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EFN UMS 2023


A. Fulfill The Blanks With The Suitable Sentence Structures:

1. The nurse measured my blood pressure.
I had ...........................................................................................................
2. The tester took my blood for some tests such as jaundice and cholesterol.
I got ............................................................................................................
3. The dentist checked my teeth and filled one of them.
I had ...........................................................................................................
4. The nurse took my electrocardiogram.
I got ............................................................................................................
5. They put my leg in plaster.
I had ...........................................................................................................
6. If Dr. John would not have a surgery, he ........ (attend) the Health Conference.
7. I ...... (consult) my health if I had needed to.
8. Nita’s fever would increase if your mother ..... (take) her to the nearest hospital.
9. If the weather had been nice yesterday, we .... (go) to the nearest hospital.
10. Nurse Shanty would bring the patient to the maternity ward if the Doctor ...... (ask) her.

B. Dialogue Analysis!
 The conversation between nurse and patient (polite request)

Nurse: When did you last come in for a physical exam?

Patient: I had my last physical two years ago.

Nurse: Have you had any other exams recently? Blood work, an EKG or an ultra-sound?
Patient: Well, I had a few X-rays at the dentist's.

Nurse: How have you been feeling in general?

Patient: Pretty well. No complaints, really.

Nurse: Could you roll up your left sleeve? I'd like to take your blood pressure.
Patient: Certainly.

Nurse: 120 over 80. That's fine. You don't seem to be overweight, that's good. Do you exercise
Patient: No, not really. If I run up a flight of stairs, it takes me a while to get my breath back. I need to
get out more.

Nurse: That would be a good idea. How about your diet?

Patient: I think I eat a pretty balanced diet. You know, I'll have a hamburger from time to time, but
generally I have well-balanced meals.

Nurse: That's good. Now, I'm going to listen to your heart.

Patient: Ooh, that's cold!

Nurse: Don't worry it's just my stethoscope. Now, breathe in and hold your breath. Please pull up your
shirt, and breathe deeply... Everything sounds good. Let's take a look at your throat. Please open wide
and say 'ah'.
Patient: 'ah'

Nurse: OK. Everything looks ship shape. I'm going to order some blood work and that's about it. Take
this slip to the front desk and they'll arrange an appointment for the tests.
Patient: Thank you Nurse. Have a nice day.


1. Mention the blood pressure of the patient?

2. Did the patients take the regular exams for his/her health, and mention the test?
3. What did patient do for maintaining his/her diet?
4. Was the patient in the good health, if it was so, mentions the proven sentences that the patient was
in the good condition?

C. Reading Comprehension:


A hospital is the largest and most complex from of medical facility. It deals with patients who
need complex diagnostic procedures. Treatment in a hospital is a team effort. The physicians are
directly responsible for a patient’s welfare. All the hospital personnel support the work of the

A hospital has many departments in it. They are medical and surgical service, food service,
laboratory, scanning and X-day department, medical records department, pharmacy, and
rehabilitation department.

There are many kinds of hospital. Acute-care hospitals include primary, secondary and tertiary
institution. The low –technology primary hospitals are located in rural areas. The Secondary
hospitals provide a greater range of physician’s skills and modern technology than the primary
hospitals. Meanwhile the tertiary hospitals provide the latest medical equipment.

Other types of hospitals are specialty hospitals. They admit only those patients who fit a restricted
group of diagnoses. Psychiatric hospitals are the most numerous specialty hospitals. They are the
largest patient population

Answer The Questions Correctly:

1. What does paragraph one tell us about?

2. How many departments are there in a hospital?

3. Where can you get the medicine?

4. What does the word “physicians” in paragraph 3 mean?

5. What does the purpose of the report text above?


D. Fill The Blank With The Question Tag Forms!

1. Dr. Frank hadn’t come yet, ........ ?????
2. Midwife Shanty didn’t take the medicine, ......... ??????
3. Dr. Frank was the head nurse of this hospital, ....... ??????
4. Open your book biology book........ ????
5. Don’t go anywhere until Dr. frank comes again , ............ ?????

E. Fill The Blank With Comparative Degree!

1. The injection ..... (hurt) then the medicines.
2. This modern medicines ......... (good) than the traditional medicines.
3. I am .........(polite) than him.
4. This hospital is .......... (good) hospital in the town.
5. We are .....(intelligence) students in the class.

============= GOOD LUCK ==============

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