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Classification | Saudi Aramco

Item No. Item Title Item Description Category COMPLETION DATE

000001 G-214G Vibration Injection pump G-214G Hi Motor I/B vibration reading. Instrumentation

000002 Reading analyzer AI-8637 BS&W analyzer AI-8637 on Tie line not reading and freeze. Instrumentation

analyzer AI-8637 need to change range from 0.00 to 1.00. analyzer

000003 Analyzer AI-8637 Range DCS
vendor already change range on analzer

Oil in water analyzer on AI- Oil in water analyzer on AI-8638 D-213 out of service due to
000004 Instrumentation
8638 D-213 unstable reading.

Oil in water analyzer AI- Oil in water analyzer on AI-8640 D-813 out of service due to
000005 Instrumentation
8640 D-813 unstable reading.

Chemical skid D-2222 LI-

000006 Chemical skid D-2222 LI-0727 reading Zero while tank is full. Instrumentation

000007 D-2222 G-0611A/B Not handover to operation team to test and start the both pumps Equipment

000009 Battery CHB singe board Provide CHB singe board for battery acid in PIB Battery Room. Safety

000010 PIB UPS Room not cooling PIB UPS Room temperature not maintained HVAC

000011 Wrong Tag of LCV-8033-1 Replace wrong Tag of LCV-8033-1 Instrumentation

000012 G-214G H2S horn Install missing Tag of G-214G H2S horn Instrumentation

000013 PIB Rack Room Telephone PIB rack room telephone not working IT

000016 Gravity Sewer Funnel Install standard Gravity Sewer Funnel in front of SWIP foundation. Piping

UPS A overload alarm activated in DCS while in the UPS A panel no

000017 UPS A overload alarm DCS
alarm activated.

UPS DCS tags need graphic modification to be clear for the console
000018 UPS DCS Graphic DCS

UPS Alarm on DCS GR0151 Activated in graphic while UPS tags is

000019 UPS Alarm on DCS GR0151 DCS

D-2222 RN426 CHB singe

000020 Provide RN426 CHB sign board for D-2222 tank Safety

Classification | Saudi Aramco

Classification | Saudi Aramco

000021 Missing tag PDI-4331 Installed missing tag PDI-4331 on suction strainer of G-214G. Equipment

000022 Profiler cable D-1 Secure profiler cable nearby D-1 vessel. Electrical

000023 Profiler cable D-201 Secure profiler cable nearby D-201vessel. Electrical

000024 ZV-3054G statues Correct local panel statues of ZV-3054G induction lamp. Electrical

000025 HVAC alarms HVAC alarms need to be added in DCS graphic DCS

PIB cabinets alarm fan fail need to be clear (XS-0053B,XS-0054B, XS-

000026 PIB Rack room cabinets Instrumentation
0061, XS-0052C)

000027 PIB ESD System Alarm Clear Repetitive alarm on PIB ESD system on Chassis 01 DCS

000028 VMS system alarm Clear Repetitive alarm on VMS system on N1S1CH5 VMS PRIM DCS

Clear PIB FACP Repetitive Pre-alarm of LI-1-SD-23, LI-1-SD-06, LI-1-

000029 Clear PIB FACP Prealarm Safety
SD-21, LI-1-SD-11, LI-1-SD-10 & LI-1-SD-20

G-222B kengo gauge

000030 G-222B Stop chemical dropping on corrosion pump kengo gauge. Equipment
chemical dropping

000031 Missing Asphalt Apply Asphalt for profiler cable excavation near HPPT D-1. Civil

Apply external damage coating of HPPT D-201 which case during

000032 D-201 external coating Civil
heat post of the new profiler nozzle

Clear DDC HVAC fault alarms of Environmental Corrosivity Monitor

000033 HVAC DDC Alarms HVAC

Providing wheel chain for HPPT D-1 production header isolation

000034 wheel Chain Mechanical
valve to be operate without erect scaffolding.

000035 Documents
DIAGRAM 6 in Desalting Switchgear Room

000036 Training Session Training session for calibration of the new analyzer for OME team. Documents

000037 Update iPlant Web site Update PI&D drawing for all BI-10-2177 in iPlant web site Documents

Classification | Saudi Aramco

Classification | Saudi Aramco

ZV-8659 Gravity Sewer

000038 Install standard Gravity Sewer Funnel east ZV-8659 Piping

production header Clean- Clean-outs pipes in production header location to capped or have a
000039 Piping
outs pipes standard funnel.

MOV-3080 line to new Providing support for 6” line and check valve for MOV-3080 line to
000040 Civil
production line new production line due to vibrating.

Installation of foundation for all supports currently bolted directly

000041 production line Area Civil
to asphalt

Installation of foundation for all supports currently bolted directly

000042 G-214G lighting Panel Civil
to asphalt

Secure Instrumentation Sucre Instrumentation Cable on corrosion skid of transmitter PIT-

000043 Instrumentation
Cable 4354A,PIT-4354B,PIT-4355, PIT-4353A &PIT-4353B.

SGMD Planning require the following information to generate SAP

Each RV Manufacturer, Model No., Serial No.• Each RV
000044 BI-10-2177 Safety Valve R/V Documents
Upstream and Downstream Flange Size and Rating.• Each RV Set
Copy of each RV Vendor Data Sheet.

provided the required full information such as manufacture, model

BI-10-2177 Equipment
000045 number, serial number, spare parts list for all new Equipment in Documents
order to added in SAP system

000046 equipment spare material Provide catalog new equipment spare material for OME team. Documents

secure network cable PIB

000047 secure network cable in South and north PIB rack room Electrical
rack Room

Classification | Saudi Aramco

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