Parents and Activists

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Parents and Activists

by Renato Constantino Difference in outlook

(first published by GRAPHIC in April 28, 1971; republished Activists have elaborated at great length on the basic issues of
by Malaya Books Inc., Quezon City, Philippines) our society. They recognize the main forces locked in mortal
  struggle but they may have overlooked some subsidiary
Graduation has been aptly called a commencement. It is on the contradictions or they may have not given sufficient thought to
conventional sense a commencement of adult responsibility for the manner in which these should be resolved. One such
the young. For their parents, it is the climax of years of anxious problem is the problem of the generations. It may be useful to
waiting and of sacrifices. But, if both want to invest it with focus some attention on this question during this period of
deeper significance, a commencement should mark the student ferment.
beginning of understanding and of partnership with the young in  
patriotic involvement. Activists know that every aspect of life has a political dimension;
  even the relation with one’s parents is part of the overall political
We live in a period of turbulence, of instability and of change. A struggle. Parents whose children are not activists may view
decaying society leaves in its wake many dislocations, many developments with more detachment but they are still puzzled
confusions and rising tensions. These dislocations and tensions and apprehensive. Many of the uncommitted among the young,
have been dramatically projected by the activism of militant if they are honest and patriotic, will eventually join the movement
youth. for revolutionary change because of the flow of history cannot be
  denied. Consequently, no one can remain wholly untouched by
All at once parents are seized with paroxysms of fear; many in an the problem.
excess of protectiveness, have sought to isolate their young from  
activist fever, while others have reacted with anger and despair. What causes this division between generations? Is it merely the
The result is a growing alienation between parents and activists. so-called generation gap? Is it just a passing phase in the
In many homes a bitter battle now rages between the old and the process of growing up? Why is parental reaction one of dismay
young. The young today are so different, parents say, and antagonism? Is it because of the irresponsibility of the
bewildered; our parents are so reactionary; they are fascists, the young?
youth reply.  
The growing alienation between parents and activists cannot be To re-establish communication, the older generation must
dismissed with the facile explanation that there exists a understand the basic nature of activism today.
generation gap. There is something more basic here than a  
meredifference in ages or a mere rebellion against authority as Nature of activism
such; there is a fundamental difference in outlook.   
Asocial behaviour Activism rejects the older generation’s belief in an immutable
  social order. Its allegiance is to revolutionary change, not to
Long years of miseducation, long years of constant subjection to reformism. It is disillusioned with the patchwork solutions of the
the blandishments of Western propaganda have made the older previous generations. Therefore the young scoff at parental
generation unappreciative of the commitment of the young suggestions that they reduce the dimensions of their protest to
today. specific problems like crime control, the exposure of corruption
  in government, or the amelioration of living conditions in the
For a number of generations, most adults, including the parents slums.
of today, has been concerned with the day-to-day struggles of  
life solely in their personal dimensions. They were therefore They know that these specific problems are interrelated and will
unaware of the contradictions that the operative forces of history never be solved unless basic changes in society are instituted.
were building up in the society. These quantitative accretions of They no longer pin their hopes on the election to office of good
events have resulted in a reality qualitatively different from the men as previous generations did. They know that mere changes
past. of men will mean nothing.
The old see social changes only in their quantitative aspects – If the same system prevails, it will corrupt the men; in fact the
prices are higher, corruption is more rampant, crimes are more system practically ensures that only the corrupt get elected. As a
numerous. Their frames of reference remain the same. Like the result, parents think the young are impractical dreamers, while
young, they see the problems of our corrupt society but, unlike the young counter that their parents have no understanding of
the young, they offer only the same old solutions that never the real nature of our society.
worked before or else they retreat into individualism and asocial  
behaviour. The activist outlook is totally different, hence the We often hear older people explain that protest actions are part
frequent lack of communication resulting in bitter tension within of the idealism of youth. They imply that young people have
families and erosion of parental control and influence. ideals but will outgrow them when, as adults, they come face to
face with practical reality. This judgment is both wrong and engendered by private free enterprise, a legacy of imperialist
immoral. rule.
Idealism in the sense of having ideals is not something that It is the rejection of individual ambition that parents find most
should be outgrown. N the other hand, philosophically speaking, difficult to adjust to. The poorer parents, especially, find this
activism is not idealist; it is materialist because it is based on painfully disappointing. All their lives they worked and sacrificed
social reality. It is these older people with their condescending to give their children an education so that the young ones might
conclusions who are idealists – not in the sense of having ideals become successful, pore prosperous. Now they find that what
but because they have unreal view of reality. they live for is to be discarded. Instead, their activist sons and
  daughters have deliberately chosen a difficult and uncertain way
Some parents treat activism as they would an attack of the of life which will bring no money, only hard work and danger,
measles. They wait for it to subside so the patient can be normal even death.
again, which to them means being career-conscious, materially  
ambitious, and moderately civic-minded. Nothing can assuage the anguish of such parents – nothing, that
  is, except an understanding of their children’s convictions. If
Youthful frivolities these convictions are firm, appeals to the young person’s
  individual self-interest, or pleas that he think of his personal
But activism today is more than a passing phase of youthful safety would only alienate him further. Nothing is more revolting
restlessness; it is not the same as those frivolous activities with to a committed youth than to be told to let others “do the dirty
which many of us were expected to amuse ourselves during our work” and run the risks. Such a position is morally indefensible.
school days; it is not one of those fads which produce temporary Young people correctly assess it as the product of selfish
irritations between parents and children. individualism and social irresponsibility.
Activism is a social phenomenon because it is an exercise in Neither should parents offer charitable activities or so-called
collectivity, a \rejection of individualist solutions to purely private civic action as substitutes for involvement in the protest
problems. Activism is the antithesis of individual action which is movement. Activists know that do-gooding is ineffectual in the
a romantic survival of the days of so-called self-made men; it is long run and, as practiced in conventional circles, is nothing
the negation of individual ambition because a new more that conscience pacifier or a publicity gimmick for the
counter-consciousness is contraposed to the consciousness socially ambitious. This does not mean that activists have no
sympathy for the sufferings of their fellowmen; in fact, it is these
very sufferings that they want toeliminate. However, they know existence – a leap that will usher in a higher level of human
that the real solution does not lie in palliatives but in a change of development.
the system.  
  Activism is a product of the great social upheavals of our times
Antithesis of the system which are mass movements for national liberation from the
  oppressions of imperialism. Imperialist rule has progressively
The youth of today are not only the products of the system; they depressed the lives of the peoples in the underdeveloped areas
are also the antithesis of that system. of the world; it has deepened human alienation, cheapened
  human life and has been responsible for the flagrant
During our period of adjustment to the imperatives of the times, degeneration of culture. We are now witnessing in our country
we of the older generations allowed material and intellectual the growth of counter-forces created by the dynamics of
influences to transform us into bases and pillars of the social imperialism.
order. Young activists reject these material and intellectual  
influences for they have developed insights in to the evils of the With the few individual exceptions, previous generations allowed
system; they have seen fit to rebel not primarily against the old and even abetted the imposition of a colonial society in our land.
generation as against the very system which the old seem to Now that the young reject imperialism and are trying to protect
represent. the possibility of a better society for all, the old complain and
  even questions the motives of the youth. A few become very
Thus many of the older generation are appalled by the sweeping angry, try to intimidate and threaten, and even precipitate a
rejection of the values to which we were all acculturized. All the severance of relations. That is why many of these young people
verities and the comfortable platitudes under which we had been have come to believe that parents are essentially fascistic.
nurtured have gone by the board.  
  Question of discipline
We cannot view present militancy in the same way that our  
parents regarded our own youthful rebellions. For where before An important condition for understanding is the need to credit
youthful frivolities were merely interruptions in a long line of the young with good intentions and enough patriotic dedication.
continuity, today activism is definitely a discontinuity which has They have a right to resent bitterly such false imputations as that
accelerated a social process that is well nigh reversible. And thus they are being led astray by agitators or used as tools by their
discontinuity will represent a leap in the continuity of our social leaders. The old should make a real effort to understand their
political beliefs and instead of condemning them outright.
  There was a time when the old were supposed to be wise. Today
When the young people question the political opinions of their the old must not fall in to the error of claiming wisdom as a
parents and insists on participating in the mass actions of the prerogative of age. They may be in for a big surprise.
protests movement, parents should not regard this merely as a  
disciplinary problem. A reversal of traditional roles seems to be occurring. Traditionally
  the young were expected to be self-centered, intent on only on
It is true that a desire for independence from parental authority pleasure, to a great degree socially irresponsible. The old saw
may have been a factor in the initial stages, but, once convinced themselves as the guardians of the society, the people who
of the correctness of his cause, the young person regards worked and sacrificed, the planners and makers of a world they
activism as a patriotic duty. Part of his rebellion is directed would be proud to leave to their children. Today, it seems as if it
p[precisely against the values of the defenders of the status quo, is the old who are more guilty of social irresponsibility and the
and the right to impose strictures solely by virtue of age is one of young who have taken it upon themselves to plan and sacrifice
these values. for a better world for themselves and for the future.
Gone is the day when the older people supposed to do the The least the parents can do is to listen to the young, ask
thinking and the acting and the young were expected to remain questions, read what they read, examine their values.
meekly in their classes. The old have made such mess of things  
that the young feel they are no longer capable of effecting the Since imperialism is the compelling fact of present society, and
changes demanded by our times. since anti-imperialism is what animates the activist struggle,
  parents must know more about imperialism. They must learn
Discipline for these young people is the discipline of their how imperialism plunders the poor nations and what techniques
commitment. It is a self-imposed discipline, which, ideally, it uses to retain political and economic control of its
should be collectively arrived at, and which derives from the neo-colonies. They must become aware of its fraudulent use of
needs of the movement. Discipline in this sense is positive, not aid and its employment of cultural aggressions. And finally, they
negative. And who is to say that this is not the higher form? must understand how it uses its control, made more secure by
  its military might, to force nations to adopt policies inimical to
Reversal of roles their own interest but beneficial to the imperialist.
Intensity of discontent
Many of the older generation have known economic want and responsibility for the tension and the alienation which results
oppression in the society but they fail to attribute the suffering of from the lack of communication.
the workings of the imperialism. Instead they tend to  
condemnonly the leaders of the country for the evils they see, Discontinuities in continuity
little knowing that these men are merely agents of the system or  
oat most active collaborators. Perhaps activists cannot be blamed completely for their quick
  and total rejection of present institutions and values. The
Activists have dramatically brought out the fact that our colonial situation is really that desperate. But they must bear in mind that
condition is the root of all problems. Most parents do not we are living in a reality which changes because of the
understand this. Many are self-complacent apologists for the contradictions arising from within. The continuity of society exists
system. That is why the young resent their hypocritical attitudes through discontinuity of basic change.
and their selfish indifference to their country’s plight.  
  Radical change cannot be wrought overnight. Revolution is not a
Of course, the methods of the activists mat shock many of the moment in the course of history; it is a process that
elders. There have been certain excuses but these are to a great encompasses broad historical periods. The new comes from the
intent traceable to the intensity of discontent and to the futility of old and negates it.
the forms of the protest of which we have been accustomed.  
  New institutions are not imposed from the outside; rather, these
It is not my intention to idealize the protest movement nor the institutions develop in the course of the struggle. That is why the
typical activist. I have deliberately described activism at its best techniques of struggle must take cognizance of existing reality,
and highest level – what it could be rather than what it is – in a n and this reality includes the very institutions and ideas that
attempt to purge parents of their prejudices and misgivings. After continue to control the consciousness of the majority.
all, a movement’s political and ethical aspirations are as valid as  
a yardstick as it presents achievements. Furthermore, I trust the Knowledge of local reality
activists, conscious of the need to be profoundly self-critical, are  
aware of their own deficiencies. Activists must know their reality and work within that reality in
  order to change it. Parents are very much part of that reality.
Many activists have unnecessarily alienated their parents. They  
have not thought of including their elders among those who are They must therefore struggle with their parents, not with an
in need of re-education. Thus they must also bear part of the attitude of total negation or in antagonistic confrontation but with
the same spirit of forbearance that they show to the unpoliticized Activists need more thorough grounding in Philippines history
masses. and society. Concomitant with this weakness is the failure to
  remember that, to effect revolutionary change, there is need to
Their success in involving their parent – at least to some degree rally the most diverse elements of society to form a united front
– will be a test of their ability to rally other sectors of society. A of all sectors that see the need for change. Or, perhaps the need
thorough understanding of Philippines reality will insure correct is recognized but there is insufficient understanding of how this
techniques of struggle. To persist in mastering only foreign is to be achieved.
models based on the experience of other nations would result in  
a doctrinaire and sectarian point of view. Some activists disdain those who only partially accept their
  goals. They may have failed to appreciate the fact that the
Theory-Practice Congealed struggle must be undertaken on various levels of consciousness
  and therefore they must give special regard for allies who may
The theory that activist study is a distillation of concrete not yet have the same level of awakening that they have.
experiences which have both universal and particular validity. If  
this theory is to guide local experience effectively, it must be Internalization of struggle
applied creatively and this means recognizing its universal and  
particular character. The struggle is a protracted one. The power of the state and the
  influence of imperialism still cannot be minimized. That is why
The correct determination of what is applicable to the local the battle must be waged with extreme creativity on all fronts and
situation will depend on the depth of our understanding of local the knowledge that a protracted struggle may consume lifetime
reality. Later on, local experience can become the basis for a of endeavor. What is needed is patience, humility, integrity,
further development of theory which will have universal and dedication, and patriotism. A resolute struggle must be waged
particular validity. against impatience, arrogance, intellectual dishonesty, instability
  and opportunism.
Theory is practice congealed. Therefore, reading and studying  
theory can be considered a form of practice. This theory should Changing people is a long and difficult process, for it requires not
guide practice, but not blindly. Our duty is to be able to derive merely change in political viewpoint but also change in character.
our own theoretical formulations from our own practice in order Part of the struggle, then, has to be internalized, since some
that our experiences may also become of practice congealed. activists still carry with them many attitudes of the society they
reject such as dogmatism, opportunism, vindictiveness, vanity, If parents of today do not march with the youth, they will be left
anti-intellectualism and lack of discipline. behind and will deserve only the censure of history. If the youth
  fail to enlist the active participation of other sectors of society,
In the struggle with older people and with the rest of society, a their movement will suffer from a fatal distortion.
change in attitude, emanating from an internal change will be  
more effective than a thousand manifestoes. For in the behavior In an intolerable society, the task of working for revolutionary
of the activists themselves the rest of society expects to see an change is the duty and the privilege of all patriots, young and
aspect of the future society that is being advocated. old.
There are still many things that have to be learned about present
society. Parents may have much useful concrete in formation.
The young need all available resources. A partnership with
parents, aside from reducing tensions which impair efficiency of
activists, can yield valuable facts about specific areas of society
beyond the present experiences of the young.
Growing up and growing young
The young are growing; the old must grow young. In situations
develop and eventually fossilize and along with them the thinking
of men.
When a man grows old because of inability to appreciate and
adjust to changes, he becomes reactionary even if he still
regards himself as progressive because years ago he was
considered as one. To note change, to work for change, to adjust
to changed conditions – that is the mark of youth. If an individual
believes in social change, he will never be an anachronism in the
successive alterations of his social milieu.

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