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re Bf" Min Ra... nj Fadi to Jadlv fora 7 me 77) yom dct () am fa | Ulebbrencte (i) 48 abSrervated Ta () aR, Wh t Hb |< |ebbrevietin (r) aa OF Gg on Gans 1 | 2 Tabolish () 38 ebohtiontt 7m) ‘ () ARIARRTE Le ebelition (ae i1k#RR~£ = ve 4 a agit, TA) 2 feberigine () 28.8882 J saiation (r) BR: BE. am Add ith ly cboriginal (0) 85 : lednirable (9 #AbRn RENO thf # fabsorb () 88.38. 5 ee FT ta ent () #4, 8%, BRB AS) obserbert = fn) BH abgurheasytnd | fnitoce (0) $A. ad ised af odnitsion (a) A obsorption (a) BA. SD ee a i GH] jinhosnssble (a) BHD AFHH 5 |ebstrect (oh) BRIAR Dae (i BARRENS FISD [febstrection - (r) RAE tt admitted (o) #2uH 6 febsved. eRe TEER | \ainttety (eh) O04 ebsurdty _(o) FARR afar 1) Ti fdolescence (a) RRR RAR 7 Jeccelerate ——(v)- ME: RE adolescent (n) RO lecceleration (n) LE = (OMe leccelerator (a)_ ik) /T al ledopt (v) SBR. Hitt. AER) oR Dee ENC) cae ce TAC fa Jeccurate () 88 ladopted (0) BA; 8m ady He “an S$ faccumclete —(W) RR:HM ACCUmufatory on ) fT (BH: an Adare a} Jeccunulatin (n) 2H, HR BHRE fe EA Y adorable () 3880 -a8n tang laccunulstve _(o) RRA: RRS; Rw float (r) KARA 10 {accustom (y) 38 (0) SRAM deen daccusto () 388 oan t edulthood (0). 250) 1 foc () aR os e v) RH) ; Bt RGA in (wo) Biman acrdll ‘ide ee i wan ca) He acidic (0)_(=very sour) Bt Hy ; BRED D | fedvancement — (n). #38; Rik: NE 1B faccept () BR:UG oneeplatm he B Nedvenced () sa RHE +f y aa | lacceptance (r) 83 L ae ty) (| 2 [advantage (_) His BROT) | unfecceptable _(o) aE cpl HAG ie) tditedntaceous () wen sen ($l FH 1B ace (n) Fi SE See 26 Jadventure (nt) BR aduentirite | po ©) WEE ; FRE eed Elona () RAR on) BER laccess (oh) Bits cresorizg |v ¥Uabdventrons () wren in accessible (@ 7a) Ao. EE | Jadventuroushy (adv) #823 14 locquit () FR; 208) : 2 fodversity (a) BRE, SE locquittal (n)_Bit C eee (a) (HR, ROPE 115 adapt ) 28:8 adverse (0) 2H) Fay; HH “}Tedaptible (a) WH adversely (od) FA: RH ladaptability (a) aa ov. adversarial. ¢ fa? Sia Jadoptation (ni) = BY adeplor 7) HEE As fe wea a tn A fe Be : 28 (nN?) cn J FRMAE WE —————___ Eat ras lenphibn——(t) BRE aphibieus _() #RRBD 8 Jedverstise are APS. WD aa, 43 fonputate (\) Te. 8) are amputation (n) 8, advertisement (nf) #8 PS; Brgy lonputee () Beare || advertiser (a) m8 . lonputator __(r) URAL {|_ptertsng erat oA Ga Falgza pee (0 BF BEDE fe lodvise OQ) ae; 28 advised} cady)) lonusement (1) WE. BF | fee pov maseimR Aa dig A fm tan sen CFI Fa] A) |odvisor (0) 284 88 rae Pralyse () 28 05Hen BR | fedisry 0) BRAY: BANE asi (0) Uh saying (voJodvisoble (a)! EH; 4B oralyst () 28Rteee 20 fodvcete HG 67 + [123] consume (y) AR; BR; BSR ) leonsumer, (0) RE ie jy, | |eosmerin — (n) RPARRER [: al 4 Iconsumer BRE Jooods confidentiality 97 ¥ TP leordennation (1) 280% + Leesan ; : HL ' ption (0) BR, (duty ARB) 7 Jeanduce (0) Coe 3 4. [130]eontagion (0) BEAR, SR conpegiogtly cerducne (0) t= 5 | Meragus Co) tt sae (2809 Tileenfide (0) ERO) | [Bienes (9 58 confident __(n) 2 |e lea centarrigant ; 1 |eontanination (a) 5 42h Wb |eanfdence —_(n) O° A | letunbated” (eam “27 #9 | eral i i o 12|continent (0) WH: xR” i |confidential (a) ‘ itinental | ome eye cotinental__(a) AMAA ) KBE A ‘ [ conficerially ' ade) PP HE: FMBE Continued + continue {| |continuity 1) continuation Inti nuance (9) 448 ie tF ro continuing cath Fare) — [us] ) a cel @eee ae Filia] (o) SR» Bese counsel () ARBRE, He (0) BR; 88 counselling (n) 99 BR counsellor (0) BA 888 | $5 continuo (0) Segre + $8 Gag continuous (0) 886 contribute ——() ABEL, WR), RAE), icontribution contributor AR, A: BR | [courageously (och) Abn tr) wa Ch F a 148 courtesy (@) Wh 0) OR AFG, dieurtems (0) mle) A ag (n)_ A; RE aka 147 courage () courageous (0) ie jcharacterize (i) SRAREURONARRAD, REARED (a) wena an;e CPD Aer] 149 cover (i) meh aE eSB): 4; HA-Hela, DA); errespondence (0) 2: #88R; |] |choracter BA (GIR: os Ncunbchreteristie (0) NE ome tn ates i () anatn Heg ($M $i] Bileowardice —() BB 136|clear (v) RRB) CF) wT ] a jcoward (0) Be ; RE | clearence 0) SBA” i Bae un)clear (0) web cade) FE ir Kifigg peomaedlee (0) teh fie 151 |create. (o) th; en tte 137] convention (n) (ARR). 38 Conventipnall e a henner (0) ARE; EE Cc FR | free (0) eat 138)conviet () HERR erection (0) Wa yre | () Bh restvity (a) HB cmiction __() etie 0 aon GHEE if» & 139 convince Ow F re @ ceive, (od) tte elke unkonincig’ §—@) #XORH EAE + Fey.” «| Beleredt () pap GR RH: conincingly (adi) BR» iB AEA 26, at MRR] » FE 140 copy () BE.Din) Bed > ~AFh -fa credibility (n) SRE ARE OR eprint) wwe Pa gay | (aT BEA ago] [isi |correspond (i) RE: BER BE 1 Late (6). ae : 153 ube (0) EAR a cubic (Ora Sd a] (a) AE | | arrepondent (o) BRA; BRE. LF ha] alee HH [corresponding (a) 850; 0 ; Bs) crime () aE hate Wilecortte 6) Oia RB | rina (o) BR #@)) \) eae coordinates\ea) |_|” (0) Bab HELA Ui] esdsatin waste OE EU ae cs e-ordnator (0) tik cl Wee f Pall Tleorpt () eae wee Paz | | - i MI) corruption (i). BM bs UF; a |? jee (o) ein; ita ate; | 7 | eaWmia Hi|_leorupt (ram BiH | leteuk coin de | [ie lcosmopaton a) BRE (0 » A225 BH fg A teal (edv) HEAL bbe (145 council (0) WORE criticiem (n) tify HELE councillor critique Cn) i if x OW) G& IRE FMPRE OR Fyvable (4) 9 HEAP 6g pastas fultivar 9) HBS H ! J Fie9]deepen () RR Rae We Sa OH BH : a) “= ‘l[t56 euttivate (0) BA RA a ldepth (n)(#8 if) eultivation (n) SA AE ' ip ee Cade GR 20 ft |) utvator—(n) SR RE» APY A he deeply (adi) BRE MAW wy 7AM | leutivated (0) (A. BRBHARN ABR + PHF G7 TO ldefect (n) BH (HA) sank t tre wae (FAA a ]) | lectectie fo) anaes ann 4 bili@) cultural (o)_ seme ABH: dct pit |deferd (WC RD) BF cure () tay <1 Hefence (0) Web MP | BE ' (n) 8 defendant (n/a) 86) KG curative (0) Rami heath defenceless (0) Rial, FHEADN a] || |eureless (0) RRR defensive A injeurcble (o)_ wane | defensively (ody) BBB ; ADL 159|criterion (sgn) Hr | defy (VFB BR defeat | leviteria (oln) ft 1A Hdefiance (0) Bi; Re RR; BE” Cad [Wlarrency (0) HSER Currently Hee defiant (wae; Rts ane L) current to) Rava (ARR A) Viraldefcieney (nC )RD j (©) 838 (Rae fl: “| (deficient (o) Fai ARM | tot leustody (0) SPREPBRE) -g 1g L [ipa[define () & Feu ae stain BABA fo Fn) ta] 1A |eetinition (a) (23) (44) To2|ded ) eect 7 RG GM | oetnite (@) -28; 92H Han deter (0) BA: RBA: RMA (HIE Alar] | [defintely (od) ad RE iealdebt Cn) «RS | [itsldeforest (@) Be BR debtor i ae 7 | deforestation _(n) inane) 164|deceive (RR) l 176|deform (\) BARE (BRE) deformatio deceit (n) teak SE wie | deformity (n) Heel vee hae decetful__—_(@)_ WANS ue wa 4 deformed (a) 80: 7 Ea) Gil 165 declare () BECP; clare, [degenerate (v)(2%), iA; RR, MSs dedootin (a) weia8anen 4 TY 1 ( Re x wemsal 0 A 166 decline (vn) FE; RACY BS } [T7aldelegote ~——(v): RRREREAPRE II]_/ [declination (n) Hi: RE (n) RR: ARE 167 decorate (Wf BH) \delegation () tR@ > £4 Ih WI [decoration (n)- BH BH delete () (8B) decorator (n) (GE Faye ROME A | deletion (n) ARH. Aas ldecorative __()_ bith; FERC deleterious (0) ABW: HEM 168 [deduct (NCHA HR /Jt80|delinquency” (a) RPE. RE INV [deduction __(n)_$00 HR: RE i i rovine 645 bb deductible (4) @ ta Fe & * |delinguent () Mee Bee BRE i (1) & EH OR () wan 22m 2g dF Oy] deductive (a) Hf 6&9 ul FMPRE OR "verance (9) ii és tay - NS Geliverable (1) fe & tf og Fg Flea designahen on) dt a | deliver (V) BARS Ba: RB; Ry ; = (delivery (1) (its), is 14fdesgate (HF |" demand (\) (ERY BE > designated # ee i. (a) BR: ae sire ORC | (unfdenanding (0) BARR HRW . () 48:32: a2.n9 ($1 1 esldenoccy (0) (REET. 3) deseo) BBB: dr] | Wdemocrat =n) ne = CFD tay Bp fdesperction —(n) G9 78-9, |junkdeneratic (0) RE: REA. Bn ester) ea rR | 1es|demonstrate (0) (EAD, ARMAGH). |_|des ue ey #78! | ik oe 4 tution () | a f | le ein 14a] destitute (0) ran sey | = covets i a & Li aah ‘Ge ldesiroy (nCay | sity (1) (B9):3 ; | J ies (0) BH (Ao) ; eeey ae a Og GO 4ay) i oul Lees) aa am destructively (od) A | enisty i INES 199] detach at RF on TOMA] iF Ka oe GE #4 dental (0) EH ldetachment = (n) ik; Hi E> Hog, Z mie, \detached (0) FaRARHE | BED Bye gy 187 dehy Gee EM Aa]. lopleeet () GG: 88 OF at SHe denial (n)_ Bd; Be fe detection (n) BR RH aH 4 186 |depend (H) am eR) detector () ae Rae REL, hy “in}dependence (0) GA; GEE 4 | detective (0) z dependobitty (a) BEE | fun) detectable (0) G68 bg» TEE g deperdeble (a) BRE; mY i iy | 20l)determine (0) AD, BE dependent’ (0) kB RMR CMD ie HE OG aa exe .aa FY Ha] ldetermination. (rn) 4 [ae |depreciate (v) ROK PE i] lectermined (0) BRO: ESBRN, BRK [depreciation (n)_ 88: S28 | [eaphéevelop () GBA 9d} éenrve ) ¥e i \developer (n) FRE: ERE deprivation (n) (319) e e + |developinent (nm) RAR RAS A eS deprived © gamer Z5 a9 Kevdlepcg (0) BRAHh g H wy] | pefeserd () CR) FA BA RR 1 | “leeveoped (ea descent (n) FR: Fe HR MRS BR | | | underdeveloped (0) RR! ldescendant —(n) HA EH 203]devise () it; descending (a) FRA E device () ® KE ih [preserve ©) HBS) FILA AI) [pA doore (GB. aa SOhE description © (x) HAREMINES. Mal. BE devotee OR ae descriptive. (0) 8H BE devotion (0) RRR > eile» Fie | 193 Jdésign (8h 8 devoted () aan S88 1 Sas fis / (n) ts HE BR wl | devotedly (adv) BIR) Fu Fh designer —_ Ott colada: Ta devofodal a) 4494 69» Eh a des FMPRE OR diagnostics (7) ide & 218 [disgrace 7 iyi ae 5 a dsyroctl (0) BUH, FEB 7 diagnosis i iuieee Merce (ai FL Be diognoses i is tn batgetea @) HE ldegrstic aa = eter PM ce digestion ( 4 fisinfe AR | FN) MH RAED igestible . he , ae WM Gcafom | ee nT digestive ( sm Bi, 9 AB hale (v) #6; BR RI) aigt () ae a "ehaga) |e eal (e) ROHNER + aches iil i = THN pete (0) BR: Bit biekwod (v) a > fisable (6 88 [F10 § ol) i Faaeldipse () SH disabled Sa 1 | Peapod) swe LET A] 203] disapprove) aeeen (FD hd], isposoble (0) Bah . | faisopprowl (0) a Thal § ] alae () Wie; Be :EH, cay Fie, 210 disaster (0) Sai ae aera. gue © 74) FMLBORRH) £145 » i geutres _(1. 7 ceARER) | | fisputoten fo) 98s 2 4 2d ee PSA I eisutcble (0) RAN: ot | |sisetet_ 0) 78 ined (ay Seif () HERARRU(RANRED a discpine : oa 7 WRkENTB) . Rif? ) 21 Pansene : Poeee isquifcotion (0 jaar i A306, 210 BH, FRE P ‘laa (0 ERR a] disciprery we oe ORE isillte: (9) tO: 2a/dscomet fe ean af | stilton (n) that #f seoneen ne TERY ABH ‘2es|distinction ——(n) BH; SHA RE pisces 8 a Ate: distinct (a) a9 Fae oe; oS Bg 214 discourage “ erues inch 8H, AHER a; BTHSK distinctive (0): ‘ i isceuregenent (0) maaan CFD § sic = ae iscour : inguish (vy) om; (ae) discouraging _ 7 an ues Ed Pet (o) 28 Gg io} Wlaisoatesy —() BAB ‘ ute (W) BR BB a } izartess() #AR: RB “tine: oe LDH ciseeurtecusly eS aE + | distributor (0) SHR ARE 26|discriminate — (¥) 2 eae a $i alist Gy RT discrimination _(r) a eT] disturbance _(n) NE; Fal S1tR Fit 217 |discuss Wi Rib eit BR disturbed (a) GIG faq» Pe discussion UR : WEA ot Bitig dirhbing (4) 84 ERED dB a : 1 ditucbingly re d7 fat g ee AE Ole

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