English 10

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The Impact of Noisy and Disruptive

Environments on Student's Academic

Performance Of Grade 10 ROF
SY: 2022-2023

Submitted by:Group 4
Remmuel Valera
Jamillilah Macabangon
Edgar Olivera
Rhalp Wesly Reyes
Cedrex Lancion
John Mark Oribeda
Airish Segui
Eugene Bryan Laulita

Submitted to: Ma'am SJ Manza

Chapter 1
This research study examines the impact of noisy
and disruptive environments on students' academic
performance and concentration in school. The study
aims to explore the detrimental effects of
environmental factors, such as noise and
disturbances, on students' ability to focus, retain
information, and perform well academically. By
investigating the relationship between environmental
factors and students' academic outcomes, this
research aims to contribute to the development of
effective strategies for creating conducive learning
environments. The study employs a mixed-methods
approach, combining quantitative analysis of
academic performance data and qualitative data
from interviews and observations. The findings of
this research will provide valuable insights for
educators, policymakers, and school administrators
to enhance the learning environment and improve
students' academic achievements.

Chapter 2
The learning environment plays a crucial role in
shaping students' academic performance and
concentration in schools. The physical
surroundings, including noise levels and
disruptive factors, significantly impact students'
ability to focus, comprehend, and retain
information. However, the detrimental effects
of noisy and disruptive environments on
students' academic performance have received
relatively less attention compared to other
factors affecting educational outcomes. This
study aims to address this research gap by
examining the impact of such environments on
students' academic performance and

Chapter 3

This study utilizes a mixed-methods research design to

investigate the impact of noisy and disruptive environments on
students' academic performance of grade 10 ROF. The mixed-
methods approach enables the integration of quantitative and
qualitative data, providing a comprehensive understanding of the
phenomenon under investigation.


The study will involve students from Lopez national

comprehensive high school grade 10 ROF. A diverse sample will
be selected to ensure the representation of different age in class
of ROF. socioeconomic backgrounds, and academic abilities. The
participants' consent and ethical considerations will be ensured
throughout the research process.


The respondents on this study are almost 54 student on ROF

grade 10 in LNCHS, the researchers choose 30 students. Meaning
to say in a chosen student, the researchers few students to suit
our 30 respondent.

The respondents should be giving an question and they will

answer since this research study is the Impact of Noisy and
Disruptive environments on Student's Academic Performance of
grade 10 ROF.

Chapter 4

Grade & Sec: Age:

1) Are you a male or female?

a) Male

b) Female

c) Prefer not to say

2) How often do you experience noise or disruptions in your learning environment?

a) Almost every day

b) Several times a week

c) Once a week

d) Rarely

3) What types of noise or disruptions do you typically encounter in your learning environment?

a) Talking or whispering

b) Loud conversations

4) How do you think noisy and disruptive environments affect your ability to concentrate and learn?

a) Significantly hinder my ability to concentrate and learn

b) Somewhat hinder my ability to concentrate and learn

c) Have no effect on my ability to concentrate and learn

d) Enhance my ability to concentrate and learn

5) Do you believe that noisy and disruptive environments have a negative impact on your academic

a) Yes, definitely

b) No, not at all

c) yes, somewhat

d) no, not really

Chapter 5
Quantitative data: Academic performance data, including grades
and standardized test scores, will be collected from school
records. This information will allow for the analysis of academic
performance in relation to environmental factors.

Qualitative data: Semi-structured interviews will be conducted

with students to explore their experiences and perceptions of
noisy and disruptive environments. Classroom observations will
also be conducted to gain insights into the actual environmental
conditions and their impact on student concentration and

Quantitative analysis: The academic performance data will be
analyzed using statistical methods, such as correlation analysis
and regression analysis, to examine the relationship between
environmental factors and students' academic outcomes.

Qualitative analysis: The interviews and observations will be

transcribed and analyzed thematically. The qualitative data
analysis will involve coding, categorizing, and identifying patterns
to gain a deeper understanding of the students' experiences and
perceptions of the impact of noisy and disruptive environments.

Chapter 6
1) Are you a male or female?

2)How often do you experience noise or disruptions in your learning environment?

3)What types of noise or disruptions do you typically encounter in your learning


4) How do you think noisy and disruptive environments affect your ability to concentrate
and learn?

Chapter 7
5) Do you believe that noisy and disruptive environments have a negative impact on
your academic performance?

The impact of noisy and disruptive environments on Grade 10

ROF students' academic performance during the academic year
2022-2023 is significant. The presence of noise and disruptions
hinders students' ability to concentrate, focus, and absorb
information, thereby affecting their overall academic
achievements. However, through a multifaceted approach that
involves proactive measures at both the individual and
institutional levels, we can mitigate these challenges and enhance
students' academic performance.

Chapter 8
The impact of noisy and disruptive environments on
Grade 10 ROF students' academic performance
during the academic year 2022-2023 is significant.
The presence of noise and disruptions hinders
students' ability to concentrate, focus, and absorb
information, thereby affecting their overall academic
achievements. However, through a multifaceted
approach that involves proactive measures at both
the individual and institutional levels, we can
mitigate these challenges and enhance students'
academic performance.

Chapter 9
Based on our research and observations, it is evident that
noisy and disruptive environments have a significant
impact on students' academic performance. To address
this issue and enhance the academic experience of Grade
10 students in the 2022-2023 school year, I recommend
the following measures:

1. Establish quiet zones: Designate specific areas within

the school where students can study and focus without
disturbances. These zones should be free from excessive
noise and other distractions. Encourage teachers and staff
to enforce these designated areas to ensure a peaceful
environment for studying.

2.Implement soundproofing measures: Identify the main

sources of noise in the school environment, such as
nearby construction, traffic, or other students' activities.
Take appropriate measures to soundproof classrooms,
study areas, and other spaces where students spend most
of their time. This can include installing noise-reducing
materials on walls, ceilings, and floors, as well as using
acoustic panels or curtains.

Chapter 10

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