PowerPoint Presentation Motion

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Holiday Home Work

➢Motion :- Movement of any object from one
position to another position with respect to the
observer, is called motion.
➢Scalar Quantity :- It is physical quantity
that requires both magnitude but no
Example:- Distance, Speed, etc.
➢Vector Quantity:- It is the physical
quantity that requires both magnitudes and
Example:- Displacement, Velocity, etc.
Distance:- The
Length of actual path
between the initial
and the final position
of a moving object in
the given time
interval is called
Displacement:- The
shortest distance
between the initial
and final position of
a moving object in
the given time
interval is known as
• Uniform Motion:- When a body travels
equal distance in equal interval of
time, the motion is said to be uniform
• Non-Uniform Motion:- When a body travels
unequal distance in equal interval of
time it is said to be Non- Uniform
▪Uniform Motion ▪Non-Uniform Motion
— Uniform Motion is the Accelerated Motion:-
motion of an object Motion when motion
along a straight line of a body increases
with uniform Velocity.
with time it is known
— Uniform Motion are
the movement of the as accelerated motion.
fan’s blades, the
De-Accelerated Motion:-
motion of the earth
around the sun, the When Motion of a
motion of pendulum body decreases with
with equivalent time it is known as
amplitude on either de-accelerated motion.
side, etc.
▪ Speed- The measurement of ▪ The speed of the body in a
distance travelled by a body per particular direction is called
unit time it is called speed. Velocity.
▪ Speed= Distance travelled/ time ▪ Velocity= Displacement / time
▪ SI Unit – m/s
▪ SI unit – m/s (meter / second)
Equation of Motion – Final Velocity =
Initial Velocity + Acceleration * Time

Uniform Circular Motion –

When a body moves in a
circular path with uniform
speed then it is said to be
execuring uniform circular
V = U + at

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