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EDUCARE: Journal of Primary Education

Vol 4, No 1, Juni (2023), pp. xx-xx


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Diniyah Mar’atus Sholiha , Abdul Karim
Author’s Institution (affiliation) (Goudy Old Style 11, spasi 1) (Goudy Old Style 11, spasi 1)
Author’s Institution (affiliation) (Goudy Old Style 11, spasi 1) (Goudy Old Style 11, spasi 1)
Author’s Institution (affiliation) (Goudy Old Style 11, spasi 1) (Goudy Old Style 11, spasi 1)

Abstract (Goudy Old Style 12, Spasi 1)

This study aims to develop learning media in the form of Pop-up Book based on heroic values in thematic learning in madrasah ibtidaiyah, this research
was also held because the teacher had already implemented pop-up book and needed to be developed again. The research uses research and
development with the ADDIE model consisting of the stages of analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation with data collection tools
in the form of observation, interviews, documentation and questionnaires. The results of the feasibility of pop-up book learning media have a value of
96% categorized as very valid from media experts, 88% categorized as very valid from material experts, and 88% very valid from fifth grade teachers at
MI Nurul Hidayah Prajekan Bondowoso.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran berupa Pop-up Book berbasis nilai-nilai kepahlawanan pada pembelajaran tematik
di madrasah ibtidaiyah, penelitian ini juga diadakan karna guru sudah pernah menerapkan pop-up book dan perlu dikembangkan lagi. Adapun penelitian
ini menggunakan penelitian dan pengembangan dengan model ADDIE terdiri dari tahapan analisis, desain, pengembangan, impelentasi dan evaluasi
dengan alat pengumpul data berupa observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi dan juga angket. Hasil kelayakan media pembelajaran pop-up book memiliki
nilai 96% dikategorikan sangat valid dari ahli media, 88% dikategorikan sangat valid dari ahli materi, dan 88% sangat valid dari guru kelas V di MI
Nurul Hidayah Prajekan Bondowoso.
Introduction (Goudy Old Style 11, Bold, Spasi 1,1)

Difficulty in learning is one of the symptoms in the learning process which is characterized by various behaviors that have a background within and

outside the students(Suroiha et al., 2021). Some of these behaviors are showing the results achieved are not balanced with the effort made, slow in doing the tasks of

learning activities, showing bad attitudes, such as skipping class, coming late and not doing homework. (Masturah et al., 2018) This is more caused by students who

feel lazy when learning and not getting learning motivation from parents which greatly affects students' interest in learning.

One of the learning motivations of students can be obtained from the learning media used by educators or teachers(Sholeh, 2019). In communication, the

use of learning media is needed to increase the effectiveness of achieving learning objectives (Eri Karisma et al., 2020). That is, the learning process will occur if there

is communication between the recipient of the message and the source or distributor of the message through the media.

When the learning process takes place, educators also need learning media as a tool to increase students' attention and interest in learning didactically

and psychologically and learning media really helps children's psychological development in terms of learning. (Pramesti, 2015) Because learning media can make

something abstract become more concrete (real). Media in the learning process is an intermediary or a messenger of the message source with the message receiver,

stimulating thoughts, feelings, attention and willingness so that they are encouraged and involved in learning.(Khoiriyah & Sari, 2018)

Learning media is useful for creating a conducive learning atmosphere(Nabila et al., 2021). The role of learning media in the teaching and learning process is a unity

that cannot be separated from the world of education. This is similar to the results of interviews with fifth grade teachers at MI Nurul Hidayah Prajekan Bondowoso

and the results of observations on March 18, 2023. Stating that students among them still have difficulty and are not enthusiastic in participating in learning. Because

the teacher only uses the lecture or storytelling method and also does not use learning media. In completing tasks, students are more often grouped together and

students who feel they do not have the same ability also group together so that unbalanced groups are formed in the classroom.

Various components of teacher mastery in applying to the learning process supported by learning media and technology are assumed to improve student

achievement. The intended educational media and technology is everything that can be used as a learning tool to achieve cognitive, affective, and psychomotor

aspects. Then in Permendiknas No.16 of 2007 it is stated that teachers must have the ability to use learning media and subjects taken to achieve learning objectives.

(Firman Aulia Ramadhan, 2022) So Educators must be creative and have certain ways so that students can understand the learning material to be delivered. So in this

case educators are required to be able to make interesting learning media, and according to learning material so that students are not bored with monotonous learning.

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One of the learning media that can be used is learning media in the form of pop-up books that contain a summary of material that is easy to understand and interesting

because of its appearance.

Pop-up book is a learning media that resembles a book that has moving parts or has three-dimensional elements and provides an interesting visualization

of the story, starting from the appearance of images that can move when the page is opened. (Sukmawarti, 2021)During the teaching and learning process in the

classroom, educators usually use tools called learning media, One example is learning media in the form of pop-up books.

Pop-up book itself is a book that has moving parts and has three-dimensional elements. Pop-up book also provides an interesting visualization of the

story. Pop-up books also provide surprises on each page and have images that can be enforced. So that pop-up book media is very suitable to be used as a tool or

learning media and the learning process is more fun.(Sinta & Syofyan, 2021)

In pop-up book learning media displays concise material and also images or visuals. Visual or visualization is an act of visualization consisting of constructs on

several external media such as paper, paper, and computer.

When the researchers conducted observations at MI Nurul Hidayah Prajekan Bondowoso, especially the fifth grade teacher, the researchers finally chose

this research and took the Thematic subject matter of theme 7 Subtheme 2 which consists of science, social studies, SBdP, PPKn and Indonesian lessons. The reason

for choosing researchers chose theme 7 subtheme 2 is that so far the teacher has not used learning media, especially in thematic learning. Teachers mostly center the

learning system on teacher books and student books that are already available without developing them. During this time, the learning process that is carried out is not

developed due to the many administrations that teachers must complete, so that the development of the media used by teachers cannot be done optimally. In delivering

the learning material, the teacher is less interesting in presenting images that match the learning material in the book only, this is due to the lack of teacher creativity in

providing learning media so that it does not attract the attention of students.

Subject matter related to national events around the proclamation of independence is less interesting to students if they only use the lecture or storytelling method so

that they get bored and bored quickly in the learning process.

Research Methods (Goudy Old Style 11, Bold, Spasi 1,1)

The type of research method used is Research and Development (R&D). Research and development is a research method used to produce certain

products and test the effectiveness of the products produced(Ramadhan et al., 2023). The development model used in this research is the Addie development model,

which is a development model consisting of analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation.(Mustofa & Syafi’ah, 2018)

Analysis stage, the first stage in product development carried out consists of material analysis and analysis of learning media. From this analysis, it

produces an analysis of problems in learning and an analysis of the needs of students so that they need learning media in the form of pop up books as a tool for

teachers in delivering material

The Design stage is the second stage carried out in the ADDIE model development research. In the second stage of planning to design learning media,

the development research needs to design according to what is being researched. In addition, development research must also determine the development environment.

The village design stage carries out product design through three stages


a. Product design design

Researchers began designing product designs, namely learning media that were tailored to the subject matter. Product design is carried out for learning

media that is suitable for class V by paying attention to the selection of materials in making the developed learning media.

b. Preparation of media usage rules

In research and development in the form of learning media developed is made of the main material in the form of a large enough book. Inside there are

pictures of national heroes and Bondowoso heroes along with explanations

The Development stage is the third stage carried out in development research using the ADDIE model or development in accordance with the development to be

carried out.45 In the development stage or development through three stages,

a. Product manufacturing

Learning media products that have been designed are continued with product manufacturing. All components that are prepared are then assembled on

the Pop-Up Book learning media.

b. Validation

Learning media products in the form of Pop-Up Book will be validated by media experts and material experts in the form of criticism and suggestions.

Criticism to make revisions or improvements to the developed product.

Implementation stage is the fourth stage carried out in using the ADDIE research model. Products resulting from research and development are tested through

usability and validity so that they can be measured and tested.

EDUCARE: Journal of Primary Education 2

EDUCARE: Journal of Primary Education

Vol 4, No 1, Juni (2023), pp. xx-xx

The implementation stage is carried out testing learning media in the form of Pop-Up Book to students. Through a field trial conducted on 13 fifth grade

students of MI Nurul Hidayah to find out whether the Pop-Up Book learning media has an error or needs improvement.

The Evaluation stage is the last stage of research and development using the ADDIE model. The evaluation stage aims to analyze the feasibility of the Pop-Up Book

learning media based on heroic values developed. The evaluation stage includes a summative evaluation stage which is carried out to determine the effect on students.

While the formative evaluation stage is carried out at each stage of analysis and design.

Results and Discussion of Findings (Goudy Old Style 11, Bold, Spasi 1,1)

In this study, research and development has been carried out or Research and Development which results in a product in the form of a Pop-Up Book

developed at MI Nurul Hidayah Prajekan Bondowoso in class V with a total of 13 students.

This research uses ADDIE research procedures using 5 stages namely analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. This development

research procedure produces Pop-Up Book learning media for grade V students of MI Nurul Hidayah Prajekan Bondowoso on the material of national events around

the proclamation of independence.

1. Analysis Stage

The first stage carried out in the research and development of the ADDIE model is the analysis stage, because at this stage researchers analyze the problems

that occur in thematic learning, especially in the material of national events around the proclamation of independence. The things that are analyzed in this study

are the analysis of problems in learning and the analysis of the needs of students.

a. Problem analysis in learning

Problem analysis aims to find out the problems that occur in the learning process. Efforts that made in analyzing the problem is by conducting

interviews and observations in class V MI Nurul Hidayah Prajekan Bondowoso to obtain data and information in the form of problems experienced by teachers

and grade V students during the learning process. From the observations made by researchers, it resulted in problems faced in the learning process, namely: (1)

the teacher does not use learning media and only uses thematic package books where each student has a thematic package book individually, (2) the teacher

explains the material using only the lecture method (3) the teacher is too focused on delivering the material so that students find it difficult to digest the

explanation explained by the teacher which results in students (1) not interested in participating in learning, (2) feeling bored or bored following learning,

(3) easily joke with their classmates

b. Learner needs analysis

Learner needs analysis is carried out to determine the learning process between teachers and students. Learner needs analysis is carried out through

observations and interviews which aim to find out the learning media available at MI Nurul Hidayah Prajekan Bondowoso including whiteboards, thematic

package books, projectors and speakers.

Furthermore, the results of an interview with the fifth grade teacher Mrs. Rusmiyati on March 17, 2023 explained that the teacher was too busy teaching and

preparing the administration of learning tools where thematic learning every day is on the learning schedule so that the teacher has no time to innovate

learning51. Followed by the results of the researcher's observations, namely: (1) seeing students lack of interest in participating in learning, (2) not interested in

the teacher's explanation which only uses the lecture method without using learning media, (3) the teacher only uses thematic package books which only have

the same pictures and descriptions where all students have them. The effects on students are: (1) easily bored in participating in learning, (2) the classroom

atmosphere is easily crowded (3) the teacher is not easy to control the classroom atmosphere which easily turns into crowded, (4) students do not understand

the material being explained by the teacher.

2. Design Stage

In the ADDIE research and development model, the next step is to design the media. Pop-Up Book media is designed for a brief explanation of national

heroes, some Bondowoso heroes and a brief history of the death carriage to facilitate students in the learning process and know local heroes. The following

design stage to do the product through three stages:

a. Product design planning

1) Collecting materials and tools needed to make Pop-Up Book learning media, : gold paper, foil sakura paper, cardboard, photo paper, scissors,

cutters, glue, and double tape. The materials are collected and shaped according to the wishes and goals to be achieved.

2) Create a front cover design using the canva application.

3) The design is made in accordance with the theme 7 sub-theme 2 learning material presented in the learning media.

4) Images and captions are made in printed form using A4 size photo paper with portrait format. As well as calibri writing format size 11 pt.

5) The media cover uses cardboard coated with gold paper and given a plastic cover.

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6) Improvements were made in terms of pop-up book media which previously used A4 paper and covers that used cardboard coated with dark colored

backing paper.

b. Formulation of rules for using pop-up book media

1) Place the pop-up book media on the table on the media cover that says "Pop-Up Book Media" by facing the students.

2) Open the first page after the cover

3) Inside there is a photo of the hero and his explanation

4) Learners can read a brief explanation of heroes related to the proclamation of independence.

5) After that learners can use the learning media, learning media pop-up book in turn according to their classmates

3. Development Stage

Pop-Up Book learning media is media that can be developed by everyone. The manufacturing process also uses tools and materials that are easily

available to everyone. The materials used in this development are in accordance with the needs of making media such as materials that are easy to find,

durability, and photos and descriptions that are easily found on the internet or in thematic books.

Making learning media adapts to learning materials in grade V theme 7 about events in life sub-theme 2 national events around the proclamation of

independence. The media is a design that is then consulted by researchers to the supervisor, a team of material expert validators and learning media expert

validators who then revise the product for validation and product trials.

The validation of this research and development product was carried out by the validation of Pop-Up Book learning media by Mr. M. Sholahuddin

Amrulloh, M.Pd, and material validation was carried out by Dr. Lailatul Usriyah, M.Pd.I, as well as learning validation by the fifth grade teacher MI Nurul

Hidayah Prajekan Bondowoso Mrs. Rusmiyati, S.Pd.

Table 1. Percentage of Material and Media Validator Data

Data Percentage

Media Validator 96%

Material Validator 88%

4. Implementation Stage

In the research and development of the ADDIE model, implementation is the fourth stage to test pop-up book learning media development products

based on heroic values in class V thematic subjects at MI Nurul Hidayah Prajekan Bondowoso which have been made by researchers and have been validated

by material experts, media experts and validation of class V teachers. Furthermore, it was tested or applied in the learning process at MI Nurul Hidayah

Prajekan Bondowoso to grade V students in thematic learning theme 7 Events in life, Subtheme 2 about national events around the proclamation of

independence, learning 3 social studies and Indonesian language content. Implementation is carried out with 3 meetings with face-to-face learning. The initial

meeting carried out an explanation and deepening of the material, the second meeting was carried out the application of Pop-Up Book learning media during

thematic learning which was carried out using pop-up book learning media with their classmates with a range of 10 minutes in rotation for 13 class V students,

and the third meeting conducted questionnaires given to 13 class V students. the third meeting is filling out a questionnaire given to students about the

assessment of Pop-Up Book learning media applied by researchers during thematic learning.

Table 2. Percentage of teacher and student response data

Data Percentage

Teacher Respon 88%

Student respon 86,15%

5. Evaluation Stage

The last stage in the research and development activities of the ADDIE model is evaluation. Evaluation aims to determine the success of research and

development carried out in class V MI Nurul Hidayah Prajekan Bondowoso in the form of Pop-Up Book learning media on thematic learning worth using.

learning media on thematic learning is feasible to use. Data obtained through validation activities of media experts and material experts, student response

questionnaires and class teachers.

Conclusions and suggestions (Goudy Old Style 11, Bold, Spasi 1,1)

EDUCARE: Journal of Primary Education 4

EDUCARE: Journal of Primary Education

Vol 4, No 1, Juni (2023), pp. xx-xx

The results of this research and development are in the form of pop-up book learning media based on heroic values containing material on

national heroes and Bondowoso heroes. This pop-up book learning media was applied to 13 grade V students at MI Nurul Hidayah Prajekan

Bondowoso with a system of use with a peer.

The results of the validity test of the feasibility of pop-up book learning media based on heroic values have a value of 96% from media

experts who are categorized as very valid, 88% from material experts who are categorized as very valid, and 88% categorized as very valid from the

fifth grade teacher at MI Nurul Hidayah Prajekan Bondowoso. The response of 13 fifth grade students at MI Nurul Hidayah Prajekan Bondowoso to the

pop-up book learning media based on heroic values obtained a percentage of 86.15% which was categorized as very valid.


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