Instructional Materials Principles of Reinforced Conrete Cien 30183

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(CIEN 30183)

2nd SEMESTER, A.Y. 2022-2023


(BSCE-LQ 3-1)



Reinforced Concrete Design
Concrete consists primarily of a mixture of
cement and fine and coarse aggregates (sand, gravel,
crushed rock, and/or other materials) to which water
has been added as necessary ingredient for the
chemical reaction of curing.

The bulk of the mixture consists of the fine

and coarse aggregates. In structural concrete, the
aggregates occupy approximately 70% of the volume
of the hardened mass. Aggregates are classified as
fine or coarse aggregate.
Fine Aggregate
Is generally a sand which consists of particles
that will pass through No. 4 sieve.

Coarse Aggregate
Consist of particles that would be retained on
No. 4 sieve.
The maximum size aggregates that can be
used in a reinforced concrete with limiting values
are as follows:

a. 1/5 of the narrowest dimensions between

the sides of the forms.

b. 1/3 of the depth of slabs.

c. 3/4 of the minimum clear spacing between

Structural Lightweight
Concrete that have 28-days strengths equal to or
greater that 17 MPa and air dry weighs equal to or
less than 18KN/m³.

All Lightweight Concrete

The result when lightweight aggregates are used
for both fine and course aggregates.
Sand Lightweight
The result if sand is used for fine
aggregate and if the coarse aggregate is
replaced with lightweight aggregate.

High Strength Concrete

Concrete with compression strength
exceeding 42 MPa.
The compressive strength of concrete is
relatively high, but a low tensile strength
compared with is compressive strength. Hence,
steel reinforcing bars (which have high tensile and
compressive strength) are used in combination
with the concrete to resists the tensile stresses.
Reinforced Concrete is the result of this
combination of steel and concrete.

In many instances, steel and concrete are

positioned in members so that they both resist
Reinforcing Steel Bars
Reinforcement used for concrete
structures maybe in the form of bars or welded
wire fabric. Reinforcing bars are referred to as
plane or deformed bars.

The deformed bars ribbed projections

rolled into their surfaces to provide better
bonding between the concrete and steel. Plane
bars are not used very often except for wrapping
around longitudinal bars primarily in columns.
Philippines Standard
Reinforcing Bars
ASTM Standard Reinforcing
Grade, Types and Sizes of
Reinforcing Bars
Grade, Types and Sizes of
Reinforcing Bars
Grade, Types and Sizes of
Reinforcing Bars
Dead Loads
Dead loads consists of the weight if all
materials of construction incorporated into the
building or other structure, including but not
limited to walls, floors, roofs, ceilings, stairways,
built-in partitions, finishes, cladding and other
similarly incorporated architectural and
structural items, and fixed service equipment,
including the weight of cranes.
Live Loads
Live loads shall be the maximum loads
expected by the intended use or occupancy but in
no case shall be less than the loads required by
this section.
Load Factor Combination
Required strength U shall be at least equal to the
effects of factored loads in Equation 1 through Equation 7.
The effect of one or more loads not acting simultaneously
shall be investigated.
1. U = 1.4 (D + F)
2. U = 1.2 (D + F + T) + 1.6 (L + H) + 0.5 (L or R)
3. U = 1.2 D + 1.6 (L or R) + (1.0 L or 0.80 W)
4. U = 1.2 D + 1.6 W + 1.0 L + 0.5 (L or R)
5. U = 1.2 D + 1.0 E + 1.0 L
6. U = 0.9 D + 1.6 W + 1.6 H
7. U = 0.90 D + 1.0 E + 1.6 H
8. U = 1.2 D + 1.6 L
Load Factor Combination
except as follows:

1. The load factor on the live load L in Eq. 3 to 5 shall be

permitted to be reduced to 0.5 except for garages,
areas occupied as places of public assembly, and all
areas where L is greater than 4.8 KN/m².

2. Where wind load W has not been reduced by a

directionality factor, it shall be permitted to use
1.3W in place of 1.6W in Eq. 4 and 6.

3. Where E, the load effects of earthquake, is based on

service-level seismic forces, 1.4E shall be used in
place of 1.0E in Eq. 5 and 7.
Load Factor Combination
4. The load factor on H, loads due to weight and pressure
of soil, water in soil, or other materials, shall be set
equal to zero in Eq. 6 and 7 if the structural action due
to H counteracts that due to W or E. Where lateral
earth pressure provides resistance to structural actions
from other forces, it shall not be included in the design
Load Factor Combination

D = dead loads, or related internal moments and forces

E = load effects of earthquake, or related internal

moments and forces.

F = loads du to weight and pressures of fluids with well

defined densities and controllable maximum heights,
or related internal moments and forces.

H = loads due to weight and pressure of soil, water in

soil, or other material, or related internal moment
and forces.
Load Factor Combination
L = live loads, or related internal moments and forces

R = rain load, or related internal moments and forces

T = cumulative effects of temperature, creep, shrinkage,

differential settlement and shrinkage compensating

U = required strength to resist factored loads or related

internal moments and forces.

W = wind load, or related internal moments and forces

BEAMS: Working Stress Design (WSD)
BEAMS: Working Stress Design (WSD)
Problem 1
A reinforced concrete beam 500mm x 300mm with tensile reinforcement
of 4-28mm ⌀ is simply supported over a span of 6m with additional 2m
overhang from the right support. Using covering of 75 mm.


a) The moment capacity of the beam.

b) Describe the mode of design.

c) Check the adequacy of the beam if the uniform live loads applied is
20KN/m over the simple span and 10KN/m over the cantilever.
BEAMS: Working Stress Design (WSD)
Problem 2
Give the beam with sections shown and has a simple span of 6m carries a
uniform load of 12KN/m and a concentrated load of 25KN at the midspan.
Concrete weighs 24KN/m3.

f’callow = 9.315 Mpa fsallow = 124 MPa

a) Determine the distance from the neutral axis to the outer compression
b) Determine the transformed moment of inertia at the neutral axis.
c) Determine the actual stresses of concrete and steel.
BEAMS: Working Stress Design (WSD)


Ie = effective moment of inertia for computation of deflection

Ig = gross moment of inertia about the centroidal axis neglecting

Icr = moment of inertia of cracked section transformed to concrete.

Mcr = cracking moment

Ma = moment due to loads at the stage where deflections is considered

yt = distance from the centroidal axis of gross section neglecting

reinforcement to extreme fiber in tension

fr = modulus of rupture
BEAMS: Working Stress Design (WSD)
1. For normal weight of concrete

fr = .70 √f’c

2. For light weight aggregate concrete

2.1 When fct (average splitting tensile strength of light weight

aggregate concrete) is


fr = .70 (1.8 fct)

where 1.8 fct ≤ √f’c

2.2 When fct is not specified, fr shall be multiplied by 0.75 for all light

weight concrete and 0.85 for sand-light weight

BEAMS: Working Stress Design (WSD)
Long term deflections resulting from creep and
shrinkage of flexural members (normal or light-weight concrete) shall be
determined by multiplying the immediate deflection caused by the
sustained load by the factor
BEAMS: Working Stress Design (WSD)
Problem 3
A beam 300mm x 600mm has a steel area of 3321mm2 at the bottom with
steel covering of 75mm.

Use: f’c = 28 MPa Es = 200,000 MPa

fy = 276 MPa Ec = 4700 √f’c
fr = .70 √f’c

a) Determine the effective moment of inertia of the beam which carries

a dead load of 10KN/m (including its own weight) and a concentrated
live load of 100 KN acting at the center of the 6 m simple span.

b) Determine the instantaneous deflection of the beam.

c) Determine the long-term deflection if 20% of the live load will be

sustained after 1 year.
BEAMS: Working Stress Design (WSD)
Problem 4

A cantilever beam 350mm by x 700mm and 4m long, carries a uniform dead

load of 10KN/m including its weight and a concentrated live load of 50 KN
at the free end.

Using f’c = 21 MPa fy = 345 MPa

n=9 Ec = 21384 MPa
As = 2463 mm 2 with steel covering of 70mm

a) Determine the effective moment of inertia of the beam due to service


b) Determine the instantaneous deflection.

c) Determine the long-term deflection if 30% of the live load will be

sustained after 5 years.
BEAMS: Working Stress Design (WSD)
Problem 5
Precast joist with typical section as shown are cast using a concrete
strength =, f’c = 27.5 MPa. The resulting tensile strength, f’t = 2.7 MPa.
The joists are to be simply supported on a span of 6m. Unit weight of
concrete = 23.5 KN/m3.

Given Data:
a = 200mm b = 150mm c = 500mm
d = 200mm e = 150mm f = 150mm
BEAMS: Working Stress Design (WSD)
Problem 5

a) Find the cracking moment in KN-m.

b) How much total uniform load can the joist simply carry if the cracking
moment in the beam is 40KN/m.

c) If the joists are reinforced with 3-25mm ⌀ bars with their centroid
located at 435mm from the top determine the cracking moment (KN-
m). The ratio of the modulus of elasticity of steel to concrete, n = 8.
Beam Reinforced for
Tension Only
Analysis of Reinforced
Concrete Beam
Basic Assumptions in Flexural Theory for
Reinforced Concrete.
If a beam is made up of homogenous and
linearly elastic materials, the maximum bending stress
can be obtained by using the flexural formula f =
MC/I. At ultimate load, the reinforced concrete is
neither homogenous nor elastic, thereby making the
expression not applicable in evaluating for stresses,
but the basic principles of the theory of bending can
still be used to analyzed the reinforced concrete
The following assumptions are used in defining the
behavior of a reinforced concrete beam.
Analysis of Reinforced
Concrete Beam
1. Strain distribution is assumed to be linear. This
assumption is based on Bernoulli's hypothesis that
plane section before bending remain plane and
perpendicular to the neutral axis after bending.
2. Strain in the steel and surrounding concrete is the
same prior to the cracking of concrete or yielding
of steel.
3. Concrete is weak in tension. Tensile strength of
concrete is neglected in the flexural analysis and
design computations, and the tension
reinforcement is assumed to take all the total
tensile force.
Analysis of Reinforced
Concrete Beam
4. Strain in reinforcement and concrete shall be
assumed directly proportional to the distance from
the neutral axis except for deep flexural members
with overall depth to clear span ratios greater that
2/5 for continuous spans and 4/5 for simple spans, a
nonlinear distribution of strain shall be considered.
The maximum usable strain at extreme concrete
compression fiber shall be assumed to be 0.003.
5. Stress in reinforcement below specified yield
strength fy for grade reinforcement used shall be
taken as Es times steel strain that is fs = Es ε. For
strains greater than that corresponding to fy, stress
in reinforcement shall be considered independent of
strain and equal to fy.
Analysis of Reinforced
Concrete Beam
6. Concrete steel of 0.85 fc’ shall e assumed
uniformly distributed over an equivalent
compression zone bounded by the edges of the
cross section and a straight line located parallel to
the neutral axis at a distance of a = βc from the
fiber of maximum compressive strain.
7. Distance c from fiber of maximum strain to
neutral axis shall be measured in a direction
perpendicular to the axis.
8. Based on 2010 NSCP Specifications, factor β
shall be taken as 0.85 for concrete strengths fc’
up to and including 28 MPa.
Analysis of Reinforced
Concrete Beam
Analysis of Reinforced
Concrete Beam
The actual distribution of the compressive
stress in a beam section has the form of a rising
parabola. For parabolic shape of stress block, it is
difficult to evaluate the volume of the compressive
stress block so an equivalent rectangular stress block
by Whitney having a depth “a” and average compressive
strength of 0.85fc’ is more equivalent than that of the
parabolic form but by applying the β factor in solving
for “a” makes the area of the equivalent rectangular
block the same as that of the parabolic compressive
Analysis of Reinforced
Concrete Beam
Three types of reinforced concrete beams, depending on
the type of failure, that is the yielding of steel or
crushing of the concrete.
1. Balanced Section
Analysis of Reinforced
Concrete Beam
2. Over reinforced section:
In over reinforced section failure occurs by initial
crushing of the concrete. At the start of failure, the steel
strain εs will be lower than the yield strain hence the steel
stress fs will be lower than its yield strength fy. This
condition occurs when there are more reinforcement at the
tension side than that required for balanced condition. In
this condition, concrete crushes before steel yields and
concrete failure is sudden since it is a brittle material.
It is not recommended to have a designed based on
this condition. From the strain diagram shown shows the
relation of the yield strain of steel εy and the steel in εs.
Analysis of Reinforced
Concrete Beam
2. Over reinforced section:

Over reinforced will occur if εy > εs

Analysis of Reinforced
Concrete Beam
3. Under reinforced section:
In under reinforced section, failure occurs by initial
yielding of the steel. The steel continues to stretch as the
steel strain increases beyond the yield strain εy. This
condition occurs when the area of tension reinforcement
used in the beam is less than that required for the balanced
strain condition.
Almost all codes of practice recommend designing
under reinforced beams to provide sufficient warning such
as excessive deflection before failure.
From the strain diagram shown, shows that the
relation of the yield strain of steel εy and the steel in εs.
Analysis of Reinforced
Concrete Beam
3. Under reinforced section:
Balanced Steel Ratio
The area of tension steel required to cause a yield
strain when the strain in the extreme concrete fiber
is equal to the max. usable compression strain 0.003.

Balanced Steel Ratio:

Recommended Steel Ratio in Determining the
Steel Area Requirement for Beams Reinforced
for Tension Only
To obtain a reduction factor of 0.90, the max.
reinforcement ratio corresponding to a net tensile
strain if 0.005 must be equal to:

Note: = εt strain of the extreme steel bars

Maximum Steel Ratio (ρmax)

Max. Steel Area:

To ensure that concrete beams fail in a ductile manner,
the code requires that beams in regions of low seismic
activity be reinforced with an area of steel As not
greater than 0.75 Asb
Minimum Steel Ratio:

Minimum Steel Area:

fc’ = 28 days compressive strength of concrete (MPa)
fy = yield strength of steel reinforcement (MPa)
bw = the width of beam (mm)
d = effective depth of beam (mm)
Minimum Steel Area when Flexure Produces
Tension in the Flange of a Statically Determinate
The minimum steel area required is equal to or greater
than the smaller value of:

bw = width of web (mm)
d = effective depth (mm)
Design of Singly Reinforced
Rectangular Beam
Design of Singly Reinforced
Rectangular Beam
Design of Singly Reinforced
Rectangular Beam
As = the area of steel in tension
fy = the yield stress of reinforcing steel
d = effective depth of the beam
a = depth of compression block
Mn = nominal moment
Mu = ultimate moment or factored moment
Distribution of Flexural Reinforcement
to Control Flexural Cracking in Beams
and One Way Slab
Distribution of Flexural Reinforcement
to Control Flexural Cracking in Beams
and One Way Slab
Spacing limits for Reinforcement:
2. Min clear spacing between parallel bars in a layer shall
be db but not less than 25 mm.
3. When parallel reinforcement is placed in two or more
layers, bars in the upper layers shall be placed directly
above bars in the bottom layer with clear distance
between layers not less than 25 mm.
4. In spirally reinforced or tied reinforced compression
members shall not be less than 1.5 db or less than 40
Distribution of Flexural Reinforcement
to Control Flexural Cracking in Beams
and One Way Slab
Spacing limits for Reinforcement:
5. Clear distance limitation between bars shall apply also to
clear distance between a contact lap splice and adjacent
splices or bars.
6. In walls and slabs other than concrete joist construction
primary flexural reinforcement shall not be space
farther apart than 3 times the wall or slab thickness
not farther than 450 mm.
Distribution of Flexural Reinforcement
to Control Flexural Cracking in Beams
and One Way Slab
Bundled Bars:
1. Groups of parallel reinforcing bars bundled in contact to
set as a unit shall be limited to four (4) bars in one
2. Bundled bars shall be enclosed within stirrups or ties.
3. Bars larger than 36 mm diameter shall not be bundled in
4. Individual bars within a bundle terminated within the span
of flexural members shall terminate at different points
with at least 40 db stagger.
5. Where spacing limitations and minimum concrete cover are
based on bar diameter db, a unit of bundled bars shall be
treated as a single bar of a diameter derive from the
equivalent total area.
Concrete Protection for
Reinforcing Bars
Minimum cover for Cast in Place Concrete
(Non pre stressed)
1. Concrete cast against and permanently
exposed to the earth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75 mm
2. Concrete exposed to earth or weather
20 mm ø through 36 mm ø bars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 mm
16 mm ø bar, MW200 or MD200
wire and smaller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 mm
3. Concrete not exposed to weather in contact with the
Slabs, wall, joists:
42 mm ø and 58 mm ø bars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 mm
36 mm ø and smaller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 mm
Minimum cover for Cast in Place Concrete
(Non pre stressed)
3. Concrete not exposed to weather in contact with the
Beams, columns:
Primary reinforcement, ties,
stirrups, spirals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 mm
Shells, folded plate members:
20 mm ø bars and larger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 mm
16 mm ø bars, MW200 or
MD200 wire and smaller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 mm
4. For bundled bars, the minimum concrete cover shall
not be less than the equivalent diameter of the
bundle, but need not be greater than 50 mm, except
for concrete cast against and permanently exposed to
earth, minimum cover
shall not be less than . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75 mm
Steps in Design of Rectangular Beam
Reinforced for Tension Only
Steps in Design of Rectangular Beam
Reinforced for Tension Only
Steps in Design of Rectangular Beam
Reinforced for Tension Only
Steps in Design of Rectangular Beam
Reinforced for Tension Only
Problem 1
A 12m simply supported beam is provided by an
additional support at midspan. The beam has a width of
b = 300mm and a total depth h = 450m. It is
reinforced with 4-25mm ø at the tension side and 2-
25mm ø at the compression side with 70mm cover to
centroid of reinforcements. f’c = 30 MPa, fy = 415
MPa. Use 0.75ρb = 0.023.

a) Determine the depth of compression block.

b) Determine the nominal bending moment.
c) Determine the total factored uniform load
including the beam considering moment capacity
reduction factor of 0.90.
Problem 2
Given a rectangular beam having a width of
280mm and an effective depth of 500mm. The beam
is reinforced for tension only with a steel area of
4000mm2. f’c = 25 MPa, fy = 400 Mpa

a) Find the ultimate moment capacity of the

beam section.
b) Find the uniform ultimate load that the
beam can carry in a simple span of 6m.
c) Determine the mode of design.

d = 500mm

1. C = T
0.85f’c ab = Asfy
0.85(25)(a)(280) = 4000(400)
a = 268.91 mm
a = 0.85c
c = 316.36 mm
Problem 3
Beam section is b = 300mm, h = 450mm.
Effective depth is 380 mm. Compressive strength of
concrete f’c=30 MPa, steel strength fy=415 MPa.
The beam is simply supported on a span of 5m and
carries the following loads. Superimposed Dead Load
= 16 KN/m Live Load = 14 KN/m

a) What is the maximum moment at ultimate

b) Find the number of 16 mm ø bars required if
the design moment at ultimate load is 200 KN-
c) If the beam carries an ultimate concentrated
load of 50 KN at midspan, how many 16mm ø
bars are required?

Superimposed Dead Load: 16 KN/m 2001 NSCP

Live Load = 14 KN/m W = 1.4DL + 1.7LL
W Beam = 8 cone A beam W = 1.4 (16+3.18)+1.7(14)
W Beam = 23.54 (0.45 x 0.30) W = 50.65 KN/m
W Beam = 3.18 KN/m
Problem 4
A simply-supported beam is reinforced with 4-
28mm ø at the bottom and 2-28mm ø at the top of
the beam. Steel covering to centroid of
reinforcement is 70 mm at the top and bottom of the
beam. The beam has a total depth of 400mm and a
width of 300mm. If fc=30 mPa, fy=415 mPa.
Balanced steel ratio pb=0.021

a) Determine the depth of the compression block.

b) Determine the design strength using 0.90 as
the reduction factor.
c) Determine the live load at the midspan in
addition to a DL=20KN/m including the weight
of the beam if it has a span of 6m
b = 300 mm
d = 70mm

330 mm


1.7 L

1.4 (20)
Problem 5
Given a T-Beam section with thickness of
flange 75mm, width of web = 300mm effective depth
600 mm, is reinforced at the tension side of 6-32
mm ø bars in two rows with a clearance of 30mm. The
beam carries a dead load of 15KN/m including its
weight in a simple span of 5m.
a. f’c = 35 mPa b. f’c = 21 mPa
fy = 300 mPa fy = 414 mPa
a) Determine the depth of the compression block.
b) Determine the ultimate moment capacity of
the beam
c) Determine safe uniform live load capacity of
the beam.




C1 C2
d-a/2 d-tf/2
As As2
T1 T2




NSCP 2001
Section 411.4.1.1 NSCP states that the shear
strength Vc shall be computed by provisions Section
411.1.1.1 through 411.4.1.3 unless a detailed calculation is
made in accordance with Sec. 411.4.2
For members subject to shear and flexure only,
Shear (NSCP 2001)
Shear (NSCP 2001)
Shear (NSCP 2001)
Vc shall not be taken greater than

Quantity Nu shall be expressed in MPa. When Mm as

computed is negative, Vc shall be computed by Eq. 411-7
For members subject to significant axial tension,

where Nu is negative for tension ∅ = 0.85

Shear (NSCP 2010)
Shear (NSCP 2010)
Vc shall not be taken greater than

Quantity Nu shall be expressed in MPa. When Mm as

computed is negative, Vc shall be computed by Eq. 411-7
For members subject to significant axial tension,
Shear (NSCP 2010)
Where Nu is negative for tension
λ = 1.0 for normal weight concrete
λ = 0.75 for all-lightweight concrete
λ = linear interpolation between 0.85 and 1.0 shall
be permitted, on the basis of volumetric
fractions, for concrete containing normal
weight fine aggregate and a blend of
lightweight and normal weight coarse
∅ = 0.75
Situation 1
A 4 m long simply supported beam carrying a
factored concentrated load of 540 KN acting at
midspan and factored compressive load of 270 KN. The
beam is 300 mm wide and has a total depth of 700 m. It
is reinforced at the bottom side with 3-32 mm ø.

The effective depth is 660 mm and compressive

strength of concrete = 27.6 MPa, tensile strength of
bars = 276 MPa. Compressive weights 23.54 KN/m3.
Situation 1
a. Compute the ultimate shear force Vu (KN) at
critical section.
b. Compute the modified moment Mm (KN-m).
c. Compute the nominal strength capacity (KN) of
the beam.
d. Compute the maximum permissible spacing (mm)
of 10 mm ø stirrups.
e. Compute the actual spacing (mm) of 10 mm ø



d Vd Md

d = 660
h = 700 mm 3 – 32 mm ‛

40 mm

U = 1.4DL + 1.7LL
Wbeam = 8 c A beam
Wbeam = 23.54 (.7)(.3)
Wbeam = 4.94 KN/m
Wbeam = 1.4 (4.94) = 6.92 KN/m
Solution: 540 KN

2m 2m
Nu Nu


6.92 KN/m Vu = 283.84 – 6.92(.66)
Vu = 297.27
0.66 m
R = 283.84
Situation 2 (May 2011 / May 2014 Board Exam)

Figure SRC – 001 shows a floor plan which is

designed to carry a live load of 4.8 kPa and a dead load
of 4.9 kPa (including weight of slab, beam, ceiling,
partition, floor, etc.). The slab thickness is 100 mm. The
beams have a width of 250 mm and has a depth 350 mm
below the slab.

The girder has a width of 350 mm and a depth of

400 mm. fc’ = 20.7 MPa, fy = 275 MPa. Use 70 mm
covering from center of steel reinforcements.
Situation 2 (May 2011 / May 2014 Board Exam)

a. Assuming the beam to
be simply supported,
determine the critical
factored shear force
(KN) at the section for
beam BE.
b. Determine the spacing (mm) for the two legs of 10
mm ø.
c. Using NSCP, determine the maximum spacing (mm)
of stirrups.
LL = 4.8 kPa
DL = 4.9 kPa
U = 1.4DL + 1.7LL = 1.4(4.9) + 1.7(4.8)
U = 15.02 kPa
W = 15.02(2.8) = 42.056 KN/m

Beam BE 100 mm

350 350

350 mm
6m – (0.35m) = 5.65 m
70 mm

d 5.65

R = 118.81
Situation 3 (May 2011 Board Exam)

A column section shown in reinforced with 8 – 32

mm ø bars, with a clear concrete cover of 40 mm for the
12 mm ø ties due to reversal of lateral forces. The design
axial load due to reversal of lateral forces. The design
axial load die to the reversal affects of DL, LL and WL
changes as follows

Along the positive x-direction Along the positive x-direction

Mu = -420 kN-m Mu = +420 kN-m
Vu = 370 kN Vu = 370 kN
Nu = 1,320 kN Nu = 450 kN

fc’ = 28 MPa
fy = 415 MPa
Situation 3 (May 2011 Board Exam)

a. Determine the concrete shear strength (KN) for

the positive x – direction using simplified
b. Determine the concrete shear strength (KN) for
the negative x – direction using simplified
c. Determine the required spacing (mm) of shear
reinforcement. Apply provisions on spacing limits
of reinforcement when applicable.
Column – always compression members (axial)


mu = moment
vu = shear
Nu = axial
d = 600 − 40 − 12 − (32) = 532 mm
1 ′ Nu
Vc = f c bw d 1 +
6 14Ag
1 1320(1000)
Vc = 28 (400)(532) (1 + )
6 14(400)(600)
𝐕𝐜 = 𝟐𝟔𝟏. 𝟒 𝐊𝐍

1 450(1000)
Vc = 28 (400)(532) (1 + )
6 14(400)(600)
𝐕𝐜 = 𝟐𝟏𝟐. 𝟖 𝐊𝐍

Vu 370
Vn = Vc + Vs → = Vc + Vs → = 212.8 + Vs
∅ 0.85
Vs = 222.49
Av fy d
3( )(12)2 (415)(532)
S= 4
S = 336 mm
Vs = 28 400 532
222.49 < 375.34

d 532
Use: Smax = → or 600 mm whichever is lesser
2 2

𝐒𝐦𝐚𝐱 = 𝟐𝟔𝟔 𝐦𝐦
Situation 4 (May 2013 Board Exam)
Situation 4 (May 2013 Board Exam)
Situation 4 (May 2013 Board Exam)
Situation 4 (May 2013 Board Exam)
Situation 4 (May 2013 Board Exam)

a. Determine the required spacing of lateral

reinforcement for factored shear load Vuy = 450
KN if the allowable concrete shearing stress is
0.88 Mpa.
b. What is the maximum spacing of the 12mm ø
transverse reinforcement?
c. Determine the required spacing of confining hoop
reinforcement in accordance with the code for
seismic design.
d. What is the maximum spacing of the 12 mm ø
transverse reinforcement in accordance with the
code for seismic design?
Vuy = 450 KN

d = 500 – 40 – 12 − 28 = 434 mm
Av fyt d 4( )(12)2 (278)(434)
S= = 4
Vs 262.07 (1000)
𝐒 = 𝟐𝟎𝟖 𝐦𝐦
Vu 450
Vn = Vc + Vs → = Vc + Vs → = 267.34 + Vs
∅ 0.85
Vs = 262.07
1 ′ N
Vc = f c bw d → 0.88 b d → 0.88(700)(434)
6 mm w
Vc = 267.34 KN

1 ′
Vs = f c bw d
Vs = 28 (700)(434)
Vs = 535.85
262.07 < 535.85

d 434
Smax = → or 600 mm whichever is lesser
2 2

𝐒𝐦𝐚𝐱 = 𝟐𝟏𝟕 𝐦𝐦
Vuy (vertical)


Perpendicular with Vuy


a.) hc = 700 − 40 2 − 2 12Τ

hc = 608 mm
Ach = 700 − 40 − 40 = 620 mm
Ach = 500 − 40 − 40 = 420 mm
f ′ c Ag
Ash = 0.3 s hc [ − 1]
fyh Ach

𝜋 2
28 500(700)
4( )(12) = 0.3 s (608)( )[ − 1]
4 278 420(620)
𝐬 = 𝟕𝟏 𝐦𝐦
f′ c
b.) Ash = 0.09 s hc
π 28
4( )(12)2 = 0.09 s 608
4 278
s = 82 mm
1 1
c.) 1. d ∶ 500 = 𝟏𝟐𝟓 𝐦𝐦
4 4
2. 6db ∶ 6 28 = 168 mm
350−hx Shall not be less than 100 mm and not to exceed 150 mm
3. Sx = 100 +
1 1
hx = 700 − 40 − 40 − 12 − 12 − (28) − (28)
2 2
hx = 598 mm
𝑥= = 189.33
hx2 = 189.33 + 20 2 = 229.33

500 − 40 − 40 − 2 12 − 2 28 = 368
hx = = 184
350 + 189.33
S𝑥1 = 100 + = 153.56 𝑚𝑚
350 + 229.33
S𝑥2 = 100 + = 140.22 𝑚𝑚
350 + 184
S𝑥3 = 100 + = 155.33 𝑚𝑚

ℎ𝑐 = 𝑥1 + 𝑥2 + 𝑥3 = 189.33 + 189.33 + 229.33

ℎ𝑐 = 608
1 1
ℎ𝑐 = 700 − 40 − 40 − (12) − (12)
2 2
ℎ𝑐 = 608
Concrete members may be subjected to
torsional moments when they are curved in plans,
support cantilever, slabs act as a spandrel beams or
are part of spiral stairwell.
Torsion produces a complex behavior in which
the member cross section will warp as it twists.
Torsional shear will be created in the faces of the
member and will tend to produce diagonal tension
cracks similar to those produced by flexural shear.
Since shear and torsional normally occurs
simultaneously within a member, the diagonal
tension effects will be additive on one of the faces.
The reinforcement provided for the torsion
must be combined with that required for shear. The
transversed stirrups used for torsional
reinforcement must be of a closed form to provide
the required tensile capacity across the diagonal
cracks of all faces of the beam. U-shaped stirrups
commonly used for transversed shear
reinforcement are not suitable for torsional
reinforcement, longitudinal reinforcement will be
added to longitudinal reinforcement due to moment
requirements but you have to check if torsioanl
reinforcement is needed or not.
1. Value of torsion when torsion reinforcement is
not needed. When actual TU is less than:
a. For non-pre stressed member
∅𝛌 𝒇𝑪’(𝐀𝐂𝐏)𝟐
ACP = area enclosed by outside perimeter of concrete section
PCP = outside perimeter of concrete cross section
∅ = 0.75
λ = 1.0 for nominal weight concrete
λ = 0.75 for all light weight concrete
λ = 0.85 for sand light weight concrete
Aoh = area enclosed by centerline of the outermost closed
traverse torsional reinforcement
Ph = perimeter of centerline of outermost closed traverse
torsional reinforcement

b. For pre stressed member

∅𝛌 𝒇𝑪’(𝐀𝐂𝐏)𝟐 𝒇𝒑𝒄
[ 𝟏+
𝟏𝟐𝑷𝑪𝑷 𝟎.𝟑𝟑 𝑨𝒈 𝝀 𝒇𝒄’

fpc = compressive stress in concrete after allowance for all

prestress losses at centroid of cross section resisting
externally applied loads or at junction of web and flange when
the centroid lies within the flange.
c. For non-pre stressed members subjected ot
axial tensile or compressive force.
∅𝛌 𝒇𝑪’(𝐀𝐂𝐏)𝟐 𝑵𝑼
[ 𝟏+
𝟏𝟐𝑷𝑪𝑷 𝟎.𝟑𝟑 𝑨𝒈 𝝀 𝒇𝒄’

fpc = compressive stress in concrete after allowance for all

prestress losses at centroid of cross section resisting
externally applied loads or at junction of web and flange when
the centroid lies within the flange.
Torsional Moment Strength
a. For solid sections
𝑉𝑈 2 𝑇𝑈𝑃ℎ 2 𝑉𝑈 2 𝑓𝐶’
( +( 2
) ≤ ∅[ + ]
𝑏𝑊 𝑑 1.7𝐴𝑜ℎ 𝑏𝑤 𝑑 3

b. For hollow sections

𝑉𝑈 2 𝑇𝑈𝑃ℎ 2 𝑉𝑈 2 𝑓𝐶’
( +( 2
) ≤ ∅[ + ]
𝑏𝑊 𝑑 1.7𝐴𝑜ℎ 𝑏𝑤 𝑑 3
Design for additional torsional reinforcement
1. Value of torsion where torsional reinforcement
is not required

∅𝛌 𝒇𝑪’(𝐀𝐂𝐏)𝟐
Tu =
Design for additional torsional reinforcement
Acp = 500(620) = 310000 mm2
Pcp = (500 + 620)(2) = 2240 mm
x1 = 500 - 80 - 12 = 400 mm
y1 = 620 - 80 - 12 = 520 mm
Aoh = x1y1 = (400 x 520) = 20800 mm2
Ph = 2(x1 + y1) = 2(400 + 520) = 1840 mm
Design for additional torsional reinforcement
2. Cracking torque
∅𝛌 𝒇𝑪’(𝐀𝐂𝐏)𝟐
Tu = 𝟑𝑷𝑪𝑷

3. Spacing of tranverse torsional reinforcement

𝑨𝒗 𝒕𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝑨𝒗 𝟐𝑨𝒕
( ) = +
𝐴𝑓 𝑑 𝑨 𝑽
𝑆 = 𝑣 𝑦𝑡 → 𝒗 = 𝒔
𝑉𝑠 𝑺 𝒇𝒚𝒕𝒅
𝑨𝒕 𝑻𝒖
𝑺 𝟐∅𝒇𝒚𝒕𝑨𝒐𝑪𝒐𝒕∅

Ao = 0.85Aoh

∅ = 45⁰ for non pre stressed beam

Design for additional torsional reinforcement
3. Spacing of tranverse torsional reinforcement
VS = shear capacity transverse torsional reinforcement
𝑉𝑆 = − 𝑣𝑐

𝑉𝐶 = 0.17𝜆 𝑓𝑐’𝑏𝑤𝑑

4. Min. area of transverse closed stirrups

𝐴𝑣 + 2𝐴𝑡 = 0.062 𝑓𝑐’
But shall not be less than fyt
Design for additional torsional reinforcement
5. Max spacing of transverse torsional reinforcement
𝐌𝐚𝐱. 𝐒 = 𝐨𝐫 𝟑𝟎𝟎𝐦𝐦
5. Additional longitudinal reinforcement area required for
𝐀𝐋 =
𝐒 𝐟𝐲
7. Min. total area required for longitudinal torsional
5 𝑓𝑐’𝐴𝑐𝑝 𝐴𝑡 𝑓𝑦𝑡
𝐴𝐿(𝑚𝑖𝑛. ) = − ( )( )𝑃ℎ
12𝑓𝑦 𝑆 𝑓𝑦
At 0.175bw
But shall not be less than
S fyt
Stirrups-ties and Longitudinal Reinforcement for Torsion
NSCP 2001
1. Compute the allowable torsional moment so that
torsional effects can be neglected.

1. Check the adequacy of the section to carry Tu

NSCP 2001
3. Compute the required spacing of 12mm ø stirrups
Area of stirrups required for torsions for one leg of stirrup:

Area of stirrups required for shear for two legs of stirrup:

Area of stirrups required for shear and torsion:

NSCP 2010
Allowable Torsional Moment: Area of stirrups required for
shear for two legs of stirrup:

Adequacy of the Section:

Area of stirrups required for torsion for one leg of stirrup:

The cross section shown is loaded by Vu = 200 KN
and a torque of Tu = 25 KN-m. fc’ = 20.7 MPa and fy =
415 MPa.
Solution: (NSCP 2001)
a. Vu = 200 kN (shear)
Tu = 25 kN-m (torsion)

∅𝜆 𝑓𝐶’(ACP)2 0.85 20.7(187500)2

Tu allow = =
12𝑃𝐶𝑃 12(2200)

Tu allow = 5.15 kN-m

Acp = Abeam: 500(300) + 125(300) = 187,500 mm2
Pcp = 2(500) + 2(600) = 2200 mm
Tu applied > Tallow
25 kN-m > 5.15 kN-m
Solution: (NSCP 2001)
b. Shear stress (mPa)

Vu 200,000N
= 2
= 𝟏. 𝟓𝟒 𝐦𝐏𝐚
bwd 300(434)mm
ulitmate stress

TuPh 25 x 106(1232)
= 2
= 𝟐. 𝟓𝟐 𝐦𝐏𝐚
1.7(Aoh) 1.7(84864)
ulitmate stress
Solution: (NSCP 2001)
b. Shear stress (mPa)
Clear cover = 40 mm
x = 300 - 46(2) = 208 mm
y = 500 - 46(2) = 408 mm
Am = Aoh = 208(408) = 84868 mm2
Pm = Poh = 2x + 2y = 2(208) + 2(408) 300 - 40 - 40 1/2(12)(2)

Pm = Poh = 1232 mm
1.542 + 2.522 = 2.95 𝑚𝑃𝑎
ulitmate stress
Solution: (NSCP 2001)
b. Shear stress (mPa)
1 1
𝑉𝑐 = 𝑓’𝑐 → 𝑛𝑜𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠 → 𝑉𝑐 = 20.7 = 0.76 𝑚𝑃𝑎
6 6
2 2
𝑉𝑠 = 𝑓’𝑐 → 𝑉𝑠 = 20.7 = 3.03 𝑚𝑃𝑎
3 3

𝑉𝑐 𝑓’𝑐𝑏𝑤𝑑
= 6
𝑏𝑤𝑑 𝑏𝑤𝑑
: 2.95 < 3.22 ; adequate
Solution: (NSCP 2001)
c. from shear
Avfytd Av Vsforce
S= Vs
→ S
= fytd
Vn =Vc + Vs
Vu 200
= V c + Vs → = Vc + Vs
∅ 0.85
1 1
Vc = 6 f’cbwd =6 20.7(300)(434)
Vc =98.73
= 98.73 + Vs
Vs= 136.56 kN
Av 136.56(1000) 𝑚𝑚2
= = 0.76
S (415)(434) 𝑚𝑚
Solution: (NSCP 2001)
c. from shear - torsion one leg stirrup
At Tu Tn
= Tu
S 2fytAoCot∅ ∅

Ao = 0.85Aoh = Ao = 0.85(84864) = 72134.4

25x106 N − mm
At 0.85
S 2(415) N (72134.4)(cot 45)
At 0.49mm2
S mm
Solution: (NSCP 2001)
c. from shear - combined shear and torsion
Av total Av 2At
( ) = +
2( )(12)2 0.76mm2 2(0.49mm)2
= mm
+ mm

S = 130mm
Solution: (NSCP 2001)
d. AL = Ph ( 𝑆𝑡) (𝑓𝑦𝑣)(cot2 ∅)
𝐴 𝑓𝑦
0.49𝑚𝑚2 𝑓𝑦𝑣
AL = (1232) ( ) ( )(cot2 45) = 604 mm2
𝑚𝑚 𝑓𝑦1

Max. S = 8h or 300mm whichever is lesser
= 154 mm or 300 mm
5 fc’(Acp) A fy
As min = − ( t) ( v)Ph
12fyt S fy1
5 20.7(187500)
As min = 12(415)
− 0.49(1232)
As min = 252.82mm2
Situation 2
Girder AB is subjected to
torsional moment in addition to the
flexural moment and shear form
the heavy load at the cantilever
frames. From analysis, the
following factored design forces
result Mu = 440 KN-m, Vu = 280
KN, Tu = 180 KN-m, width of
beam, “b” = 400 mm, total depth of beam, “h” = 500
mm, fc’ = 20.7 MPa, fyv = 275 MPa, fyi = 415 MPa,
concrete cover to the centroid of tension steel = 65
mm, steel ratio at balanced condition, ρb = 0.02,
allowable concrete shear stress = 0.76 MPa, ties are 12
mm diameter.
Situation 2
a. Which of the following gives the tension reinforcement
required for factored moment, Mu.
b. Which of th efollowing gives the spacing of transverse
reinforcement for factored shear, Vu.
c. Which of the following gives the longitudinal
reinforcement required for torsion, Tu. Assume 40 mm
clear cover to lateral ties.
Situation 2
a. tension reinforcement required
Solution: Mu = 440 KN − m
Tu = 180 KN − m
Vu = 280 KN


(d – a/2)

Mu = 0.9 C d − C
440x10 = 0.9 0.85 f ′ c a b
440x106 = 0.9 0.85 20.7 a 400 435 −
a = 210.73
a = βc
210.73 = 0.85c
c = 247.92
0.85f ′ c ab = As fy
0.85 20.7 210.73 400 = As 415
As = 3753.78 mm2

Check: fy = ρmax
As max
ρmax = → As max = ρmax bd
ρmax = 0.75ρbal → As max = 0.75ρbal bd SRB

As max = 0.75 0.02 400 435

As max = 2610 mm2
1.) 𝐂𝟏 = 𝐓𝟏
0.85f ′ cab = As fy
0.85 20.7 a 400 = 2610 415
a = 153.90 mm
c = 181.06 mm
600(d−c) 600(435−181.06)
2.) fy = =
c 181.06

fy = 841.51 > 415 ∶ steel yields

mu1 = 0.90C1 d−
mu1 = 0.90(0.85)(20.7)(153.90)(400) 435 −

mu1 = 349.04 KN − m
Solution: T2

muSRB = mu1 + mu2 → mu2 = muSRB − mu1

(d – d’)
mu2 = 440 − 349.04 = 90.96 KN − m

mu2 = 0.9T2 (d − d′ ) C2

90.96 x106 = 0.9(As )(415) (435 − 65)

As2 = 869.77
As = As1 + As2 = 2610 + 869.77
As = 3480 mm2

Av fyv d
b.) S =
2( )(12)2 (275)(435)

𝐒 = 𝟏𝟑𝟕 𝐦𝐦
1 ′ 1
Vc = f c bw d → 20.7 400 435
6 6
Vc = 131.94
Vu 280
Vn = Vc + Vs → = Vc + Vs → = 131.94 + Vs
∅ 0.85

Vs = 197.47 KN

c.) x = 400 − 40 − 40 − 12 = 308

y = 500 − 40 − 40 − 12 = 408
Am = 0.85 308 408 = 106,814.4
At Tn 0.85
= =
s 2fyv Ao cot θ 2(275)(106814.4) cot 45

At mm2
= 3.60
s mm
Ph = 2 208 + 2 408 = 1432 mm
At fyv 275
A1 = Ph cot 2 θ = 1432 3.60 cot 2 45
s fyI 415
A1 = 3416.1 mm2
Combined shear and torsion
Av 2( )(12)2
= 4
s 137
Av mm2
= 1.65
s mm
Av total Av 2At
= +
s s s
2( )(12)2 mm2 mm2
= 1.65 + 2(3.6 )
s mm mm

𝐬 = 𝟐𝟓 𝐦𝐦
COLUMNS: Ultimate Strength Design (USD)
COLUMNS: Ultimate Strength Design (USD)

I. Short columns (Axially Loaded Columns)

I. Long Columns (Eccentrically Loaded Columns)

COLUMNS: Ultimate Strength Design (USD)

1. Capacity

1. Limits of reinforcement for tied column

pg = 0.01 to 0.08

3. Minimum number of bars

minimum number of longitudinal bars in compression members

shall be four (4) for bars within rectangular or circular ties.

COLUMNS: Ultimate Strength Design (USD)
4. Tie reinforcements for compression members shall conform to the

a. All non-prestressed bars shall be enclosed by lateral ties at least 10

mm diameter in size for longitudinal bars 32 mm in diameter.

b. 12 mm. diameter in size for 36 diameter bars and bundled longitudinal


5. Spacing of ties

Vertical spacing of ties shall not exceed:

a. 16 longitudinal bar diameter

b. 48 tie bar

c. least dimension of the column

COLUMNS: Ultimate Strength Design (USD)

6. Minimum clear cover of ties

a. 40 mm

b. diameter of vertical bars

c. 1 1/3 x maximum size of coarse aggregate

COLUMNS: Ultimate Strength Design (USD)

1. Capacity

1. Limits of reinforcement for spiral column

pg = 0.01 to 0.08

3. Minimum number of bars

minimum number of longitudinal bars in compression members

shall be six (6) for bars enclosed by spirals

COLUMNS: Ultimate Strength Design (USD)
4. Spiral reinforcements

a. For cast in place construction, size of spirals shall not be less 10 mm


b. Clear spacing between spirals shall not exceed 75 mm or be less than

25 mm.

c. Ratio of spiral reinforcements ρs shall not be less than the value

COLUMNS: Ultimate Strength Design (USD)

fy = specified yield strength of spiral reinforcement but not more
than 415 MPa.
f’c = specified compressive strength of concrete shall not be less
than 17 MPa.
Ag = gross area of column
Ac = area of core of spirally reinforced compression member
measured to outside diameter of spiral.
D = diameter of column
Dc = diameter of concrete core = diameter of column minus the
concrete cover at both sides.
COLUMNS: Ultimate Strength Design (USD)
Problem 1

A reinforced concrete tied column carries a dead axial

load of 600 KN and a live axial load of

700 KN. f’c = 28 MPa, fy = 400 MPa

a. Which of the following gives the final factored load?

b. Using super position method, which of the following gives the smallest
dimension of the column section if the steel ratio is 2%.

c. Which of the following gives the number of 20 mm ⌀ bars?

COLUMNS: Ultimate Strength Design (USD)
Problem 2

A spiral column carries a gravity dead load of 1420 KN

and a live load of 1600 KN. The column is of average height and it will be
assumed that there is no reduction in strength due to the effects of
slenderness. Use approximately 3 1/2% reinforcement, f’c = 27.6 MPa, fy =
415 MPa

a. Determine the required diameter of the spiral column.

b. Determine the number of 32 mm ⌀ longitudinal bars.

▪ Determine the center to center spacing of 10 mm diameter spiral

COLUMNS: Ultimate Strength Design (USD)
Problem 3

A 450 mm square column is to be constructed above the

ground. The vertical reinforcement consists of 8 - 28 mm ⌀ bars. Maximum
size of aggregates is 25 mm. f’c = 20.7 MPa, fy = 276.5 MPa.

a. Which of the following gives the spacing required for the ties?

b. Which of the following gives the cover required over the ties?

c. Which of the following gives the ratio of the center-to-center

reinforcement distance to the length of side of column?
COLUMNS: Ultimate Strength Design (USD)

Case 1: Balanced Condition, e = eb

Compression and tension steel yields; fs = fy; fs’ = fy

Problem 6
A 300 mm x 500 mm column is reinforced with 4 - 28 mm ⌀ bars, one in
each corner with steel covering of 65 mm as shown.

a. Determine the load Pb for

balanced failure.
b. Determine the moment Mb for
balanced failure.
c. Determine the eccentricity eb
for balanced failure.
COLUMNS: Ultimate Strength Design (USD)

Case 2: Compression Control, e < eb

Compression and tension steel yields; fs’ = fy; fs < fy

Problem 7
A 450 mm x 500 mm column is reinforced with 6 - 32
mm ⌀ bars, three in each side of the 450 mm dimension with steel covering
of 65 mm. f’c = 20 MPa, fy = 400 MPa

a. Determine the balanced eccentricity eb.

b. Determine the load Pu that could be placed at an eccentricity of 30


c. Determine the moment Mu.

COLUMNS: Ultimate Strength Design (USD)

Case 3: Tension Control, e > eb

Tension steel yields; fs = fy; fs’ < fy

Problem 8
a) Determine the load Pu of the column in Problem 7 at an eccentricity of
400 mm.

b) Determine the moment Mu.

COLUMNS: Ultimate Strength Design (USD)

Case 3: Tension Control, e > eb

Tension steel yields; fs = fy; fs’ < fy

Problem 9
A 400 mm square column is reinforced with 8 - 28 mm ⌀ bars equally
distributed on its sides. The column has an unbraced length of 8 m. K = 1.0,
f’c = 20.7 MPa and fy = 415 MPa. Use 40 mm covering measured from
center of reinforcement.

a. Determine the nominal load that the column could carry.

b. Determine the balanced load using εc 0.003 and yield strain of steel

c. Determine the balanced moment.

COLUMNS: Ultimate Strength Design (USD)

Non-sway Frames

1. For compression members in non-sway frames the effective length

factor k shall be taken as 1.0 unless analysis shows that a lower value is

2. In non-sway frames

Magnified moment or factored moment to be used in the design is

COLUMNS: Ultimate Strength Design (USD)

Non-sway Frames

3. For members without transverse loads between supports.

Cm = 1.0 for members with transverse loads between supports

4. Factored moment M2 shall not be taken less than M2(min)

M2(min) = Pu(15 + 0.03h)

COLUMNS: Ultimate Strength Design (USD)

Problem 10
A rectangular tied column has a dimension of 300mm x
380mm. The unsupported length is 4.5 m and is to be constructed in a
frame braced against sidesway with effective length factor K = 1.0 and EI
= 34x106 N-m2. The column is subjected to an ultimate factored moment of
110 KN-m at the top and 120 KN-m at its bottom end causing a single
curvature of the column section. The column carries factored axial loads
of 150 KN dead load and 350 KN live load.

a. Which of the following gives the value of critical load Pc?

b. Which of the following gives the value of the moment magnification

factor for frames braced against sidesway?

c. Which of the following gives the factored moment to be used for the
design of steel reinforcement?
COLUMNS: Ultimate Strength Design (USD)

Problem 10
COLUMNS: Ultimate Strength Design (USD)

Problem 10
COLUMNS: Ultimate Strength Design (USD)

Problem 10
FOOTINGS: Ultimate Strength Design (USD)
FOOTINGS: Ultimate Strength Design (USD)

Three Modes of Failure

1. One way or Beam Shear

2. Two Way or Punching Shear
3. Bending
FOOTINGS: Ultimate Strength Design (USD)
Problem 1
A 300 mm concrete wall supported a dead load of 210
KN/m and a live load of 145 KN/m. The allowable soil bearing pressure is 210
KPa. The wall footing has an effective depth of 225 mm and a total depth of
300 mm. The bottom of the footing is 1.2 m below the grade. f’c 20.73 MPa, fy
= 276.5 MPa. Assume concrete weighs 23.5 KN/m3 and the soils is 15.7 KN/m3.

a. Determine the nearest value of the width of footing.

b. Determine the nearest value of the bearing pressure for strength design
of the footing caused by the factored load.
c. Determine the nearest value of the required moment for strength design.
d. Determine the design shear strength per meter of wall.
e. Determine the required steel area.
f. Determine the area of longitudinal shrinkage and temperature
FOOTINGS: Ultimate Strength Design (USD)
Problem 2
A column 450 mm x 450 mm square supports a dead load of
1000 KN and a live load of 780 KN. The allowable soil bearing pressure is 240
KPa. The base of the footing is 1.5 m. below the grade. Assuming weight of
concrete to be 24 KN/m3 and that of soil to be 18 KN/m3. The total depth of
footing is 600 mm with a steel covering of 100 mm.

a. Determine the effective soil pressure.

b. Determine the dimension of the footing.

c. Determine the moment at critical section.

FOOTINGS: Ultimate Strength Design (USD)
Problem 3
A column 450 mm square with f’c = 27.65 MPa, reinforced
with 8 -25 mm ⌀ bars with fy = 345.58 MPa is supported by a footing with
base 1.5 m below the grade. The allowable bearing pressure is 240 KPa.
Assume weight of soil and concrete to have an average unit weight of 19.7
KN/m3. The total depth of the footing is 550 mm with an effective depth of
475 mm and reinforced with 11 – 25 mm ⌀ bars in each direction. Use f’c =
20.7 MPa and fy = 276 MPa for the footing.

a. Determine the nearest value of the dimension of the footing.

b. Determine the nearest value of the two way or punching shear.

c. Determine the nearest value of the one way or beam shear.

d. Determine the required moment for strength design.

e. Is the footing safe for the three (3) modes of failures?

FOOTINGS: Ultimate Strength Design (USD)
Problem 4
A square spread footing supports 450 mm square tied
column supporting a service dead load of 1784 KN and a service live load of
240 KN. The top of the footing is to covered with a 150 mm concrete
basement floor having a unit weight of 2400 kg/m3. Allowable bearing
pressure of soil is 288 KPa. The column is reinforced with 8 – 28 mm ⌀ bars
with f’c 34.6 MPa, fy = 414.7 MPa. For the spread footing use f’c = 20.7 MPa
ad fy = 414.7 MPa. The total depth of the footing is 800 mm with an effective
depth of 688 mm. The bottom of the footing is 1.10 m. below the top of the
basement floor. Weight of soil is 18.88 KN/m3.
a. Determine the dimensions of the square footing.

b. Determine the bearing capacity of the footing at the base of the column.

c. Determine the number of 22 mm ⌀ dowels needed if any at the join of the

base of column and footing.
FOOTINGS: Ultimate Strength Design (USD)
Problem 5
A square footing supports a 350 mm x 350 mm column
carrying a dead load of 500 KN and live load of 560 KN, a dead load moment
of 12 KN-m and a live load moment of 18 KN-m. Allowable soil pressure is 210
KPa. Assume 10% of column loads as footing weight. f’c = 20 MPa, fy = 350

a. Determine the dimension of the footing.

b. Determine the effective depth of the footing.

c. Determine the number 20 mm ⌀ required for footing reinforcement in

both directions.
Ultimate Strength Design (USD)
Ultimate Strength Design (USD)
Situation 1
Assuming that the reaction of the ground is uniformly distributed, determine
the maximum absolute value of the shear and bending moment of the beam
and loading shown in the figure.

1. Determine the maximum shear (KN).

2. Determine the maximum moment (KN-m).
Situation 1

𝜮Fv = 0
2(3) + 24 + 2(3) - q(12) = 0
q = 3 kips/ft

Vmax = 12 kips
Situation 1
Ultimate Strength Design (USD)
Situation 2
A barge shown in diagram carries the following loads:
W1 = 290 KN/m W2 = 580 KN/m
For every meter strip along longitudinal direction.
Dimension are: L1 = L3 = 3.00 m L2 = 6 m

1. Find the total length, L (m) so that

the upward pressure is uniform and
the barge remains horizontal.
2. If shear is zero at 5 m from the
left end, what is the upward
pressure in KN/m?
3. If the upward pressure is 145
KN/m, what is the resulting moment
at the first point of zero shear?
Situation 2
P1 = 290(3) = 870 KN
P2 = 580(3) = 1740 KN
P = 870 + 1740 = 2610 KN
P(L/2) = P1(1.5) + P2(10.5)
L = 15m

Vs = 5q - 3(290)
q = 174 KN/m
Ultimate Strength Design (USD)
Situation 3
The base of the footing is 1.8 m below the ground surface.
It has a surcharge of 4.8 kPa on the ground surface. The thickness of the
footing is 1.2 m. Allowable bearing pressure of the soil is 280 kPa. Weight of
concrete is 24 kN/m3 and soil is 18 kN/m3. Exterior column 450 mm x 600 mm
at the edge of the footing: interion column 600 mm x 600 mm.
Column Load EXTERIOR : DL = 780 kN ; LL = 600 kN
Column Load INTERIOR : DL = 1,120 kN ; LL = 900 Kn
center to center distance of columns = 5.5 m

1. Which of the following gives the effective soil bearing pressure?

2. Which of the following gives the distance of the resultant force from the
extreme face of the column in order to have a uniform distribution of
3. Which of the following gives the dimension of the rectangular footing?
Situation 3

Soil bearing capacity = 280 kPa

Situation 3
Eff. soil bearing pressure = soil bearing capacity - 𝛿c - 𝛿s - surcharge
= 280 - 24(1.2) -
(18)(0.6) - 4.8
= 235.6 kPa
Ultimate Strength Design (USD)
Situation 4
A combined footing supports an exterior column 400 mm x
400 mm carrying a dead load of 925 kN, live load of 640 kN and an interior
column 450 mm x 450 mm carrying a dead load 1,050 kN and a live load of 725
kN. Center to center distance of columns is 5.5 m. The footing could not extend
more than 0.40 m from the center of the exterior column. Depth of footing is
1,000 mm and the bottom of the footing is 1.4 m below the ground surface.
Allowable soil pressure is 280 kPa. Unit weight of concrete of 24 kN/m3 and soil
weighs 18 kN/m3. fc’ = 21 MPa, fy = 276 MPa

1. Which of the following gives the dimension of the rectangular combined

2. Which of the following gives the maximum shear acting on the footing along
its length?
3. Which of the following gives the effective depth of the footing?
Situation 4

Soil bearing capacity = 280 kPa

Situation 4
Eff. soil bearing pressure = soil bearing capacity - 𝛿c - 𝛿s
= 280 - 24(1) -
= 248.8 kPa
Situation 4

2001 NSCP (load combination) = 1.4DL + 1.7LL

Situation 4

VB = Wr (0.6) - Wu1 (0.4) Vc = Wu2 (0.45) - Wr (0.975)

VB = -1924.16 Vc = -1956.84 KN
Ultimate Strength Design (USD)
Situation 5
A combined trapezoidal footing with left interior column
load = 1,500 kN and a right interior column load = 2,500 kN. The distance of
both columns from the edge of the footing is 0.4 m and distance center to
center of columns is 5 m. Allowable soil bearing capacity is 300 kPa.

1. Determine the small width “a” of the footing.

2. Determine the big width “b” of the footing.

3. Determine the minimum and maximum soil pressure in kN/m.

Situation 5
Situation 5
Ultimate Strength Design (USD)
Situation 6
A strap footing consists of two footings connected by a
strap beam as shown. This beam distributes the column loads at each

1. Which of the following gives the value of B1 and B2 of the strap footing
if the allowable soil pressure is 450 kPa? Assume weight of footing to
be 10% of the total column load.

2. Which of the following gives the maximum shear of the footing?

3. Which of the following gives the maximum moment for the strap beam?
Ultimate Strength Design (USD)
Situation 6
FOUNDATION: Ultimate Strength Design (USD)
FOUNDATION: Ultimate Strength Design (USD)
Problem 1
A square footing 2.4m x 2.4m x 0.45m thick supports a
rectangular column 0.35m x 0.40 at its center.

Column loads at service conditions:

D = 680 KN fc’ =20.7 MPa

L = 400 KN fy = 275 MPa

Concrete cover to the centroid of steel reinforcement = 100 mm

1. Compute the wide beam shear stress (MPa).

2. Compute the punching shear stress (MPa).

3. Compute the number of 20 mm diameter bars at critical moment.

FOUNDATION: Ultimate Strength Design (USD)
Problem 2
A rectangular footing 0.70m thick 2.5m wide along the y
- axis and 3m long along the x-axis, supports concentrically a column 0.40 m
square subjected to the following loads.

Axial Load = 1,200 KN

Moment about y – axis, My = 360 KN-m
Height of backfill on top of the footing = 0.8m
Concrete unit weight = 24 KN/m3
Soil unit weight = 17 KN/m3

1. Calculate the maximum net soil pressure (KPa).

2. Calculate the minimum net soil pressure (KPa).

3. Calculate the gross safe soil bearing capacity (KPa).

FOUNDATION: Ultimate Strength Design (USD)
Problem 3
A 400 mm square column shown is supported by square
footing on 5 piles as shown. Dimensions are a = 0.75 m., b = 2 m., effective
footing depth = 0.6 m., Ultimate pile capacity = 320 KN.
Column axial loads:
D = 420 KN
L = 360 KN
E = 210 KN
Column moment,
ME due to earthquake = 160 KN-m
Required strength of the footing
is based on:
U = 1.32D + 1.1L + 1.1E

1. Compute the critical beam shear stress at ultimate loads (MPa).

2. Compute the ultimate punching shear stress (MPa).
3. Compute the maximum design moment (KN-m).
FOUNDATION: Ultimate Strength Design (USD)
Problem 4
A rectangular footing is subjected to the following service loads:
Axial Load: DL = 580 KN LL = 420 KN
Moment about the x – axis: MDL = 105 KN-m
MLL = 45 KN-m
Moment about the y – axis: MDL = 140 KN-m
MLL = 110 KN-m
Height of earth fill above the footing = 1.5m
Concrete unit weight = 24 KN/m3
Soil unit weight = 17 KN/m3

1. Calculate the maximum net soil pressure (KPa).

2. Calculate the minimum net soil pressure (KPa).
3. Calculate the gross safe soil bearing capacity (KPa).
FOUNDATION: Ultimate Strength Design (USD)
Problem 5
Ultimate axial loads: DL = 1,240 KN LL = 960 KN
Column Dimensions:
Depth = 250 mm Flange thickness = 16 mm
Flange width = 205 mm Web thickness = 9 mm

Base Plate Dimensions: 305 mm x 450 mm

Footing Details:
W x L = 2.5m x 2.5m Effective depth = 325 mm
Concrete fc’ = 27.5 Mpa Reinforcing steel fy = 413

1. Determine the number of 20 mm ø required for the critical loads.

2. Calculate the punching shearing stress.
3. What is the critical wide beam shear stress?
FOUNDATION: Ultimate Strength Design (USD)
Problem 6
Footing dimensions = 2.5m wide x 4m long and 0.75m depth
Column dimension = 0.45m x 0.45m
Concrete fc’ = 28 MPa
Steel fy = 415 MPa
Concrete cover to the centroid of steel reinforcement =
Unit weight of concrete = 24 KN/m3
Unit weight of soil = 17 KN/m3

Allowable stresses at ultimate loads are as follows:

For beam action, the allowable shear stress = 0.88 MPa

For two-way action, the allowable shear stress = 1.76 MPa
FOUNDATION: Ultimate Strength Design (USD)
Problem 6
1. Determine the concentrated load (KN) that the footing can carry based
on beam action. Apply effective soil pressure.
2. Calculate the concentrated load (KN) that the footing can carry based
on two-way action. Apply effective soil pressure.
3. If the allowable soil pressure at service loads is 192 KPa, what column
axial load (unfactored) in KN, can the footing carry if the depth of
earth fill is 2 m above the footing.
Prestressed Concrete Design
1. Pretensioning (fabricated) - mas matibay ang tendon
- bago buhusan (tensile)
1. Post-tensioning (common) - tapos na buhusan
- ipapasok yung tendon
- unbonded connection grout
C = (cast in place)
T = (+)
faxial = -P/A

Steel cover/Tendon cover

Prestressed Concrete Design

Three methods
1. LBM
2. ICM
3. Superposition method
Prestressed Design
Bridge - girder part

● High strength of concrete

● High strength of steel
● Minimize the tensile strength

RCD - Beam

● Tensile Stress
● Compressive Stress
● Normal strength of concrete
● Normal strength of steel

High strength concrete

● Positive Bending } shear and moment diagram

● Negative Bending
Prestressed Design
Prestressed bending

Negative bending

Prestressed (WSD) Working Stress Design

● Linear
● Non-linear

Right - positive

Left - negative
Prestressed Design
High strength steel - Tendons

jacking force

← negative compression

Eliminate Tension

buong concrete resist compression

Prestressed Design

superimposed load


Problem 1

A simply supported beam 300 mm by 700 mm and span of 10m is

prestressed by a straight tendon with a force of 1500 KN at an
eccentricity of 200 mm from the centroid. The beam supports a live
load of 50 KN at the midspan and a dead load of 30 KN/m including
the beam’s weight.

a. a. Calculate the final stress at the top fiber in MPa.

b. b. Calculate the final stress at the bottom fiber in MPa.

Problem 1
Problem 1

Stress Diagram (mPa)

Problem 1

Code: WSD (Prestressed)

Allowable stresses


fc = 0.60f’c ← f’c = 28 mPa

fc = 0.60(28) = 16.8

15.31 < 16.8 ; safe from compression


1.03 < 2.23 mPa ; safe for tension

at full service:

WB + P + D + L
Problem 2

A beam with width b = 300 mm and depth d = 600 mm is to be

prestressed. Considering a 15% prestress loss, compute the value of
initial prestressing force P and eccentricity e.

a. If the compressive stress is 21 MPa.

b. If the compressive stress at the bottom fiber is 12 MPa and the

tensile stress at the top fiber is 2 MPa.

c. If the compressive stress at the top fiber is 16 MPa and zero at

the bottom fiber.
Problem 2

Pi = Initial Prestress Force

30 % losses ← P = .70Pi
Problem 2
Problem 2
Problem 3
A 6 m long cantilever beam 250 mm x 600 mm carries a
uniformly distributed dead load (beam’s weight included) 5 KN/m
throughout the length and concentrated live load of 18 KN at the
end. To prevent excessive deflection the beam is pre-tensioned with
12 mm strands causing a final prestressing force 540 KN.
a. Determine the resulting stress (MPA) at the bottom fiber at
the free end if the center f gravity of the strands coincide the
centroid of the section.
b. Determine the resulting stress (MPA) at the top fiber at the
fixed end if the centroid of gravity of the strands is at 100 mm
above the neutral axis of the beam.
c. Determine the eccentricity (mm) of the prestressing force at
the fixed end so that the resulting stress at the top fiber of
the beam at the fixed end is zero.
Problem 3

mfree end = 0
Pfinal = P = 540 KN
mprestressed = 0
m = Pe = 540(0)

Ph = Pcos𝚹
P = Ph
m = Phe
m = Pe
Problem 3

@ the top
-3.6 - 0.036e + 13.2 = 0
e = 267 mm
Problem 4

A beam with width b = 250 mm and depth d =450 mm is

prestressed by an initial force of 600 KN. Total loss of prestress at
service loads is 15%.
a. Calculate the resulting final compressive stress (MPa) if the
prestressing force is applied at the centroid of the beam
b. Calculate the final compressive stress (MPa) if the prestressing
force is applied at an eccentricity of 100 mm below the centroid
of the section.
c. Calculate the eccentricity (mm) at which the prestressing force
can be applied so that the resulting tensile stress at the top
fiber of the beam is zero.
Problem 4

Pi = 600 KN
P = 0.85(600)
P = 510 KN
Problem 4
Problem 5
The flooring of a warehouse is made up of double tee joists
(DT). The joists are simply supported on a span of 7.5 m and are pre
tensioned with one tendon in each stem with an initial force of 745
KN each, located at 75 mm above the bottom fiber, loss of stress at
service load is 18%.

Load Imposed on the joists are:

Dead Load = 2.3 KPa Live Load = 6.0 KPa

Properties of DT

A = 200,000 mm2 a = 2.4 m

I = 1880x106 mm4 yt = 88 mm
yb = 267 mm
Problem 5

a. Compute the stress at the bottom fibers (MPa) of the DT at

midspan due to the initial prestressing force alone.

b. Compute the resulting stress at the bottom fibers (MPa) of the

DT at midspan due to service loads and prestressing force.

c. What additional super imposed load (KN/m) can the DT carry

such that the resulting stress at the bottom fibers at midspan
is zero.
Problem 5

Pione tendon = 745 KN

Pitwo tendons = 2(745) = 1490

P = 0.82Pi
PDT = 0.82(1490)
PDT = 1221.8 KN
Problem 5
Problem 5

Due to loads (Loads imposed)

D = 2.3 kPa
L = 6.0 kPa
W = D + L = 2.3 + 6 = 8.3
W = 8.3 (2.4) = 19.92

2.3 (2.4) + 6(2.4) = 19.92

Problem 5
Problem 6
A building for office use is designed using the prestressed
hollow core slab shown. The slab is prestressed with 500 KN force
at an eccentricity, e = 38 mm below the centroid of the section.
Weight of slab is 2.35 KPa. Superimposed dead load = 2.0 KPa, live
load = 2.4 KPa. The slab is simply supported on bearings at L = 7.5 m.
Allowable stresses at service loads are 3.2 MPa in tension and 18.5
MPa in compression. Consider 20% loss of prestress at service loads.
a. Determine the resulting stress (MPa) at the bottom fiber of the
slab at L/4 from the center of bearings.
b. Determine the resulting stress (MPa) at the bottom fiber of the
slab at the midspan.
c. Determine the maximum total load (KPa) that the slab can carry
if the allowable stresses at service loads are not to be
Problem 6


A = 1.2x106 mm3

St = Sb = 4.16x106 mm3
Problem 6
Voided slab
P = 0.80Pi
P = 0.80(500) = 400 KN

Due to loads
Wslab = 2.356 kPa
D = 2.0
L = 2.4
W = 6.75 (1.3)
W = 8.1 KN/m
Problem 6
Problem 6
Problem 6
Problem 1

a. Compute the minimum thickness of Slab S-1

b. Compute the minimum thickness of Slab S-2
c. Compute the minimum thickness of Slab S-3
a. S-1 cantilever
𝐿 1500
10 10
S-1 = 150 mm
b. S-2 both end continuous
𝐿 4200
28 28
S-2 = 150 mm
c. S-3 one end continuous
𝐿 3600
24 24
S-1 = 150 mm
Problem 2
If the concrete section of a solid one way slab shown
in Problem 1 has a unit weight of 2000kg/m3. The reinforcing
steel used has a strength of fy = 400 mPa. Compute the
thickness S-1, S-2, S-3.
Modification (fy) = 0.4 + = 0.97
Modification (wc) = 1.65 - 0.0003wc
= 1.65 - 0.0003 (2000) = 1.05
not less than 1.09 ; use 1.09
t = (150)(0.97))(1.09)
t = 158.595 say 160 mm same with S-2 ans S-3
Problem 3
A one way slab has a thickness of 175 mm. It is
reinforced with 12mm ∅ bars spaced at 140 mm on centers.
Assuming a steel convering of 26 mm using f’c = 21 mPa fy =
276 mPa.
a. Compute the effected depth of the slab
b. Compute the steel ratio of the slab
c. Compute the ultimate moment capacity of the slab
a. d = 175 - 26 = 149 mm
b. S = 1000 x 𝐴𝑏
→ 140 mm = 1000 x 4

As = 807.84 mm
As 807.84
𝜌 = = = 0.00542
bd 1000(149)

c. 𝜌 = 0.85𝑓’𝑐
(1 − 1 −
0.85 𝑓’𝑐

0.85(21) 2𝑅𝑛
0.00542 = (1 − 1− )
276 0.85 (21)

Rn = 1.4337 mPa
Mu = ΦRnbd = 0.90(1.4337)(1000)(149)
Mu = 28.65 kN-m
Other solution

c. w = 𝜌 𝑓’𝑐
→ = (0.00542)

w = 0.07123

Rn = wf’c (1 - 0.59w)
Rn = (0.07123) (21) (1 - 0.59(0.07123))
Rn = 1.43 mPa

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