Author Guidelines SICH

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Jl. Manila 37, Sumberece, Pesantren, Kota Kediri, Jawa Timur 64133, Indonesia
Telepon: (62) 822-3168-3185, Fax. (0354) 695130

Instruction for Authors of Strada International

Conference on Health
The Strada International Conference on Health Participants are encouraged to submit
abstracts to be presented as oral presentation. An abstract is a short summary of a full paper
that is written based on an original study’s results in the areas of any branch of health
sciences. Indonesian participants are required to submit abstracts in Indonesian and English.

International participants submit abstract in English. Word count of an abstract does not
exceed 200 words, along with 5 keywords. The abstracts are structured as follows:
1. Background: brief background of the topic and significance of the study.
2. Purpose: the major aim of the study.
3. Methods: brief summary of study setting and participants; the study design; major
methods used to collect and analyze data, including the proper name of instruments used.
4. Results: the major findings.
5. Conclusion: conclusions and implications for nursing practice.
6. Keywords: crucial to the appropriate indexing of the papers, are to be given.

A structured abstract is deemed important for it ensures that important information from the
study results will not be missed by the author.

Full paper

Each paper is limited to 12 pages normally (including the abstract, figures, tables, and
references), each paper must be no more 12 pages. Please follow the conference format. A
full paper is a complete report from an original study that is written succinctly so that it is
suitable for publication in a scientific journal. Authors are encouraged to submit full papers of
a study in all branches of health sciences.

Background: Background provides the state of the art of the study and consists of an
adequate background, the previous researches and significance of the study to show the
scientific merit or novelties of the paper. Avoid the use of literature review or a summary of
the results.

Objective: Objective states the major aim of the study.

Methods: Method consists of: Design and samples (including place and time of research),
research instrument and data collection, data analysis, and ethical consideration.

Results: Results describe the major findings of the study. It should be clear, concise and can
be reported on texts or graphics. Please provide some introduction for the information
presented on tables or images.

Discussion: The discussion should explore the significance of the results of the study. The
following components should be covered in discussion: How do your results relate to the
original question or objectives outlined in the background section (what)? Do you provide
interpretation scientifically for each of your results or findings presented (why)? Are your
results consistent with what other investigators have reported (what else)? Or are there any

Conclusion: Conclusion should answer the objectives of the study. Provide a clear scientific
justification for your study, and indicate possible recommendation for nursing practice and
future practice.

Acknowledgments (if any): Briefly acknowledge research funders, and any research
participants in this section.

Conflicts of Interest: Explain whether there is a conflict of interest in this research


The Strada International Conference on Health uses APA citation and reference rule. Sources
that can be used for citation and reference include original research articles as well as other
scientific papers that have been published in a journal, presented in a scientific conference, or
uploaded in the web. A limited number of books, thesis, and dissertation can also be used for
citation and reference. Personal communication can be used as a reference.

Name of authors that is written as citation or reference is the last name. This rule applies to
all author names from all over the world, including Indonesian author. The Reference
consists of all references used to write the articles. Ensure that citations used are as
contemporary as possible, including those from the current year of writing. Delete older
literature citations (more than 10 years) unless these are central to your study. References
should avoid the use of secondary citations. Please use Reference Manager Applications like
EndNote, Mendeley, Zotero, etc.

Figure Captions: Figure 1. A sample chart/figure

Figure 1. A sample chart/figure


Table Captions: Table 1. Formatting Rules

Table 1. Formatting rules

Object Font Alignment Space above Space below

Title 16pt bold centered 0pt 12pt
Author(s) 12pt bold centered 12pt 12pt
Affiliation 10pt italics centered 12pt 0pt
Heading1 12pt bold left 12pt 12pt
Heading2 12pt bold left 12pt 12pt
Heading3 12pt bold italics left 12pt 12pt
Body 12pt justified 0pt 0pt
Bullet 12pt justified 0pt 0pt
Table title 12pt centered 12pt 12pt
Figure title 12pt centered 12pt 12pt
Please read and follow the following requirement CAREFULLY:
1. Please use Time New Roman 12pt
2. Make sure you wrote 6000-8000 words
3. Please use 1.5 spacing
4. Don’t use any bullets, alphabet and numbering for sub-headings
5. Please use APA 7th style for reference

Next page is the template of the paper. Please copy and paste and follow this template
Title of the Manuscript
(16pt; Bold; Capitalize Each Word)

Name of Author1, Name of Author2

(12pt; Bold)
Department, University, Country
Department, University, Country
Corresponding author: email address
(10pt; Italic)

ABSTRACT (100-200 words)


Keywords: (3-5 words)


Background provides the state of the art of the study and consists of an adequate background,
the previous researches and significance of the study to show the scientific merit or novelties
of the paper. Avoid the use of literature review or a summary of the results.


Method consists of: Design and samples (including place and time of research), research
instrument and data collection, data analysis, and ethical consideration.


Results describe the major findings of the study. It should be clear, concise and can be
reported on texts or graphics. Please provide some introduction for the information presented
on tables or images.


The discussion should explore the significance of the results of the study. The following
components should be covered in discussion: How do your results relate to the original
question or objectives outlined in the background section (what)? Do you provide
interpretation scientifically for each of your results or findings presented (why)? Are your
results consistent with what other investigators have reported (what else)? Or are there any


Conclusion should answer the objectives of the study. Provide a clear scientific justification
for your study, and indicate possible recommendation for nursing practice and future


Briefly acknowledge research funders, and any research participants in this section.


Explain whether there is a conflict of interest in this research


Write reference in APA 7th style. The Reference consists of all references used to write the
articles. Ensure that citations used are as contemporary as possible, including those from
the current year of writing. Delete older literature citations (more than 10 years) unless these
are central to your study. References should avoid the use of secondary citations. Please use
Reference Manager Applications like EndNote, Mendeley, Zotero, etc.

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