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English By:- Ashish Sir
9th, 10th, 11th and 12th Spoken English, Entrance English

take sth/sb into account

ध्यान दे ना, विचार करना

I hope my teacher will take into account the fact that I was ill just before the examination
when he evaluates my test paper.
get one's act together

बेहतर ढं ग से कार्य करने के लिए तैयार होना, अपने आप को व्यवस्थित करना His new boss
has given him one month to get his act together, or he loses his job.
be out of action

काम न कर पाना, विवशता वश कार्य न कर पाना I'm afraid I cannot tell you the account's
balance as the system is out of action.
be up in the air

अनिश्चित, उलझा हुआ, बाधित

The future of the project is up in the air as the management has failed to finalize the budget.
clear the air

किसी मुश्किल से बाहर आना, सन्दे ह दरू करना

The government's attitude on the issue has remained ambivalent for some time, so today's
statement should clear the air considerably.
all in all

कुल मिलाकर, मिलाजल

ु ाकर

She may not be brilliant, but all in all I think she did quite well in her exams.
from A to Z

पूर्णतया, शुरू से अन्त तक


Steve Job's latest book tells the story of his life from A to Z.
take sb aback

अचम्भित कर दे ना, आश्चर्यचकित होना, अवाक् हो जाना

We were all quite taken aback by his decision to retire from test cricket.

of one's own accord

स्वेच्छा से अपनी मर्जी से

The managing director of the company didn't have to be asked to resign he went of his own
an Achilles' heel


The corrupt minister is regarded as the government's Achilles heel and is expected to resign.
the acid test

अग्नि परीक्षा, कसौटी पर

The product looks great, but will people buy it? That's the acid test.
across the board

सभी चीजों में (यह phrase सभी चीजों को सम्मिलित करने के अर्थ में उपयोग होता है ।) The
improvement is seen across the board, with all divisions either recording profits or reducing
a man of action

कर्मठ, सूत्रधार

The country needs a political leader who is a man of action.

come of age

परिपक्व होना

After years of experimentation with colours and strokes, his painting has come of age.
alive and kicking (or alert or well)

जीवन्त शील, जोश से परिपूर्ण

She hadn't met her younger sister after her marriage, and was delighted to see her alive and
kicking at a social event last weekend.

all and sundry

आम आदमी

I don't want all and sundry to come to know about our differences.

alpha and omega

ु आत से अन्त तक

The strategy to control inflation remains the alpha and omega of the government's
economic policy.
run amok (or amuck)

जंगली, असभ्य, उग्र, हिंसक

When the police arrived, they were confronted with a group of protestors running amuck in
the lanes of the old town.
up (raise) the ante

उन्नति की ओर, खतरा मोल लेना

The government has upped the ante by refusing to negotiate with the ultras until a ceasefire
has been agreed.
have ants in one's pants

बेचैन होना

The young students just can't sit still; they must have ants in their pants.
apple of discord

झगड़े की जड़, विवाद का विषय

The right to host the World Cup cricket has become an apple of discord between the two
the apple of one's eye

आँखों का तारा, बहुत प्रिय

She has three children, but her disabled son is the apple of her eye.
upset the apple-cart

खेल बिगाड़ना, काम खराब करना


We had planned to hold a get-together in the evening, but bad weather upset the apple-
seal (or stamp) of approval

मोहर लगाना, सहमति दे ना

The government finally agreed to give the new pension policy its seal of approval.
keep sth/sb at arm's length

दरू ी बनाकर रखना

He always had the feeling that she was keeping him at arm's length.
the long arm of the law

कानून की ताकत, कानून की पहुँच

It is not easy for criminals to escape the long arm of the law in a developed country like this.
up in arms


The employees were up in arms over the management's plan to discontinue five-day week
armed to the teeth

लड़ने को तैयार होना, परू ी तरह से तैयार

The alleged tax-defaulter was ready for all their questions, and armed to the teeth with
proof of his innocence.
have been around

तमाम अनुभवों से युक्त, अस्तित्व में होना

There is nothing new about laptops- they've been around for years.
as and when

जब भी, जब कभी

Most people in the city don't own a car - they just rent one as and when they need it.
in the ascendant


He's very much in the ascendant in the film world.


under the auspices (or banner) of sb / sth

के सहयोग से

Financial aid is being provided to the country under the auspices of the World Bank.
have an axe to grind

स्वार्थ, काम निकालने का तरीका

He should not become the chairman of the committee as he has too many axes of his own
to grind.
the ABC of sth

साधारण ज्ञान

He is keen to understand the ABC of making investments in a stock market.

above board

सबसे अधिक

The deal between the two parties was completely open and above board.
across the board

हर स्तर पर और हर क्षेत्र के लोगों पर प्रभाव होना

The improvement has been across the board, with all divisions either increasing profits or
reducing losses.
give a good account of

अच्छा प्रदर्शन करना

As he could not give a very good account of himself in the interview, the company didn't
offer him a good salary.
to take sth into account (or consideration)

विचार में लेना, किसी वस्तु पर ध्यान दे ना

I hope they take her age into account when they judge her work.
ad nauseum

बढ़ा-चढ़ा कर बात करना

She talks ad nauseam about how brilliant she was in her school days.
Adam's ale


If he feels tired, let him have a glass of Adam's ale from the tap.
give oneself airs

शेखी बघारना

She should not give herself the airs as she's no different from the rest of us.
alter ego

स्वयं का दस
ू रा रूप

Over the years the secretary has become the alter ego of his boss.
arm in arm

अत्यन्त नज़दीक होना

The party cancelled former MLA's candidature as he was arm in arm with the opposition.
make an ass of oneself

स्वयं को हँसी का पात्र बनाना

They made an ass of the new colleague at the office by giving him the wrong instructions.
have/hold all the aces

विजय की स्थिति में होना

In the battle between chemical manufacturers and environmentalists, the activists seem to
hold all the aces.
ad hoc

कुछ विशेष समय के लिए, कुछ समय के लिए An ad hoc committee was formed to address
health insurance problems.
high on the/sb's agenda

अत्यन्त महत्त्वपर्ण
ू होना, कार्यसच
ू ी में सबसे ऊपर

The government has realized the need for placing educational reforms at the top of its
alma mater

शिक्षा संस्थान

He was delighted when he was offered the position of professor of Economics at his alma
cast aspersions on

किसी के चरित्र की आलोचना करना

His opponents never missed an opportunity to cast aspersions on his professionalism.

lead sb astray

गलत राह दिखाना, पथभ्रष्ट करना

The interrogators in the case were led astray by false information from one of the
the avant-garde

कला के क्षेत्र में अग्रगामी, कला के क्षेत्र में नए एवं आधुनिक विचारों का प्रयोग करना / करने

Since early fifties, the trade fair has been a major showcase for the avant-garde.
about to (do sth)

कुछ कार्य करने के नजदीक होने या करने ही वाला

I was about to leave for the college when somebody knocked on the door.
according to (sb or sth)

के अनुसार

According to the report, the crime rate in the city has gone down.
account for (sth)

कारण बताना

The bad weather accounts for the low attendance at the rally.
after all


You don't need to call him. After all, he never calls you.
all of a sudden


All of a sudden it became dark and the rain started.


as a matter of fact


As a matter of fact, the couple has applied for a divorce.

as far as

जहाँ तक

As far as I know the movie has got excellent reviews from the film critics.
as for

से सम्बन्धित

“As for me, I think I will accept the offer."

as long as

जब तक

"As long as you promise to be careful, you can work on my computer."

as soon as

जैसे ही, ज्यों ही

He got the job offer as soon as he finished his graduation.

as to

से सम्बन्धित

"As to your query about accounts, I will present the required documents tomorrow."
as well

भी, जैसे भी

He plans to take a language course this summer as well.

as well as

के साथ-साथ, के अतिरिक्त

"Please bring your tennis racket as well as two balls."

arrive in a body

एक दल रूप में आ जाना

Things became noisy when the workers entered the manager's office in a body.

as an aside

असम्भावित टिप्पणी, ऐसी टिप्पणी जो इतने धीमे स्वर में की जाए कि उसे कोई दस
ू रा सुन
न सके

At the marriage reception, he said as an aside, "The bride's dress is inappropriate for the
blow-by-blow account

सारी घटना का वर्णन

The witness gave a blow-by-blow account of the incident.

in ages

लम्बे समय से

Nobody has seen him work so hard in ages.

all up with sb

आशा से परे , किसी के लिए सब कुछ खत्म होना

It is all up now with finding any survivors - they couldn't have survived so long in these
all hell will let loose

अव्यवस्था, शोरगुल

Don't take him into the party fold or all hell will let loose.
as broad as it's long

किसी भी तरीके से दे खने पर वैसा ही रहना

She could not decide which offer to accept -- she thought the choice was just about as broad
as it was long.

Exercise A

1. Below on the left are some idioms. Choose the correct meaning from the list on the

A. be up in the air 1. closely allied

B. take sb aback 2. undecided
C. arm in arm 3. a detailed description of an event
D. blow-by-blow account 4. to surprise or shock someone

(a) 2 4 1 3
(b) 4 3 2 1
(c) 3 2 1 4
(d) 1 2 4 3
For each of the following questions choose the one correct answer :

2. The government's attitude on the issue has remained ambivalent for some time, so
today's statement should........ .......considerably.
(a) take sth/ sb into account (b) come of age
(c) up the ante (d) clear the air
3. We had planned to hold a get-together in the evening, but bad weather.............
(a) upset the apple-cart (b) had an axe to grind
(c) gave us the airs (d) took something else into account
Tick the option that best explains the meaning of the idiom:
4. alma mater
(a) actually (b) the college or school that one attended
(c) for a very long time (d) For the special purpose
5. alter ego
(a) legitimate (b) increasingly successful
(c) constant companion (d) rebellious
Tick the idiom that best explains the following:
6. The person of whom one is extremely fond
(a) alpha and omega (b) the apple of one's eye
(c) alive and kicking (d) an Achilles' heel
7. Be out of control and act in a wild or dangerous manner
(a) come of age (b) keep sb/sth at arm's length
(c) have ants in one's pants (d) run amok
1. (a) 2. (d) 3. (a) 4. (b) 5. (c) 6. (b) 7. (d)

be glad/happy/to see the back of sb/sth

किसी के जाने पर खुशी का अनुभव करना (नापसंद होने की वजह से )

The guest became an absolute pain for the hosts and they were really pleased to see the
back of him.
bend over backwards to do sth

परू ी ताकत से करना (कुछ पाने के लिए)

Banks are bending over backwards to provide facilities to the depositors.

be in a bad way

सख्त बीमार होना

After years of the recession, the economy of the country was in a bad way.
set (or start) the ball rolling

बातचीत शुरू करना

The supporters of the student leader got the ball rolling by shouting slogans in favour of his
get/jump/leap on the bandwagon

आचरण में होने की वजह से आन्दोलन में शामिल होना

Media is playing an important role in creating awareness on the issue and more and more
people are getting on the bandwagon to denounce cigarette smoking.
(not) bat an eye/ eyelash/ eyelid

है रानी न जताना, अविचलित रहना

When the Court pronounced the prisoner guilty of murder, the accused stood there without
batting an eyelid.
get out of bed on the wrong side/get up on the wrong side of the bed

बुरे मिजाज में होना

His behaviour with everyone is very bad today. It seems he got up on the wrong side of the
give sb a hell

बुरी तरीके से डाँटना

The boss gave them hell for not finishing the project in time.
give sb the benefit of the doubt

सन्दे ह का फायदा दे ना

Let's give her the benefit of the doubt and assume that she's right.
be a bit much

अनुचित होने की वजह से थोड़ा ज्यादा लगना

I think it's a bit much to expect a pace bowler to bowl more than 50 overs in one day.
turn a blind eye

ू कर ध्यान नहीं दे ना, नजरअन्दाज करना

The principal decided to turn a blind eye to the students' misconduct this time with a hope
that they won't do it again.
out of the blue

अनायास, अचानक, एकाएक

Then one day, completely out of the blue, the Maoists attacked the police post and caught
everyone off guard.
be above board

निष्कपट होना, खुले रूप से

No tricks, please. We want the deal to be completely above board.

push the boat out

आनन्द उठाना

After the completion of the exams, the students decided to push the boat out and have a
a bone of contention

झगड़े की जड़

A serious bone of contention between the landowners and the developer was the
compensation price for the land.
have a bone to pick with sb

असुखद विषय जिस पर बात करना जरूरी हो

The two reputed universities of the state have a bone to pick with each other over
reservation policy for admissions.
be in sb's good books

किसी की कृपा का पात्र होना, किसी की नजर में अच्छा होना The fact that she always
managed to be in the good books of the bosses surprised one and all.
the bottom line

किसी निष्कर्ष का महत्त्वपूर्ण तथ्य

The bottom line is that pregnant women's health is at greater risk if they smoke.
get to the bottom of sth

किसी हालात की सच्चाई ढूँढना

It is doubtful if political interference will allow the investigators to get to the bottom of the
cross the bridge when one comes to it

समस्या का समाधान करना जब वो घटे , सही समय पर सही काम

"What will you do if you fail in this exam?" Answer: "I'll cross that bridge when I come to it."
be on the brink (or verge) of doing sth

किसी कार्य को करने के नजदीक होना

The company dismissed the reports that it was on the brink of selling its shares.
back to the drawing board

वापस योजना की स्थिति में पहुँचना

The client rejected all our proposals, so we had to ask the consultant to take the project
back to the drawing board.
back to square one

वापस से शरू
ु आत पर पहुँचना, जहाँ से चले फिर वहीं पहुँचना

The Government and the Central Bank spent years strengthening the nation's economy but
the slowdown shattered it, so we are back to square one.
by (or through) the back door

गलत तरीके से

The opposition accused the government of signing the defence deal with the neighbouring
country through the back door.
take a back seat

किसी कार्य में पीछे हो जाना, गौण स्थान लेना

The founder of the company decided to take a back seat and let the board members run the
bag and baggage

साजो-सामान के साथ, बोरिया-बिस्तर के साथ

Tired of their tantrums, the landlady asked her tenants to vacate the house, bag and
baggage, in a week's time.
a bag (bundle) of nerves

जल्दी घबराने वाला इन्सान

Before the interview, he was a bundle of nerves.

the ball is in sb's (your) court

फैसला किसी और के हाथ में होना

His family and friends have requested him to apologise to his boss to save his job. The ball is
in his court now.
have a ball

अच्छा समय होना

It was a great weekend - we all had a ball.

a whole new ball game

हालातों में एक बड़ा बदलाव

After two genuine pace bowlers joined the team it was a whole new ball game.
banana republic

एक छोटा और गरीब दे श, बेईमान सरकार के साथ, एक गरीब दे श, कमजोर सरकार के साथ

जो विदे शी धन पर निर्भर करती है

The citizens fear that the country will become a banana republic if the government fails to
curb corruption.
go bananas

अत्यधिक नाराज हो जाना, गुस्से में आगबबूला होना

She'll go bananas if she sees the house in this condition.

bang on

आला दर्जे का, पूर्णतया सही होना

You said the Congress will get 240 seats, didn't you? You were bang on.
go with a bang

उत्तेजना और सफलता के साथ

We take part in the events organized by this group, because they go with a real bang
bark up the wrong tree

गलत व्यक्ति के पीछे पड़ना

It was a very sensitive case and yet for over one year the police kept barking up the wrong
back to basics

साधारण और शुरूआती चीजों पर ध्यान दे ना

The President's economic package has failed to win the financial institutions' trust and he
will have to get back to basics.
with bated breath

इन्तजार करते हुए उत्तेजित या उत्सक

ु महसस
ू करना

The audience watched the circus artists' antics with bated breath.
pass (or hand) on the baton

किसी महत्त्वपूर्ण जिम्मेदारी को किसी और को दे ना

The governor of the Central Bank resigns this month, passing on the baton to one of his
closest associates.
baying for blood

किसी को हानि पहुँचाने की इच्छा रखना

The victims' families could be seen baying for blood of the assaulters during the trial.
hand (or keep) sb/sth at bay

किसी वस्तु या व्यक्ति को हानि पहुँचाने से रोकना


The area was hit by a serious epidemic, but luckily he could keep himself at bay.
beat a hasty retreat

शीघ्रता से वापस जाना

The courier boy beat a hasty retreat when he heard the dog's furious barking from the back
of the house.
beat about (or around) the bush

सही मद्द
ु े पर न आना, घम
ु ा-फिरा कर बातें करना

You will have to learn to speak clearly about what you want. You won't get anywhere if you
keep beating about the bush.
work like a beaver

मेहनत और जोश से काम करना

Ahead of the festival, she worked like a beaver to clean out all the closets.
a bed of roses

आसान कार्य, आराम की जिन्दगी

She found that taking care of old parents was not a bed of roses.
make a beeline for

तीव्रता से और सीधे जाना

As soon as the employees heard about the news of scrapping of the bonus policy, they
made a beeline for the boss's office.
bell the cat

खतरनाक कार्य करना

Someone has to bell the cat and tell the commissioner that his own son started the violence.
belle of the ball

किसी पार्टी की मुख्य महिला आकर्षण होना

She wore a dress made by the country's most valued designer and could easily be picked up
as the belle of the ball that evening.
below the belt

ु त आचरण करना, अनैतिक कार्य करना

Ahead of the elections, politicians won't hesitate to aim below the belt.

tighten one's belt

दे खकर खर्च करना

Most people need to Tighten their belt during economic slowdown.

make the best of sth

सकारात्मक ढं ग से सोचने की कोशिश और कार्य करना

He got admission in a college where he did not have any of his former friends with him but
he decided to make the best of it.
a safe bet

उचित अनुमान, ऐसा विचार जो सही साबित होने वाला हो

The party president decided that the 75-year-old sitting legislator was still a safe bet for re-
better late than never

कभी न होने से दे र से होना अच्छा है ।

All of us have been waiting for you for two hours but better late than never.
get (have) the better of sb

महान ् होना, विजयी होना

The boy from the small town was determined to have the better of his competitors.
better half (or part)


I think a two-bed flat would suit us but I'd better confirm it with my better half.
beyond a shadow of doubt

निसन्दे ह

His guilt is now proved beyond a shadow of doubt.

bide one's time

सही समय का इन्तजार करना

The police officer sat quietly in front of the murderer's hiding place, biding his time.
a big cheese (fish/gun/shot)

महत्त्वपूर्ण इन्सान

Apparently her father is a big cheese in one of the major banks.

big deal

बड़ा सौदा

Winning a scholarship is no big deal for him.

fit (or fill) the bill

पर्याप्त होना/यथोचित होना, उपयक्

ु त होना

The country hit by terrorism needs a strong leader, and the new Prime Minister just doesn't
fill the bill.
foot the bill

भुगतान करना

It was a splendid party and I was glad that I didn't have to foot that particular bill.
a bird in the hand

कुछ न होने से अच्छा है कुछ पास में होना

It may not be the best of jobs, but it's a bird in the hand and you should not give it up till you
can find a better one.
a bird's eye view

संक्षिप्त विवरण

This book gives you a bird's eye view of the Indian industry since British times.
birds of a feather

एक जैसे, एक ही थाली के चट्टे -बट्टे

According to the surprising finding of the report, there is no guarantee that people who are
birds of a feather will prove to be good life partners.
bits and pieces

टुकड़ों में

After the accident, there were bits and pieces of the wreckage spread all over the road.
do one's bit

अपने हिस्से का काम करना या योगदान दे ना

When survival is the critical issue, everyone has to do one's bit.


bite the dust

धूल फाँकना, मर जाना

Five hundred more people lost their jobs when another IT firm bit the dust.
bite the hand that feeds one

अकृतज्ञ होना

The institution offered me a scholarship, so I shouldn't bite the hand that feeds me and
criticize its policies.
bite off more than one can chew

क्षमता से अधिक कार्य करने की कोशिश करना

By accepting two part-time jobs, he is clearly biting off more than he can chew.
bite (or hold) one's tongue

उचित समय न होने की वजह से अपने आप को कहने से रोकना, वाणी पर संयम रखना The
lady officer has a very quick temper and often fails to bite her tongue in an argument.
the black sheep (of a family)

गद्दार, बदनाम व्यक्ति

My cousin was the black sheep. Eventually, he migrated to the Middle East to avoid jail
in black and white

लिखित रूप में

He asked his old mother not to worry as the terms of the land agreement were spelled out
in black and white.
a blank cheque

पूर्ण अधिकार

Several people expressed their concern when the Chairman desired to give the blank
cheque for the company's future in the hands of the 25-year-old director.
draw a blank

कुछ हाथ न लगना

We've requested hundreds of private schools to join the 'low-cost education' campaign, but
so far we've drawn a blank.

a blast from the past

ऐसा कुछ जो आप को भूतकाल की याद दिलाए अचानक से

Watching that movie again was a real blast from the past.
blaze a trail

पथ-प्रदर्शन करना

The medical college has blazed a trail in developing new techniques for treating blindness.
a blessing in disguise

अप्रत्याशित लाभ

Losing that job turned out to be a blessing in disguise for him as it forced him to plunge into
a blind alley


The latest scientific theory may turn out to be a blind alley.

a blind date

दो लोगों का मिलना जो पहले कभी नहीं मिले हों और एक रोमांचक रिश्ते की कोशिश करना

She agreed to go on a blind date with one of her friend's former boyfriend.
a blind spot

किसी विषय को लेकर अनभिज्ञ या पक्षपाती होना

Languages are my blind spot-I always fumbled at Marathi.

in the blink (the twinkling) of an eye

तुरन्त, पलक झपकते

In the blink of an eye the robber disappeared from the bank with lakhs of rupees.
a new kid on the block

कोई, जो नई जगह और संस्था में आया है जिसके सीखने के लिए बहुत कुछ हो

Realizing that he was the new kid on the block in his organization, he was determined to
prove himself.
blood, sweat and tears

भरसक प्रयास और पीड़ा


Our freedom is the result of over hundred years' of blood, sweat and tears.
have blood on one's hands

किसी की हत्या का जिम्मेदार होना

The champions of these riots have the blood of many thousands of people on their hands.
in sb's blood

ृ , खन
ू में होना

The whole family is good in business; it's in their blood.

new blood

जवान खून

It's time the Prime Minister brings some new blood into the government.
there's bad blood between

पिछले विवादों की वजह से नफरत होना

The villagers say the arson attack may have been the result of bad blood between the two
blow hot and cold

कभी दोस्त, कभी दश्ु मन होना

Her father kept blowing hot and cold about the idea of going abroad for education.
once in a blue moon


I don't know why I bought that music system-I use it once in a blue moon.
a blue-eyed boy

अधिकारी का प्रिय होना / अधिकारी द्वारा प्रशासित होना

He gets the charge of all the assignments except the finance, which is kept for the blue-eyed
take a leaf out of sb's life (or book)

ू रे के उदाहरण से लाभ उठाना

You need to take a leaf out of your sir's book, and start coming to office in time.
get the boot (or axe)

निकाल दिया जाना

The manager who was with the office for last 15 years was shocked when he got the boot
for a petty mistake.
living on borrowed time

अनुमानित समय से ज्यादा जीना, उधार की जिन्दगी

The film star has got cancer and is living on borrowed time.
think outside the box

अलग सोचना

He has spent his life in performing a routine job and cannot be expected to think outside the
sb's bread and butter


Teaching classic music to young boys and girls is her bread and butter.
break sb's back

कमर तोड़ना, कुचल दे ना, काम से लाद दे ना

You are talented and should refuse to break your back working for him for a salary of Rs
10,000 a month.
break new (or fresh) ground

कुछ परिवर्तनकारी करना

It is an interesting discovery which definitely breaks new ground in the country's energy
take sb's breath away

है रान कर दे ना

The beauty of the Taj Mahal took the tourists' breath away.
burn one's bridges

पीछे हटने की सम्भावना खत्म करना, समझदारी से काम करना

He has already burned his bridges with his previous employer by publicly criticizing their
marketing policy.
a bright spark

दिमागदार और जीवन्तशील (मजाक में )

Some bright spark at the bank has accidentally closed my account.

look on the bright side

बुरे वक्त में भी अच्छाई दे खना

Nothing is impossible for you if you learn to look on the bright side.
in broad daylight

दिन के दौरान, दिन-दहाड़े

The man was shot at close range in broad daylight in front of his house.
big brother

अधिकारी / सरकार या बड़ी संस्था जो लोगों के जीवन के हर हिस्से को नियन्त्रित करना

चाहते हैं और उनके बारे में जानना चाहते हैं

The industrialists have complained against the 'Big brother' approach of the government.
bear the brunt of sth

प्रहार अपने ऊपर लेना, आघात सहना

When the bank employees went on a strike, they did not realize they'd have to bear the
brunt of public anger when they go back to work.
the buck stops here (or with sb)

हालात के लिए जिम्मेदार होना

One does not need to blame anybody else for corruption in the country; the buck stops with
the leader of the government.
make a fast (or quick) buck

तेजी से पैसा कमाना

When Indians go abroad they often try to make a fast buck.

blind impulse

अनियन्त्रित जज्बात / इच्छा

Acting on what appeared to be a blind impulse, he submitted his resignation.

brownie points

श्रेय के लिए अंक

You're not going to get many brownie points for submitting a report like this.
burst at the seams

पूरा भरा होना

The cinema halls were bursting at the seams and they had to settle for spending the evening
at home only.

1. Below on the left are some idioms. Choose the correct meaning from the list on the

A. set the ball rolling 1. be full to capacity

B. burst at the seams 2. get something started
C. a bitter medicine 3. legitimate
D. be above board 4. hard thing to accept
(a) 2 1 4 3
(b) 3 4 1 2
(c) 4 2 3 1
(d) 1 3 2 4
For each of the following questions choose the one correct answer:
2. The two reputed universities of the state……...with each other over reservation policy
for admissions
(a) have a bone to pick (b) get to the bottom of
(c) have a ball (d) bay for blood
3. Ahead of the festival, she ………………to clean out all the closets.
(a) made a beeline (b) worked like a beaver
(c) tightened their belt (d) filled the bill
Tick the option that best explains the meaning of the idiom:
4. get the boot
(a) expelled (b) put a lot of effort into doing sth
(c) do something innovative (d) imitate another person
5. bear the brunt of sth

(a) take the criticism (b) earn money quickly often illegally
(c) work long hours and hard (d) blame sb or make sb responsible for a problem
Tick the idiom that best explains the following:
6. a position without hope of progress or success
(a) a blessing in disguise (b) have blood on one's hands
(c) rock the boat (d) a blind alley
7. Show ingratitude
(a) bite the hand that feeds one (b) bite (or hold) one's tongue
(c) draw a blank (d) bite off more than you can chew
1. (a) 2. (a) 3. (b) 4. (a) 5. (a) 6. (d) 7. (a)

a can of worms

जटिल समस्याओं का पिटारा

No one wanted to be part of that project, realizing that it was a can of worms.
be on the cards


Some big changes in the organizational structure are on the cards for next year.
be on the case

किसी खास काम पर लगे रहना

'We need to apply before registration is closed. 'Don't worry, I'm on the case, just leave it to
stand a chance

सफलता की उम्मीद, सम्भावना होना

If funding by the government is withdrawn, small minority schools don't stand a chance.
not have a clue

कोई विचार न होना

I haven't a clue why he resigned.

at the crack of dawn


The police arrested the leader at the crack of dawn to avoid protests by his supporters.
not all it's cracked up to be

उतना अच्छा नहीं, जितना लोग कहते हैं।

The highly ranked institute isn't all it's cracked up to be.

at cross purposes

दो ऐसे उद्देश्य, जो एक दस
ू रे को प्रभावित करें

I fear the two government departments are working at cross purposes.

a piece of cake

आसान कार्य

The interview proved to be a piece of cake.

sell like hot cakes

हाथों-हाथ बिकना या माँग में होना

That book sold like hot cakes, and had to be reprinted several times.
call the shots

स्थिति पर नियन्त्रण होना

The Prime Minister tried his best to give the impression of being in control, but media
revealed that the party president called all the shots.
be in the can

उपयोग के लिए पूरी तरह से तैयार (खास कर फिल्म या रिकॉर्डेड मैटेरियल) About sixty per
cent of the film is in the can.
have a card (or an ace) up one's sleeve

गुप्त स्रोत, छिपा हुआ फायदा

Before we make a decision, let's see if the rivals have another card up their sleeve.
keep (or play) one's cards on the table

अपना इरादा स्पष्ट करना

He thought it was time to put his cards on the table and tell his friend that he had no
intention of continuing with him in the partnership.
put (or lay) one's cards close to chest

छिपाकर रखना

I've no idea how many copies of my book have been sold; they keep their cards close to
their chests.
sweep sth under the carpet (or rug)

समस्या को सुलझाने की बजाय उसको छिपाना


The district administration's attempts to sweep the scandal under the rug were not very
carrot and stick

ईनाम और सजा एक साथ

The schools need to apply the carrot and stick approach effectively to discipline the young
put the cart before the horse

सही तरीके से न करना

Don't put the cart before the horse by investing in a new house before selling your old one.
build castles in the air

हवाई किले बनाना

He keeps talking about his big-time ambitions, but it's all castles in the air.
fight like cat and dog

जानी दश्ु मनों की तरह लड़ना

Reduced profit margins have forced the retailers fight among themselves like cats and dogs.
let the cat out of the bag

रहस्य बताना, किसी रहस्य को आम करना

Nobody in the market was supposed to know about our discount scheme, but the ad agency
seems to have let the cat out of the bag.
play cat and mouse with

उलझन पैदा करना, लुका-छिपी खेलना

It's just the latest trick in the eternal cat and mouse game between the police and the
put (or set) the cat among the pigeons

ू रों को मुसीबत में डालना

The news of introducing the six-day working set the cat among the pigeons and many
employees started looking for options outside.
a catch-22 situation

ऐसे हालात, जिसमें जीत सम्भव न हो, असमंजस की स्थिति


Companies won't hire you if you don't have experience and you can't get any experience till
somebody hires you - it's a real catch-22 situation.
throw caution to the wind (or winds)

बिना परवाह किए, बदपरहे जी करना

Throwing caution to the winds, he ran on the railway tracks to board the train.
a change of heart

विचार बदलना

The revised land policy shows a change of heart by the government.

charity begins at home

धर्मार्थ कार्य घर से शुरू होता है , सुधार का कार्य स्वयं से शुरू होता है He spends the little
money that he earns on social work and neglects his own children, forgetting that charity
begins at home.
three cheers for

ु कामनाएँ दे ना

Three cheers for our victorious team! Hip, hip, hooray!

get sth off one's chest

अपना अपराध मानकर अपने दिमाग को मक्

ु त करना

He admitted having taken the bribe and said he was glad to get it off his chest.
child's play

बहुत आसान कार्य

Now that she was completely fit, playing in the world championship looked like child's play
for her.
keep one's chin up

अडिग रहना

Don't let the difficulties intimidate you; keep your chin up.
a chink in sb's armour

कमजोर जगह, कमजोर नस

He is a brilliant police officer but his lack of political awareness may be the chink in his

a chip off the old block

चरित्र, व्यवहार या दे खने में माँ-बाप के समान होना

Like her mother, she is a very good cook-a chip off the old block
when the chips are down

अत्यन्त जरूरी, अपने आपको कठिन परिस्थिति में पाना जबकि कार्य अतिआवश्यक हो

He's the person you would like to have around when the chips are down.
Hobson's choice

कोई विकल्प न होना

It's Hobson's choice; because if I don't agree to follow them, I'll lose my job.
strike (touch) the chord (or note)

अहसास दिलाना, सही जगह पर छूना

That poem strikes a chord in all those affected by the wars.

come (or turn) full circle

पूर्ण होना

After a year of debates on the Lokpal Bill, we have come full circle on the issue.
go round (or round and round) in circles

कोई हल न मिलना

In the absence of adequate data, the surveyors are just going round in circles.
claim to fame

किसी व्यक्ति / वस्तु के प्रसिद्ध होने का कारण

The town's main claim to fame is that it was the birthplace of the country's first home
a class act

जबरदस्त प्रदर्शन

The film that was hailed as a class act failed to become a big hit.
a clean sheet (or slate)

बिल्कुल शुरूआत से, कोरा


It is never too late in true relationships and one can always start with a clean slate.
come clean

सफाई पेश करना

Isn't it time that the government came clean about their plans on implementing Jan Lokpal
make a clean breast of sth

अपना अपराध पर्ण

ू तया स्वीकार करना

Caught copying in the board examination, she decided to make a clean breast of it to her
make a clean sweep

जबरदस्त ढं ग से जीतना

The analysts are predicting a clean sweep for the ruling party in the forthcoming elections.
clear the decks

कार्य के लिए तैयार होना

An Indian oil company is clearing the decks for major new investment in Europe.
round the clock

दिन-रात, चौबीस घण्टे

The witness has been provided round the clock protection from the police.
put (or turn) the clock back

वापस उसी स्थिति में करना

The Bill in the Parliament has put the clock back a hundred years.
a close shave (or call)

बाल-बाल बचना

He managed to jump from the burning train compartment in time, but it was a pretty close
too close for comfort

ज्यादा नजदीक होने पर लोगों को भयभीत करना

The party will have to rework its policies-- the last election result was too close for comfort.

behind closed doors

गोपनीयता के साथ

The planning committee of the finance department always meets behind closed doors, lest
its deliberations become known prematurely.
a closed book

बन्द किताब, जिसके बारे में कुछ पता न चले

I'm afraid modern mathematics will always be a closed book to me.

out of the closet

सबके सामने लाना / आना

It took him long before he came out of the closet and expressed his interest in the
telecommunications industry.
on cloud nine

सातवें आसमान पर

He's been on cloud nine since he heard the news of his promotion.
under a cloud

ु ीबत में

The hotel industry is under a cloud at the moment after newspapers revealed that many
indulged in illegal activities.
a cock-and-bull story

मनगढ़न्त कहानी, ऊटपटांग बात

He started to tell some cock and bull story to the police about how he found a bag
containing Rs 20 lakh.
the other side of the coin

तस्वीर का दस
ू रा पहलू

The other side of the coin is that fewer working hours will get you less salary.
to coin a phrase

नामकरण करना

He was, to coin a phrase, as fast as a robot.

catch a cold

अलाभकारी कारोबार, घाटा उठाना

Like most people who buy lottery tickets, he catches a cold from time-to-time.
cold comfort

झूठी तसल्ली

The mechanic said only the body of the car is damaged and not its machine, but I think that
will be cold comfort to him.
get cold feet

हिम्मत टूटना

She got cold feet about joining an organization which was thousands of miles from her
give sb cold shoulder

सही व्यवहार न करना, रूखा व्यवहार करना

After the news spread about his involvement in the scandal, the friends and relatives gave
him the cold shoulder and eventually he had to leave the place.
pour (or throw) cold water on

उम्मीदों पर पानी फेर दे ना, निराश कर दे ना

The reports on the outbreak of plague threw cold water on our plans to visit Surat.
be on a collision course

झगड़े का कारण होना

All diplomatic attempts have failed and the two nations appear to be on a collision course.
show one's (true) colours

अपना असली रूप दिखाना

I counted on him but when I approached him for help he rather showed his colours by
declining to do anything for me.
a conspiracy of silence

गप्ु त उद्देश्य की खातिर चप

ु रहना

In the medical fraternity, there is a conspiracy of silence over incompetent practitioners.

to one's heart's content

मन की सन्तुष्टि के लिए

The young children played in the rain to their hearts' content.

cool as a cucumber

धैर्यवान, धीरज रखना

There she stood, cool as a cucumber and totally oblivious to the violence that had shattered
the very fabric of the society.
cut the cord

अनाश्रित होना

In order to achieve true independence, developing countries must cut the cord and stop
asking for financial aid from the developed countries.
the corridors of power

उच्च स्तर

As a personal assistant to the Chief Minister, he thought he'd get his foot inside the
corridors of power.
wrap sb in cotton wool

अधिक सरु क्षा दे ने की वजह से स्वतन्त्र न बनने दे ना, आवश्यकता से अधिक ध्यान दे ना

The mother wrapped the child up in cotton wool as if it would protect him from all the
dangers of the world.
couch potato

टीवी दे खकर समय गँवाने वाला, बेकार के कार्यों में समय व्यतीत करने वाला

It is a matter of debate if couch potatoes are less intelligent than their brethren.
count one's chickens

बिना हुई घटनाओं पर योजनाएँ बनाना

I know you have ambitious plans for your entrepreneurial venture, but don't count your
blow sb's cover

अनजाने में गप्ु त पहचान बता दे ना

The don came to the marriage in a woman's dress and hoped no one would blow his cover.
cover one's tracks

छिपकर काम करना

The murderer covered his tracks by throwing the knife in the river and burving his landlady's
a sacred cow

कोई रीति-रिवाज या संस्था जिसकी खल

ु े तौर पर आलोचना वर्जित हो

The judiciary remains a sacred cow, despite increasing evidence that serious mistakes have
been made.
get cracking (or going)

तुरन्त जुटना

It's time we got cracking or we'll miss the first half of the movie.
on the crest of a wave

शिखर पर पहुँचना

The music band comprising engineering students is currently on the crest of a wave, with a
launch of new album it has planned for next year.
shed (or weep) crocodile tears

नकली आँस,ू घड़ियाली आँसू बहाना, दिखावा करना

Political leaders shed crocodile tears while indirectly supporting the wars.
come a cropper

औंधे मँुह गिरना, बर्बाद होना

He seemed to come a cropper shortly after his promotion as cabinet minister.

keep one's fingers crossed

चाहत पूरी होने की इच्छा रखना, किसी चाहत को मन में रखना और सही समय की प्रतीक्षा

I'm crossing my fingers that she clears the examination this year.
cross swords

बहस करना, विवाद में उलझना

At every meeting the two directors crossed swords.

be caught in the crossfire

दो पाटों के बीच में पिसना

When parents fight over trifles, their children are often caught in the crossfire.
crowning glory

अतिउत्तम जीत / शानदार जीत

The crowning glory of his career came nine years later when the Royal Swedish Academy
awarded Chandrasekhar the Nobel Prize for his works on Physics.
when (or if) it comes to the crunch

जरूरत का समय

It's always the same - he promises help, but as soon as it comes to the point he invents
in full cry (or swing)

कमर कसकर विरोध करने पर उतारू

After the strike it would be some time before production gets into full cry.
crystal clear

ू तया स्वच्छ, बहुत ही सरल, शीशे की तरह साफ

The instructions for preparing the dish are crystal clear.

take up the cudgels

जबरदस्त वाद-विवाद से सहमति या असहमति जताना

Environmental groups have taken up the cudgels against multinational companies.

on cue

अन्दाजे अनुसार होना

Just when I was wondering where she could be, then, right on cue, she appeared.
take one's cue from

ू रे का अनुसरण करना, दस
ू रे से सीखना

I'm not good in western dance, so I'll take my cue from you.

बिना किसी तैयारी के बिना सोचे-समझे

He has a habit of making off-the-cuff remarks which he later denies.


not one's cup of tea

स्वादानुसार न होना, है सियत के अनुसार नहीं होना

I decided not to go to the restaurant with them, because eating spicy food isn't my cup of
curry favour

ू ी से फायदा उठाना

The government has promised to increase quota in universities in an attempt to curry favour
with the voters.
cut both ways

अच्छा और बुरा दोनों तरह का प्रभाव छोड़ना

Watching TV cuts both ways; it makes people know what is really going on, but it also makes
them addicts.
cut corners

गलत तरीके अपनाना

It is certainly not a sensible move to cut corners with national security.

cut sb down to size

विनम्र करना, किसी को उसकी क्षमता समझाना

The young manager is so arrogant-I wish someone would cut him down to size.
cut your coat according to your cloth

जितनी चादर है उतने पैर पसारना, ढालना, क्षमता के अनुसार कार्य करना

Of course, we'd love a luxurious car, but you have to cut your coat according to your cloth.
call sb names

गाली दे ना, अपशब्द बोलना

She was afraid that if she wore spectacles to her school, the other kids would call her
carte blanche

ु ी छूट

The super star had carte blanche when it came to choosing which actors he wanted to work

rain cats and dogs

मूसलाधार बारिश होना

It was raining cats and dogs so I couldn't reach office in time.

catch sb napping

पकड़े जाना

The government was really caught napping the day the farmers started their land agitation.
make common cause with sb

मिलकर एक चाह बना लेना

Environment protesters have made common cause with local people to stop the setting up
of cement plant on fertile land.
cave in

गिरना, ढहना, ध्वस्त होना

Torrential rain led to caving in of the dilapidated house.

chime in with sth

ु ार, समयानस
ु ार (समय के अनरू
ु प )

His views on the issue chime in with the newspaper columnist's stand.
feet of clay

ऐसा अवगुण / कमजोरी होना (जिसका लोगों को पता न हो)

Some of the greatest people in history had feet of clay.

coin (or mint) money

बेहिसाब पैसा कमाना

With a monopoly in urban as well as rural markets the company could coin money.
come to grief

पूर्णतया असफल होना

It would be a great pity to see all that sincere work come to grief.
come to pass (or come about)

घटित होना, होना


The forest dwellers have been demanding a police post for many years, but I don't think it
will ever come to pass.
cool one's heels

प्रतीक्षा करना, राह दे खना, बाट जोहना

The Gandhian leader's supporters were left to cool their heels overnight at a police station.
keep one's own counsel

कोई टिप्पणी न करना, अपना विचार किसी के भी सामने प्रकट नहीं करना

Our boss is notorious for keeping her own counsel; you never know what she has in her
in due course

यथासमय, उचित समय पर

The students will receive the exams notification in due course.

as the crow flies

छोटे रास्ते से

It's only three km to Central Place as the crow flies, but it's all of 12 km if the Delhi Gate
Road is closed and one has to drive round the Pusa Road.
cry wolf

अकारण शोर मचाना

As the Chief Minister has cried wolf too often, the Centre has stopped taking its notice.
cut and thrust

जबरदस्त प्रतिस्पर्धा, अन्धी प्रतियोगिता

He realized very soon that he wasn't suited to the cut and thrust approach of modern
be in the cahoots

गुप्त या अपमानजनक हिस्सेदारी, गुट में

It has been suspected that several cabinet ministers were in the cahoots with big business
the calm before the storm

ू ान से पहले का सन्नाटा

The family's meeting on property dispute begins today and I'm just sitting down with a cup
of coffee, enjoying the calm before the storm.
the casting couch

काम के बदले अवैध सम्बन्धों की माँग प्रचलन में होना, विशेषतः फिल्मों में

The casting couch is probably not the only route to secure roles for talented young
the chattering classes

शिक्षित वर्ग जो राजनीतिक और सामाजिक विषयों पर सिर्फ (केवल) बात करना पसन्द करते

Corruption by ministers has recently become a trendy topic among the chattering classes.

कायर, डरपोक

These chicken-hearted bosses always seem to give in at the first sign of a strike.
a clarion call

आगाज, आवाहन

The social leader's clarion call for more donations has given rise to a prompt response.


Do we need to go for cloak-and-dagger way? Why can't we just meet in a café like everyone
be in a clover

ृ होना

After we earn a million in the stock market, we'll hopefully be in a clover.

come again

फिर से कहना

Come again? I can't believe you said that

come what may

चाहे कुछ भी हो जाए


It's good to know that, come what may, our job is safe.
jump to a conclusion

निष्कर्ष पर पहुँचना, जल्दबाजी में नतीजे पर पहुँचना

Wait till we get the report; don't jump to a conclusion.

to the core

ू रूप से, बिल्कुल परू ी तरह से

It is beyond doubt that police force is rotten to the core, involved in numerous extortion
from the cradle to the grave

जन्म से अन्त तक, जन्म से मरण तक

his health plan provides protection from the cradle to grave.

the creme de la creme

अतिउत्तम, सर्वश्रेष्ठ

Our college's music band is acknowledged as the creme de la creme.


बिल्कुल तैयार

Although most parties have agreed on the deal, it is cut-and-dried.

not yet
cash in (on sth)

लाभ उठाना

This is a good year for investing in metals, and you can cash in on it if you're smart.
have one's head in the clouds

अनभिज्ञ होना

Most of the time he is having his head in the clouds. He must be in some deep trouble.
cold comfort

ू ी तसल्ली

We know that there are several others who are worse off than us, but that's no cold

1. Below on the left are some idioms. Choose the correct meaning from the list on the

A. come to a pretty pass 1. develop into an unfortunate situation

B. be in a clover 2. likely to happen
C. be on the cards 3. in a situation when one cannot win
D. a catch-22 situation 4. prosperous
(a) 4 3 2 1
(b) 3 1 4 3
(c) 2 4 3 1
(d) 1 4 2 3
For each of the following questions choose the one correct answer:
2. The news of introducing the six-day working days..............and many employees started
looking for options outside.
(a) got it off his chest
(c) struck a chord
(b) threw caution to the wind
(d) set the cat among the pigeons
3. The reports on the outbreak of plague.............on our plans to visit Surat.
(a) threw cold water (c) cut the cord (d) blew our cover
(b) got cold feet
Tick the option that best explains the meaning of the idiom:
4. get cracking
(a) follow the lead of another (b) be very successful
(c) start working (d) show sadness that is not sincere
5. take up the cudgels
(a) Conceal one's whereabouts
(b) come to ruin
(c) seek to gain advantage by flattery
(d) argue strongly in support or against sb or sth

Tick the idiom that best explains the following:

6. adapt to one's circumstances
(a) cut sb down to size (b) cut one's coat according to one's cloth
(c) cut corners (d) cut both ways
7. obliged to wait
(a) cool one's heels (b) cry wolf
(c) be in the cahoots (d) be in a clover

1. (d) 2. (d) 3. (a) 4. (c) 5. (d) 6. (b) 7. (a)

not give a damn

उदासीन होना, कोई प्रतिक्रिया न होना, कोई परवाह नहीं करना

Most industrial houses don't give a damn about the environment.

be in the dark

अनभिज्ञ, अनजान

We're still in the dark about the company's layoff policy.

wouldn't be caught / seen dead

कोई लेना-दे ना न होना

He'd not be seen dead playing cards in clubs.

frighten/scare sb to death

डरा दे ना

A shadow appeared in the doorway and scared me to death.

be in deep water

भयंकर मुसीबत में होना

We're going to be in deep water if the bank refuses to sanction our loan.
jump in at the deep end

बिना तैयारी के काम शुरू करना

He is jumping in at the deep end, acting as strike bowler in his first match this year on the
English pitches.
be out of one's depth

किसी हालात से सल
ु झने का ज्ञान न होना, किसी कार्य को करने की क्षमता का नहीं होना
The audience realized that making comedy movies was out of the depth of this director.

make all the difference

कुछ कर गुजरना, परिणाम को बदलने की क्षमता/ या बदलना

Working with a nice bunch of people can make all the difference to your job.
get one's feet in the door

पहले पड़ाव पर सफल होना, किसी भी कार्य से आरम्भ करना

I know it's not the job you'd hoped for, but at least you can use it to get your foot in the
on sb's doorstep

बिल्कुल नजदीक, दरवाजे पर दस्तक दे ना

The second round of the US economic slowdown is literally at our doorstep.


वास्तविक, व्यावहारिक

She is a very down-to-earth person, not at all attracted by the glamour world
wouldn't dream of doing sth

कुछ करने की न सोचना, कल्पना भी नहीं करना

Even if it were lying on my desk, I wouldn't dream of taking another person's money.
at daggers drawn

जानी दश्ु मन, लड़ने को तैयार

The two neighbouring countries have several times been at daggers drawn over mineral
a damp squib

टांय-टांय फिस

The party turned out to be a bit of a damp squib. Half the people who'd been invited didn't
turn up.
put a (or the) damper (or dampener)

निराश करना, वाधा पहुँचाना

The violence before the round table conference is bound to put the dampers on the peace
dance to sb's tune

ू रे के कहने पर चलना

Powerful businessmen seem to have the district officials dancing to their tune.
a dark horse

नया खिलाड़ी, छुपा रुस्तम

You never can tell-some dark horse may come along and win Rajya Sabha seat.
keep sb in the dark

धोखे में रखना

They kept me in the dark about their plans.

a shot (stab) in the dark

अँधेरे में तीन मारना, बिना किसी सच

ू ना के अन्दाजा लगाना

The whole theory about life on Mars is a shot in the dark - no one takes it seriously.
all in a day's work

साधारण दिनचर्या के सभी कार्य

We worked in heavy rains to restore all the power lines, but it's all in a day's work.
call it a day

सन्यास लेना, काम रोक दे ने का निर्णय करना

After second heart attack, he decided it would be best to follow his doctor's advice and call
it a day.
carry (or win) the day

सफल होना, जीतना, विजयी होना

The opposition carried the day in the debate over the judge's impeachment.
day in, day out

हर रोज, कई दिनों तक लगातार

Life can become very boring if you do the same work day in, day out.
day of reckoning

बुरे हालात से निपटने का समय

Taking out a further loan to pay your debts will only postpone the day of reckoning.

dead and buried (or gone)

उपयोग में नहीं

I won't rest until nepotism is dead and buried in this country.

over my dead body

मेरी लाश पर, किसी भी हालात में नहीं

If they go ahead with their plan to cut down those trees, they'll have to do so over my dead
fall on deaf ears

सुनाई न दे ना, ध्यान नहीं दे ना

Warnings that chewing tobacco can lead to mouth cancer have largely fallen on deaf ears.
a raw (rough) deal

अनुचित व्यवहार, रूखा व्यवहार

He got a very raw deal in terms of his father's will: everything was left to his sister.
deliver the goods

काम परू ा करना, काम पर दिखाना

So far the team's new player has failed to deliver the goods. He failed to open his account in
his first three games.
have designs on sb/sth

स्वार्थनिहित षडयन्त्र करना

I think he has designs on my property.

between the devil and the deep blue sea

आगे कुआँ पीछे खाई, दोनों ओर परे शानी

Trying to please both his boss and his wife puts him between a rock and a hard place.
give the devil his due

शत्रु के साथ भी न्यायपर्ण

ू आचरण

I don't like what the new management has done, but give the devil his due, sales have
die hard

कठिनाई से प्राण निकलना, मुश्किल से छूटना

Ancient traditions die hard in rural India.

die in harness or (die with one's boots on)

सहसा मौत का शिकार होना, काम करते-करते सिधार जाना

He doesn't want to retire - He'd rather die with his boots on.
the die is cast

अन्तिम फैसला हो चुका है

Now that I've announced my resignation, the die is cast.

never say die

हिम्मत मत हारो

There are still a couple of job agencies that you haven't tried. Never say die.
dig the dirt

किसी के बारे में निन्दनीय सूचना मिलना / दे ना

No effort is being spared to dig up dirt on the rival candidate.

dig in one's heels

मानने से इनकार करना, सख्त होना

We suggested it would be quicker to fly, but she dug her heels in and insisted on travelling
by a train.
dig one's own grave

अपनी कब्र खुद खोदना, मुसीबत मोल लेना

If he continues to behave like this to his boss, he'll be digging his own grave.
a dime a dozen

थोक के भाव में

Movies based on political violence are a dime a dozen.

by dint of

के कारण, के द्वारा

She got what she wanted by dint of requesting and threatening.


treat sb like dirt

बुरा बर्ताव करना / नफरत दिखाना

Her boss treats all his employees like dirt.

do or die

करो या मरो

It was a do or die batting by the tail-enders that won the game.

divide and rule

फूट डालो और शासन करो

They used divide and rule tactics to weaken their opponents.

do's and don'ts

कार्य विशेष के नियम

It pays to know the do's and don'ts of diplomatic meetings in advance.

in the dock

जाँच पर विशेषतया आपराधिक मामले में , कटघरे में

The accused stood in the dock unruffled throughout the day.

dog eat dog

निर्दयी व्यापार, प्रतिस्पर्धा का परिवेश

In the dog eat dog world out there it pays to know who one's real friends are.
dog in the manger

कबाब में हड्डी

Stop being such a dog in the manger and let your brother play your guitar if you're not using
a dog's life

ु ी अस्तित्व, बदतर जीवन

He's been leading a dog's life since his suspension from the company.
dog tired

क्लांत, बहुत थक गया


He usually got home around midnight, dog tired after a hectic day in the office.
go to the dogs

अक्सर अधिक या उपेक्षा के माध्यम के द्वारा, बर्बाद कर दे ना

They sat in the bar the night before the election, moaning that the country was going to the
throw sb to the wolves (or dogs or lions)

पीड़ा सहन करने के लिए अकेला छोड़ दे ना (अपने आप को बचाने के लिए )

If the candidate fails to win the election this time, the party will throw him to the wolves.
done for

बर्बाद, गया काम से, बेकार हो जाना

This old computer is just about done for.

done in

कुछ करने की हालत में न होना ( थकान की वजह से )

She was done in by the time she reached the office.

till/until doomsday

लम्बे समय के लिए / काफी समय तक आखिरी मौके तक

You could try to convince them till/until doomsday, but they will not drop their demands.
show sb the door

बाहर निकालना

I told the bank official that I wasn't interested in his scheme and he showed me the door.
on your doorstep

नज़दीक जगह

The great thing is we've got all the local amenities right on our doorstep.
dot the i's and cross the t's

ू क और सटीक हो, पर्ण
ू रूप से जाँचना परखना

I had dotted all the i's and crossed the t's, so I wondered why my application was rejected.
a doubting Thomas

आदतन संदिग्ध व्यक्ति

He's such a doubting Thomas that he wont' believe unless he sees things through his eyes.
down and out

दीन-हीन व्यक्ति

After losing his job, he was left down and out.

in the driving (or driver's) seat

काबू में होना

The availability of a wide range of products has made the consumer sit in the driving seat.
at the drop of a hat

तरु न्त

We now have a situation where laws are bent at the drop of a hat.
drop sb a line

संक्षिप्त विवरण छोड़ना, जानकारी छोड़ना

If you've got a few minutes to spare you could always drop her a line.
a drop in the ocean

ऊँट के मँुह में जीरा

A hundred thousand may seem a lot but it's a drop in the ocean compared to the millions
that need to be spent.
lame duck

दिवालिया, निर्वाचित अधिकारी, असक्षम

You can't expect a lame duck President to get much accomplished.

take to sth like a duck to water

काम जल्दी करना और उसका आनन्द उठाना सीखना

He's taken to his new school like a duck to water.

play ducks and drakes with

अपने स्वार्थ के लिए


He lost his job for playing ducks and drakes with the company's funds.
down in the dumps

ु ी, उदासी भरा

As the things were not going well for her at work, she was feeling a bit down in the dumps.
de jure

ू न, विधितः, कानन
ू ी तौर पर The President aims to create a de jure one-party state.

de facto

तथ्यतः वस्तुतः

English is de facto the common language of much of the world today.

at death's door

अन्तिम समय के निकट

Owing to coming up of malls and super markets every other day in the town the old
neighbourhood store is at death's door.
on demand

माँग पर माँगने पर

She's always ready to sing on demand.



The opening batsman's devil-may-care approach may ruin his chances of securing a
permanent place in the team.
a rough diamond

ु शक्तिवाला इन्सान

He is intelligent and trustworthy but lacks sophistication-he's a rough diamond.

dirt cheap

कौड़ियों के मोल

It's quite a useful book, but luckily I could buy it dirt cheap at a junk shop.
at a discount

छूट पर, कटौती पर


I'm holding off on buying a computer until I can get one at a discount.

खुशहाल, धनी, सम्पन्न

In the capital's well-to-do suburbs, hiring a security guard ! is become a must for every
throw dust in sb's eyes

आँखों में धल
ू झोंकना, धोखा दे ना

The secretary of the film actress threw dust in the reporters' eyes talking about a flight at
the airport when she was heading for the expressway.
be a dab hand

विशेषज्ञ, निपुण, कुशल

Try a piece of this idli and you'll agree she is a dab hand at making South Indian dishes.
a dead end

अन्धनाल, बन्दगली, अन्तिम सिरा ..

The interlocutors have reached a dead end in their attempts to find a peaceful solution to
the imbroglio..
turn a deaf ear

ु ी करना, ध्यान न दे ना

A government that consistently turns a deaf ear to the clearly articulated demands of its
electors must sooner or later expect to hear a very loud protest indeed.
toll (or sound) the death knell

पतन कर दे ना

The closure of the local car factory tolled the death knell for the town.
déjà vu

पूर्वानुभव, पहले न घटित के घटने का आभास

She suddenly had a strong sense of deja vu.

in dire straits

आर्थिक तंगी से गज
ु रना

The earthquake and the drought left the region in dire straits for a long time.

wash one's dirty linen in public

ू रों के सामने घरे लू झगड़ा करना. आपसी मतभेदों को दस
ू रों के सामने लाना

He decided not to take the family dispute to court as he feared it would only lead to a lot of
washing of dirty linen in public.
be in doldrums

ु त होना

A cut in interest rates on housing loans can lift the property market out of the doldrums.
on the dot

सही समय पर

We were asked to be there at five on the dot.

a double whammy

दो बुरी चीजें एक साथ होना, दोहरा नुकसान

Media claims the cuts in public spending coupled with a pay freeze is a double whammy for
low-paid workers.
drop a bombshell

असम्भावित और परे शान करने वाली घोषणा

My sister dropped a bombshell discontinuing her study for a job.

By announcing she was dribs and drabs

छोटी, अनियमित मात्रा में

The checks for the charity are coming in dribs and drabs.
in high dudgeon

विरोध करना

After the scuffle, the man who was insulted left in high dudgeon.
get one's just deserts

(अपने किए का फल पाना, करनी का फल

After the supervisor was suspended, many workers felt that he got his just deserts.
deal with

पेश आना, बर्ताव करना, चर्चा करना


We will have to plan our strategy to deal with the rising incidents of theft.
deliver the goods

काम पूरा करके दिखाना

They are bright young executives with bright ideas, but it is doubtful if can they deliver the
do the trick

अपना उद्देश्य परू ा करना

If nothing seems to be working, just pray to the God-sometimes that does the trick

1. Below on the left are some idioms. Choose the correct meaning from the list on the

A. not give a damn 1. no longer in use

B. dead and buried 2. insignificant amount
C. in the dock 3. on trial
D. a drop in the ocean 4. experiencing difficult financial conditions
E. in dire straits 5. be indifferent to
(a) 1 2 4 3 5
(b) 5 1 3 2 4
(c) 5 4 3 2 1
(d) 2 4 3 1 5
For each of the following questions choose the one correct answer:
2. After the supervisor was suspended, many workers felt that he………………
(a) did the trick (b) got his just deserts
(c) dropped a bombshell (d) delivered the goods
3. The closure of the local car factory ................ for the town.
(a) tolled the death knell (b) dropped a bombshell
(c) was in doldrums (d) threw dust in people' eyes
4. The earthquake and the drought left the region............. for a long time.
(a) in dribs and drabs (b) on the dot
(c) in the driver's seat (d) in dire straits

5. The government has been Parliament on land acquisition.

(a) drawing the line (b) playing lame duck
(c) dragging its feet in bringing up a bill in the (d) showing the farmers door
6. If he continues to behave like this to his boss, he'll be ........
(a) treating others like dirt (b) digging his own grave
(c) digging the dirt (d) dying in harness
1. (b) 2. (b) 3. (a) 4. (d) 5. (c) 6. (b)

play sth by ear


Rather than adopting a new academic strategy, the principal decided to play it by ear.
it's early yet

निर्णय लेने में , जल्दबाजी करना

The new measures seem to have worked, but it's early days yet and the RBI Governor would
rather not make any comment about the country's economy.
easier said than done

करने से कहना आसान है , कहना सरल है करना मुश्किल

The doctor advised me to stop smoking but it is easier said than done.
take the edge off sth

प्रभाव कम करना

His apology took the edge off her anger.

at the end of the day

आखिरकार, आखिर में

At the end of the day, what matters is that you're safe.

be at the end of one's tether

निरुपाय, उपाय रहित, असहाय

If that loan doesn't come through, we'll be at the end of our rope.
not be the end of the world

गम्भीर दिक्कत का सामना न करना, आखिरी अवसर नहीं होना / दनि

ु या खत्म नहीं होना

If you don't pass this test, it won't be the end of the world.
make (both) ends meet

(अपनी आय में ) निर्वाह करना, गज

ु ारा करना

My salary was so paltry that I had to take a second job just to make ends meet.
put (or take) sth down to experience

किए गए बुरे कामों से परे शान हुए बिना उससे सीखना

We should not allow failures to discourage us. Instead, we should just take them down to
keep your eye on

निगरानी करना

The teacher has his eye on the boys in the last row.
see eye-to-eye

ू रे से सहमत होना

We see eye-to-eye on most important issues.

couldn't believe one's eyes

विश्वास न कर पाना

She couldn't believe her eyes when she saw her physically challenged child trying to walk
an eye-opener

चौंकाने वाला सत्य

The first sentence of his speech was a real eye opener.

an eager beaver

मेहनती और काम के लिए उत्सुक

My friend is a real eager beaver, always volunteering for new assignments.

be all ears

ध्यान लगाकर सुनना

'Do you want to know what happened in the meeting yesterday?' 'Oh yes, I'm all ears.'
have sb's ears

किसी का ध्यान हासिल करना, विशेषतया तरफदारी वाला

As I don't' have the boss's ear anymore, it would be difficult for me this time to help you

shave (or keep) one's ear to the ground

हर गतिविधि पर नजर रखना

I'll keep an ear to the ground and tell you if I come to know of any vacancies.
early bird

सुबह जल्दी उठने वाला

It is no use calling him before 11.30 in the morning - he's not exactly an early bird, you
easy come, easy go

जितनी आसानी से मिलना, उतनी आसानी से खो जाना

Easy come, easy go-that's how it is for him when he invests in the stock market.
go easy on sb

विनम्रता से व्यवहार करना और कड़ी सजा न दे ना The police decided they'd better go easy
on him since he was only 15.
take it easy

सहजता से स्वीकार करना

Despite heavy defeat, the coach advised the payers to take it easy.
eat your heart out

शोक मनाना, दख
ु ी होना

I have written probably the best detective novel - eat your heart out, Sir Arthur Conan
make sb eat one's words

जबरदस्ती से मनवाना कि जो पहले कहा था वह गलत था

She had told me that I'd never be able to give up smoking, but I made her eat her words.
what's eating sb

जब कोई गस्
ु से में हो तो उससे कुछ पछ
ू ना क्योंकि तम
ु जानना चाहते हो, चिन्ता का कारण

When I noticed that she wasn't joining in the conversation I asked her what's eating her.
at a low ebb

दःु ख में , निराशा की स्थिति में रहना

He was at a low ebb for several months after his parents' death in the train accident.
take the edge of sth

प्रभाव कम करना

Her polite behaviour took the edge off her refusal.

have an egg on one's face

अपने कार्य की वजह से बेवकूफ दिखना

If he does not stop asking personal questions, he'll end up with egg on his face.
give sb the elbow

निकलवा दे ना, छोड़ दे ना

They could be seen everywhere together for over a month and then he gave her the elbow.
be in one's element

अपने अनुकूल वातावरण में रहना, अपने वास्तविक स्वरूप में होना He is in his element
writing poems in his study.
at the eleventh hour

ऐन मौके पर, अन्तिम समय पर

Negotiators reached an agreement at the eleventh hour, just in time to avoid a strike.
at the end of the road

समाप्त होने की स्थिति में , आखिरी पड़ाव पर

After losing his title in last night's fight, the former heavyweight champion knows that this
could be the end of the road.
no end

बहुत ज्यादा

He helped me no end.
enough is enough

बहुत हो गया (क्योंकि अब और सहन नहीं होगा)

No more speeches-enough is enough.

push the envelope

जो साधारणतया होता है उससे आगे बढ़कर परिवर्तन करना

The new colours of the winter clothing indicate that the millers have pushed the envelope.
be first among equals

किसी समूह के दस
ू रे सदस्यों की तरह होते हुए कुछ ज्यादा जिम्मेदारी के साथ होना या
भागीदारी निभाना

The chief accountant was always considered first among equals in the bank.
be of the essence

सफलता के लिए अत्यन्त महत्त्वपर्ण

ू होना

In defence department, secrecy is of the essence.

an even break

अवसर मिलने पर हालात सुधारना

The new probationary officer just needs to get an even break so that he could scale the
ladder very quickly.
get even with

हिसाब चुकता करना, बदला लेना

The suspended member swore he'd get even with the party chief for humiliating him.
be in the eye of the storm

ज्यादा तर्क -वितर्क करना जिससे लोगों को दिक्कतें बढ़े

The country's secret agencies were in the eye of the storm when suddenly war broke out.
be all eyes

उत्सुकतापूर्वक दे खना

We were all eyes as the President gave the civilian awards on the Independence Day..
have an ear for sth

अच्छा ज्ञान होना

She's never had much of an ear for music.

keep an eye out (or open) for sb/sth

ध्यान से दे खना और आ जाना, किसी चीज के लिए सतर्क रहना


Keep an eye out for the potholes in the road.

keep your eyes open

सतर्क होना / रहना

We should keep our eyes open for a shift in the consumers' preferences.
open one's eyes

आँखे खोलना

The visit of an African nation opened her eyes to the difficulties faced by under-developed
shut (or close) one's eyes to

नजरअन्दाज करना

The Prime Minister can't just shut his eyes to the problems and hope that they'll go away.
raise a few eyebrows

है रान करना, ध्यान आकर्षित करना The huge fee demanded by the actress raised a few
eyebrows in the film world.
lend (or give) an ear

ु ना, ध्यान दे ना

If you have any problem, go to the HR manager. She'll always lend a sympathetic ear.
be ill at ease

उत्सुक होना, शर्मिंदगी महसूस करना, असहज महसूस करना He always felt a little ill at ease
with new students in the class.
eat one's heart out

शोक मनाना, दःु खी होना

She is still eating her heart out after being fired from the company last year.
to egg on

(किसी को) उकसाना, बढ़ावा दे ना, प्रेरित करना

We got frightened as he egged on the driver to increase the speed of the office cab.
have all one's eggs in one basket

अपना सबकुछ एक ही बार दाव पर लगा दे ना


If you're planning to invest in the land, it will not be safe for you to have all your eggs in one
en masse

एकसाथ, एक साथ

They resigned en masse to force the management agree to their demands.

en route

मार्ग में , रास्ते में

We can discuss the script of the play en route.

rise to the occasion

मौके पर खुद को योग्य साबित करना

It was not easy to play one's first match in front of a crowd that size but he certainly rose to
the occasion.
every now and then (or again)

समय-समय पर, प्रायः

We take long walks every now and then.

live on the edge

किसी खतरनाक गतिविधि में शामिल होना

You should consider making racing as your profession only if you enjoy living on the edge.
an enfant terrible

लगातार अप्रिय, बागी

S Sreesanth, the enfant terrible of Indian cricket, was in trouble again for arguing with the
players of opposition team on the field.
et al

और अन्य

We cannot compare Munaf Patel and Praveen Kumar with greatest fast bowlers of the
world like Dennis Lillee, Malcolm Marshall, Michael Holding et al.
catch sb's eye

किसी की नजर में आना

There was a wide variety of shoes to choose from, but none of them really caught my eye.

end up (doing sth or going somewhere)

पहुँचना, समाप्त करना, अन्ततः करना

We ended up going to a restaurant after the movie last night.

1. Below on the left are some idioms. Choose the correct meaning from the list on the

A. take the edge off sth 1. agree

B. see eye to eye 2. reduce the impact
C. be all ears 3. depressed
D. at a low ebb 4. be the most important thing
E. be of the essence 5. eager to hear something
Tick the option that best explains the meaning of the idiom:
2. en masse
(a) provoke (b) all together
(c) on or along the way (d) involved
3. et al
(a) and others (b) interested (c) lost (d) without
4. to egg on
(a) make fun of (b) make depressed (c) make angry (d) urge ahead
5. be in the eye of the storm
(a) involved in argument (b) try hard
(c) fail in one's effort (d) steal the show
6. push the envelope
(a) give bribe (b) be innovative
(c) assign the work to sb else (d) settle a score
1. (a) 2. (b) 3. (a) 4. (d) 5. (a) 6. (b)

face to face

आमने-सामने, सम्मुख, रू-ब-रू

I'd prefer to solve this problem face to face rather than over the phone
make/pull a face

ु टे ढ़ा करना, मँह
ु बनाना, चिढ़ाना

The principal told the students to stop making faces at the ne teacher.
the facts of life

जीवन की सच्चाई

Some people believe the facts of life should not be taught in schools.
not have the faintest idea

बिल्कुल अन्जान होना

I don't have the faintest idea what you're talking about.

lull sb into a false sense of security

ू ी सरु क्षा भावना महसस
ू कराना

The market which was rising steadily since January lulled investors into a false sense of
so far so good

यहाँ तक मामला सन्तष्टि

ु दे ने वाला रहा, जब तक सही हो

The first round of talks went well. So far so good. The next stage of talks will revolve around
more difficult issues.
put one's feet up

आराम करना

After a day of hectic activity, I'm in a mood to put my feet up.

be a figment of one's imagination


I thought I saw someone at the door, but it could be just a figment of my imagination.

cut it/things fine

बहुत दे र करना

He always cuts it fine, landing in the office at the last minute.

not lift a finger

मद्द से इनकार करना, कुछ भी नहीं करना

After retirement, he spends most of his time lying on the sofa and watching TV, and never
lifts a finger to help others.
put your finger on sth

सही कारण का पता लगाना कि ऐसा क्यों है

Something is wrong in our operations, but I can't put my finger on exactly what it is.
first come, first served

पहले आओ पहले पाओ

As a very large number of people are likely to turn up for food, we will have to go for "first
come, first served" approach.
at first glance/sight

पहली नजर में

The system is more dependable than it appears at first glance.

go with the flow (or tide)

धारा के साथ बहना, जैसा प्रचलन हो वैसा आचरण करना, जैसा दे श वैसा भेष He is not a
great believer in being original; he just goes with the tide.
a fly on the wall

अदृश्य अवलोकन करना

I wish I could be a fly on the wall when he reveals the secret of his promotion to his wife.
get/start off on the wrong foot

गलत शरू
ु आत करना

The peace mission has started off on the wrong foot by not consulting local people.
put one's foot down

बिल्कुल मना कर दे ना

You can't just let your children do what they want; you'll have to put your foot down
put one's foot in it

बड़ी भूल करना

I didn't know it was a private meeting; I guess I put my foot in it.

bear fruit

सफल होना

His hard work for years is now beginning to bear fruit.

make fun of sb/sth

मजाक उड़ाना

At first the students made fun of her because she spoke with American accent.
face the music

किए का परिणाम भुगतना

When the missing mobile phone was found from his bag, he chose to disappear rather than
face the music.
lose face

नाक कटना

He lost face when his assistant was promoted and he had to take her orders.
save face

लाज रखना

The government decision to oust the accused minister was simply a face-saving exercise.
fall short of sth

कमी होना / पड़ना

His expertise fell short of the required standard.

a false dawn


Her victory in the All England Open Badminton Championship proved to be a false dawn
after she failed to win another title for the next three years.

in the family way

गर्भवती, गर्भ धारण किए होना

Now that our editor is in the family way again, she will be out of office for some time.
fast and furious

जीवंत और उत्साहपूर्ण

The storm advanced fast and furious.

play fast and loose

खिलवाड़ करना, छल करना, अविश्वसनीय होना

Like many other TV serial-makers, he plays fast and loose with the historical facts.
life in the fast lane

ऐशो आराम की जिन्दगी

After moving to Singapore last year, they found that life in the fast lane can be very
seal sb's fate

भविष्य निर्धारित

His father's illness sealed his fate. He had to discontinue his studies and take up a job.
like father, like son

पीढ़ी-दर-पीढ़ी एक जैसा

He decided to give away half of his income to charity-like father, like son.
a feather in one's cap

प्रसन्न मन से, खुशी से

The UN body's success in persuading the terrorists to release the women hostages was a
real feather in its cap.
sit on the fence

ु धा में होना / अलग-थलग रहना

The senior leader of the party criticized his colleagues for sitting on the fence and failing to
make a useful contribution to the debate.
few and far between

बहुत कम

Supporters of the Bill in the Rajya Sabha are few and far between.
be as fit as a iddle

पूर्ण स्वस्थ होना

The coach of our football team is nearing sixty but he's as fit as a fiddle.
play second fiddle

निचला स्थान ग्रहण करना, दोयम दर्जे पर होना, अनुसरण करना

Although more qualified than her husband, she had to always play second fiddle to him.
not give (or care) a fig (or damn)

बिल्कुल ध्यान न दे ना

I don't give a fig to what they say about my decision.

fight a losing battle

ऐसा युद्ध लड़ना जिसमें हार निश्चित हो, हारा हुआ युद्ध लड़ना

He's fighting a losing battle against cancer.

fight shy of

को टालना

He fought shy of taking part in the debate.

fill sb's shoes (or boots)

किसी और की जिम्मेदारियों या कर्त्तव्यों को विशेषतया संतष्टि

ु से अपना लेना

It'll be hard to find someone to fill his shoes when he calls it a day.
find one's feet

पैर जमाना, किसी नई जगह मनोबल बढ़ाना

It's important to give new employees a chance to find their feet.

be all fingers and thumbs

गलतियाँ करते रहना

She was all fingers and thumbs when she saw her former boyfriend at the party.
burn one's fingers

भुगतान (किसी कार्य के दख

ु द परिणाम की वजह से ). हानि उठाना

Many investors burn their fingers when they are tempted get-rich-quick schemes.
By have a finger in every pie

हर मामले में शामिल होना (प्रभाव डालना)

He's is not liked much by his colleagues as he wants to have a finger in every pie.
lay a finger (or hand) on sb/sth

हानि पहुँचाना

In fact, I did not lay a finger on her. She fell down as the floor is slippery.
point the finger

दोष लगाना / मढ़ना

Most economy experts now point the finger at the government for failing to upgrade the
country's infrastructure.
at one's fingertips

आसानी से उपलब्ध

He was so deeply attached with the project that he had all the details at his fingertips.
breathe fire

आग उगलवाना, बहुत गुस्सा करना

The party boss was breathing fire over the spokesperson's statement to media a few days
catch fire

आग पकड़ लेना, प्रजज्वलित होना

His hunger strike over corruption in the government has caught fire all over the country.
fire in the belly


He will face the disciplinary committee with plenty of fire in his belly.
first things first

पहली चीज पहले

I would love to watch the new movie, but first things first-the exams begin tomorrow.

a big fish in a small pond

योग्यतानुसार काम न होना

He has medical degree from a US university and yet is content with his practice in a rural
hospital; he prefers to be a big fish in a small pond.
fish in troubled waters

जोखिम उठाना, खतरों से खेलना या खतरा उठाना

At a time when the markets in the world are in turmoil, he has started buying stocks. He
enjoys fishing in troubled waters.
a fish out of water

ु धाजनक, असुखद

All the other children in the school had rich, middle-class parents, and she was beginning to
feel like a fish out of water.
by fits and starts

अनियमित रूप से

She has been working on her master's thesis in fits and starts; she needs to continue her job
as well.
an old flame

परु ानी प्रेमिका या परु ाना प्रेमी

I met an old flame of yours at the party on Saturday.

flash in the pan

कुछ समय के लिए, बस एक बार

We hope this change in the management's attitude is forever, and not just a flash in the
fall flat

असफल होना, कोई प्रभाव नहीं डालना

His jokes are so repetitive that they always fall flat-no one is amused.
flex one's muscles

ताकत का दिखावा करना


The recent arrests in the city indicate the new police commissioner has decided to flex his
flog (or beat) a dead horse

मुर्दे में जान डालने की कोशिश करना

Do you think it's worth sending my manuscript to other publishers or I am just beating a
dead horse?
in full flow

जोर-शोर से

The preparations for the Olympic Games are now in full flow.
fly high

सफल होना

The small-town company was flying high after its 15 per cent shares were bought by the
world's leading company in the field.
with flying colours

आसानी से सफलतापूर्वक

She took her university entrance exam in December and passed out with flying colours.
follow suit

ु रण करना

Once the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court declared his assets, the others had to follow
food for thought

सारगर्भित विचार, अच्छी प्रेरणा

An interesting suggestion of a student gave the Vice-Chancellor and other officials of the
university food for thought.

1. Below on the left are some idioms. Choose the correct meaning from the list on the right:

A. put one's feet up 1. refrain from offering help

B. not lift a finger 2. swiftly
C. put your foot down 3. relax
D. face the music 4. accept criticism for one's wrong

E. fast and furious 5. firmly refuse

(a) 1 2 3 4 5
(b) 3 1 5 4 2
(c) 2 4 1 3 5
(d) 4 5 2 13
Tick the idiom that best explains the following:
2. be recklessly irresponsible
(a) make a far cry (B) play fast and loose
(c) save face (D) sit on the fence
3. an accomplishment a person can be proud of
(a) a feather in one's cap (b) bear fruit
(c) a fly on the wall (d) a figment of one's imagination
4. take advantage of some disturbance
(a) catch fire (b) breathe fire
(c) burn one's fingers (d) fish in troubled waters
5. sharp reprimand
(a) fine kettle (b) flea in the ear
(d) a false alarm (c) a flip-flop
6. a quick temper
(a) A short fuse (b) up front
(c) fine kettle of fish (d) come under fire
1. (b) 2. (b) 3. (a) 4. (d) 5. (b) 6. (a)

give the game away

रहस्य का पर्दाफाश करना

We had secretly bought a gift for her birthday but one of our friends gave the game away.
give up the ghost

प्रयास / कोशिश करना बन्द कर दे ना

She'd been trying to get into films for ten years without success and was just about to give
up the ghost.
give it a shot/whirl

करने की कोशिश करना

I've never cooked non-vegetarian food but I'll give it a whirl.


आपसी समझ-बूझ रखना, आपसी समझौता

You can't always insist on your own way there has to be some give-and-take.
give as good as one gets

अच्छे से वापस दे ना, अच्छे से जवाब दे ना

When you are an immigrant working with a lot of locals, you have to be able to give as good
as you get.
go against the grain

प्रकृति के विरुद्ध होना (किसी व्यक्ति की इच्छाओं के विपरीत होना

Having to work late nights really goes against my grain.

take sb/sth for granted

यूँ ही लेना, ज्यादा मायने न दे ना

The editors felt that the publisher was taking them for granted.
grin and bear it

कष्ट को हँसते खेलते सहन करना


He lost all his savings in the stock market crash, but quickly realised that there was nothing
that he can do except grin and bear it.
come/get to grips with sth

किसी समस्या को समझने और सल

ु झाने की कोशिश करना

It's further proof of the government's failure to get to grips with two of the most important
social issues of our time.
suit sb down to the ground

आसानी से कर पाना

She has a young child so working from home suits her down to the ground.
a guinea pig

उपयोग में लाई जाने वाली वस्तु या व्यक्ति

They're looking for volunteers to act as guinea pigs for a new AIDS vaccine.
stick to one's guns

अपने निर्णय पर अडिग रहना

Her family was against her becoming a model but she stuck to her guns.
play to the gallery

लोगों का ध्यान खींचने के लिए घटिया हरकतें करना

The legislators these days are more interested in playing to the gallery than bringing in
useful legislations.
the game is up

खेल खत्म हो गया है , चाल खुल गई है ।

When they took inventory they realized what was missing, and the game was up for the
department head.
run the gamut

विस्तार करना

His music runs the gamut from rock to classic.

garbage in, garbage out

अगर कचड़ा डालोगे तो कचड़ा ही निकालोगे


The meals are pretty poor but then they never use fresh ingredients- garbage in, garbage
run out of gas (or steam)

रुचि खोना

The economic recovery seems to have run out of gas.

run the gauntlet

झेलना, आलोचना का विषय होना

The minister had to run the gauntlet of anti-nuclear protesters when he arrived at the plant.
throw down the gauntlet

चुनौती स्वीकार करना

The Leader of the Opposition has thrown down the gauntlet and dared the ruling party to
announce early elections.
change the gear

समस्या को हल करने का तरीका बदल दे ना

Changing the gear, the government declared jobs for the protesting youths.
let the genie out of the bottle

जो होना है उसे होने दे ना

Once we let the genie of fundamentalism out of the bottle, it will take the society hundred
years back.
a gentleman's agreement

अलिखित करर, आपसी विश्वास का समझौता

There was apparently some sort of gentleman's agreement that he would be taking care of
his unmarried sisters.
the gift of the gab

अपनी योग्यता से दस
ू रों से काम करवाना जो आप चाहते हैं

His gift of gab made him a successful marketing person.

give and take


Most successful marriages seem to be based on the mutual trust of the partners and plenty
of give and take on both sides.
not give a damn

बिल्कुल परवाह न करना, जरा सा भी ध्यान न दे ना

Most companies don't give a damn to environment issues.

from the word go

ु आत से

I knew from the word go that she was going to find living with him difficult.
while the going is good

सबकुछ ठीक चलना

If you are unsure about marrying him, get out now while the going is good.
a golden handshake

कम्पनी से निकल जाने पर काफी धन दिया जाना

The manager got early retirement and a Rs 6,00,000 golden handshake at the time of
restructuring of the company.
up for grabs


Now that he's resigned, his position is up for grabs.

fall from grace

नजरों से उतरना या गिरना, अनुग्रहपात्र न रहना

He used to be one of the closest advisors of the CEO before he fell from grace.
grease sb's palm

रिश्वत दे ना

Drug dealers were greasing the palms of the senior police officers.
green with envy

ईर्ष्यालु बना दे ना

Her quick promotion has turned others green with envy.

a grey area

अस्पष्ट विषय (नियम न होने की वजह से )

The difference between mercy killing and assisted suicide is a bit of a grey area.
come to grief

पूर्णतया असफल होना, परिश्रम का व्यर्थ हो जाना

It is a great pity to see all that effort and hard work come to grief.
come to grinding halt

किसी समस्या की वजह से काम बंद कर दे ना / काम का ठप्प पड़ जाना

If the computer network crashed, the outsourcing work would grind to a halt.
grist to (or for) the mill

ु ाफे का स्रोत बनाना, चाँदी होना

As an actor, the experience of doing different roles is grist to the mill.

drop (or lower) one's guard

सतर्क ता छोड़ दे ना

Once he knew I wasn't a reporter, he dropped his guard and even let me take a photograph
of him.
anybody's guess

किसी का अनम
ु ान क्योंकि दस
ू रे उसके बारे में कुछ नहीं जानते

Why he announced his retirement is anybody's guess.

go great guns

बड़ा आदमी, तेजी से उन्नति करना

I know he had a little difficulty at the start of the course but he's going great guns now.
stick to one's guns

अपनी शान बनाए रखना / अपनी बात पर जमे रहना

Stick to your guns and don't agree on signing any bond with the company.
all (with) guns blazing

जोर-जोर से तर्क -वितर्क करना

The boy's parents arrived at the school, all guns blazing, enraged that their child was
punished for no mistake.

gain ground

सफलता हासिल करना

The support for single admission test for all engineering colleges in the country is gaining
ground among all the universities.
throw out of gear

सीधे-सीधे काम न होने दे ना / काम को अस्त-व्यस्त कर दे ना

We had some surprise guests last Monday and though we enjoyed their company very much
they have thrown our entire week out of gear.
go without saying

स्पष्ट होना

It goes without saying that success is the byproduct of sincere work.

go out of one's way

जरूरत से ज्यादा करना, आवश्यकता से अधिक कर डालना

The project team really went out of its way to meet the deadlines.
for good

सदा के लिए

The grandmother has announced her decision to move to her native place for good.

नेकी का दम भरने वाला

My young sister is a real goody-goody-always completing her homework and always arriving
school in time.
kill the goose that lays the golden eggs

सोने के अण्डे दे ने वाली मर्गी

ु को मार डालना

If you sell your shares now, you could be killing the goose that lays the golden eggs.
against the grain

इच्छाओं के विपरीत होना

It is still very much against the grain for some people to work on a Sunday.
with a grain (or pinch) of salt

अविश्वास के साथ, संदिग्ध रूप में , नमक मिर्च लगाकर

Most bosses take employees' leave applications citing illness as the reason with a grain of
sour grapes

खट्टे अंगूर कौन खाय

The loser's criticism of the award is nothing but sour grapes.

not let the grass grow under one's feet

दे री न करके तुरन्त काम करना

Apply today; don't let the grass grow under your feet.
Greek to sb

समझ से बाहर

I've tried to understand the regulations but it all sounds Greek to me.
break new ground

परिवर्तन लाना

The finding can break new ground in the science's quest to discover what causes the
stand (or hold) one's ground

(अपनी बात पर ) दृढ़ रहना, अडिग रहना, डटे रहना The union stood its ground in
negotiations despite pressure by the management to accept a pay cut.
Grub street

निम्न स्तर का साहित्य

Although his novels are dubbed as Grub street, he has been able to sell them well and get
more writing contracts.
generation gap

पीढ़ी का अन्तराल या अन्तर

It is difficult for a singer to bridge the generation gap and appeal to both young and old
a go-getter

जोशीला और सफलता की इच्छा रखने वाला


We remember him as a real go-getter-someone who was destined to make it to the top in
whichever career he chose.
strike gold


Nobody had an inkling that his innovative idea would strike gold for him.
Good riddance

चलो छुटकारा तो मिला

At the farewell party of the principal, most of the teachers could be heard whispering to one
another, "Good riddance!"
a good-for-nothing

बेकाम का, बेकार आदमी

Before he became the mayor, he was humiliated as good-for-nothing fellow by his own
family members.
a grain of truth

थोड़ी-सी सच्चाई

There's a grain of truth in what she says, though it's greatly exaggerated.
the grass roots

(दे श के) सामान्य लोग, जनसाधारण, जमीनी स्तर के लोग

The grass roots of the party felt the youth should have more say in the functioning of the
dig one's own grave

खुद की कब्र खोदना

If he continues to spend time with hopeless characters, he'll be digging his own grave.
greener pastures

सुनहरा अवसर

Many technocrats are seeking greener pastures abroad because of the scarcity of
opportunities at home.
go over (sth)

छानबीन करना, जाँच करना


The accountant has been instructed to go over the books again.

go through (sth)

छानबीन करना, जाँच करना पूरी तरह से पढ़ना

The student decided to go through his notes before the exams.

under the gun

परू ा करना, अच्छी तरह से प्रयोग करना / दबाव में कार्य करना

Everyone at the office has been working under the gun since the new manager took charge.
get the picture


It took him a while to get the picture, but now things are clear to him.
give ground

पीछे हटना, हार जाना, दब जाना

The Prime Minister adamantly refused to give ground to his critics over the nuclear policy.
give sb the slip

बच निकलना

He's has been somewhere around for last one year and has managed to give the police the
give up the ghost

बंद पड़ना, प्रयास छोड़ दे ना

She worked extremely hard last year, and passed her exams with good grades; but this year
she seems to have given up the ghost.

For each of the following questions choose the one correct answer:
1. She'd been trying to get into films for ten years without success and was just about
(a) gave the game away (b) give it a whirl
(c) give up the ghost (d) give-and-take
2. The minister had to................... anti-nuclear protesters when he arrived at the plant.

(a) run out of gas of (b) run the gauntlet of

(c) get to grips with (d) give as good as he got
3. His.....................made him a successful marketing person.
(a) gentleman's agreement (b) sour grapes
(c) fall from the grace (d) gift of gab
4. Most companies don't.
(a) let the genie out (b) give a damn
(c) run the gauntlet (d) grin and bear
5. Now that he's resigned, his position environment issues
(a) the gift of the gab (b) runing the gauntlet
(c) up for grabs (d) a guinea pig
1. (c) 2. (b) 3. (d) 4. (b) 5. (c)

tear/pull one's hair out

क्रोध करना, बहुत दःु खी होना I'm tearing my hair over these errors.

get out of hand

पहुँच से बाहर होना As soon as the teacher turns his back, the class gets out of hand.

give sb a hand

मद्द करना

My son asked me to give him a hand with his homework.

change hands

एक से दस
ू रे के हाथ में जाना

The hotel has changed hands twice since 1990.

get the hang of sth

सीखना (कैसे काम करना है यह समझने वाला

She's been trying hard to learn to use a computer, but she has not yet got the hang of it.
give sb a hard time

नाराज करना / समस्या पैदा करना

She'd always wanted to focus on working outside, but her kids gave her a hard time.
have a hard time

कठिन समय बिताना

He had a hard time last year. He lost his job and failed to get any decent job for over six
have it in for sb

किसी को पसन्द नहीं करना या किसी का नापसन्द बन जाना

For some unknown reason she seems to have it in for him, and she never misses any
opportunity to humiliate him in public.
have it out with sb

किसी दिक्कत को सुलझाने के लिए बातचीत करना

She's started coming late for work-I'm going to have it out with her.
beat (or bang or hit) one's head against a brick wall

समय व्यर्थ करना, व्यर्थ की कोशिश करना

I have tried many times to convince him to stop smoking, but I'm beating my head against a
brick wall.
come to a head

दिक्कत में आना

With one robbery in the neighbourhood, the question of security has come to a head.
lose one's head

दिमागी सन्तल
ु न खो दे ना

He usually manages to stay calm in stressful situations but this time he lost his head.
laugh/scream/shout your head off

चकबक करना, अंट शंट बकवास करना, बोलते जाना

He laughed his head off while watching the movie.

break sb's heart

दिल तोड़ना

If the court declares him guilty, it will break her mother's heart.
a heart-to-heart (talk)

दिल खोलकर बात करना

We need to talk heart-to-heart about our marriage.

hold one's own

विपरीत हालातों के बावजूद उचित करना

She can hold her own in any debate on social issues.

put sth on hold

इन्तराज करवाना

The project has been put on hold until our financial position improves.
be at home

सुखपूर्वक होना

By the end of the week she was beginning to feel more at home in her new job.
let/get sb off the hook

दोष मक्
ु त करना

Once they found the real culprit, they let me off the hook.
split hairs

बाल की खाल निकालना Let's not split hairs about whose turn it is; we'll switch on the water
pump on alternate days.
come (go) under the hammer

नीलामी में बिकना

All our possession must come under the hammer if we're to pay the debt.
hammer and tongs

बड़े जोर-जोर से

They've been fighting hammer and tongs with each other for years - I'm told it's a sign of a
happy marriage!
hand in glove

घनिष्ठ सम्बन्ध निकट सहयोग, मिली भगत

The opposition suspects the ruling party is hand in glove with mining businesses.
live (from) hand-to-mouth

गुजारे लायक

Most of his students come from families which have always lived from hand-to-mouth.
hands down

आराम से

The pair won the title hands down - the final score was 6-4, 6-3.
hang up one's boots

ृ हो

After the company started its 500th branch, the 73-year-old founder of the company
decided to hang up his boots.
happy hunting ground

सुखमय स्थान

He recalled sea-beaches of Goa as a happy hunting ground for his youthful adventures.
be hard put to do sth

कुछ कर पाना सम्भव न लगना किसी कार्य को परू ा करने में कठिनाई महसस
ू करना

She'll be hard put to buy her own home on what she earns.
tough (hard) nut to crack

टे ढ़ी खीर, कठिन काम

It won't be easy getting her approval; she's a tough nut to crack.

run with the hare and hunt with the hounds

एक समय पर दो विपरीत प्रकृति के चीजों / कार्यो को करने की कोशिश करना

He intends to increase the product's sale along with its price-that's trying to run with the
hare and hunt with the hounds.
out of harm's way

सरु क्षित स्थान पर

The family wanted to increase the height of the boundary wall to keep the children out of
harm's way.
in harness

सामान्य (रोग का) कार्य करना Despite his illness he's determined to be in harness.

harp on (about sth or the same string)

एक ही राग अलापना, एक ही बात दोहराना She kept harping on the fact that the money she
received was not enough to run the house.
in today's paper.

ऐलान करना या प्रतियोगिता में भाग लेना

She's seriously considering throwing her hat in the ring and declaring herself a candidate for
the election.
play (or wreck) havoc with

तहस-नहस कर दे ना

The earthquake played havoc with the town.

make hay (while the sun shines)

सही अवसर का फायदा उठाना

The thieves made hay while the house-owners were away for a vacation.
heads will roll

कुछ लोगों को दण्ड मिलेगा

If it is proved that the accident in the factory was caused by someone's negligence, then
heads will roll.
keep one's head

शान्ति बनाए रखना / दिमाग शान्त रखना

He survived his ordeal because he kept his head and didn't allow himself to get too
keep one's head above water

ु ीबत से दरू रहना (आर्थिक)

With new bills coming in every day they're barely keeping their heads above water.
can't make head or tail of

समझ न पाना

I can't make head or tail of the instructions given in the product literature.
put your heads together

खुद ही तय करना / मिल-बैठकर तय करना

If we put our heads together, we should be able to come up with a campaign that will really
turn heads

ध्यान आकर्षित करना

The actress of movies in 90s still manages to turn heads when sometimes she appears in
hit (or make) the headlines

सुर्खियों में आना, मुख्य खबर होना

The latest scandal to hit the headlines is about the arrest of a minister's son for drug-
at the bottom of the heap

ू में सबसे बुरी हालत में होना, खराब हालत में होना

The slum-dwellers are at the bottom of the heap with little hope of improving their
from the bottom of one's heart

तहे दिल से

We appreciate your charity from the bottom of our hearts.

have a heart

किसी से दयालू एवं उचित होने के लिए कहना

Have a heart—I can't pay you back until next month.

not have the heart to

हिम्मत न होना

I hadn't the heart to tell her what had happened to her kids.
have (put) one's heart and soul into sth

किसी कार्य को पूरा करने के लिए अपनी पूरी ताकत लगा दे ना

Your venture cannot fail as you have put your heart and soul into it.
heart and soul

पूर्ण समर्पण भाव से, अन्तर आत्मा से

Most mothers love their children heart and soul.

heart of gold

दयालु और परोपकारी

Don't go by his gruff exterior, he's really got a heart of gold.

take sth to heart

दिल पर ले लेना

Don't take it to heart - he was only joking about your hair


hearth and home

घर-परिवार के लिए

His first loyalties are to hearth and home.

turn up the heat (on sb/sth)

दबाव डालना, कुछ करवाने के लिए

The doctors have threatened to go on a one-day strike to turn up the heat on the Health
department to increase their salaries
move heaven and earth

आकाश पाताल एक करना

I moved heaven and earth to get you that interview, and you didn't even bother to turn up
for it!
hedge one's bets

कई विकल्प लेना ताकि खोने का खतरा कम हो

I decided to hedge my bets by buying shares in several different companies.

take to one's heels

भाग जाना

When the burglar alarm went off the robbers took to their heels.
all hell broke (was let) loose

लड़ाई-झगड़े का माहौल बन जाना

A policeman arrested the protesting leader and all hell broke loose
for the hell (or heck) of it


A group of students decided to dance and sing on the main city road, just for the hell of it.
neither here nor there


Whether they leave the party or stay is neither here nor there as far as I'm concerned.
a hidden agenda

गुप्त उद्देश्य

He stressed that the review was to identify staffing needs and there was no hidden agenda
to cut jobs.
leave sb high and dry


The stock market crash left us high and dry.

high and mighty


He started behaving all high and mighty since he got the promotion.
on high

ऊँचाई पर, स्वर्ग से

Those on high have decided that others work an extra hour every day.
the rest is history

सबको पता होना

Mangal Pandey was the first to die in the country's First War of Independence and the rest
is history.
hit and (or) miss

लापरवाही से किया गया

They have a very hit-or-miss approach to running a business.

hit-and-run (accident)

अचानक, किसी वाहन द्वारा किसी को चोट मारकर भाग जाना

There are more and more hit-and-run drivers on the roads nowadays.
hit sb below the belt

अनुचित आचरण करना

His reference to my low caste status was a bit below the belt, since it had nothing to do with
the matter under discussion.
hit the nail on the head or hit the mark (bull's eye)

सही या उचित बात करना

The Prime Minister's appeal to NRIS to be part of India's growth story hit the nail on the

hit the road

प्रस्थान करना

It's getting late-I'd better hit the road.

go the whole hog

पूरा करना ( नया करना)

Getting my computer repaired was to cost me so much that I decided to go the whole hog
and buy a new system.
hold the fort

दे खभाल करना / जिम्मेदारी संभालना

She did a good job of holding the fort until her father, the boss, recovered fully.
hold one's horses

धैर्य रखना

Hold your horses; I would be there in some time.

hold one's tongue

ु रहना, खामोश होना

If you don't hold your tongue any more, others will ask you to leave the place.
no holds barred

बिना किसी रोकटोक के

The election campaign was rather a dirty affair, with no holds barred.
drive (or hammer) sth home

अच्छे से समझाना

For years, the government has been trying to drive home the need for us all to stop wasting
natural resources.
by hook or by crook

किसी-न-किसी तरह

I decided that I was going to get that job by hook or by crook

off the hook

दण्ड से बचना या बचाना


As he was not in the town when the robbery occurred, he was off the hook.

Tick the idiom that best explains the following:
1. fat
(a) horizontally challenged (b) hocus pocus
(c) hard-boiled (d) hustle and bustle
2. speak at length
(a) hit the hay (b) hold forth
(c) hive sth off (d) hedge one's bets
3. In an offended manner
(a) in the hot seat (b) into the huddle
(c) in a huff (d) lock horns
4. completely and utterly
(a) (up)to the hilt (b) hatchet job
(c) hocus pocus (d) head to head
5. not work properly
(a) keep one's head down (b) rear ugly head
(c) fall on hard times (d) go haywire
1. (a) 2. (b) 3. (c) 4. (a) 5. (d)

break the ice

चुप्पी तोड़ना

Someone at the conference will have to break the ice.

know sth inside out

परू ा ज्ञान होना

He knows this system inside out.

be (skating) on thin ice

बड़ा खतरा मोल लेना

They knew that by publishing the article they were skating on thin ice
the tip of an iceberg

दिक्कत जो दिखने में छोटी लगती हो, पर हो नहीं

The difficulties we've discussed are only the tip of the iceberg.
the icing on the cake

कुछ ऐसा जो अच्छे हालात को और बेहतर बना दे

All these letters of congratulation are icing on the cake.

be in for

पाने वाला होना, में पड़ने वाला होना We're in for a difficult time.

the ins and outs

पूरा ज्ञान / विवरण

It takes a newcomer some time to learn the ins and outs of the legislative process.
give sb an inch (and they'll take a mile)

ऊँगली पकड़ कर हाथ पकड़ना

I told her she could borrow my car for a day and she's gone for a week-give somebody an
within an inch of

के अतयन्त निकट

The car was within an inch of the disaster when I managed to apply the brakes.
add insult to injury

जले पर नमक छिड़कना

First of all he arrived an hour late and then, to add insult to injury, he complained about my
selection of the hall for the event.
to (or for) all intents and purposes

सबसे जरूरी है , सबसे महत्त्वपूर्ण है

We are yet to finish a few odd things, but to all intents and purposes the job is done.
an iron curtain

विचारों और सूचना के आदान-प्रदान में बाधक

The administration and the editorial department are separated by an almost impenetrable
iron curtain.
an iron hand (or fist) in a velvet glove

जो दे खने में कुछ और वास्तव में कुछ और (बाहर सेमल

ू .....)

To enforce each new law the President uses persuasion first, and then force the iron hand in
the velvet glove.
an itching (or itchy) palm


Most ministers in this government have itchy palms.

get (or have) itchy feet

घूमने की इच्छा

He's been in the same job for too long and he's getting itchy feet.
ipso facto

इसी बात से, स्वरूप से ही

The court held that ipso facto the owner of the company is responsible for the worker's
no ifs and buts

कोई किन्तु, परन्तु नहीं

You have to remain present in the drill tomorrow, and no ifs and buts about it.
be ill at ease

शर्मिंदगी महसूस करना, संकोच महसस

ू करना

He always felt a little ill at ease with strangers.

in absentia

अनुपस्थिति में

He was awarded his degree in absentia.

an inside job

विश्वसनीय द्वारा अपराध किया जाना

The computers were stolen from a locked room, which makes it look like an inside job.
strike while the iron is hot

मौके का लाभ उठाना, सही समय पर प्रहार करना

The boss congratulated me on a very good set of results, so I decided to strike while the iron
was hot and ask her for a decent payrise.
an ivory tower

वास्तविकता से परे , कठिनाइयों से पाला न पड़ना

What does the principal know about student life, living as he does in an ivory tower?
in a way

कुछ हद तक, एक तरह से

He spends thousands of rupees every weekend in restaurants, but in a way his family does
not seem to really care.
in case

अगर ऐसा हो तो

I will take my credit card in case things are costlier than we think.
in order to

के लिए, के उद्देश्य से

They have decided to keep the school closed for two weeks in order to do some major
in other words

अर्थात ्, दस
ू रे शब्दों में

In other words, if you do not finish the assignment by Wednesday you will not get the
in place

सव्ु यवस्थित

Everything in the room was in place when police came for interrogation.
in terms of (sth)

के शब्दों में , के मामले में , के अनस

ु ार

In terms of the agreement, we cannot sell the products online.

in a cleft stick

कशमकश, दवि
ु धा में

Whether to sell the house now or wait for the hike in prices and miss the offer- I was in a
cleft stick.
in limbo

ू ना, अधर में लटकना

The plans for the expansion are in limbo now that the company has run out of funds.
in the firing line

लड़ाई में आगे की पंक्ति

The company diversified mindlessly and they are now in the firing line of their angry

Below on the left are some idioms. Choose the correct meaning from the list on the right:

1. the icing on the cake (a) a person having two different personalities
2. an itching palm (b) sth that makes a good situation even better
3. ifs and buts (c) form an opinion before studying all the evidence
4. Jekyll and Hyde (d) quickly

5. jump out of one's skin (e) feel anxious

6. jump to conclusions (f) treat sb gently and with care
7. in a jiffy (g) excuses
8. get the jitters (h) relatives
9. handle sb/sth with kid gloves (i) be extremely startled or frightened
10. kith and kin (j) A desire for money
1. (b) 2. (j) 3. (g) 4. (a) 5. (i) 6. (c) 7. (d) 8. (e) 9. (f) 10. (h)

jack of all trades

थोड़ा-थोड़ा सभी विषयों का ज्ञान होना लेकिन किसी का भी पूर्ण ज्ञान न होना He can teach
history, English, and a bit of mathematics-he's a jack of all trades, really.
hit the jackpot

किस्मत का तारा चमक उठना

It was not a particularly good novel, but it won the jackpot for its author.
and all that jazz

हर प्रकार की वस्तु

He told me to study for five hours and do exercise for two hours and all that jazz.
Jekyll and Hyde

दो व्यक्तित्व वाला एक व्यक्ति

I wouldn't trust a Jekyll and Hyde person to guard my house.

the jewel in the crown

लाखों में एक

The country can boast of many places of tourist interest but Taj Mahal is the jewel in the
in jig time

जल्दी से

She dialled 100 and the police van arrived there in jig time.
the joker in the pack

कोई ऐसा व्यक्ति या चीज जो जगह बदलता है तो बताना कठिन है कि आगे क्या होगा

The independent candidate is the joker in the pack in this election.

jump the gun

जल्दबाजी करना

He shouted at me before I had time to explain, but later he apologised for jumping the gun.

jump out of one's skin


I heard a loud bang and nearly jumped out of my skin.

jump the queue

कतार बाँधना

If you try to jump the queue at a bus stop you'll get shouted at by old ladies.
jump to conclusions

पूरा विचार न करते हुए निर्णय पर पहुँचना

I might be jumping to conclusions but I've seen them together twice in town.
jump down sb's throat

गुस्से से जवाब दे ना

She's been very irritable recently, jumping down my throat every time I open my mouth.
the jury is (still) out

अंतिम निर्णय अभी बाकी है

The jury's still out on whether science experiments on animals are really necessary.
in a jiffy (or flash or trice)

पलक झपकते ही, चुटकियों में

I experienced a drop or two, and in a jiffy there was a downpour.

get the jitters

घबरा जाना

I always get the jitters before an interview.

jam tomorrow

झूठा वादा

Politicians seeking re-election are good at offering voters jam tomorrow.

join forces

एक हो जाना, मिल जाना


After they join forces, together, they will hold a significant slice of the life insurance
jump ship

बच निकलना, एकाएक बिना बताए कहीं का काम छोड़ दे ना

He was to come with us and lend a hand but he seems to have jumped ship.
just around the corner

नजदीक होना, पास ही में होना

It's nice to see new leaves on the trees and to know that spring must be just around the

Below on the left are some idioms. Choose the correct meaning from the list on the right:

1. the icing on the cake (a) a person having two different personalities
2. an itching palm (b) sth that makes a good situation even better
3. ifs and buts (c) form an opinion before studying all the evidence
4. Jekyll and Hyde (d) quickly
5. jump out of one's skin (e) feel anxious
6. jump to conclusions (f) treat sb gently and with care
7. in a jiffy (g) excuses
8. get the jitters (h) relatives
9. handle sb/sth with kid gloves (i) be extremely startled or frightened
10. kith and kin (j) A desire for money
1. (b) 2. (j) 3. (g) 4. (a) 5. (i) 6. (c) 7. (d) 8. (e) 9. (f) 10. (h)

a kick in the teeth (or pants)

किसी के साथ बुरा व्यवहार करना या किसी को समय पर सहायता नहीं करना

She was refused promotion which was a real kick in the teeth after all the extra work she'd
know where one stands

ु का पता होना

Now that the doctor has diagnosed the condition, I know where I stand.
kick the habit

बुरी आदत छोड़ना ( नशे की लत छोड़ दे ना )

No coffee for me, thanks. I'm trying to kick the habit.

handle (or treat) sb/sth with kid gloves

ख्याल रखना

Many of these people have been utterly traumatized by communal riots and need to be
handled with kid gloves.
kids' stuff

बच्चों का खेल, आसान काम

The hours are long, but the work itself is kids' stuff.
go (or move in) for the kill

प्रतियोगिता में या तर्क वितर्क में हरा दे ना

After 6-3 in the first set, the Indian doubles pair went in for the kill and won the final set 6-0.
kill two birds with one stone

एक पंथ दो काज, एक तीर से दो निशाने लगाना

I had to go to Hyderabad for a meeting with my agent, and decided to kill two birds with one
stone and go and see my sister while I was there anyway.
kill sb with kindness

प्रेम से मारना

She has killed her son with kindness by giving him chocolates and cakes in place of fruits and
green vegetables.
make a killing

आसानी से धन कमाना

They made a killing in real estate.

a king's ransom

धन का बड़ा हिस्सा, बेहद कीमती

On her birthday, he bought for her a diamond necklace which must have been worth a
king's ransom.
kiss and make up

समाधान करना, मेल करना व कराना

A couple in our neighbourhood argues a lot and makes great noise, but luckily they kiss and
make up soon.
kiss of death

आपसी सम्बन्ध खत्म होना

An alliance with this group could prove to be a kiss of death for you.
kiss of life

ु में फँू क

A doctor who was present at the spot of accident gave the victim the kiss of life but failed to
revive him.
kith and kin

परिचित और सम्बन्धी

After his failure, he was avoided by all including his kith and kin.
bring sb/sth to their knees

नीचा दिखाना

Sanctions were imposed in an attempt to bring the country to its knees.

on one's knees

थका होना, खस्ता हालत में होना

The country has been on its knees since the civil war
sound (or ring) the death knell

पत्तन करना

The new superstore will sound the death knell for hundreds of small independent shops.
go (or be) under the knife

औषधि कार्यविधि

More and more women are choosing to go under the knife just to enhance their
cut like a knife through butter

आसानी से काटना

A laser beam can cut through metal like a hot knife through butter.
on a knife-edge (or razor's edge)

अत्यधिक संतलि
ु त

The theatre is on a financial knife-edge and has survived due to tax exemptions.
a knight in shining armour

ु धा में साथ दे ने वाला

What this political party needs is a knight in shining armour to change its tarnished image.
knock sb dead

चकित करना, रोमांचित करना

The title song of the movie will knock the audiences dead.
take a knock

बुरी तरह प्रभावित होना

His reputation has taken a knock following the revelations published in his recent biography.
tie the knot

शादी के बन्धन में बँधना

They decided to tie the knot before he left for his Army duty.

know a thing or two

अनुभव से व्यावहारिक कुशलता और ज्ञान लेना

Having worked in the police for a few years, he knows a thing or two about corruption in
local government.
know (or learn) the ropes

अच्छे से सचि
ू त होना, अच्छी तरह से समझना या जानना

A job in the leading retail chain provided him good training, but it took him several months
to get to know the ropes.
keep abreast of

किसी वस्तु विशेष का ज्ञान होना

Please keep me abreast of any change in his condition.

keep to oneself

अपने तक सीमित रहना

We don't know anything about her, she keeps everything to herself.

a pretty (or nice) kettle of fish

कठिन परिस्थिति

This is a pretty kettle of fish: the public agitated, the elected representatives confused and
the markets in slump.
in kind

उसी प्रकार, वस्तु रूप में

He returned the insult in kind.

a kangaroo court

न्यायपूर्ण व्यवहार न होना

The judge runs a kangaroo court-he tells rape victims they should have been more careful.
for keep

हमेशा के लिए

We're separating for keeps.

hold the key

प्रमाणिकता दे ना

The policy-makers realized that holding the elections regularly holds the key to vibrant
kill or cure

प्रबल कार्य जो या तो पूरी तरह सफल करे गा या बर्बाद

His position wasn't very strong, and yet he decided to fight the re-election in a kill or cure
be knee-deep in sth

अत्यधिक प्रभावित होना

I'm knee-deep in work at the moment, so I will not join you for lunch.
the knives are out

कुछ लोगों का गस्

ु से में होना (जो आलोचना करना चाहते हैं)

The knives are out for the captain following his team's poor performance in last five games.
know what's what

ु वी होना

The coaching institute is in the business for over 20 years - they know what's what.
a know-all

ऐसा व्यक्ति जो अपने व्यवहार से यह दर्शाने की कोशिश करता है मानो वह सबकुछ जानता

No one likes him because he pretends to be a know-all.

kind of

कुछ थोड़-सा ज्यादा

I was kind of tired when I returned home last night.

know sth like the back of one's hand

बहुत अच्छे से पता होना

If you get lost, call me for directions. I know this part of town like the back of my hand.
everything but the kitchen sink

आवश्यकता से ज्यादा चीजें


Whenever we go for an outing my wife wants to buy everything but the kitchen sink!
keen as mustard

उत्साही, उत्प्रेरित

The new trainee is as keen as mustard.

keep up appearances

दिखावा करना, झठ
ू ी शान बरकरार रखना

To keep up appearances, he drives expensive cars and is often seen in expensive clothes.
keyed up

तनाव के स्थिति में

He's all keyed up about flying to Dubai - it's his first flight.
kick up a fuss

बात का बतंगड़ बनाना, हं गामा खड़ा करना

The students who arrived late in the mess kicked up a great fuss when they were told that
there was no food left for them.

Below on the left are some idioms. Choose the correct meaning from the list on the right:

1. the icing on the cake (a) a person having two different personalities
2. an itching palm (b) sth that makes a good situation even better
3. ifs and buts (c) form an opinion before studying all the evidence
4. Jekyll and Hyde (d) quickly
5. jump out of one's skin (e) feel anxious
6. jump to conclusions (f) treat sb gently and with care
7. in a jiffy (g) excuses
8. get the jitters (h) relatives
9. handle sb/sth with kid gloves (i) be extremely startled or frightened
10. kith and kin (j) A desire for money
1. (b) 2. (j) 3. (g) 4. (a) 5. (i) 6. (c) 7. (d) 8. (e) 9. (f) 10. (h)


शांत, स्थिर

His laid-back attitude may affect his progress in this profession.

not to have a leg to stand on

कोई दावा नही

Most of his claims cannot be proved and don't have a leg to stand on.
go to great lengths (or any length)

किसी भी हद तक जाना, अंतिम छोर तक जाना

He'll go to great lengths to give a perfect presentation.

learn one's lesson

सबक सीखना

Now that she's learnt her lesson, we can confirm her employment.
teach (or give) sb a lesson

सबक सिखाना

The next time she's late, go without her. That should teach her a lesson.
get a life

उपहास करना, घण
ृ ा करना, हँसी उड़ाना

Every time I see his designs, I feel like saying, 'You sad man, get a life!"
bring sth to light

प्रत्यक्ष करना, बतलाना

The accountant brought to light certain financial irregularities.

along (or on) the right line

सही रास्ते पर

The project appeared to be developing more or less along the right lines.
somewhere along the line

किसी कार्य या प्रक्रिया के दौरान किसी बिन्द ु पर

It is not very clear what went wrong with his batting but somewhere along the line he
stopped applying basic defence techniques.
be at loggerheads

ु ान में अनबन, आपस में भिड़े

The judiciary and legislature in the country are at loggerheads.

get a look in

मौका मिलना

The other teams were so much better than us. We didn't get a look in.
loud and clear

आसानी से सुनने और समझने लायक

They told us, loud and clear, what to expect in a democratic set up.
keep a low profile

साधारण जीवन

He keeps a low profile and cannot become an effective project manager.

a labour of love

आनन्द के लिए करना, न कि लाभ के लिए

Writing books has been a labour of love for him, since he doesn't really expect to make
much money from it.
like a lamb to the slaughter

बिना प्रतिरोध किए, विरोध किए होना

She agreed to appeal to the board on behalf of the staff, little knowing she would go like a
lamb to the slaughter.
speak (or talk) the same language

ू रे से सहमत होना

Negotiations went on for days, but finally both sides realized they weren't speaking the
same language.

in the lap of luxury

सभी सुखों में

As he grew up in the lap of luxury he had no idea about the struggle most Indians had to do
for survival.
be the last word

अंतिम निर्णय दे ना

This report is considered to be the last word on genetic engineering.

have the final (or last) word

अंतिम तथा निर्णायक बात कहना

The marketing department has the final word on the editorial policy of the newspaper.
last but not least

अंतिम पर कम महत्त्वपूर्ण नहीं

Last but not least, we must thank all the people in the rally who have come here despite
heavy rains.
have the last laugh

सही साबित होना या सफल होना, आखिरकार कामयाब होने का मजा

They fired her last year but she had the last laugh because she was taken on by their main
rivals at twice the salary.
laugh all the way to the bank

बहुत सारा पैसा कमाना

If we fail to seize this opportunity, our competitors will and they'll be laughing all the way to
the bank.
laugh in sb's face

सम्मान और महत्त्व न दिखाना

He requested them to switch off their cell phones but they just laughed in his face.
no laughing matter

गम्भीर विषय, सामान्य बात नहीं

This outbreak of flu is no laughing matter.

be a law unto oneself

अपना कानून चलाना, कोई नियम कानून न मानना

Since becoming managing director of the business, she's been very much of a law to herself.
lay down the law

प्रामाणिक रूप से कहना

We will not allow an outsider come into this office and start laying down the law.
lay the ghost of sb/sth to rest

आखिरकार चिंता करना बंद कर दे ना

With one stunning performance, the Indian team has laid to rest the ghost of their
humiliating defeats.
lead sb by the nose

प्रभुत्व रखना, हावी होना

The agitating farmers were led by the nose by a manipulative political leader.
shake (tremble) like a leaf

घबरा या डर जाना

The very thought of earthquake makes the residents shake like a leaf.
turn over a new leaf

नया जीवन शुरु करना, नई विधि अपनाना

Since his release from the jail, he's turned over a new leaf and has become a socially
responsible person.
by (or in) leaps and bounds

बहुत तेजी से, शीघ्रता से

The party leaders said that the membership is growing by leaps and bounds.
a new lease of (or on) life

अच्छे से नई शुरूआत

The operation was such a success-it really has given her a new lease of life.
to say the least

बहुत कम बोल पाना

When somebody found her lost gold ring, she was delighted, to say the least.

leave a lot (or much) to be desired


The government's efforts towards promoting tourism leave a lot to be desired.

leeway to make up

हाथ-पैर मारना, काम जो भी किया जाना है

We have a lot of leeway to make up if we are to finish this job on time.

left, right and centre

हर तरफ से सभी जगह

They were firing at people left, right and centre.

in less than no time

बहुत जल्दी, तुरंत

The train will be here in less than no time.

the lesser evil (or the lesser of the two evils)

कम बुरी (दो में से)

Inflation is a lesser devil than deflation.

a man of letters


A distinguished statesman and a man of letters, he was born just before the turn of the
to the letter

हर ब्यौरे पर कड़ी नजर, सावधानी से, वास्तव में

I followed your instructions precisely and to the letter.

do one's level best

भरपूर कोशिश करना

It is difficult to book tickets during this period of year, but I'll do my level best to get you
a level playing field

साफ परिस्थिति, न्यायपूर्ण स्थिति


There are demands from foreign players to introduce a level playing field so that they can
compete with local banks.
lick sb's boots

तलवे चाटना, खश
ु ामद करना

I'm not prepared to lick someone's boots to get a promotion.

lick one's lips

चपड़-चपड़ करना

Meanwhile, the property developers are licking their lips at the prospect of all the money
they're going to make.
lick one's wounds

हार का मलाल रखना और अपनी शक्ति को बढ़ाने का प्रयास करना

She's still licking her wounds after last week's fiasco.

blow the lid off sth

भंड़ा-फोड़ करना

The newspaper's investigation blew the lid off the nexus between politicians, builders and
keep (or put) a (or the) lid on sth

काबू करने के लिए कब्जे में रखना, पर्दा डालना

Economic difficulties continued and the government intervened to keep a lid on inflation.
frighten the life out of sb

अत्यन्त भयभीत कर दे ना

She frightened the life out of me, shouting like that.

big (large) as life

वास्तव में , वैयक्ति रूप से

I looked up from my paper and there she was, big as life, standing right in front of me
larger than life

ज्यादा उत्तेजित और रूचि पैदा करने वाला (वास्तविकता से बढ़कर)

Most characters in his films are somewhat larger than life.


the life and soul of the party

मुख्य आकर्षण केन्द्र

He soon became the life and soul of the party; making people laugh at his jokes.
a matter of life and death

जीवन मरण का प्रश्न

The passengers urged the captain to do something quickly-it was a matter of life and death.
once in a lifetime

अत्यन्त दर्ल
ु भ

An offer like this comes just once in a lifetime.

in (the) view (or light) of

का ध्यान रखते हुए

He got a special bonus in view of all the extra work he had done.
light at the end of the tunnel

लम्बे दःु ख के बाद आशा की किरण, अंततः आशा की किरण

Unemployment is still rising but analysts assure us there is light at the end of the tunnel.
light of one's life

सबसे प्यारा इन्सान

Her youngest son is the light of her life.

make light work of

जल्दी से और आसानी से करना

He and his friends made light work of cleaning the garden.

like greased lightning

बहुत तेजी से

I mentioned work and he was out of the room like greased lightning.
like it or lump it

नहीं चाहते हुए भी स्वीकार करना

Like it or lump it, TV serials based on romantic relations are viewed regularly by thousands.

the likes of

के जैसा

I've never seen the likes of this before.

bring sb/sth into line

नियमों में सही बैठना

It was her job to bring her class into line with the others.
lay (or put) it on the line

स्पष्ट बात करना, साफ-साफ कहना

You're just going to have to lay it on the line and tell her that her work's not good enough.
out of line

भिन्न, अयोग्य, अनुचित

Some of his views are way out of line with the policies of his party.
get into the lion's den

साहसिक कार्य करना

Facing Australian bowlers at Adelaide is rather like entering the lion's den for an Indian
the lion's share

सबसे बड़ा हिस्सा बड़ा भाग

The lion's share of the museum's budget goes on holding special exhibitions.
throw (or feed) sb to the lions

मुसीबत में डाल दे ना और बचाने की कोशिश न करना

No one told him about the demonstrators' hostility - he really felt he'd been fed to the lions.
pay lip service to sth

झूठा आश्वासन दे ना

They paid lip service to holding an election next year, but they had no intention of doing so.
live and breathe sth

अहम ् भाग बना दे ना, ज्यादा समय दे ना


For over 20 years I've lived and breathed dance. It's been my whole life.
live and let live

जियो और जीने दो

In a closed community such as this, you have to live and let live.
take a load off sb's mind

ु त करना

Good news about the baby took a load off my mind.

lock, stock and barrel

सम्पूर्ण रूप से

He's been pressing for the organization to move lock, stock, and barrel, from Mumbai to
under lock and key

बन्द, पहुँच से बाहर हुआ

He keeps medicines under lock and key because of the kids.

in the long run

अन्ततः, कभी न कभी

It means spending a bit now, but in the long run it'll save us a lot of money.
look before you leap

कुछ करने से पहले सोचना

If you're thinking of buying a house, my advice is, look before you leap.
look sb in the eye (or face)

बेशर्मी से दे खना

Can you look me in the face and tell me you don't want that prize?
look the other way

ू री ओर दे खना

When their own sons and relatives are involved in wrongdoing leaders prefer to look the
other way.
step out of line

बाहर निकलना, कदम बढ़ाना, लम्बे डंग भरना, कुछ हट कर करना

My friend is a great fun to go out with but he has a tendency to step out of line.
lap sth up

विश्वास करना

I can't imagine why she lapped up that ridiculous story.

look for sth


She was looking for her credit card all morning but failed to find it.
look up sth

दे खना

I looked up the word in the dictionary.

last legs

थका माँदा, लड़खड़ाना

Holding a rally in such heat was unwise: several of the participants were on their last legs in
the evening.
leak air

बेवकूफी भरी बात करना

Don't listen to a word he says - he's just leaking air.

leeway to make up

उभारना, बच निकलना

We have a lot of leeway to make up if we are to complete this assignment on time.

like a moth to a flame

रोक न पाना

Big and fast bikes drew him like a moth to a flame.



It's unwise for you to rely on such a lily-livered person.


long in the tooth

बूढ़ा होना

I used to enjoy long runs, but now I'm getting a bit long in the tooth for such exertions.

Tick the option that best explains the meaning of the idiom:
1. laid-back
(a) old (b) hardworking
(c) tense (d) easygoing
2. be at loggerheads
(a) with serious differences of opinion (b) having trouble
(c) seriously ill (d) at different stages
3. no laughing matter
(a) comic (b) difficult test
(c) very serious (d) strange behaviour
4. turn over a new leaf
(a) become rich (b) make a fresh start (c) rags to riches(d) enjoy the situation
5. long in the tooth
(a) experienced (b) old (c) intellectual (d) dull
6. like a moth to a flame
(a) interesting (b) terrible (c) lovely (d) irresistible
1. (d) 2. (a) 3. (c) 4. (b) 5. (b) 6. (d)

make it

सफल होना, हासिल करना, उपस्थित रहना

She made it to the airport just in time to catch her plane.

make it up to sb

सही करना

I know I've behaved badly and I've upset you but I'll make it up to you, I promise.
take the mick/mickey (out of)

परे शान करना, नकल उतारना

They used to take the mick out of him because of the way he walked.
bear/keep sth in mind

निर्णय लेते समय, किसी व्यक्ति या किसी चीज को याद रखना

Repair work on older buildings is an expensive business and that's always something to be
borne in mind.
cross one's mind

अचानक से ख्याल में आना

It never crossed my mind that they would turn the proposal down.
make up one's mind

तय करना

I have made up my mind. I'm submitting my resignation tomorrow.

set one's mind on (or put one's mind to)

हासिल करने का पक्का निश्चय करना

I've set my mind on finding a job I enjoy.

have mixed feelings about sth

तय न कर पाना, अच्छा और बरु ा, दोनों तरह की प्रतिक्रिया

The investors have mixed feelings about the takeover of the company.

be over the moon

अत्यन्त खश
ु होना

She's over the moon after she was offered the job she wanted badly.
make the most of sth

जो उपलब्ध है उसका बेहतर उपयोग करना

There'll be a lot of travelling involved in my new job and I plan to make the most of it.
get a move on

जल्दी करना

He realised he'd have to get a move on if he was to finish the work by 4 o'clock.
far from the madding crowd

भीड़-भाड़ से दरू

After addressing a number of rallies and making infinite speeches as part of the election
campaign, he wanted to move far away from the madding crowd.
make do

काम चलाना

They don't have much money, but they will have to make do for a few days.
make or break sth

बना दे ना या बिगाड़ना

The judgement today will make or break the political party.

a man for all seasons


He heads a large pharmaceutical company and is also an acclaimed painter-really a man for
all seasons.
the man in (or on) the street

आम आदमी

It's all very well for the government to privatize most of the departments, but I wonder
what it means for the man in the street.
the man of the moment

प्रभावशाली व्यक्ति

Their goalkeeper is the man of the moment after two brilliant games in last five days.

स्पष्ट खुलेआम

They had a long man-to-man talk about their differences.

separate (or sort out) the man from the boys

परिपक्व, अनुभवी ओर नवसिख्यों में अन्तर करना

You have to work outdoors for three weeks every month. That should separate the men
from the boys.
get off the mark

खेल प्रतियोगिता में पहली बार अंक लेना

The team got off the mark with a brilliant goal.

make one's mark

लोगों की नजर में आना

After graduating from the IIM-A, he made his mark as finance director of a global company
in New York.
off (or wide of) the mark


The poll result projections this year were not far off the mark.
be up to the mark

पर्याप्त, आशानुसार

The security in trains has not been quite up to the mark.

marriage of convenience

राजनीतिक, आर्थिक या सामाजिक फायदों के लिए शादी, न की लगाव के कारण

Their alliance is marriage of convenience and has nothing to do with Videologies.

go to the mat

तब तक लड़ना जब तक हार या जीत तय हो न जाए

The minister said he'd go to the mat for getting sanction to this bill

to the max

जितना सम्भव हो

A lot of these boys push their bodies to the max, spending three or more hours a day in the
make a meal (out) of sth

जरूरत से ज्यादा समय दे ना

I only asked her to write a brief summary of the main points but she made a real meal out of
mean business

सचमुच करने का इरादा रखना

The changes the new Government has made show they mean business.
a means to an end

अरूचिकर कार्य करना क्योंकि तुम्हें इससे मदद मिलेगी

He is not very ambitious. For him, work is just a means to an end.

for good measure

इसके साथ-साथ

He didn't argue over the price, so I gave him some extra supplies for good measure.
a dose (taste) of one's own medicine

वैसा ही अहसास दिलाना

He was upset at being left out, but they were just giving him a taste of his own medicine.
meet sb halfway

समझौता करना

We are willing to go halfway and offer them their share.

there is more to sb\sth than meets the eye

छिपा हुआ महत्त्व / जितना दिखता है उससे ज्यादा है ।

This agreement involves more than meets the eye.

a meeting of minds

एक से विचारों वाले / विचारों में सहमति


Sources said there was a meeting of minds between the two parties during the day-long
take a trip down memory lane

पिछले सुखद पलों को याद करना

She often brings before us the old family photograph album, and takes us on trips down
memory lane.
mend (one's) fences

वाद-विवाद के बाद दोस्त बनने की कोशिश करना

China is trying to mend fences with Russia after the recent border dispute.
get the message

संकेत को समझाना

He gestured to the waiter, who got the message and brought the bill.
method in sb's madness

पागलपन की आड़ में उद्देश्य छिपा होना

The Chief Minister takes seemingly random trips around the districts but there's method to
her madness-she's keen to check her popularity.
put sth under the microscope

अच्छे से जाँच करना, परखना

Because they're both public figures, their relationship has been put under the microscope.
go the extra mile

आशा से बढ़कर प्रयास करना

He's a nice guy, always ready to go the extra mile for his friends.
cry over spilt milk

किए पे पछताना, अब पश्चात होत क्या जब चिड़िया चुग गयी खेत

The papers you wanted went out in last week's trash, so don't cry over spilt milk.
put sb (or go) through the mill

जीवन में कठिनाई झेलना या किसी के जीवन में कठिनाई पैदा करना

They put him through the mill, making him work at everyone of the machines,

not mince (one's) words

ु पर कहना, चाहे किसी को खराब ही क्यों न लगे

The report does not mince words about the incompetence of some government officials.
make mincemeat of sb

किसी को बहस या प्रतियोगिता में परू ी तरह से पराजित कर दे ना

He's an excellent lawyer, and he soon made mincemeat of my friend's case.

be in two minds

ु धा में होना

She's of two minds about her new job-it's much closer to home but also less challenging-
have sth on your mind

चिंतामग्न रहना

He didn't seem able to pay much attention to the conversation, and acted as if there was
something else on his mind.
mind your Ps and Qs

व्यवहार और वाणी में सही और सावधान होना

He will have to learn to mind his Ps and Qs if he wants to work for a boss like her.
put one's mind to sth

पूरा ध्यान एक जगह लगाना, पूरे मन से करना

If you put your mind to it, you can finish the job by afternoon.
give sth a miss

किसी गतिविधि में भाग न लेना

I think I'll have to give the pizza a miss. I'm on a diet.

miss the boat (or bus)

मौका गंवा बैठना

I sent off my university application at the last minute and nearly missed the boat.
make no mistake

गलतफहमी में मत रहना, निस्संदेह

Make no mistake-I'll vote him no matter who runs.

be a mixed blessing

अच्छा और बुरा प्रभाव होना

Beauty can prove to be a mixed blessing. It gets you a lot of attention but people are less
likely to trust you.
make a mockery of sth

खिल्ली उड़ाना

The fact that he sent his children to private school makes a mockery of his socialist
have one's moments

अच्छा समय गुजरना (बुरे समय में भी )

He did not deliver an outstanding performance, but he had his moments.

moment of truth

निर्णायक क्षण

Now that all the bills are in, we are facing the moment of truth-can we afford to live here or
for my money

मेरी राय में

For my money, a trip to those beaches is not worth the trouble or expense.
over the moon


They've just asked her to join the board of directors of the company, and she's over the
moon about it.
promise sb the moon

ऐसा वादा करना जो परू ा न हो

He had promised her the moon but five years later they were still living in the same small
rented house.
break the mould

बिल्कुल नया और अलग से करना

A new TV show is about to be launched which aims to break the mould of the usual daytime
put words into sb's mouth

सुझाव दे ना, वही कहना जो दस

ू रा कहना चाहता है , किसी से जबरदस्ती अपने मन की बात

The police were accused of putting words into the witness's mouth.
give sb a mouthful

ु से से चिल्लाना

The bus driver gave the biker a mouthful as he kept driving in the middle of the road.
make a move

कार्यवाई करना, निकलना

Who will make the first move towards resolving the dispute?
move (keep up) with the times


I don't really like using a computer, but you have to move with the times, I suppose.
movers and shakers

प्रभावशाली लोग

All the movers and shakers of the art world felt they had to be present at the reception.
make a muck of

हानि पहुँचाना जिसे ठीक न किया जा सके

He made a muck of the job and earned the boss's wrath.

muddy the waters

उलझन बढ़ा दे ना

The report you submitted didn't prove anything, it simply muddied the waters.
mum's the word

रहस्यमय रखना

Remember that her birthday party is to be a complete surprise, so mum's the word on that
Murphy's Law

योजनाएँ असफल होना और घटनाएँ घटना

I'm a great believer in Murphy's Law-what can go wrong will go wrong.

be music to sb's ears

ु कर अच्छा लगना

The government's new policy on land acquisition was music to the ears of a large number of
make believe

छल करना, ढोंग करना

She was dressed in the deepest mourning black, but it was all make believe - she was
secretly quite relieved that her partner was dead.
make light of

महत्त्वपूर्ण नहीं मानना, महत्त्व नहीं दे ना

You shouldn't make light of other people's apprehensions.

man of his word


You can count on him as he's often proved to be a man of his word.
by all means

अवश्य, किसी भी कीमत पर

Losing the contract is to be avoided by all means.

the milk of human kindness

ू रे के दःु ख से प्रभावित होना

Everyone agreed that he was a brilliant administrator but some people worried that he
lacked the milk of human kindness.
make a mountain of a molehill

तिल का ताड़ बनाना, तच्

ु छ बात को अधिक महत्त्व दे ना, राई का पहाड़ बनाना

You're making a mountain out of a molehill. You wrote one essay it doesn't mean you're
going to fail in the exam.
moot point

बहस की बात, बहस का मुद्दा

He told me that I should put my savings in property, but I replied the it was at best a moot
much of a muchness

एक समान, एक जैसे

It was very hard to select the best essay as all the answers looked very much of a muchness
to me.

For each of the following questions choose the one correct answer:
1. He told me that I should put my savings in property, but I replied that it was at
(a) monkey business (b) no matter
(c) a moot point (d) a mixed bag
2. She..................after she was offered the job she wanted badly
(a) made up her mind (b) was over the moon
(c) has mixed feelings (d) took the mick
3. Their goalkeeper is the…………..after two brilliant games in last five days
(a) man for all seasons (b) man away from the madding crowd
(c) man to man (d) man of the moment
4. After graduating from the IIM-A, he…………… global company in New York.
(a) made his mark (b) got off the mark
(c) has been quite up to the mark (d) far off the mark
5. He didn't argue over the price, so I gave him some extra supplies…………
(a) as a mixed blessing (b) for good measure
(c) for my money (d) as a taste of his own medicine
1. (c) 2. (b) 3. (d) 4. (a) 5. (b)

breathe down sb's neck

बारीकी से नजर रखना (जो दस

ू रों को परे शान करे )

It's awful to have to work with a boss who's breathing down your neck the whole time.
no way

किसी भी तरीके से नहीं, कतई नहीं

No way can I forget what he did.

be no joke

गंभीर या कठिन कार्य करना, कोई मजाक नहीं

There are two of us here, trying to do the work of four people-it's no joke.
get (right) up sb's nose

तंग करना

To be frank, I prefer not to have to deal with her. She gets up my nose.
poke/stick your nose into sth

बीच में पड़ना, हस्तक्षेप करना

I told her in clear terms to stop poking her nose into my business.
turn your nose up

किसी चीज को नापसन्द करना, खासकर इसलिए कि आपको लगता है कि वह चीज आपके
लायक नहीं है

She turned her nose up at my gift and said she expected something much better.
in a nutshell

संक्षेप में , सारांश में

Well, to put it in a nutshell, we're not at all satisfied with your report.
drive a nail in the coffin

कोई भी चीज को किसी व्यक्ति या संस्था के अन्त का कारण बन सकता है ।


The doctor told him that every time he smokes a cigarette, he's driving another nail into his
the naked truth

बिना परदे के, न छिपा हुआ, बिल्कुल सत्य

What the teachers has told you about your child is the naked truth.
drop names

प्रभावित करने के लिए महत्त्वपर्ण

ू लोगों से सम्बन्ध दिखाना

She has lost her credibility because of her habit of dropping names.
in name only

नाम के लिए नाममात्र के लिए

He is a headmaster in name only, since most of the decisions are taken by the trustee of the
make a name for oneself

नाम कमाना, प्रसिद्ध होना

She is making a name for herself as an excellent teacher.

the name of the game

ू हिस्सा, मख्
ु य मद्द
ु ा

Winning is the name of the game in any competitive sport.

what's in a name

तकिया कलाम, सूत्रवाक्य, 'नाम में क्या रखा है '

I called it abortion and she called it miscarriage - but let's not argue over petty matters;
what's in a name!
you name it

सिर्फ कहने के लिए, आम बात

I've tried just about every diet available in the market; you name it and I've tried it.
catch sb napping

किसी को असावधान पाना, छोटी-मोटी गलती पकड़ना

The United States was really caught napping the day the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbour.

call of nature

मलत्याग करना, शौच जाना

We'll break for 15 minutes and everyone can have a cup of coffee, attend to calls of nature,
check for incoming messages, etc.
so near and yet so far

पास होकर भी दरू होना

I've only got the last chapter to write but it's taking forever. So near and yet so far.
nearest and dearest

सगे सम्बन्धी

It's a small gathering-we're inviting only a dozen or so of our nearest and dearest.
a necessary evil

अनिवार्य विवशता

He considers taxes a necessary evil.

break one's neck to do sth

तीर्वगति से

I wish I'd known the lecture was cancelled - I nearly broke my neck trying to get here in
neck and neck

बराबर मक
ु ाबले का, साथ-साथ

According to the opinion polls, the two leading contenders for the post were running neck
and neck.
get on sb's nerves

नाक में दम करना

The cell phone hadn't stopped ringing all morning and it was starting to get on my nerves.
to have nerves of steel

बहादरु होना

You'd have to have nerves of steel to play in front of a crowd this size.
to a nicety

ठीक-ठीक, सही ढं ग से

You have grasped the message of his article to a nicety.

in the nick of time

ऐन मौके पर, ठीक समय पर

The police arrived there just in the nick of time. A minute later and the thief could have
day and night

रातदिन, लगातार

We were working day and night on these sketches.

go down (or drop or fall) like ninepins

बड़ी संख्या में जख्मी होना, मारे जाना या मरना

I've never seen so many players injured. They were going down like ninepins.
nip sth in the bud

प्रारम्भ में ही नष्ट या असफल कर दे ना

The protest march was nipped in the bud by some clever negotiation.
no man's land

अस्वामिक भमि
ू , जिस भमि
ू का कोई मालिक न हो, बंजर भमि

After the athlete was declared positive for a banned drug, she found herself in a no man's
no two ways about it

कोई शक नहीं है , किसी भी तरह से नहीं, किसी भी स्थिति में नहीं, दस

ू रा कोई तरीका नहीं है

All the members have to agree on the nomination, and there are no two ways about it.
get the nod

सहमति प्रकट करना

The contestant got the nod to refer to his notes from the judges.
nodding acquaintances

जान पहचान, सामान्य परिचय होना, दआ

ु सलाम होना

You'll need to explain everything in detail - he has no more than a nodding acquaintance
with English.
every nook and cranny

हर कहीं, सर्वत्र, सब जगह

I've searched for it in every nook and cranny, and I still can't find it.
keep one's nose out of

अपने काम से काम रखना, दस

ू रे को पर्ण
ू विश्वास से हटाना

What goes on between the two Asian countries is none of their business so they should
keep their nose out of it.
keep one's nose to the grindstone

कोल्हू के बैल की तरह जोतना या जतना

I've only got six weeks before my exams start so I'm trying to keep my nose to the
strike (or hit) the right note

सही काम करना

They were all very distressed and upset, so it was very important that the speaker manage
to strike the right note.
think nothing of it

ज्यादा ध्यान न दे ना

When she thanked him for driving her home, he told her to think nothing of it.
now or never

अब या कभी नहीं, बस यही समय है ।

If you are considering to put up your request before the boss, it's now or never.
make a nuisance of oneself

दःु ख पहुँचाना, सताना

That child is making a nuisance of himself.

sb's (or sth's) days are numbered

वह कुछ दिन का मेहमान है , उसे नौकरी से निकाल

As desk top industry is struggling to survive, it is clear that its days are numbered.

nuts and bolts

मूल तत्व

Law school teaches wonderful theory but it doesn't teach the nuts and bolts of actual
to feather one's nest

गलत तरीके से पैसा कमाना

There was a public outcry when it was learnt that so many of our parliamentary
representatives were busier feathering their own nests than defending the interests of their

Below on the left are some idioms. Choose the correct meaning from the list on the right:

1. get (right) up sb's nose (a) refer to important persons as acquaintances

2. in a nutshell (b) the main point of something
3. drop names (c) take unawares
4. the name of the game (d) annoy sb
5. catch sb napping (d) irritate someone
6. break one's neck to do sth (f) be brave
7. get on sb's nerves (g) everywhere
8. have nerves of steel (h) briefly and succinctly
9. nip sth in the bud (i) put an end to it in its early stages
10. every nook and cranny (j) proceed with reckless speed to get somewhere

stick/put one's oar in

अड़चन डालना, अड़ंगा डालना, बिना माँगे सलाह दे ना खासकर जब उसकी कोई जरूरत ही नही

I don't want her to attend the meeting and stick her oar in – she knows nothing about the
on the off-chance

बहुत ही कम सम्भावना, आशा में

Journalists often investigate film stars private lives on the off-chance that they might find
something scandalous.
off the cuff

विना सोचे समझे बिना किसी तैयारी के

She wasn't expecting to give a speech and just said a few things off the cuff.
on the one hand....... on the other hand

एक और दस
ू री ओर, कपितु ... अपितु

On the one hand, I'd like more money, but on the other hand, I'm not prepared to work the
extra hours in order to get it.
keep/have an open mind

विभिन्न विचारों का स्वागत करना

The Commissioner cautioned the police officers to keep an open mind while listening to
people's complaints.

ु ा, असीमित, असीम

The police investigation was too open-ended. We needed clear responses to our complaints.

सम्पूर्ण पूर्ण

She's an out-and-out feminist and a very committed one.


अप्रचलित, गतावधिक, अमान्य

He claimed the report was inaccurate and was based on out-of-date information.
get one's own back

बदला लेना

She finally saw a chance to get her own back on her unfaithful husband.
get one's own way

ू रों को समझाने में सफल होना, अपनी बात मनवाना

She sulks every time she doesn't get her own way.
stand on one's own feet

स्वतन्त्र रूप से काम करना

Sooner or later, he's got to stand on his own feet and make his own decisions.
odd one (or man) out

सही न होना

The invitation was for couples only, so he was odd man out.
off and on

कभी-कभी, यदा-कदा

I've had toothache on and off for the past three months.
good offices

मध्यस्थता, सत्यप्रयास

The dispute could be resolved with the help of good offices.

oil and water

परस्पर-विरोधी, बराबरी न होना

They tried to save their marriage for the sake of the children. But oil and water as they
were, soon they had to go their separate ways.
of the old school

पारम्परिक विचारों वाला


She was a teacher of the old school and believed in strict discipline
hold out (or offer) an olive branch

असहमति खत्म करने का संकेत दिखाना

She held out an olive branch to the opposition by releasing 42 political prisoners.
once and for all

सदा के लिए, हमेशा के लिए

I'm fed up with arguing about this-let's just settle this argument once and for all.
once bitten, twice shy

ू का जला सहज फूंक-फूंक कर पिए

He was two days late last time, so she's not hiring him again-once bitten, twice shy.
once in a while

कभी-कभार, कभी-कभी

Once in a while I enjoy going to clubs.

one-to-one (or one-on-one) हर एक के लिए अलग, एक-एक के साथ

The school caters to children with special needs who require one-to-one attention.
one-horse race

प्रतिस्पर्धा में कोई व्यक्ति या समूह का विजयी स्थिति में लगना

This test series has been a one-horse race right from the start.
know one's stuff (or onions)

अनुभवी होना, अपने क्षेत्र का ज्ञान होना

She knows her stuff when it comes to Indian history.

open and shut

स्पष्ट, साधारण

With three eyewitnesses, the lawyers said this case was open and shut.
with one's eyes open

आँखे खुली रखते हुए, दस

ू रे के काम पर नजर रखते हुए

It was difficult to succeed in the acting profession but I went into it with my eyes open.

keep one's options open

विकल्प तय करने से पर्व

ू इन्तजार करना

I'm going to keep my options open while I find out about college courses abroad.
out with it

बोलने के लिए कहना जो वो नहीं बोल पा रहे हैं।

Come on, out with it! Tell us all what we're doing wrong !
go overboard

बहुत ही उत्साहित होना, हद से ज्यादा करना

The car makers seem to have gone overboard on design and sacrificed safety.
come into one' (or your) own

अपनी प्रतिभा को काम में लाना

He came into his own in last match, scoring three goals in the first half.
at odds

विपरीत होना, मतभेद होना

They're at odds over the funding for the project.

to rest on one's laurels (or oars)

और यश प्राप्ति हे तु कोशिश न करना

He had a brilliant academic career until he was appointed professor, but ever since then he's
been resting on his laurels.
in bad odour

किसी के गुस्से का शिकार होना

He's in bad odour with his business partners for having pulled out of the deal at the last
be well off

भाग्यशाली होना, धनी होना, समद्ध

ृ होना They're quite well off now.

pour oil on troubled waters

झगड़े की आग को बुझाने की कोशिश करना, सुलह कराना


Her presence among us seemed to pour oil on troubled waters, and there was no further
friction for the rest of the meeting.
one of these days

कभी-न-कभी, समय आने पर

If you keep spending money like this, you're going to get into serious trouble one of these
with open arms

ु े दिल से, उत्साह से

The Indian markets greeted the arrival of the foreign banks with open arms.
an open secret

ऐसा रहस्य जो सबको मालम

ू हो

It's an open secret that both their sons are adopted children.
out of the way

शहर से दरू , असाधारण

It was out of the way for him to praise his staff.

out of place

सही जगह पर नहीं, बेचैनी, अनप

ु यक्
ु त

A high school graduate, she felt out of place among all these academics with advanced
over and above

के अतिरिक्त

The average family spends 40 per cent of its income in taxes, and that's over and above
mortgage, bills, and food.
over and over

बारम्बार, कई बार

I've told you over and over that he can't eat spicy food.
rise to the occasion

ु को योग्य साबित करना

It's not easy to play your first match in front of a crowd that size but he certainly rose to the
odds and ends


I've finished putting everything away, except for a few odds and ends.
open to (sth)

के लिए खल
ु ा, के लिए तैयार, नए विचारों को सन
ु ना और सीखना

Most students were open to the Gandhian leader's ideas.

out on the town

शहर से बाहर

Do you want to join us tonight? We're going out on the town.

on the same page

उसी तरह सोचना, एक जैसा सोचना

Before we arrive at any decision today, I'd like to make sure that everyone is on the same
on pins and needles

चिंतित या उत्तेजित किसी चीज़ को लेकर

She was on pins and needles the whole time, her mother was admitted in the Intensive Case
Unit (ICU).

Tick the option that best explains the meaning of the idiom:
1. chip off the old block
(a) worried (b) a person resembles his father
(c) conceited (d) a wealthy person
2. go into overdrive
(a) think in a similar way (b) start working very hard
(c) to be agreeable to learn (d) celebrate at one or more places
3. odds and ends
(a) remnants (b) self important

(c) defiant (d) besides

4. out of place
(a) additional (b) essential
(c) miscellaneous (d) inappropriate
5. with open arms
(a) warmly (b) poor
(c) shamefully (d) clearly
1. (b) 2. (b) 3. (a) 4. (d) 5. (a)

be par for the course

लगभग जो होना है / होगा

Last week the television broke down and then the washing machine-which I'm afraid is par
for the course these days.
not put sth past sb

किसी को ऐसा समझना कि वह कुछ गलत या गैरकानन ू ी काम कर सकता है I wouldn't put
it past him because he tells a lie or two.
take one's pick

जैसा चाहो

We've got tea, coffee, or hot chocolate-take your pick.

be in the pipeline

होने वाला होना, क्रम में होना

We have several major property deals in the pipeline.

all over (the place)

सभी तरफ, हर जगह I've looked all over for that book.

fall into place

समझ में आना

With the last witness's testimony, the entire sequence of events fell in place.
be plain sailing

बहुत आसान

The first few months were difficult, but I think it's plain sailing from here on.
take the plunge

सोच-विचार के बाद ठोस कदम उठाना I've decided to take the plunge and start up my own
blow sth out of proportion

बढ़ा-चढ़ा कर पेश करना

They had a minor argument in a restaurant but the press has blown it out of all proportion,
speculating about divorce.
the pros and cons

पक्ष और विपक्ष में

We've been discussing the pros and cons of buying a house.

set the pace

ू रों के अनुसरण के लिए स्तर निर्धारित करना

Economic progressin China has set the pace for other Asian countries.
send sb packing

चले जाने को कहना (क्योकि आप उनसे नाराज़ हैं) There were some kids at the door asking
for money, but I sent them packing
no pain, no gain

विना मेहनत कुछ नहीं मिलता

The leader after becoming the Chief Minister stopped making regular visits to her
constituency and lost her election this time-no pain, no gain.
a pain in the neck

सिरदर्दी, तकलीफदे ह

Her constant complaining is a real pain in the neck.

paint the town red

गुलछर्रे उड़ाना, मस्ती मारना

He finished his exams today and has gone out to paint the town red.
on paper

वास्तव में , कागज पर

On paper it could work, but I won't be convinced until I see it for myself.
a paper tiger

दिखने में ताकतवर लेकिन वास्तव में कमजोर इन्सान होना


Will the United Nations be able to make any difference in people's lives, or is it just a paper
below (or under) par

औसत से कम अच्छा

For some reason her work this week has been below par.
be part and parcel of sth

आवश्यक अंग

Being recognised in the street is all part and parcel of being famous.
part company

असहमत होना, अलग-अलग होना

Many couples now-a-days part company after their children have grown up.
a (or the) parting of the ways

बिन्द/ु जगह जहाँ से दो व्यक्ति और संस्था अलग होती हैं

The parting of the ways came after a series of disagreements between the manager and the
group's singer.
the party is over

गम्भीर होने का समय, मौज करने का समय खत्म होना

We had a wonderful holiday, but now the party's over and it's back to work for another six
months or so.
pat on the back

पीठ थपथपाना

She deserves a pat on the back for keeping things going while you were away.
pave the way for

नींव रखना

Scientists hope the latest research will pave the way for developing medicines for cancer.
pay the piper

ू निर्णय लेना

It's not for me to dictate policy in this matter, since I'm not the person who's paying the

pay through the nose

भारी कीमत दे ना

They had to pay through the nose to spend a week in Goa. But as they can afford it so why I
should worry.
like peas in the pod

ु ता होना

The twins are like two peas in a pod - even their mother sometimes has trouble
distinguishing one from the other.
cast (or throw) pearls before swine

भैंस के आगे बीन बजाना

The old professor felt that lecturing on Yoga to unruly undergraduates would be casting
pearls before swine.
a square peg (in a round hole)


She doesn't have the expertise for the job; she's a squire peg in a round hole.
pennies from heaven

अप्रत्याशित लाभ अलभ्य लाभ

They sent our cheque ahead of the schedule time-pennies from heaven.
pick and choose

सोच-विचार करके चुनना

He likes small shops where he can pick and choose exactly what he wants.
pick up the pieces

बुरे हालात से बाहर आना

After his wife's death, he found it hard to pick up the pieces and carry on with his life.
pick up the threads

दोबारा से शरू
ु करना विशेषतः समस्याओं से काम रुकने के बाद

In '97, he came out of prison and tried to pick up the threads of his life

be out of the picture

विशेष गतिविधि में शामिल न होना

The local criminals were out of the picture when it came to drug dealers.
a slice (or piece) of the cake (or pie)

लाभ का हिस्सा

The government has less money to spend on education this year, so primary schools will get
a smaller slice of the cake than last year.
make a (or your) pile (or bundle)

ढे र लगा दे ना (पैसों का )

When the market went up they made a bundle.

move (or go) from pillar to post

एक जगह से दस
ू री जगह जाते रहना / जगह-जगह भटकना

After her husband's death, she had to move from pillar to post to get pension money.
a pillar of society

सामाजिक स्तम्भ

He became a pillar of the society because of his adherence to Gandhian values.

hear a pin drop

खामोशी की वजह से धीमी-से-धीमी आवाज भी सुनना

When he came on stage, one could have heard a pin drop.

feel the pinch

आर्थिक तंगी का सामना करना, पहले से कम कमाने की वजह से

When my father lost his job and we had to run the house on mother's meager salary, the
family started to feel the pinch.
in the pink

ू स्वस्थ

You're certainly looking in the pink after your holiday.

pipped at (to) the post

प्रतियोगिता में हराया जाना


Everyone thought she would win the presidential election but Obama pipped her at the post
at the last minute.
make a pitch for sth/sb

किसी के हक में कुछ कहना और कुछ करना

The union made a pitch for a reduction in working hours.

a pitched battle

गरमागरम बहस, भयंकर संघर्ष

There was a pitched battle between police and rioters.

go places

मैदान मारना, सफल होना

Now that she has her doctorate I'm sure she'll go places.
play fair

न्यायपूर्ण, नियमों का पालन करना

Not every supplier we deal with plays fair.

play into sb's hands

अपनी मर्ख
ू ता से दस
ू रों को फायदा दे ना

If we allow terrorists to disrupt our lives to that extent, we're just playing into their hands.
play with fire

आग से खेलना, खतरा मोल लेना

We're playing with fire if we continue with genetic modification of our food.
lose the plot

सनकी होना

The poor old widow has completely lost the plot these days and talks a lot of nonsense.
one's pound of flesh

बकाया, बाकी

The depositors of the bank want their pound of flesh.

keep one's powder dry

शांत, सतर्क और कार्य के लिए तैयार रहना

All you have to do is keep your powder dry and await orders.
practise what one preaches

जैसा कहना वैसा करना

I would have more respect for him if he practised what he preaches.

put (or place) a premium on

अधिक महत्त्व दे ना, अधिक मूल्य आंकना

Her employer put a premium on honesty and hard work.

pretty as a picture


She looked pretty as a picture in her new outfit.

sitting pretty

लाभ की स्थिति में

He's sitting pretty now that he's won the lottery.

fall prey to

शिकार होना

His result deteriorated after he fell prey to bad company.

pride of place

सर्वोच्च स्थान

Works by contemporary artists are given pride of place in the exhibition.

prisoner of conscience

जेल में रखना क्योंकि उनके राजनीतिक या धर्मिक विचार सरकार के पक्ष में नहीं

After Emergency, the court ordered to release all the prisoners of conscience.
keep pace with

साथ चलना, कदम-से-कदम मिलाकर चलना

My legs cannot keep pace with my desires.

be at pains

काफी कोशिश करना

The management was at great pains to stress that there are no plans for closing down the
pari passu

के साथ-साथ, समानतया बराबर-बराबर

Inflation and interest rates have been rising pari passu.

be penny-wise and pound-foolish

थोड़े पैसे का ध्यान रखना, जयादा के प्रति लापरवाह

Saving a little bit of money on repairs can lead to long-term damage. You don't want to be
penny-wise and pound-foolish, now do you?
pick (or poke) holes in sth

कमियाँ ढूँढ़ना, गलतियाँ खोजना

The lawyer did her best to pick holes in the witness's statement.
a pig in a poke

बिना जाँचे परख लेना और इसलिए वो बेकार हो

They took the house for a month without knowing a thing about it, so it was a bit of a pig in
a poke for them and I hope they won't regret it.
by truant

बिना अनुमति अनुपस्थित रहना

Most parents are horrified when they discover their children have been playing truant from
prima facie

प्रथम दृष्टि में , प्रत्यक्षतः

They had, prima facie, a legitimate complaint.

hard put (to it)

कठिन लगना

She'll be hard put to buy her own home on what she earns.
the plot thickens

उलझन बढ़ना, और रोमांचकारी होना

It seemed a clear murder case, with the victim's neighbour as the obvious suspect. Suddenly
the plot thickened when the identity of the guilty became known.
have deep pockets

काफी धन होना

Anyone who tries to help that company will need deep pockets-it is nearly bankrupt.
poetic justice

आदर्श न्याय

There is a kind of poetic justice in the fact that the country responsible for the worst
ecological disaster this century is the one suffering most from its effects.
point of no return

वापस आने का कोई रास्ता न बचना

Once the contract is signed, we've reached the point of no return.

ask (or tell) sb point-blank

सीधे-सीधे पछ
ू ना, एकदम से इनकार कर दे ना

He locked himself in the bathroom and refused point-blank to come out.

be poles apart

बहुत अलग विचार होना

You'd never think they both belonged to the same political party- their views on just about
everything are poles apart.
like a man/woman possessed


He'd lost the tickets and was running round the house like a man possessed.
keep sb posted

निश्चित करना है कि क्या हो रहा है । Keep me posted on anything that happens while I'm

Tick the idiom that best explains the following:

1. In an unlucky/bad situation
(a) beaten a path to someone's door (b) up a creek without a paddle
(c) be beyond a pale (d) have a price on one's head
2. beyond the most useful or productive period
(a) past sb's prime (b) beyond the pale
(c) plain as day (d) petered out
3. sb who always expects bad things to happen
(a) sb who puts foot in mouth (b) a pipe dreamer
(c) a prophet of doom (d) sb who takes a pot shot
4. unacceptable or unwelcome
(a) a pink slip (b) plain as day
(c) peter out (d) persona non-grata
5. At first sight
(a) prima facie (b) a parting shot
(c) a pep talk (d) a party pooper
6. be absent from school, etc. without leave
(a) a pig in a poke (b) playing truant
(c) a party pooper (d) persona non-grata
1. (b) 2. (a) 3. (c) 4. (d) 5. (a) 6. (b)

jump the queue

कतार लाँघना

If you try to jump the queue at a bus stop you'll get shouted at by old ladies.
on the q.t.

ु -चप
ु , चोरी-छिपे

All this time she'd been making plans on the q.t. to change her job.
queer sb's pitch

किसी का अवसर बर्बाद / खराब करना / छीन लेना

She queered my pitch by asking for promotion before I did..

cut sb to the quick

निन्दा करके परे शान करना

I was cut to the quick by her harsh remarks.

call it quits

रोक दे ना, त्याग दे ना

The relationship had been going from bad to worse and we just decided it was time to call it
quote, unquote

दिखाना कि आप किसी और के वाक्यांश इस्तेमाल कर रहे हैं विशेषतया जबकि आप नहीं

सोचते की वो वाक्यांश सच हैं

When asked about his choice of profession, he said he wanted to practise law because it's a
quote, unquote 'respected' profession!
in question


No new symptoms have been found of the disease in question.


out of the question

विचार के बाहर

He asked for a pay rise but was told it was out of the question for another six months at
a burning question (or issue)

अत्यन्त महत्त्वपर्ण

Real estate taxes are always a burning question for local leaders and the builders.
a quantum leap (or jump)

महत्त्वपूर्ण सुधार

The election of a female president is a quantum leap forward for sexual equality.
a question mark over sth

योग्यता पर शक

The recent spate of government scandals has left a question mark over their ability to
the million (or sixty-four thousand) dollar question

अहम सवाल

So will she agree to do a movie with him again is the million dollar question.
a quick fix

किसी समस्या का तुरन्त समाधान

The truth about dieting is that there is no quick fix. Weight must be lost gradually, over a
period of time.

off the record


She made it clear that her comments were strictly off the record and should not be included
in the article.
set/put the record straight

मामले का स्पष्टीकरण करना, गलतफहमी दरू करना, किए गए कार्यों को दरु

ु स्त करना

She is writing her memoirs to set the record straight once and for all.
be on the right track

सही राह पर होना

Our success in the opinion polls proves we're on the right track.
serve one right

हालातों के अनुसार सही होना, किसी को सही रास्ते पर लाना

That punishment serves him right after what he's done to you.
rip sb off

फायदा उठाना, किसी को धोखा दे ना (खासकर किसी चीज की कीमत ज्यादा ले लेने के
सन्दर्भ में )

The voters have turned against the government because they feel it has been ripping them
rub it in

याद दिलाना (खासकर तब जबकि आप जानते हैं कि वह उस बात को याद नहीं करना
चाहता है )

I know I made a mistake, but you don't have to rub it in.

bend/stretch the rules

अपने हित के लिए नियम बदलना


We don't usually let students take books away, but I'm willing to bend the rules on this
in the long run

अंततः, कभी-न-कभी

Their policy was fine for a year or two, but in the long run it proved disastrous.
be on the run

बच निकलना

A serial killer was on the run last night after escaping from a maximum security prison.

साधारण, नीरस

It's just a run-of-the-mill war film.

the three Rs

पढ़ना लिखना और गणना

Modern education is often accused of forgetting the three Rs in favour of gender issues,
multiculturalism and ecology.
pull the rabbit out of the (or a) hat

अचानक से समस्या हल करके सबको है रान कर दे ना

He's one of those players who, just when you think the game's over, can pull a rabbit out of
the hat.
a race against time

समय की कमी की वजह से जल्दी करना, समय को पछाड़ना

It's a race against time to get the building finished before the rainy season sets in..
on the rack

अत्यधिक तनाव में , अत्यधिक शारीरिक या मानसिक कष्ट झेलना

I was on the rack while I waited for the test results.

rack one's brains

दिमाग पर जोर डालना

I've been racking my brains to recall the title of the book he asked me to get.

go from rags to riches

निर्धन से धनवान होना

People who go from rags to riches are often afraid the good life will be snatched away from
lose one's rag

चिड़चिड़ा होना, तंग होना

It was the only time I've ever lost my rag with someone in an office situation.
all the rage

किसी खास समय में किसी चीज का अत्यधिक लोकप्रिय हो जाना

Striped shirts, so fashionable in the eighties, are all the rage again now.
rain or shine

चाहे किसी भी हाल में , चाहे कुछ भी हो जाए

We promised we would finish the project tomorrow, rain or shine.

a rainy day

तकलीफ के दिन

He's never been reckless with his money, and always kept something aside for a rainy day.
raise the roof

बहुत शोर मचाना

When the landlord increased the rent, the tenants raised the roof about the lack of repairs
and maintenance.
as thin as a rake

बहुत पतला

He eats like a horse and yet he's as thin as a rake.

break rank (or ranks)

ू से असहमत होना जिसके आप सदस्य हो

Junior officers were said to be prepared to break ranks with the leadership.
close ranks

मिलकर काम करना, संयुक्त रूप से करना


The members decided to close ranks and confront the president.

rise through the ranks

काम से आगे बढ़ना, मेहनत से ऊँचा उठाना

He's risen through the ranks, starting as a copyboy and ending up as senior editor.
rap sb on (or over) the knuckles

झाड़ना, डाँटना

He got a good rap on the knuckles from his superior for forgetting to keep expense receipts
take the rap

दोष अपने सिर लेना

I'm not going to take the rap for someone else's mistakes
rattle sb's cage

गुस्सा दिलाना ताकि वह बेवकूफ लगे

She tried to rattle his cage with questions about his failed army career.
ray of sunshine

प्रकाश की किरण, आशा

Amid all the gloom, their grandchild has been a real ray of sunshine.
read sb like a book

सही अनुमान लगाना कि कोई क्या सोच रहा होगा

You're bored, aren't you? I can read you like a book.

read the riot act

ज़ोर से डाँटना

When he was caught throwing stones at the windows, the principal read him the riot act.
ready to roll

तैयार रहना, प्रदर्शन के लिए पूरी तरह से तैयार

The new talk show on Sony TV is ready to roll.

reap the harvest

जैसी करनी वैसी भरनी


Urban unemployment is rising. We are reaping the harvest of a lack of development in rural
be at (or on) the receiving end

ग्रहण करने वाला, झेलने वाला

Sales assistants are often at the receiving end of verbal abuse from customers.
recharge one's batteries

ु ः शक्ति अर्जित करना

A week away would give you time to rest and recharge your batteries.
in the red

उधार में

I can't repay you for another couple of weeks because I'm in the red this month.
a red herring

कुछ ऐसा जो लोगों का ध्यान मुख्य विषय से हटे

All this talk about renewable energy sources is a bit of a red herring, and I'd like to return to
the basic argument of the evening.
a red-letter day

सौभाग्य का दिन

The day our daughter was born was a real red-letter day for us.
see red

ू ा होना, झुंझलाना

I saw red when I learned they had not invited my friend and his family.
a broken reed

कमजोर सहारा

I'd counted on her help, but she turned out to be a broken reed.
reinvent the wheel

परिवर्तन करके नयापन लाना, फिर से गढ़ना

Why reinvent the wheel when there are drugs already in the market that are quite

the line (or path) of least resistance

क्रियाविधि, काम करने का सबसे आसान रास्ता

You could always take the line of least resistance and go with the majority vote.
as a (or in the) last resort

अंतिम उपाय के रूप में

British police are supposed to use guns only as a last resort.

without (or no) rhyme or reason


Changes have been made to the text without rhyme or reason.

talk (or speak) in riddles

पहे ली कहना

She keeps talking in riddles, instead of just coming out and saying what she means.
take sb for a ride

धोखेबाज़ी करना, कपट करना, विश्वासघात करना

He asked us for guarantee money of 2 lakh, and then took us for a ride by disappearing with
all our money.
from the ashes (or dead)

उभर कर आना, प्रकट होना, खत्म होने के बाद फिर से जिन्दा हो जाना

A few months after the earthquake large sections of the city had risen from the ashes.
do a roaring trade

जल्दी से बहुत सारा सामान बेचना

It was a hot day and the ice-cream sellers were doing a roaring trade.
rob Peter to pay Paul

एक स्थान से दस
ू रे स्थान में जाना या ले जाना, एक से उधार लेकर दस
ू रे को लौटाना

They have planned to borrow money on their gold so as to repay an earlier debt-they're
robbing Peter to pay Paul.

get the sack

नौकरी खो दे ना

After the economic downturn, thousands of workers got the sack.

play (it) safe

जोखिम नहीं लेना

They're playing it safe by not investing too much money until they've seen the first year's
behind the scenes

गुप्त रूप से, परदे के पीछे

Diplomats have been working hard behind the scenes in preparation for the peace talks.
from scratch

बिल्कुल शुरू से

He lost the entire manuscript in the fire, and had to start the writing from scratch again.
have second thoughts

सोच-विचार में पड़ जाना, फिर से सोचना

I've had second thoughts about changing my college.

step into sb's shoes

किसी की जगह लेना

He's groomed his son to step into his shoes when he resigns.
have a shot at sth

कुछ करने की कोशिश करना

He's proven himself to be a talented actor and now he's having a shot at directing his first
by the skin of one's teeth

मुश्किल से करना

She passed the exam by the skin of her teeth.

sleep like a log/top

गहरी नींद में सोना

I don't know if it had anything to do with the food we had but we slept like a log.
be snowed under

ज्यादा काम की वजह से दिक्कत होना

She wants me to take some time off but I'm snowed under with work at the moment.
stick/stand out (like a sore thumb)

अलग से दिखना, सबसे अलग दिखना

Everyone else was in jeans and casual gear and I had my office clothes on—I stuck out like a
sore thumb.
a sore spot (or point)

शर्मनाक बात या गुस्से की बात

I tried not to make any reference to family conditions-I know it's a sore point with him at the
on the spot

घटनास्थल पर मौके पर

If you're caught without a ticket, you're fined on the spot.

on the spur of the moment


It was something I bought on the spur of the moment, and I've regretted it ever since.

आधुनिकतम तकनीक युक्त, उच्चतम तकनीक

We are planning to install a state-of-the-art online information system accessible to all

library members.
keep a straight face

अपने आप को हँसने से रोकना


The school orchestra played so many wrong notes that I had trouble keeping a straight face.
not by any stretch of the imagination

किसी भी तरह से नहीं

She was never a great player, not by any stretch of the imagination.
a stumbling block

अवरोध, बाधा

Lack of willingness to compromise is the main stumbling block to reaching a settlement.

follow suit

अनुकरण करना

If other companies lower their prices, we shall have to follow suit.

a sweet tooth

मिठाई का शौकीन

You can always please her with cake or ice cream; she has a big sweet tooth.
be in the saddle

किसी हालत पर काबू होना

With a new leader firmly in the saddle the party looks set for victory at the next election.
sail close to (or near) the wind

लगभग हवा के प्रतिकुल चलना, जोखिम उठाना, खतरा मोल लेना

We may have just enough fuel to get there, but we'll be sailing a bit close to the wind.
take sth with a pinch (or grain) of salt

नमक मिर्च लगाकर, संदिग्ध रूप में

It's interesting to read the reports in the newspapers, but I tend to take them with a grain of
worth one's salt

लायक होना

Give him a job for a month and see if he's worth his salt.
good Samaritan

नेक आदमी

In this neighborhood you can't count on a good Samaritan if you get in trouble.
one and the same

एक ही व्यक्ति, एक समान

Her grandfather had been, at one and the same time, a physician and a carpenter.
same here

मैं भी

"I couldn't sleep because of the noise." "The same with me."
save the day

कुछ ऐसा करना जिससे समस्या का समाधान हो

The police inspector saved the day by arriving just in time to shoot the kidnappers and
rescue the hostages.
save one's skin

असफलता या परे शानियों से वचना

He was interested only in saving his own skin, and was one of the first people into a lifeboat.
turn the scale (or balance)

पक्षपात करना, हालात विपरीत हो जाना

Just one more mistake will turn the scale against them.
settle (or pay) a (or the) score

बदला लेना

Police believe the killer was a gang member settling a score with a rival gang.
from scratch

शुरू से

We lost all our work in the fire and had to start from scratch.
tighten the screw

दबाव डालना

They said they'd tighten the screws on her if she didn't confess.

all at sea

उलझन में होना

She was all at sea in these new surroundings.

set (or put) the seal on

सहमति दे ना, मोहर लगाना

The ambassador's visit set the seal on the trade agreement between the two countries.
second to none


The hotel's restaurant facilities are second to none.

seize the day

भविष्य की चिंता न करते हुए, अवसर का लाभ उठाना

Seize the day, young man. You may never get the chance to embark on such an adventure
set the wheel in motion

चालू अवस्था में लाना, कार्य आरम्भ करना

A press conference set the new project in motion.

set the world on fire (or alight)

बहुत नाम कमाना

An ambitious man, he longed to set the world on fire with his ideas.
shake the dust off your feet

किसी अप्रिय घटना से जल्दी से निकलना (हमेशा के लिए)

I couldn't wait to shake the dust from my feet; I never wanted to see veither of them again.
shake a leg

जल्दी करना

Come on, shake a leg! The film starts in 20 minutes.

the shape of things to come

भविष्य में सफल होने के लिए


Is shopping on the Internet the shape of things to come?

come out of one's shell

संकोच से बाहर आना

Joining the drama group has brought her out of her shell.
take the shine off sth

मजा खराब करना

Having my purse stolen took the shine off my vacation in Kashmir.

talk shop

अपनी कारोबारी बातें करना

I decided to leave the party early, knowing they'd do nothing but talk shop for the rest of
the evening.
a shot in the arm

प्रोत्साहन, नैतिक सहायता

The opening of a new research centre will give a much-needed shot in the arm for science in
stay on the sidelines

सक्रियात्मक रूप से शामिल न होना

The majority of western countries decided to stay on the sidelines during the crisis in the
Middle East.
set one's sights on

उद्देश्य होना, अपना लक्ष्य निर्धारित करना

She's set her sights on law school.

sink or swim

डूबना या पार लगना

You are not supposed to take decisions for children forever; sooner or later they have to be
left to sink or swim on their own.
at sixes and sevens

परे शानी में , उलझन में

The new online test was so complicated that it left the students at sixes and sevens.

a skeleton in the cupboard (or closet)

कोई गुप्त पारिवारिक रहस्य, शर्मनाक रहस्य

If you want to be a successful politician, you can't afford to have too many skeletons in your
develop/have a thick skin

मोती चमड़ी करना, फर्क न पड़ना, वेशर्म होना

As a politician, you get so much criticism levelled at you that you eventually develop a thick
the sky's the limit

कोई सीमा न होना

With two important film roles and a major award, it seems like the sky's the limit for this
talented young actress.
a slap in the face

बेइज्जती करना

The decision to close the sports hall was a slap in the face for all those who had campaigned
to keep it open.
a slap on the back

पीठ थपथपना, प्रशंसा करना

We gave her a big slap on the back for helping to organize the concert.
up one's sleeve

गुप्त विचार

If this trip doesn't work out I've still got a few ideas up my sleeve.
sleight of hand

हाथ की सफाई, छलकपट

They made the sales figures look semi-respectable, by some discreet sleight of hand in the
presentation of their accounts.
give sb the slip

भाग निकलना

He's a wanted man, but he keeps managing to give the police the slip.

let sth slip through one's fingers

मौका हाथ से निकलना

We could have won the trophy but we let it slip through our fingers.
slip of the tongue (or pen)

अनजाने में बोलते हुए गलती करना

Did I say she was forty? I meant fourteen-just a slip of the tongue.
the wee (small) hours


I was up till the small hours of Wednesday morning finishing off that report.
shed (or spill) blood

खून बहाना

A great deal of blood has been spilled in this family feud.

smell a rat

दाल में काला लगना

When I didn't hear any more from my prospective employer, I began to smell a rat.
go up in smoke

पूरी तरह से नष्ट होना, व्यर्थ होना

Then his business went bankrupt and 20 years of hard work went up in smoke.
no smoke without fire

शक या अफवाह निराधार नहीं होते

When the sales figures continued strong but the company still wasn't making money, he
suspected something was wrong-there's no smoke without fire.
a snake in the grass

आस्तीन का साँप

It's upsetting to learn that someone you once viewed as a good colleague is in fact a snake
in the grass.
sober as a judge

बिल्कुल निष्पक्ष

It was too soon after the funeral for him to enjoy himself, and he just sat there sober as a
pull one's socks up

कड़ी मेहनत करना

He's going to have to pull his socks up if he wants to stay in the team.
for a song

कौड़ी के मोल

It's a magnificent painting, and yet I was able to pick it up for a song.
be on song

बेहतर प्रदर्शन करना

Our star player looked a bit tired in last Saturday's match but he's certainly on song today.
it takes all sorts

सभी लोग अलग-अलग हैं, अजीब लोगों को भी अपनाना चाहिए

Look at the couple next door. They fight like dogs every morning and go to party in the
evenings. Well, it takes all sorts, as they say.
be out of sorts

अस्वस्थ, उदास

She was feeling rather out of sorts this morning, so she didn't go to work today.
in the soup

मुसीबत में

We'll be really in the soup if the car breaks down.

call a spade a spade

खरा-बोलना, साफ-साफ बोलना

You know me; I call a spade a spade and when I see someone behaving like an idiot.
a spanner in the works

किसी के काम के बीच में आने वाली बाधा

Our rivals tried to throw a spanner in the works and yet we could start the new project on

speak for itself

और अधिक स्पष्टीकरण की आवश्यकता नहीं होना, प्रत्यक्ष को प्रमाण की आवश्यकता

नहीं होती है

I'm not going to talk about our business successes. I think the report speaks for itself.
speak one's mind

मन की बात कहना

She's not afraid to speak her mind, even if it upsets people.

speak volumes

बिना शब्दों के सही स्थिति बताना

What we wear speaks volumes about our personality.

make a splash

तहलका मचाना

It wasn't a best-seller but it did make quite a splash in literary circles.

put a spoke in sb's wheel

मुश्किलें बढ़ाना (किसी के लिए)

The building was almost finished when the planning department came along and put a real
spoke in their wheel: they were told that proper permission was not obtained for the
set the stage for sth

कुछ सम्भव करना, आधार तैयार करना

The purpose of that first meeting was to set the stage for future co-operation between
China and the US.
reach for the stars

जो बहुत कठिन है उसे पाने की कोशिश करना

Despite his humble family background and poor education, he wanted to reach for the stars.
stay put

रूका रहना

I'm not taking a holiday this time; I'll rather stay put in the comfort of my own home and
have a rest.
stand sb in good stead

अनुभवी, अच्छा आधार होना

She hoped that being editor of the school magazine would stand her in good stead for a
career in journalism later on.
steal the show

दर्शकों का दिल जीत लेना

All the singers were good, but the 12-year-old participant stole the show.

Take it or leave it

अपना लेना या छोड़ दे ना

That's my final offer. Take it or leave it.

in the teeth of sth

के विपरीत, के बावजद

The act finally passed through the Parliament in the teeth of the fiercest opposition.
in the long/medium/short term


Cuts in company spending now should lead to profits in the long term.
come to terms with it

मान लेना, स्वीकार कर लेना

It's very hard for her coming to terms with the fact that she'll never have children.
wear thin

घिस दे ना, प्रभावहीन होना

After a long wait in the queue, his patience began to wear thin and he went away.
ram sth down sb's throat

जबरदस्ती से सुनाना और मनवाना

And although he's got very strong views on such subjects, he doesn't try to ram them down
your throat.
be at each other's throats

क्रोध से तर्क -वितर्क करना

It was a very dramatic trial, with the prosecutor and the defense attorney constantly at each
other's throats.
be on the tip of one's tongue

कहने के लिए तैयार होना पर ऐन मौके पर याद न कर पाना, हमेशा जुबान पर रहना

I met him last year and his name is on the tip of my tongue-it'll come to me in a minute.

जैसे को तैसा

It had all the hallmarks of a dirty feud, each party giving tit-for-tat
keep sb on their toes

सतर्क ता बनाए रखना

When the visiting side scored the first goal, we all were frightened - but that was enough to
keep us on our toes for the rest of the match.
bite one's tongue

कुछ कहने से रुकना क्योंकि ये बोलने से अच्छा होगा ( जबकि तुम खुद ...)

I really wanted to tell her what I thought of him but I had to bite my tongue.
be (or go) over the top

काबू से बाहर, जरूरत से ज्यादा होना

I know he was angry, but attacking the waiter was way over the top.
on top of sth

बेहतर स्थिति में

Our legislator always manages to be on top of the issues.

be in touch

सम्पर्क में होना

Are you still in touch with your school friends?

be out of touch

संपर्क से बाहर होना

Since his retirement he's got rather out of touch with trends and fads in the industry.
keep track of sth/sb

लेख करना, जानकारी में न होना, किसी चीज या व्यक्ति के बारे में जानकारी निश्चित करना
कि वह किस स्थिति में है

She finds it very difficult to keep track of her bank balance.

put two and two together

सबूतों के तौर पर निष्कर्ष पर पहुँचना

Putting two and two together, it's not hard to guess who will be chosen for the lead role in
the play.
turn the tables

पाँसा पलट दे ना, बाजी उलट दे ना

Steffi won her first three matches but today Mary turned the tables and prevailed.
a tall order

अनुचित माँग

I know it's a bit of a tall order, but could you finish the job by Monday?
in tandem

एक के पीछे एक, आगे-पीछे

The new system is designed to be used in tandem with the existing communications
it takes two to tango

दोनों के सहयोग से होना

We'll never pass this bill unless both parties work out a compromise it takes two to tango.
ear sb\sth to shreds

की धज्जियाँ उड़ा दे ना

The critics tore his performance to shreds.

on tenterhooks

घबराकर इन्तजार करना कि क्या होगा

We were kept on tenterhooks all morning waiting for his decision.

test the water

सावधानी से कोशिश करना या धीरे से पहुँच करना

Perhaps you should go to a couple of meetings to test the waters before you decide
whether to join the club.

been there, done that

संकेत दे ना कि अनुभव को दोहराना थकाने वाला है

Asked if they'd like to visit the Qutub Minar, one of them shook his head and muttered,
'Been there, done that'.
think on one's feet

सोचना और शीघ्र प्रतिक्रिया करना, शीघ्र निर्णय लेना

Reporters bombarded him with difficult questions, but he was very good at thinking on his
hang by thread

खतरे या अस्थिर हालत में होना

With the lead actor sick, the success of our play hung by a thread.
lose the thread

अहम ् मुद्दा का अनुसरण न कर पाना

It was such a long and complicated story that I soon lost the thread.
throw in one's hand

हार मान लेना, परित्याग करना

I know it's unlikely that I'll get the job but I'm not going to throw in my hand just yet.
throw in the towel

हार मान लेना

Three of the original five candidates have now thrown in the towel.
throw one's weight behind sb (or around )

अपनी ताकत और प्रभाव का इस्तेमाल किसी को सहारा दे ने के लिए करना

If we could persuade the chairman to throw his weight behind the plan, it would have a
much better chance of success.
thumbs up or down

सहमति का चिन्ह

Today's by-election results are yet another clear thumbs down for an unpopular
what makes sb tick

किसी व्यक्ति के व्यवहार का कारण समझना

We've never figured out what makes these chess players tick.
swim (or go) against the current (or tide )

हालात के विपरीत काम करना

I'm voting for him even if that is swimming against the current.
tip sb the wink (or nod)

चोरी से सूचना दे ना, इशारा करना

So if you hear of any vacancies in your department, just tip me the wink, would you ?
be the toast of sb

किसी समह
ू द्वारा प्रशंसा किया जाना

After rave reviews of her play, she is the toast of the town.
on one's toes

होशियार रहना, सतर्क रहना

You have to be on your toes all day if you are teaching a class of 10-year-olds.
toe the line

हुकुम बजाना, पालन करना

Ministers who refused to toe the party-line were swiftly got rid of.
Tom, Dick and (or) Harry

कोई भी

Draw the curtains or we'll have every Tom, Dick and Harry peering through the window.
as if there was/were no tomorrow

बहुत जल्दी से और उत्सक

ु ता से

Hungry and exhausted, he gobbled down the bread as if there were no tomorrow.

मजाक में , मजाकिया

She writes a very engaging and at times tongue-in-cheek account of her first interaction with
the film starts.

fight tooth and nail

जी जान से लड़ना

I'm going to fight tooth and nail for that promotion.

on top of the world

हर चीज़ में बढ़कर, खुशी से भरा

She was on top of the world after her child won first prize.
lose one's touch

उतने अच्छे से कम न कर पाना

I used to make beautiful cakes but I seem to have lost my touch.

tread (or step) on sb's toes

ू रों के कामों में घुसकर दस
ू रों को नाराज करना

I'd like to make some changes to the working procedures, but I don't want to tread on
anyone's toes.
tread water

किसी भी दिशा में आगे नहीं बढ़ना

I'm just treading water until I get an opportunity to try for a job with more responsibility.
trial and error

प्रयत्न- त्रटि
ु सम्बन्धी, प्रयत्न त्रटि
ु विधि से परीक्षण

By trial and error he has taught himself how to use a computer.

in a trice

चुटकी बजाते, पलक झपकते ही

He came back in a trice.

do the trick

अपना उद्देश्य पूरा करना

If the sauce tastes a bit sour, add a teaspoon of sugar-that should do the trick.
tricks of the trade

नौकरी को बेहतर करने के पैतरे / तरीके


As a journalist, you learn the tricks of the trade pretty quickly or you don't survive.
a Trojan horse

अपनी ही समूह या संस्था पर आक्रमण करना

Traditional communist supporters have accused the new leadership of being a Trojan horse
trying to destroy the party from within.
on the trot

लगातार कई चीजें करना

It's been a good year for the Indian athletic team as it could win three international
competitions on the trot.
have (or want) no truck with

किसी के साथ सम्बन्ध रखने से इनकार करना

Our committee will have no truck with communal parties.

be tuned in

पता होना कि क्या हो रहा है

She just doesn't seem to be tuned in to her students' needs.

talk turkey

ु लमखल्
ु ला कहना, ईमानदारी से साफ-साफ बातचीत करना

If the two sides in the dispute are to meet, they must be prepared to talk turkey.
turn turtle

उलट जाना

The bus turned turtle in the crash, and there were several wounded passengers.
twist sb's arm

इच्छा के खिलाफ काम करवाने के लिए बाध्य करना

He might help us with the painting if you twist his arm.

take one's cue from sb

ू रे के शब्दों और व्यवहार पर ध्यान रखना ताकि तम्
ु हे पता रहे कि तम्
ु हे क्या करना

She watched his lips carefully and took her cue from him.

take sb to task

कुछ गलत किए हुए के लिए निन्दा करना / डाँटना

The teacher took him to task for turning in such a sloppy report.
take it upon oneself

उत्तरदायित्व लेना, जिम्मेदारी लेना

I took it upon myself to count the precise number of children in the audience.
tar sb with the same brush

वैसा ही करना या मानना, एक ही छड़ी से सबको हाँकना

I admit that some of our supporters do cause trouble but it's not fair that we're all being
tarred with the same brush.
come to terms

समझौता करना

The landlord and his tenants soon came to terms regarding repairs.
through thick and thin

ु दःु ख में

She remained loyal to the party through thick and thin.

at times

कभी-कभी यदा-कदा

Away from home for the first time, she was homesick at times.
time and again

बारम्बार, बार-बार

Time and again I go to town and spend loads of money.

to and fro

आगे-पीछे , इधर-उधर

I was disturbed by all the people walking to and fro outside the office.
the top-notch

उच्चतम कोटि का, बेहतरीन


We need to offer high salaries to attract top-notch staff.

be touch-and-go

संकटपूर्ण, अनिश्चित

After the accident it was touch-and-go whether she would survive.

the tout ensemble

कुल मिलाकर, मिलाजल

ु ाकर

The tout ensemble, the movie was not so bad.

take in tow

पथ प्रदर्शन करना

The senior girl took the new student in tow.


an ugly duckling

छिपा रुस्तम

The most successful company this year was last year's ugly duckling.
in no uncertain terms

ू तरीके से, सस्
ु पष्ट रूप से

She told him in no uncertain terms that if he bothered her again she'd call the police.
be up against it

कठिनाइयों का सामना करना

When I saw how deeply the racist views were held, I began to understand what we were up
gain (or have) the upper hand

प्रभुत्व प्राप्त करना, आधिपत्य करना

Government troops are gradually gaining the upper hand over the rebel forces.
the upper crust

धनी और सम्पन्न वर्ग

She wanted badly to be one of the upper crust but it wasn't going to happen.
all up with sb

आशारहित, आशा खो दे ना

It must be all up now with finding any survivors - they couldn't have survived long in this
up in arms

लड़ने को तैयार होना, बहस करना

The whole office is up in arms at the news.

ups and downs


We all have our ups and downs in life.

take umbrage

नाराज होना, बुरा मानना

I take umbrage from the fact that you have been telling all these stories about me.


He's an up-and-coming businessman with a bright future.

an uphill struggle (or task)

बहुत कठिन

Environmentalists face an uphill struggle convincing people to use their cars less.

मनगढ़न्त आरोप लगाकर फँसाना ताकि सजा दिलवाई जा सके They tried to have the
teenage boy arrested on a trumped-up charge.
twenty-four/seven (24/7)

हमेशा, हर समय

You can access our web site 24/7. It's very convenient.
take over (sth)

कब्ज़ा कर लेना, हाथ में ले लेना

The foreign insurance company is out to take over some of the small companies in our area.
take place

घटित होना

The festival celebrations took place on the coldest day of the year.

beyond a shadow of doubt

सुनिश्चित रूप से

His innocence is now proved beyond a shadow of doubt.

draw a veil over

किसी चीज के बारे में बात न करना (क्योंकि दिक्कत होगी), किसी चीज़ पर परदा डालना

Some very cruel things were said in the heat of the moment, but we'll draw a veil over all
with a vengeance

प्रतिशोध, प्रतिहिंसा

He's been working with a vengeance over the past few weeks to make up for lost time.
vent one's spleen

स्पष्ट रूप से कहना, स्पष्ट उच्चारण करना

Politicians used the press conference as an opportunity to vent their spleen on reporters.
make a virtue of necessity

मजबरू ी को नेकी बना लेना

Since I can't break the contract, I am trying to make a virtue of necessity.

a lone voice in the wilderness

उजाड़ में अकेला वक्ता

With her passionate pleas for peace, she was a lone voice in the wilderness.
vice versa

विपरीत क्रम से, उल्टे क्रम से

He doesn't trust her, and vice versa.


पक्ष परिवर्तन

In the early 90's he made a complete political volte-face, moving from the Congress to the
a vicious circle

दिक्कतों का घिराव, चक्रव्यूह

They won't give me a job until I get some experience, but I can't get any experience until
somebody will give me a job - it's a real vicious circle.

की तल
ु ना में , के विषय में

The current strength of the dollar vis-à-vis other currencies makes it hard selling American
products overseas.
fill the void

जरूरत की चीज दे ना या मिलना, भर दे ना

Religion helped me fill a void in my life.


drive sb up the wall

गुस्सा दिलाना, पका दे ना

Working in a factory would have driven me up the wall.

be (like) water off a duck's back

जिसका कोई परिणाम न हो

He's always being told he's lazy and incompetent, but it's just water off a duck's back to him.
be/feel under the weather

बीमार महसस
ू करना

I'm feeling a little under the weather-I think I may have caught a cold.
pull one's weight

ू के दस
ू रे लोगों की तरह मेहनत करना

The rest of the team complained that she wasn't pulling her weight.
be wide of the mark

गलत होना

We were asked to guess the right answer, but we were all rather wide of the mark.
get a word in edgeways

बातचीत के दौरान कुछ कहने का मौका न पाना

As usual, she talked and talked, and nobody else could get a word in edgeways.
have one's work cut out

अपने कार्य करने के ढं ग को पहले से तैयार कर लेना / या सोच लेना

We're training a completely new team, so we've got our work cut out for us.
be out of this world

ु प्रतिभा का

The hotel, the climate, the courtesy of the people and the whole atmosphere of the place
were out of this world.

the best of both worlds

दो तरफ़ा लाभ मिलना (जो आम आदमी को नहीं मिलता )

She works in the city and lives in the country, so she gets the best of both worlds.
get (hold of) the wrong end of the stick

गलत समझना

Her friend saw us arrive at the party together and got hold of the wrong end of the stick.
rub sb up the wrong way

अनजाने में नाराज करना

I don't know how it happened, but I seem to have rubbed her up the wrong way, and now
she refuses to speak to me.
walk all over sb

बुरा बर्ताव करना

The boss likes to walk all over his staff, so no one is very fond of him.
go to the wall

आर्थिक रूप से बर्बाद करना

After nine months of massive losses, the company finally went to the wall.
be up against a brick wall

गतिविधि / इच्छा पूरी न होना

I've tried everywhere I can think of for funding but I've come up against a brick wall.
be out of this world

ु प्रतिभा का

The hotel, the climate, the courtesy of the people and the whole atmosphere of the place
were out of this world.
the best of both worlds

दो तरफ़ा लाभ मिलना (जो आम आदमी को नहीं मिलता )

She works in the city and lives in the country, so she gets the best of both worlds.
get (hold of) the wrong end of the stick

गलत समझना

Her friend saw us arrive at the party together and got hold of the wrong end of the stick.
rub sb up the wrong way

अनजाने में नाराज करना

I don't know how it happened, but I seem to have rubbed her up the wrong way, and now
she refuses to speak to me.
walk all over sb

बरु ा बर्ताव करना

The boss likes to walk all over his staff, so no one is very fond of him.
go to the wall

आर्थिक रूप से बर्बाद करना

After nine months of massive losses, the company finally went to the Wwwall.
be up against a brick wall

गतिविधि / इच्छा पूरी न होना

I've tried everywhere I can think of for funding but I've come up against a brick wall.
a war of nerves

एक ऐसी नीति जिसमें दस

ू रे का मनोबल गिरा दिया जाता है

The boy was nothing more than a bully, who kept up a little war of nerves against all the
timid children in his class.
a war of words

मौखिक लड़ाई

The war of words between the two rivals continues to dominate the news bulletins.
wash one's hands of

शामिल होने या जिम्मेदार होने से इनकार करना

I warned them that if they continued arguing with neighbours over petty matters, I would
have to wash my hands of their irresponsible behaviour.
watch one's back

लोगों से सतर्क रहना

It's a rough neighbourhood so watch your back when you're walking around the streets.

go out of one's way

जरूरत से ज्यादा परे शानी लेना

He went out of his way to introduce me to everyone there.

on the way out

पुराना हो जाना, कम बिकना

Full-size cars are on their way out.

the way of the world

ु या का दस्तूर

The Parliamentarian, as is the way of the world, awarded upon themselves a massive pay
ways and means

कोई भी चीज़ हासिल करने का उपाय या तरीका

We are inquiring into the various ways and means of reducing the costs of this assignment.
fall by the wayside

हार मान लेना

A lot of students fall by the wayside during their first year at university.
the weak link

कमजोर कड़ी

It's a strong team, though the goalkeeper may be a weak link because he's rather
make heavy weather of sth

कुछ करते हुए कठिनाई का सामना करना

He's making heavy weather of writing his report and on the other hand she finished hers
days ago.
be a load (or weight) off your mind

ु त होना

I'm so relieved I don't have to give a speech-it's a real load off my mind.

be worth one's weight in gold

बहुत उपयोगी होना

Book that could tell me in simple language how to use this computer would be worth its
weight in gold.
a wet blanket

ू रों का काम खराब करने वाला

He had a bad headache so he left the party early, not wanting to be a wet blanket on such a
happy occasion.
wheels within wheels

जटिल तथ्य या उद्देश्य या रूपरे खा

It's difficult to find out just which government agency is responsible; there are wheels within
come within a whisker of sth

अपने आप होना, किसी चीज़ के नज़दीक अपने आप आ जाना

Several times on his trek through the mountains he came within a whisker of death.
blow the whistle on

किसी संस्था या व्यक्ति के छुपे राज खोलने की कोशिश करना

He had to face the wrath of the management when he tried to blow the whistle on the
safety problems at the factory.
a white elephant

फिजूलखर्ची, ऐसी वस्तु या ऐसा व्यक्ति जिस पर पैसा खर्चा करना बिल्कुल बेकार हो

Our ancestral house is a white elephant; no one wants to live there but it's too precious to
a white knight

जो दस
ू रे की सहायता के लिए आगे आए

Now that the company is facing a hostile takeover bid, it is looking for a white knight to
rescue it.
whoop it up

'धमाचौकड़ी मचाना, मस्ती करना


After exams they decided to whoop it up at their apartment.

on a sticky wicket

मुश्किल में

Though he has done his best to satisfy his creditors, he is still on a very sticky wicket.
spread like wildfire

जंगल की आग की तरह फैलना

Stories of scandals don't need newspapers or TVs to spread like wildfire around here.
a wild goose chase

मूर्खतापूर्ण खोज

The police team gave a wild goose chase to catch the thieves.
get wind of sth

भनक लगना

I don't want my boss to get wind of the fact that I'm leaving so I'm not telling many people.
gone with the wind

लप्ु त हो जाना

With these unforeseen expenses, our profits are gone with the wind.
take the wind out of sb's sails

रुकावट डालना, हवा निकाल दे ना

When the CBI found evidence of tax evasion from his accounts, it took the wind out of the
social leader's sails.
old wine in new bottle

नए रूप में पुराने विचार

The government's new land policy is old wine in new bottle.

waiting in the wings

किसी जगह रखा जाना, किसी चीज़ के लिए प्रतीक्षारत ्

The rumour is that he will be sacked and his younger brother is waiting in the wings to take
over as the new manager.

under one's wing

किसी की दे खभाल में

He's been suffering badly from culture shock and homesickness, so we've taken him under
our wing for a few months to help him to settle down in this country.
as quick as a wink

तेजी से

Quick as a wink, he snatched the book and ran out of the room.
wipe the floor with sb

आसानी से हरा दे ना

She is really good at debates; she'll wipe the floor with them.
wipe the slate clean

नए सिरे से शुरूआत करना

His boss assured him that the matter was finished and he could start with a clean slate.
be at one's wits' end

हार सम्भव कोशिश करके थक जाना या परे शान हो जाना

It's a serious problem, and she's at her wits' end to know how she can resolve it.
scare (or frighten) sb out of one's wits

अत्यन्त भयभीत कर दे ना

Don't shout like that-you scared me out of my wits!

throw sb to the wolves

मुसीबत बढ़ाना

Instead of getting any support from the police, they threw me to the wolves.
a wolf in sheep's clothing

मित्र के रूप में दश्ु मन होना

on the surface very warm and charming, proved to be My next boss, something of a wolf in
sheep's clothing.
a nine days' wonder

दिनों के लिए तहलका मचाने वाली खबर या व्यक्ति कुछ


His music was derided by an older generation convinced that he was a nine days' wonder.
work (or do) wonders

आश्चर्यजनक प्रभाव

Extra water in the diet is generally beneficial to the health and it works wonders for the skin.
not out of the woods

ु ार के बाद भी दिक्कत होना

Financially, things are looking distinctly more hopeful, but we're not out of the woods yet.
touch wood

जैसा चाहो वैसा ही रहने की इच्छा जताना

It's been fine all week and, touch wood, it would stay fine for the weekend.
a man of few words

कम बोलने वाला

A man of few words, he hardly seemed like a successful lawyer.

sb's word is law

किसी के शब्दों का नियम की तरह पालन होना

There's no use questioning any of his rules - his word is law around here.
take sb's word for it

किसी के कहे गए शब्दों को सच्चा मान लेना

If you say you've checked the genuineness of the bills, I'll take your word for it.
by word of mouth

मौखिक रूप से

I think she heard about the job by word of mouth.

a word to the wise

कुछ कहना जब किसी को सलाह दे नी हो

A word to the wise - don't walk down that street after dark, because it's not safe.
work to rule

कम काम करना (झगड़े की वजह से )


The polishers are working to rule in protest at the decision to close more diamond polishing
the world is your oyster

पूर्ण स्वतन्त्र होना

You're young and healthy and you've got no commitments, so the world is your oyster.
if the worst comes to the worst

से बरु े से बरु ा होना

If the worst came to the worst, we will sell our house to raise extra cash.
keep sth under wraps

रहस्य, किसी चीज़ को छुपा कर या गुप्त रखना

The identity of the buyer is still under wraps.

be writ large


Anger was writ large on the demonstrators' faces.

nothing to write home about

ू ना लायक न होना

I've had a pretty tough time in office this week, but it's been routine stuff mostly with
nothing very special to write home about.

since/from the year dot

बहुत लम्बे समय से या प्राचीन समय से

Children have been fascinated by ghost stories since the year dot.
yes and no

कुछ मामले में हाँ कुछ में ना, थोड़ा-बहुत

“Did you enjoy yourself?" “Yes and no, I liked the story but hated the actors.”
a yes man

जी हजूरी करना, चमचा

He denies that he's simply a yes man, and insists he'll be making a major contribution
towards reviving his department.

Phrasal Meaning Examples
Abide by respect or obey. (the law, a decision, a If you want to stay at this
rule) school, you must abide by the
Account explain, give a reason I hope you can account for the
for money you spent!
Add up make sense, seem reasonable Her story just doesn't add up.
Advise recommend not doing something The doctor advised him against
against carrying heavy loads.
Agree have the same opinion as somebody else. I agree with you. I think she
with deserves the award too.
Aim at point something in the direction of a The policeman aimed his gun
target at the hijacker.
Allow for take into consideration,  include in a You'd better leave early to
calculation allow for traffic jams.
Appeal to 1. plead or make an earnest request 1. The organizers appealed to
2. be attractive or the crowd to stay calm.
interesting                                         2. A trekking holiday doesn't
appeal to me.
Apply for make a formal request for something, He applied for the job he saw
(job, permit, loan etc.) advertised in the newspaper.
Avail take advantage of something (an When the company is
(oneself) opportunity) privatized, you should avail
of yourself of the opportunity and
buy some shares.

List of Phrasal Verbs – 2

Phrasal Meaning Examples

Back move backwards, in fear or dislike When he saw the dog, he backed
away away.
Back withdraw,  concede defeat Local authorities backed down on
down their plans to demolish the building.
Back up 1. give support or encouragement 1. If I tell the boss we've got too
2. make a copy of (file, program, much work, will you back me up?
etc.) 2. It is recommended to back up all

files in a secure location.

Bail out 1. pay money to secure someone's 1. When he was arrested, his family
release refused to bail him out.
2. rescue from financial difficulties 2. The government bailed out the
Bank on base your hopes on Don't forget the date. I'm banking on
someone/something your help.
Boil be summarized as The problem boils down to a lack of
down to money.
Boot up start a computer by loading an Just give me a few minutes to boot
operating system or program. up the computer.
Break escape from captivity A few horses broke away from the
away paddock.
Break 1. go out of order, cease to function 1. Nitish's car broke down so he had
down 2. lose control of one's emotions     to take the bus.
2. The parents broke down when
they heard the bad news.
Break enter by force Burglars broke into the house
into around midnight.
Break out start suddenly Rioting broke out as a result of the
Break out escape from a place by force Three prisoners broke out of jail.
Break up come to an end (marriage, After her marriage broke up, Seema
relationship) went to live in London.
Bring up raise (a child) She stopped working in order to
bring up her children.
Brush up improve, refresh one's knowledge Meena had to brush up on her
on of something English before going to America.
Bump meet by accident or unexpectedly Padma bumped into her English
into teacher at the supermarket.
Burn out 1. stop (something) working 1. The fuse has burnt out.
2. become exhausted from over- 2. Tom will burn himself out if he
working doesn't slow down.

List of Phrasal Verbs – 3

Phrasal Meaning Examples

Call back return a phone call I'll call you back as soon as possible.
Call off cancel The meeting was called off because of

the strike.
Call formally invite or request I now call upon the President to address
on/upon the assembly.
Calm down become more relaxed, less He was angry at first but he eventually
angry or upset calmed down.
Carry on continue He carried on gardening in spite of the
Carry out 1. do something as specified  1. The plan was carried out to
(a plan, an order, a threat) perfection.
2. perform or conduct (test, 2. Tests are carried out to determine the
experiment) efficiency of a new drug.
Carry over postpone until later As regards holidays, can you carry over
any days from one year to the next?
Check in register at a hotel or airport For security reasons you have to check
in two hours before your flight.
Check out 1. pay one's bill and leave (a 1. Is Mr. Kumar still at the hotel?  No,
hotel) he checked out this morning.
2. investigate 2. I don't know if the address is still
valid. I'll check it out.
Clam up refuse to speak When the teacher arrived she clammed
Clamp act strictly to prevent The government has decided to clamp
down on something down on smoking in public places.
Come 1. find by chance 1. Veena came across some photographs
across 2. appear, seem, make an of her grandparents in the store room.
impression 2. The candidate came across as a
dynamic person during the interview.
Come  present oneself The police have asked any witnesses to
forward come forward.
Come up be faced with or opposed by The project came up against a lot of
against criticism.
Count on rely or depend on (for help) I'm counting on the taxi driver to find
the theatre.
Cross out remove by drawing a line In some exercises, you are asked to
through cross out the incorrect word.
Cut down reduce in number or size The doctor told him to cut down on
on cigarettes.
Cut out 1. remove using scissors 1. She cut out a picture in a magazine.
2. stop doing something 2. I'm going to cut out eating between

List of Phrasal Verbs – 4

Phrasal Meaning Examples

Deal with handle, take care of  (problem, The manager is good at dealing with
situation) difficult customers.
Die down calm down, become less strong When the applause died down, she
started to sing.
Do manage without The shops are closed so we'll have to
without do without sugar.
Drag on last longer than expected We expected a short speech but it
dragged on and on!
Draw up write (contract, agreement, An agreement was drawn up and
document) signed by the two parties.
Dress up 1. wear elegant clothes 1. Do people dress up to go to the
2. disguise oneself opera in your country?
2. Children love to dress up at
Drop in visit, usually on the way I sometimes drop in to see my
somewhere grandparents on my way home from
Drop off 1. deliver someone or something 1. I'll drop you off at the bus stop if
2. fall asleep you like.
2. Granddad often drops off in front of
the TV.
Drop out leave school without finishing She decided to go to art school then
dropped out after the first term.
End in finish in a certain way; result in Their marriage ended in divorce.
Ease off reduce, become less severe or After Christmas the workload
slow down  (pain, traffic, work) generally eases off.
End up finally reach a state, place or If he continues his misconduct he'll
action end up in prison.
Even out 1. eliminate differences of 1. After a long discussion they
opinion. managed to even out their differences.
2. become level or regular 2. The road was evened out to make it
Fall fail; doesn't happen Our planned boat trip fell through
through because of the storm.
Figure understand, find the answer I'm trying to figure out how to
out assemble the bookshelves.
Fill out complete (a form/an application) Please fill out the enclosed form and

return it as soon as possible.

Find out discover or obtain information I'm going to call the cinema to find out
what time the film starts.
Focus on concentrate on something The advertising campaign will focus
on the quality of the product.

List of Phrasal Verbs – 5

Phrasal Verb Meaning Examples

Get along (with) be on good terms; work well I get along (well) with my
with mother-in-law.
Get at imply What exactly are you trying to
get at?
Get away escape The robbers got away in a black
Get by manage to cope or to survive It's difficult to get by on a low
Get in enter How did the thief get in?
Get into (+noun) enter How did the thief get into the
Get off 1. leave (bus, train, plane) 1. You should get off the bus at
2. remove the main market of the town.
2. She can't get the stain off her
Get on board (bus, train, plane) You can pay when you get on
the bus.
Get on with continue to do; make Be quiet and get on with your
(something) progress homework.
Get on (well) with have a good relationship with I get on very well with my
(somebody) colleagues.
Get out leave How did he get out?
Get out of (+noun) leave How did he get out of the house?
Get out of avoid doing something Some husbands manage to get
out of doing any housework.
Get over recover from (illness, My grandmother had pneumonia
disappointment) but she got over it.
Get rid of eliminate It's difficult to get rid of old

Get together meet each other Let's get together for lunch on
Get up rise, leave bed I usually get up at 7 o'clock.
Give up stop doing something Rajesh gave up smoking 5 years
Go through experience Priya went through a lot of pain
after the accident.
Grow up spend one's childhood; He grew up in a small village in
develop; become an adult the mountains.

List of Phrasal Verbs – 6

Phrasal Meaning Examples

Hand in submit (report, homework) All application forms must be handed in
before the end of the month.
Hand out distribute Samples will be handed out at the end of
the demonstration.
Hang up end a phone conversation "Don't hang up. I haven't finished yet."
Hit at aim a blow at He hit at the wasp with the newspaper.
Hit back retaliate; reply to an attack When he was attacked by the others, the
boy hit back.
Hit find unexpectedly or by She hit upon an idea for her new
on/upon inspiration collection.
Hold on 1. wait 1. "Hold on please.  I'll put you through to
2. grip tightly Mr. Khanna"
2. She held on to the railing as she
crossed the bridge.
Hurry up be quick, act speedily Hurry up! We'll miss the bus.
Iron out resolve by discussion, The meeting tomorrow will be an
eliminate differences opportunity to iron out difficulties.
Join in participate She was too shy to join in the game.
Join up 1. engage in, become a 1. Deven was in the Army and Shekher
member of joined up as soon as he left school.
2. meet and unite with 2. The two groups of tourists joined up at
the hotel.
Jot down take quick notes I jotted down the address while watching
the programme on TV.
Keep on continue doing something It told him to be quiet but he kept on
making noise.

Keep up stay at the same level as Karan walks so fast it's difficult to keep
with someone or something up with him.
Kick off begin, start The football match kicked off at 3
Leave out omit, not mention The child's name was left out of the
Let down disappoint You promised to come to the party, so
don't let me down!
Look after take care of A babysitter looks after the children when
their parents go out.
Look ahead think of the future It's time to forget the past and look ahead.
Look down consider as inferior He tends to look down on anyone who is
on not successful.
Look on be a spectator at an event Billu didn't take part in the fight.  He just
looked on.
Look for try to find something Seema went to the shops to look for a pair
of shoes.
Look await or anticipate with I look forward to seeing you soon.
forward to pleasure
Look up to admire He was a wonderful teacher and many
students looked up to him.

List of Phrasal Verbs – 7

Phrasal Meaning Examples

Make fun laugh at/ make jokes about The old lady dresses so strangely that the
of kids make fun of her.
Make up invent (excuse, story) Some employees make up excuses when
they arrive late for work.
Mix up mistake one thing or person I don't know my neighbours' names yet.  I
for another keep mixing them up.
Move in arrive in a new home or You've bought a new house? When are you
office moving in?
Move out leave your home/office for My neighbour is leaving.  He's moving out
another one. next Saturday.
Nod off fall asleep My grandfather often nods off in front of
the television.
Note write something I'll call the station and note down the

down departure times.

Opt out leave a system or decide not I enjoy tennis but I'm so busy I had to opt
to participate out of the tournament.
Own up admit or confess something The boy owned up.  He said he kicked the
ball through the window.
Pass away die The old lady passed away peacefully.
Pass out faint She passed out when she heard the bad
Pay back reimburse I'll lend you Rs. 20 provided you pay me
back before the end of the week.
Put off postpone, arrange a later The meeting was put off because of the
date strike.
Put on turn on, switch on Could you put on the light please?
Put out extinguish It took a long time to put out the fire.
Put up accommodate, give We can put you up if you'd like to come for
somebody a bed a week-end.
Pick up collect somebody I'll pick you up at the station when you
Point out indicate/direct attention to She pointed out the mistake.

List of Phrasal Verbs – 8

Phrasal Verb Meaning Examples

Rely on count on, depend on, trust Don't worry.  You can rely on
me.  I can keep a secret.
Rule out eliminate The police ruled out political
Run away escape from a place or He ran away from home at the
suddenly leave age of fourteen.
Run into meet by accident or Sheetal ran into Meera at the
unexpectedly (also: bump shopping centre.
Shop around compare prices It's always wise to shop around
before buying anything.
Show off brag or want to be admired There's Devesh showing off in
his new sports car!
Show up appear/arrive We expected Deepak to come
but he didn't show up.
Shut up  be silent, stop talking Oh shut up, you idiot!

Sit down take a seat Please come in and sit down.
Stand up rise from a sitting position The pupils stood up when the
headmaster arrived.
Stick up for defend It's important to stick up for
one's principles.
Take after resemble, in appearance or Jagat really takes after his dad.
Take care of look after I'll take care of your plants
while you're away.
Take off leave the ground The plane took off at 6 a.m.
Take on hire or engage staff Business is good so the
company is taking on extra staff.
Take out remove; extract She took out a pen to note the

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