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Topic 1: Make a conversation about etiquette in your country. Your conversation should

- How people greet each other

- What some conversation topics that they should and shouldn’t ask
- When and how people address people formally
- What some do’s and don’ts table manners are

Topic 2: Make a conversation (a phone call) with a doctor to make an appointment.

Your conversation should include:

- Describe your health problem and its symptoms

- What procedure(s) you want to have
- Whether you are currently taking any medications. If yes, what the medications
- When you want to come to see the doctor.

Topic 3: Make a conversation about a plan of an event for your class or school. Your
conversation should include:

- What type of event it is

- Where it is
- When and what time it is
- Why it is held
- What you need to get done before and during the event.

Topic 4: Make a conversation about a book you have recently read. Your conversation
should include:

- What kind of book it is

- Who its author is
- What it is about
- What ways you would enjoy it
- Why you liked it

Topic 5: Make a conversation about an emergency that happened in your country and
people’s preparations. Your conversation should include:

- What kind of disaster it was

- Where and when it happened
- How people prepared for that emergency
- What the consequences (casualties and property damages) were

Topic 6: Imagine that you are at an international job fair. Make a conversation (an
interview) about your job and qualifications. Your conversation should include:

- What fields that you are interested in (business, education, art, …)

- What kind of job you want to do
- Why you choose that job
- What qualifications you believe you have
- What experience and skills that you think you have

Topic 7: Make conversations about Mid-Autumn festival. Your conversation should


- When it takes place

- Why people celebrate it
- What activities people do on this festival
- What special food that people often eat on this occasion
- What you like and dislike about this festival

Topic 8: Imagine you will be an inventor in the future. Make a conversation about an
invention that you want to have in the future. Your conversation should include:

- What it will be
- How it will look like
- What it will be used for
- Why you want to invent it
- What is the impact of that invention on people’s lives

Topic 9: Make a conversation about keeping animals in zoos. Your conversation should

- Whether keeping animals in zoos is popular in your country

- What some pros and cons of keeping animals in zoos are
- What your opinion about this issue is
- Suggest some potential ways to reduce the negative effects of this issue

Topic 10: Describe a place in your country that is well-known for its natural beauty.
Your conversation should include:

- What place it is
- Where it is located
- What kind of weather there is
- How to get there
- What people can see and do there
- Why this area is beautiful

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