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Announcement on UST Honorary Ambassadors

in Vietnam/Indonesia
< `23. 7. 14. / UST Admissions Division>

□ Purpose
◦ To attract outstanding students from Southeast Asian countries to UST,
UST plans to visit Vietnam and Indonesia and hold UST admission
information sessions.
◦ In this regard, UST will appoint UST graduates as an honorary ambassadors
to garner local supports for hosting events these countries.

□ Eligibility: UST graduates from Vietnam or Indonesia

* Whose nationality is vietnamese or Indonesian and who currently
working in vietnam or indonesia

□ Main Roles
◦ (Essential) Overall support for admission information sessions
- Finding/Reserving a venue for the session
*UST prefer to hold sessions at universities in each respective city rather than renting external venues.

- Promoting the session for prospective students in those country

- Assisting with other requirements for holding a session
◦(Optional) Presenting at a session
- Sharing experiences at UST and participating in Q&A session

□ Benefits

Category Amount Note

Basic 500,000KRW For overall support

(Equivalent to 382USD)

Presentation(optional) 100,000KRW For presenting at a session

(Equivalent to 76USD)

200,000KRW When the number of participants is 50 or more.

Extra(optional) (Equivalent to 153USD) * based on the list of attendees

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□ Process

Application Screening & Conducting Roles Payment

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July 17th~23rd July 24th~28th Refer to the contents below Early in

◦ Application
- How to apply: submit the application form(att.1) to
◦ Screening & Appointment
- UST will evaluate application forms and appoint ambassadors.
- A Maximum 6 ambassadors will be appointed for each country.
- Ambassadors can apply as a team, with up to 2 people in 1 team. In this case,
the benefits (Basic and Extra) will be provided after a 30% of deduction.
◦ Conducting Roles
- (by the first week of Aug) Finding and Reserving a venue for the session
- (by the last week of Aug) Promoting the session to the prospective students
in country, receiving applications for the session, and other related tasks
- (1st or 2nd week of September) Participating in the session
◦ Payment: It will be made to the individual's bank account.
* The amount of benefits may be subject to change based on the exchange rate at the time of transfer.

□ Notes
◦ UST will cover the expenses (rental fees, refreshments, etc.) required for
hosting the admission information session. It is necessary to arrange
them with a company where the on-site payment by card in person is
available so that UST can make payment. If there is a need to pay a
reservation deposit or any other fees prior to the event, UST can make
online payments from Korea.
◦ UST's target audience is students in undergraduate or master's programs,
majoring in science and technology.
◦ All activities as honorary ambassadors should be conducted in consultation
with the UST admissions division.

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