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26/07/2023, 13:15 The reason Malays are now more “racist” – Malaysia Today


The Reason Malays Are Now More

By Raja Petra Kamarudin Last updated Oct 9, 2019 HEADLINE NO HOLDS BARRED

But there are limits. And once you hit the limit it breaks. And you have
already breached the limit of Malay tolerance. So, expect only one direction
from now on — down. And use me as the yardstick if you wish. If someone
like me can get fed-up, then it is definitely bad news indeed. Those who
know me personally know I am a universalist. So, for me to become a Malay
Nationalist means things have really become very bad.

Raja Petra Kamarudin

The non-Malays say the Malays of today are more racist and more Islam-centric (or more extremist,
conservative, fundamentalist, etc.) than the Malays of the old days. That is actually not true.

The Malays, meaning Muslims as well, have always been the same. The only thing is there was no
internet, smart phones, and so on, back in the old days. Hence if you are not Malay or did not mix
with Malays you would not know the mindset of the Malays. Those who grew up amongst Malays, 1/5
26/07/2023, 13:15 The reason Malays are now more “racist” – Malaysia Today

such as the MCA President (and in the Malay heartland of Kelantan on top of that), can tell you that
Melayu dulu dan Melayu sekarang sama saja.

Today, because of the internet (and because 26 million out of 33 million Malaysians are on the
internet) you get to see and hear what and how the Malays think. On the reverse side of the coin,
we also get to see and hear what the non-Malays think of the Malays and how the non-Malays
despise the Malays and look down on the Malays.

Mahathir is the number one enemy of the Malays

masquerading as a Malay Nationalist
Today, the non-Malays better-understand the Malays, while the Malays have also become aware of
what the non-Malays think of them. And when so-called “Malay” leaders such as Prime Minister
Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad keeps repeating that Malays are lazy, unproductive, dishonest, and
want free “dedak” without having to work or pay for it, this “strengthens” the opinion of the non-
Malays regarding the Malays.

For example, if you tell the whole world that your wife is a prostitute and you keep repeating this
for 50 years, you cannot blame the whole world for being convinced that your wife is a prostitute.
And this is what Mahathir has done He not only degrades the Malays but Islam and the Raja-Raja
Melayu as well. 2/5
26/07/2023, 13:15 The reason Malays are now more “racist” – Malaysia Today

Can you blame the non-Malays for thinking very poorly about the Malays, Islam and the Rulers
when the number one Malay in the country says it? In fact, the Kongres Maruah Melayu or Malay
Dignity Congress reaffirms the belief that the Malays are an absolutely useless race.

In physics, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. So, when the non-Malays (plus
some Malays as well) say Malays do not own Malaysia, Malays are pendatang, Malays are lazy,
Malays are dishonest, Malays are stupid, Malays need “tongkat” to survive, Bahasa Melayu is an
inferior language, Chinese education is far superior to Malay education, Islamic Shariah laws are
outdated and barbaric, Prophet Muhammad was a pxxxxphile, etc., then you just trigger
resentment and hatred towards non-Malays.

The Malays are just reacting to the attacks against them

It is the same for any race or community. When you insult them for 50 years and openly say nasty
things about them to their face, you eventually get a punch on your nose. I mean, try walking into a
Manchester pub wearing a Liverpool T-shirt and shout, “Long live Liverpool, death to Manchester,”
and see what happens. Even your own mother will not recognise your face after that.

So, 50 years is a long time for the Malays to tolerate the insults the non-Malays and some Malays
have been hurling at them. And last year the Malays finally said enough is enough, it is time to
whack back. Even I who had always propagated the Malaysian Malaysia concept have turned Malay
Nationalist. And if I can turn Malay Nationalist imagine what the more conservative Malays are
thinking. 3/5
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Hence what you see today is just the reaction to the action against the Malays. And if you think the
Malays have changed since 2018 that is not so. Malays today are still the same Malays of before. It
is just that because of the internet you get to see and hear what you probably did not notice before.

The trouble with the Malays, as even Mahathir said, is that they are laid back, docile, and quite a
contented lot who see no purpose in chasing after wealth (which is what Mahathir hates about the
Malays). But once the Malays wake up and run amok (mengamuk), even their own mother can no
longer stop them.

The non-Malays are pushing the Malays to become more

parochial and nationalistic
So jangan jolok sarang tebuan. When you do there are consequences. The Malays are by nature not
racists. In fact, there is a very large community of Malays who married Indians. And more Malays
marry non-Malays compared to Chinese who mainly marry Chinese. Sometimes it is very hard to
find a “pure” Malay (you will be surprised to know that many Malays in the East Coast actually
originated from Yunan) whereas most Chinese are “thoroughbreds”.

But there are limits. And once you hit the limit it breaks. And you have already breached the limit of
Malay tolerance. So, expect only one direction from now on — down. And use me as the yardstick if
you wish. If someone like me can get fed-up, then it is definitely bad news indeed. Those who know
me personally know I am a universalist. So, for me to become a Malay Nationalist means things have
really become very bad. 4/5
26/07/2023, 13:15 The reason Malays are now more “racist” – Malaysia Today

 Chinese Dr Mahathir Mohamad Malays Melayu Raja Petra Kamarudin RPK

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