Clinical Applications of Magnetic Drug Targeting

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Journal of Surgical Research 95, 200 –206 (2001)

doi:10.1006/jsre.2000.6030, available online at on

Clinical Applications of Magnetic Drug Targeting

Andreas S. Lübbe, M.D., Ph.D.,* Christoph Alexiou,† and Christian Bergemann‡
*Cecilien-Klinik, Lindenstrasse 26, 33175 Bad Lippspringe, Germany; †Kinikum rechts der Isar, Ismaningerstrasse 22,
81675 München, Germany; and ‡Bamberger Straße 51, 10777 Berlin, Germany

Submitted for publication April 27, 2000; published online December 13, 2000

reported. Therefore, the development of techniques

Cancer patients often present with localized disease. that could selectively deliver drug molecules to the
Yet, surgical eradication or radiation treatment is not diseased site, without a concurrent increase in its level
always possible or meaningful. Site-directed drug tar- in the healthy tissues of the organism, is currently one
geting is one way of local or regional antitumor treat-
of the most active areas of cancer research. This over-
ment. Magnetically controlled drug targeting is one of
view focuses on the fundamentals of drug targeting
the various possibilities of drug targeting. This tech-
with particular emphasis on magnetically controlled
nology is based on binding established anticancer
drugs with ferrofluids that concentrate the drug in the
anticancer chemotherapy.
area of interest (tumor site) by means of magnetic
fields. Then, the drug desorbs from the ferrofluid and DRUG TARGETING
enfolds its mechanism of action. This paper gives the
reader an overview of current applications of ferroflu- Drug targeting is a principle by which the distribu-
ids (magnetic liquids) in conjunction with magnetic tion of drug in the organism is maneuvered in a man-
fields as they relate to the latest advances in medical ner such that its major fraction interacts exclusively
applications and in particular to anticancer treat- with the target tissue at the cellular or subcellular
ment. © 2000 Academic Press level. Theoretically, selective, or targeted drug delivery
Key Words: drug targeting; magnetism; ferrofluids; systems can improve the outcome of chemotherapy by
magnetic fields; epirubicin; cancer treatment; regional one or more of the following processes:
cancer treatment.
1. by allowing the maximum fraction of the deliv-
ered drug molecule to react exclusively with the cancer
INTRODUCTION cells without adverse effects to the normal cells;
2. by allowing preferential distribution of drug to
Cancer is characterized by a reduction or loss of the cancer cells.
cellular control and normal maturation mechanisms.
Its features include excessive cell growth, undifferen- CLASSIFICATION OF DRUG TARGETING
tiated cells and tissues, and the ability to grow into
neighboring tissues and to metastasize. The choice of Table 1 [1] presents a list of various classifications of
treatment includes the total excision of tumor tissue drug targeting. First-order drug targeting here refers
and possibly part of the adjacent tissues, combination to the localization of the drug at the capillary bed of the
chemotherapy, immunotherapy, radiation treatment, target site— organ or tissue.
and a combination of these. Since complete eradication Selective passage of the drug to tumor versus normal
of cancer cells is imperative for successful treatment, cells within the primary target site qualifies the phe-
total excision is the treatment of choice if applicable. nomenon for second-order targeting and, in the intra-
However, depending on the location and the involve- cellular transport of drugs by cell fusion, endocytosis,
ment of the tumor with surrounding tissues, surgery or pinocytosis, leads to third-order drug targeting. Im-
may not always be possible. Under such circumstances plicitly, third-order drug targeting is most difficult to
radio- or chemotherapy becomes necessary. However, accomplish and also requires a solution to the chal-
severe complications with these treatments have been lenges of first- and second-order drug targeting.

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All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.

TABLE 1 reduce the cardiotoxicity of doxorubicin is a good ex-

Classification of Drug Targeting ample of this type of delivery.
Yet another way to classify drug targeting is based
Classification I on the transport of carrier across the target tissue
First-order targeting microvasculature. Hence, according to classification
Second-order targeting five, biochemical targeting refers to extravascular
Third-order targeting transport by specific interaction between target cell
Classification II
Organ targeting
ligands and drug carriers. Biomechanical targeting re-
Cellular targeting fers to extravascular drug delivery by the transient
Subcellular targeting regional opening of endothelial junctions as the result
Classification III of osmotic imbalance or anoxia following embolization.
Passive targeting Biophysical targeting refers to the magnetic drag of a
Active targeting responsive drug carrier through the endothelium or
Physiochemical targeting
use of a temperature-sensitive drug carrier with con-
Classification IV
Site-directed targeting
committant regional hyperthermia. Bioadhesive tar-
Site-avoidance targeting geting combines biochemical and biophysical effects in
Classification V a process, for instance, in which specific binding of the
Biochemical targeting drug carrier to the endothelium is followed by tran-
Biomechanical targeting sient alteration of the microcirculatory barrier, ulti-
Biophysical targeting mately leading to the extravascular transfer of the
Bioadhesive targeting
drug carrier. On the site of drug delivery in the target
Classification VI
Carrier-dependent tissue, the process may be defined as carrier-dependent
Carrier-independent or carrier-independent. In the former, the drug carrier
is taken up by the target cell and drug release occurs
intracellularly; in the latter, the drug release from the
Whereas first-order targeting is determined mainly by carrier occurs extracellularly. Hence, the drug action
the shapes and sizes as well as the material properties inside the target cells is not influenced by the carrier.
of a carrier and by its route of administration, second- Other forms of drug targeting refer to the natural in
and third-order targeting are dependent upon a most vivo deposition of the drug carrier in the body or cate-
specific interaction among the carrier, the drug, and gorize drug targeting at organ, cellular, and subcellu-
the target cell. lar processes. Finally, the approaches that involve a
Classification two, which categorizes drug targeting passive, active, or physicochemical basis of drug deliv-
as organ, cellular, and subcellular processes, is ana- ery can be grouped under site-directed drug targeting.
logue to the first-, second-, and third-order processes.
According to classification three, passive drug tar- TARGETED DRUG DELIVERY SYSTEMS
geting refers to the natural in vivo deposition of the IN CANCER CHEMOTHERAPY
drug carrier in the body. This can be accomplished by
controlling the size of the drug, the carrier, and its Multiple systems and strategies have been investi-
route of administration. Active drug targeting requires gated to meet the goals of selective delivery of chemo-
guidance of drugs or drug carriers to specific cells in a therapeutic agents. Some of them have now been tried
manner that differs from its normal disposition in the in humans. Table 2 [2] gives some examples of various
organism. The carrier or technique designed for active targeted drug delivery systems that are currently be-
targeting must possess characteristics that minimize ing investigated.
drug removal from the normal cells of the body, partic-
ularly the phagocytes of the reticulo– endothelial sys- MAGNETICALLY CONTROLLED DRUG TARGETING
tem. A good example of active drug targeting is the AND PARTICLE SORTING
conjugation of drugs to antibodies specific to the target
cell antigen or its delivery by a magnetically responsive Magnetic drug targeting allows the concentration of
drug carrier. drugs at a defined target site generally and, impor-
In classification four, the approaches that involve a tantly, away from the reticular endothelial system
passive, active, or physical– chemical basis of drug de- (RES) with the aid of a magnetic field. Typically, the
livery can be grouped under site-directed drug target- intended drug and a suitable magnetically active com-
ing. However, at times the use of a specific approach ponent are formulated into a pharmacologically stable
may not necessarily favor drug delivery to target cells; formulation. Yet very few of those have been used
instead, it may reduce drug delivery to the most vul- successfully in animals. Typically, this compound is
nerable normal cells. This technique is considered site- injected through the artery supplying the tumor tissue
avoidance drug targeting. Application of liposomes to in the presence of an external magnetic field with suf-

Representative Examples of Various Targeted Drug Delivery Systems Investigated for Cancer Chemotherapy

Delivery system Drugs tested Route of administration Reference

Aqueous media Bleomycin i.t. 3

Tumor necrosis factor i.t. 4
Vinblastine sulfate i.t. 5
w/o/w Emulsion Bleomycin i.t. 3
o/w Emulsion Mitomycin i.t. 6
s/o Emulsion Bleomycin i.t. 7
Liposomes Bleomycin i.t. 8
Cisplatin analogues i.v. 9
Daunorubicin i.a. 10
Doxorubicin i.v. 11
Starch microspheres Carmustin i.a. 12
Fluorouracil i.a. 13
Mitomycin i.a. 14
Doxorubicin i.a. 15
Ethylcellulose microcapsules Cisplatin i.a. 16
Mitomycin i.a. 17
Albumin microspheres Cisplatin i.a. 18
Doxorubicin i.a. 19
Mitomycin i.a. 20
Poly(lactic acid) microspheres Aclarubicin i.a. 21
Polymethacrylate nanoparticles Doxorubicin i.v. 22
Antibodies Vindesine i.v. 23

Note. i.t., intratumoral; i.v., intravenous; i.a., intraarterial; w/o/w, water-in-oil-in-water; o/w, oil-in-water; s/o, sphere-in-oil.

ficient field strength and gradient to retain the carrier and blood stream velocities found in living systems
at the target site. over a distance of a few centimeters from the sharp
The development of magnetically responsive micro- edge of a magnet pole [26]. In other words, technically,
spheres has brought an additional driving force into it is difficult to build up sufficient field strength that
play. Particles that are bound to magnetic fluids can be focuses on a small area and is able to counteract the
used to remove cells and molecules by applying mag- linear blood-flow rates in the tissue (⬎10 cm/s in ar-
netic fields and—in vivo—to concentrate drugs at an- teries and ⬎0.05 cm/s in capillaries), so that to effec-
atomical sites with restricted access. These possibili- tively retain the magnetic drug carrier, magnetic forces
ties form the basis for well-established biomedical must be high enough to reach that goal.
applications in protein and cell separation. Additional Even with stronger magnets, one important problem
modifications of the magnetic particles with monoclo- remains and must be overcome. How can we deliver
nal antibodies, lectins, peptides, or hormones make most of the magnetic carriers to the target area and
these applications more efficient and also highly spe- avoid normal tissue clearance? The circulation time
cific. A combination of these two advantages make the (V ⫽ Q: A with V ⫽ velocity, Q ⫽ flow, A ⫽ area of
magnetic microspheres’ application so successful in conduit) depends reciprocally on the particle size,
molecular and cell biology, advancing both basic sci- whereas the magnetic susceptibility of the individual
ence and clinical practice [24]. particle is directly proportional to the particle size.
The purification of bone marrow cells from contami- Magnetic susceptibility expresses the ability of an ap-
nation with tumor cells, using so-called immunomag- plied field to magnetize specific quantity of material. It
netic beads, for example, has become a well- may be described qualitatively, such as diamagnetic
established routine method in clinical therapy [25]. susceptibility, which is very weak, or ferromagnetic
Newly developed surface modifications of biodegrad- susceptibility, which is very strong. It can also be mea-
able magnetic polymer particles resulted in longer cir- sured quantitatively, as molar-magnetic susceptibility,
culation times and brought renewed interest in Paul atomic magnetic susceptibility, and volume magnetic
Ehrlich’s ideas in directed in vivo drug delivery. Their susceptibility, which indicates the magnet ability of a
success depends to a large extent on the construction of material per unit molecular weight, per unit atomic
strong magnets, able to produce high magnetic field weight, and per unit volume, respectively.
gradients at the target sites. Most of the currently The presence of matter in the electric and magnetic
available inhomogeneous fields are only strong enough fields modifies the field fluxes at a given field strength.
for the manipulation of particles against the diffusion The electric and magnetic properties of matter are

defined by induced polarizations (P and M), respec- Y-90 by a simple mechanical stirring process and im-
tively, which determine how much the electric and mediately were injected into the cavities or the spines
magnetic flux densities change at a given point with of mice and rats [33].
the introduction of matter in the neighborhood of this Goodwin et al. have demonstrated that so-called
point. In isotopic media the polarization vectors (E, H) magnetic targeted carriers (MTC) could be targeted
are parallel to the corresponding field vectors: P ⫽ X e and retained at a region of interest in a swine model
Y OE and M ⫽ X mH, where X e and X m are electric and after intraarterial infusion [34]. MTCs did not redis-
magnetic susceptibilities, respectively, characteristic tribute after removal of the magnetic field. Histopatho-
of the material. Size and magnetic properties must logic results demonstrated a high particle density in
therefore be optimized carefully to decrease the unspe- the area of the magnetic field. Particles were observed
cific RES uptake and to prolong the circulation time in in the interstitium and occasionally intraarterially. Al-
the human organism. This will provide a maximum though MTCs were formed in a high-energy grinding
time span for the extraction and concentration of the process in which activated carbon was incorporated
magnetic particles in the target area. into metallic iron powder to produce microparticle com-
Intense efforts are also ongoing in the development posits with a 75:25 FE:C ratio, the resulting particles
of biocompatible magnetic carriers for the directed ranged from 0.5 to approximately 5 ␮m and therefore
transport and controlled release of drugs or radionu- could only be administered intraarterially [35]. These
clides for use as sources of local temperature increase experiments showed that this technology works and
(hyperthermia) and for local contrast enhancement in demonstrated proof of the principle for currently ongo-
MR imaging [27]. Recently, the principle of magnetic ing clinical trials in patients with hepatocellular car-
manipulation has been applied to concentrating mag- cinoma.
netic drug carriers in definite regions, provided that
the carriers can be transported to the target site. In a
series of papers, Kato et al. [28] published investiga-
tions into selective cancer chemotherapy, in which fer-
Epirubicin is a well-known antibiotic antracyclin
romagnetic mitomycin microcapsules (about 300 ␮m
that has a wide range of application for the treatment
diameter) were magnetically guided to tumor sites of
of solid tumors [36]. Also, a chemically slightly differ-
experimental animals. The particles could be manipu-
ent substance (doxorubicin) has been used frequently
lated by fields of about 56 kA/m. Yet those experiments
in animal experiments, so that comparative analyses
possessed certain methodological problems (kA/m: were possible. The first clinical experiments in human
magnetic moment (M) in Gauss (CGS) ⫽ cm– gram– patients with magnetic drug targeting worldwide were
second system equals ampere (A)–meter 2 according to reported by Lübbe et al. We used a ferrofluid (particle
the SI (MKS ⫽ System International (meter– size 100 nm) to which the drug epirubicine was chem-
kilogram–second system)). ically bound [36]. In brief, special starch polymers coat
Inada et al. [29] performed in vitro investigations of the magnetic particles together with anionic endstand-
localized fibrinolysis by magnetically concentrating ing phophate groups so that a cationic binding to the
urokinase–magnetide complexes. So-called TMs (ther- positively charged amino sugars of epirubicin was pos-
mosensitive magnetoliposomes) have also been pre- sible. This was a worldwide unique approach and al-
pared and were investigated in an in vitro flow system. lowed for a reversible ionic binding of the drug, such
The TMs with a diameter of about 1 ␮m could be that certain physiological parameters (osmolality, pH,
concentrated in relatively high field strengths. It was temperature) affected desorption (of the drug from the
possible to release a specific part of the content from particle in the tumor tissue) characteristics. The fer-
the particles (calcein) by increasing the temperature rofluid was concentrated in the target regions by
above 40°C [30]. means of properly arranged permanent magnets,
Pulfer and Gallo reported in vitro studies of target- which provided a field strength of 0.8 T in tumors
ing magnetic microspheres to brain tumors by an alloy located near the body surface.
of iron [31]. Carbon was prepared by Allen et al. and Those clinical experiments in 14 patients with ad-
was used as a carrier (0.5–2 ␮m) for the antitumor vanced solid tumors resulted from animal experiences
agent paclitacel for head and neck cancers. The desorp- that, for the first time, documented tolerance and effi-
tion sustained over more than 24 h, and by magnetic cacy by methods that included microcirculatory obser-
fields of several hundred kA/m the carriers could be vations in mice as well as in rats [38].
retained within capillaries [32]. The combination of Two forms of therapy with a magnetic fluid have
magnetic carriers with the radioisotope Y-90 was in- been tested in these preclinical experiments: tumor
vestigated by Häfeli et al., who prepared magnetic treatment by mechanical occlusion with a ferrofluid in
microspheres out of poly-lactic acid with diameters high concentrations and magnetically controlled drug
between 20 and 30 ␮m. The particles were loaded with targeting using small amounts of ferrofluid as a vehicle

to concentrate epirubicin locally in tumors. As a result patients. Organ toxicity did not increase with the treat-
of those animal experiments, in which no LD50 could ment but some epirubicin-associated toxicity appeared
be found for the ferrofluid, no clinical intolerances or at doses greater than 50 mg/m 2. Although treatment
major laboratory derangements with the epirubicin- with magnetically controlled drug targeting seemed
bound ferrofluid have been demonstrated. The efficacy safe, it was concluded that improvements are neces-
of the treatment was documented by complete tumor sary to make it more effective by increasing ferrofluid
responses in a xenotransplanted human kidney as well particle size and to make it more independent of pa-
as in a colon carcinoma. Hence, the way for the first tient or disease-related problems [39].
clinical experiments was opened. Physiological as well as pharmacological parameters
Phase I/II clinical trial. Magnetically controlled in magnetically controlled drug targeting warrant fur-
drug targeting was used in patients with advanced and ther investigation. This is because the efficacy of in
unsuccessfully pretreated cancers or sarcomas. Nine of vivo drug targeting with ferrofluids critically depends
these patients received two treatment courses, three on physiological parameters. To understand this new
patients received one course, and two patients received form of pharmacological application as well as the
three courses of magnetically controlled drug target- mechanism of action of the concentrated drug in the
ing. The treatment protocol consisted of the intrave- tissue at the microcirculatory level one must consider
nous infusion of epirubicin in increasing doses (from 5 not only the ferrofluids’ parameters (particle size, sur-
to 100 mg/m 2) that had been chemically bound to the face characteristics of the particle, concentration of the
magnetic fluid and one course of conventional systemic fluid, volume of the fluid, reversibility and strength of
chemotherapy with the same dose of epirubicin 3 the drug/ferrofluid binding, desorption characteris-
weeks later. Conventional chemotherapy was the rapid tics), but also access to the organism (infusion route/
infusion of epirubicin into a peripheral vein. Epirubicin duration/rate of the injection/infusion time), geometry
was given to the patient in liquid form after the lyo- and strength of the magnetic field, and duration of the
phylized powder had been diluted with isotonic saline magnetic field application. Physiological parameters of
solution. No magnetic fluid or magnetic field was ap- the patient’s organism comprise size, weight, and body
plied. In the treatment group in which magnetic drug surface, blood volume, cardiac output and systemic
targeting was performed, after the preparation of the vascular resistance, circulation time, tumor volume
magnetic epirubicin (0.5% of the estimated blood vol- and location, and vascular content of the tumor as well
ume) the substance was infused over 15 min into a vein as tumor blood flow. Physiological parameters vary
located contralaterally to the tumor. During the time of with the size and species of the animal. Thus, data
infusion and at least for the next 45 min, a magnetic cannot be easily transferred from animals to humans
field was built up as close as possible to the tumor. and adaptation of ferrofluid/drug and magnetic field
High-energy permanent magnets were used in this characteristics is necessary [40].
patient trial. The magnets consisted of rare earths, the Most critical for the efficacy of magnetically con-
majority being neodymium. There were large (8 ⫻ 4 ⫻ trolled drug targeting are the intravascular bioavail-
2 cm) and small (3 ⫻ 3 ⫻ 1 cm) blocks, and these blocks ability of the ferrofluid, its susceptibility (strength to
could be arranged according to the individually shaped be recruited by the magnetic field and, hence, to be
tumor of the patient. Magnetic field strengths of at concentrated in the tumor), and the in vivo desorption
least 0.5 T and in general 0.8 T could be reached and time of the drug. For this reason, a second clinical trial
were confirmed at the patient’s bed. The distance be- in head and neck cancer patients is underway in which
tween the tumor surface and the magnets was assured the optimal particle size and form of application will be
to be less than 0.5 cm. The intravenous injection dif- identified for further use in humans. Further animal
fered from most of the other working groups’ intraar- experiments have supported the concept recently. VX-2
terial application. Obvious advantages (easy access) squamous cell carcinomas have been successfully
had to be balanced against a potentially higher RES heated in the ear region of rabbits by different locore-
clearance and the necessity of high-energy magnetic gional regiments. If subsequent trials demonstrate ef-
fields. Furthermore, the desorption time of the coupled ficacy of the treatment, only then could new and
day had to take into account the intravascular avail- innovative antitumor strategies such as palliative
ability and other physiologic parameters. treatment regiments and adjuvant scenarios be envi-
The application of magnetic fields to the tumors sioned. Possible alternative treatment modalities could
lasted for 60 to 120 min. Magnetic drug targeting was be the substitution of locoregional radiation treatment
clinically well tolerated and was verified based on mag- after breast-conserving surgery by chemotherapy with
netic resonance imaging techniques, pharmacokinet- magnetically controlled drug targeting. If systemic
ics, and the histological as well as clinical detection of chemotherapy is found necessary, then drug targeting
magnetites. It was shown that the ferrofluid could be can be administered in parallel since no major systemic
successfully directed to the tumors in about half of the adverse effects from the latter should occur. Further-

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