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SULIT 4541/2(PP)

Kertas 2
Peraturan Pemarkahan



Kertas 2

Peraturan Pemarkahan

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4541/2(PP) © 2021 BPM SULIT
SULIT 2 4541/2(PP)

Bahagian A

No Mark Scheme Sub Total

mark mark
1 (a) (i) [Able to state the physical state of W at room


Solid 1 1

(ii) [Able to state the Group of element Z in Periodic Table of



Group 18//18 1 1

(iii) [Able to state an element that exists as diatomic molecule]


Y 1 1

(b) (i) [Able to state the observation for this reaction]


Oxide of R is dissolve in both nitric acid and sodium 1 1

r: soluble
r: colourless solution is formed

(ii) [Able to state the property of R oxide]


Amphoteric 1 1

Total 5

4541/2(PP) © 2021 BPM SULIT

SULIT 3 4541/2(PP)

No Mark Scheme Sub Total

mark mark
2(a) (i) [Able to state the type of compound for butane gas.]


Covalent compound 1 1
r: Covalent bond

(ii) [Able to state how elements achieve its stability]


By sharing electrons 1 1

(iii) [Able to explain the butane molecules have low melting

and boiling point]

Sample Answer

Butane are held by the weak Van Der Waals forces between 1 1
molecules//intermolecular forces

(b) [Able to draw the ionic compound]


Nucleus + correct charge – 1 mark 1

Correct number of electrons – 1 mark 1 2

Total 5

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4541/2(PP) © 2021 BPM SULIT
SULIT 4 4541/2(PP)

No Mark Scheme Sub Total

mark mark
3 (a) [Able to name the reaction between acid and alkali]

Neutralisation 1 1

(b) [Able to name salt correctly]


Potassium sulphate 1 1
r: formula

(c) (i) [Able to write balanced chemical equation]


2KOH + H2SO4  K2SO4 + H2O

Correct reactant and product 1

Balanced 1 2

(ii) [Able to calculate volume acid correctly with unit]


MaVa = a
MbVb b

0.1 x Va = 1 1
0.2 x 25 2

Va = 25 cm3 1 2

Total 6

4541/2(PP) © 2021 BPM SULIT

SULIT 5 4541/2(PP)

No Mark Scheme Sub Total

mark mark
4 (a) [Able to state factor that affect rate of reaction]

Concentration of reactant//temperature // catalyst // pressure //
total surface area of reactant//size of reactant 1 1

(b) [Able to name the gas released during reaction correctly]


Carbon dioxide
r: formula CO2 1 1

(c) [Able to write balanced chemical equation]


2HCl + CaCO3  CaCl2 + CO2 + H2O

1. Correct reactant and product

2. Balanced 1
1 2
(d) [Able to suggest the methods to increase the rate of

1. change marble chips powder//smaller size marble chips
2. heat the mixture 1
r: use higher concentration 1 2

(e) [Able to compare the rate of reaction]


Rate of reaction of experiment II is higher than experiment I

or vice versa 1 1

Total 7

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SULIT 6 4541/2(PP)

Sub Total
No Mark scheme mark mark

5 (a) (i) [Able to state type of glass]

1 1
Borosilicate glass

(ii) [Able to explain why boiling tube is suitable for heating


1. Able to withstand high temperature // Heat resistant. 1

2. Does not crack easily under thermal stress/sudden 1 2
temperature change.

(b) [Able to explain why soda-lime glass is not suitable to

manufacture laboratory glassware ]

1. No 1
2. Cannot withstand high temperatures//soda-lime glass 1
has low melting point
3. Can easily crack under thermal stress / sudden 1 3
temperature change
(c) [Able to calculate the mass and number of mole of lead(II)
oxide, PbO in the sample]

1.Mass of lead(II) oxide, PbO in the sample

= 100 × 1000g
= 300 g

*reject answer without unit

2. Number of mole of lead(II) oxide, PbO in the sample


= 1.35 mol
a: without unit mol 1 2

Total 8

4541/2(PP) © 2021 BPM SULIT

SULIT 7 4541/2(PP)

Sub Total
No Mark scheme mark mark
6 (a) (i) [Able to define salt correctly]

Salt is an ionic compound formed when the hydrogen ion, H+ 1 1

from the acid is replaced with the metal ion or the
ammonium ion, NH4+.

(ii) [Able to write the chemical formula for magnesium


MgCO3 1 1

(iii) [Able to suggest two chemical substances that can be used

to prepare magnesium carbonate]

Sodium / Potassium / Ammonium carbonate solution

AND 1 1
Magnesium nitrate / chloride / sulphate solution
a: formula

(iv) [Able to describe briefly procedure to produce this salt

from chemical substances suggested]

1. Mix sodium / potassium / ammonium carbonate solution 1

with magnesium nitrate / chloride / sulphate solution in a
2. Filter the mixture by using filter paper. Rinse the 1
residue/precipitate with few drops of distilled water.
3. Dry the residue /precipitate by using filter papers. 1 3

Note: mark 2 and 3 independently.

(b) [Able to determine the volume of gas produced in this
reaction at STP]

1. Number of mole, n of sulphuric acid, H2SO4 1

𝑀𝑉 0.2 ×50
= 1000 = = 0.01 mol

From the chemical equation,

2. 1 mol of H2SO4 produces 1 mol of CO2 gas, therefore
0.01 mol of H2SO4 produces 0.01 mol of CO2 gas
1 3
3. Volume of CO2 gas = 0.01 x 22.4
= 0.224 dm3// 224cm3

Total 9
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SULIT 8 4541/2(PP)

Sub Total
No Mark scheme mark mark
7 (a) [Able to determine alkali metal]
1 1

(b) [Able to arrange the atomic size of elements in ascending

order correctly]

Q, R, T, S, V, U 1 1

(c) [Able to determine element exists as monoatomic gas]

1. Q, 1
2. Atom Q has stable duplet electron arrangement. 1 2

(d) [Able to explain why elements T is more reactive than

element V]

1. Atomic size of T is smaller than atomic size of V or vice 1

2. The nuclear attraction force towards electrons is stronger
for atom T compared to that for atom V. 1
3. It is for easier to attract electron to fill the valence shell for
atom T compared to that for atom V. 1 3

(e) [Able to plan an experiment to determine the solubility of

ST2 in water ]

1. Put 1 spatula of ST2 solid into the test tube. 1

2. Add [5 cm3] distilled water and shake / stir. 1
3. ST2 solid dissolve in water. 1 3

a: beaker

Total 10

4541/2(PP) © 2021 BPM SULIT

SULIT 9 4541/2(PP)

Sub Total
No Mark scheme mark mark
8 (a) [Able to define catalyst correctly]

Catalyst is chemical substance that can increase the rate of

reaction without undergoing chemical change. 1 1

(b) [Able to name a catalyst for the reaction in Set II]

Copper(II) sulphate solution 1 1

r: chemical formula

(c) [Able to sketch a graph of volume of gas collected against

time for both sets on the same axis]

1. Correct shape of the graph with label I and II 1

2. Label volume of gas and time at 3 mins 1 2

(d) [Able to calculate the average rate of reaction for the first
three minutes for Set I and Set II]

(i) 40 ÷ 3 = 13.33 cm3 min-1 1 1

r: without unit

(ii) 50 ÷ 3 = 16.67 cm3 min-1 1 1

r: without unit

(iii) [Able to compare the average rate of reaction for the first
three minutes for Set I and Set II]

The rate of reaction of Set I is lower than Set II // 1 1

The rate of reaction of Set II is higher than Set I

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SULIT 10 4541/2(PP)

(e) [Able to explain how catalyst affects the rate of reaction in

Set II by using the Collision Theory]

1. Catalyst provide alternative path with lower activation 1

2. More colliding reacting particles can achieve the lower
activation energy. 1
3. Frequency of effective collision between Zn and H+ ions
in Set II is higher than that in Set I.
1 3

Total 10

Bahagian B

No Mark Scheme Sub Total

mark mark
9 (a) (i) [Able to state the type of bond for the molecule]

Answer :
covalent bond 1 1

(ii) [Able to state two observations that can be seen when

the solution produced is tested with the blue litmus

Answer :
1. Blue litmus paper turns red 1
2. bleached//white 1 2
[Able to state the active ingredient from Group 17 that is
used in the solution]

Answer :
1. Iodine
[Able to explain how it helps in healing the skin wound] 1 1

Sample answer :
1. acts as disinfectant//antiseptic 1
2. prevent the growth of microorganism// kills 1 2

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SULIT 11 4541/2(PP)

(b) (i) [Able to compare the rate of reaction between Set I and
Set II using Collision Theory]

Answer :

1. Rate of reaction for Set II is higher than Set I 1

2. Size of magnesium Set II is smaller than Set I// 1
total surface area of magnesium exposed to collision in
Set II is larger than Set I
3. Frequency of collision between Mg and H+ ions in set II 1
is higher than Set I
4. Frequency of effective collision set II is higher than Set I 1 4

Note : accept P3 if Mg and H+ ions is mentioned in P4.

(ii) [Able to predict the effects on the results of the

experiment if the experiment in Set I is repeated by
using twice concentration of the same acid]

Sample answer :
1. Time taken for the reaction to occur will be lower than 1
Set I.
2. Rate of reaction is higher 1
3. Volume of the hydrogen gas produced will be doubled 1
r : higher
4. Number of mol for hydrochloric acid//concentration of 1 4
H+ ion is doubled

(iii) [Able to explain the mistakes in the set-up of apparatus]

Sample answer :

1. The conical flask was not stoppered properly 1

2. The delivery tube does not enter the measuring cylinder 1
3. Gas cannot be collected properly 1 3

a: lower volume of gas collected

(iv) [Able to suggest a test that can be done to verify the gas]

Answer :

1. Action : Put a burning wooden splinter near the mouth of 1

measuring cylinder
2. Observation : If ‘pop’ sound is heard 1
3. Inference : Hydrogen gas is present 1 3

Total 20

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4541/2(PP) © 2021 BPM SULIT
SULIT 12 4541/2(PP)

No Mark Scheme Sub Total

mark mark
10 (a) (i) [Able to define alkali correctly]

Chemical substances that ionise in water to produce 1 1
hydroxide ion.

(ii) [Able to suggest one substance that can neutralise alkali]


1. Vinegar (ethanoic acid) // Lemon juice (citric acid). 1

2. Acid can neutralise the alkali. 1 2
r: strong acid

(b) [Able to explain why alkali solutions have different pH


1. pH value of sodium hydroxide solution, NaOH is higher 1

than ammonia solution, NH3.
2. Sodium hydroxide solution, NaOH is a strong alkali while 1
ammonia solution, NH3 is a weak alkali.
3. Sodium hydroxide solution, NaOH ionise completely in 1
water and ammonia solution ionise partially in water.
4. Concentration of OH- ion in sodium hydroxide solution, 1
NaOH is higher than ammonia solution.
5. The higher the concentration of hydroxide ion the higher 1
the pH value.
6. NaOH  Na+ + OH- 1
7. NH3 + H2O NH4+ + OH- 1 7

(c) [Able to describe a confirmatory test for Lead (II) ion]

Confirmatory test for Lead (II) ion.

1. Pour [2 – 5] cm3 of the salt solution into a test tube

2. Add [2 – 5] cm3 potassium iodide solution, KI 1
3. Shake or stir with glass rod. 1
4. Yellow precipitate is formed. 1
1 4

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(d) (i) [Able to justify the usage of fibre glass ]

1. high stretching strength 1
2. durable 1 3
3. safety//absorb impact

1. resistant to corrosion
2. durable
3. long lasting

(ii) [Able to explain that alloy is harder than pure metal]

1. Steel consists of atoms of different size. 1

2. The orderly arrangement of atoms in a pure metal is 1
disrupted. 1 3
3. Layers of atoms not easily slide over each other when
external force is applied on them.

Total 20

Pengiraan Markah SPM = Markah Kertas 1 + Markah Kertas 2 x 100%


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4541/2(PP) © 2021 BPM SULIT

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