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Look at the speech you are currently preparing for your Of the three types of narratives (informative,

public speaking class. What types of support are you using? persuasive, and entertaining), which one would you
Could you enhance the credibility of your speech by using recommend to a friend who is giving
other types of support? If so, what types of support do you a sales presentation. Why?
think you are lacking?

Our group will introduce friends who are presenting

sales utilizing persuasive speech because we have to
For the speech we prepared, we mainly used make the audience feel interested and want to buy
negative examples and think to increase the
our products or services, and to create credibility
credibility of our speech by using support
for our products or services, we need to make a
definitions because it is another essential thing
persuasive speech to show the importance of it or
to mention in our speech for listeners to
create an illustration for the audience to follow
understand and receive accurate information.
along with our words. Therefore, it will be an
effective persuasive speech in the sales presentation.

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