f¢le¢a­a c­ml pÇf¡cL l¡jQ¾cÊ­L Bc¡m­al AiÉ¿¹­l c¤i¡NÑÉSeLi¡­h ¢eqa q­a
( )

‘The New York Times ' (U. S. A.)

N.Y. Times
We are not anarchistic but republicans.....Our plan is constructive, first and last, We aim at nothing
less than the establishment in India of a republic, a Government of the people, by the people, for the
people in India.
(Kalyan Kumar Banerjee;Indian Freedom Movemnet : Revelutionaries in America, Calcutta,1969)

k¤š² L­uLSe
HR¡s¡ Hl ­fR­e p¢œ²u ¢Rm l¡¢nu¡u pcÉ O­V k¡Ju¡ ­p¡¢i­ua ¢hfÔh h¡
hm­n¢iSjÚ pÇfÑ­L j¡¢LÑe J ¢hË¢Vn f¤y¢Sf¢a ­nËZ£l Baˆ-S¢ea avfla¡z
The cost to the British Government must have been close to
$1,000,000 dollar. The real expeuse was probably twice that amount. Two hundred members of the British
Secret Service were in San Francisco for more than two years working on Indian cases. Witnesses have
been summoned from every corner of the globe at a tremendous outlay." ( I. F. M. : R. I. America', P. 78-79 )

Ireland, Egypt, Persia, Morocco, Malaya-these are all subject states. They should be represented in the
peace conference, not by the Governments which dominate them, but by representatives of their own
selection. Let not this war be ended, Mr. president, until their freedom has been achieved"
( I. F. M. : R. I. America', P. 66 )

i¨­f¾cÊ¢L­n¡l l¢ra l¡u,i¡l­a pnÙ» ¢hfÔh (lh£¾cÊ m¡C­hËl£ ,LmL¡a¡ ,1970) NË­¿Û HC pj¤cu ¢hhlZ ¢m¢fhÜ
Ll¡l fl ­mML ¢hfÔh£ j¿¹hÉ L­l­Re :


fËbj ¢hnÄk¤Ü öl¦ q­aC Ncl c­ml LjÑL¡ä j¡¢LÑe k¤š²l¡øÊ ­b­L ÙÛ¡e¡¿¹¢la q­u
k¡u S¡jÑ¡e£l l¡Sd¡e£ h¡¢mÑe nq­lz

'Bengal Water Proof'

¢a¢e aMe

i¡la£u ¢hfÔ­hl B¿¹ÑS¡¢aL fËu¡p J ­L¡j¡N¡a¡j¡l¦ OVe¡

pª¢ø L­l¢Rm

­c­n pnÙ» pwNË¡­jl ­rœ fËÙ¹¥a q­u­R S¡e­a ­f­l ApwMÉ fËh¡p£ ¢nM J
AeÉ¡eÉ i¡la£u ¢hfÔh£NZ i¡l­a ¢gl­a öl¦ L­lezAhnÉ Hy­cl j­dÉ p¡d¡lZ j¡e¤oJ A­e­L ¢R­me
k¡yl¡ k¤­Ül g­m i¡l­al ¢nÒf­r­œ ­k LjÑpwÙÛ¡­el ea¥e p¤¤­k¡N pª¢ø q­u¢Rm a¡l p¤¤­k¡N ¢e­a H­p
l¡S°e¢aL LjÑL¡­ä S¢s­u f­s¢Rmz

pw­r­f HC
jjÑ¡¢¿¹L OVe¡¢V E­õM­k¡NÉz

( )

j¡œ L¥¢sSe °hd ­m¡L R¡s¡ h¡¢L fË¡u

a¡lfl ay¡­cl f¢lZ¢a L£ q­h a¡ ­LE S¡­e e¡z

HC f¢l¢ÙÛ¢a­a HLC lLj B­l¡ HL¢V OVe¡ O­V ­Nmz

¢ho·¥ N­Zn

majority of these Shikhs had returned expecting to find India in a state of acute unrest and meaning to
convert this unrest into revolution. ( Sedition Committee Report, P. 105 )

ph­n­o ­pC L¡¢q¢ez

a¡l B­N i¡l­a ¢g­l Ncl-¢hfÔh£l¡ ­L¡e pwNË¡­j ¢Li¡­h k¤š² qm ­pC C¢aq¡­pl HL¢V pw¢rç l©f­lM¡ a¥­m
dl¡ fË­u¡Sez
i¡l­a ‘¢q¾c¥ (Ncl)-S¡jÑ¡e’ AiÉ¥›¡­el hÉbÑ fËu¡p

(h¡O¡ ka£e e¡­j f¢l¢Qa)


jq¡-avfl ¢X­pðl,

nlvQ­¾cÊl f­bl c¡¢h EfeÉ¡­pl ¢hfÔh£-e¡uL phÉp¡Q£l jaez

fËbj ¢hnÄk¤Ü

i¡l­a HL¢V ¢hË¢Vn-¢h­l¡d£ ¢hfÔh£ Ai¥É›¡­el B¿¹ÑS¡¢aL fË­Qø¡ Qm­R H¢V Ncl ¢hfÔh£­cl AS¡e¡
¢Rm e¡zNcl f¡¢VÑl fr ­b­L f¡”¡h£ Ncl-­üµR¡­phL­cl A¢a-â¥a HCL¡l­Z i¡l­a f¡¢W­u ­cJu¡l HLV¡ a¡s¡
¢RmzLaÑ¡l ¢pw p¡l¡i¡,p­¿¹¡o ¢pw i¡LÚe¡ HC L¡l­Z ­c­n ¢g­l H­p f¤¢m­nl q¡­a dl¡ f­se Hhw hsm¡V q¡¢XÑ”­L
qaÉ¡-osk¿¹ ¢e­u fËbbj m¡­q¡l-¢cõ£ osk¿» j¡jm¡ öl¦ qu k¡­a LaÑ¡l ¢pw ,hp¿¹L¥j¡l ¢hnÄ¡p fËj¤M A­eL ¢hfÔh£l
gy¡¢p quzl¡p¢hq¡l£ hp¤¤l p¡j¢lL AiÉ¥›¡­el fËu¡p hÉbÑ q­m ¢àa£u ¢hfÔh£ LjÑL¡ä i¡l­a öl¦ qu S¡jÑ¡¢el l¡Sd¡e£
h¡¢mÑe J BgN¡¢eÙÛ¡­el L¡h¤m­L ­L¾cÊ L­lzHR¡s¡ c¢rZ-f§hÑ H¢nu¡l Oy¡¢V…¢m­a¡ ¢RmCzB­j¢lL¡ J L¡e¡X¡­a k¤Ü
­hy­d k¡h¡l f­lC ¢hË¢Vn-Q¡­f Eiu ­c­nl plL¡l Ncl-f¡¢VÑl ­ea«a­Æ L ­cn R¡s¡ Ll¡l E­cÉ¡N ¢e­m A¢dL¡wnC
S­s¡ qe h¡¢mÑe nq­lzS¡jÑ¡e plL¡­ll L¡R ­b­L f§ZÑ B¢bÑL J p¡j¢lL p¡q¡­kÉl fË¢anË¢aJ ¢j­m¢Rmzh¡¢mÑe L¢j¢Vl
j¡dÉ­j aMe ­pM¡­e c¡¢uaÆ-fË¡ç ¢hfÔh£ h£­l¾cÊe¡b Q­–¡f¡dÉ¡u(p­l¡¢Se£ e¡CX¥l hs i¡C ; ¢a¢e AhnÉ c¡c¡l p­‰
­L¡eC pwpËh l¡M­ae e¡)ay¡l pqL¢jÑe£ B­j¢lL¡e ­eœ£ AÉ¡N­epÚ ­ØjX¢m(EšlL¡­ml fËMÉ¡a L¢jE¢eØV p¡wh¡¢cL)-
­L ¢e­u Hhw ¢h­hL¡e¾c Ae¤S i¨­f¾cÊe¡b cš zf­l L¡h¤­m Q­m k¡e jq: hlLvEõ¡q Hhwl¡S¡ j­q¾cÊfËa¡fz

‘ ’

¢hfÔh£ e¢me£¢L­n¡l
…q ¢m­M­Re: ‘ ’
mu¡mf¤­l BV hR­ll HL h¡mL iNv ¢pw ­p¢ce ¢WL L­l¢R­me ¢a¢eJ HL¢ce HC fb ­h­R ­e­hez
Ncl-S¡jÑ¡e-h¡Pm¡l ILÉhÜ ­no fËu¡p
pª¢ø L­l¢Rm


(f­l j¡e­h¾cÊe¡b l¡u e¡­j i¡l­al L¢jE¢eØV f¡¢VÑl AeÉaj


HC ¢hfÔ­hl f¢lLÒfe¡l ­rœ

fË¢a­hce (Zimmerman Report)

(Indian Independence Committee)

a­h S¡jÑ¡e£ pÇfÑ­L i¡l­a h¡P¡m£ J Ncl ¢hfÔhh¡c£­cl ilp¡ ¢Rmzhm¡ k¡u ay¡­cl ­no
Bn¡ ¢Rm h¡¢mÑez S¡jÑ¡e ­b­L f¡W¡ e¡ q­µR AÙ»-­h¡T¡C S¡q¡Sz


They considered that they were numerically strong enough to deal with the troops in Bengal, but they
feared re-inforcements from outside. With this idea in view they decided to hold up the three main reilways
into Bengal by blowing up the principal bridges,..” ( S. C. Report', P. 82)

¢L¿¹¥ ­p¢ce¢V Bl B­p¢ez¢Qš¢fËu l¡u­Q±d¤l£,j­e¡l”e ­pe…ç fËj¤M Q¡lSe p¡b£­L ¢e­u ka£¾cÊe¡b 1915
p¡­ml H¢fËm ­b­L E¢soÉ¡l h¡­mnÄ­ll L¡­R EfL¨mhaÑ£ NË¡­j L­uLj¡p d­l A­fr¡ Ll­a b¡­Le AÙ»-­h¡T¡C
S¡q¡­Sl fËaÉ¡n¡uz¢L¿¹¥ ­pC L¡¢´Ma S¡q¡S Bl H­p ­fy±R¡u ¢ezB­j¢lL¡l HL ­QL …çQ­ll p§œ ­b­L j¡¢LÑe
plL¡­ll ­N¡­u¾c¡ ¢hi¡­Nl j¡dÉ­j ¢hË¢Vn LaÑ«fr HC AÙ»-f¡Q¡­ll Mhl ­f­u k¡uzf¤¢m­nl al¦Z AvCp¡l Q¡mÑp
­VN¡­VÑl ­ea«aÆ ¢hn¡m f¤¢mn h¡¢qe£ ¢hfÔh£­cl AhÙÛ¡­el Mhl S¡e­a f¡­lzp¡j¢lL h¡¢qe£l p¡q¡kÉ ¢e­u h¡O¡
ka£e­cl ju¤li­”l S‰­ml jdÉ ¢c­u a¡s¡ L­l f¤¢mn-­g±S 9­p­ÃVðl 1915 a¡¢l­M ­fy±­R k¡u ¢hfÔh£­cl
L¡V¡ ­VÊ­’l L¡­Rz­pM¡­e HLO¾V¡l ­h¢n pju d­l Q­m a£hË …¢m hoÑZzi¡l­al ü¡d£ea¡ pwNË¡­jl C¢aq¡­p HV¡C
pwN¢Wa ¢hË¢Vn p¡jË¡­SÉl ¢hl¦­Ü i¡la£u­cl pÇj¥M pjlz¢hfÔh£l¡ pL­mC dl¡ f­se Bqa J jªazka£¾cÊe¡b
h¡­mnÄl q¡pf¡a¡­m j¡l¡ k¡e fl¢ce 10 ­p­ÃVðlz­VN¡­VÑl p­‰ HL B­m¡Qe¡u N¡å£¢S h¡O¡ ka£e­L DnÄl-
­fË¢la f¤l¦o h­m pÇj¡e ­c¢M­u­Rez¢L¿¹¥ N¡å£ S¡e­ae e¡ ­VN¡VÑ h¡O¡ ka£e pÇfÑ­L j¿¹hÉ L­l¢R­me ­k
CwmÉ­ä SeÈ¡­m ka£¾cÊe¡­bl ØVÉQ¥ ­emp­el f¡­n fË¢a¢ùa qa,h£l­aÆ ¢a¢e ¢R­me HaC jqvzl¡p¢hq¡l£ hp¤¤l
Ae¤f¢ÙÛ¢a­a ka£¾cÊe¡bC i¡l­a Cw­lS­cl ¢hl¦­Ü k¤Ü-­O¡oZ¡ L­l¢R­me,c¤i¡NÑÉhna k¡ hÉbÑ quz jÉ¡­i¢lL j¡mh¡q£
S¡q¡S¢V ¢hË¢Vn­cl q¡­a ­no fkÑ¿¹ dl¡ f­s¢Rm,¢L¿¹¥ a¡­a ­L¡­e¡ AÙ»-nÙ» ¢Rm e¡z­L¡­e¡ j¡m a¡­a ­h¡T¡C qu ¢ezHl
lqpÉ B­S¡ AS¡e¡!a­h Hl p­‰ S¢sa b¡L¡l SeÉ ApwMÉ i¡la£u­L fË¡Z ¢c­a q­u­R ,a¡ ­p p¡wq¡C­ul ­k¡d ¢pw
,¢Lwh¡ ­N¡u¡l ­i¡m¡e¡b QÉ¡V¡¢SÑz
S¡a£u-¢hfÔhh¡c ­b­L L¢jE¢eS­jl f­b

Õ±¿ù w±î Ô
, Õ±æ±ð Ý ý±üõþ
î ÂÎ÷±ý a­h

ph­n­o hm¡ Q­m ­c­n J ¢h­c­n Ncl f¡¢VÑl LjÑavfla¡ Hl fl e¡e¡ M¡­a fËh¡¢qa quzfËbj ­b­LC Ncl-
B­¾c¡me S¡a£u Lw­NË­pl jaeC e¡e¡-fËL¡­ll ¢hfÔh£­cl HL¢V hªqv j­’l jae ¢Rmz1912 ­b­L 1918 p¡­ml
j­dÉ fËd¡ea k¤ÜL¡m£e pj­u i¡lahoÑ­L p¡jË¡SÉh¡­cl Lhm ­b­L j¤š² Ll¡l ­k ¢hl¡V J c¤¢eu¡ ­S¡s¡ LjÑk‘ Qm¢Rm
a¡­a Ncl h¡ ¢h­â¡­ql f­b öd¤ f¡”¡h£ ¢nM,Ešl-f¢ÕQ­jl j¤pmj¡e h¡ Ešl-i¡la£u ¢q¾c¥,¢Lwh¡ h¡P¡¢m ¢hfÔh£l¡C
p¡¢jm qe¢e,ApwMÉ ü¡d£ea¡L¡j£ i¡la£u e¡e¡ ­c­n H¢nu¡-B¢éL¡-CE­l¡f J B­j¢lL¡­a Q¡l¢V jq¡­cn S¥­s
AwnNËqZ L­l¢R­me,e¡e¡ fkÑ¡­u,e¡e¡ Q¢l­œ,e¡e¡ ja¢h­l¡d J A¿¹Ñྭàl j­dÉ ­kje a¡ O­V¢Rm,­aj¢e lh£¾cÊe¡b
L¢ba HL jq¡S¡¢aNa I­LÉl ­fËr¡fVJ ­pM¡­e fËaÉr ¢Rmz
Ncl-f¡¢VÑl pcpÉ­cl A­e­L k¤Ü flhaÑ£L¡­m pj¡Sa¿»,j¡LÑph¡c J L¢jE¢eS­jl fb NËqZ L­l­R­mez1917p¡­ml
e­ið­l l¡¢nu¡u ­p¡¢i­ua hm­n¢iL ¢hfÔh ay¡­cl EŸ£ç L­l¢RmzfË¡š²e Ncl-pcpÉ J f­l L¢jE¢eØV ­ea¡ ­p¡qe
¢pw ­k¡­nl ­mM¡ B ¢q¢ØVÊ Ah cÉ Ncl f¡¢VÑ ­b­L S¡e¡ k¡u B­j¢lL¡u kMe Ncl¡CVp­cl ¢hl¦­Ü p¡eé¡¢¾p­ú¡-
¢q¾c¥ (¢q¾c¥ j¡­e Jl¡ phpj­u C¢äu¡e h¤T­a¡ aMe) osk¿» j¡jm¡ Qm­R aMe ¢hfÔh£ a¡lLe¡b c¡­pl BÙ¹¡e¡ ­b­L
j¡¢LÑe ­N¡­u¾c¡l¡ HL¢V fœ f¡e ­k¢V ­mM¡ q­u­R LmL¡a¡l ­S¡s¡py¡­L¡ W¡L¥lh¡¢s ­b­L 12 ¢X­pðl 1918 a¡¢l­M
[fœ¢Vl ¢hou hÙ¹¥l SeÉ âøhÉ CPI(M) Central Committee fËL¡¢na History of The Communist Movement in
India(1920-33),Vol.I,Left Word,2002;pp.31-32]Hhw ¢Q¢W¢V ­mM¡ q­u¢Rm ­p¡¢i­ua l¡¢nu¡l ¢hfÔc£ LaÑ«f­rl
L¡­R i¡lah­oÑl ¢hfÔh£ B­¾c¡m­e pq­k¡¢Na¡ L¡je¡ L­lzpñha HC ¢Q¢W ­fËl­Zl fÕQ¡­a ­p±­j¾cÊe¡b W¡L¥­ll
i¨¢jL¡ l­u­R ;¢L¿¹¥ Ncl f¡¢VÑl HLSe fËd¡e ­ea¡ a¡lLe¡b c¡­pl L¡­R HC fœ ­fy±R¡­e¡ Ncl-pcpÉ­cl p­‰
hm­n¢iL l¡¢nu¡l pÇfÑ­Ll fËj¡Zz
1917 p¡­m Lj­lX ­m¢e­el ­ea«­aÆ hm­n¢iL ¢hfÔh J l¡¢nu¡u ­p¡¢i­ua pj¡Sa¿» fË¢aù¡l fl aMe fª¢bh£l
pLm ¢hfÔh£l fb j­ú¡l ¢c­LzAm ­l¡XpÚ m£X V¥ L¢jE¢eSjÚ zNcl pq i¡la£u ¢hfÔh£l¡J HLC f¿Û¡ Ae¤plZ
L­l¢R­mez¢hË¢Vn-i¡la plL¡­ll ül¡øÊ ¢hi¡­Nl abÉ ­b­L(File No. 235/1928)S¡e¡ k¡u ­k Ncl-¢hfÔh£­cl œ²jnx
L¢jE¢eØV f¡¢VÑ­a pwN¢Wa qJu¡l ¢hou¢V­L Cw­lS plL¡­ll Bnˆ¡l L¡lZ q­u¢Rmzhm¡ qu : “The Ghadar
Party which started as a revolutionary nationalist Party has,after 1920,become a movement run
under communist leadership.”
fËbj ¢hnÄk¤­Ül Ahp¡­e Ncl B­¾c¡m­el fËbj fkÑ¡­ul Ahp¡e OV­mJ a¡l ¢àa£u fkÑ¡u öl¦ qu 1919 p¡m
­b­LC j­ú¡­a L¢jE¢eØV B¿¹ÑS¡¢aL fË¢aù¡l p§œ d­lzNcl ¢hfÔh£l¡ HC pj­u R¢s­u f­s¢R­me öd¤ l¡¢nu¡u
eu,a¥lú,BgN¡¢eÙÛ¡e,Cl¡e fËi«¢a jdÉ H¢nu¡l AeÉ¡eÉ ­c­nzHy­cl j­dÉ ­kje ¢nMl¡ ¢R­me ­aj¢e ¢R­me j¤p¢mj
¢hfÔh£NZ h¡ j¤q¡¢Sll¡zj­ú¡­a hlLa¥õ¡qÚ ,i¡C p­¿¹¡M ¢pw,lae ¢pw fËj¤M fË¡š²e Ncl ­ea«aÆ ¢h­no pj¡cl m¡i
L­lezf­l ­fy±R¡e h¡¢mÑe ­b­L h£­l¾cÊe¡b ,i¨­f¾cÊe¡b fËj¤MzHj. He. l¡u H­p¢R­me ­j¢„²­L¡ ­b­Lz­m¢e­el p­‰
p¡r¡v L­l A­e­L ¢e­S­cl LaÑhÉ LjÑ ¢edÑ¡¢la L­l ­eezi¡l­a L¢jE¢eØV B­¾c¡me N­s ­a¡m¡u Hy­cl ¢LR¥
i¨¢jL¡ AhnÉC ¢Rmz¢h­noa flhaÑ£L¡­m f¡”¡­h ky¡l¡ L¢jE¢eØV f¡¢VÑ N­s ­a¡­me ay¡­cl A­e­Ll p­‰C f¤l¡­e¡
Ncl c­ml pw­k¡N ¢Rmz¢hË¢Vn ­N¡­u¾c¡ A¢gp¡l ­X¢iX ­f¢VÊl e¢bf­œ H¢ho­u hý abÉ¡¢c B­Rz­p¡¢i­ua l¡¢nu¡u
AdÉ¡fL hlLa¥õ¡q­L ¢c­u ¢h¢iæ ÙÛ¡­e j¤p¢mj­cl j­dÉ hš²«a¡ Ll¡­e¡ quzhm­n¢iL pwh¡cfœ fË¡ic¡ J CS­i¢Ù¹u¡
­a ay¡l ¢ehå fËL¡n Ll¡ quzhlLa¥õ¡ql l¡S°e¢aL ¢Q¿¹¡ J L¡kÑ¡hm£ ¢e­u ¢hÙ¹«a B­m¡Qe¡ Ll¡ q­u­R M.A,
Persits l¢Qa Indian Revolutionaries in Soviet Russia (pp.45-50) NË­¿Û zhlLa¥õ¡q ¢e­S H¢ho­u h­m¢R­me,
“I am an uncompromising enemy of European capitalism which is headed by British Imperialism.”
j¡¢LÑe k¤š²l¡­øÊJ c£OÑL¡m Ncl f¡¢VÑ ehl©­f a¡­cl pwNWe ¢hÙ¹¡l Ll­a ­f­l¢Rmzp¡eé¡e¢p­ú¡l Ncl ­L¾cÊ ­b­L
h¡la£u ¢hfÔh£­cl e¡e¡ dl­Zl B¢bÑL J AeÉ pq¡ua¡ ­cJu¡ qaz1926 p¡­ml 19S¡e¤u¡¢l p¡eé¡e¢p­ú¡l ¢hË¢Vn
Lep¡m J Ju¡¢nwV­el ¢hË¢Vn AÉ¡jh¡p¡X¡­ll j­dÉ ­k fœ(ew 43 p§œ: Bhagat Singh Bilga, ‘Reorientation of
The Gadhar Party(1920-26)’ in Heritage,Bulletin of the History Sub-committee,Jalandhar,144
001;No.4,November 1,1996. )Q¡m¡Q¡¢m qu a¡­a hm¡ q­u¢Rm, “ An year ago,the Gadhar Party in Cali-
fornia was so week that it was about to close its doors.It is alive today and recruiting new
members.They are making huge contributions for the freedom struggle.The money is being sent to
revolutionaries in India.”
i¡lah­oÑl f¡”¡­h HC pj­ul AL¡¢m B­¾c¡m­el ­r­œ fËÙ¹¥¢a­aJ Ncl f¡¢VÑl I¢aqÉ ¢œ²u¡n£m ¢RmzBl f§­hÑC E­õM
Ll¢R ­k ¢cõ£l f¡mÑ¡­j­¾V i¡l­al nË¢jL-­nZ£l Efl S¥m¤­jl fË¢ah¡­c J jafËL¡­nl A¢dL¡l fË¢aù¡l c¡¢h­a iNv
¢pw,hV¥­LnÄl cšl¡ kMe ­h¡j¡-¢h­Øg¡le Ll­me Hhw dÆ¢e a¥m­me Ce¢Lm¡h ¢S¾c¡h¡c,ka£e c¡p L¡l¡N¡­l Aen­e S£he
¢c­me aMeJ ay¡­cl Øj«¢a­a a¡S¡ m¡m¡ qlcu¡­ml 1912 p¡­m l¢Qa ¢ehå ¢g­m¡S¢g Ah hð Hhw 1915 p¡­m gy¡¢pl
j­’ BaÈ¡ý¢a ­cJu¡ 19 hR­ll al¦Z LaÑ¡l ¢pw p¡l¡i¡l m¡nza­h iNv ¢pw-l¡ p¿»¡ph¡­cl fb f¢laÉ¡N L­l¢R­me Hhw
L¡l¡L­r j¡LÑph¡c­LC S£h­el dË¥h-erœ l©­f NËqZ L­l¢R­mezNcl B­¾c¡m­el p¡bÑL f¢lZ¢a HM¡­eCz

¢ehÑ¡¢Qa NË¿Ûp§œ :
1. Campbell, Peter (1999), East Meets Left: South Asian Militants and the Socialist Party of Canada
in British Columbia,1904-1914.Vol 20, Autumn 1999. International Council for Canadian Studies.
2. Jensen, Joan M (1979), The "Hindu Conspiracy": A Reassessment. The Pacific Historical Review,
Vol. 48, No. 1. (Feb., 1979), pp. 65-83, University of California Press, ISSN 0030-8684.
3. Johnson, Hugh J M (1979), The Voyage of the Komagata Maru: The Sikh Challenge to Canada's
Colour Bar., University of British Columbia Press, ISBN 0774803401.
4. Popplewell, Richard J (1995), Intelligence and Imperial Defence: British Intelligence and the
Defence of the Indian Empire 1904-1924., Routledge, ISBN 071464580X.
5. Deepak, B. R. (1999), Revolutionary Activities of the Ghadar Party in China. China Report
1999; 35; 439, Sage Publications, ISSN: 0009-4455.
6.Hoover, Karl. (1985), ‘The Hindu Conspiracy in California, 1913-1918’. German Studies Review,
Vol. 8, No. 2. (May, 1985), pp. 245-261, German Studies Association, ISBN 01497952.
7. Brown, Giles (1948), The Hindu Conspiracy, 1914-1917.The Pacific Historical Review, Vol. 17,
No. 3. (Aug., 1948), pp. 299-310, University of California Press, ISSN 0030-8684.
8. Puri, Harish K (1980), Revolutionary Organization: A Study of the Ghadar Movement,Social
Scientist, Vol. 9, No. 2/3. (Sep. - Oct., 1980), pp. 53-66, Social Scientist, ISSN: 09700293
9. Malwinder Jit Singh( Edited ), War Against King Emperior Ghadar of 1914-15;Bhai Sahib Randhir
Singh Trust. Ludhiana, 2001
10. Documents kept in Gadar Memorial Center, San Francisco,USA and Jalandhar,India.
11. D.Chenchiah, ‘The Gadar Party : Reminiscences’ See Heritage,Bulletin of the History Sub-
committee,Jalandhar,144 001;No.3,July23,1996;p.5-9)
12.Arun Bose , Indian Revolutionaries Abroad, 1905-1922; 1971. Bharati Bhawan
13.Sohan Singh Josh, History of Gadar Party ,
14.Baba Sohan Singh Bhakna’s Account in D.Chenchiah, ‘The Gadar Party : Reminiscences’ in
Heritage,Bulletin of the History Sub-committee,Jalandhar,144 001;No.3,July23,1996.
15. THE GHADR DIRECTORY (Containing the names of person who have taken part in the Ghadr
movement in America, Europe, Africa andAfghanistan as well as in India) COMPILED BY The Di-
rector, Intelligence Bureau, Home DepartmentGovernment of India,1934 (This supersedes the Punjab
Ghadr Directory issued in 1917)
16. Persits M.A, Indian Revolutionaries in Soviet Russia; Moscow ; 1983.
17. Josh Bhagwan,The Communist MovementinPunjab,1926-47; Annapurna Publications,
18.. X. a¡l¡nˆl f¡¢ZNË¡q£ ,fËbj ¢hnÄk¤Ü J pjL¡m£e i¡l­al j¤¢š² B­¾c¡me;i¡la£,LmL¡a¡,1984
19. X. i¨­f¾cÊe¡b cš ,AfËL¡¢na l¡S°e¢aL C¢aq¡p ;ehi¡la,LmL¡a¡z
20. e¢me£¢L­n¡l …q, h¡wm¡u ¢hfÔhh¡c ,H j¤M¡¢SÑ HÉ¡ä ­L¡w,LmL¡a¡,1969
21. i¨­f¾cÊ¢L­n¡l l¢ra l¡u,i¡l­a pnÙ» ¢hfÔh,lh£¾cÊ m¡C­hËl£ ,LmL¡a¡ ,1970


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