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AE vote jee} okt roe ran,”

Um aia

owdieee tunatel dimewt- to tested hee * TERMS.—8

per Annum.
2 a

P Age APRIG: 28 18 63.259 - =“ WHOLE NUMBER 346°

ce, whieh had | Jou al ‘Waive fale?” be adsaed r
Tesi :
Tramp Ting PT 3 ait = Hints for Housek: . q stg y vi, lagcenstdange
ou the conttary,
vou cousin w ; rere eemere: 2 feomaity oak Tn pod eal} voor AYLI ICING Beak,
2 ete tie, wish mr ‘ aan _Portons ANG, ANTIDOTES {The an=|and thé city grdver may Nuve-beem inie] °o™ q a
wie bine inehnareny sale it to You jad stall exp in cone one at ee Agate ps spud that sich rendett Ppéfed upon by some caréless farther: wlio’ — ‘
v sskintiisbing Aght w: TED elattty ty 1 ty @6 forthyrith 2”) plans 1” “and Hattie’s MOMS mer x it instantly harmless; thisyit-does-by- did not clean hisgrain properly: "PhOSé|AN EVENING PRAY stead
cosine rat Ue MORE, a wounded: Ue but top ene eee essary Esl jeon ering the elomentsjor, of
ingredientsWhosate ao lazy or thritless a8 6. par-| pe hae
wu Ramo) nc i's| herenpmcttndedsomatig O eM, the poison compounds, _which,, chase ground’ colfee-to . save tliemsel ves | feie
Avith Urea
Frans 4 = carat ty letter. "Phere, : ade ‘ . E Geetet nether
Listetas10 HU
and ‘Fdap he eet | are holly insiocnous._- Bat in all these! ihe trouble of preparing-itmvhome,-de-| Anothiriit esas bes run
B ndash
sig soc poetoo} as.ahe
ennfinished a a h ere tiouiing, with» emile hatkiog fete con | COSes, thie benefits to. bé derived fromthe | serve to be,poisonedma.little,s|,.°No", 0 Lord, to thee Teome,
ip oe le Jurkingiu the cor Sealereahy of un antidote are propor-') tay be necessary sometimes to do go in| _ Before'l
clobe my sleeping e}
e dale, toe i ngly,. vith” "
s Well &i Rs - tioned edt to. the :
instantaneousness cof of the well toto know know
gency, itit isis well
th | &n emergency, that if
that if| To ofl’ w y sacrifien.
p up'way sacrift
“i cate it fon ey aeseratnes Application ; the importance of this is Bround cole is pure, it! 8 very ‘slowly | Bot what entitle’ children say, 4
“Death | #renge young gentle: 8 atin coat aga ’ ery: generally ufiderstood,-but the event, discolors cold water, and is ilso slow »tor} ‘ Unlesy thoi texcli us bow to "pray # .
tra aboufetenstingny. sin “totheta
eee ah reapetrteeperst [fol | Gut Pe fear a‘word
te dorks Req | cores friends of ull presence. of mind 5. soften. but most adulterations biacken |. EfeelT havelssintal hei,
rite? | they are throws Into suchen "Gurey aso thouvaierat.once, :
phere on race
|; pear
okie ‘ ; : :
machin: See ea sn [Sea i haa
A week later found our travellin;
piivious upon the ralben Fonte item | NY Ae hawman
“ile if thoteader t Dan
-and: bécomes éofebes|» Hatsbon canst ideal depart
‘life if. eHwill
tay enlace
40.Bo, wore ores adulterated:
areata r e r
iSpeeneg gihORS: sanno pues
Ohio» Tesh meme pry pay fom ary oso walle ieee Sanya er —
ly pene t trtal father 1? suid Haute. ag + sf BIN rable ined et-old eebeeAA ake, | uamrees pon tie mind two “oreethree ory,?” or succory, is a gardene nd.|... Uphold me,‘O'thow blessed-One,
‘Vou forget that Lizzie su fitter] But litle slumber refreshed Hattie {and Itea arog dotetak ence | general priclples: Tes wae that every. ivexiesively ase os clleyby the poor | Tha etlmy tie may aly prove
iW 00 old-feiondhof-yure,andethat be in| Maows-eYesthat night, for her Gove waite ed atoceinn | Wane bas i antidote” Latas bre ae €relsses costing, jn ie parched and) That I"m an objet
of hy lore f
eof heals ayer in Cleve | Woes a ih He cae ee tee ara anaes ase? dreds of: poisons, and. the memory /Brouud state, only fiteen cents a yoand- | “Theo childhood, youth, and age shal show
7 “welled Rotert Teck Biome CKONER terkh Teteec ane! pitied Owns BAe etl” |owouldbe overtaxed with an antidotefor| Ibissinply the root of an herbaceous | T folow on my Lord to know.
happi- ate {s airecable to note thayssome!| plantaliced, «ried, parcliéd aid ground ,|) “Thy prociouslood'to me fmparty
=m ng mut Hisqualitits,
fuaher_was he my most6] | bis
the pillowy-and-tears
TP acEled.sigds--Blauhicehoratace
of shame. dimmu which,Chie
| | test te Sp
otherwise, Would wever eshave be n | Thee nena est Onttnate, too, Ut Foue of the “dregs” of the apothe- | “To washmyéhoad; myands, my heart
intitoite college friend.azd
a scrape Swe riven hid , een, % : cobs nesaiire alm on always at || Céty, and is spoken of, “in. medical dis- |" Now blessed Saviour, now bein eed
i. Y a iad hand, even’ in» the poorest households, | Peusatorics, a8a “tonic as a And clenise the'troin ty: libiet

Uwhien raertitieererereend
a ae ee
distinguishedhig fathers” Yow'ean
| age;
was col aud're-
gt manner
rere ihe cursor’ Deak
| hoarse yaa
date iene aiahe ot Ali journey. | Siroug coffees
breathi ck cet ans of E43 am Kn of Comes of "ard
the'| Oy prease—these.four ‘things. antagonize, Cause despepsia and bring on neadaches, | © ~
satt and ‘mustard’; white: sttuent ;”-as “acting onghe Tiver ;” itis | Whe sree smsahientn aerate
ya pa igs | Ths tran te be Oa
: Welte your Cousin, Lizsle har aes, served tQWaPEe MAIR & WbUikedebauice felents Aad see ee Cute: S| almost all ordicary poisons. Ifthe read- |e. ‘The sAfer plan for all who wish t0 ner
er‘ud I give ‘ourour plague?
expect ity. it led previously Leeu i; aud resved
she| | Nefomfell what
ab andthe that tieeyap.
cossent, upou her mith tendeiness
from thule dope Me eaeNess
tech 2? Shearin mind, he eat "be. eppily | €covonise sand thtil: they mast hove | | “Gon's Puovinexcs.— Now there may
beaDkag Hind eficiently calm, under almost any | soWe kind of coffee for breakfust, is-to'}be some here who have friends far away:
ano y aud the Jadge turned to bis) 5 ("Are you ill, Mise Moreton?” he | as fist ueathig. when be would dean feitatehcameoalege Ins whi che Aare pay ile Cla bertets 2 r apnReT of Goa
ie cota ate
aalail mner
SPito works inter, Robeson
of benef O8kEd, WNSION Hy, us he’ woted
wetl taco wa ney AE Ce
POEpale’ | areutey
Heed to yield” his
andoby fendlov binte- wea!~} | likely best. . No tobepoisonous
pliced,. 1.
should be | tid they feean tdo ikewithout
Prevention js |
sabstance something 10} bere who are about
“chicoty "" Many hem. th. bebeloved
to partlere wimay some

wi A Baa oul [rived Sarr

in W—, und stoppeitsvithe vil-| I _**Nopobno, novia the léast,"'she'an-|scionsly wishing that . something.Misti
mig || stant,
2"0ed after
in anyit honsehol? forhand’:
one single| Dabit.;
HIVE at if regular meals, but itthisisia mae be | , Coes, No they
fre going £0. dstaut counties
Si glow. Oe
Ringpote Teed, prise iste e h
p e ates Leake - | seions
‘apidly” want seule Pigling heir Joutbey. “This | over has heen
is ont of the what: | i t mast be done; shodld Wherever afe they will be as -much
left after use,
use, shouldshould be at | Something
that ki i ce E ’s, with | lu Jsdiped : : “something” , do iris quite
EhGwi warm, almost bot,~ i ve- fin avethe Keeping
her . ofbite God. as though they
In the tdi-cff Sura Chain ; letter ofsintroduction from the Judge’s| ‘I’m afraid, Me,, Farlow, this fouruey | A sharpshr.ll whit once throwa:into: the sink oF carrie’! out Cause it Known by aevial Octlar dex }'Sore bore tT Ove part oe
OF the two, the turegs o’enthe mide salt seay, 4 UEtber, Mr, Marston, *|ftas-made. her’ ille Lt. was almost too | mingled with loud ‘si 0 Pic tie street or road. brakkinvepanaahtad Aika fhwetioehd
Neo kaw Hemet vtbep-are ull Guilly AM irene tee
Whove beats
e yout ef
wld break with hiys Franks
RET tale. bestia
meee: P o t long to take
5 without
‘sata stopping.
fer to’ rest) frightful arcident- bud
teehu ocearred to the | OO O° scattered.” 2. ‘The very psnouach casa ab-instandlputeawths iproviest) GodsTe | ° Para ESOP RP SBR Oy
clod? Tal thing tt ani
ote Pasting is father'sin yoatl—auighly eon.the) spew SHE ways eid” Rersagut, Mrs. train wud TEOMA Flom, Nit_biselt| Poy Se end Mus ae atontog
| Of digestion'us water extinguishes a live,» ‘Teapsporte'where you ede, wher.
OF my He a ji te hospitalivies.of Ws diode, to the| “OHO; Cousin TKaitie is only'a little {ment Uuconscionsly, us ke tree ey} ak t empty itewithoe w moment’s| COA. cold milk: at_meals-has Sa dp WERE ee
» OF Willtey whose face, with its pure uild grave |-y0U! Feed ete ly hissvay in the place,1, | | fatigued ; -sveiwill m cover in ‘we aay or |i he bad grasped the’ S a siceping
u l War eli pe jo} he throwingindies
it:into-thei Lae! forHe <aaler
it may toe he) | engende
ere metre OnSUE ie Pee ies ad {aud
. T shalt
rage have God
; eae . ae‘That
‘Melts memoryrh into teurss ME — ve PAA es gg [ Pemarking eet es wit,
to his wife, has Uwe,” said “Lizzie,
Lie detwurely,
etre a bat ees Meath de MAU arms, u n d ,
ehisped10:D1S] osm matge an explosive and exuve puch | Me 10g list of minor syimptoms. which {*Nought comfbrted the” great. travel
Of their mother;5 my bride,by
de,by thethe Afpiné
Aipine fake'S | tie to his crare {” Be ce agsco | am ee ea Pretlgus previous aitelite sil ushing seh) seatsyet of tbe cer pene mischie F 3. Never tuke, auttaste, hh or give large /nevitably
follow of thoseevn conditions “But |Muogo Park, whe he Was fn
side, - neenes“s <a ‘Aud Hatzie,tio, what did sheithiuk
thiut of her | eaused zm the chau ein her cousit’s mai any thing.
any thing. whether
wheth powderdor oror fluid,in
fui the | creteMtge draughts : ‘of even warm “drinks at\j
W a r m “drink ofof §Sabara,ae He had* beeneen robbed
robi and
« And the angeresdephateranna; '! -@ Hcon? “Ab! methiok@'th the pillow | toward-the visor; Uae she had a plan ju the last ear, and in eho dark, or-withont looking. ¢eliberately ae ea Moion saat eyiealichgl pgaked.
Logis Haspty, sadlen | wheren eletpressed her golden head could | in her Head, Which “She was detcatued forberwise, neither would ki the Inbel, ina clear light, although yon) {oi 01 ely dilating the fl taking'it up, he saw how beautiful
wijaell tales, it would.apeak of a strong pre- | shuld be fulfilled the sud fate of ane i
aeSURE WT ovcomes tire!+ Die
fogs coldis mide} yore0 Fikret
i young lawyer's fayor | i
rine peid, R eU, aGrid ‘
Hattie: Marston many of
en | ese MaUy oe iantectheir
thei fellow.
fellow. withng. have.put.che
yonrorn hand, vessel 9 or,minnte
Paper before.
FOwe \ ice hae iprepared
}into-e i for : eousésthig-the:food
nutrient-matetial, reuder 2 sheim les He said: i “Then the ; hand. of
here is one of nis works,
nar ia r
ta r i
‘Joyed her visit exceedingly’ A gay sume
d Hnttig: Marston e n 7
al 2
But: fromPolfonsinattention,. reckles:ness,..or | 'o.® at 4
Will'cometimes'he” eval | efficient, impose addition’. labor-onthe:}Lbongh I
a call loudly, nous can lear me,
+ - SBlghbate . y aawong its
i passengers.
aurston und~ Robert Purlow |'wer and full she bad at thbet cousin's:wery in/Pf{iision,the hea Robert
fon pusin es, that
vith eame,tay fol
and th truly‘ wise vill Tntorm
face ||pcomach~andRachaehanien
prematarely. ree Liowed,» iiaits, || {OFaridaude
therethe Howitt
Howlnothig bat Foekal« the prowling
Silay tion
wacsor etm: a ucw for Tattie to tra rranabeGi ne Fini i 5° atid") SePalsFas nt cupshaudablandihgantloraiteOjdboud
ernie themsett9s beforehand, a s to. the ES sah atone J u e k a l Feu Gosy hg.
ial wortehit
And5 the Ghalleiging
ispers, tomy ear, fF {1
el ieise even.
ob Bip Rar peas wrote aR MmePeMMe AM] Lsand nore
iboriug grace attracted yeni Me aayand |S(a clasped
much attention, tho toanton
| onc ct ofPer HeredPit =polsogcd tafrtae 6 penefe deteas deurnaliof
his. breast. Faint ond
kes the tui
aul aay
cans offpedokl at any teal ; invalid |. Tha er v
mnt my yor cs
The hoatie angwer, © Relies,” makes the shade | M4 everything was fresh aud de aany suitorswere-at her side; buv to |S8uned from. the shock, moments. had spoilage y= Rowen 18. Be Oro ay Hop be in, God is with es
Beagie € re fons yaridd sceneryof Take Slfadiustaried. dent Gar. { pas ed before: he recovered shis sense Oa ies aeeey. Map baly tothe bridle and at the foner-
* Mage ea EPO 5 <a foforesteet her ; GNU
delighted hee fresh, elild?}~a But
and coblpanigperwio einerthe ees Heyacaie EARN
a To jy | but tion heros toot»
awakening Meuicanasons
realizition Rae | |oomine.
of hissite © gE weeping jensation.of-. or. | “Drewes” contains
a any” point heats.trom rs this “emolling?”auo} te battle God'veyeih
nd attasting
the gra henge
Const y lly'Belbelovedoetw Goede kf | fooiely
liad hitherto beet neeustomed:ouly Ihe to, die-|
the | sutwoutd
edigrousid hve
{her=-oue® word Loppinetcey
from. whose | Je tud-stood out 1m the clear moon-| ‘be mouth to the stomach; the presump- | neédotes the:smoke’;in the revalation
01 of fashionable ladies: vest fale ight tion then is, that. some corrosive. poison | ‘The eurolling. officer of Salisbury Dis- |God’s hand managing the masses ‘there is
‘ramap BURA ah OER jravercd in er a. true child of Bator Wer hegre -But this wurd wae got, spd |, 5 erson mark stained Tatil Mars- [bts Deen talien- Something whfeh eats or tet, Maryland, .was, very active and | no are broken love from ther ofrules, men
With soleinny pendulum swing! * whose unbeckneyed guillvssuess attract |'kexi ; for her guarded snanner, since the |tH’s white forehead, und lier eyes: were akties vee it the nate Yaa pe perlbpmasice otis duty.) In the earthquake, there is Jeh
‘Though X slumbur all night, the fire burns |¢d. aud gf + But as night | visit of theie. atrival, hud continued ; |<084;, while the amoonbeams FT hadhoa pengob the spaks menses in the tempest, ‘there showed | Hoss parte of the tongue, SHORE Oy
ight ' drew on, poor IMattic_beeune tired of | and so they two; somneur, wallwd apart) |e otherwise deathly pallor of hers fuer | O™Ach. Ke. Most poisonons suhstan— |, and finding none of the male hand, tossing the bark, dashing it avainst
B , ‘ananpy sentfusts vaaibarad' tine” asking questions and ooking from the] each mistuken fi the other, Ali, Lidae {framed in her loosened golden hair whieh | °88 Of (MS sort are acids, and the first | members of the home, wace in- | be-rocke, or saving it in bis hand. from
pedivers dow She gradually greweesilent
4 %urston, your plan shouldnot have been | £2ated atound her. host remedy likely to be at hand is com—| quiry of an old woman, «bout the number | the boisterous wa Tn all seasons, at
| sare a uid after’ mony'vain"effurs to Keep her| iyig so soon 1 You madee sad mistake |. °O% ty God!” exclaimed Robert | mon soap dissolved in water, or soda or|and age of the ‘males’? of the family. | gil times, in all dangers, and in all elie
) «Boot Damaging, Oeasinon Hermopen ei eanicy closed, and | ju 11g beveayals for’ Hattie guar ‘erlow, a8 he gazed upon her and saw ft Ee ican bat Bo a hae ieee SRE. stopped. | mates, the
srabpandlege te sounding. ».Qur she was renily:
jhe fst ubleep. while a geatle | heartjeart with
w i t h a o d
double bolt and1 loc didd not revive.“
| iny beloved “Ob, Hattie {of inexpert hands the remedy may be| ‘Is thereno one Meselse ?” skied the officer | geon.
Pde MOPHEN Oued ag Ader erent | Ce ae ! my ungel, is“Oh,dead!” hy| made4 so strongue as to e become of itself “Nod? p ¥cain;«Casaed!
woman, “*a0i
Te Latlow,uo equa ly watchful O¥et is or accou atelf, as he! pressed his lips | atétlier poison, hence wis bestto take the | except Billy Bray, —— ;
“To bore 17HM AddHanks,
ucklGiay beet Head
I touchand withilemy AVH8 wu slit eed pp tu"the whiele|
ly sloulder,Suadtelideeeyes; went | sci
gegcetehea eiimseof whet is bid $ ae simplest thing which inmost ike tobe | ‘Billy Bray wheres he?” Dom. —Your life is :
heart, lice my or
of etecl. we | | gi
fade nestlivg oethere
Seapine nm in orden quiet seearis
erage re
deems wee
he loses itt vi eae
s of the young girl trembled at | at hand, and whien cannot injure in any|
es dy began atrenwith in: which
‘He was
itcean -be | sald th
atthe barn a moment ago,”
lady. |-andc jon
is the prize, grace
are the antagonis
ati Senet satetiiihetourny he auece ding’ exo days-and-nights| 45 the autumn days deepened; aud, the | te prawure Of Is, and her eyes slowly | amanllyoT Te EER dik1 an|’ OttapergsheeBiaaaded basil tokekn
sc | save that the maoirst o of Rubertour Buslow
|| yeauty7" of the season departed,
es on mot isWheream I?oe AumSeay
[dreaming 2 | : instantancons sensation
De Stof burning hetd eel che cag ssrens
in the Aerthe mansou. Cy aming back, baum
the ys
worthy,of-. na tha nnd d.ok Be et
o lant
met ween
i i r ig, at/breakfast, Hattie dvowed her in 1 ah tg oe

" Tapp SOI rar fee he he Cg SANESem gull

grew more tender and thoughtful for his | (;.,
vey’s end, and Hattie wes aa
; nti’
ait “wi
Eh tb
j and she paused in-contusion, putting her | ‘h
steriesLaaiths.¢: Naunersprapuatedibemhinehalencess 1.222 sie ree it aoe
ASO BS yee POUL At weet Povo aueusioued ths.old ledy ss idole
can) happen sfrom sn over. | roling ic ae ooh meagan
hisname among thosety be.draft— | bard a rtfto leave ; nor yet [roa altogether
te pitital
e her ; uncle’s-houke,
g "vex,
next, Howie,
Hattie, h-eatd her anel,pucle, » for | | Hattie!
Hauwwel LeisLuis teaathar.t
love you
you bet«
bet {tout is that mote
|g hig beings it willot less“be of vomitedinp,
the stom |jed:among| Thethosetime on of, whom
the drafting
the lot came,fell'was
wod || forto thenbear. tt would be too long and hard
‘And how did yor. Tike Four ‘escort,
CousinoLinttie2” asked -Lizaie Marsion,
)sliall wot be able tg go Hast until hen ee ane a ee eT eve yor a | ache ‘Then you can mote lefsnrely drink | Billy Bray. “No one kuewhim. “Where | Bach of us bears within himeelf'a world
}avd your father caunot, cone, for you | death, if eiereby.T. mixhs‘save you &| ce aeaia-waterorstrone eomprenda, nor | did ie live?” The- officer! who eurolled | unkown to bis fellow being, and. each
j Upon's sunny morningin early Jane, | as the two girls sat ju the Jutter’s room | now. ‘ Vie serg Be , J P| a table-spoouful of wood ashes put in | tim was-ealled on toyprodace him; and, }may relate of bimselfa history resembling
the post-boy rapped
at lie door of Jadge [late that night. a ‘But T must go, uncle! ve made re} 12 and -what is the | Half pint of lukewarm water, stir, Tet it | !o and beholdjgBilly Bray was
a Jackass! | chat of every one, yet like that of no oth+ \
Marstou’s dwelling, and left a letter for! ‘OhI think he is splendid/” answer- | you a long visit: alfeady: ~1-eww’ on | ut wore am 1 | ettle two minutes
gna iat is the ponr it off and drink, | and | er
standsnow on the list of drefied men man,
POL | isnTr a owder eaused the arcen
the mosthas gener the order ff whichoes
“| as forming one of the quotwof' Maryland || Observe Pench Providence
his pretty danghter Hattie
Now. tis leter was nothing’remarke
ed, Hattie, while a biustrvnconseiously }eharge of the conductor “aid shall arrive | matter
| stole ujPhur fie” “He wus s0 polite aud | safely; nevgr fear for, that,”-sve replica) said, a8 fssheblood
1” she There
opon mywithfaceYourfoo hand?”
bleof itself, not beiug w love-letter, and | gentlemanly! Ltseemed as if he coula stoutly. . ewer ae i ee iene | doté is to swallow one to anot lad is'6 Ucbeee :
not #g¥en coming from
‘ ni geutleman’ cor |notde
i cnougt. to make
ree”me comfortable,
hi QT! ber Hattie homesick’? Herwhy,serutintziigly,|
abat, looking’at ¢ said Uatrie,”?
Joa We b bewanewéred) fe Cand’ many are * | the white is the. efficient : part, but there Sometinies one meres is
respoudent, It simply bore & wes “1 thought, you'd: Vike him 5am fer aU Dr oki 0e 8 Haingly. | ciousy \jited. 1 wad afraid: ae frat.| ™AY Bot,be time to seperate the yolk { sand. |
pestapark,but it set little Hattie Kew be could help lik ng Gouin Blt: | Well, don’t mach wonder at it, for 1s rionsy uted, Twas afraid, a Btst| 7 ica in poisons fron a r s e n i c , carro: | ; s a friend Dik vorle AN'tol ;
tg, 08 er told hime wool Heissn | expect Liss would. bef she mere on | ba! Dub vite bas tank Gil evoking eabimate,verdizrn, reool mill bi for Vg part ot ue aadeedbee Minty ene
aera F
son ZSuppo tet
meas wks eat
mal erin a ew
7 r
recommen ta i |
ne eeab ust.© Buvvtry, dear, and content
sndheabs hastlly aCaeht Ler totter, who,).L0 Tdi veda blin'ah-o in bie tocie-| Ishouldu’seel right to lure you yo with: | Néud, for there is ma. wound there, You'|
your- | h ujures id aTeOE i ‘ d she sigh be i ‘onble us i
Js Ney
ae ci
gn |
mantacruttere get the roteon |
eng i loins
creevokliod testiie
"iQh, mother,
mol : tees p Tae leti fro m “Cousin | 3
ty,” said inate,
Lizzie, laughingly. s o
M Unele -and tell yous little secret, Hattie, if you'll | Hattie, deur, y NOR
“Now H t
V'll| | nu
out RR
acompanion? calc Meeps f AEH P are Inot : wr fe
harmed, Ohi how thankful Lain
| oo oF ino stomach : iustantl¥.
y, by Joma
swallows jhectanatidnuf
eibect Sir
every five minutes @ tea-cupfal of| Guid demurred at her attending a ball; /somed, end'the “lions, without ~doubt,mes
i n e Tweezers
recente as
ar heros
hepaiest | Ae At the fire woald bare ‘certainly eon: 7
pera pela al SPrbtntee not t@eold meee Do you Néant | now s S0-den't say auother- word about | Tt waa strange place for an avowsl | Warmw.te- into which has been sirred'a| sat car if Icee Be sYeeywell.tnen: | have taped and devoured. Daniel, bad
fo beayit, Hattie? If so promise not) it,” suid her Contin Liszie, “Here we) of love; there, at that, midnight hour | fait tex-soon each of common salt and | you'll sce fits, if you go!” was the cus: | 9° God by the interposition of his own
to look cross ”” = have just beguo to enjo, 8 jand inthe movnlight, with the souod of | ground kitchen mustard ; there ig vomi. reply. hand, stopped and hindered the effec!
te eves, I'l promise, if it is anything I| you uiust take:tbis freak into’ your "head | the soGerers still’ in theit eats. But ©! { i n e aliiost as soon as ft reaches tho stom y | so. would-thesin in us, and the malice in
iv so) momentthey lingered ; ‘yet that was suf) och; then drink a cap*or two of very | | others, quickly rain our souls and bodies
io return
don't give home. Ttanothiér thought,“allowbut’ con Bcieut for Robert
E sha’’t Furlow to. read au:an-| strony coffee, which is athe best remedy | [37 d that youshould | were it wot that the same hand guards
t yourself to remain until ayele comes | swer—uot only in the eyes of is com-|for all unodyme poisons, as opium, mot-| leave me, Puttick,” said” the Widow | and keeps vs every moment.
wanting a certain gentleman and a ce Lae aud then,if, of your own, ac~ | panion, but in herfew spoken word: : | @hine, landanum, &e., &e. —In-short, if| Pinchem to on ex-boarder, “when I set | pncteaa epics 3
nin cousin of miiueto become acquaini=~| cord, you do wet wish to remain longer, || “You have saved my life, Robert) the sufferings sweet ate instantaneous..and ut if|ya’am, | 98,good a tuble'as.auy in town” “Och. | tuner Gueat Wonvs—A ehristi {
i mit | ed j and, for awhile; tmently despaired j why, won't soy-another word axainst' henceforth it shall be given 10its p drink oil or soap-suds ; end your table may be good | i-aseier caw chee
telis auwt thatthat hebe saw the inne
ne tt eo ee eraga mecting. But one daj-a| jt. Will yow, Mr. Faslow 2" said Liz |server1” ‘Then they torned to assist the] gradual or-enusing: drowsiness, mastard |e 6 daceot bit do ye pat | Tarelet Kelis
owe sho had |unforunatesuferes around them. 1 ER ocae arteaoge ote oe wite of Gggarext apo lk veure 1” s |ing admonition jrinted on a fallo she
Se Hos ne | bright idea oveurred tormg'e had Joa |p, rain 10 that genttao
af a lett - iat Ua hla f ee mine, | just ‘Against, enered. what, Miss Lizzie ?~ What’) were'ayraity Av few onhours of detention, °F | Halls Journal ofaca Health AREA kee ee a
received the toud, aiid arrived safe: | ? : raets
‘ HO tie ae enet the gentiemun-ris it lum expected to influence yout cous| ly the uext nightfall) at, Hattie’s home, ee | adge Jeffries, of notorious me- | “Unders of the word = ;
Hattie, eag' Gjand ivissorchauced. tt seiiout a rein in-tuvor of 2.1 husk know the case,| where they were. teurfully: welcomed -by| Corre Porsoxs —Ifit be “trae that | mery, pointing with his cane to a tron | —a God, a moment, an eternity : a God
it, and see
wha in queition, lig: dl66 oi FiO 8 ein tion before L give my decision, he | her parents, who had just read the'news | thers-are men so lost to all:moral princi. | who was aboutto be tried, safd, “There | who se s you ; amoment which les from
I “have long prosnised you name, happeved in as T hed “stuifingly _- of the'accident, ple as to delibetately’pat sttychiiné and | is a rogue at the end of my cane.” The| You: an eternity which awaits yon: a
Tern isit and nom, itthe Judge] letter, whos what could Sere aaerOh, ‘of course,” anewered Lite. | & month later,-a wed@@\g owas cecle:| other poisonons draxs into liquid com |ma. said to whom he polnted, Tooking at|God whom you se to 90 ll; ,w moment
b-best, and this young *mat 198} is a) aloud u few passages, and theneratell nal bite) oat Gut that you were hire |‘brated at Judge Marston's mansion ; and| | powhisk? or French id then sell theatifor. Tourhon | him, “At which end, wy lord?” fot which you so little profit ; wy eterulty
ipeafot oF who writer A focontse:L oN vow, when Hattie made known’ het | when Hattie again left the home of her brandy, thet are oth- e {which you hazard so rashly
ar fath- | mentioned her before iB aano | jon an of tetrbing houie immediately. ately. | igi girlho d for auoth@ western tif journey,it, e! rs who will adulterate * coffee for the.sakene Phy i - eer | —< <n deen SS
«ar deleataete henner nt, Non ivling we waitig, that you sH0uld | was ap the wife of Robert Farlow." (ot ait, wid Soll 1t ¢S'a ‘pare articte.—| ee ey man arto Depts his wile}. | of theolo go r~ :John KoewBanyan, that arent mastot :
‘}tiurm, wud oue west swou : f n e a
persuasion in bell, Phere
There are
are | two very r certain methorls of | l
like i k e » well what he was write |
heaps of»good’; so; "very naturally, be CE otrbenee F ema GT oat ns treo \avotding in position: either drink no} Ne's.aperfect brate | 0 0 | ing when he tellsws” that’ Mr, Despone
K the but, and offered to be your ¢&° Ut Her ree El be only too-soon’ fot} GSB “Bobby, what's “steam 2”— | coffee at all, or purchate the berry. and ee dency, MF TRFSCy te halt, “and Me
cort, Cousin Hattie. ‘There, now, areu’t ot ae ber.” * Boiting war.” ‘That's right burmand grind it yourself. It is cl: im] tr “A man_can’t help what has | Mnchaffaid got safe to the colestial city,”
e tor planning 2” thing |c mpare it.’ ‘Positive, boil ; com ed that several families have. been pois- | been done bebind his back,”4 as th»scamp|as well as Fafthfal and Hopeful, old
C.joucrutl, wicked gilhidinf g owber dev) glow- | I ean: 'L-hardly
say i
have. myseliabat
the desirfs ed ensthing
effect. it! tive, «mp boiler; doe
it! superlative, burst.we o | Ged in Brooklyn by drinking” what was | atd whea be wad Vicked Gut of doors, “°! Father Honest aud Mrs. Sanfast
ex@laimed Hattie, ae
fF me

NATIONAL DEFENDER, Official Despatch from Gen. Dix. PUBLIC SALE.

WV ILL be sold at Public Sule, on Mon Mer eerste ies Staliler’s | Column. 5
atlas bet
Wasrcvorox, April 21.—The followtog spe-
E at simple
Manin SMe vonrow aLamarsoy.
‘TUPSDAY, APRIL 28, 1863. clal despatch hus been receivedat the Head-
‘quartersof the Army M.voH'the
B.ristowa, prolny, ne Borough! Nor
ectbeapay Comat tno YOUTHFUL INTELLICENCE.
GESERAL BUENSIDES ORDER, Fonrases Moxxox, April 19th, scribed ‘A sentleman while walking up the rail- - of Gwynedd township, dec’.
The N. Y. Herald publishes what purports to
Major-GeneralH. W. Halleck, Gen-vin- Chief
deem it due to the forces at Suffolk to n0- All that
certain brick messuage and lot or care sandingling eps uj the
a tack aed wimith coat April 18. The account of George Solliday,ad-
Pe iniacnion OF the usteot Gourgh
202. 202-202
de a copy of this famous order of Gen. Burn- tice briefly their gallant conduct during the last piece of land, situate in the Borough of Nor- {or the differeut y vda of the town, aud the ree
side, but which was disapproved
‘Preeident end seppressed
of by the six days. f istown and a.
4s follows, vis “Beginging
Montgomery, bounded
st « point on the the words National Coal Yard, corner Swede
spective carts loading therefrom. ‘He noticed
one particular cart, (on the sides of which were
a , late of Movtgomery township:
On Tuesday, General Reck’é right was at- 18. The account of Jesse Jarrett and
Gevenat Onpexs, No. &.—Heapquantens tacked and the enemy's advance was gallantly ‘of three hundred and sixty nine feet nine and Lafayette streets,) that was attracting the
northeas side t of Penn street, at distance
Taaae Shoemaker, execiitors of the estate No. 202 Main Street, Norristown, Pa.
Aanr or-rmz Porousc, Jun. 22, 1863—Pieet. met by Colonel Foster's light troops, driving inches northwesterly trom Cherry street,thence ‘ttention of the little urchina who were gath- ‘of Elizabeth Jarrett, late of Whitpain twp.,
General Joseph E Hookor, Major General of | him buck tothe ine of his pickets. Ander- through the middle of the brick wall between ‘the waste coal as it fell to the ground. Aprildec’d. 14, The account of Jacob Fisher, Guar- DeaLemiy EST ABLISHED IN 1810
‘Voluteera and Brigadier General of the| son’s division was engaged at the same on the | Godfret this house and that adjoining now or late of
parallel to wund
the ove
of them, why they ail gathered
cart, as others were load ing at ‘dian of Manda Wilamina Ruch, minor child
United State Army, having been guilty of un- water front with our gunboats and battesiis, | said Cherry street, one bundred and sixteen the sume tine, one little bright eyed fellow H. Saylor. northeasterly of Peter Ruch, "late of Upper Dublin twp., DRUGS, CHEMICALS AND PAINTS,
Just aud unuecemary criticisms of the actions | and suifered materially. stepped up and said, do you suppose we are eo'd. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.
fectto Ann street, thence along said Ava
going to let one or two boys have all the good

of Bis superior officers and of the authoritics, | On Wednesday & rebel battery of twenty- street northwesterly twenty two fect sev:
and having,by the general tone of bis conver pounder rided guas wus effectually stlenced, |fnebes, thence by premises now or late of ‘coal, « Narry time.”” It ia really strange that
satlou, eodeavored to create distrust fo the |and an attack on the Smith Briggs,an armed Jacob Schwartz and Eli Stover, southwesterly even children should be judges of such matters
one hundred and sixteen feet to Penn street by sight. ap)l.te hawis dyed
and Merino Shawls
tinds of offisers who bave astociated with hit, | Quartermastér’s boat, was repulsed. aforesaid, and thence along said Penu street April 14. The account of Wm. D. Moyer and STAHLER’S DRUG STORE ses, like new.

and baving, by omissions and otherwise, made | SPECIAL NOTICES. Jonas D. Moyer adm’tor of the estate of

Joveph Moyer, late of Loner Salford tmp.
e ee
been made on our
shroaghout roxghout M Montgomery Counts.
yorta and statements which w snd afer July let 1865, the pel lage of convert |
ing the present lasue of Legal Toader N o t | ec’,
The stormingof the enemy's battery, near Natioual Slx Fer Cent. Loan (commonly calle ™ Five d April 14. ‘Accountof Gilbert Linson and Gar I. known through the adjelntng counties
willy speaking in disparaging terms of other the west ptanch of the Nansemond, by Gen. ‘ond floor, ‘ill conse line Lipson executors of the estateof STANLER DRUG Cee
officers, ix hereby dismissed the service of the Getty, and the gunboats, under Lieut-Lamson, | cellar under, plates back, frame shed, well of John C. Lixson late of Franconia twp. STAHLER'S DRUG STORE 1 place to get pure Drugs,

United States ase mam unt to hold an import Of the vary, and the eapture of six guns and | water with pump therein.
Conditions made known on day of sale by April 14. The account of Charles Stout and STAMLER'S s
dec’d. . *
‘ant commission daring s crleis ke the present two hundred prisoners closes the operations of ap 21-8. JONN GOTTWALS. Aan Stout adm’tors of the estate of Daniel
‘whemgo much patience, ebarity, confideace, | the six days against the enemy’s large force Stout, late of Uppor Dublin twp., dec'd, STAULER'S Te the DRUG
Hlace to &get good and reliabte medicines, prsima pay pLE Goopa! f

consideration and patriotism are due from eve very satisfactory. (Signed) SHBRIFY’S SALE. April 15. The account of Mary Sterner and sranu ns bite sox’ Prices Reasonable—
ry. soblier ia the feld. BE 'ss,issued Vittuc ofa writ of Venditioni Expo- George W. Sterner exccutor of the estate SIN TAR PLACE to pt Freeriptions Compound. "
Joux A. Dix, Major-General. RECISTER’S NOTICE. of John H, Sterner who was Arustec of STANLER te tee pacelo on
ge Pestomery and Fancy Articles
This ordur ia ianed subject to the approval a out of the Court of Common Pieas Monroomany Apuil Cocn?T,37, 1969. Susanna Pool widow of Samuel Pool, late ive B r o THONLE. & CHISI

‘of the Presideot of the United States. of Montgomery county, and to me directed, Limerick twp., dec'd, ace DRUG to get anySTORE genulie Patent Medicine. Comer Kighth & Spring Garden ;
‘Second—Brigadier General W. T. H. Brooks | ‘The Voleano Smoke in Mobile. will be exposed to sale, Publie V: April 1 5 . ‘The aeconnt of Samus! Cowden STAHL. PS PHILADELPHIA...
commanding First Division, Sixth Army Corps ACRE TOR DREAD OR PEACE—A DEMAND FOR P.M., in the Sheriff's Office, at the Court led in my offee, ou the date lo cach aeparstely silted
MONDAY, MAY 4th, 1863, at 2 ine following named pettons bate been Allowed ‘who was one of tligexccutors of the estate stanes 1sDRUG - Ts the place to get Dye-Stuils,
STOREto got Trams apd Soppertert. would invite attention to thelr present Stockof
for compliiuing of the policy of the govern. BLOOD THREATENED, House,in the Borough of Norristown and Y fund that tbe amuse will be of Jesse Chastner, » late of Gwynedd
ip dve’d, ’ Filed by Algernon 8. Stanter's Drug ore the plate Handsome Dress Goods—
ment aud for using language tending to demor. Posters, of which the following is eopy, county aforesaid, cone of the adm?rors of the estate |
piLY te place to get Shoulder
stoneNiven and Liquérsfor edie Braces. Rich Black Silkes—
Linen Goods, of every variety—

lite bis command, ts, subject to the approval were posted up in the most public places of rhe Fotfowing Described Real Esta'e ‘Accountof William Pletcher April 15. Account of Jonathan Mattis adm’tor orCuaries R.Castner decd Trike piace get Pure Clot ds, Cassimers, Vesiings, Seo,
of the President of the United States, dismiss. | Mobile on the Gth inst. It is une of the un- {tard j grant i a t c e r t a i n noose m e s a g e and lot or piece
0 and
of and T rthwaite, adm'tors of the | of the estate of Jacob Trewig late uf Mat- sTARLEWg|BRLO STOKE eal purposes, Bloseed& Unbleached Mustins t
ed from the military service of the United | mistakable signs now becoming quite common, | county of Montgomery, land, situate in the Borough of Norristown Estate of Thomas P. Fletcher, lute of AL-| geld tw *d. Tethe place to get Pere Distticy, ter Seti an White Flsuuels, Fancy Flannele-
bounded and describ- for Shirts, ke., Ke.
States. | that the distressof the people in the Rebollious edthe assoutheast follows, vig: Begiaving at a point un Jan. ington
twp., dec’d.
of William Fletcher,
| April 15. Fi final accoun of Levi Miller
site of Green street, enty | sdm'-| "" gdm*tor of the estate of Susanna Bisbing ws Ta the place to get Paints and Ole, Faney Silke, last weasona prices £ At
‘Third—Brig. Geo. Joha Newton, command. States hea reached a point that is almost un-
four fect from the corner of Greet) and Elin tur of the Estate of Charles S. Pletcb-| fate of Woreester twp., dee'd. | Black Stella Shaway at Jest yeare i f
fog Third division, Sixth Army corps, and brig Ddearable mm streets, northeasterly and thence by auother late of Abington twp., dee’d. April 15. The account of Joseph A. Prive ant French Lace Mantles, at Inst years
Gen. Join Cochran commanding Fit brigade. | joune aud lot of ssid Perry southeasterly at | Jan. The se |" Henry A. Price, executors cf the ertate | Silk Mantles, Clothoth Sacks, Mackey Mention eas ety
Third division, Sixth army eurys, for. golug to EAD OR PEACE. Fight angels to sald Green street sixty seven | ner, and John L. Daniel Price late of Lower Salford twp., Best moallty Hor} ‘Skirta, at old ys
the Presidgut of the United States with critle | «It bas not yet come to be w question of| fect elght tenths, thenceby a lot on the Jucoby | Wm. Webster, decd. 1 s the plaee te get good Cloves, An fact we have splem idl stock ofpe a2 well
dee’. April 16. The final acconnt of Joba Trum~ | STAMLER'S DRUG STORE |" e
elaine upon the plans of bis commanding officer | bread or peace with us, but we are fast com Parm thevee
northeaster Tourteon feet two tenths, Feb. 6. The account of Anthony L. Anders, |" bauer, Exceutor of the estate of Jobn |
by anotber house and lot of said Per he ace for Btareheepers
% te obtain supplies. ‘worthy of attention
subject to the approval of the President, {ng to it. 1¢ our Government can compel y’s northwesterly sixty sever feet, more or one of the adin’to sof the Estate of To-| Tyumbauer, late of Upper Hanover iwp., sate pe chante to ebteim upphier
diumissed from the willtary service of the | ma with a fully of cbildsun to fight fori for lesa, to Green atrec aluresaid, it slovg the | i Q lute of the twp. pf Lower! — dcc'd.
United States. $12 per month can compel, and must, those | southeast side thereof sou fourteen | April’ 16.” First and final secownt of John HE Sue3.00 ‘ret of fan,at private sale, bybie the Forge and
Fourth—It being evident that the following who stay at heme and enjoy thelr ease now, Feet to the pice funing. improves erry, Executor. Trumbaver, guardian of Benjamin Keme- ‘about Well Kuown mateo of
a half story. Brick rer, paid Benjamin being mow dec'd, late Green 1am: Forge, i t u a t e 1s Morlburough towaahiny
Bamed officers can be of nu further serrice in | and will enj our freedow when achieved, to mentslingconsist House,
of a two
containing six rooms, good Feb. Yam 14.
Perry, late of Plyux
ot Upper Hanover twp. STAHLER'S DRUG STORE i
this army, they are horcby relewsed om dety | feed the poor n of poor fathers; the wi- { cellar, piazza back, hydeant water, & ccount of April 16. “First and final aceount of John 1 the pace for Btorekenpars and Country Mer- roa
‘snd will report in’ person, without delay, to te dows, why e. only sons are fighting the battles | Seiged and tak in executio n as the prop- ‘Trumban er, adm’tor of the estate of Mag- ‘chante to obtain thelr supplies fara, Home, & Cpand which nis
erty of Jo! M. Krause, aud Thomas 8. Ross, dalena Trumbauer* late of Upper Hanover ehtensive trade. There are eve oree|
Adjutant Genera! of the Untied States
Major Gen. W. B, Prauklis, co nding s0on cease to be a
and fo be sold by
r s aadai'tor of tho Estate of Thomas Sharpe
of John P. Thom pson , | April
twp., dec'd.
16, ’ Final
and who
of the
Left Grand Diviston. , Norristown, Ap Jess, late of the county of Montgomery. S a - KEROSENE O11;
Major Gem W. P. Suntth, commanding Sixth tstue. Feb. 17. The rah Fri inor ehikt of Jobn Frick, KEROSENE OiL, ‘fell of water of over thirteen
“ Our wives, sisters and little one are crying | SESRIFrS SALE sccount ot Jonathan Yerkes aud} and as filed by John D. Metz, exectors of KEROSENE O1L, alo me the Legeaud neveral

BY ee,
army corp. : of] t h e estate of said Joseph Metz, dee'd, ware, all of land are
| for breed! Beware! Y virtue of a writ of Venditioni Ex- ‘The above 300 acres
Brig. sis, commanding |chott! gif tare bedlest geongh they ery for blood
of sation
y late of Moorelaud townsbip, | April 16. Account of Davis Watson, adu’tor Sal Soda,
of the
Mariburough, couniderable ‘New Hanover,Fr
Scound division, Ninth army corps. | dont of the Court of Cor-| estate of Henry Watson kite of the Ce trated Lye,
and speculation; it is time. the strong arm of monty of Montgomery County, me) Feb. 21. cout of Jacob Pruner, adm’tor of twp., of Horsham, doc'd. Pure Ground Spices, if
ym, ad i Ta
Wig. Gon. Edward Forrero, commanding
| the law wad’ extended, directed,will be expoved to he by lie vere the'Estute of Jolm Morgan, late of Gwy- April 16. "The account of Soloman Snyder,ad- Matches,
Second brigade, Second. division, Niuth army
“<The people will rise, sooner or later !— due, on MONDAY a6, at 2 4d township, dec’d.
Account of Jose ininistrator of the estate of Amos Hagey, ‘Starch, sieWall Bites .
corpa. | oPelock, P. ML, in he h King, adw'tor of | atc of Lower Salford twp., dec'd. Sorriatows dad Aftontowa
There are lainp-posts and rope enough to cur | Coukt House, inthe Borough of Norristown,
herit’s Office, at the
Brig. Geo. John Cochrane, com anding this tate of Francis ing, late of Lower | April 16, The actount of Jol Moyer and Jo- Shue Blacking,
Biearb Sodf, For forces paticuacn addron oF a6 $800 *,
ronwurriatowm,. Fe.
worse than treason—and the remedy will | and county aforesaid, u township, dee’d. nas Moyer aud Enos Cassel, adm'tors of ‘Salaratus, nora.
Firat brigade, third division, Sixth army corps.
| be supplied Ly au outraged peop 8. The first and final account of John Y. the estate of Peter Moyer, late of Lower “Aleohel,
Liwut. Col.J. H. Taylor, Acting Adjuta Crawford, Guardian of William. H. Stil NS? MESMANSE
Geaoral Right Grand division. | Signed) wagon and’ Martha ¥. Stillwagon, (od April Salford 16. ‘The
twp., dee'd.
account of Samact Erb and Sol-
Lard and Whale 01
Neat’ Foct Oil,
By command of Major Geu. A. E. Burnside. ~——-+ 2 weet, Jat Borough ot Caaho- dve d, minor children of Frederick Suill- cuion Snyder, exeeutors of thé Castile Susp, HOUSEKERPERS
‘ken, in. thy Count of Mentgons y, begin- Mare 3, Account of Paul Barndt, adn ror of | wagon, late of Lower Meri ow twp., decd, | Jacel Magey, late of Lower Sidigo, 2 good supply. of Bleached nud Brom
Lewis Richmod, Asst’t Adjutant Geueral. | Prom Port Royal, 8. C—The Mont- ‘Bath Brick, the voty l o w e s f e sunckot rates sas beCAL
pa OE AB li AZ ning at'a stake forty ot froin’ the Westerly the Estate of Mennabetta Barndt, late of ‘The first and final account of John RCHRACK & YRARLE'S ONBAP
ors Decks being Tron plated commer of Seven! Avenue and Fayette street, | Laver Salford townebip, deed. ler, trustee of Marrict Nyce, late of ‘Stove Lustre, eps SCHRACK & YEAKLE..
IMPORTANT ARMY ORDERS. jew Youx, April 22.—Adrices from Port | thence southwesterly along the uorthwesterly ch 18. ‘The acconut of Juuies White, Exeen- | Lower Salford twp. dec'd. ‘White ebat.
site of Fayette stroct two hnndred and sixty tor of the estate of Elijah. Jarrett, late | Apull 16. Pinal. aceoubt of J: Cream Tarter, :
Tut D emanet or Soupirrs wires itis
Tenys Exrine.
the Monitors
por the
iron plated
on tite
that ail) feet to Sixth Avene, thenc
decks. | alos f said Sixth Ave- } Upper Dn
township, dve'd.
John. Wood, Joseph | | executor of the estate of
of Upper Providence twp., dee'd
Reed, tate Ref'd-Sultpe
Hespqtantuns oF rux Ansy or rux Poro- A number of artizans from the army aro assist- ‘nue one bundred and eighty-six fuet to Fortest
treet, thence erly along the sont! 4 ard Jesse Wood, Executors of the Apuil 16. ‘The account of Rebecca Lane, Ge
Caster Of,
Bed Dorey
xac, Apnl 20.—The fu wing orders were | ing the naval men in this duty. Estate of Septitany Wood, late of White W. Holstein and B. B. Hughes, exceutore 3. B. LIPPINCOTT& CO.,
published to day | Attempts are said to have been made by th | and easterly side of said Forrestatract two hundred
sixty fe marsh tep., decd. of the estate of Sarab Roberts, late of the | ‘Sweet Oil, Pussaperaia
rebels at Charleston to raise the Keokuk, but | lel with h Aventte one biudi b Bie First ana final acconnt of samuel Hh. Borough of Bridgeport, dec
(Gavunst Onvers No. 44} with what adua'tors April 17. The Acceuut of Philip Black’ Ink, Chamber's Kneyeloy wlia. 4 ot
Heangcanrune Axax or muz Potomac, ruccess is not stated. eighty-six
| The improvements are a large Two.
feet to the place of | iler, late of and George Beltz, adu?tors of the estate he., he
} Perkiomen twp., de
‘april 20." The wedther fv gotting uncomfortably warm Story Brick Dwelling House, plastered | March 22. The account of Da of
twp., dee
John Hartman,’ late of Upper Salford
In onder that no misunderstanding may ex- ‘nt the health of the the troops and navy con- | on the outside, and Two-Story Brick side | wd Jacob Nice, Exect April 17. of Cha les A. B i reaiy.
avout eight
Uriee, ‘20 cents each
volumes, royal bra,
Price pet yi
iri as to the course to be pursued with regard tinued good, Kitchep
back, two
rooms, ball
in cottaxe
on the
of} Abraham Niov, lateo Franconia twp, Exe u or of Isracl Thomas, late of Whit Gieth, $5 S10) Hale rachey Usb. Wel |
to reglaents whose torm of service aro about A large Anglo-Confederste steamer is re- floor, and three rooms and entry: om th n » dec’d. $ 13a, feet.
expiting, the following rules will g | ported to bave rau out of Charleston on the floor, cellar under, frame shop, de. The first and final account of Daniel April 17. T h s Hoe!'plate Mape, beantifully primted in co tattle, if
wy, aduetor of the Bs io Catharine C lustente
willbe furuin curapb to hed ien! port
subscribers at» reasonable of the Ene y.
‘ction of edrps commsuders and othe | night of the 18tbinst. | , with John Custer late of Lower Providence | AC STAWLER'S
matter. twp,,dec'd, DRUG SPORE ‘The Maps ‘SF Yo age ven daumbe palerr, 849.»
st. When companies and regimenta re-en- Govrnwon Crery Decumes 4 Re-voxrm Account of Simon Kulp and Oliver AtstamLms paug roeLowe) 7 ‘ Y o u enn Bay your Cattle powders. pasty x Tare 8
Kat aftor the expiration of th present term | Kulp Exeeutors of the Estate of Benjamin | Yeu ean b u y Cattle ipicn
of service, in accordance with the provisions of | ‘Hannispenc, April 14.—There is high 4 Kuly late of Gwynedd twp., dee d. | At Stubler's Deug Store a
Goneral Order No. 85, of April 2, 1959, from for the statement that Governo Cur-
r | — April 17. Pinal account of Daniel Fisher jaestanimm's pnve ston”
y gas bay Neat’ Foot Oi,
positively decline a re-nomination. He CIT’
ian, Richard
(wile s,
of Guardia
Mobert n of
J. Sherida M.|
n ~ adm’tor of the Estate of Joseh ye can buy Lubrienting Olle, for machinery.
the War Department, ie regimental and com- | has been offered and accepted a bigh p. i ALLEY, PUILADELPHLA, aud late Anpie M- Harris, late = minor ee le late:
i At Sta
can buy Potash and Sods Ash. CHAMBER'S BOOK OF DAY:
aay olcers will be retaiued 5 the regimunt will {in the gift ‘of the national governmen t, which between Front end Secord, Ruce and child of Jacob W. Harris, dee'd. ‘STORE: E Hook of Days: A Mincellany
ha# vo furlough forthe time specitied in the | will take bim to 2 foreign country. Arch streets. March 25. The account of [saa netz, adm ‘elinble Family Medicines, Titgetica in sonaection withthe of Poplar Au-
ders and will be allowed; to proceed, at the | expiration of his term of office Until’ the | BRASS AND COMPOSITION CASTINGS | tor of th Estate of Michsel 2, late of man late of New Hanover twp.,d Aneo dote , Blogs ofr Burioni tles Tuelad
of ing
contin- | | New Hanover township, doc'. April 17. The first and fiunl account. of Wm. ‘erature, ant Oud ape Human Life aut Character.
Ptilic expense, -with their arme andequip. uno to exercise the various duties which areaow Furnished for : | Maret 27, ‘The tinal acecuut of Curtie J. Gil- Moyer adnv'tor of the ate of Lydia Balited duder th ‘esupe rvisio n of ROBENT CHAMBERS:
uta, (0 the plies of their exzolim:nt, the pressing upon the Statv Executtve. | Machinists, bert, trustee appointed by the Orphans April I7. The account of Jesne R. Egbert, Reinewalt, late of Franconia twp., dee ACST ANLE R's DRUG \ched iu Monthiy *
4 ¢» of tbetr furlough being two years or nine | Locke ‘Smiths, Coutt of Mor ‘Will be font a fll STORE
supply ofall articlon used tm the
— —_ es } ‘Ship Work, County to re f thes estate of Margarot Ex-
B oth as the case may b the date of Aw Onpen From Mar | amp Makers, and hold a c e r t a i n fund wrising u n d e late of the Borough of Norristuwn,
his original master ito the service of tbe Grex. Boessro e,—Cin- | Bell Hangers, will of Christia n Fisher late of Spri PAINTING BUSINESS.
Parts I.,to XII.Now Ready. Price 20cts.each.
| cinnatti, April 18.—Major-Gen. Burnside bas | Mill Work, tw p. , dee'd, Final account of Mark G. Kerr, and ‘nis ITE RESTING WORK CONSISTS OF—
Merch 2 8 , First and final account of George
2d. When the regiments in a body declive | issued an order pronouncing the death penalty |i
United States.
“Gun Smithy, « Freas aud Saniuel Walter Executor of the | Shermen, executors of the Wetheri Teed, Warra nted Pure, L
upon ali persons found guilty of: © Plumbers, Ketate of Samuel Freax late of Plymouth } | tute of Ann Kerr, late of the Borough of | White Zine Paint, French and tmericen, Mai r+ connected with the Chureh Calenderise
to re-enliet, the diicers and wen wil: be mus.
Gar Biiters, Norristown, dee’d, Colors in oil. Window Glos, a‘rita lustrations “Fertivate, Saints’ Dag, nod othed A wa
sored obt at the expiration of two years or nine rebe | Sileer Plates. Marchtwp.,Sl. detThede secount of Jno. Hackman i Aril 17. The accountof E. A. Banks, adm’tor Putty, Linseedoil, Varnishes, of Christian Autiquitice geaeesh:
wothefrom tne day actual muster AN persons found sympathieing with the | The celebrated adm'tor of the Estate of Jno. Landis late | cum
of the
of Colurs and Bronzes of all i.
jute the ser Of the United States. Their rebels are to be arrested, tried, and sent be- ANTI FRICTION METAL, of Franconia twp., de 'd. Kinds, Jirtisty’ colors,
ms ac@equipmentewill be tuned over to! yond the lines. This composition ts far superior to. what ix | March #1. First and fiial account of William April 17, Account of Hannah Feagley and Paints and Artiste? Seer C IS
tus ondtiance officer of the di kuown as BAJBITT’S metal, manufactured Krieble Guardian of Catharin e aud Sophia | guardian of Jesse Gilbert and Harmer Prush es, én all
ths troops belong, aud transportation and ai | derstood The order says that it must be distinctly un- and for sale only by ‘i dren of John Auders Ibert mi n or chiliren of Samuel Gilbert, ‘their varie
that treason, express or implied, wi.! JAMES YOCUM, Jr. te of @ -ynedd,twp., dee'd. late of Cheltenbam twp., dee’d. ties.
to the not be (olerated in this Department, | April 4. The first aud fiual wecount. of Joseph | Ap 18. The account of Menry: Harmer |
Bree by the Gu | — Landis Guardian of Susatna Sha tor of the estate of lV.
D- partments. | Erick who was @imiuor child. ef Jobo Notab le events ,
‘the days of the
Tur Foxce or ocx Ix Crap Frrer.—The | Prick lute of Worcestar twp., doc'd.
Ip cases wher Joes than one-bulfof ths | following is a H | april 6, ‘count of John U-4 tate of Na- w: W

statement. of the actual AMERICAN PEOPLE. | Longuer e and Jno.
¢ proportio of nof! farce of officers, wen
E. Force wlatora of | than Rambo late of Upper Merion twp., |” Asticies of Poplar Arebrotogyy =
the se be re. ttackon Charleston. The iron. and guns a in tho| JUST PUBLISH ED BY DRg A. STONE, | tho estate of Christia n Lo: late of |» aeetds
ey will be de ined by the Frricsson Monitors, save the l e are all | Physicianto the Troy Lung up Hygienic Institute, | per Provdience twp, dve'd. | april 18. Fival account of Wm. B. Raw! ‘boogee
0 pro progren ofaf gre Civil m
Ghviltaton yms Sto
The first agcount of Harrict Magee Sr. | ‘one of the exceutor’s of the ‘estateot Na. |
corps commanders f cordance with tbe ps Exceutri x a u d b.T, Deacon and Icbert | than Rainbo dec'd who was guardian of ACSTANLEtheM'SplesDRUG STORE VES
vielou of paragraph of General Order No. and Keoki M. Magee Exec’tors of the Estate of
Edward Magee late of the Borough of Mary Nortiy MeCann minor elds of Waa, c te Sud all the popular Patent Midi- Curtous Fugitive and Incilted Pieces,
#6, of April 24, 1888, trom the War Depart- jeCaun. | Tinie Restor atives ef the
Tone. Gros. Bridgepo rt dee'd. Wisha rt’s Fine Trev Tar Cord ial, Tein the desiey of the Raitor, by. this
meat. ‘The rank, proportion and numberof- Tronetides,
Scere to be retained, with the regiments where Montank,
2 I be seat by mall ov the receipt of two (2), mt |
Account of Sarah D. Whelen ad.
rix of the Estate of Sarab Wheleu |
Syence r
adim'tors of
of Mooreland tp. |
| Hunter’s Worm Cake
Melm bold ’s Extr act Buch u.
SHetiaad enti
clera ene Beet ane o
the revi lstiments are partial, is left to the dis-| Passaic, Bt 2 t Pall not to nend and |. kite of the Borougis of Pottstown, de Dr. Rose's Family Medicines, ‘old nat
fou of the corpe commande: Catskiti, ior 2 April7 . Fiual secoutt of Afar Shuatie April 18, | Accoun t of Sucob P. Tyson exceu- | Ayer ’s Cher ry Pecto rial and Pills , fnaterial ‘<0 evoke an equal seta
fo ti dip
Weebawken, 834 2 ot to send and get thia book. {
ould at once aecare as Gopr
bough actins adm’tor of the estate uf Han
tor of the oxtate of Elizabeth Krier late of Dr. Jayn e's Medi cine s.
Petapaco, 354 2 bub Shuubough late of the Borough of | Moorel and twp., dec'd, Hootiand’s German Bigiers, <. ty
Sangamon, 884 2 Norris town decd. ‘Woo d's Hair Resto rativ e, iy
Nakant, 84 2 Advice to those «be | April 8. The account of Kersey Sill, Exeetor April 18. First sccoung of Charles G. Sower Ster liug
Nantucket, 884 2 | of the Estate and Franklin D. Sower, wo of the execu- Merc

Arbr asia . ti rate etiidensanat a :
eutered upou the mustecerille te be paid at ts A class of mata 8 foasful extent in th | townsh ip,
of Hanna Sill, late of tore of the estate of David Sower, late. of 's of old firsite
The work printed in a ew, Gf
Keokuk, 70 2 de the Boroug h of Norris town dee'd. of Linproving th tree wanton aceon
fist payimgutafter the return of the men fry | 9. First aud tinal accountof Androw H. April 18. The account of Charles B. Castne
ir (oriough. Total, 11,298 36 r, ‘ant ‘with
Sd, Iu regiments where two years? men
Baker, adm’tor of the Estate
Sanders, late of Gwynedd wp, di
of Edward Feagle y, adu'to r ot the estate of
The officers of these vessels are natives of | Tonas Feagle y, late uf Dougla s township,
sod men enlisted for three years or the war are | the following States: April ¥ Account of Dai
winistrator of the Estate
of Daniel Bruncr, April 18. ‘The first and final account of John ec’,
associated togetber, special recommendations Godshalk and George §. Fry, adm’tors of. ‘es mui | FANCY FURS t 4
Po a ot Lower Providence township,
sway bp fade to the headquarters for furloughs | y the estate of Willia n Godsba lk, late of Ly
to the latter, wien the number of two year’s) Capt. Percivat Drayton, South Carolia. | April 9. Accoun t of Josep h A. Shoem aker and | Salford twp., deo'd,
be a | . Chale s Harp er,
Capt John Rodgers, Maryland. Bxoe 4 of the Estate | April 18. Account of Ma:si and Menry Alt afer
men re-enlisting may, in the opiniou of the |
C a p t , John Downs, Massuchnactts. etic volar ie : of Catharin eSiuith, late of Abington twp. bonse, adm’to r of the
corps commanders, justify theindulgenoe. it. G . W. Rodgers, New York. RafMite otherel glandsjot Tikdwiae the voly, kpliepay, as Hywterie Lennerthare.and orNervous Flext 1®Ayrii9deo. tia house, Inte of Hattiel d
estate of John Alte
ttn, When the two years? regiments do ot i Ammen, Ohio. . The first and final account‘of Levi April twp., dec
re-enlfat, as} abore provided for, the corps inety nivecareonts of every one hundred mith, adw'tor of the estate of Henry 18."Ac count. of Willi s H.
y F. Faician, Virginia. we naere d dir ord hott
ere ofthatandethers 'ninewot AprilSurith, late of Hatfield twp., dee’d, trustee appoin ted by the Orphans”
commisndera will direct the transfer of men en Capt. A. D.Ghind, New York. ‘Conru np' L i t n g e and most . ‘Ihe account of George Billger and in the esate of Henry Daub, deed, of a
Meted for three years of the war in such regi- ‘Kowily ewn
#4 fates
Tabes of pos of the Bpieal ‘Heury Creesman, Exeeutors of the state trust fund of which Mary Cleimner was to
tite neaband Dor
os tgia 13 liseases ef tae vai ad Tabesm
es, esegte rt: of dob Cresemua, late of Pranconta twp | ApriIh, Pinal
mentsto three years regimens from the same | 0B" The debt of the Confederate Govern Foon eee of heeWm. a H. Sheets,
Staté 5 oF if their numbers are sndicient, these ment is $800,000,000, and the Charleston Mer- os Lang asa | Apri .0. The account of Abr K.Nice,Ex-|
ro0n may, at the discretion of the corps com- cury estimates the yearly current expenses of the Troy | "cul o of the {e of Whi eue in aes Mapa Clemmer,
‘of Franconia Est
eating Os ateof dee’d.Fann” ee ts | ape 6 :
swaatier, be formed into battalions. the government in the future at §4,000,00, or | ogstaston
| Apri wp., ‘ 7
Rear A acatae gangn
Ith. This order,as weil as the following about $7 a year to each man, woman and chile, l 10. The sccuuvt ‘of Join, Oberholser, peg Upper eae ocapme te of Susa
orier from the War Department, will be read ‘adu 'tor of the es ta e of Lora vee Krai t, 4
at the bead of éach company of the two years? tax ever levied in Sotth Carolina. and black; 8 or 9 times as much as any la of te Franc oni twp., de'd . ts Ro ta
| April 10, The account ot TeaseBe Wi 7
acd tine mouti” regiments servingia this — sulm"tor of the estate oF George Waubold,
army, Jate of Franconia tw jeo'd.
‘By command of Major General Hooker. C7" An order has beep given to Govern-r' ‘Aix: 10, The weco unt uf Pinel Jarret, tas.
Andrem, from the Was Department, to atm the ee of the estate of Rachael Kenderdine,
Clgret,) 8. Wntums, A.A. G. colored regiments from Massachusetts with drat’ Jato of Horsb p,, dee'd,
—<—— + $ April 10. ‘The accounton Sacub G
COP Tifty tLonsand dollars of the Confede- Class arms. mintstrator of the estate of John
late of Hatt twp
raw Cotton Losn was oflved at suction fo rr account of Mary
‘Hailfazon April 10° They were put up ot ANDREW ‘Cox aud Job T. Cox, Execelorsf
ine a04 yrierie STOW: tatu of ieee:
siaty on the dollar, but there was no Dida, aad Teatitate, Provil
Abrm. I. Cox, late of Upper
‘the heart thro ats’ lungs ence twp., due'd,
account of the Guardiano.
they wore *ithdrarn. | Apri 11. The fi
Lower Providence.—
Willla ilain
W R. Riltenbuose,
Cont for May
en aro>ts
Charles Lamb'sun- ra B. Logan, Augustus A. Yoder. UNITED STATES BONDS.
‘on leave of absenc ‘Mar =<
Harthower, NathanielGeorgBe eMull,Shenk
somee, from our regiment le,am Franc
D. Rueis
collected writings; Dark ways; After «Taps;"? ® undersigned has been authoriged
nd others from the Anderson Cavalry, From ‘The Human Wheel,its Spokes and Pellovs; Willi
pas those auf. ‘these indications It would seem that there Paul Blecker; Up the Thames; The Pera Po- dy, William: Christuan, Franklin Miller.
Moorsiand.—Hienry U. Yeager, Che
t oaruthot00 Geese andy
Gipal and interesto:, wh
0 fering mostly, were comparatively innocent. would not bea movemeutery soon, In factas rest of sthe Carboniferous Period; to E. W. ; , Jobn B, Jones, Willan S. Sager pher annuin Is payable icat h 6 per cent
But, ueverthelessdid, the citizens of Ohio Jong as they have so much rain and mud, it ix ‘The Countess; Gala-Days; Gives Only an Chri stia
‘H, Leedom
n 3 Clayt on,
. in goid ,the interest will
6 the huge wheels, Jacob E. Buck, Alber t Mmen ce vp the
the pon- ‘manifest their deep loyalty all along the way,
the fron, bars between and 4s far back as they could be seen, by wav-
scarcely to be expect thatedthe arinies could Girl; Shall we Compromise? Recent Arish Buckman, David Cummin, ‘angunts received must be in $50,
rece ipt of tho The
wake much of an advance. Gen, Hooker said p—Reuden ‘Derr, Simon §, 5a or $1000. Any turther information will be
ribs of iron, watching all there movements ing thei » William Vansant,
as if the « spiritof the man Temaflags rand handkerchiefé. But most the people would be surprized to see how easi- Boston. MostPublications, Ticewor & Firtvs,
Vt verily seemed em d rk was ab it seenly iu the little boys and ly, this Rebellion could be put down when interesting; the popul
of these Papers are unusually fee
eis Weand, Will Sol
Hanover. omon Levengood, Fran- 3. NORTON ALBERTSON.
‘was in the wheels,”” yet doing it all with scarce iam Wean d, Math ias Gilbe rt.
‘®Sassound, ee ‘smoothly, and harmonious schoolrooms, tumbling over fenc
girls who came running out of the bouses and ‘twas really commenced. So we are waiting distinguished Naturalist,ar AGasacontributions of the
iz, renders this bau
Norriton.—Abraham Sayioz, Michael Rode- REMEMBER
and ditche
es s, gh, Aun E. Bea n, Dasi t S e a h e l tar all perso ns who buy coal of Ban-
meto dprove that man wag hurrahing for the Union ; some 90 small that Yor “fight ing Joe” to «do something.” magazine especially valuable. ‘Thearticles are sarPoti tllasgro gronve.— e Iaco Jacob b Binder, Sciomen Steve, itz.
‘Secomplishing,by the use of machinery, more Do t n
Forge t not dry technical essays, on a difficult science ra ta me n,J, W, Guld tn, | have any
, can rest assured that they will never
fault found by their wites and. sur.
than ever was dreamed of in any oriental ro. they were scarcely able to give utterance to the
The Soiree to be given by the Humane Fire for the popul ar mind to cotop rehen d, but the Quinn, ase 8. Gods, Dariit, Ply mou th. — Sain uel Pi Christopher Yauts aa he is determined to sell good goods.
‘mance, or tale of magic. As the attention has words: ping places
They were always ready at the stop- | Enugine
to Company, on Friday evening next. ‘Paper s are: ni el Da vi s, |ayid' no trash, “National Coal Yard, commer
been directed to this part of the works, per- wait upon the soldiers , “4 for the general reader.—
We copy a paragraph oF two taken at random Soumuel Keely, William Thoman’ ute Otb!
Perkiomen.—Michael S.C: wi | Swode and Lafayett e streets.
haps just alongside, was heard aseratching,and Arrivin g in Cincimn ati earlyin the morning of tickets, and no doubt will be one They have already dispose d of quite a number c e ot c wns tee Sam splatm .
of of the to show what interesting and scientifi: facts Springfield. — Charles 0. Slifer, Christian PENNSYLVANIA FEMALE
dar abet! Jarri ng, andon turing, have seen one of these the Sist, aug marchin g through town we re- grandes t parties of the season, Good are devel oped in the progress of these page zerty, Thomas Biting.
but falls beforeas 7 oh ported to Gen. Burnside, in front of the Bur- ‘has been procgred music « At the close of the Devon ian Tow -—Phillp N. Hartman, A. G. COLLEGE AT FREELAND
that does all tho odds nett for the oceasion. Go, and ral upheavals occurred period , sev MONTGOMERY COUNTY, Pa.
"saci beneath our fee concern like that we are to the market House, at 8 o'clock, afterwar tls marched | yo u
do not enjoy’ yourselve s, it will be no of great siguificance for .
Providence.—W| iilia m H. Good win,
icati R SRSSION OPENS APRIL 21th. Bare
One in Ohio Marland Edvard Brownback, John C. Robin:
Bow standing in, Fora moment, asthis engine house, where we wore treated to fault of ours. forw for a@usiaddon should be made.
splendid breakfast, by the citizens.of Cincin-
the future history of America.
|son, A. etre slar. A
was doing the work, we have thought
that it nati; immediately after crossing raised the eleva ted groun d on which Cincin- aker, John'L Ho} Jacob M. Divner. W, Beard, ohn Belts, Davis Longs 3. W. SUNDERLAND.
Fepresented a class of men in the polit ical Kentucky, took the ears on the the river into Did Not Suit. nati now stands; another hill lifted its granite
world. Now, do you not know, some one, Covington and Several « citizens of African descont, erest'in Missouri, raising with it an extensive Kicin, Henry N Heveoer, Abraham Croll. Israel
among Four acquaintances, reader, that will Lexington Railroad, for Paris, Ky., leaving at | town last week to joins Massachusettsregimant tract of Silurian and Devonian deposits; while Richard Glibert, George Graber,
k & ABBOTTS. fit the poftrait, Each community usually S.o'clock, we arrived at Paris, 70 miles south. | for the seat of war. We have understood that a smaller one, which does not seem, however, Jacob Rennard, Mordecai
Advertising Agents of New York City are one.” We will give the outlines from imagina. ‘west, towards morning, Ondwaking, we founn | they did not find the accémmodation, such ag to have disturbed the beds about it so powor- —Jeaso M. Hartze!!, William
anthorized to receive subscription and adver. tion, and you toatay leisure ill up the picture ourselv of a
es reating ou@green lawn, in the rear to stit them, so they returned bf the first train Tully, broke through in Arkansas, At the sare
town, by a clear, Bueber, John G: Dane. | the left bindsteg below the.
‘Haemonts for our paper. with the living specimen. dowing strea mof water, next day. The report is that every one re- time, elev atio ns took place toward the Esst,— |B oles SADDLE
The Donkey Engine of the Shop 1 supplied portico Flag of the Union waving from the turned. It does not look as if there was much | the first links, fof and detached, in tho great Foxter, Upper Dublin.—Tamilton Clayton, Benjamin
‘Wit h of a beautifu l restden ce, on a hill be- | of an increase to the army from th is source,as | Alleg hany chain which now raise s its rocky James W. Buckman.
‘PAST Day. mas siv
eri iuo ns ste am, not used by the yond, Marching haifa mile out of
town, to Wall from N e w Engl and | Worcest er, —Elilab Skeet Intnc Mattern.
_— Thursday bas beet set apart ine of the works ; so the Political | the fair grounds, was expected by some. The squad that were to Alab ama. Whitemarsh—W illtam S.” Maines George
Presi- Donkey is kept in we pitched tents with the bal- to volunteer were less than a dozen. Yet theso “in the Obiy hill, the gran ite did not freak | Hersh, R. Lente, Samuel Culp, David Bl » William 5000 TONS.
dent of the United States, naa day tobe xp his party, aud supplimot
ecpeei- ion by the managers of ance of the 2nd Brigade, and
ed with materials tor use, | P. the 45th Regt. | were not satisfied to go afterwards. through, though tho force of the upheaval was | John Dager, Daniel H. Kirkner, FUE subscriber will receive proposals
ally observedax a day of Humiliation before Jus V., which had preceded us. such as to rend asunder the Devonian deposits, Fisher, George ill 8. Gerhard, Jesso#B. Whi tpa in. —Ph
the Almighty, on account of our sins as a Na. goest asa goo the wlaster dictates; an a6 d a little steam’ we fixed wheu orders Scareely were W.
for raising and Hayling 6000 tons
of IRON’
d way c a m é that we werd to Famous Order. about Joseph C. Beyer, John Whitcom, N. B. Hol- ing 24 ral es
id, ‘Theodore Sehriber, Ore ae Cos tsv ill e, Ches ter Cou nty . “Hanl.
Mon, Wh be the opinions we thay the Engine, so s, in keeping up the motion of
does 4 very little favor last. the of Paris, Jnarch to Mount Sterli“g, £2 miles southeast In another part of our paper will be found
fur wo find them dyin
| the base of the bill; while the Silurian beds, land & Ge
g torn and brok en
to the Dep ot at Coat svil le,
have on politicalqi sthere 18 something Political Donkey along time. In this res on the next day. Our teanis hay the famous order « No.8” of Gen. Burnside, | whic h shou ld unde rlio them in their
tthe Rolling Mill, Norri ren, of weed
Sublime iva vation closing up he pect been lett back, wagons were pressed into se1— a missing from the command so many officers. tion, form its centre and summit. natur al: |po~ WM. S C H A & L SON
L S.

jon one of their business days, and “thankful for sma e, for ke is excoedingly vice from the neigh mon d exa mpl
ll fav ors .” ‘Th en the Don -
“aborhood iaround toerantrans | Abthp Wa of the Jurling ofthis erdaryst wes eoeeie for the great This ac- |
Boro’ Norri stown , U. W.—J erem iah Rich-
unitedly. ad yf the universe ‘key Engine pumps the water ort the baggage | to be carried out with the consent of the Prese | ganic remains fusio n of Silu rian or.
to look upon this distracted natigy in mercy, goi , keep the fires early next morning and 7 days rations: | Starting
fur Mount Sterling, it was Jdent, but he failing te approve the whole er- | there is no locality which forces upon the ob- | Elins Nace.
in that iborh ood. Inde ed, | ards, Jacob Garinger, Clementine Corson,
‘and rewoveus!'f the ro ng,
territble scourge of ‘usefulin its way, in fuet, doe dri ves the fau sy' and Wow s the whi stle ; cool and clear, atid the Pike smooth and drs | dor was suppresse Ie is a little singular that | server more strongly the convicofti Bore! Norristown, M. W.—Jokn Taglor, AL SOCIETY,
‘war, that is now desolating our fair and for so chores of tie manufa the Hetle the country delightftl,
the elds od:} that moan should be places in one of the highest | fusion and richness of the early creation ; tor Ward, George t,W! Louls Kern, Robort the onpro~ Lou ty De Mo ns er AT NORRISTOWN,
Jong prosperouland, cto ry, xnd
s up
that quite wid. woods co red with green sward, trees. bud. | Positions that Barnside, a soldier, considered and thi Arn old . WEUNESDAY APRIL 22th, 1863.
s Tt is related that ove ingly, for that is whet % ts | one may actually eolleet 1 he remains of Stiu- | Boro? Norristorwn, L. |
Robe rt Grime ,
| Was asked when on, Political Donkey, does the tamade Sor; ao the ding and musical with the song of the early | “unfit fo hold an important position,” future Flan Shells, and Crustacea by cart loads around Patrick Doyle, Frederick Jcbetrat, Bernard ST
Gea labor, does! the puding, very lk obe
insup g,plies the Virds, But, sudde
nly, a black cloud arisin g in | ‘events can alone prove which were the best | the city of Cinciunati. A naturalist would find Sheridan, Peter Fry, J sph Enderly. OC K HO RS ES .
15 the orders, does up the work of the par nt, to all the cast it commenced to snow, a squall for | Judge, the General in the fleld oF the Presi. i difficult
Bor o’ ef Con shohocken. ‘Thomas Saunders, Class 1. Spee d, trot in harness mile beate,
ty, hower. upwards of yn hour, makin deut in the chair of State. At any rate, this | shore, even on tropical coasts, where marine ‘Rummel, Thomas Evans. to gathe r along auy moder n sea- Mary Ana Hollan d, Cathar ine Clinch , Jonat han | best 2 i n 3. Ist prem ium $50. 2d, ditte
er offensive to other hands, with Per g the march ing hea- | 8d, ditto, $10. Entrance fee, $10.
sidoo. heavy batiations. Batit was found to miility,
Juctas it prototype, for that is whathe
fect bu- vy, +0 that
we were compe lled to prest teams | | pal, ign. order is the most remarka ble of the whole came | tife ie jore abund ant than elsewhere, $0 rich a Bore’ of Pottstown, W- Boro’ of Bridg eport .—Jam ea Mitton . Class 2." Spee d, trot in herneas mile
& mistake, the elements, proved to be a flere: was made for. Both suited to. their spheres, on the way to haul the knaps acks, Itwas too | | harvest, In the same time,as he will bring chey, Ge rge R. Clark. W.— Charles Au- best 2in 8. Ist premium, $20, 24 ditto, $10,
foe than the legions of Russians. G hard a march for the firstd home 3a, $5, Entrance fee, $5.
The ay, the euldie rs be from ait hour's rambl e in the
We de the Arm of Ompipotenceto be on else, Engnorine is is thenever ought of for anything ing used to bard march ing, arrivi ng at Mount The Luther an Choreh of Noriist own, are that city.”
environ s o f Boro’ of Pottstown, F. W.—Jonn Selinger.
Aatfeli.—Fenry Kile.
our side, however right we miay think we ere thou Don key of the party ever terin g a t dusk, we lay over about consi Limerick premiuia, for road, $10, 24, ditto, $6.
ght of fur any’ other purpose, The Dow: for the wight, pro- derid the
g proprie ty of building a| | Sie pr ersmemioa .—Jobn H. Trambowe rs Ist prem draught, $10. 24’ ditto, $6.
‘wurselves before we can hope to ccagier. le key siisne codi ng 2 miles beyou d the next new edifice, Meetin gs Lower Merion.— Tohin Pesehell. inm for
sis therefore a fitting thing for a Nation to lay alongside, its never found alunc, but alwa: encamped, where we noir are, on the sunuy have been held with a viewof ofthecompar
worni ng, we congregation | Suoremo 1 Dixte,—It miy be interesting | Mariborongh Hienry Shotts. Entran ce fee, $1.
more powe rful nets hbor ; ing opin. | to the Ladies to quote from the latest prices | Upper Merion. — James Griffith, Joseph ‘MARES AND GELDINGS.
aside,at once, and ut the dustance of theie Political Doukey, side of adry hil! by the pike, with plenty of ious on thee subject. The present intention current in Richmoud the eost of bonnets and Sykes. ‘Mile heats. Speed, trot in harness, best 2in
Lighest cfficer, the ordinary duties of the day, is alwa ys foun d ne pure freah water close by ‘seems to be to put up the new building ou the bonnet materials in that city. Upper Providence.—Joseph C. Brower.
agua tes of the part y, circ ling arou nd them They are as | Wh it em ar sh .
8. Class 1. Ist. pren
4a prem ium, $10.
my $5
“Entr ance
prer ‘am
and reapect The occasion. There are tina se moth s roan d a It is probably known that Gen. Burnside re- Present ite, make the new one much larger | follows :—Silks, $17 per yard; ribbons, $4 50 | ‘The names and residences of persona who jarnes Jun) Ast prem ium, $20. | 24 pre #10.
‘wh allen uation feel their utter -helplessnoss, th “thrift may follow cand ie, he bend s the kneo Jieved Gen, Wight, in command of the de sod bring the front nearer the strect. During | per yard; frames, $12 each ; ready made bor~ | ave filed applications for Vicenseto keep Li- | yrem iua, $5. miu m,$4U.
aot only in time Sf war,for thiset wot the ‘can the cugine move unless its ing. fawn ” Neither | partinent of Kx. The romeining troops of the last few daysaheffort bus been made qtor Stores are a8 follow $5
neighbor moves {| the Corps are scattered through the State,at the congregation of tho Central Presbyterianby | nets, $45 n to $75 each.
n Borough of Norrisioun Upper War, fe heata , bes
t2 in 8. Ist premium,$29
but in times of pestilence and first , sothe Politicad Donkey, does not mo
that can visit the evil thatcan,
Lexington , Louisville , Wincheste r, Ricumond , Chureb, to removs i l the debt on the |
building, | Becton oF Deravosz, Thomas - Simps on, J. Is ett Preedly, Wet jam, $10. 3d promium, $6, Eutanve
unless be get» the nod from hia master, thoug! nid other points, to guard it against guerrilla | nd though the active, energy ofthe Pastor of | AV clke!
ios are wont to wake up to fora time he may gcem to be exalted Bor’ of Norristown Middle Ward.—Jobn
‘Whe conscloasness iat’ Higher power than all for a purpose to be of yet it is raids, shat key hevering around in «mail forces | the Church, Kev. Rost. Anat, in the City of 9" With your permis ‘MeDermott. BROOD MARES,
Men rules this globe of ours. And while we else, The Donkey Engine draws atte use to gom ebe ty ready (o make adash at a favorable opportu- | Philadelphia, and.the liberality of the congre— | ere of your paper that will send by'return mail to Bor? Norristown Lower Ward.—James Hed th last youre’
have been visited with War,let us beseech Mim cause i{ ntio n be- nity, wore for the parpose of plundering of | kation, they succeeded in paymg off every | who wiah tt, (fr0e) 1 Re Gleson, Jobn Seanlan, George Perry, Thomas premium, $5. Fi §
mov es slou g hars hly and make s, a! Balm, that wil Pagan, Henry McDermot t, Annie T. Ragen, S ‘ente r in-m ;
of the farmers and citizens, ortion of the debt, both fanded ore
that we! way not only be relieved from any noise, 80 with its coun
terpart, he wonld be for- | We and provision-, ia whic horses, mules, tat
and on last Sunday, Mr. Aparr announc
floating, effectenlly reeiore, in 10 Bloteher, Tas, LawrenceTroy.
Bor. of Conshohocken. entr y fees patd
t be made and
further chastisement in this way, but that these this part of the | frows | Freckles, and all Dnporitiesof the Skis, te to the Secr etary on or before
her plague. may aut fullow, as is some- gotten if be did uot always makes a noisy end taty abounds, They had been quite active the pulpit this cheering news, that there
was sarne aoft, clear, emooth and beautiful, | rick Shea. t h e 20th day of April .
thus artract sttemion. ‘The Donkey Engine | not a claiu of a dollar against. the I will alto mail freeto thove having Buld Heute of Ludwig, Bor. of Bottrtown, W. Ward Y person dost bit 4 stock horse
imes the case, in the wake of War's desol.—
what it lack s in ussf ulne es is mad e of orn dst before our arrival, and succeeded in carry- | are aces, sizplodiroctious and information that wlll Buskirk, Copartaers Rufus B. Longiker & not incl uded in any of the abov e classes will be.
ting tramp. We auppose that ail of our! menis, itis Mherefore pretty generall away thousands ef he Dest
y set of | any of which wereagain re-captured. Col. sulted20 successfully is. matter of rejoicing. doeses cud. cattle, | This is a goed movement, and that It em to start a full growth of Laxucient Hair Benjamin F. S: char ged an entr ance fee o f §1, to be paid at
churebes willbe oped aul appropriate services || With 4 good deal of
brass, here is a rcazrakble “Inke, who succeeded in eaptuing a band of ‘Whiskers, or a Moustache, in leas than 50 days, All Guyaedd. —Leri Heber. s i t e on day of exhi biti c
engagedin, | coinciddite, the face and tongue of tae Po Mone anewered by return mall without charge. | Patrick Keenan. ‘Horatio G, Liteonberg, No prewhums awarded thout competitiogi
We are sometimes Aixpoeed to put on our | litical Donkey is briddvant with brass! With | the Us jon Guard stationed here, and’ burving Hi. Funvess, Eeq., of Philadelphia, Am Addvess. * Rarooetifully youre
having Perkiomen.—A. Hi, Setpt.
‘neighbors all the sis, to conclude, that because ‘ita it is not only orna
ment al butu scfu
Part of the town, has gone South, and the pre- boon invited to address the people of Norris Ch per Providence.—Jobo. 3.G:
certain portivife have dune wrong, therefore | | ha stock tis eoptals prtvcares l. It
ca anos | Patnavail op nonion is ths y have lett the State pper Merion —J. 1. Jones & Co. James
: “| town, on the operations of . the United vee States Mo. $32 Drodaway, "1
| Meskly, James Parra, Petgek Pazcel,
ond G00d for the day,
q mmay Das fallen, upon va. Nowy bowerers | tact he 1 ta aclected on° account’ ot ef thieth vay (ores ing smal saat,
wovall squaile, who keep ne stot | Sanitary
spying sanitary Commission, ission, did a0 o on last Saturday saturday | | Haney.
ET RIC Caries PRL . TPE ng WETE . Prebarre
wo feel thst #4: entire Republic és sule.~| quality fur bowveer ese he might St Jel a = dco Rages ara cape ing aweck, at Hills Hall, The object of| NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. | s,i/hemerst,—Bermant Keenan, Gro, N. Consow, Re . ¥) Norristown
ing deeply for not ouly one sin. but we have | iu this particular would be a fatal defect, Ext pear to be loyal, aud glad to ace Union troops this organization istto aupply the soldior, when Mo » Cor. Secret ary, Norristown.
all more or lens guilt, and are mare or lesy re- | we must close. Lf yaue neighborhood tree © me to their aid. Some profess to be neu- disabled by wounds or sicknoss, with whaterer Maithiee Harty marSi4t.
aponsiblefor the fearful evils that now go | from this Potitiea! Douke: hap-
tral and express their opinions frankly, expec’ he may ifeed; to have & large supply
stalking through the land, turning almost every py. We cout gi more traits but this enough ‘our ally the ladies, aud in such a way as to puzzle on hand, aud on the evo of'a batt have ie every=
x8 of the best business stands on Main | Clark Q.
TO in targe LOAN.
howe into a house of mourning. men in forming a correct idea of the true treet, Norelatuwa. — Applyto THE NATI ONAL
to spot him.’ JUNIUS. import of their sentiments. Somesay they do may fall wounded. Their eff. ris have thing in instant readiness to send to those who | SAMUEL BROWN,
| mot care how it gues, only it be speedily wgpires, sod Giele operations been ‘240 Main street. COAL YA RDNorris , town, |
mila Lobed eeda ts bib
ADVERTISING. are as New Corner §:
Correrpontence of the Bationat Defender, settled, whatever be their sentiments, they are johal as the Arty itself, renderlug aid to any ASSIGNEES’ NOTICE. |
ede and Lafayet te streets,

thatin dull times there fs no need of adverti- LETTER FROM 5st PENNA. wand accommodating to the sokliers, fur- whom they may flad suffering. ‘This organiza- (TUE Creditors and all others interested | T ais again
well known nnd popular yard has
been opened a Cour
ilicase, Norristown
Movwr Sreruisa, nbshing them with food and provisions of their ‘are hereby notified that Jubn Smith, As- is now stocked with
sing your goods, that peaple who ny, onl ‘Apel 1h, 3800.
Kr. |
| tion possesses great facilities from the Govern- ignee of Harmin Marshall,of Mooreland tw | the best COAL the arket can produce, and
purchase such articles as they must of necessi dest, aad at quite moderate charges. ment in the transport ation of goods or ‘that of has filed an accogut of the concerns of al will be sold at pri nto ® the times. Huet “J. MORTON ALBERTSON,
ty need. Well, suppore that were so. The ous, the 9h Army order isnued the day previ- | According to an SOLDIER, | their messeng Up to last March, they had | Assignors estate, in the P: | undersigned would therefore respeciful y saka Surveyor & Convcyoncer,
Corps leit Newport News, ristown, and. that sai account will be | share of the patronage of bi friends and the |
question with the business man is, not only March 26th, on board transports for Baltimo: expended fu the amount of over Six Hundred | presonted to the Court of Co: ; | Publicyas every endeavor will be used to please
what-shall the people buy, but ewhere will they ‘Tho place of destination had long been a mys- AND FANCIES, and Eighty Thousand Dollars. So extensive Montgomery County, on the 27th day MAY, and satisfy.
get thet goods. If your businessis already | tery t» the soliters, buc it became now evident | en have been their doings (hat they have given | A. Duy 1668,at 10 o'clock, A. M., for allowance | ay2l.te, G7 All orders promptly attended to
and confirmation,at which tine’ sald account AW BERTOLET, Agt.
fully extablished, and you do net want any | it was to some point ia the West. «As West. | Paid off. out 25,000 articles in one day! Their agente | will
more éustom, then do not do anything to in. | ward the car of empire rolls," so The 61st Regiment has beefl paid off in full almost everywhere. The object of My. unlessbe reasons allowedang confirmed by said Court, | OAKLAND FEMALE INSTITUT! E
be shown to the contrary. OT HIN: c EMPORIUM,
duce aay more patrong. Just take any one | army moves. From all accounts, westward the | up to the Ist of March last, and the men are Furness is (o inform those who were in doubt | JARED EVANS, Mi ta Street
witha , Norristown "Pa.
good stock of @
business, Dey Goods, or Groceries, and we | vigorous part of the campaign for thethecoming most sending money to their friends and fan.ilivs at a8 to the manner of supplying the soldier, aad | April 28.-4t, * Prothonotary.
have a number of stores with about the sume | summer, will be in the Southwest, along the | home. « Groen backs!” wil bo as plenty as to get the promise of local Ald and Relief So- | Mozsnzree in plata
Kind of goods, selling them at bunt the sung waters of the great Mississippi. leaves io Autumn around here soon. cieties to furnish so much x mouth, that the of- M
i c vrenit
atvance'cn former pi
prices, then suppor’ persons come inte ton, We arrived at Baltimore the next day at 31 ficers of the Commission might be aule toknow
fo lay in asnpply of goods in your line, If | o'clock, P. M., and took the cars at 1 o'clock Counts Superintendent. certuinly how to distribute from time to time. (of all altos and priv
Bch. d priven, sult
We learn that Dr. Brxs. C. Sxownex, of | ‘The address was interesti ng, ut owing’ to the |
at the first place they come to, in the night. From no point does the city of | Huntingdon Valley, has been induced by his | evening, the attendance was not by any means! ‘AS O, Uodsticks,
likely to stop Baltimore display her beautics more than by
and get all they*aut, but: if your particular approaching her.from the Bay, up the Patap- friends to allow his name to be used as a exn- as large as it should have been.
st the coming election by | omer at ta
DE mua ofBenet Gueds,wish wear fepare | Feb. 3, 1862.
s bext door below |
store has been frequently brought before them, | goo river, by her strong and beautiful Forts; i
through the columns of the paper, they will be | nor were the citizens wantingin disploying #ig- ors of the County.” PAXGLER, of Philadelphia, has com- SHAWLS!—steila and other shawia for | PHI Te regen
you the first call, and if
of theif loyalty as we marched through the | menced the publication of a monthly quarto of SCHRACK & YEAKLE. Washieetwe
most Ukely to give nals RAIL RO AD ,
they can be suited you make the sale; if, how- streets, When all was reaty-we dashed off CHALt, has tendered his resigua- eight pages, for twenty-five cents a year. The NOTIC E. | Passaxors Trai Ty ae Taw, ~ TREEMOUN
ever, yourne ighber in busine s hus made | for Hariisburg in @ train of about 20 c a r s , 40 tion of his command, and left the army for the | first nup.ber now before ue has several illus LST of the names, and residences of 863 Pa
of amore plentiful su ply of Printers Ink, he men in a car; thence fo Pittsburg aud C: present, He errived howe last Fr | trations, and is a neatly printed sheet. Ifyou persons who hav Tr FOR YOUNG MEN AND BOYS.
will get the custom instead of yourself, And | nati, via Stubencille, Columbus, London, | were then at Winchester, Kentu want to subscribe, enclose twenty-five cents, | ‘Commonwealth—saconse to s e l liquors of Tour Monte
Jn dull tinies of course you arc anxiou s to do Ohio. Owing to the length of tinfe it took to | tis a beautiful country where our regiment is | write your name in full, post office, county id application s to be heard | Marg) A me April Teh, 1868. Foe
some athe mew located, the trees are out in blossom, and the | and State, plain, direct to A. M Spangler, and for the County of Montgomery, on SAT- a Court of Quarter Sessions of the peace,in Ma il | M a a t . W. LOCH, Principat.
more business; to do it,do not fail to makouse make the eli
straggling away, were left bebiad at the differ | grass long, and all looks charming as ifverging «Culturist” office, No. 25 North Sixth street, | atURDAY, the 234 day of MAY, A. D., 1868, |
columms of the « NATIoNALDErENDER.”” Here sneyinte. Some, perhape, taking lave for | in Summer.
so, the
of the most effects! "means of duing
Philadelphia, 10 o'clock, A. M. | HARPER'S
The names’ and residences of applicants'to | NEW MON THLY MAGAZINE,
jw the opinion of aman that should haye an Awhile, when passing near the
again returned since. Pai r Day . Godcy's Lady's Book. keep Hotels, Inna or Taverts, are as follows, | C r i t N e t s ef the Pree
early or quite all have xdne day next , the 29th is the day for the | May openg with a « fainy court,” printed | viz Vout ernsiitete of themaelrene Ae
ee always consid ered adverti sing, 1ib- ‘As Nature bad just put on her white veil of | blue; steel engravin g ‘Abington Townshyp.— Willett A. Comly, ° diag nich $2 can tet bo
entitld « Playing May lism F. Willard, Charles Cottman, Thuiaas M.
ally and long to be the great medium of sue- mov, hor apvearance attracted but little atte | grounds. exhib ition at the Esst Penn sylv ania Fair | Party)”
a handsom e two-page colored {ushion | Fetter.
ent fo buafnean, and prelide to wealth, And tion, through Pennsylvanta and the gr blo ther e will
hould the weather be at all favora— | plate;th
prob ably be & larg e gath erin g. en we have other. illustrations, pat-| Boro’ of Norristown, U. W.—Josoph Beerer,
Thave made it an invaria ble rule, too, to ad- partof Ohio, ‘The boys sought various amuse terns, music. The story on our first page, ‘aptimus Kriebel, Philip Dotter
‘This is an exhi biti on only of hors es, and we
‘ertiaein the dullest times, long experiis ence ments to pass the weary hours. Those that learti that there will be some great stuck on Railway Journey, and what came of it, if ta- | mm Boro! ny Jacob
of Norristown, M. W.—Jacob Quill- |
Kast, Nathan Schultz, Daniel H. |
having taught me that money thus spentwel ‘had stoves in their cars inade themselves com- hand. ken from Yhis number. Several pages of re-| of, Daniel R. Brower.
Inid out; as by keeping my business continu- fortuble with fre wade of coal, hard and soft, | coipts. L. A. Gover, Philadelphia, It is | Boro of Norriseon, L. W.—Bonjamia Jen
ally before the public, it has secured me many which lay in abundance all along the way from Splendid Meteor. pre-eminently a Lady’s book, anda home book, | kins, Genrge Zinnel. |
sales that Lwould otherwise have lost.—S te- Baltimore to Pittsburg, but to the generality ‘On last Sund ay even ing a week a splen did and the publisher reenis to have adopted the erick Naile, James Bush. Bore? of Bridg eport .—Xav Boucot, ier Fred-
phen Girard. the ear rido was not one of mach comfort, beio, Meteor shot over this place,it moved ina line | motto advance! for this periodical has not only Bore? of’ Conshohocken.—Michael O'Brien,
2 ing crowded, with neither fire, nor windows from Nort h-we st to South -east, and yas 40) | always been a popular one, but it, keeps up Charles William S. Evans, Patrick Shea, OTICE TO PASSED
RELIEVED. and to9 cold to be outside, it was gas to brigh t as to prod uce flas h like lightning, when | with the spirit and progress of the age. White.
Boro! of Pottstown, E W.—Cassitner Mis- only at Notristpom, Toe 0.230
Gen. Fennego has been relieved of bis com- nd somethingto attract their attention. high in the air it appe ared to explode, and fall | Home Monthly and “Good News.” simer, Solomon K. Engle. ons tePhesirvile
it, from Philedetphi and
o0 the 20th,
Pinuburg, where we arrived P. V., and in particles, like a rocket. {twas of a pright | The Grst number of this periodical since the Bore? of Potistown, W. W.—Joha Murphy, othnee Way fweta fhUvi eiphi n and f eulag. TesseogKecommoge-
mand of the Brigade in which t he Ist Regi- ata9 o'clock, A. M., the Sst Regt., q eading
ment is, and Col. Joun F pager tae white color, aud drew attention by the flash of} Union is on our table, The « Home Monthly’? Guldia, Danicl $. Daub, Honry Methousc, Abeaba toa Teal p ph tug en Uhiladeiphia 085,00"p. By daly, |
position,and Lieut, Col. Eowax
his Scwaxt 2st Regt , Mass. Vole, being together in one light made by it. It was observed here about has been published in Bosto Jacob Geise, George Trout, Lydia Defore these boure
toan excellent dinner, given, by Rev. n, Wm. Yohn. ;
pre ‘comma nd of the Regime nt. For train were treatedcorps by the cltizen, poneOf 74 o’clock. Thayer, and «devoted to Home Education, Chellenham.—Uenry Colson, Jane Price. CHESTER VALLEY RAILROAD.
§ past Hartranft bas had charge of the to the 9th araiy Literature, and Religion ;”" the Magazine of | Douglass. —Augustus Grosh, Job Frick,
Brigade, at intervals, having the responsibility her city halls. Tbe tables were beautiful
nee] Neat Harness “Goo News d ,” was start7 ed and conducted H. Keck, William Miller, Jonas Rening at valve whieh. are Yess
aa ee ae ati smcae about this mi vit t viun
by ds
, | We wore shown several neat sett nie by | or, David
rea Yercer.Zeno tal ry tune«Geir
s render oop
ict s “to
‘There must be a screw loose aboot Weds | 2 oksctirg. wt were of harne
this “Red-| of b
Piitsburg, who were busy
a y wa it upon
in gte | 4,"
med | =
Suwo n 8, Sar on
va, Main siroct , waa
| B 2 Y - E . M Lona, of Nora town . Mr. Long | Fran cent a-—Z ono F. Gerbart, Wenry “B.
E. SeuerGerha rt, Henry “B fy mbicy esiine
peri. Heroes
All use them for the | bas spent siuch of bis time for several years | MHS dy MONS ey trani
i ts, Voce Ang ORT
justly esas tes lM | soldi i ers. At . one sat ba of nn ine Hal
erthe osfolloBET
s, wing in~| | gr getinongat upWedn
esdaday,y,atet thethe Exhibition. - What . oot Schweeeape
nk,s Frank
iasdline-am M. eate
Hui, Agron CheeShaneWei, r. ebeneafoule
bot Ma
—_ sse pe gee e| hol s cercountr
her ipten y’s «Thedefen
chizders, ens ofthe Pitts Army welo
9th burg CoP ome | |.jine, S,youag can re to make
rely es
upon oras do for 90%7 te a pret ar ge my rece Bereta vit | Peter Dag’ D.Moyer , Joel:JacobWeeH.r Kneedler,
Nobere sec t | Duly Cnstarncetet) PiSow atComprt
soca he eistant oO ae il the Heroes of the victories of Roanoke, Now~ fates had written it down
d bi
therefore be an advantage to the Barthe,
subscribers, | Loeser, Oliver Wambold. Charlo LEBANON VALLEY RAILROAD, etn,
ens 1 % , by'beprente ,
horn, South Mountain and Autictar.” In less fee men enn nnn nnn nac 4s the talont and enterprise of each will be | Lugw.
iature Riot, | giv to en
the one. Single copies, two duilars
—Jowph Newbold, John Siifer,
than 20 minutes two Regiments bad dined to Min ev en ago,in gs
a part y of ebaps wen t | Per year, and a cousidura
ble reduction when Heiry Kile, Jonatban Reed, Adam Shoewaker.
thoir fuln ess, in one Hall. Afte rwar ds a short ‘A few
town , and f- taken in ¢lubs, The coutents aro varied, “Diserick-—Jebn W- Ml er, Lense ues,
‘address by Gol. Clark, and Dr. McC ook , we int one of the Oyst er Shay s in Joho S. Moore, William Schwenk, William B°
treated tue bein g wait ed on, some diffi culty occu red | Propriate and interesti ng, n ploce of music, Kugler. MOURNING GOODS.
Col. Sunwart
of the were ff agaigood The r,uextbroug
n. dipne dayhtwe towere volume, Mbe ext by mi
ai [as we dee itst by
ther the cars by between proprietor euerally indulged in all | The engraving inving
tors and customers, in which | and a stecl engra are tobei each the copy beforne us is numbe | Lower Salfer se fesse Sel Schlotterer, + Danieerl | WY Ebave
a- | Price, Jacob W.d.—Jos
miserr. Kline. GeodeJustmuitahlea ltg, assar
s large
receiforvedMoura ing tment—isofaaBladkporto) || ordere
consistmag 5
d to
on of ‘of our | the citizens suns of Colu mbus . Here some ot rand. ‘The whole thing was quiet ed and no~ | biey good woud cut would be vastly prefor a-| , Law Merions ars on Ramm
papers, on account a. Si ‘Lowe r Merio n,—Da vid Youn g, f Elis Ramse y, t e dAiper= cen iagusioe ee
"c e Ddoys, will mor sel cars, and under the indu ence seof | Sc pi g Tew» ne vo [Sabo ae ors Magee sto ne WS
fo up step. ‘of | men t to the TIADron » rpOTNER!
Nor ke i
Piiquo rs, liquors, desir ing to vee wore
ta of
r the
of | 18
tay and y Be vi n mae, ler) i Ne Magas ino to put into the | Cotbe rine W. Smith , Horat io G- Lit FEES AES DLI OED a YOST,
Pre me < no : Gia
“gi 7 te latlug nc y ae thw sivau
WL AV Oar # we AO ia BRIO BW
) Here we bate'a patticular pet and't 0
porftuit of a good cow from one who WY Ladies
| knows, There are good cows that do the folto
Eats Stet teosiva w god
aenyouable Dress Guoda, comprising
nsectsient, of ANISL Qhitlman &- Son, Noc162s Coren o ‘READY
‘Main and Swede streets, ke p |
aa Wol hoe ron
of these qualities fabries. viz ‘ nd, gutter tin uf all sites, from NO. 73 MAIDEN LANB,
Hs,=} [not possess all Pista, Biaid. Poptie, 8 wide, pain ‘and read: rin ie FIFTH AND CHERRY
editor of the Ohio Farm er, in his- off= Embroi ingem ade and. put
dered and plain reps, rooting, tin gutte nd spout
+ hand style, write s as follo ws on the point s Brown agured mobic, ortert notice... Alsoya full. assortment
of Buildin, ig Hardwayyares whic we cell h nl the Toweat
of cows: Blank and fapey plaid Cashmere,
obarg und Alpacas, H1T9 netlete {4 made ofan extremal thie anid tro
“A cow, to be a good milker, must French Merino, "DANIEL: QUILLMAN'& SON,
Streete. ex, bur DAR Ful ae Lute wien toed of As
= Figure d
have good form, firm and compact bones, Wibch'we are. preparedto sel! cheap and plain. Delains , Ro.162, Corner of Mair and Swede esn and
for Cavh. 12 A e ve it betor éiy our eommnnity.
FARMERS’ COLUMN, _| broad aider, méilow hide, soft hair, and {ols} SCHRACK & YEAKLE! | Leet no mea,isiPimples, Blotehe Pustules,
a | gentle. femenine slooks Great, thick (NHOLOE ary goods, 4) SCHKACK & YEAKLI Eruptions ‘nd.ali al Diseases of Engle the Skin.
Raising Flax. | bones are geuerally spangy,-and mark the Feet aigetenceinned snisett aeae n,
1d a 10 of choice dress_go0k
ed add embroidered, re Dicers, Sores, and Strat ton,
. fo you ad the "Bristol,
at ofrels felon BD).(rilhe white. Gatelypain Sianasle do-my-Holtduty
plbi Agar
character of the auimal. If spongy,thew luce Fed. ar0 prana at ld at the lo we city st pric es» = [oon at Tonmy Rev,
From figittied Wat are made of us, the auimal is a coarse half-formed con- prices, by SCHRACK &YEAKLE. STee aged ete tees Oey bur Sa iat mara arcu My ae daugh-
verbally and by letter, it is certain that | cero that bas no richness of body, mind (o0t29-t6.] * erg
Shen and lair i for ar Santearaaiuias Sue has
many of the farmers in this and adjoining or production, If the bonesware large re the advance ? IT 1s “READY"'TO NAIL DOWN
EYeakle hay tock which they areselling | hve unl we tied
of their land'to the growing. of finx the muasculide, and that her appropriate plare Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.
counties-contemplate devoting a. portion and compact they. show her"to be too} H.1 manofaectured Teen Well for some wellCapeknown cand muchJ.
IN COAL. Dbundted foot long, an feel Jane
ial of DF, Rice,
coming seasou } aud in so doing we think is'at thetplow rathersthan ih. the milk, LOCUST MO) to be vurolled, sua fe, ite :expect Epo een
SSfy autSruptionyon fne-sulwhlch, isville,
lered ase
May Co.,
or‘ ty year"roubl
pant esome:
AVID SCHALL keeps covétantly on band th ‘Tn th con wh
fey will act. wisely for there is no proba- stall From such an animal a toler able “LADIES? DRESS COODS! sd LOCUST MOUNTAIN COAl worthy the attention of erotuioun .
Dility at present of the reduction of the e of milk und water may be obtained in market clon l2 antl wanes
AKLE bave another lot ofthe Hardware Merchangs, ee. soon completely euk
ptiees of cotton and cotton goods, at butit ig usetess to look for good mill estatyle Ladies) dress goods. direct. from JURE KEROSINE OTL for sale at Dr. Siem- P.AturrayGage, Fag. of thefcwidely.vera af ena tet AND LINE OFFICERS: ©
least for w couple of years So, too, ‘a cow with'alarge, clumsy, head, w York Philadelphia Auction, purchased Drug store; No. 180 Legyyt steeet, Nor Tinners, Builders Pog hedGuage, yapers 44 Nashua, (SU
rae 8, gi
ath , comprising the ‘ollowing fabrics, viz : ST haute sev PPL IED WIT H ALL eCESSARY anrienua > “4
From No 5 of Evans’ 2 al Economist, dull eyes;-nnd stag horns, sbould beckill Valencias, Mohair Lustres, sual
tach’ allEhewhoprospect again, Wejutedo imunediately,
bay to ofaolenormous not holt out to
ic-Roplins, HOUSEKEEPERS GIVE US A CALL. We olfer a really i every Fon Tem EeuIeMeNr,
“" 3
wo makejthe following extract > ethof sold;:but never keptfor-milk, ile, in demand
‘The best soil for flax ism deep, loo~| welljmay we look,for refinement it wo- Binbroideced Poplina,
Ewb'd Mozambiques, THortabie have tgs€uttery, recelved's very ‘tue ‘hore, andat all thoes. sound 12008,
my 801 but it way be cultivated on any’ man with such ey: as Tor the quiltties Chentel Bareges, 1 fen spoons, Quid plotedKerost
and. and Britenia”table.|
Jand where barely will grow ; the ground | reqnired-in a-cow.ia such an aunnal. as
should be thoroughly cultivated and re~ we have described: For.-atigood cow.
tania Japondes,and hoes, tlain forkay tin ware,eHast icon‘and. beilers every as tin,.andIt-coststwiceonlyag abont half as much Sashe
s, Cap-D
ig 1
erices, ea or? antiets,
duced tora fine condition, and perfectly | theres durable, de.
clean jein England, itissaid that even | bility id beauty, in the head, eyes, and Driges to suit the times tin and Hardware store, at
Avis adapted to alt Kinds’ ot
miore depends upon the preperation of the | coual asin.alorely woman. N o .No. 162 1 6 2 Mi Mal ‘
12720186 roofs, whether steep or flat Wioyour Santa
elas— General Debility— Purifythe
land for the crop, than ifthe quality of tail nousense to say, “A g20d cow '& Challies, uot uffecied injuriously by Erysipeli ener chood: ‘
rayige alvo,priat NAVY AND MARINE:OFFICERS
the soil itself. Flax shouldbe sown t should be as pretty 8a tobool ma'am.” ed delains and Challies, ching. ginghame, Lavel ENTLEME
. mmodated withbom,
heat or cold.
Any ordinary, Workmen
and onlground that hag been mauured —_— — Hablackalpacas, bareges. silk and linen, and’ cotton, |
and faricy wobair tustres, blaek erape De | ros above the Lutheran Churche ing at Mrs. Swartley’s, in DeKalb street, Bret apply it,
Serfulout So rr WITH.
well well Zwith well-prepa¥ed manure; Hatiliegh, black ‘Tamese Cioth, silk ealabrains te tack of Matignas ‘Brysipelag with it
when thus;sown it will grow. tallsand?
without branching, and will have afive DAN.:.L ti. SMYSER.
IONAL, Great bargains will be given, with our friends ase
ssorance of a quick return + janes ‘ompound Syrbp OFSarena'| woth, Iyis the best roofing.
It is not the ‘‘cheapest” roofing casequals (he SARSAPARILLA
{he profession ne Wel as to the
you lave
peoy sions, bakrs.radelves, CIF poviGaR kee
parilla menuine! ieiman ONO. 40e%3.6moe
fibre and comparatively’ but few seed | remedy for Soratula and.all ‘This rooting hasCalifornin,
Veen tsedaudin evéry variety ofpositively
eliinate, yellow Eryripelae on
PPL 800DE or tater at Brena
colls ; When threeror four inehes in height, |
i must be carefully weeded -byeypersons
Counselor and-attorneyratawo, aineenian Sante | 180 Be tad
Rgypt onlystreet,at Dec Slommer
Norristown a Dray ig, store, No Canada
it te thet
be entire
are au
we can wost
proufagainat the cluges
dealsucuive to. many, otler
ree Re re
‘of medicines HORSTMANN BROTHERS & C0. "9
working omtbeir I Broche aail i ted |. xa nationsandadvise Kinds of rooting.
voted, "Se ‘stortmentrot White & Colored |
A writer in nd tepub- NOTICE. | IT WILL NOY SOFT EN-AND RUN IN,
ican, afterrecommendiug deeb plowing } Tf you want to'bup CaPHfde, Tite’ ant Fder Oi | "PO" the farmers and ry,Bucks Tarn now a well and «on Fir ayo Cnrrny Sreeers,
and frequent harrowing, says. otis eteay,
ae Fob. 3) 1868.Fee go to BRENOLINOER & Yost saarPantdaGh his odenthr HOT WEATHER. *
hen the time for sowing arrives, the | Noxeiszowx, Pay * Canton Butldings, NUBandersigned vege te € to inform his hu= 12 WILL NOT CRACKLN COLD. oury Maprow Bvof Neyeoastt
land shovid be marked i to ridges twelve |. “OFPIOBENo. 2 Airy Street. gna ecoua-tjende nnd these zens generaily that real
rate tees
nepaty xtite formarte4a Bet
feet the eowing” andpoo — \e
| READING RAIL... ROAD. ie Motel, taken the well known Ba
N o . 12 street,
and Mechan
above Gie WEATHDR: methe tay,
fnulte aid feel couche Ibloet MANTFACTERERS AND IMPORTERS OF
palliugytand the seed at tke. rate of WINTER ARRANGEMEN | rand Aven Puitna, fully asks a | connnending i ty saleted
about twenty-four galtohs to the acre, |
sown tnd barrowed with a clover fe.
¢ P miytelphi
h and
the Went
ind patronage.
| cinders
Tix a perfect protection
aha fragvients Teom
acaiust deo frase the K falling
burning bulldingeadjelnins St., Anthony’s. Fire, Rose, Salt Rheum, MILITARY «ALD RECAITA GODS
drili, then r ed. If the Jand heiu.good | Readings Pottevitie ant al Tatermidate Stati
La Senhy brant the guests comfortable: tis to elastic and strong that ie fat, scars
ays be st plied with the best th: Fe
condition, thi Ul be ancexcellcut prepa-| J RMUNSICKER. ;
att grin Hesbue=ill-beneup
cadre ishng nt 315A. 3h OL aye, Was at
ration sfor clover, is often ket Atoteyal Law.
sown To New Yo ky #2 10; 44 Da sassgrelyealoggeainé
with flax | Unlessthe oil. is cultivated ‘And Conveyance, Sand $2 60.” Baggage’ che HT be enabted te asonmedatery stinghe wil
properly, ond put into the very best ¢ , | The hota befog i a clove pre if
inp leaxe Newexprese}
Yorkat 8Lecve
A. Mua12:Noon Map )epot of ne North Poona? Ro Regalia for Masons, Odd Fellows aud”
dition, like a seed bed a-garden, a Ba Sede Breet 1 M(ttanbeeh
15 Poh, wt 33008. Me P h t l a d
[3a etrest snastown. Roady. it wil be a] rat ith pa
exop of good fax caunot be expected,— | ‘rapily corode, trom the tualde, all in and vebote nee
aby hupetrom,
other Societies.
Jn eff6Fts Which have been made 0 eyplsiogwe
by olb| i ngements havenlso been tnadesby wh
Awerican P ‘mers in the cultivation of} Attorney. at Law. iartere eanchate thelr. marketing. taken. to /a0d } For STEAMBOAT DECKS,
fine flax, they. bave usually. fuiled,.ow S24Anen Se. Purzs’| wf jot and may ket
ton belonging ©
use at trifling cost. | ixehad fnkehe
acequnt of not prepariug the soil in a Cw SHetietows; Pay CAR-TOPS, ‘Syulaslien,
js now ue Wealtiy had.
whieh eve ae out,any other
au fale
ew again
suitable:manuer: for eception of the Whole neighborioed. pr ted iat the ebild miuet
seed, audsin- some cases They have . used
too little
(DAGUERREOTY PIAZZAS, Syphilis and Mercurial Disease, _ Regalia Makers
sed. It is far bet:er to error
in sowing thick than in Sowing thiu, for Nov 1724 MainStreet, Norristown.
daily,at S Late Sheritt tfowery.Co.
PER, Proprietor ‘and fl footie‘ha sed for walking ony this. article. nsw are
any metal routes 1 will beat uch Wee Aber2 Dr,peia?
prom Hhiram
of St. Lowe: Mia8a0
the stalks that come ieaver age mithont ernehing oF bteating. pores: |
seed grow very ra BAS Ps TC is easily applied over wld he projeion ure fdebted to" you for some Of the
Benson, abd FXGurston |
Ya lo of new, style. stripes Bre shavesist, reevived|
We ¢onclude with the following from ‘82° Ufice Muare, F tu trom atl p nt
GA NICOLE 'aigo, a good agvortinen t of stella, p i n i n andy
che SHINGLE ROOFS, sie Bega tained gainer hice meme ot
the New Brighton Zines: ‘sl Superintendent }-doap nd wool ehawle YE On the most advantageous Term Viens vad
Raise FLax.—The exceeding b igh |
br. Slewmer conti WITHOTT REMOVING THE SHMINGLES. ‘Avan— Sy dear Si
‘an exeulent niate bisa’?
price*of whieh cotton and Aux have gon3 nil exatoinationfree | Gouttar tue canes primary tliasud secondary 1
up, wakes it worthy the attention of our AL cee SURCED: | ol charge, athieDrug storey No. 1801 gypt etreet s al hi sole t aeere too Obst
eat -em-,
farméts. Cotton h increased to more | B, at bis residencs Swede below sept. 20 ore ‘dy tot: of know
certainty. suecens,whatWhevewe m power- and Plated Braids,
thaugfive times i al. pric that Mails stresty former reaidenceof x Sheriff J. Wwe T ECONO WICAL LNG re ks required.” Spangles, Luces, ‘Paseels,
of flux about threo: tim cangot jublie
Wessigned Lez leaveto. in
that they Bare the exclusive right to buh
jubte“and sdnigte wi
A desirabte style= chewy for easb at | SUITERS ul2S ulcers Van onBieris 0 Tex,ereenueBiransret
by grew
the sh Bouilious, sitk end Cotton
Velvet, Fringes, Gold and
raise’ thie former iu thi vj but. we} DR. W. R. POWER, West's improved Bugine. ang are prepared to ex Schrack WYenkle, ‘cei be formed of this material, avin o t etal
speiite' of ‘ud more agenvated $00 3 whe iil
B spite of
ean thedatte, which..tor many. uses: is a} ate orders with diepately In palut of Femedy or srestment th i Be appited, Silver Leather, Stars, Bana
good substitute. When muslin could be HOM@OPADALC: Puy
SL CLA ability and egopomy in fuel, this en’ 1S AWLs. attention METAL ONES. persevering ure ofcan AYbe ialANBAPARLUL A relieved heruud Plag Silks, &@.
W. Comm Ohbrrygatd “Marshal Btreets, | smurparsed by ahy other engi : ona, U9 out ‘stock of evr caren ore inveterate ard
boughs for six op ten cents per yard, aud lorristown, Pa. See Certificate below. shawls, which ie will #6 pr eer distredeing
toeure hi (ian this, and ‘everal dozen bot-
t pate Asis
conatey linon an to twenty ‘eeuts, [0 ph fo creat SCHRAK ¢ YBAKLE. ‘Teurorrhes, Whites, Female Weakness,
few férmers x to trouble them ) MADE TO OKDERIN EXCELLENT STYLE”
x; bat Ae JACKSON ANDERSON, fire generally fre prod very. 1doiterby foternal
“este UySerofilous
the altersCleer ee2d.6mion "
y Pave
that dverrmiay Toouary R089:
selves.with the cultivation
things have very muth chaugéd, and we
ATTOR. EY AT LAW, wel WO toryPhienat Con= PHILADELPHIA ie Sanaa
Hn PAMILEA,the 6
doubt-whsther uy other crop would be No-201.MAm Sauer, For the Re'ief oftthe Sickand: Disiresséil, “opi-
half Bs profitable, ‘and at the same time NORBISTOWNY PA gonsumption, cialed with Virulent anc, Chronic. Distasess
umes only. one ‘and especially for the Cure of Dis
as sure’ «| half the fuel to. dg same amount of work as eases of the Seewal Organs
Wehare before us a our foriiet engi fe, which was consid red a "pou
ed to usby M. Bently, of tl sroduct of | FITTER, | slide walve-engine thathas come to our novice EDICAL advice givenre gratis, by ihe Acting
Vntwable resere Your Roofs !
and recoininend {8 to ull perdotia nd seh Valuable on Syshnstor eae by few tht do. ho
three acres sown in flux last year, by a
@ gentleman in Ubio, who. has- be-w ia
the babitiof
COCKS, ke, Pov.
Wool Merchants,
36 South Front strlert
she oF Se nal Weakness, andvother: divenses at
V'Sexuat Ox id on the-new. reinedies, employed
#2 (9 tne affected in eatd fe IP YOUR TIN ROOF LEAKS,
y aided
A lady, wnacit ing to allow the pubi
local teatineut.
raising flax for years, togetli GOLD’SSTEAM ATER, a ok free of chafge! Two oF tires Stamps W YOUR TIN ROOF HAS SMAL L RUST :
“My daaghtor
iiitauing aud my se
er with a few hints ag to its calture For watinine Dwellings, co Portable Gas Worketor | MILK CHURNSY MILK CHURS will be oan tio Dotties of Your SARSAWA BILLA.” OLD ESTABLISHED
Here they-are, aud if our farmers do not DANTE QUEENA & SON, "Ne. n2. egustienay Heart
Gost Jiver Complaint, Dys.
False a patch all we have to"say is, that
they don’t know their iuterests
street, ave’ asacle out Of tHe Heitlangematerial,
avtortasent of ilk Ehure
== ed to atvliort notices “We hafe also’ Rep tring attend
large deaorCisent of milk pat, strainer”on hend bucketr
¥ Aygoctatign, No:
street) Philade.phia
“Whew caused by Serafla in the ayer,
cured by this EXT, SAMRARARILLA, ie ae COAL YARD.
CLOTHING BAL, | eH baie ery. fin adlarge stock of floor and. table AYER'S
222 Main Street Norristown, Pa | NOUSexEEPERS Loom ins: way
1446 lbs. dressed flux, 17 cents $214°80 | cheap PAINTING,
70-bus. see, $1.60 112 00 dina dain sizes, s CATH ARTICex over PILLS
the otfier p t ‘ Nonnistown, Ps
NSTANTLY on han ea large assorunettiof ther enerir vi
-)ShingFashionab Ch ag Clothing and’ Gent's Far Uchigh Cooking Stove,
Goo le Pranks
2} bashels of seed sowa, $ MES
ext ‘variety’ 01 CLOTL and Carpet
Culling bape by order:
ESIMERES with Spear's gas bury
Bags, withAap a /top, being theonly piace
ASSIMERES AXD yo othatoeh ain Hove. MNE-hrovWEeve
| bettin use. bothin wear and
town where it con
berate saving
of fuel” We
a Henry Mode mott’s
‘LIQUID sure the publig thi pertie4
maintained equal 10 the best it ever has; been,
and thatthi may be depenited on to do-all
ere |
Piowing, | aave a full naso: ment of stoves of the Iatestand WINE AND LIQUOR STORE, NG Eee that they have everd ne.
ae ‘. Broad Mountain
Harrowing, ARNOLD | lost “mproved patterns. “Alsd,a lirge accortment Prepared by. AYER, M. D., & Co,
&ISETT, oftable extlry, plated and Britania Avsorsixe 22, Ono Feuioves’ Hatt,
Palling, at $5 per acre, 15 00} HOUSE AND.SIGN_ PAINTERS, spoons, tiaid and-kerosene Jamps, -Britani table and ten Lowell, Mass., and sold by
‘Tbrésbing off seed and rotting, {pimps Tointia mare, NORRISTOWN, PA Sold by H.D_Slenmer, William Stabler, D:
19 00
CornerosEgyptand Millétreets rifers,- and. everything thatSareise Keptashtina,
on Baker, Norristown. Dr. Magrey
Dressing about 3 ceuts per Ib, 40° 00 |
| Ep-Atlorders for work promptly attended toweD | Geer ase wtovertneand bnrdwire etdre, atts FOREIGN win! [Hocker
_ H. Shearer Centre Square.
Ceritre Point. E,
| 53H. G «Amsonps WANS) Ie: MEI} you cnnbuy at the lowe cizyst
price will effectually close up ail the “smaller!
This, at present pri shows an enor- HORSTMAN- BROTHERS No: 162, coraerof Main AN
and §
& SON,
RUST-HOLES, and fir a heavy
m elas. vine
tie body over the whole surface, that will town, area‘Van everywhe Buskirk & Sellars, Potts-
mour profit? but otbing faboo & €O and last,
WHEAT, i many. years
Jous about it. oaly,| aaStyaCTU sens an Invontens oF MECHA, D BUILDERS, Look = BOURDON, ent RUST,
longer than ordinary paint.
is s€veiiteen, aud besitles this the reader Thestrest Decorate @ good building’, “you must
material” Weave couitt-tly on band have FANCY" 11Qt Te valir
Tetve Shine
joints HobeyourTeak VTE Fou Mn lteeeLenk,
around rems3e
will see that we ba armet { xatter tin vaulebul of the very best of tu + CORDTALS,
‘ALSO for wile Root enka, 4 chimunywss Tonk ; Teyour
‘ Slate SUPER-PHOSPHATE OF LIME. Locust Mountain
good Waxes for all he does, 4 ith-ouly TRIMMINGS FOR FANCY DRESS! | ofall sizes
and ready
from ten to tenty inohev'wide p
forte: "Metalic Footiig,”fin’ gutters, MASS EX,- COLLON & Col PAILADELPHTA | BAUGH & SONS, :
10 bushels of seed “and “400° pounds of | LAG BOANNERS, £ TC.
de and put» apo hy Pexyier DRAUGHT ALK,
go. MANMEACTENRRS& Pnoranztone, iepeiletnd sto
dressed® Mik:10 she acre, the profil TIPTH;AND CHERRY wo. kmen, at short notice, also.a Inge’ assortiienced
PUILADELPUTA. ot vile it sie" LST baie os Se
would be $84 tothe aer TUADELPHLA, of ats tui vibe: lomert ety” prices | COMPOUND GUTTA-PERCHA CEMENT
Ifitheseason ‘is tavoravle it i¢ safe to | THANK STA LEM conductor, desir anlar
es to tngive Lyon's: Copper} ——_+0—
FEB, 6, 1863 . 1
public that hig propared . notice to the} ‘wilt completely a upall the crevices sm the. aMiGifie g ITS manur e fs manufectired fobk pure Raw Dosen
estimate 12 bushels of seed to the acre ;
tore at the lo we
to putomhve uid® condue. | Cover brok ntad
avre theadhesiy the ia nod ite fo ‘ant warea nted £0 contain all: their original orgaute
calcined. bone Geely and it ik
permanently hnatte coating an
it will yield as high “as 15: bashels, and ‘To Capital Stock, oityst prices ... Olive in the stareof on Si
when the straw is good, will yield’ 500} i the unders iployees of the Philadalphi and Read) ind iavall these
purposeita naw
frou the manufactures that it ie
poutids of dressed flax to the dere Corw
stubbleis good for flax; it docs very dends unpaid,
No’ T62,
nay 20 i862 corn ér Main
~ and Swede -at the tervise
Kail Road company, who may enlist
Grushirgethe Rebellion now threat enti
ties of ow
ed States for
count are Wereby Rssurced, that (hi
the parpiee cf hi, and a thick, tena cha eoraporint
ingeee d avely in hugepe i BI" Last soasoh the domand for this manure’ efeeed. ‘SM 0M hae ed &
well on sod if plowed early. "The ground posed to miciatu re and Ge ay. ‘Thi
"TOael '!grade WAG
s received, ES PAID $200! rorpective sitiations will be kept open and. giten | MTA tel atthe Lowest market prices tofeash ©
wants'tovbe well barrowed aud put in fr the Adan Sering Sachine thein
lesa iinmediat
n das ely their retarn ; and that the | Ser Eaves pea Sad aio asadl " se iO gabon
good order. Sow from three-quarters to | Compa ny” “We will give a Somn iari nn-o n all ing to dlefend thair eo ri ce
$0 per ,
2000 1 4 ol an {haehat
oné bushel per sere. Generally, sow} oodasoly hd ovr A g e n t e or p a y . waged. n t . trou! emieccency, will be cotsidered -herenfler 26 S e =it “TO day as Aad ee
when you" do: oats; early so $40 Co $it0 yer ainth, a8 pay all tecebaty ex ly in thelr favor fi votion toany suitable
‘All.the- abore Roofing OUN D RAW
done beat of late. $1,218,4 sof-Aeases Que mgchi ia perteein is mecha
child’@an learn tone operafé
this comp any.
CHARLES £.S31111 ) President. | will be furnished. to Material Pe GR
+ law faa) oni,
Signs of a Good Cow.
Loans:to the
notes: discou
U n i t e d
States, 44530,000, 00, | .
J instraction/# ft is equnl to any Femily Sewing pe
Machin e in use. and we have reducec the price to
it by Ualf an hour ang!98mos
e o 4 é Wrarge supplyon hand for Pall males,
PRICE, $85 PER 2000 Iba, CARH, RAND At
Loan to the Commonwenith uf Pa, 863000 00 Biteen Doltaee. JA RP ET SW -O AR BECott
TS!W i
e Wootyande dtoxing ont} CHURCHES AND CLERGY:
Norristown Dridge Stock Each Machine is warrantedhfot three:y our old sto ck of on; Mem p laniures can be hal of
The Mort Aipproved shapo and marks Bridge Stock ‘Address’ = Fpteyat the ald:prives. Yon sens readily see wr denters, ar of
of good dairy cow are: head swell, Pottsto wn fuplat.dye
~ “C. RUGGLI Frat 20 per cent AT AREDUCTIONOF = N02 Sonthy Dela:
n Ins., aad Wate Block Gen: Agt, Detroit, Migh. SCHRA CK & YEAKL D: Rin
long, and-varrow. toward the muxzle;j | Bank Stocks
horns small, clear, bent, and ed “at | « Norri Loan to Montgomery-County,
sto¥e n
Rail RoudSt JAME S YOC OM &SoN , yo ruin ee CRNA A GOX OUR Be
considerable distanee {rom ch other ; od WEIKEL?S. Li QUOR STORE.) LAR RATES.
Norris town Kail Road
eyesnotlarge! but brisk and lively-joneck | Amtedie:trom other Banke, 151,746 68: Loan, 7,000.00 ITY IRON FOUN DRY, dereignedsta kes pleasn aceon
slender and long, tapering toward the | Statet Ls }N0o18 DRINKERS ALLE Y, PHILADA ube Stor e ox nin tre et tH towthe Bor
_ between Fronig SecondjR ace'& Arch st. of Norvistowny formerly kept byoPhitip Habin, ande|, Yo eee Som LaeheS areas we 0
osble AGENTS.
head, with aloose skin below ; shoulders | 104,140 00
and fof quarters light oud thin; hind). < #69285 49 TROW Work for Bilitaings, that he bas en,
quarters large broad ; back straight, | + prpetiece
Real Estate, ‘itons, Cindéae, OFfamment
"Soe al ene a par
aud joints slack and offeu ; carca deep! oes Commonm Include the 816,100saganceiebies) ites, Patet Spouts, “Vault | & arash bytabehe
inthe ribs ; tail small aud long, reaching |
to the heels; legs small and short, with |
Grim joints; under square, but a. litile’} Montcomery Counthy se NTIRE FRONTS. arc i
aeara nd Sa mp le se
t ales keyWfoustiogn for Machlneety Rotting ste
Raima neat, Sion Ne ae
oblong, stretched forwatd, thin skinned Pertoriatly appeared before my made,
ud ee fons,bul ot Jong hung; ie teats | ber
mall, pointing outwards, and at a'co:
pee , newfi the Justi ces uf the
m Tl. Slingh
7 Co in and
For'sile,ow Hand all sized Pullevand Lathe,
iat | Sot ty”
HL Cloths good assortment oF da 4-5.
ideruble distance from each other ; ini | " law,
s a y s
t h e abor Cas tin gs:
Hlac ksmi th’s ,
rs iih fo8aioaBooryat ofSCHR
alo & table mn cxrag e

capacions “Ai promiuenc, skin ont is fist “Sud true to the best of bi wey elebPied ota Boag?” Iro ns. .. a, M,
Toose, thin, and soft Ike a gloves hair | knowlolge., sick er « salen 4 NO. 73 MAIDEN LANE, “|
sliort, soft and. woolly; general figure | Affirniéd ifidW,su1.bsSLI NGLUFR Cashin’
befor e tie, Febsttl,
“p pe co aad S
nP ie
SHOE iitiabe panes”
ntSea HERE TH EY ARE!) |.
PBN BETS r79F Hode Aes ge.
when ip flesh, handsome and well pr 1A" D186 cr ib ed
Puebster’y Bark Mille,
edm Bugiaen cust AMPS , SHAD ES and. LO BE S, ver 088s soit
THOS. W. POPES)? tied iy? LEpSpt Strec
Jat De SLEMMER'S ig Stor ey.No. 18p t, Norristown, * deet3.ty.

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