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Traditional approaches to security are struggling.

Organizations have centralized all connectivity to simplify protection.

This has created a challenge to businesses since more traffic is now destined to the cloud.

With more user activity being performed off the enterprise network, security has become a poor
user experience, inconsistent in deployment, or just non-existent.

Prisma Access is helping overcome these issues by layering network connectivity with security to
ensure performance, reliability and protection.

Prisma Access provides best-in-class security to every user and location seamlessly through a
single cloud platform.

This is Secure Access Service Edge. A secure perimeter everywhere.

Prisma Access makes it easy to connect:

Corporate headquarters to data centers

Remote locations to corporate offices

Remote users to all corporate locations

Using Palo Alto Networks next-generation security:

Internet traffic from remote users is now fully protected

Branch offices can get consistent security to the cloud

The same goes for corporate locations

Prisma Access provides:

Full visibility to all applications

Prevention of malicious content and cyberattacks

On-demand scalability

User experience monitoring and problem resolution

Cloud based security management

Policy enforcement with zero touch provisioning

Prisma Access offers businesses:

Reductions in complexity and costs

Improvements in security and performance

Increased agility and effectiveness

Prisma Access is transforming businesses by combining distributed enterprise networking with the
power of Palo Alto Networks security anywhere around the globe.

Go Palo Alto Networks!

////// traducción /////

Los enfoques tradicionales de la seguridad se resisten.

Las organizaciones han centralizado toda la conectividad para simplificar la protección.

Esto ha supuesto un reto para las empresas, ya que ahora se destina más tráfico a la nube.

Con una mayor actividad de los usuarios fuera de la red de la empresa, la seguridad se ha
convertido en una mala experiencia para el usuario, inconsistente en el despliegue, o simplemente

Prisma Access está ayudando a superar estos problemas mediante la estratificación de la

conectividad de red con la seguridad para garantizar el rendimiento, la fiabilidad y la protección.

Prisma Access proporciona la mejor seguridad de su clase a cada usuario y ubicación sin problemas
a través de una única plataforma en la nube.

Esto es Secure Access Service Edge. Un perímetro seguro en todas partes.

Prisma Access facilita la conexión:

Oficinas corporativas a centros de datos

Ubicaciones remotas a las oficinas corporativas
Usuarios remotos a todas las ubicaciones corporativas

Utilizando la seguridad de nueva generación de Palo Alto Networks:

El tráfico de Internet de los usuarios remotos está ahora totalmente protegido

Las sucursales pueden obtener seguridad coherente en la nube
Lo mismo ocurre con las ubicaciones corporativas

Prisma Access proporciona:

Visibilidad completa de todas las aplicaciones

Prevención de contenidos maliciosos y ciberataques
Escalabilidad bajo demanda
Supervisión de la experiencia del usuario y resolución de problemas
Gestión de la seguridad basada en la nube
Aplicación de políticas con aprovisionamiento sin intervención

Prisma Access ofrece a las empresas

Reducción de la complejidad y los costes

Mejoras en la seguridad y el rendimiento
Mayor agilidad y eficacia
Prisma Access está transformando las empresas mediante la combinación de redes empresariales
distribuidas con la potencia de la seguridad de Palo Alto Networks en cualquier lugar del mundo.

¡Vamos Palo Alto Networks!.

In the previous Sales Sprint lesson, you were introduced to Prisma Access and learned the
following about the product:

1. Prisma Access is a Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) solution that combines connectivity with

2. Prisma Access uses a cloud-delivered architecture to bring consistent and scalable security
closer to users and locations

3. Prisma Access monitors performance, reduces maintenance efforts and lowers costs


En la lección anterior de Sales Sprint, se le presentó Prisma Access y aprendió lo siguiente sobre el

1. Prisma Access es una solución Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) que combina conectividad con

2. Prisma Access utiliza una arquitectura entregada en la nube para acercar la seguridad
consistente y escalable a los usuarios y ubicaciones

3. Prisma Access supervisa el rendimiento, reduce los esfuerzos de mantenimiento y disminuye los
Prisma Access: A Complete SASE Solution

Delivering networking and security organizations need today requires a new approach.

Prisma Access is the SASE solution that will provide what customers need - connectivity for remote
workforces and locations combined with best-in-class protection.

How Does Prisma Access Work?

Designed from the ground up, Prisma Access establishes connections via a Network as a Service
layer and secures access via a Security as a Service layer.


Prisma Access: Una Solución SASE Completa

La entrega de redes y seguridad que las organizaciones necesitan hoy en día requiere un nuevo

Prisma Access es la solución SASE que proporcionará lo que los clientes necesitan: conectividad
para fuerzas de trabajo y ubicaciones remotas combinada con la mejor protección de su clase.

¿Cómo funciona Prisma Access?

Diseñado desde cero, Prisma Access establece conexiones a través de una capa de Red como
Servicio y asegura el acceso a través de una capa de Seguridad como Servicio.
Ineffective security for remote workforces has created a new category of solutions, Secure Access
Service Edge (SASE).

Prisma Access provides an effective security infrastructure for off-premise users around the world.

Prisma Access allows remote users, remote devices and remote networks to connect without the
complexity of configuration.

Prisma Access provides access locations that are interconnected with WAN backbone services to
carry traffic to enterprise locations or the Internet.

Prisma Access inspects traffic and enforces security policies before routing it out to the Internet,
cloud applications, headquarters, or a private data center.

Prisma Access provides direct access to corporate resources and eliminates the need to backhaul
traffic in order to reach the Internet.

Prisma Access leverages next-generation firewall capabilities to inspect traffic bidirectionally and
apply threat prevention, malware prevention, URL filtering, SSL decryption and more.


La seguridad ineficaz de las fuerzas de trabajo remotas ha creado una nueva categoría de
soluciones, Secure Access Service Edge (SASE).

Prisma Access proporciona una infraestructura de seguridad eficaz para usuarios remotos de todo
el mundo.

Prisma Access permite que usuarios remotos, dispositivos remotos y redes remotas se conecten
sin la complejidad de la configuración.

Prisma Access proporciona ubicaciones de acceso interconectadas con servicios de red troncal
WAN para transportar tráfico a ubicaciones empresariales o a Internet.
Prisma Access inspecciona el tráfico y aplica políticas de seguridad antes de enrutarlo a Internet, a
aplicaciones en la nube, a la sede central o a un centro de datos privado.

Prisma Access proporciona acceso directo a los recursos corporativos y elimina la necesidad de
retransmitir el tráfico para llegar a Internet.

Prisma Access aprovecha las capacidades del cortafuegos de nueva generación para inspeccionar
el tráfico bidireccionalmente y aplicar prevención de amenazas, prevención de malware, filtrado
de URL, descifrado SSL y mucho más.
Palo Alto Networks protects users, applications and data anywhere with intelligent network

Prisma Access provides a cloud-native infrastructure to deliver secure connectivity for remote
networks and mobile users.

Global users and locations use Prisma Access for access, comprehensive security services and
performance analysis

Prisma Access covers all applications with market leading protection and enhanced productivity
for optimal digital experiences


Palo Alto Networks protege a usuarios, aplicaciones y datos en cualquier lugar con seguridad de
red inteligente

Prisma Access proporciona una infraestructura nativa en la nube para ofrecer conectividad segura
a redes remotas y usuarios móviles.

Usuarios y ubicaciones de todo el mundo utilizan Prisma Access para el acceso, los servicios
integrales de seguridad y el análisis del rendimiento.

Prisma Access cubre todas las aplicaciones con una protección líder en el mercado y una
productividad mejorada para experiencias digitales óptimas.
In the previous Sales Sprint lesson, you were introduced to Prisma SD-WAN and learned the
following about the product:

Prisma SD-WAN provides agility, intelligence and performance for customer wide area networks

Prisma SD-WAN understands applications and optimizes network efficiency

Prisma SD-WAN uses machine learning and automation to simplify network management

Wide area networks (WAN) have been around since the early days of computing. Initially created
using telephone lines and modems, WANs transmit data over long distances and between
different networks.

Today, you can find WANs that utilize options such as leased lines, packet switched networks,
wireless, satellite and broadband internet to provide connectivity.

A wide area network connects smaller networks, such as local area networks (LAN) and
metropolitan area networks (MAN).

WANs extend over large geographic distances with the purpose to relay data from various
locations (branch offices, data centers, headquarters and remote sites).


En la lección anterior de Sales Sprint, se le presentó Prisma SD-WAN y aprendió lo siguiente sobre
el producto:

Prisma SD-WAN proporciona agilidad, inteligencia y rendimiento para las redes de área amplia de
los clientes.

Prisma SD-WAN entiende las aplicaciones y optimiza la eficiencia de la red

Prisma SD-WAN utiliza el aprendizaje automático y la automatización para simplificar la gestión de
la red.

Una red de área extensa conecta redes más pequeñas, como las redes de área local (LAN) y las
redes de área metropolitana (MAN).

Las WAN se extienden a lo largo de grandes distancias geográficas con el fin de retransmitir datos
desde distintas ubicaciones (sucursales, centros de datos, sedes y sitios remotos).


Prisma SD-WAN provides centralized control to define SD-WAN policies, establish application SLA
thresholds and deliver network services from the cloud.

Prisma SD-WAN makes connecting networks easy and simplifies deployments with zero touch

Prisma SD-WAN uses artificial intelligence (machine learning) to automate network analysis and
problem avoidance of SD-WAN issues.

Prisma SD-WAN CloudBlades eliminates the complexity of integrating SD-WAN branch devices
with cloud infrastructure services.

Prisma SD-WAN ION appliances provide visibility into application performance and combine
different transport technologies into a unified hybrid WAN.

Prisma SD-WAN can use lower cost internet connections to build higher performing WANs without
the need for expensive private networks.

Prisma SD-WAN seamlessly delivers best-of-breed cloud services for security (Prisma Access),
voice, video, multi-cloud and IT operations.

Prisma SD-WAN proporciona un control centralizado para definir políticas SD-WAN, establecer
umbrales SLA de aplicación y ofrecer servicios de red desde la nube.

Prisma SD-WAN facilita la conexión de redes y simplifica los despliegues con un aprovisionamiento
sin intervención.

Prisma SD-WAN utiliza inteligencia artificial (aprendizaje automático) para automatizar el análisis
de la red y evitar problemas de SD-WAN.

Prisma SD-WAN CloudBlades elimina la complejidad de integrar dispositivos SD-WAN de sucursal

con servicios de infraestructura en la nube.

Los dispositivos Prisma SD-WAN ION proporcionan visibilidad del rendimiento de las aplicaciones y
combinan diferentes tecnologías de transporte en una WAN híbrida unificada.

Prisma SD-WAN puede utilizar conexiones a Internet de bajo coste para construir redes WAN de
mayor rendimiento sin necesidad de costosas redes privadas.

Prisma SD-WAN ofrece a la perfección los mejores servicios en la nube para seguridad (Prisma
Access), voz, vídeo, multi-nube y operaciones de TI.
Preguntas palo alto:

1.- Prisma Access connects and secures traffic for:

 Branch offices
 Corporate headquarters
 Data centers
 Remote users
 The Internet

2.- Prisma Access utilizes a single cloud platform to provide best-in-class security to every user and

3.- Bringing all remote user, device and location traffic to the data center before it can reach
external resources creates a bottleneck.  This approach is known as: “Tromboning”

4.- Correct!

Network as a Service provides:

 Distributed Points of Presence (POPs)

 High Bandwidth Backbone Access
 Virtual Private Network Connectivity

Security as a Service provides:

 Behavior Analysis
 Stream-based Session Scanning
 Threat Protection

5.- Joy is a finance user who works from home. She has VPN client software installed on her

True or False: Joy can connect to Prisma Access to access her electronic files that are stored at the
headquarters office.

Traffic from a home office user to internal applications and services can traverse a VPN to Prisma
Access, which will provide the best route to the internal network (ex. headquarters office).

6.- Tom is a salesperson and he is always traveling.  Tom does everything with his mobile phone to
close deals.

True or False:  Tom can use his phone to connect to Prisma Access to secure his traffic when he
uses Salesforce.

R = true

Prisma Access allows organizations to extend protection to mobile user traffic destined to the
Internet as well as internal services and applications.

7.- Roxanne works in a branch office and a lot of her work is either using a database hosted in the
corporate data center or researching different websites on the Internet. 

True or False:  Roxanne's traffic to the corporate data center and the Internet can be secured by
Prisma Access.

R = true

Branch offices are able to have traffic destined for the Internet or another internal site (ex. data
center) protected by Prisma Access.

8.- A study by McKinsey & Company found a percentage of companies route all cloud traffic to the
data center in order to use existing security protections there.

What is the percentage of companies McKinsey found that conduct this practice?
R = 75%

9.- Current cloud-delivered security solutions have several challenges.

What are the challenges these solutions have?

R = The challenges for cloud-delivered security solutions are:

Incomplete Security

Limited Application Coverage

Poor User Experience

10 .- Palo Alto Networks SASE solution is the combination of which two products?

R = Prisma Access and Prisma SD-WAN

11.- How many service access points does Prisma Access have globally?

R= more than 100 in 76 countries


Prisma SD-WAN key differentiators are:

- Application-level Performance Metrics

- Autonomous Operations (Machine Learning)

- CloudBlades (API Integration)

These differentiators solve the challenges of legacy SD-WAN solutions:

- Limited Application Visibility

- Manual Operations

- Require Multiple Point Products

Zero Trust an Integral Part of Secure Access Service Edge

Read the below quote from Gartner's 2021 Strategic Roadmap for SASE Convergence to see why
we believe Zero Trust and ZTNA are key entry points to adopting SASE:

"Delivering a zero trust security posture is an integral part of emerging SASE offerings. Zero trust
networking models replace implicit trust (zero implicit trust is the goal) with continuously assessed
risk/trust levels. They adapt the amount of explicit trust granted for interactions as context
surrounding the interactions changes.

The need to agilely support digital business transformation efforts with a zero trust security
posture while keeping complexity manageable is a significant driver for the emerging SASE market,
primarily delivered as a cloud-based service. This market converges network (SD-WAN) and
network security services (such as SWG, CASB, ZTNA, and FWaaS)."


Zero Trust, parte integral de Secure Access Service Edge

Lea la siguiente cita de Gartner's 2021 Strategic Roadmap for SASE Convergence para ver por qué
creemos que Zero Trust y ZTNA son puntos de entrada clave para adoptar SASE:

"Ofrecer una postura de seguridad de confianza cero es una parte integral de las ofertas SASE
emergentes. Los modelos de red de confianza cero sustituyen la confianza implícita (el objetivo es
la confianza implícita cero) por niveles de riesgo/confianza evaluados continuamente. Adaptan la
cantidad de confianza explícita concedida a las interacciones a medida que cambia el contexto que
las rodea.

La necesidad de apoyar con agilidad los esfuerzos de transformación digital de las empresas con
una postura de seguridad de confianza cero, manteniendo al mismo tiempo una complejidad
manejable, es un motor importante para el mercado emergente de SASE, que se ofrece
principalmente como un servicio basado en la nube. Este mercado hace converger servicios de red
(SD-WAN) y de seguridad de red (como SWG, CASB, ZTNA y FWaaS)."
What does Prisma Access do?

Prisma Access protects the hybrid workforce with the superior security of ZTNA 2.0 while
providing exceptional user experiences from a simple, unified security product. Purpose-built in
the cloud to secure at cloud scale, only Prisma Access protects all application traffic with best-in-
class capabilities while securing both access and data to dramatically reduce the risk of a data
breach. With a common policy framework and single-pane-of-glass management, Prisma Access
secures today’s hybrid workforce without compromising performance, backed by industry-leading
SLAs to ensure exceptional user experiences.


¿Qué hace Prisma Access?

Prisma Access protege la fuerza de trabajo híbrida con la seguridad superior de ZTNA 2.0 mientras
proporciona experiencias de usuario excepcionales desde un producto de seguridad simple y
unificado. Construido específicamente en la nube para asegurar a escala de nube, sólo Prisma
Access protege todo el tráfico de aplicaciones con las mejores capacidades de su clase, al tiempo
que asegura tanto el acceso como los datos para reducir drásticamente el riesgo de una violación
de datos. Con un marco de política común y la gestión de un solo panel de vidrio, Prisma Access
asegura la fuerza de trabajo híbrida de hoy sin comprometer el rendimiento, respaldado por SLAs
líderes en la industria para garantizar experiencias de usuario excepcionales.

ZTNA 2.0.

Fine-grained least privilege access with deep and ongoing security inspection as well as enterprise
DLP to protect all users, devices, apps, and data from even the most sophisticated threats

In a Unified Security Product.

Comprehensive protections converged into a unified product with single-pane-of-glass visibility

and management, consistent policy, and shared data for all users and all apps to dramatically
reduce the risk of a data breach.

With the Best User Experience.

A truly cloud-native architecture built to secure today’s digital enterprises at cloud scale, providing
uncompromised performance backed by leading SLAs. Prisma Access also pairs with our industry-
leading Digital Experience Monitoring solution (ADEM) to provide unprecedented visibility into
work-from-home and branch environments and deliver an exceptional user experience.


ZTNA 2.0

Acceso de mínimos privilegios con inspección de seguridad profunda y continua, así como DLP
empresarial para proteger a todos los usuarios, dispositivos, aplicaciones y datos de las amenazas
más sofisticadas en cualquier lugar.

En un producto de seguridad unificado

Protecciones integrales convergentes en un producto unificado con visibilidad y gestión desde un

único panel, políticas coherentes y datos compartidos para todos los usuarios y todas las
aplicaciones para reducir drásticamente el riesgo de filtración de datos.

Con la mejor experiencia de usuario

Una arquitectura verdaderamente nativa de la nube construida para asegurar las empresas
digitales de hoy en día a escala de la nube, proporcionando un rendimiento sin compromisos
respaldado por SLA líderes. Prisma Access también se empareja con nuestra solución líder en la
industria Digital Experience Monitoring (ADEM) para proporcionar una visibilidad sin precedentes
en entornos de trabajo desde casa y sucursales y ofrecer una experiencia de usuario excepcional.

Top Use Cases for Prisma SD-WAN

The best scenarios to implement Prisma SD-WAN are router modernization, cloud migration and
automated networking operations.

Router modernization

A company trying to upgrade legacy routers to intelligent, lightweight appliances at the branch
and enable Zero-Touch Provisioning capabilities to reduce manual, labor-intensive branch

This results in improving end user experience by enabling a 10x increase in WAN bandwidth for a
lower cost than legacy solutions, and accelerates branch deployments with zero touch
provisioning, deploying over 1000 branches in less than 30 minutes.

Cloud Migration

A company migrating to the cloud can truly transform the WAN to enable seamless cloud and SaaS
app adoption, reducing enterprise WAN costs by up to 82%.

This enables all branch services to be delivered from the cloud, including networking, security,
voice services and more, and a 243% ROI.

Automated Networking Operations

A company that wants to simplify and automate operations with machine learning and data
science can easily integrate security as well as get the visibility and control needed to ensure the
best performance and consistent availability of the network (reducing network trouble tickets by

Principales Casos de Uso para Prisma SD-WAN

Los mejores escenarios para implementar Prisma SD-WAN son la modernización de routers, la
migración a la nube y las operaciones de red automatizadas.

Modernización de routers

Una empresa que intenta modernizar los routers heredados para convertirlos en dispositivos
inteligentes y ligeros en la sucursal y habilitar capacidades de aprovisionamiento sin intervención
para reducir el aprovisionamiento manual y laborioso de la sucursal.

Esto mejora la experiencia del usuario final al permitir multiplicar por 10 el ancho de banda WAN
por un coste inferior al de las soluciones heredadas, y acelera el despliegue de sucursales con el
aprovisionamiento sin intervención, desplegando más de 1.000 sucursales en menos de 30

Migración a la nube

Una empresa que migra a la nube puede transformar realmente la WAN para permitir la adopción
de aplicaciones SaaS y en la nube sin problemas, reduciendo los costes de WAN de la empresa
hasta en un 82%.

Esto permite que todos los servicios de las sucursales se presten desde la nube, incluidos los
servicios de red, seguridad y voz, entre otros, y un retorno de la inversión del 243%.

Operaciones de red automatizadas

Una empresa que desee simplificar y automatizar las operaciones con aprendizaje automático y
ciencia de datos puede integrar fácilmente la seguridad, así como obtener la visibilidad y el control
necesarios para garantizar el mejor rendimiento y la disponibilidad constante de la red
(reduciendo las incidencias de red en un 99 %).
Organizational Indicators

All organizations with more than 20 branch locations

All verticals, however, we have been historically strong in Financial Services, Manufacturing, and

Existing customer or new logo - SD-WAN provides Palo Alto Networks with a unique opportunity to
drive a wedge into and win in Cisco / Fortinet / CheckPoint stronghold accounts.

Technology Indicators.

MPLS VPN or other IP VPNs

Site-to-Site VPN

Cisco ISR or other legacy branch

routers (take benefit of the 8 million+ ISRs in branch offices that are due for refresh)

SD-WAN from another vendor, deployed more than 3 years ago

Direct to Internet connections into their branch offices or retail locations

indicadores de organización

Todas las organizaciones con más de 20 sucursales

Todos los sectores verticales, aunque históricamente hemos sido fuertes en servicios financieros,
fabricación y venta al por menor.

Cliente existente o nuevo logotipo: SD-WAN proporciona a Palo Alto Networks una oportunidad
única para abrirse paso y ganar en cuentas baluarte de Cisco / Fortinet / CheckPoint.

Indicadores tecnológicos.


VPN de sitio a sitio

Cisco ISR u otros routers

(aproveche los más de 8 millones de ISR en sucursales que deben renovarse)

SD-WAN de otro proveedor, desplegada hace más de 3 años

Conexiones directas a Internet en sus sucursales o establecimientos minoristas


How many locations do you manage today including branch locations and DCs?

Where do your applications live and how do you access them?

What is your plan for future growth? Do you feel you have ultimate agility when it comes to
turning up new sites?

Do your network tools allow you to not only have visibility but also make real-time changes based
on the performance of your applications?

Are you planning for a network refresh (replacing legacy hardware routers) or telco

Which SASE security-as-a-service layer capability provides visibility into

SaaS application use, understands where sensitive data resides, enforces
company policies for user access, and protects data from hackers?

 secure web gateway (SWG)

 data loss prevention (DLP)

 firewall as a service (FWaaS)

 cloud access security broker (CASB)//

QoS tagging can be done according to policy within Prisma Access,

however, Prisma Access does not support 3rd party tools for tagging.

 True
 False ///

What are the two use cases for Prisma SD-WAN? CORRECTA

 WAN transformation and compliance

 SOC transformation and branch transformation

 WAN transformation and branch transformation ////

 SOC transformation and Endpoint Threat Prevention

SASE is an acronym for: CORRECTA

 Security Automation Service Engine

 Secure Access Service Edge //

 Security Architecture Support Environment

A reasonable estimate for the typical savings made by switching from


 90%

 40-90%
 0-40% ///

Which two products make the Palo Alto Networks SASE solution? (Choose
two.) correcta
Select All Correct Responses

 Prisma Cloud
 Prisma Access //
 Prisma SD-WAN //
 VM-Series
BYOD is an acronym for: CORRECTA

 Broad Yield Outer Detection

 Bring Your Own DNS

 Bring Your Own Device //

Which of these is a limitation of a cloud proxy? CORRECTA

 Proxies are OS specific

 A proxy cannot identify DoS attacks

 A proxy is designed primarily for web traffic, and adapting a proxy to inspect
non-web traffic is very difficult ////

Which security technology is designed to help organizations embrace the

concepts of cloud and mobility by providing network and network security
services from a common cloud-delivered architecture? CORRECTA

 cloud native

 secure access service edge (SASE) //

 platform as a service

 distributed cloud

Which statement is false? correcta

 Prisma Access is a purpose-built cloud-delivered infrastructure.

 Prisma Access provides all the best-in-class services of our NGFW series
such as URL Filtering, AV/Anti-Malware, DNS Security and SSL Decrypt.
 Prisma Access can be categorized as a conventional software-defined
perimeter. //
 Prisma Access is our SASE (Secure Access Service Edge) solution.

What are the 3 key strategic benefits of Prisma Access?

Select All Correct Responses

 Enables Business Agility and Speed //

 100% Security Automation
 Requires Lower Cost Hardware to run it
 Reduces Complexity //
 Provides Consistent Security Designed to Stop Cyberattacks //

The three customer stakeholders who have responsibility for network

security and have a high level of security purchase influence include:
(Choose three.)
Select All Correct Responses

 Head of Infrastructure //
 Threat Intel Analyst //
 Network Security Architect/Engineer //
 Desktop Operations Lead
 SOC Lead

How does Prisma Access offer Zero Trust Network Access? CORRECTA

 By pairing with a Next Generation Firewall

 By providing contextual access to all applications, allowing organizations to
maintain consistent visibility and enforcement of security policy for all
 It doesn't //

Mobile Users and Branch are both SASE use cases. CORRECTA

 True //
 False

The four customer stakeholders who have responsibility for the network
and have a high level of SD-WAN purchase influence include... (Choose
Select All Correct Responses

 CIO //
 Network Engineer //
 Threat Intel Analyst
 Network Architect //
 Head of Infrastructure//

What is true about Prisma SD-WAN? (Choose three.)

Select All Correct Responses

 Enables a consistent approach to delivering all branch infrastructure

(including security) from the cloud. //
 Prevents up to 95% of unknown threats instantly. //
 Leverages machine learning and automation to intelligently route network
traffic based on applications. //
 Is the industry’s only next-generation SD-WAN solution.
What does a 'Cloud First' policy mean? CORRECTA

 Cloud first means that the first option for deploying any application will be
cloud first before looking at any internal private cloud deployment //

 Cloud first means securing your cloud environments before securing

 Cloud first means migration of legacy applications to the cloud

Prisma Access: (Choose three.)

Select All Correct Responses

 Eliminates the need for point hardware deployments.

 Uses a common cloud-based infrastructure that delivers protection from
over 100+ locations around the world in 76 countries. //
 Reduce mean time to respond (MTTR) to threats by up to 98%. //
 Provides consistent and automated security across public and private cloud
and on-premises environments. //

Which of these is NOT a function of Prisma Access? CORRECTA

 Sandboxing

 DNS Security

 Threat Prevention

 Data Loss Prevention

 Endpoint Detection and Response ///

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