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1. Two identical shunt generator running in parallel supply a total load current of 2500A.

Each machine has a field

resistance of 50 ohms and an armature resistance of 0.01 ohm.The induced emf generated are 230 and 235
volts,respectively. Calculate the common operating voltage of each machine.

A.220V B.222 V C.223V. D.218 V

2. A 100V shunt motor is developing 6hp while operating at an overall efficiency of 86%. The armature and shunt
field resistances are 0.06 and 50 ohms respectively.Determine stray power losses.

A.378 W B.367 W C.392 W D.364 W

3. The input current of a 220V, short shunt compound motor at no load is 6A.the shunt field circuit resistance is 220
ohms,the armature resistance is 0.10 ohm and the series field resistance is 0.08 ohm. What is the stray power loss?

A.1153.31W B.1066.22W C.1232.54W D.1073.25W

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