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l et ter
I know some people will ask me why I choose to highlight the talent I did, or why I don't hae people like 1ina ley or Zach GaliFanakis in these pages.
\ell, Frst, I j'adore 1ina ley and I think I hae oFcially listened to !"##$%&'(# two hundred times now, but 1ina ley, like Zach GaliFanakis hae
oFcially been in more magazines then Lady Gaga at this point. I'm not sure I could hae added a resh perspectie to or dialogue with either o them
,not that I don't antasize about the idea o haing coee with them both, saying, "\ou think Bloomberg should add more bike lanes and make New
\ork a greener city Me too!" as I laugh, shaking my head and high-Fing 1ina, my new best riend, while Zach oers to play us a tune on his Steinway
piano one sun-drenched \illiamsburg aternoon.,
I was, howeer, drawn to comedians whose stand-up I had seen again and again without it getting old ,I think I hae Dylan Moran's act Like, 1otally`
memorized, and could still watch it a ew dozen more times,. 1hese comedians are innuential and iconic, but are also honest about their insecurities,
diFculties, and the process o continually putting their work out there into the world.
Reading all o these interiews was a thoroughly enjoyable experience. 1here seems to be a bit o shared consciousness among them, and particular
themes ran throughout ,censorship, innuences, and almost eery comedian had a thought on the 1racy Morgan perormance controersy, that made it
an eye- opening page-turner or me.
I was so endeared by eeryone, rom Bill Burr's thoughtulness and brute honesty to Joan Riers, whose interiew had me laughing out loud, proing
yet again why she is a orce o nature in comedy.
Once again, I want to thank my wonderul Associate Lditor, Lllen Moynihan, who not only made sure eery single one o these pages looked
antastic, but also brought some really wonderul interiews into the olds o these pages ,John lodgman, artist Ron Lnglish, and actor,comedian
Daid Cross,. I couldn't do this magazine without her.
Lynn lurge, my Senior lashion Lditor, meticulously curated the wonderul photographers ,Roderick Angel, Jamie Isaia, Philip Meech,, the lashion
Section presented a resh perspectie on using un with ashion. Roderick Angle's ashion editorial 'Gilda!' blew me away-it is both a loely homage
to Gilda Radner as much as it is a radiant ashion spread. Style Director Justin Min and photographer Jason Kim once again successully teamed up to
style comedian \yatt Cenac's Frst ashion editorial ,\yatt, you look smashing by the way,.
I also want to thank Lditor-at-Large Miles Kahn, who as one o the producers at )*+,-&./$,0*"1,brought in those ery talented correspondents and
comedians rom )-0, as well as the wonderul author Caissie St. Onge, who did a splendid job interiewing Joan Riers.
A huge thank you is owed to Maggie Benoit, our Production Coordinator, whose continuous positie attitude, astidious organizational skills, and
rereshing, warm laughter made me wonder what mood enhancer she might be on ,turns out she is not on any, apparently she is 'high on lie' and yoga,
and I'm a slightly cynical, but loable bee-itch,.
1hanks also to stylist Markus Ketty, whose resh approach to ashion brought out the za za zoo in both Jesse 1yler lurgeson and our deilishly dapper
coer man ,and epic comedian, Lddie Izzard.
Lastly, I would like to thank Robert L. Crace, my partner in lie as well as in business.
1o be able put the spotlight on this amount o talent is a priilege. Putting together an issue like this wasn't easy, but as I learned rom all o these
comedians, nothing is. \ou just gotta keep your sense o humor about it.
Maya Contreras 23.("456'57*.+8
issue three
the ddd : fall 2011
;R) ]a.ov ]ove., .a.if Mavari, ]obv Otirer, !,att Cevac, avavtba ee, aitorivCbief Ma,a Covtrera..
issue three
fall 2011 : the ddd

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