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I, ______________________________, of legal age, ______________________ of _______________

(Name) (Position)
________________________ with office address at ________________________________________,
(Company Name) (Address)
understand and agree to the following:

I uphold strict ethical practices and standards, business integrity, transparency, and honesty in
my business dealings, negotiations, and biddings with all the directors, officers, and employees of
Waterfront Philippines Inc., and its subsidiary, Acesite (Phils.) Hotel Corporation (Doing business
under the name and style of Waterfront Manila Hotel and Casino), herein referred to as

I recognize that under the Code of Business Ethics and Policy Manual of Business Conduct
(“Code”) of Waterfront, the latter penalizes any action of its directors, officers, and employees, in
making or accepting a commercial bribe in any form from its suppliers, contractors, and customers.
In recognition of this Code, I shall not give money, valuable gifts, commissions, and other form
of remunerations, or promise anything of value to any director, officer, or employee of Waterfront, in
connection with or in consideration of my business dealings, negotiations, and biddings. This
prohibition extends to the relatives within the 4th degree of consanguinity or affinity of the directors,
officers, and employees of Waterfront and shall continue to be in effect after such business dealings,
negotiations, or biddings have been approved or executed.
In the event that I become aware of any actual or suspected solicitation for money, valuable
gifts, commissions and other form of remunerations, whether verbally or in writing, made by the
director, officer, or employee of Waterfront, I shall immediately report the matter to Ms. Aleli Rose
Alday at, and such matter will be handled with strict confidentiality.
I shall fully cooperate with Waterfront’s investigation if any action is made in violation of this
Undertaking. Any violation of this Undertaking may lead to blacklisting of our company and
termination of the projects, biddings, or any other contracts, without prejudice to a civil or criminal
action that may be filed against erring parties before the appropriate court or prosecutorial office.
I certify that this Undertaking is made voluntarily and without duress or coercion.
Done this ____ day of ________ 2023 in the City of _______.

Signature over Printed Name

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this _____ day of ___________, 2023 at

_________, Affiant exhibited to me his/her competent evidence of identity ____________ issued on
_________ until _______, at__________.
Doc. No.: _____;
Page No.: _____;
Book No.:_____;
Series of 2023.

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