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Enzymes PPQ

(a)     Explain how the active site of an enzyme causes a high rate of reaction.













The action of the enzyme catalase is shown below.

A student investigated the effect of hydrogen peroxide concentration on the rate of this
reaction. He used catalase from potato tissue.

The student:
•   put five potato chips in a flask
•   added 20 cm3 of 0.5 mol dm–3 hydrogen peroxide solution to the flask
•   measured the time in seconds for production of 10 cm3 of oxygen gas
•   repeated this procedure with four different concentrations of hydrogen
peroxide solution.

His results are shown in the table.

Time for production
Hydrogen peroxide Rate of reaction /
of 10 cm3 of oxygen
concentration / mol dm–3 arbitrary units
gas / seconds

0.5 18  

1.0 10  

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1.5 7  

2.0 6  

2.5 6  

(b)  Other than those stated, give one factor the student would have controlled in his



(c)  The student gave the maximum rate of reaction a value of 1.0 arbitrary units.

Complete the table above by calculating the rate of reaction in arbitrary units at each
hydrogen peroxide concentration. Record the rates using an appropriate number of
significant figures.

(d)  Plot a suitable graph of your processed data shown in the table.


(e)  Suggest a change the student could make to his procedure so that 10 cm3 of oxygen
would be produced in less than 6 seconds.



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(Total 10 marks)

Urease is an enzyme which hydrolyses urea to ammonia and carbon dioxide. The
ammonia produces an alkaline solution.

In an experiment, a solution of urease was placed in tubing made from a partially

permeable membrane. This tubing was put into a large test tube containing urea solution,
as shown in the diagram. A control was set up with urease solution in the tubing and water

After 5 minutes, samples were taken from inside and outside the tubing in each of the test
tubes. The samples were tested with an indicator that is yellow below pH 8.0 and blue
above pH 8.0. The results are shown in the table.

Tube Contents Colour with indicator after 5 minutes

  Inside tubing Outside tubing Inside tubing Outside tubing

A Urease solution Urea solution Blue Yellow

B Urease solution Water Yellow Yellow

(a)     Explain the result for tube A.






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(b)     The solutions inside and outside the tubing in tube B were tested after 30 minutes
for the presence of protein.

(i)      Describe how the presence of protein in a sample of a solution could be






(ii)     What results of the tests for protein would you expect for tube B? In each case
explain your answer.

Inside the tubing




Outside the tubing




(c)     Describe how you would carry out an investigation to find the optimum temperature
for the activity of urease.






(Total 10 marks)


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Catalase is an enzyme. It catalyses the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide in the reaction:

2H2O2    →    2H2O    +    O2

hydrogen         water      oxygen

In an investigation, samples of different substances were added to hydrogen peroxide in a

series of test tubes. The rate of reaction was measured by recording the rate at which
bubbles of oxygen were produced. A scale going from 0 for no bubbles to 5 for the
maximum rate of bubbling was used to measure this. The results are shown in the table.
Tube Substance added Rate at which bubbles of
oxygen were produced

A Piece of liver 4

B Ground liver and sand 5

C Sand 0

D Piece of cooled, boiled 0


(a)     Explain the difference between the rate at which bubbles were produced in.

(i)      tubes A and B;





(ii)     tubes A and D.







(b)     Explain the purpose of tube C.



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(c)     The graph shows the energy changes which take place during the reaction in which
hydrogen peroxide is converted to water and oxygen.

Use the graph to explain why

(i)      hydrogen peroxide breaks down at a lower temperature when catalase is

present than when it is not present;



(ii)     test tubes A and B became warmer when the reaction was taking place.




(Total 9 marks)

A protease is an enzyme that digests protein. The graph shows how the activity of a
protease varies with temperature.

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(a)     (i)      Describe what the graph shows about the effect of temperature on the rate of




(ii)     Explain the shape of the curve between 30 °C and 50 °C.







(b)     Students investigated the effect of pH on the activity of the protease.

•        The students used agar plates containing protein. The protein made the agar

•        They made four wells of equal size in the agar of each plate.

•        They added a drop of protease solution to each of the wells. The protease
solution in each well was at a different pH.

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•        The students incubated the agar plates for 4 hours at a constant temperature.

The diagram shows the agar plates after they were incubated and the pH of the
protease solution in each well.

(i)      How should the students make sure that the pH of the protease solution did
not change?


(ii)     Use the graph to suggest a suitable temperature for incubating the agar plates.

Explain your answer.




(iii)     Use the diagram to describe the effect of pH on the activity of this protease.



(Total 7 marks)

Catalase is used in a number of industrial processes. It is normally obtained from a fungus
called Aspergillus niger. Scientists produced a mutant strain of A. niger called K30. They
wanted to know if this mutant strain produced more catalase than the normal strain of A.

•        The scientists grew samples of the normal strain of the fungus and of the K30 strain

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on jelly in separate Petri dishes. The jelly contained a blue substance which is
turned colourless by catalase.

•        They incubated the dishes for 3 days then measured the diameter of the colourless
zone around the fungus.

•        They calculated the ratio of the diameter of the colourless zone to the diameter of
the fungus.

The diagram shows the dishes after incubation.


K30 strain

(a)     The scientists grew both strains of fungi on dishes kept at 30 °C. Keeping the dishes
at a temperature of 15 °C would affect the results. Use your knowledge of kinetic
energy to explain why.




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(b)     (i)      The scientists gave their results as ratios. Explain the advantage of giving the
results of this investigation as a ratio.






(ii)      For the normal strain the ratio of the diameter of the colourless zone to the
diameter of the fungus was 1.1 : 1.

Calculate the ratio of the diameter of the colourless zone to the diameter of the
fungus for the K30 strain. Show your working.

Ratio = ____________________

(c)     The catalase produced by the K30 strain of the fungus is mainly an extracellular
enzyme. This means that the fungus secretes catalase from its cells into the jelly in
the Petri dish.

Describe and explain the evidence from the investigation which shows that the
catalase is an extracellular enzyme.





(Total 8 marks)

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Mark schemes

(a)  1.   Lowers activation energy;

2.   Induced fit causes active site (of enzyme) to change shape;

3.   (So) enzyme-substrate complex causes bonds to form/break;

Accept: description, of induced fit
Accept: enzyme-substrate complex causes stress/strain on bonds.

(b)  Size/dimensions /mass/variety of potato

Temperature (of solution/flask)
pH (of solution);
Accept : weight of potato
Ignore : amount of potato
Ignore concentration/ volume of catalase

(c)   0.33, 0.60, 0.86, 1.0, 1.0 = 2 marks;;

2 significant figures

If answer incorrect accept for 1 mark,

Correct values but incorrect number of significant figures

1.0 written on row for hydrogen peroxide 2.0/2.5 in the table
Answers showing correct division, eg 0.3, 0.6, 0.9
Answers showing correct significant figures using incorrect
calculation (÷18) 1.0, 0.56, 0.39, 0.33, 0.33

(d)  1.   Hydrogen peroxide concentration on x axis and rate of reaction on Y

axis, linear number sequence and appropriate scale;
Graph should cover half or more of the grid; eg reject if Y axis
covers only three big squares

2.   Correct units /mol dm−3 and /arbitrary units/au;

Accept brackets instead of solidus

3.   All co-ordinates plotted accurately with point-to-point or smooth curve;

Accept accurate plotting of co-ordinates given in part (c)
Reject : bar chart
Reject : if ruled straight line of best fit

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Accept: if x axis starts at 0.5
Accept: if line is extended to (0,0)

Plot coordinates must be processed data, hydrogen peroxide vs

time = 0

(e)  Cut up/use discs/homogenise/increase surface area (of potato chips)

Use bigger chips
Increase temperature
Change pH;
Reject answer if the temperature is above 40°C
Ignore: more/increase heat

(a)     urea diffused into / entered the tubing and was hydrolysed / broken down (inside
ammonia increases pH / makes (solution) more alkaline and indicator turns blue as
pH above 8 / due to alkalinity / due to ammonia;
idea that outside stays yellow because urease does not pass out;

(b)     (i)      add biuret solution / add sodium hydroxide + copper

sulphate (solution);
(disqualify heat / boil, but accept warm)

violet / lilac / purple colour;


(ii)     inside: protein present, as enzyme is protein;

outside: no protein, as urease / enzyme / protein unable to pass
through membrane / out;
(accept correct result of biuret test as indicator of protein)

(c)     method to maintain range of temperatures, e.g. water baths;

method to measure rate of activity - e.g. time taken to turn indicator blue;
(principle - measure rate of activity over range of
temperatures = 1 mark, if neither point)

other conditions kept constant / named examples,

e.g. volumes of solutions,
starting pH, sample time;
method of refining optimum, e.g. repeats at narrower range;
3 max

(a)     (i)      (Grinding) breaks open cells / increases surface area (of liver);

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Releases catalase / enzyme / more catalase / allows more hydrogen peroxide
into liver;

(ii)     Heating causes bonds (maintaining tertiary structure) to break;

Denatures / changes tertiary structure so active site changed;
Substrate no longer fits / ES complex not formed;

(b)     (Control) to show that sand did not affect reaction (with ground liver);

(c)     (i)      Lower activation energy / less energy required to bring about reaction;

(ii)     Energy in products / water and oxygen less than energy in substrate /
reactants / hydrogen peroxide;
(Difference) given out as heat / exothermic;

(a)     (i)      Increase to 30 °C / 31 °C and then decreases / optimum or max rate at 30 °C /
31 °C;
Accept: peak at 30 °C / 31 °C

(ii)     1.      Enzyme denatured / hydrogen bonds / bonds holding tertiary

structure broken / tertiary structure changed;

2.      Change in shape of active site (of enzymes);

3.      Substrate / protein no longer fits / binds (into active site) / few or no

ES complexes;
1. Reject: Peptide bonds broken
Denatures active site = 2 marks for mp 1 and 2
2. Q Only allow second point if active site is used correctly
Accept: active site no longer complementary
3. Accept: Substrate cannot bind to enzyme

(b)     (i)      Use buffer / test pH (at end / at intervals);

Accept a method of measuring pH.
Reject litmus.

(ii)     (30 °C / 31 °C) Maximum rate / optimum temperature;

Accept other valid answers e.g. temp below
30 °C as enzyme not denatured.

(iii)     Works best at pH 6 / at higher pH activity decreases;

Accept converse
Insufficient: pH 6 had largest clear area

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(a)     EITHER
Answer either based on

1.      Molecules move at slower speeds;

2 diffusion or

2.      Decreases rate of diffusion;

4 enzymes.


3.      Molecules move at slower speed;

4.      Fewer collisions between enzymes and substrates / fewer enzyme-

substrate complexes formed;
Accept converse answers if clearly in context of “If it stayed
at 30 C”.
2 max

(b)     (i)      1.      Allows comparison;

2. Different amounts of fungus added / fungus is different size at

(ii)     Two marks for correct answer in range 1.7 : 1 to 1.3 : 1;;

Answer must be expressed this way round and must give the
diameter of the fungus as 1.

One mark for unsimplified answer in range 29 : 19 to 27 : 21;

Calculations are based on tolerance limits for measurements
of ± 1 mm. If the actual measurements are other than 28
and 20, marking guidelines should be adjusted accordingly.

(c)     1.      Colourless zone around fungus / colourless zone outside fungus;

2.      No fungus growing here / must be enzyme here;

Accept any alternative wording clearly relating to colourless

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