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Chemosphere 325 (2023) 138300

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A critical review in recent progress of hollow fiber membrane contactors for

efficient CO2 separations
Aniqa Imtiaz a, b, Mohd Hafiz Dzarfan Othman a, b, *, Asim Jilani c, **, Imran Ullah Khan d,
Roziana Kamaludin a, b, Muhammad Ayub a, b, Ojo Samuel a, b, Tonni Agustiono Kurniawan e,
NurAwanis Hashim f, Mohd Hafiz Puteh g
Advanced Membrane Technology Research Centre, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia
Facultyof Chemical and Energy Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia
Centre of Nanotechnology, King Abdul-Aziz University, 21589, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Department of Chemical and Energy Engineering, Pak-Austria Fachhochshule, Institute of Applied Sciences &Technology, Khanpur Road, Mang, Haripur, 22650,
College of the Environment and Ecology, Xiamen University, Xiamen, Fujian, 361102, PR China
Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310, UTM Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia


• Comprehensive review of membrane

contactors for CO2 separation.
• Review for conventional membrane gas
separation technology and membrane
• Latest innovations in membrane con­
tactor module designs.
• Challenges encountered by membrane
contactors for CO2 separation.


Handling Editor: Y Yeomin Yoon Among wide range of membrane-based operations, membrane contactors, as they reify comparatively modern
membrane-based mechanism are gaining quite an attention in both pilot and industrial scales. In recent litera­
Keywords: ture, carbon capture is one of the most researched applications of membrane contactors. Membrane contactors
Membrane contactor have the potential to minimize the energy consumption and capital cost of traditional CO2 absorptions columns.
Gas separation
In a membrane contactor, CO2 regeneration can take place below the solvent boiling point, resulting into lower
Carbon dioxide capture
consumption of energy. Various polymeric as well as ceramic membrane materials have been employed in gas
Hollow fiber
liquid membrane contactors along with several solvents including amino acids, ammonia, amines etc. This re­
view article provides detailed introduction of membrane contactors in terms of CO2 removal. It also discusses

Abbreviations: HF, Hollow fiber; MC, Membrane contactors; NOAA, National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration; MGS, Membrane gas separation; CC, Carbon
capture; NCCC, National Carbon Capture Center; TIPS RAS, Topchiev Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis Russian academy of Sciences; IL, Ionic liquids.
* Corresponding author. Advanced Membrane Technology Research Centre, UniversitiTeknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia.
** Co-corresponding author. Centre of Nanotechnology, King Abdul-Aziz University, 21589, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
E-mail addresses: (M.H.D. Othman), (A. Jilani).
Received 3 January 2023; Received in revised form 21 February 2023; Accepted 2 March 2023
Available online 7 March 2023
0045-6535/© 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Imtiaz et al. Chemosphere 325 (2023) 138300

that the main challenge that is faced by membrane contactors is membrane pore wetting caused by solvent that
in turn can reduce the mass transfer coefficient. Other potential challenges such as selection of suitable solvent
and membrane pair as well as fouling are also discussed in this review and are followed by potential ways to
reduce them. Furthermore, both membrane gas separation and membrane contactor technologies are analysed
and compared in this study on the basis of their characteristics, CO2 separation performances and techno
economical transvaluation. Consequently, this review provides an opportunity to thoroughly understand the
working principle of membrane contactors along its comparison with membrane-based gas separation technol­
ogy. It also provides a clear understanding of latest innovations in membrane contactor module designs as well as
challenges encountered by membrane contactors along with possible solutions to overcome these challenges.
Finally, semi commercial and commercial implementation of membrane contactors has been highlighted.

1. Introduction the advantages of both of the technologies are taken and utilized. Within
the membrane contactor, in order to provide extra contact area between
Because of the swift economic expansion since 20th century, the liquid and gas phases and to prevent dispersion among them, porous
environment and climate have been affected adversely. Manmade di­ membrane is utilized. Hollow fiber (HF) membrane modules as they
sasters such as acid rain and greenhouse effect are related closely to provide greater specific surface area (almost 30 times greater than
industrial output and usage of energy (Nieminen et al., 2020; Pan et al., conventional contactor) are mostly preferred (Li and Chen, 2005;
2020; Zhang et al., 2020a). National Ocean and Atmospheric Adminis­ Mansourizadeh and Ismail, 2009b; Pabby and Sastre, 2013). Membrane
tration (NOAA) Earth System Research Laboratories analysed that car­ contactors amalgamates the intrinsic advantages of membrane based
bon dioxide (CO2) emissions are rapidly increasing globally and also the separation technology with that of chemical absorption (Cui and
concentration of CO2 within the atmosphere has approached a new deMontigny, 2013); the membrane modules are normally designed as
higher record of 441 ppm (Zhang et al., 2020b). This increasing con­ hollow fibers as they are low cost and typically allows a higher inter­
centration of CO2 within the atmosphere arising from globally growing facial area (up to 10,000 m2/m3) considerably higher than most of the
CO2 emissions is directly linked to harmful outcomes of climatic change conventional absorber columns, which in turn results into higher overall
(Mikkelsen et al., 2010). In order to capture and separate CO2 from point mass transfer rates (Li and Chen, 2005). This hybrid process besides
sources of emission as well as from atmosphere, the establishment of providing greater surface area, also provides other benefits such as low
carbon capture technologies provides an interim solution to reduce CO2 cost, modularity and independent gas-liquid control of flow rates
emissions (Wilcox, 2012). CO2 and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) are main without giving rise to flooding (Drioli et al., 2005). So, these appealing
impurities present in effluent gases arising from industries and are acidic characteristics of membrane contactors led the researcher’s interest to­
in nature, also their chemical and physical characteristics are quite wards using this process for natural gas purification/CO2 removal. As
identical in many aspects and their existence in natural gas can cause mentioned earlier that gas-liquid membrane contactor is a hybrid
many difficulties during its process and usage. CO2 content because of its technique which is combination of both membrane based separation and
acidic nature decrease natural gas heating value, also considered as solvent absorption. In it, the gas and liquid phase are separated by the
main cause of global warming and can cause corrosion in equipment. membrane at the interface, hence offering mass transfer contact area for
Hence, to encourage economic development and to comply with envi­ carbon dioxide absorption as well as desorption (Drioli et al., 2011).
ronmental protection, capturing CO2 and H2S from natural gas is Within CO2 gas-liquid contactor, ideally membrane solely permeates
important. molecules of CO2 and rejects solvent transport and also transport of
The utilization of membrane contactors in order to control and other molecules of gas like nitrogen in flue gas and methane in case of
manage CO2 emissions is gaining quite an interest. Out of many tech­ natural gas. Though, all components of feed pass through membrane
nologies that are used for CO2 separations, such as solid adsorption, pores but only CO2 diffuses into solvent because of it having greater CO2
physical and chemical absorption, cryogenic distillation, carbon mo­ selectivity. Membrane contactor, in comparison to conventional packed
lecular sieve (CMS) adsorption and membrane separation, the through amine absorption column process offers larger mass transfer area of
going involves absorption into alkanolamine solutions via employing 1500–3000 m2/m3 per unit volume in comparison to column contactor
conventional contactor equipment such as tray or packed columns. which provides mass transfer area of 100–800 m2/m3(Kumar et al.,
Unluckily, this technique is energy intensive and hard to operate 2002b). It is considered beneficial for processes like brownfield carbon
because of problems such as flooding, foaming and channelling (Meng capture process as well as for sweetening of natural gas where limited
et al., 2020). So as a substitute, membrane contactor technology that space is available. Furthermore, by applying reduced pressure or sweep
combines both chemical absorption and membrane separation tech­ gas within desorber unit, regeneration below solvent’s boiling point
nologies, is therefore deemed as one of the leading technologies for becomes viable (Scholes et al., 2020). This low temperature desorption
controlling CO2 emissions (Yan et al., 2007). However, gas separation minimizes demand of energy by reducing water and solvent vapor­
through membrane has been studied systematically for well over a ization. It was depicted by Wang et al. that if regeneration pressure is
century, but membrane development technology along with fabrication around 20 kPa, 28% of energy can be saved (Wang et al., 2014).
of asymmetric membrane progressed significantly in 1970’s (Baker, One of the drawbacks of membrane contactors is additional mass
2012; Chen et al., 2019). After this, remarkable breakthrough in in­ transfer resistance and is normally caused by membranes. Polymeric
dustrial applications of membrane based gas separation technology, microporous materials such as polytetrafluoroethylene and poly­
especially for CO2 separation applications is reported (Bernardo and propylene are most commonly used to reduce this resistance (Zhao et al.,
Clarizia, 2013). Although, several improvements and advancements are 2016a). Also, one of the major hurdles in development and progress of
still needed in order to attain high gas separation performance via uti­ membrane absorption mechanism is membrane wetting and with in­
lizing membranes like improving durability and selectivity of mem­ crease of operating time, membrane wetting is mostly unpreventable. To
branes as well as producing higher CO2 rates. combat wetting that is caused by aqueous absorbent, membrane should
Several efforts have been made in area of membrane development to be hydrophobic because mass transfer is strictly restricted if membrane
attain such improvements. Gas-Liquid membrane contactors, as continues to operate in wetting mode (Mosadegh-Sedghi et al., 2014;
mentioned above is one of the choices of leading membrane-based Zhang and Jiang, 2019). In order to prevent membrane wetting,
separation technology which amalgamates membrane with conven­ compatibility among absorbent and membrane material is important.
tional phase contacting operation like absorption, and as a consequence Even insignificant degree of membrane wetting can have severe effect on

A. Imtiaz et al. Chemosphere 325 (2023) 138300

gas separation performance. Various techniques are employed by re­ as deployed material in natural gas purification plants. It has already
searchers to prolong time needed for membrane wetting. Common been made known that most of the membrane materials when being
methods include modification of membrane material and improvement tested with gas mixture at elevated natural gas processing pressures
of absorbent as well as of membrane structure. might lose out their selectivity performances. Membrane’s permeability
This review article presents a detailed discussion about membrane is inversely related with selectivity, so the rise in membrane’s perme­
contactors employed for CO2 separation along with its comparison with ability will in turn result in decreased selectivity and decrease in
conventional membrane gas separation (MGS) technology. Previously, permeability would result in increased selectivity. Robeson analysed this
many research studies have discussed the advancements in membrane characteristic, hence it is recognized as Robeson Upper bound (Robeson,
contactor technologies in terms of CO2 separations (Gugliuzza and 2008), yet only small number of membrane materials can cross afore­
Basile, 2013; Li et al., 2020; Kim et al., 2021) but there are very limited mentioned upper bound. So, to attain remarkable improvement in per­
comprehensive research studies available that provides comparison formance, it is necessary to develop and characterize membranes that
between membrane gas separation (MGS) and membrane contactors and would cross upper bound i.e. higher permeability and selectivity. On the
also highlights the challenges that are faced by membrane contactor subject of CO2/CH4 upper bound relation, thermally rearranged poly­
technologies along with possible ways to overcome them. This study is mers having benzothiazole-phenylene or benzoxazole-phenylene struc­
novel as it provides a comparison between MGS and membrane con­ tures (Park et al., 2007) were classified by Robeson as the materials
tactors employed for CO2 separation and also reviews the basic design having outstanding separation performance. Hence, this Robeson upper
and operation principles of membrane contactors. It also provides brief bound plots for gas separations has now been extensively employed as a
overview along with detailed discussion about the challenges encoun­ standard for membrane’s fabrication and development because it dis­
tered by MGS for CO2 separation and how membrane contactors can be plays the superiority of transport as well as separation characteristics of
useful in overcoming these challenges as it is a combination of MGS and developed membranes (Adewole et al., 2013a).
chemical absorption technologies. It also covers the latest innovations in Membranes that are fabricated by employing glassy polymers have
membrane contactor module designs as well as the challenges encoun­ high chemical resistance and permselectivity, also they possesses supe­
tered by membrane contactors and ways to overcome these challenges rior mechanical and thermal stability in comparison to rubbery poly­
during operation are also discussed. Later in this review, techno eco­ mers hence, giving them superiority over other polymer materials
nomic analysis of membrane contactors in comparison to MGS is pre­ (Wang et al., 2009). But, glassy polymers endure plasticization at
sented. Membrane contactors have been used both in industries and elevated pressures and longer operational periods of CO2 removal, as the
academia for applications related to purification of biogas, natural gas membrane gets swollen and is susceptible to plasticization at higher
sweetening or cleaning of syngas. The studies on laboratory scale have pressure when exposed to CO2 as well as other hydrocarbon compounds.
focussed on the fabrication of advanced membrane materials that have Plasticization is generally described as the increase in motion of poly­
the ability to overcome the challenges that are encountered by mem­ meric chains because of the existence of single or several CO2 or heavy
brane contactors during its operation and can provide greatest possible hydrocarbon molecules. Consequently, each component’s permeability
advantages in terms of CO2 separation. In addition, several manufac­ increases while selectivity drops (Wang et al., 2007). In separation of
tures have developed membrane modules as well as processes for pilot CO2/CH4 via membranes, sorption of CO2 in glassy polymers amelio­
scale trials and large scale operations and those are also highlighted in rates local molecular organization hence, resulting in reduced permse­
this study. lectivity. Occurrence of plasticization in polyimide membranes could
have three undesirable outcomes on gas separation. Firstly, many of the
2. Challenges encountered in membrane gas separation membranes fabricated by employing glassy polymers exhibit a decline in
permeability by increasing pressure (Mikawa et al., 1999; Xiao et al.,
In producing membrane for separation of CO2, achieving higher 2007). But, rapid increase in permeability occurs if the feed pressure is
permeability as well as selectivity is desired. Higher permeability is greater than plasticization pressure. Secondly, on increasing feed pres­
preferred to minimize the membrane area required as well as the sure in case of CO2/CH4 separations, the separation factor declines
operating pressure hence minimizing overall processing cost. While, significantly (Hacarlioglu et al., 2003). Polymeric chains are stripped by
membrane with higher selectivity minimizes membrane area and it also penetrant molecules hence resulting in swelling of polymeric matrix and
enhances the recovery of product. For CO2/CH4 separation, membrane also leading towards increase in segmental mobility as well as free
with higher selectivity is essential in order to minimize CH4 losses volume of polymer matrix. Thirdly, the gas pair permeability is not
throughout the process. In order to analyse the total processing cost, CH4 stable in case of plasticized glassy polymers and rises gradually with
loses is considered as one of the essential parameters. Peter’s et al. time beyond plasticization pressure. The plasticization pressure gener­
examined a membrane having CO2/CH4 selectivity of 35 for upgrading ally works as an indicator for evaluation of polymeric material for
natural gas (Peters et al., 2011). Simulation results displayed that CH4 removal of CO2 and is defined as minimum pressure required that in­
loss of about 9.5% i.e. feed gas: 72.4 mol-% of CH4 and 9.5 mol-% of CO2 duces surge in permeability (Dai et al., 2016a) (Fig. 1).
as well as of other gases such as propane, pentane, ethane, hexane, Membrane performance decreases at plasticization pressure which in
butane were noticed in single stage membrane operation, however, in turn results in increased methane loss and hence can adversely affect the
two stage membrane operation just 0.47% of CH4 loses were observed. economics (Wind et al., 2004). Dai et al. identified that plasticization
Although two stage membrane process displayed lesser overall pro­ depends upon material’s thickness, CO2 exposure time and pressure,
cessing cost, it could further be minimized if membrane’s selectivity is aging time as well as its storage/preparation and thermal treatment (Dai
enhanced. et al., 2016a). Several efforts have been made in order to reduce this
The major disadvantage of employing polymeric membrane for gas problem by modification of polymeric membranes which mostly in­
separation applications includes trade off phenomena among perme­ cludes polymer crosslinking and blending as well as thermal rear­
ability and selectivity as well as the occurrence of ageing and plastici­ rangements (Zhang et al., 2013a, 2013b). These modification techniques
zation. Second challenge that is encountered during development of can reduce plasticization and enhance the membrane performance. The
membrane for gas separation is the insufficient report on membrane improvement in membrane that was thermally modified was reported as
material’s selectivity in carbon dioxide-methane mixture measurements a result of arrangement of fraction free volume of membrane (Han et al.,
(Baker and Low, 2014). Majority of notified performances of fabricated 2010). Matrimid membrane’s thermal annealing has been developed in
membranes were based upon pure gas measurements. Few novel order to overcome plasticization of this kind of polyimide (PI) mem­
membrane materials have displayed pure gas selectivity of 50; however brane (Dai et al., 2016a). Commercial PI Matrimid 5218 membranes
cellulose acetate having 10–15 mixed gas selectivity continues to remain exhibited drastic decrease in CO2 plasticization after being annealed

A. Imtiaz et al. Chemosphere 325 (2023) 138300

Fig. 1. Schematic illustration of (a) permeability of CO2 vs. feed and plasticization pressure (b) aging time (Siagian et al., 2019).

thermally at 350 ◦ C for about 15–30 min for both mixed and pure gas employing cross linking agent in order to enhance structural rigidity
permeation tests (Bos et al., 1998). The use of thermal treatment for (Dai et al., 2016a). An attempt was reported by Lau et al. in order to
commercial membrane fabrication process is considered difficult as they overcome the physical aging phenomena in glassy polymers employed
require greater energy to produce. Hence, chemical cross linking for gas separation applications (Amooghin et al., 2016). Three different
method to reduce plasticization is more efficient and uncomplicated types of polymer membranes; poly (4-methyl-2-pentyne) (PMP), poly
method with no use of heating (Zhou et al., 2003; Chen et al., 2012). The (trime-thylsilylpropyne) (PTMSP) and PIM-1 were being modified by the
cross-linking technique may bring about change in polymer’s chemical incorporation of porous aromatic framework (PAF), an ultra porous
structure and hence consequently changes the polymeric chain mobility. additive. Extended performance test for up to 1 year specified that
Molecular free volume between polymeric chains increases on modi­ modifications have the ability to successfully overcome physical aging of
fying membranes by crosslinking technique (Zhang et al., 2013a). One of above mentioned membranes while maintaining enhanced CO2 perme­
the examples of cross-linking process to achieve high rigidity as well as ability as well as higher CO2/N2 selectivity.
enhanced anti plasticization is cross linked PI. The process of cross
linking can be carried out via chemical, thermal and UV treatments. For 3. Membrane contactors as a promising technology for carbon
this purpose, diol crosslinking PIs containing carboxyl acid group have capture
been studied and explored extensively (Baker and Low, 2014).
In general, many impurities are present in natural gas stream that Many patents were released during the past few decades with de­
could reduce membrane performance or cause damage to membrane. velopments and inventions regarding removal of CO2 from gaseous
The presence of moisture content could result in mechanical damage of streams via membrane separations (Nogalska et al., 2017; Muthuku­
membrane, whereas heavy hydrocarbons could result in formation of maraswamy Rangaraj et al., 2020) or by employing precipitation tech­
film on surface of membrane that in turn reduces membrane perme­ niques. Absorbent system employed to remove CO2 from flue gases via
ability (George et al., 2016). Also, condensation must be avoided as it precipitation generally comprises of absorbents like amine mixture and
could reduce membrane integrity. Uddin and Hagg (Washim Uddin and amino acid salts (AAS), bicarbonates or metal oxides that are contacted
Hägg, 2012) reported the effect of several impurities on the performance with gas stream containing CO2, hence resulting in precipitation of
of PVAm/PVA blend composite membrane. It was reported by them that solids. These salts are then drawn out from absorber and are then re­
membrane performance as well as effect of impurities such as propane, generated within desorber via heat application. It is claimed by in­
hydrogen sulphide and n-hexane are greatly affected by humidity. At ventors that capture efficiency of CO2 is greater than conventional
higher humidity, maximum loses of CO2 permeance as well as CO2/CH4 amine scrubbing unit with superior CO2 removal ability per cycle and
selectivity was about 18% and 16% respectively. Hence, it is necessary lesser loss of solvent vaporization. Even though, transport and separa­
that feed gas stream must undergo powerful pre-treatment in order to tion of gases through membranes have been studied systematically for
avoid extreme damage to membrane performance (Baker and over a century, but, membrane manufacturing technology together with
Lokhandwala, 2008b). fabrication of asymmetric membranes made substantial progress in
Another major problem that is encountered in membrane based gas 1970s (Baker, 2012). Later, significant steps were taken in industrial
separation is the physical aging phenomena associated with glassy application of membrane based gas separation, especially for CO2
polymeric membranes application. Physical aging is linked with the removal (Bernardo and Clarizia, 2013). Still, many advancements and
change of macrovoid or free volume within membrane matrix (Adewole developments are still needed in order to attain higher gas separation
et al., 2013b). It is the outcome of polymer’s segmental motion that performance via employing membranes such as generating higher CO2
steadily increases polymer density. Membrane’s permeability decreases rates together with enhancing membrane’s durability and selectivity.
together with increase of membrane’s selectivity as the free volume Many efforts have been made in area of membrane fabrication and
decreases as shown in Fig. 1 above. This occurrence could be detected by development aiming to achieve aforesaid membrane improvements. Gas
decline of membrane flux with time. The process of rapid physical aging liquid membrane contactors is one of the novel options of membrane
which takes place within thin film membranes has not yet been clearly based separation technologies and it amalgamates membranes with
understood. Although, many different key factors have been reported in conventional phase contacting operation and thus the advantages of
previous research studies that affects physical ageing response of thin both technologies can be utilized fully. Since past few years there has
film membranes, they include membrane preparation as well as storage been an increase in publication trend based on membrane contactors for
history, thickness of membrane (thin membranes possibly have higher gas separation applications as shown in Fig. 2 below. Besides CO2
rate of physical aging) and membrane’s operating temperature and removal, membrane contactors have also been employed for the gas and
pressure (Dai et al., 2016a; Zhu et al., 2020). Strategies that are water treatment. Various developed applications of membrane con­
employed in order to solve the problem of physical aging can be cate­ tactors that have been made known in industries involve ammonia re­
gorized into two different methods, (i) via freezing initial free volume covery from off gas stream, selective removal of heavy metal from
state in place such as polymer blending and hybrid material (ii) via galvanic process bath and organic component recovery from process

A. Imtiaz et al. Chemosphere 325 (2023) 138300

membrane contactor have gained researcher’s interest to apply this

process for CO2 removal. Fig. 4 below shows the gas transport process
inside membrane contactor module.

3.1. Design of membrane contactor module

The configuration of membrane modules plays a vital role in order to

determine membrane contactor’s performance. Within gas-liquid
membrane contactors, it is essential that membrane module should
provide adequate gas liquid interface without the fluid’s convective flow
through membrane such as non dispersive gas-liquid contact. Both
tubular and flat sheet membrane module can be applied in gas liquid
membrane contactor. Tubular membrane module typically implies to­
wards hollow fiber (HF) membrane modules possessing inner diameter
that is less than 1 mm. HF MC’s have been studied widely for capturing
CO2 with extensive variety of absorbents. It must be recognized that in
some cases tubular membranes having internal diameter (>5 mm)
greater than that of HF membrane are employed in order to reduce the
pressure drop in post combustion carbon capture, in case of both inor­
Fig. 2. Publication trend of membrane contactors (Source: Googlescholars @ ganic and polymeric membranes. A typical HF module is a bunch of fi­
September 2022). bers that are aligned parallel in a shell, identical to shell and tube
configuration in heat exchanger. Most of the HF membranes have skin
water in chemical industries (Klaassen et al., 2008b). layer on outer side, so liquid phase within HF membrane contactor is
Membrane contactors as shown in Fig. 3 below are employed in mostly on shell side in order to reduce membrane wetting, while on the
separation process because of many advantages such as they have contrary gas flows on lumen side, which is favourable for minimizing
compact configuration and provide easy scale up, also they offer greater pressure drop across membrane.
gas-liquid contact area and hence helps in minimizing the contactor Flat sheet membrane modules can be organized in a plate and frame
weight and size. Furthermore, driving force is actually difference in configuration for MC’s applications. Within a flat sheet membrane
concentration gradients thus, there is no use to apply pressure and this in module, the membrane area is quite lower than in HF membrane mod­
turn eliminates flooding problem. It is important to select absorbent and ule, hence very few research studies are reported on utilization of flat
membrane that are compatible with each other for system efficiency. But sheet MC’s, for applications related to CO2 separation (Dindore et al.,
the most crucial factor is to control the wetting problem. High porosity 2004a; Lin et al., 2009; Ahmad et al., 2010; Bougie et al., 2015). Though
as well as open structure is beneficial for flux but regrettably they can various types of membrane module configurations have been progressed
cause membrane wetting. Pores of membrane should remain dry and but HF membrane modules with cross flow or longitudinal flow are
open for gas in order to achieve efficient performance, as it helps in widely investigated for capturing CO2. Both cross flow and longitudinal
keeping larger contact area. Hence, choosing a membrane having higher hollow fibers for gas-liquid contact were studied by Yang et al. and it
hydrophobicity and absorbent solution having higher surface tension is was inferred that cross flow MC’s exhibited enhanced absorption per­
the perfect solution. Also, it is necessary that absorbent should display formance (Yang and Cussler, 1986). However, most of the research
higher affinity towards the gas consequently its gas absorption ability studies were carried out by employing longitudinal module design,
should be higher along with the selectivity. Furthermore, absorbent owing to the process simplicity (Yang and Cussler, 1986).
should also be compatible with the other components of system pos­
sessing such as, non corrosive characteristics. Though, membrane has to
provide higher gaseous permeability by having large open spaces in the
structure. Within membrane contactor, porous membrane is generally
utilized in order to provide extra contact area among gas and liquid
phases and in order to prevent dispersion among them. Hollow fiber
membrane modules as they provide higher specific surface area (Li and
Chen, 2005; Mansourizadeh and Ismail, 2009b; Pabby and Sastre, 2013)
which is almost up to 30 times greater than conventional contactor are
preferably used. Along with providing higher specific surface area, this
hybrid process provides further advantages such as low cost, modu­
larity, easy scale up and control as well as independent gas-liquid flow
rates without flooding (Drioli et al., 2005). These attractive attributes of

Fig. 3. Diagrammatic illustration of gas-liquid membrane contactors for Fig. 4. Diagrammatic illustration of single HF membrane contactor and
CO2 removal. membrane contactor module (Ramezani et al., 2022).

A. Imtiaz et al. Chemosphere 325 (2023) 138300

3.1.1. Longitudinal flow module identical surface on both membrane sides along with high gas flux per
One of the major classifications of membrane contactors modules is unit of surface (Bougie et al., 2015).
longitudinal flow module, within which the liquid and gas flows are
parallel either in counter current or co current (Mansourizadeh and 3.1.2. Cross flow and woven fiber membrane modules
Ismail, 2009b; Zhao et al., 2016b). Longitudinal flow module takes Cross flow modules where the flow circulates perpendicularly have
advantage of easier manufacturing, well defined mass transfer calcula­ been suggested as an alternative to longitudinal flow module (Man­
tions and fluid dynamics. Nevertheless, this module configuration could sourizadeh and Ismail, 2009b; Zhao et al., 2016b). Within it, tubes could
endure channelling as well as fluid bypassing on shell side because of be placed vertically whereas flow on shell side circulates horizontally
non-uniform packing, and could also endure higher tube side pressure and vice versa. The configuration of cross flow module takes advantage
drop, hence both of these issues could affect module performance. of minimum pressure drop and shell side channelling, high mass transfer
Though, addition of baffles could reduce the bypassing effect on shell coefficients and greater overall efficiency in comparison to longitudinal
side. As discussed above that main type of module that is investigated in flow. Woven fiber membrane modules were proposed by Wang et al.
this category is HF membrane module in which tubular membrane are (2018) and they are identical to HF modules but the fibers are helically
packed together in shell in pattern similar to shell and tube heat woven together, as the name implies. Their woven structure helps in
exchanger. Flat sheet membrane module is an alternative to HF mem­ elimination of shell side channelling as well as bypassing problems
brane module and consists of flat sheets of membranes that separate encountered within HF modules because of the meandering effect on
liquid from gas phase. As mentioned above that this module type flow that leads towards decreased mass transfer resistance as well as
because of their low membrane area as well as relative unfamiliarity is increased removal efficiency. Nevertheless, woven configuration causes
not as extensively studied as HF modules but they do possesses some decreased surface areas because the fibers are in direct contact partially.
advantages such as ease of assembly, fabrication and upscaling as well as

Table 1
Review of different module design.
Types of Arrangement Design of Specifications References
membrane module

Hollow fiber Standard Tubular membranes that are packed into shell.Most commonly used (deMontigny et al., 2006;
(HF) membrane type. On tube side, pumping of liquid is challenging, if it is Bougie et al., 2014)
viscous. Higher pressure drop at small tube diameter. Shell side could
be subjected to channelling.
Woven Consists of HF membranes that are woven helicoidally. Minimizes shell (Wang et al., 2018)
fiber side channelling as well as bypassing, however, low surface area.

Cross flow Two phases i.e. shell side and tube side circulates perpendicularly. (Mansourizadeh and
High mass transfer coefficient, low pressure drop and shell side Ismail, 2009b)
channelling as well as improved efficiency as compared with
conventional HF modules.

Tubular Tubular membranes positioned between hot and cold chamber. Higher (Li et al., 2019)
effective area, easy cleaning, lower tendency of fouling, but higher
operating costs as well as lower packing density.

Flat sheet Spiral Flat membranes as well as spacers enwrapped and rolled around a (Winter et al., 2017)
wound perforated collection tube and radial circulation of phases across
membrane. Moderate consumption of energy as well as fouling
potential, adequate packing density. Easier up scaling and module
radius increases by increasing membrane length.

Standard Phases are separated via flat membranes. Easy assembling, fabrication (Bougie et al., 2015)
as well as up scaling, equivalent surfaces on each side, however, low
overall membrane area. Ability to feature various stages within a single

A. Imtiaz et al. Chemosphere 325 (2023) 138300

3.1.3. Spiral wound and tubular modules time when 45% of total membrane area consisted of porous membranes
The concept of spiral wound and tubular modules was also put for­ (Cai et al., 2016).
ward (Alkhudhiri et al., 2012). Within the spiral wound module, spacers
and membrane that are spiral in shape are encased and rolled around 3.2. Working process of membrane contactors
perforated collection tube, also the feed flows radially into the module
moving towards collection tube in middle. Spiral wound module is Separation of CO2 via membrane contactors comprises of two pro­
represented because of its moderate consumption of energy and fouling cesses i.e. absorption and desorption. In absorption, CO2 from the feed
potential as well as good packing density. Tubular module comprises of gas is absorbed selectively within lean solvent phase. While in desorp­
tubular membrane that is inserted into two chambers, a hot chamber tion, also termed as stripping, CO2 within a rich solvent is then released
and cold chamber (Alkhudhiri et al., 2012). This module is appealing as as a purified stream for sequestration as illustrated in Fig. 6. The flow
it provides advantages such as easy cleaning, lower tendency towards diagrams of column and membrane contactors are quite similar, as in
fouling as well as higher effective area, but lower packing density as well case of membrane contactors, the column contactors are essentially
as higher operating costs counterbalances it. Different module designs replaced with membrane modules. Gas and the solvent flows on the
that are described above are presented in Table 1 below. opposite side of membrane that can be flat sheet or hollow fiber. Exis­
tence of pores within the membrane behaves as an independent and
3.1.4. Temperature swing membrane absorption process fixed interface among solvent and gas stream. As described earlier that
Membrane contactor module was developed by Mulukutla et al. unlike most of the membrane processes including gas separation or
(2015) for gas separation integrating absorption as well as stripping in microfiltration, driving force that is required for mass transfer is con­
single HF module which could allow minimizing requirements in centration gradient instead of pressure gradient, having selectivity
equipment. This process itself is termed as temperature swing mem­ deriving from solvent properties. Membrane contactor’s advantages
brane absorption process (TSMAP). It comprises of a cylindrical shell over column contactors normally includes lower operational costs,
having Y fitting on each side as well as two sets of polymeric HF flexibility in operation as well as conveniently predictable design
membranes that are positioned evenly together within the shell (Fig. 5). (Ansaloni et al., 2019). The modular design of membrane contactor’s
Gas that is to be treated flows into the porous membrane, having shell permits operations over broad range of capacities, which means that
side filled up with the absorbent solution that remains static in course of turndown and scale up is easier and straightforward. Significant mem­
absorption or desorption. Once the liquid phase is saturated with CO2 as brane configuration aids independent handling of flow of both liquid
the result of absorption cycle, the circulating flue gas is stopped. and gas phases. Interfacial area do not varies along with operating
Desorption can then be started via circulation of hot water within the set conditions which signifies that loading and overall performance is more
of non-porous tubes that induces CO2 diffusion back into porous mem­ certain and predictable, hence leading towards lesser operational com­
branes, that can afterwards be retrieved at higher concentration. After plications (Criscuoli, 2009). One of the disadvantages involves arising of
desorption cycle, in order to cool down the absorbent, cold water is then additional mass transfer resistance because of the existence of mem­
circulated into non-porous membranes, which afterwards is ready for brane. Also, gas phase impurities or solvent degradation could cause
next absorption cycle. By utilizing a blend of 80 wt% of polyamidoamine fouling that may cause blockage of membrane pores, reduces mass
and 20 wt% ionic liquid as an absorbent, 2.92 × 10− 4 mol/m2/s of ab­ transfer as well as can shorten membrane’s lifespan.
sorption flux was attained with an absorption temperature and gas flow The main target of a membrane contactor is to bring about mass
rate of 25 ◦ C and 24.1 cm3/min respectively (Mulukutla et al., 2015). transfer among two phases without dispersion of one phase into another
A functionally identical module was designed by Cai et al. (2016)for (Gabelman and Hwang, 1999). Depending upon the particular
physical absorption with propylene carbonate and water, but rather
operated in cross flow manner with absorption and desorption steps
operating at same time. Polypropylene membranes were employed for
gas phase while silicon rubber membranes were employed for process of
desorption. When CO2 is absorbed by the absorbent from Polypropylene
membranes, at the same time CO2 is desorbed from liquid by rubber
membranes owing to their higher CO2 permeability, which is afterwards
recovered by vacuum or stripping gas. Simultaneous CO2 absorption as
well as stripping indicated 78% improvement in permeation flux in
comparison to conventional modules. By employing water as a solvent,
2.66 × 10− 5 mol/m2/s of optimal absorption flux was achieved at the

Fig. 5. Temperature swing absorption-desorption module design (Mulukutla Fig. 6. (a) Flow diagram of packed column (b) Flow diagram of membrane
et al., 2015). contactors for removal of CO2 from flue gas (Kim et al., 2021).

A. Imtiaz et al. Chemosphere 325 (2023) 138300

application, liquid phase could be organic or aqueous, while membrane Where.

could be hydrophilic or hydrophobic (Kosaraju and Sirkar, 2007). The
separation factor in liquid/liquid extraction or gas adsorption is nor­ Pb= Breakthrough pressure
mally determined by component’s distribution coefficient in two phases, γ = Surface free tension among two phases
though the transport efficiency is dependent upon the difference in the θ = Contact angle between membrane and two phases
chemical or physical properties among permeating compounds and r = Maximum pore radius
membrane. Whereas in membrane contactor’s, the idea of membrane is
quite different, it behaves as a physical support permitting the formation Generally, in case of hydrophobic membranes, aqueous phase pres­
of reliable interface among two phases at each single pore’s entrance. sure is slightly greater than organic/gas phase pressure, yet is lesser than
Dependent upon the established equilibrium conditions, at that inter­ breakthrough pressure. Gugliuzza and Drioli (2007, 2009a) proposed a
face, the component can either be removed or can be dissolved into one strategy in order to improve water repellence in case of hydrophobic
of the two contacting phases. Major assumption should be made with membrane contactors while taking care of higher breakthrough pressure
reference to membrane’s chemistry and structure. Some of the (Gugliuzza and Drioli, 2007, 2009). Roughness driven wettability was
physico-chemical and morphological elements such as controlled pore suggested by them for microporous PVDF (poly (vinylidene fluoride)
size (0.02–0.2 μm), higher porosity, narrow distribution as well as membranes, indicating that in what way spherulitic morphologies can
non-wetting should be well considered intending to meet the membrane improve surface roughness factor and reduces the line of adhesion be­
contactor’s key requirements which include: (1) higher volumetric mass tween aqueous phase and membrane as illustrated in Fig. 8.
transfer rate (2) higher interfacial area per unit volume and (3) mem­ PVDF membranes that are greatly non wetted (ѳ ~ 150⁰) and having
brane liquid controlled mutual interactions. breakthrough pressure that is greater than 2.5 bar and porosity equal to
In order to produce the optimal surface exchange, higher pore fre­ 80% have been modified via large spherical crystallites to create
quencies as well as uniform pore distribution throughout each surface membranes. Therefore, this indicates that how liquid-membrane mutual
area are two important parameters. Also, limited transport resistance is interactions can be conveniently controlled by membrane topography.
important for higher productive processing. Lower porosity along with During the course of operation, in order to avoid pore filling, porous
encroachment of viscous liquid inside pores of membranes can, conse­ hydrophobic membrane could be coated with highly permeable and
quently, represents a major problem. For example, within gas-liquid dense layers. This technique is more beneficial as it permits membrane
system, diffusion can only be allowed if pore are completely filled processing with broad range of pressures (Fig. 6b). In certain case, the
with gas and wetting phenomena is avoided (Fig. 7). This goal is nor­ component diffusion can be further enhanced by existence of immensely
mally achieved with an adjustment among pore size and restrained specific carrier; hence, bringing forth improved selective processing.
wettability. That carrier could be dissolved into aqueous or organic phase that is
While processing a membrane that is hydrophobic and have small contained within the pores. The carrier’s higher specificity/selectivity
pores, lower membrane affinity towards water will restrict aqueous ratio could overcome the possibility of additional resistance to mass
phase to pass through pores except for if the pressure that is greater than transfer that is resulted from filling of the pores. Though, it should be
breakthrough pressure is applied. Breakthrough pressure is defined as acknowledged that system’s stability is dependent upon several factors
the pressure surpassing aqueous phase pressure in the course of opera­ which include miscibility, viscosity binding and volatility. Table 2 below
tion and is represented by Young-Laplace equation (i), which is precisely
valid for cylindrical pores.
− 2γ cos θ
Pb = (i)

Fig. 8. (a) SEM illustration displaying PVDF membrane’s particulate like

morphology (b)membrane wettability dependence on pore size. (c)spherulitic
Fig. 7. CO2- Liquid membrane contactors (a)with no top layer (b) presence of polymer particles effect on surface roughness of membrane (Gugliuzza and
top layer (Gugliuzza and Basile, 2013). Basile, 2013).

A. Imtiaz et al. Chemosphere 325 (2023) 138300

Table 2 Russian academy of Sciences) in an association with NPK BIOTEST

General advantages and disadvantages of membrane contactors. constructed and tested a pilot scale membrane contactor based upon
Advantages Disadvantages PVTMS non porous membrane for conditioning of biogas (Shalygin
et al., 2011). The results proposed that flow of the controlling absorbent
Constant and high specific interfacial Additional mass transfer resistance caused
area (Gugliuzza and Basile, 2013) by membranes (Ramezani et al., 2022) is quite important in order to deal with varying flow and compositions of
Absence of corrosion with no moving Low membrane lifetime along with higher biogas. Significant efforts in development of membrane contactors were
parts or usage of plastic equipment ( replacement costs (Mansourizadeh and proclaimed by Park et al. for upgradation of biogas suggesting mem­
Drioli et al., 2005) Ismail, 2009a) brane contactor with pressure cascading stripping configuration (Park
High compatibility and modularity, Risk of membrane fouling and wetting (
easy scale up and control (Simons Mosadegh-Sedghi et al., 2014)
et al., 2017), and also pilot and bench scale tests of membrane contactors
et al., 2009) were conducted by Schiavon Maia et al. for removal of CO2 and H2S from
biogas by employing regenerable Fe-EDTA solution (Schiavon Maia
et al., 2017). Separation of CO2 from biogas was carried out by Lee et al.
illustrates the general advantages and disadvantages of membrane (2020)via employing hollow fiber membrane contactors and the effect
contactors. of temperature on performance of membrane contactors was examined.
According to them, the temperature of solvent had no major effect on
4. Development of membrane contactor technology for removal removal efficiency of CO2, although gas temperature rendered a signif­
of CO2 icant effect on CO2 removal efficiency. On increasing the gas tempera­
ture from 20 to 35 ◦ C at 0.75Nm3/hof gas flow rate, the CO2 removal
Significant research on the applications of membrane contactors for efficiency was increased and reached a maximal value of 71%. On
removal of CO2 from several gas streams have been carried out, although further increasing the gas temperature to 50 ◦ C, the removal efficiency
just a few of them had been tested in large or pilot scale. In relation to was decreased (Lee et al., 2020).
that, the two main applications of membrane contactors for removal of
CO2 include CO2 removal from natural gas and post combustion carbon 5. Challenges encountered in membrane contactors
capture (CC) (Zhao et al., 2016b; Sreedhar et al., 2017). The section
below reviews the experimental research carried out in progression of 5.1. Selection of suitable solvent membrane pair
membrane contactor technology for CO2 removal.
Quite a lot of research studies on membrane contactors were carried In case of membrane contactors, it is essential to select the solvent
out that were associated with realistic conditions of separation of CO2 wisely and carefully, aiming to attain higher separation performance.
from natural gas. Poly fluoroalkoxy (PFA) hollow fiber membrane con­ Normally, the solvent is supposed to be compatible with the membrane
tactor’s long term operating stability has been summarized by Al Mar­ type that is utilized in membrane contactors and must have higher CO2
zouqi et al. in simultaneous removal of H2S and CO2 from gaseous absorption capacity. It is essential to examine compatibility between
stream whose composition was quite identical to that of natural gas at an solvent and membrane as the solvent could react with polymeric
elevated pressure of 50 bar and employing hot absorbent at 100◦ Cof membrane, which in turn could cause membrane degradation (Luis
temperature (Al-Marzouqi et al., 2017). High-pressure membrane con­ et al., 2012). In order to prevent membrane damage both chemically and
tactors were also notified in other works (Marzouk et al., 2010, 2012; physically, it is important to select solvent membrane pair carefully. The
Kang et al., 2017). In case of natural gas sweetening, simulation and change in the properties of membrane when it is exposed to sorbent has
modelling of membrane contactors have also been carried out (Reza­ already been explored by various studies. The changes in the surface
kazemi et al., 2011; Quek et al., 2018), hence providing meaningful morphology of polypropylene (PP) membrane amid its initial contact
insight for operation and design characteristics. with water have been investigated by Barbe and co-workers (Barbe
A unique approach was suggested by Vericella et al. termed as et al., 2000b). They noticed that after 72 h of contact, membrane surface
encapsulated solvent in order to combine the application of solvent morphology, e.g. pore (length, diameter and area), porosity and also
absorption and membrane to trap CO2 from flue gases. Solvent is pore spread factor were changed because of non wetting intrusion of
encapsulated within a thin membrane capsule having thickness and water into some of the pores that enlarged pore entrance (Barbe et al.,
diameter of 10 μm and 100–600 μm respectively. This idea amalgamates 2000b). In a study carried out by deMontigny et al., two different types
the advantages of both technologies where, selectivity of solvent reacts of hydrophobic HF membranes including PTFE and PP, were utilized in
with CO2 and not with N2 in a contactor having high surface area that is capturing carbon from flue gas by employing membrane contactors, and
provided by silicone based membrane capsule (Vericella et al., 2015). In aqueous solutions of MEA (monoethanol amine) and AMP (2-ami­
comparison to conventional absorber, this results into smaller contactor no-2-methyl-1-propanol) were employed as solvents (deMontigny et al.,
dimensions. It is advantageous as the solvent selectivity and microcap­ 2006). It appeared that PP membrane experienced deterioration in
sule (membrane capsule) permeability can be modified independently performance with time, while PTFE membrane managed maintaining its
and, this is different to traditional membrane based gas separation initial performance (deMontigny et al., 2006). Kamo et al. investigated
where selectivity and permeability are competitive parameters (trade off the effect of several solvents on polyethylene microporous membrane’s
phenomena) (Powell and Qiao, 2006). This aforementioned design has properties (Kamo et al., 1992). Solvents utilized for their research study
been examined both at pilot and laboratory scale; 1MWe of coal testing included ethyl alcohol, Monochlorobenzene, n-hexane, p-Xylene, DMSO
facility at DOE National Carbon Capture Center (NCCC) (Hornbostel and DMF. On treating with those solvents, the membrane’s permeability
et al., 2019). By employing their presumed capsule properties and 30 wt increased, pore size enlarged and the membrane appeared shrinking. It
% of sodium carbonate Na2CO3 solution as working solvent, the required was concluded by them that it happened because of the deformation of
height of absorber and also the energy penalty are about 10% and 18% microfibrils of HF membrane, that could be caused by solvent’s surface
lesser than traditional MEA absorber system. Intending to be economi­ tension (Kamo et al., 1992). This micro fibril’s deformation was fol­
cally competitive in comparison to traditional absorber, it was described lowed by adhesion of adjacent microfibrils.
that the thickness of capsule should be reduced by order of magnitude The compatibility between membrane and solvent for applications
without affecting capsule’s integrity and stability (Raksajati et al., involving CO2 removal by employing membrane contactors were also
2018). explored by Dindore et al. (2004b). Five different types of membrane
Membrane contactors have also been broadly designed in order to materials such as PVDF, PS, PTFE, PES and PP along with eight different
separate CO2 from renewable resources like biogas. Different re­ types of solvents such as selexol, water, dimethyl formamide, propylene
searchers from TIPS RAS (Topchiev Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis carbonate, N methyl pyrrolidone, tributyl phosphate,

A. Imtiaz et al. Chemosphere 325 (2023) 138300

n-formylmorpholine and glycerol triacetate were employed in the study completely or partially filled with liquid absorbent with time. While in
(Dindore et al., 2004b). The study revealed that only PP and PTFE were non-wetted mode, the pores of the membrane are completely filled with
appropriate and compatible with organic solvents while other materials gas phase over time. Mavroudi et al. proposed that if membrane pores
were quite incompatible in terms of shrinkage, colour changes, are 13% liquid filled, the membrane’s mass transfer resistance could
morphological damage, swelling and dissolution. It was found out by increase up to 98% (Mavroudi et al., 2006). In a simulation study carried
authors that PP and PTFE membrane materials when employed in out by Wang et al. it was evaluated that if 5% of pores are wetted, overall
combination with propylene carbonate solvent came out to be a mass transfer coefficient could be reduced by about 20% (Wang et al.,
favourable membrane solvent pair for CO2 absorption. Also, in terms of 2005). Also, it was asserted that rate of absorption within wetted mode
membrane’s fabrication cost, combination of PP and propylene car­ was almost 6 times lesser than in nonwetted mode. Hence, it was sug­
bonate was reviewed as the best candidate (Dindore et al., 2004b). gested that in order to maintain best membrane performance in CO2
absorption as well as stripping, the maximum percentage of membrane
5.2. Fouling wetting that is acceptable is 40% (Khaisri et al., 2009).
The phenomena of membrane wetting could occur in many ways and
One of the main problems that are encountered during membrane it varies according to mutual interactions of membrane materials and
operations is membrane fouling (Kang and Cao, 2012; Khoiruddin et al., liquid absorbent. It is easier to deal with physical absorbent in com­
2017; Zhang and Jiang, 2019). This phenomenon of membrane fouling parison to chemical absorbent as wetting problem is less significant in
results in reducing membrane flux which in turn restricts membrane physical absorbent. But, physical absorbent’s CO2 absorption capacity is
process applications (Rana and Matsuura, 2010; Aryanti et al., 2017; lower than chemical absorbent. For that reason, experimental work is
Zhang et al., 2021). Hence, fouling of membrane is another major focusing more on wetting of chemical absorbent on membrane material.
challenge encountered in membrane contactor applications, although Celgard X50-215 and Celgard X40-200 (PP membrane) were tested by
it’s harmful impact on membrane contactor’s performance is lesser as Wang et al. in diethanolamine aqueous solution for 3, 10 and 30 days
compared to the impact of membrane wetting phenomena. In membrane (Wang et al., 2004). It was found out that both of the fibers were wetted
contactor, fouling is recorded to be less severe than membrane filtration. by diethanolamine solution and can be noticed by morphological
Yet, membrane fouling grows into a major concern in industrial appli­ changes through SEM analysis. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and
cations where stream of flue gases contains contaminants such as sus­ atomic force microscopy analysis exhibited that membrane’s surface
pended particles or dust. It was reported by Zhang et al. that the roughness as well as pore structure was also significantly changed
presence of fine particles in flue gas coming from desulphurized coal (Wang et al., 2004). It may be possible that chemical reactions among
fired power plant reduces CO2 removal efficiency because of the diethanolamine aqueous solution and membrane have reduced surface
adsorption and deposition of fine particles on the pores and surface of hydrophobicity that lead towards membrane matrix deterioration.
microporous membrane (Zhang et al., 2015). To prevent membrane Also, a quite similar research on Celgard membrane for absorption of
fouling, it is essential that contaminants must be eliminated in flue gas CO2 in diethanolamine solution experienced the same problem of wet­
pre-treatment facility. Also, the utilization of membranes possessing ting and was indicated by changes in membrane’s morphology, reduc­
antifouling and self-cleaning properties could reduce the problems tion of absorption flux as well as overall mass transfer coefficient (Wang
related to membrane fouling without requirement of pre-treatment fa­ et al., 2005). Lv et al. (2010) also experimented PP HF membranes on
cility (Zhang et al., 2015). It was reported by Xue et al. and Bhushan extended contact in several liquid absorbents like deionized water,
et al. that super hydrophobic membranes possesses self-cleaning prop­ MDEA and MEA for about 90 days and having 3 M chemical absorbent
erty (Bhushan et al., 2009; Xue et al., 2010). This self-cleaning ability of concentration. The results identified the diffusion of absorbent mole­
super hydrophobic membranes enables foulants to be released easily cules onto membrane pores and this resulted into reduction in mem­
from surface of membrane (Zhao et al., 2013; Himma et al., 2019). brane’s hydrophobic properties along with alteration in surface
Hence, it is reported that employing super hydrophobic membrane properties. This in turn increased the extend of wetting of membrane
could alleviate the problem of membrane fouling within membrane pores, hence significantly reducing the contact angle (Lv et al., 2010).
contactors. Yu et al. reported that utilization of super hydrophobic Therefore, it was proposed that productive methods that could control
ceramic membrane exhibited superior anti fouling property in com­ and overcome membrane’s wetting problem includes improvement of
parison to PP membranes without super hydrophobicity. The surface of membrane’s surface hydrophobicity as absorbent’s high surface tension
the ceramic membrane was not covered up with dust particles even after favours smaller changes within membranes surface morphology. Khaisri
it is operated for treatment of flue gas for 30 day long operation (Yu et al. (2011) studied the result of membrane porosity in two distinct
et al., 2015). It was suggested by Huang et al. that an ideal membrane modules having porosity of 23% and 40% for desorption. Though the
should be fabricated possessing anti fouling and anti-wetting properties, results indicated that module having higher porosity of 40% produced
appropriate mechanical strength and enhanced chemical stability higher rate of desorption but, the module performance decreased when
(Huang et al., 2021). Simply put, specific membranes must be fabricated it was carried out for longer operating hours because of wetting problem
that can withstand the challenges related to membrane wetting and (Khaisri et al., 2011). The PTFE membrane that was utilized in their
fouling encountered during membrane contactor operation. Fabrication research study is considered as the most chemical resistant polymers
of appropriate membrane according to desired situation will also help in that are commercially available.
enhancing membrane’s lifespan and reducing membrane wastage. Though, it was speculated that the outcome of increasing tempera­
ture and probable reaction with MEA aqueous solution could contribute
5.3. Membrane wetting towards continuous reduction of desorption flux. Lu et al. also supported
this research trend where membrane having higher porosity aids pore
Wetting of membrane is generally considered as a major problem in wetting as compared to one having low porosity (Lu et al., 2008).
membrane contactor’s utilization as membrane wetting can increase Though, selections of liquid absorbents that are utilized are normally
membrane’s mass transfer resistance and decrease mass transfer effi­ compatible with membrane material but harsh operating conditions
ciency of system. Membrane wetting takes place when liquid absorbent might affect the performance as well as physical appearance of mem­
enters the pores of membrane over an extended time of operation, brane. Commercial membranes also experienced this, where they could
hence, leading towards gradual membrane wetting. Membrane wetting react with absorbent such as amine solution and sodium hydroxide when
is generally categorized into three distinct modes of operation; contacted for longer operating hours and prone to higher temperature
completely wetted, partially wetted and non wetted mode. In case of conditions (Hashim et al., 2011). As discussed above, Wang et al. re­
completely or partially wetted mode, the pores of the membrane are ported that on exposing PP (polypropylene) membranes to aqueous

A. Imtiaz et al. Chemosphere 325 (2023) 138300

solution of diethanolamine for 3 and 10 days not only altered the membrane types (Dindore et al., 2004a).
membrane’s pore structure but also increased the surface roughness of
membrane (Wang et al., 2004). It is a general agreement with a research 6. Comparison of conventional membranes and membrane
study that was conducted by Rangwala (Rangwala, 1996), where it was contactors
presumed that PP membrane’s partial wetting could occur when
aqueous solution of amine was utilized. PP membranes were examined In applications involving removal of CO2, membrane gas separation
by Rangwala having different module sizes with aqueous DEA and (MGS) and membrane contactors have some specific advantages and
NaOH liquid absorbents. The membrane’s mass transfer measurement disadvantages. Concerning commercialization status, MGS has been
exhibited that PP fiber was partially wetted by both of aqueous solutions working on large scale commercially especially for natural gas sweet­
even though the membrane have to be non-wetted by any solution ening and is competing with traditional amine based absorption process.
(Rangwala, 1996). PP membrane’s (Accurel and Celgard 2500) surface Baker and Lokhandwala (2008b) illustrated the effect of CO2 concen­
morphology was also studied by Barbe et al. (2000a) and they identified tration along with gas flow rate on the selection of CO2 removal tech­
that both of the membranes underwent changes in porosity, pore length niques from natural gas (Fig. 9).
and pore size when exposed to water for about 72 h. This was because of So, in accordance with the plot, when gas stream has higher con­
the higher lateral forces that were exerted by water on surrounding fi­ centration of CO2 (up to 40 mol %) and lower gas flow rate (lower than
brils within the larger pores that contributed towards pore enlargement. 10 MMscfd), then MGS is considered as a favourable option. While,
Aiming to eliminate or minimize the problem of membrane wetting, when gas stream has lower CO2 concentration (∼ 2–25 mol %) and
research workers have focused recently on screening of membrane higher gas flow rate (up to 500MMscfd), then amine based absorption
materials and liquid absorbents such as amalgamating different types of process is mostly preferred. Whereas, in case of gas stream having higher
absorbents (Ma’mum et al., 2005; Zhang et al., 2022), surface modifi­ concentration of CO2 and higher flow rate, combination of amine based
cation of membranes through grafting (Wongchitphimon et al., 2011) absorption process and MGS is preferred (Baker and Lokhandwala,
and/or by incorporating inorganic filler (Zhang and Wang, 2013) or 2008a). A dominant feature of MGS is that it does not require a solvent,
pore former onto membrane surface (Naim et al., 2012). Polymer pos­ hence solvent makeup, chemical regeneration and other associated
sessing higher surface energy is susceptible to wetting. In order to pre­ controlling is not required. The separation in MSG is not dependant onto
vent this, polymer should possess lowest possible maximum pore size chemical sorbent; hence its utilization for separation of high concen­
and lower surface energy. Wetting pressure has an inverse relation with tration is more cost effective than amine absorption process. Also, when
membrane’s pore size, at which high pressure is required for low pore CO2 concentration is high, driving force that is required for separation
size i.e. 0.1 μm and low pressure is required for high pore size i.e. 10 μm. will increase which is favourable for MGS. But, it bears mentioning that
Table 3 below exemplifies polymer’s surface energy along with their as the concentration of CO2 increases, the membrane will more be prone
contact angle with water. to plasticization (Bos et al., 1999). If MGS process is utilized for treat­
For liquid absorbents, several types of aqueous solutions have been ment of feed gas having lower concentration of CO2, the driving force is
utilized such as aqueous solution of KOH, NaOH, amine and amino acid decreased and as a result substantial amount of product gas or CH4 in
salts and also pure water. Every absorbent possesses its own speciality case of CH4/CO2 separation is lost. Hence, the MGS performance is
which in turn specifies a suitable selective process application. A study decreased which in turn results into increment in processing cost. MGS
was carried out by Li and Chen for the selection of appropriate liquid usually requires relatively higher energy consumption than membrane
absorbent for membrane contactor and it highlighted the selection contactors, and is mostly linked with utilization of dense membranes
criteria of suitable chemical solvent to be used in membrane contactor and higher operating pressure.
which included; liquids possessing lower surface tension, higher reac­
tivity with CO2, adequate compatibility with membrane material, good
thermal stability, regenerability and lower vapour pressure (Li and
Chen, 2005). The solvents employed should possess high surface tension
than the value of critical surface tension of polymer as any liquid pos­
sessing surface tension that is lower than polymer’s critical surface
tension could spontaneously wet the membrane. Lower value of critical
surface tension implies that surface has lower energy per unit area. A
comprehensive research study was done by Dindore et al. (2004a) on
combination of membrane-solvent for removal of CO2 in gas liquid
membrane contactors. It was highlighted by them that the likelihood of
membrane wetting is mainly governed by mutual interaction of mem­
brane material and liquid absorbent, pore size of membrane and liquid’s
surface tension. Their research study concluded that combination of PP
membrane along with propylene carbonate as an absorbent is preferable
option for future research. Though, their research study was limited only
to PTFE membrane and there was no comparison made with other

Table 3
Polymeric material’s surface energy.
Polymer Water contact Critical surface References
angle tension

Polyethylene – 33.2 Starkweather Jr.

Polytetrafluoroethylene 109.2 19.4 Wang et al. (2016)
Polydimethylsiloxane 107.2 20.1 Kim et al. (2019)
Polyvinylidenefluoride 89 31.6 Duca et al. (1998) Fig. 9. Schematic illustration of the effect of CO2 concentration along with gas
Polypropylene 102.1 30.5 Schreier et al.
flow rate on the selection of CO2 removal techniques (Baker and Lokhand­
wala, 2008a).

A. Imtiaz et al. Chemosphere 325 (2023) 138300

Membrane contactors can be utilized to efficiently treat feed gas enhanced specifically when it is operated at high temperatures, for
stream having low CO2 concentration and can provide higher selectivity example for the treatment of flue gas. Yet, considerable efforts are still to
(Klaassen et al., 2008a). In contrast to MGS, membrane contactors be made for ionic liquids in order to make them favourable for use at
possess higher selectivity so it could potentially be applied in various commercial scale for forthcoming applications (Dai et al., 2016a).
concentrations and gas flow rates without the loss of any product gas.
Higher selectivity is usually provided by physical or chemical interac­ 7. Techno-economic evaluation of MGS and membrane
tion between gas and absorbent. The operating cost of membrane con­ contactors for carbon capturing
tactors is normally lower than MGS as it is typically operated under
lower operating pressure. In spite of many advantages, membrane In comparison to MGS, the economical evaluation of membrane
contactors also has several disadvantages such as fouling, wetting of contactors for the purpose of carbon capture is rarely found in literature.
membrane etc and they have been discussed in detail in section 5. Some Yan et al. (2008) conducted the comparison between membrane con­
of the other drawbacks of membrane contactors that should be taken tactors and traditional amine based system for capturing carbon from
into consideration include: (1) membrane that is utilized in membrane flue gas stream, within which the performances along with the eco­
contactors develop into additional transport resistance as it can decrease nomics of both the processes were examined (Yan et al., 2008). The
overall mass transfer and reduces selectivity. The resistance will become results indicated that the performance as well as the cost of gas pro­
more considerable if membrane gets wetted. (2) Within the membrane cessing of membrane contactors is affected significantly by wetting
module, the non-uniform distribution of hollow fibers could lead to­ phenomena. Membrane contactor displayed 2.9 times greater overall
wards bypassing and channelling which in turn reduces mass transfer mass transfer coefficient than traditional amine-based system on uti­
efficiency. Hence, module geometry and flow configuration must be lizing a fresh membrane. Consequently, the membrane contactor’s gas
taken into consideration. (3) The performance of membrane contactors processing cost was lesser than MGS as listed in Table 4. Though, the
is seriously affected by operating conditions, hence pressure, tempera­ favourable and superior performance of membrane contactor could not
ture as well as flow rates, both solvent and gas or liquid streams must be be continued when half of the pores of membrane contactors were
controlled in order to prevent the formation of gas bubbles which could wetted. Hence, in order to maintain the superior performance of mem­
lead towards loss of gas and also membrane wetting by solvent should be brane contactor, wetted phenomena should be avoided. It was inferred
prevented. Membrane contactors usually require organic solvents such from economic analysis that the cost of CO2 capture as well as the capital
as amine solution for applications related to CO2 removal. In spite of the investment of membrane contactor was greatly influenced by lifetime
fact that organic solvents provide higher selectivity, the utilization of and price of the membrane as well as by the concentration of SO2 in feed
this sort of solvents also have several disadvantages. Amine solution stream. If the membrane’s lifetime was lesser than critical value, the CO2
possesses high vapour pressure as well as higher energy for regeneration capture cost of membrane contactor should be higher than amine based
and is also corrosive (Babamohammadi et al., 2015). In the recent past, a system.
new category of absorbents named as ionic liquids (IL) has gained re­ In a study carried out by Yang et al. it was indicated that carbon
searchers interest in terms of utilizing it in membrane contactors for capturing from the flue gas stream by employing membrane contactors
carbon capturing. IL is actually a salt having melting point lower than experienced low CO2 capturing cost than MGS narrated by various
100 ◦ C and consists of organic cation and inorganic or organic anion studies (Yan et al., 2008). This could be connected with higher selec­
(Dai et al., 2016b). Their attractive features includes high selectivity, tivity, lower membrane cost and operating pressure of membrane con­
high CO2 solubility, higher thermal stability and low vapour pressure tactor and higher mass transfer of porous membrane. However as
(Karadas et al., 2010). Because of these attractive qualities, the mem­ described in Section 1-4, membrane contactor also possesses several
brane contactor’s performance for removal of CO2 can be further drawbacks that must be addressed before its use in commercial

Table 4
Economic analysis of MGS and membrane contactors for capturing CO2 from flue gas.
Technique Flowrates Inlet feed gas CO2 in Operating CO2 capturing Membrane: cost ($/m2) Assertion References
(P; T) feed conditions cost

MGS 1652.4 (k N 95 kPa; 110 ◦ C 13% 1.5 MPa; 82 Polyphenyleneoxide; 50 α(CO2/N4): 20; Ho et al.
m3/hr) 30 ◦ C PCO2: 72 Barrer; (2008)
AƮ = 2 × 105
MGS 500 m3/s 0.1 MPa; 93 ◦ C 14%- 2 MPa; 30 ◦ C 50 PPO; 80 α(CO2/N4): 20; Ho and
mole PCO2: 100 barrer; Wiley (2004)
two stages
MGS 578.7 Atmospheric; 14% 2 MPa; 30 ◦ C 55 Hollow α(CO2/N4): 20; Ho et al.
(tonne/h) 95 ◦ C fiberPolyphenyleneoxidemembrane; PCO2: 72 Barrer; (2006)
MGS 500 (m3/s) – 11.6% 0.2 MPa 39 Polaris™; 50 α(CO2/N4): 500; Merkel et al.
PCO2: 1000 GPU; (2010)
AƮ = 3 × 106; two
MGS 535 (m3/s) 0.1 MPa 12%- 0.4 MPa; 46.8 50; α(CO2/N4): 50; Zhai and
mole 30 ◦ C; PCO2: 1000 GPU; AƮ Rubin
= 2521b; two stages; (2013)
Membrane 894 kg/s – 13.31%- 11.3 kPa; 39.3 Polypropylene; 7.4; Absorbent: MEA Yan et al.
contactor vol 40 ◦ C; (30%) (2011)
MGS 18,260 0.1 MPa; 12.9% 0.25 MPa; 47.87 FSC; 35 α(CO2/N4): 135; He et al.
kmol/h 21.5 ◦ C 35 ◦ C PCO2: 740 GPU; two (2015)
MGS 635 kg/s 0.1 MPa; 13.5%- 0.2 MPa; 120.9 50 α(CO2/N4): 500; Tuinier et al.
150 ◦ C; vol 30 ◦ C PCO2: 1000 GPU; (2011)
Membrane 40,000 m3/ 2 kPa; 150 ◦ C; 15%-wt 5–10 kPa; 2.9–4.4 Polypropylene; 4.8; Absorbent: MEA Yan et al.
contactor h 25 ◦ C (20%; 40 ◦ C) (2008)

A. Imtiaz et al. Chemosphere 325 (2023) 138300

applications. While the major challenge that is faced by MGS for treat­ for increasing oil production. One more good point of this scenario is
ment of flue gas is scaling up of the process, which is generally linked carbon credits that are acquired from carbon storage. Hence, as an
with considerably large volume of gas stream as well as lower concen­ overall outcome, the cost that is involved in generation of high pressure
tration of CO2(Luis et al., 2012). This will specifically affect MGS sep­ water during absorption process would in turn be adjusted and accom­
aration performance i.e. selectivity and mass transfer as well as the modated by benefits of carbon storage. Hence, by employing suggested
membrane area required. Yet, many different strategies can be utilized strategy, the gas stream processing having higher concentration of CO2
to enhance the driving force of MGS like increasing the feed pressure, might sound logical and reasonable economically.
decreasing permeates pressure, recirculating CO2 enriched stream and
also by reducing the concentration of CO2 in permeate pressure by 8. Semi-commercial and pilot scale tests of membrane
sweep gas but all this will require additional cost and extra energy contactors
consumption (Luis et al., 2012).
Favre (Favre, 2007) indicated various aspects that must be consid­ Up to the present time, several semi-commercial and pilot tests have
ered if MGS is to be employed for capturing carbon from flue gas stream successfully been carried off by employing membrane contactors based
(Favre, 2007). These aspects pointed out that: (1) high energy con­ upon porous membranes (Herzog and Falk-Pedersen, 2000; Yeon et al.,
sumption is required by MGS than absorption in case of feed gas stream 2005; Vogt et al., 2011; Scholes et al., 2012, 2014; Bazhenov and Lyu­
having 10% of CO2 even if the membrane’s selectivity is more than 120; bimova, 2016). Kvaerner Process Systems Company carried out revo­
(2) the MGS energy consumption would be competitive in order to treat lutionary work towards this direction, while major work on the
feed gas stream having greater than 20% of CO2; (3) the membrane’s development and design was initiated in 1992 that in turn resulted in
selectivity have to be proximately 60 or above so as to be competitive in establishment of various large scale pilot plants for capturing CO2
last mentioned case; (4) the consumption of energy can significantly be (Bazhenov and Lyubimova, 2016). In order to clean the flue gas, the very
reduced on applying vacuum condition within permeate side; (5) as first pilot plant was installed in Karsto, Norway at statoil Gas company
mass transfer in case of MGS is quite lower than membrane contactors terminal. The plant was tested for about 7000 h from 1998 to 2001 and
(around 4–6 times), hence improvement in permeability is required; and flue gas of 2610 kg/h was treated having CO2 capturing rate of 85% and
also (6) it is necessary to identify perfect type of operation in order to fit in it 30% solution of MEA was utilized as an absorbent. The second pilot
in with the residual water concentration target as it is analysed very plant unit at gas terminal in Scotland was tested for purification process
rarely. of natural gas within which activated MDEA was utilized as an absor­
Improvement in performance of membrane in order to achieve CO2/ bent. Eight membrane contactors having different configurations were
N2 selectivity greater than 40 and CO2 permeance of 3 m3(STP)/m2h bar being tested between 1998 and 1999 and it was exhibited that modules
is required in membrane material’s development (He, 2018). Also, could perhaps be operated for about 5000 h without jeopardizing its
additional improvements are necessary in order to reduce CO2 capture performance. Moreover, Kvaerner Process Systems Company introduced
cost to $20/tonne of CO2 in order to improve and make MGS process the utilization of physical solvent i.e. Morphysorb® for capturing CO2
economically beneficial for commercial applications. One more from natural gas in Texas USA at Shell/Tejas Gas Fandango gas pro­
intriguing case for selecting membrane-based carbon capture is that cessing plant. Extended tests for about 20 weeks exhibited reliable
when it is to be employed for natural gas sweetening having higher performances of utilized membrane contactors. It was concluded from
concentration of CO2, such as, for reserves of natural gas in East Natuna semi commercial prosecution that utilizing membrane contactors can
gas field in Indonesia. East Natuna gas field is one of the largest gas fields reduce the capital costs by 35–40%, the size and weight characteristics
in Asia Pacific and hence the use of natural gas in East Natuna gas field is of equipment by 65–75% as well as operational costs by 38–42% (Baz­
impugned by higher CO2 concentration i.e. up to 71% (Batubara et al., henov and Lyubimova, 2016). A technology was developed by
2014). It generates a higher processing cost and barely a very small CH4 Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) for
portion is remained in sales gas. There is a strong need to develop a capturing CO2 from flue gas streams of thermal power plants (TPPs).
reliable process as this gas field is meant to accomplish the persistent Commercially available and cheap porous HF polypropylene (PP)
natural gas demand. Higher CO2 concentration would be favourable for membranes along with combination of CORAL absorption liquid that
membrane based gas separation as it would bring about higher driving was patented by TNO was employed in the process. Absorption liquid
force as well as transfer rate. But, the membrane will be prone to plas­ that was employed in the process is actually aqueous solution of salts of
ticization because of higher CO2 concentration. Also, the CH4 losses are amino acids having higher absorption characteristics quite similar to
inevitable during the process. Hence, in this situation, membrane con­ aqueous solution of alkanoamines, however, it has superior desorptive
tactors have the potential to be used as a favourable alternative. properties and also do not wets PP membranes (Kumar et al., 2002a).
Normally, the feed gas from gas field has higher pressure and permits System was then tested in pilot scale having following specifications:
the utilization of physical absorption for removal of CO2. The CO2 ab­ flow rate of flue gas, 25 m3/h, flow rate of liquid, 20–100 L/h; flow rate
sorption can be carried out in membrane contactor via employing water, of captured CO2, 150 kg/h; concentration of CO2 in flue gas, 3.5% (Feron
for instance from seawater as an absorbent or solvent. Utilization of and Jansen, 2002).
water from seawater as an absorbent can perhaps reduce the CO2 cap­ Membrane contactors were investigated by Colin et al. for the pur­
ture cost because of its large and inexpensive resource, even in case pose of capturing CO2 from syngas of a precombustion CO2 capturing
when a higher gas flow rate is to be handled and considerable absorbent pilot plant located in Mulgrave, Victoria, Australia (Scholes et al., 2012)
volume is required because of higher CO2 concentration. A German and also in process of lignite TPP flue gas cleaning in Victoria, Australia
company named Ingenieurbüro Buse developed a biogas upgrading unit (Scholes et al., 2014). In first situation, 30% K2CO3 and 30% MEA were
by employing commercial membrane contactor with water as an employed as absorbents, while in second situation, amino acid salt so­
absorbent (Vogler et al., 2013). With a closed loop operation system lution (PuraTreat™ patented liquid) was employed. The research of this
including absorption and degassing steps, methane having 98% of op­ group is noteworthy because they provided an analysis based on com­
timum purity was obtained (Vogler et al., 2013). Also, the utilization of parison between the porous membrane performance made up of PTFE
water rather than employing alkanolamaine solutions could potentially and PP in real industrial environment. It was concluded in accordance
reduce the likelihood of membrane wetting (in case of super­ with the results of both of the studies that employing PTFE membranes is
hydrophobic and hydrophobic membranes) as it possesses higher sur­ more favourable; but, they did underwent pore wetting under pilot scale
face tension. As the absorbent has higher concentration of CO2 and still conditions, which decreases the system performance. Authors have
possesses higher pressure, perhaps it could directly be introduced into emphasized on the significance of controlling transmembrane pressure
nearby oil well for the sake of pressure maintenance as it is favourable to avoid this occurrence (Scholes et al., 2012, 2014). Yeon et al.

A. Imtiaz et al. Chemosphere 325 (2023) 138300

employed asymmetric porous PVDF HF membrane for capturing CO2 regarding methodology and (e) attempting to work with already existing
from CO2/N2 simulating flue gas mixtures in pilot scale testing of material and equipment instead of making an attempt to recreate
membrane contactors (Yeon et al., 2005). Mixed absorbent was used in something (Herzog and Falk-Pedersen, 2000). Anyhow, with increased
this process which consisted of aqueous solution of 5 wt% of TEA and 5 research being done on membrane contactors, it became apparent that
wt% of MEA. Stable operational performance for more than 80 h and novel ideas and innovative concepts must be put forward like appro­
90% CO2 capture efficiency was displayed by membrane contactors as priate choice of absorbents and membrane materials along with
long as the transmembrane pressure control is provided within the range appropriate module design, that are important for efficient and persis­
of 0.1–0.3 atm (Yeon et al., 2005). tent performance of membrane contactors. Recently, a comprehensive
Integrating more than one membrane contactor modules in series techno economic research study was carried out for the purpose of
provides a better way to enhance the efficiency of membrane contactors. upscaling of CO2 capturing process for 800 MW electrical coal power
For instance, it was indicated that combining two or more membrane plant by employing polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) based membrane
contactor modules in series could notably enhance the CO2 absorption contactors and 30 wt% aqueous MEA absorbent, that was compared
rate as well as efficiency (deMontigny et al., 2006; Ghobadi et al., 2018). with traditional packed column (Kimball et al., 2014). On the basis of
Moreover, the increase in number of modules also leads towards experimental data from pilot and lab scale trials, a two-dimensional
increasing the rate of gas feed that is required to attain 90% CO2 re­ convection diffusion model was constructed. It was stated that upscal­
covery and is attributed to increment in absorption capacity because of ing that is based on small scale models is subjected to many uncertainties
greater surface area and also due to reduction of gas-liquid trans­ and is risky too. Hence, mass transfer coefficient of local membrane (km)
membrane pressure (Boributh et al., 2012). Integrating of multiple for ‘ideal case’ was calculated on the assumption that gas and liquid flow
membrane contactor modules in parallel is also subjected to improve rates are uniform, together with lower ‘worst case’ coefficient trying to
absorption performance (Ghobadi et al., 2018). In general terms, resolve the non-uniformities in gas and liquid flow as noticed during
although multistage module has displayed the potential to improve experimental testing. Ideal case coefficient was almost five times greater
absorption performance, the result of liquid splitting and recycling than the worst case. In order to maintain the needs of power station,
seems to be marginal and not always appropriate (Tantikhajorngosol almost altogether 100 modules were needed with each of them pos­
et al., 2018). A setup for multistage membrane contactors at pilot scale sessing over 10 million fibers in order to obtain a quite similar packing
was developed by Choi et al. in order to separate CO2 from flue gas of density as that of pilot scale module, for module diameter of about 4 m
boiler that is powered by LNG (liquefied natural gas) at a rate of each. The length that was required in order to obtain almost 90% re­
1000Nm3/day. For this purpose, up till four stages were employed and covery in ideal case scenario was comparatively lower i.e. 1.23 m,
each stage consisted of a HF module, a vacuum pump, a heat exchanger whereas almost 4 m was required for worst case scenario, hence speci­
and a compressor. With this, 95–99 vol% of outlet CO2 concentration fying the powerful influence of discrepancies in mass transfer coefficient
could be attained, together with 70–95% of recovery rate. An optimal on requirements and performance of modules. A decline in mass transfer
permeate pressure of 19.6 KPa was in turn determined for minimum CO2 coefficients by factor of 5 results in increasing membrane area as well as
outlet concentrations as well as minimal area requirements (Choi et al., module volume by about 325%. Moreover, module requirements in case
2013). Recently, it was concluded by He et al. (2018) that conventional of ideal scenario are somehow comparable to structured packed column
HF membrane contactors were not suitable for gas separation applica­ requirements; it means that worst case scenario approximately triples
tions at large scale owing to their complex production as well as their them on comparison. For the purpose of economic analysis, different
prohibitive maintenance. Creating a large module by framing and values were fixed based upon the latest designs of time. Whilst taking
combining various laboratory scale contactor modules in parallel was into consideration the annuity factor as well as the operating and capital
proposed by He et al. as a substitute to up scaling individual membrane costs, the annual costs that were acquired by authors for worst case
contactor modules (He et al., 2018). This configuration is beneficial membrane contactors, ideal case membrane contactors as well as for
because of its simpler production, easier maintenance and scalability as structured packing was 52.81 M€, 45.62 M€ and 43.24 M€ respectively
well as improved general performance as compared to conventional HF with total cost/ton of CO2 avoided to be 60.75€, 53.65€ and 51.62€
modules. A major factor that affects the performance involves poor flow respectively. So, for each of the case, the structured packing cost remains
distribution and is dependent upon each of the contactor’s packing to be the lowest, specifically when it is compared with the worst case.
density, shell geometry as well as inlet flow velocity. Hence, the appli­ Hence, in order to make membrane contactors competitive with packed
cation of membrane contactors at pilot scale was susceptible to many columns, the specific cost of module must be reduced by 86% and 56%
obstacles, particularly the non-uniform and poor flow distribution, for worst case and ideal case respectively, means reducing them to
higher influence of temperature and water evaporation, all of them 2.75€/m2 and 8.85€/m2respectively. It must be noted that while
tends to be relatively insignificant at lab scale. Therefore, the fabrication considering the lifetime of membrane to be 5years and replacement
of improved models bearing in mind the imperfections of pilot stage costs to be 50%, this will eventually leads towards a significant increase
module operations is essential in order to make precise predictions on in annual cost, hence it is necessary to reduce the cost of module to
their overall performances. On the other hand, the fabrication of pilot 1.23€/m2 and 3.95€/m2, that could be done by choosing a low cost
scale module by framing and assembling different laboratory scale alternative to PTFE membrane like PVDF and PP membranes. Many
membrane contactor units in parallel was suggested to ease production, important parameters such as membrane lifetime as well as mass
maintenance and upscaling. Although, non-uniform and poor flow dis­ transfer coefficient should be determined carefully in order to ensure
tribution still remains an issue. precise assessment of economical feasibility. There is a need of im­
provements which must be carried out not only in material of membrane
9. Commercialization of membrane contactors for gas as well as in module construction and assuring uniform distribution of
separation liquid and gas flows. Significant reduction in costs is needed, particu­
larly in module casings and membranes, for sake of HF membrane
After pilot scale testing, the next step involves its implementation on module contactors to compete with structured packed absorption
industrial scale along with its commercialization. For profitable column.
commercialization along with effective cost reduction, much informa­ On contrary, the cost of employing polyether ether ketone (PEEK) HF
tion was obtained from Kvaerner membrane contactor’s trials couple of membrane contactor for absorption of CO2 was compared with con­
years ago which includes: (a) Developing project incentive, (b) attempt ventional absorber from United States Department of Energy (DOE) by
to maintain interest of consumers, (c) identifying a solution to the Li et al. (2013), where membrane contactors came out to be more cost
problem, (d) must have flexibility as well as focussed objective effective (Li et al., 2013). Total costs for running the process for 626.2

A. Imtiaz et al. Chemosphere 325 (2023) 138300

Mt/h of CO2 removal rate and 90% of the recovery rate from coal power conventional absorption process and together with membrane gas
plant of 50MWe were estimated, for treating gaseous mixture consisting permeation it serves as an efficient solution for gas purification with
of 3.5% oxygen, nitrogen with 145ppmv of SO2 and 14.96% CO2⋅ In reduced consumption of energy, overall plant size as well as reduced
order to calculate total capital expenditure that includes the costs of operational and investment cost. Regardless of the promising applica­
reboiler, module unit, stripper as well as other associated equipment, a tions of membrane based carbon capture technologies, i.e. membrane
cost of 377 M$ and 345 M$ was attained for membrane contactor gas separation and membrane contactors, they possess some limitations
employing activated MEA and potassium carbonate as an absorbent. On that should be addressed before employing them for industrial appli­
comparison, a total capital expenditure of 436 M$ was attained for cations. In case of membrane based gas separation, it is important to
conventional absorber. For coal power plant, the levelized cost of energy develop new generation of membranes having higher mechanical sta­
(LCOE) that usually includes operating and capital costs, cost of coal as bility against high pressure and temperature, and must possess anti
well as CO2 storage, monitoring and transport cost was also evaluated in plasticization characteristics in order to ensure membrane’s durability
ten cents per kilowatt hour (mills/kWh). LCOE of 118.36, 107.57 and along with higher permeability and selectivity. On the other side,
100.11 mills/KWh was attained for absorber, K2CO3 and MEA based membrane contactors have gained significant attention for CO2 capture
membrane contactor, in comparison with 64 mills/KWh without as it amalgamates the advantages of both membrane separation
capturing carbon. Thus, implementing membrane contactor escalates (compactness and modularity) and liquid absorption (higher selec­
energy cost by 55–86%, and this is much lower than 85% increase from tivity). Till now, most of the research on capturing CO2 by employing
the conventional absorber reviewed. membrane contactors is still carried out at laboratory scale because of
A model was developed by Rezakazemi et al. (2017) in order to es­ some critical challenges that are faced by them during their operation.
timate the operating cost for H2S and CO2 removal from natural gas. The Out of all challenges, membrane wetting is most crucial. A better com­
key factors that influence cost of separation were analysed. The CO2 bination of membrane and liquid absorbent is important in order to
fraction that is to be removed, inlet concentration of CO2 as well as establish effective mass transfer hence leading towards higher removal
methane cost contribute towards increasing the costs, whereas CO2/CH4 of CO2. In order to minimize the influence of membrane wetting as well
membrane selectivity as well as feed flow rate when increased can lower as to lower the cost of membrane contactor system, new and cheap
the costs. The existence of H2S almost doubled the separation costs, polymeric membranes having anti wetting and fouling properties are
bringing attention towards the influence of the existence of impurities supposed to be fabricated and studied in future. Also, surface modifi­
on overall costs. In another study done by Usman et al. (2018), the costs cation of polymeric membranes in order to improve its chemical prop­
for precombustion CO2 capture from synthesis gas arising from inte­ erties is considered as a promising technique for enhancing the
grated gasification combined cycle plant (IGCC) was evaluated. Ionic membrane’s performance during membrane contactor operation.
liquid [BMIM][TCM] having 90% of target capture efficiency was Observing the characteristics of membranes before and after the process
employed as an absorbent. Total project cost was estimated to be 47.4 M of stripping must be carried out in order to closely inspect the effect of
$ and almost half to the total capital cost was ascribed to the compressor, longer contact of membrane with liquid absorbent. This can be carried
around 40% was associated to membrane contactor and lesser than 5% out by executing the morphological analysis of membrane via FESEM or
of the total cost was attributed to heat exchanger, flash separator and SEM, by measuring tensile strength as well as contact angle before and
pump. The total operating expenses of 9.04 M$/yr were estimated after the process of stripping. It will help in defining and highlighting the
having specific costs of 87$/ton of CO2. The usefulness of pilot scale correlation of membrane properties employed in membrane contactor
biogas upgrading with membrane contactors was evaluated by Park before and after stripping.
et al. (2017). The process of absorption was integrated with pressure Regarding the design of module, several substitutes of traditional flat
cascaded stripping for the purpose of optimizing CO2/CH4 selectivity sheet and hollow fiber modules have been proposed. Not merely new
through stripping CH4 that was absorbed with CO2within the liquid module designs were put forward in order to increase mass transfer
phase due to thermodynamic non idealities of system. Over 97% of CH4 performance, like woven fiber, cross flow, tubular and spiral wound
purity could be attained. Costs for polypropylene (PP) membranes was modules, but also hybrid modules were proposed where the absorption
fixed at 20$/m2 having replacement after every 5 years and cost of and desorption of gas could be achieved in same module thus reducing
methane was fixed at 0.13$/m3. Annual expenses for maintenance and the equipment requirements for wide scale applications. One of the
operation were estimated to be 3.4% with 10% of annual capital interesting approaches that are to be considered for the up scaling of
depreciation. Breakeven point was calculated as a function of plant ca­ practical and efficient membrane contactor modules normally consists
pacity that was shown to be at two years or lesser and drops below a year of assembling and forging several lab scale membrane contactor units
for capacities that are above 750 Nm3/h. On comparison with tradi­ and facilitating the production along with maintenance and upscaling.
tional membrane contactor setup, the pressure cascaded process was On the other hand, the model accuracy in case of pilot scale membrane
competitive in general, mostly at high capacities. One of the notable contactor is jeopardized by non uniform flow distribution as well as by
advantages of pressure cascaded process included major reduction of higher influence of temperature. Apart from improving and upgrading
greenhouse warming potential (GWP) because of high yield of CH4 and the model in order to deal with these non idealities, production of
lesser release, that was almost about two third of the level of traditional modules by amalgamating several lab scale units as well as incorpo­
one (Park et al., 2017). rating the absorption and desorption phases into one module is
considered to be a favourable pathway for applications of membrane
10. Conclusions and future development prospects contactors on large scale.
Finally, this review also focussed on the semicommercial and com­
At present, various membrane systems have been installed for mercial implementations of membrane contactors. Some examples of
offshore platforms as well as for small scale applications. Specifically, semi commercial and pilot scale implementation of membrane con­
over last few years several membrane based systems have been practi­ tactors for absorption and desorption of carbondioxide are highlighted.
cally applied to large scale offshore natural gas upgrading projects The results of pilot and semi commercial implementation exhibited that
where footprint is the major constrained. For gas permeation through employing membrane contactors can reduce the capital cost by 35–40%,
the membranes, it is important to investigate new membrane materials the size and weight characteristics of equipment by 65–75% and oper­
that are more selective and have better plasticization resistance in order ating costs by 38–42%. However, commercialization of membrane
to minimize costs and to reduce the footprint of pre-treatment systems contactors at industrial level is most important challenge to deal with.
that are almost about 15–50% of footprint of entire membrane systems. Considerable success was achieved by them particularly for applications
Membrane contactors can be employed as an alternative to in gas separation sector. But, recent techno economical analyses of

A. Imtiaz et al. Chemosphere 325 (2023) 138300

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