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A. Complete the sentences with the words below.

(1 point each)

EXAMPLE: I lent John my phone for a short time because he broke his.

borrowed | saved | paid back | saved | saved | wasted | sold

1. Will ________________ his friend his guitar for $100.

2. Adriana’s mom gave her $10. Adriana ________________ the $10 a week later.

3. I ________________ $700 to buy a new laptop.

4. I ________________ my friend’s cookbook to make a cake.

5. I spent $300 on a new shirt. My mom said I ________________ my money.

6. Cell phones were 50% off, so I ________________ a lot of money.

7. Annie ________________ her extra money. Now she can use it to pay for a

B. Circle the correct answer.

(1 point each)

1. Izan goes to the supermarket once a week and fills the shopping cart / shelf to the

2. A customer / salesperson can help you if you have questions when you’re

3. I can’t reach the tissues up there on that grocery store / shelf. Can you help me,

4. Marjorie always goes to her local department / grocery store to buy her fruit and

5. The price / sale of all the jewelry in that store is crazy. I prefer to buy cheaper
things online.

6. Why is there such a long line at the shopping cart / checkout today?

7. Help! The paper in the cash register / price is blocked, and I have twenty people
waiting in line!

8. This desk is so old. Let’s put it on sale / checkout to sell it more quickly.


C. Complete the sentences with be going to and one of the verbs below.

(1 point each)

buy | go | use | meet | start | watch | shop

1. Maria _________________________ her credit card to pay because she doesn’t

have any cash.

2. Our car is really old, so we _________________________ a new car soon. I’m so


3. I _________________________ online as soon as Black Friday starts. It’s fun!

4. When Serge gets to his friend’s house later, they _________________________

the game on TV.

5. Herbie got the job! He _________________________ work next Monday.

6. Jerry and Carole enjoyed their day out shopping. They

_________________________ again next week.

7. Erica is free this evening, so she _________________________ a friend at a café


D. Circle the correct answers.

(1 point each)

Some / No / Any people buy things in different ways. We found that shopping online
is an activity that 1many / no / none people do from work. Do your coworkers do it?

During the lunch break, people surf the net at their desk on their laptop. They look for
2some / all / none new clothes or a book. They don’t like wasting time in a line at the

checkout of the grocery store or department store. We also learned that 3none / many
/ a, but not all, men buy jewelry online for their partners. How 4some / all / many
people do you think do their grocery shopping from their computer at work? We
found 100% do it, so that’s 5all / none / a of them! They don’t go online at home. They
prefer to use their lunch break to buy 6none / some / all the things they want online.
They save a lot of money this way! I think this idea is pretty cool, so I’m going to look
out for 7all / some a new shoes on a new shopping website this weekend.

When I went to the store last weekend 8many / a / none of the shoes I saw were the
right size for me! Maybe I’ll get lucky online!


E. Read the blog post. Circle True, False, or Doesn’t Say for each statement.

(2 points each)

Volunteering! Why not?

Cristine says:

Why not consider doing something different this summer? You’re not going to get rich
financially doing this, but this experience will make you richer in many other ways.

Volunteering in South America gives you the chance to travel around some truly
amazing places or across 12 different countries without spending a fortune. I traveled
through the jungle and over the mountains and only spent about $100 a month. It’s
difficult to say which place was the most interesting, but one of them that I remember
very well was volunteering in Santa Cruz at a center that helps kids of all ages – from
babies to young adults – to learn about Bolivian culture because the city has no
cultural center. I helped the director, Gabriela, do the housework, serve lunch and
give English lessons every day. We also went shopping every day to buy the cheap
food on sale but there wasn’t much. I loved it, but they need more volunteers to go
and help them. Most of all, they need more dishes for the 91 kids, and more food to
feed them all.

I’m going to go back in the spring. If you want an interesting vacation, and you don’t
want to spend a lot of money next summer, I really suggest volunteering! And why
not go and help Gabriela? You’ll find a welcoming place and fantastic kids!

1. Cristine volunteered last summer. True / False / Doesn’t Say

2. She traveled across 12 countries

True / False / Doesn’t Say
in South America.

3. When they went shopping they

True / False / Doesn’t Say
bought a lot of food.

4. Cristine is going to go back to

True / False / Doesn’t Say
Santa Cruz next summer.

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