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Research Overview
Magnetic Nanoparticles for Drug Delivery
Jon Dobson
Institute for Science & Technology in Medicine, Keele University, Stoke-on-Trent,
United Kingdom

Strategy, Management and Health Policy

Enabling Preclinical Development Clinical Development

Technology, Preclinical Toxicology, Formulation Phases I-III Postmarketing
Genomics, Research Drug Delivery, Regulatory, Quality, Phase IV
Proteomics Pharmacokinetics Manufacturing

ABSTRACT Targeting specific sites in vivo for the delivery of therapeutic compounds presents a major
obstacle to the treatment of many diseases. One targeted delivery technique that has gained prominence in
recent years is the use of magnetic nanoparticles. In these systems, therapeutic compounds are attached to
biocompatible magnetic nanoparticles and magnetic fields generated outside the body are focused on
specific targets in vivo. The fields capture the particle complex resulting in enhanced delivery to the target
site. This review will focus on technical aspects of magnetic targeting as well as nanoparticle design and
animal and clinical trials. Drug Dev. Res. 67:55–60, 2006.  c 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Key words: magnetic nanoparticles; drug targeting; drug delivery; cancer therapy

INTRODUCTION cells. The rationale for magnetic micro- and nanopar-

Within the last two decades, the use of magnetic ticle-based targeting lies in the potential to reduce or
micro- and nanoparticles in biomedical applications has eliminate the side effects of chemotherapy drugs by
become relatively commonplace. Primarily, these reducing their systemic distribution as well as the
particles are used as contrast agents in magnetic possibility of administering lower but more accurately
resonance imaging (MRI) and for magnetic cell sorting targeted doses of the cytotoxic compounds used in
and immunoassay in pathology laboratories. However, these treatments.
experimental work is also underway that is aimed at the The idea of using magnetic micro- and nanopar-
development of magnetic particle/fluid hyperthermia ticles to act as therapeutic drug carriers in order to
treatment for cancerous tumors and the controlled and target specific sites in the body dates to the late 1970s
directed transport of pharmaceuticals and therapeutic [Widder et al., 1978; Senyei et al., 1978; Mosbach and
genes [Pankhurst et al., 2003]. Up to now, these latter Schröder, 1979]. Widder and others developed mag-
two uses have met with more limited success. However, netic micro- and nanoparticles to which cytotoxic drugs
their potential is still very exciting, particularly with could be attached. The drug/carrier complex is then
regard to the treatment of cancer through tumor injected into the subject either via intravenous or intra-
targeting. arterial injection. High-gradient, external magnetic
The major disadvantage of most chemotherapeu- fields generated by rare earth permanent magnets are
tic approaches to cancer treatment is that most are
non-specific. Therapeutic (generally cytotoxic) drugs Correspondence to: Jon Dobson, Institute for Science &
are administered intravenously leading to general Technology in Medicine, Keele University, Thornburrow Drive,
systemic distribution. The non-specific nature of this Hartshill, Stoke-on-Trent, ST4 7QB UK.
technique results in the well-known side-effects of E-mail:
chemotherapy as the cytotoxic drug attacks normal, Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.
healthy cells in addition to its primary target, tumor com). DOI: 10.1002/ddr.20067

 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Fig. 1. Schematic representation of a magnetic nanoparticle-based drug delivery system. Figure redrawn after Pankhurst et al. [2003].

used to guide and concentrate the drugs at tumor PHYSICAL PRINCIPLES

locations (Fig. 1). Once the magnetic carrier is Magnetic targeting is based on the attraction of
concentrated at the tumor or other target in vivo, the magnetic nanoparticles to an external magnetic field
therapeutic agent is then released from the magnetic source. In the presence of a magnetic field gradient, a
carrier, either via enzymatic activity or through changes translational force will be exerted on the particle/drug
in physiological conditions such as pH, osmolality, or complex, effectively trapping it in the field at the target
temperature, leading to increased uptake of the drug site and pulling it towards the magnet [for a
by the tumor cells at the target sites [e.g., Alexiou et al., comprehensive review of the underlying physical
2000]. Similar principles have recently been applied to principles, see Pankhurst et al., 2003; Grief and
the delivery of therapeutic genes to specific targets in Richardson, 2005]. This magnetic force is governed
vivo [e.g., Mah et al., 2002]. by the equation:
In theory, magnetic targeting offers some major
advantages for drug delivery, in particular, the ability 1
to target a specific site, such as a tumor, in vivo thereby Fmag ¼ ðw2  w1 ÞV BðrBÞ:
reducing the systemic distribution of cytotoxic com-
pounds, and enhancing uptake at the target site Where B is the magnetic field strength, rB is field
resulting in effective treatment at lower doses. In gradient and can be reduced to qB/qx, qB/qy, qB/qz; w2
practice, however, there are difficulties in achieving is the magnetic susceptibility of the magnetic particle;
these objectives. w1 is the magnetic susceptibility of the medium (which
Many factors must be considered when designing is very small in comparison to w2 and therefore can be
a magnetic nanoparticle-based targeting system, in- disregarded in the case of biological systems).
cluding both physical parameters, such as magnetic It is clear from this equation that the important
properties and size of the carrier particles, field parameters in regards to effective capture of the
strength, field geometry, and drug/gene binding nanoparticles are the magnetic properties and volume
capacity, and physiological parameters such as the of the particles, the magnetic field strength, and the
depth to target, the rate of blood flow, vascular supply, magnetic field gradient. It is also clear that as the field
and body weight [Neuberger et al., 2005]. In most strength decreases, the ability to capture the nanopar-
cases where magnetic drug targeting has been ticles also decreases. This is one of the main reasons
attempted, theoretical underpinning of these para- that scale-up of magnetic targeting from small animals
meters has been lacking and there has been great to humans has been so difficult.
difficulty in moving this technology from animal studies Preliminary theoretical investigations of the
into successful clinical trials. Recent work on the hydrodynamic conditions of magnetic nanoparticle
development of a sound, theoretical basis for this targeting and estimations from experimental work
technique, should lead to advances in experimental indicate that for most magnetic carriers field strength
design [Grief and Richardson, 2005]. (flux density) at the target site should be on the order of

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200–700 milliTesla (mT) with gradients along the z-axis More recently, gold/cobalt nanoparticles with a
of approximately 8–100 T/m depending on the flow rate core-shell structure and tailorable morphology have
(higher blood flow rates will require either stronger been synthesized in the size range of 5–25 nm [Bao and
fields or higher gradients) [Voltairas et al., 2002; Ruuge Krishnan, 2005]. These particles have been produced
and Rusetski, 1993]. These results indicate that via the rapid decomposition of organometallic pre-
magnetic targeting is likely to be more effective for cursors in the presence of surfactants that control the
targets that are near the surface and in regions of size and shape of the particles. One of the major
slower blood flow. However, this model is rather advantages of these particles is that cobalt has a
idealized and limited, and a more recent model has magnetic moment nearly twice that of magnetite or
been developed in which particle capture has been maghemite.
modelled for a variety of field/particle configurations in Another strategy for the synthesis of magnetic/
a two-dimensional branching network [Grief and polymer nanoparticles involves the precipitation of
Richardson, 2005]. magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles within a porous
This newer model also incorporates the effects of polymer micro- or nanoparticle scaffold [Hans and
sheer-induced diffusion due to the presence of cells Lowman, 2002]. One advantage of this technique is
within the blood plasma. The results indicate that it will that it is often possible to produce particles with a
not be possible to target a specific site in vivo without relatively tight size distribution as well as a well-
some degree of distribution to surrounding tissue. For defined, spherical morphology. Again, as with core-
this reason, Grief and Richardson [2005] also conclude shell structures, the particles can be functionalized so
that magnetic targeting is likely to be most effective for that drugs or genes may be attached or therapeutic
targets which are close to the surface of the body. compounds can be embedded within a degradable
polymer matrix [for a comprehensive review, see
Neuberger et al., 2005].
There are several strategies for synthesis of OBSTACLES TO CLINICAL APPLICATIONS
magnetic nanoparticles for drug delivery. Particles In order to retain the magnetic nanoparticle/drug
may be produced that have a core-shell structure, complex at a particular location, the externally applied
where the core is a magnetic iron oxide (usually field must have a relatively strong gradient, as
magnetite – [Fe3O4] or maghemite [gFe2O3]) and the discussed previously. In the absence of this gradient,
shell is generally a polymer such as silica, dextran, or no translational forces will act on the particles and they
PVA, or metals such as gold to which functional groups will be affected only by rotational torque if they are
can be attached via cross-linkers [e.g., Santra et al., magnetically blocked. Additionally, once the drug is
2001; Pardoe et al., 2001; Carpenter, 2001; Harris et al., released from the magnetic complex, it no longer
2003; Wilson et al., 2005]. This type of structure can be responds to the applied magnetic field. It is then free to
synthesised using both ionic and non-ionic surfactant resume its normal distribution patterns in the body.
techniques or encapsulated within a structure such as a Therefore, if the drug or gene is released while the
carbon cage or ferritin protein [for example, see carrier particles are still within the vasculature, even if
Meldrum et al., 1992; Sun et al., 2000; Santra et al., they are held at the target site, there will still be some
2001]. These particles can then be functionalized by degree of systemic distribution.
attaching carboxyl groups, amines, biotin, streptavidin, Another problem with these systems is the
antibodies, and others. potential for embolization as the particles accumulate
In addition to these polymers, a number of within the bloodstream, blocking blood flow. The
groups have developed techniques for the synthesis of particles also can become concentrated in the liver
magnetoliposomes [Shinkai et al., 1995; Gonzales and where cytotoxicity may be an unwelcome side-effect.
Krishnan, 2005]. These nanoparticles have a typical However, both of these problems potentially may be
core-shell structure with a magnetic iron oxide core turned to good advantage as it may be possible to
surrounded by an artificial liposome. These are enhance targeting of tumors in the liver and block the
generally used for magnetic hyperthermia but may blood supply to the tumor mass [Lübbe et al., 1999].
also be useful in drug delivery. Particles may also be Further and more difficult problems with mag-
embedded within hydrogels, which can carry a netic targeting arise due to constraints on the spatial
therapeutic agent that is released upon heating, or geometry of the magnetic field with respect to the
the particles themselves may be used for hyperthermia target site. The problem of the depth to which
applications [Kondo and Fukuda, 1997; Lao and magnetic guidance systems may function has been
Ramanujan, 2004; Chen et al., 2005]. demonstrated theoretically by Grief and Richardson

Drug. Dev. Res. DOI 10.1002/ddr


[2005] as discussed above, but it is also clearly shown ported a significant increase in anti-tumor activity and a
by the difficulties encountered in scaling-up these reduction of weight-loss side effects. Theoretical and
techniques from small animals with near-surface experimental analysis of implanted magnetic grids for
targets to large animals and humans. As most magnetic targeting to the heart muscle point to another potential
targeting systems rely on external, rare-earth perma- solution to the geometry problem [Yellen et al., 2005].
nent magnets (generally NdFeB magnets with a To date, application of magnetic targeting in
maximum surface flux density of a little over one humans has not reached the marketplace although
Tesla), there is a limit to the strength of field and field there have been two Phase I/II clinical trials. A Phase I
gradient that can be achieved at any site within the clinical trial was conducted by Lübbe and others on
tissue. In addition, magnetic carriers will also tend to 14 patients [Lübbe et al., 1999]. This was primarily
accumulate in the intervening tissue between the aimed at evaluating the potential toxicity of the particle
magnet and the target where the fields and gradients carrier complex and, though targeting was not examined
are higher. This point was also illustrated in the work of in detail, particle accumulation was observed in the
Grief and Richardson [2005]. tumor masses of six of the patients. Though the particles
Though these difficulties are not easy to over- accumulated in the liver, the study demonstrated that
come, there has been some limited success with magnetic carriers are generally well tolerated.
magnetic micro- and nanoparticle-based targeting A more recent Phase I/II trial was conducted on
systems in larger animals, and even in early clinical four patients using technology developed by FeRx
trials. Further work on overcoming these difficulties Corporation. This study was aimed at evaluating the
is continuing. potential for magnetic nanoparticle-based targeting of
hepatocellular carcinomas [Wilson et al., 2004]. The
APPLICATIONS magnetic carrier was bound to doxorubicin and
Since the work of Widder and others [1978], targeted to the liver via transcatheter delivery through
other groups have developed and refined magnetic the hepatic artery under concurrent MR imaging. The
micro- and nanoparticle-based drug and gene delivery study demonstrated that the final fraction of treated
systems with varying results. The method has been tumor volume ranged from 0.64 to 0.91 while the
successful in several animal studies, including the first fraction of affected normal liver volume ranged from
study by Widder and others [1983] in which (doxor- 0.07 to 0.30. This result provides an indication that the
ubicin) was coupled to magnetic particles and targeted combination of MR imaging and angiography could be
to sarcoma tumors implanted in rat tails. Total used in some cases to optimize magnetic targeting.
remission was achieved in the magnetic-targeting The principles described thus far can be applied
group whereas there was no evidence of remission in not only to drug targeting but also to magnetic
the control group, which was administered 10 times the nanoparticle-based hyperthermia and gene delivery.
dosage but without magnetic targeting. Magnetic hyperthermia involves the delivery of mag-
Tumor remission has been achieved in a variety of netic nanoparticles to target sites following the
other animal studies including not only small animals techniques outlined above. Once the particles have
such as rabbits and rats [e.g., Alexiou et al., 2000; been take up by a tumor, for instance, an alternating
Lübbe et al., 1999; Pulfer et al., 1999], but also larger field is applied that couples to the particles, resulting in
swine [Goodwin et al., 1999, 2001], and targeting depth efficient heating. If the tumor cell is heated to
had been extended in one study to approximately 10 cm 40–421C for 30 min., apoptosis may be induced,
[Scott et al., 1999]. Recently, Alexiou and others [2005] effectively killing the tumor. Again, this technique has
have had success in quantifying the distribution of been demonstrated effectively in animal models but
magnetically targeted carriers in a rabbit model using translation to the clinic has been slow [for review see
HPLC analysis of mitoxantrone bound to ferrofluids Pankhurst et al., 2003].
and have demonstrated, via light microscopy, uptake of Magnetic targeting for gene delivery has been
magnetically targeted carriers in HeLa cells in vitro. demonstrated in vitro and, in conjunction with
In an effort to overcome problems with the associated viral vectors, in vivo in animal models
spatial configuration of these delivery systems, Kubo [Mah et al., 2002; Schillinger et al., 2005].
and others [2000] implanted permanent magnets at
solid osteosarcoma sites in hamsters followed by
delivery of cytotoxic compounds via magnetoliposomes. CONCLUSIONS
This resulted in a fourfold increase in drug delivery to Though many obstacles remain to be overcome
the tumor site in comparison with normal intravenous before magnetic nanoparticle-based drug and gene
(non-magnetic) delivery. In addition, the group re- delivery can achieve clinical success and reach the

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