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Instructions and Illustrations Make a slip knot on left needle. Insert tip of right needle into slip knot (loop) (a). Knit 1 in loop. Place new stitch on left needle. Repeat (b) and (c) until desired stitches are cast on.

Duplicate Stitch
Appearance in pattern - Dup Instructions and Illustrations As the name suggests, duplicate stitch imitates the knitted stitch, but it is actually embroidery worked on the surface of the knitted fabric. It's frequently used to add color details, such as a stripe or small motif, but you can also use it to correct small mistakes. Knit Tip: Remember that this new stitch sits on top or covers an existing stitch. Adjust your tension carefully. Instructions: Bring yarn to the outside at the base of the stitch below the stitch to be duplicated. Pull yarn through to front. Place needle from right to left behind both sides of the stitch above the one being duplicated. Complete the stitch by returning the needle to where you began. When working a series of horizontal duplicate stitches, complete one stitch and begin the adjacent stitch in one step.

Invisible Increase
Appearance in pattern - Inc Instructions and Illustrations With left needle, pick up lp between sts on last row, twisting the loop; knit or purl in back bar of picked-up lp.

Kitchener Stitch
Appearance in pattern - KS Instructions and Illustrations Also called grafting or weaving, the Kitchener stitch joins two pieces of knitting by imitating a row of knitting with a strand of yarn and a tapestry needle. It's used to join the last few stitches of the toe of a sock so there's no seam to rub, and it's also handy if you need to add or subtract rows in the middle of a piece or a sweater. When worked on stockinette stitch, it's nearly invisible, while joining the tops of pieces in knit and purl patterns, such as ribbing, will result in a half-stitch offest in the pattern. Knit Tip: Don't worry about getting the stitches just right as you work; you can adjust the tension with the tip of the tapestry needle every several stitches. Instructions: 1.) Working from right to left, insert tapestry needle in first stitch on lower piece from back to front.

2.) Pull yarn through first stitch. 3.) Insert needle in first stitch on top piece from front to back and second stitch from back to front. 4.) Pull yarn through. 5.) Insert needle in first stitch on lower piece from front to back and second stitch from back to front. 6.) Pull yarn through. Continue repeating steps 3 through 6.

Appearance in pattern - k Instructions and Illustrations With yarn in back, insert tip of right needle in front of next stitch on left needle (a). Wrap yarn counter clockwise around tip of needle (b). Pull loop through stitch to front (c). Slide worked stitch off left needle (d).

Make 1 in stitch below

Appearance in pattern - M1 in stitch below Instructions and Illustrations Make 1 in stitch below creates a new stitch. It may be used when you want an increase that blends in with the knitting around it. Insert tip of right needle in top of next stitch in row below. Knit this stitch. Knit next stitch on left needle. Knit Tip: Make 1 in stitch below works well for shaping such as sleeves. There should be at least one plain row between the Make 1 rows. Make a backward loop over right needle. Pull loop tight around needle. On next row, work so backward loop remains twisted. (This will prevent a hole in work.)

Make 1 with Backward Loop

Appearance in pattern - M1 with backward loop Instructions and Illustrations Make 1 with a backward loop creates a new stitch. It may be used when you want an increase that blends in with the knitting around it. Knit Tip: Make 1 with a backward loop works well for shaping such as sleeves.

Mattress (or Ladder) Stitch

Appearance in pattern - mattress (ladder) Instructions and Illustrations This stitch is a secure and nearly invisible way of joining edges, such as underarm seams on the body or sleeves of a sweater. With the right side facing, working 1 stitch in from edge, with tapestry needle and matching yarn, go under running yarn between first and second stitches on one piece. Repeat step 1 on other piece. Continue to work from side to side, pulling yarn to close seam every 4 to 6 stitches.

Knit Tip: Worked from the right side of the fabric, it makes it easier to line up the pattern.

Pick up and Knit

Appearance in pattern - wrap Instructions and Illustrations This technique is often used to add a border or collar to the edge of a knitted piece. You may also use it to work a sleeve from the armhole down to the cuff. It makes a very neat finish with no seaming required. With right side facing, working one stitch in from edge, insert tip of needle in space between first and second stitch. Wrap yarn around needle. Pull loop through to front. Repeat steps 1 through 3. Knit Tip: As the number of stitches per inch is rarely the same as the number of rows per inch in Stockinette stitch, you will usually pick up approximately 3 stitches for every 4 rows. You may wish to check this on a swatch.

Appearance in pattern - p Instructions and Illustrations With yarn in front, insert tip of right needle from back to front through next stitch on left needle (a). Wrap yarn counterclockwise around needle (b). Pull loop through to back (b). Slide worked stitch off left needle (d).

Short Rows/Wrap
Appearance in pattern - wrap (or turning) Instructions and Illustrations The technique of wrapping stitches is usually used in short row shaping, an example would be the yoke of a sweater. It is also called turning. Instructions: sl next st, bring yarn to front bet ndls, return sl st to LH ndl Wrapping is used to prevent holes in the piece and to create a smooth transition when using short rows. When you are wrapping a knit stitch, with the yarn in back, slip the next stitch purlwise. Move the yarn between the needles to the front of the piece. Slip the same stitch back to the left needle and turn the work, bringing the yarn to the purl side. One stitch is wrapped. At the end when all short rows are completed, you must hide the wraps. Work to just before the wrapped stitch. Insert the right needle under the wrap and knitwise into the wrapped stitch. Knit them together.

Slip Stitch
Appearance in pattern - sl sts, slip Instructions and Illustrations (a) Insert tip of right needle in next stitch on left needle from front to back as to knit (or from back to front as to purl). (b) Slide the stitch off the left needle onto the right needle.



Slip, Slip, Knit

Appearance in pattern - ssk Instructions and Illustrations Slip, slip, knit works two stitches together into one, resulting in a left-slanting decrease. It is useful for shaping or may be combined with corresponding increases to form patterns. The ssk is the mirror of the k2tog.

Slip first stitch off left needle as if to knit. Slip next stitch off left needle as if to knit. Insert tip of left needle in the front through both slipped stitches. Wrap yarn around tip of right needle and then knit these two stitches together.

Slip, Slip, Purl

Appearance in pattern - ssp Instructions and Illustrations Slip next two stitches, one at a time, as to knit from left needle to right needle. Slip these stitches back onto left needle keeping them twisted. Purl these two stitches together through back loops.

Twisted Knit Stitch

Appearance in pattern - tK or Twisted K St Instructions and Illustrations Insert right needle through back lp of st, complete as a K st.

Binding Off (knit)

Appearance in pattern - BO(K) Instructions and Illustrations

Binding Off (knit) Knit first 2 stitches on left needle. Insert tip of left needle into first stitch worked on right needle. Lift first stitch over second stitch and off needle in direction shown by arrow. Knit the next stitch and repeat. When one stitch remains on right needle, cut yarn and draw tail through last stitch to fasten off.

Binding Off (purl)

Appearance in pattern - Binding Off (p) Instructions and Illustrations Binding Off (purl) Purl first 2 stitches on left needle. Insert tip of left needle into first stitch worked on right needle. Lift first stitch over second stitch and off needle in direction shown by arrow. Purl the next stitch and repeat. When one stitch remains on right needle, cut yarn and draw tail through last stitch to fasten off.

Increase (Knit)
Appearance in pattern - inc(k) Instructions and Illustrations Instructions: Knit into front of stitch. Before slipping stitch off needle, place right needle behind left and knit again into back of stitch. Slip original stitch off left needle

Increase purl
Appearance in pattern - inc(p) Instructions and Illustrations Instructions: Purl into front of stitch. Before slipping stitch off needle, purl again into back of stitch. Slip original stitch off left needle.

Yarn Over knit

Appearance in pattern - yok Instructions and Illustrations Yarn Over (knit) Bring yarn to front and over top of right needle. Knit the next stitch.

Yarn Over purl

Appearance in pattern - yop Instructions and Illustrations Yarn Over (purl) Bring yarn to front and over top of right needle. Purl the next stitch.

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