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Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 186 (2020) 113305

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Pentabromobenzyl-RP versus triazole-HILIC columns for separation of

the polar basic analytes famotidine and famotidone: LC method
development combined with in silico tools to follow the potential
consequences of famotidine gastric instability
Rania El-Shaheny a,b,∗ , Mohamed O. Radwan c,d,e,∗∗ , Fathalla Belal a , Koji Yamada f
Department of Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Mansoura University, Mansoura, 35516, Egypt
Department of Hygienic Chemistry, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Nagasaki University, 1-14 Bunkyo-machi, Nagasaki, 852-8521, Japan
Medicinal and Biological Chemistry Science Farm Joint Research Laboratory, Faculty of Life Sciences, Kumamoto University, 5e1 Oehonmachi, Chuo-ku,
Kumamoto, 862-0973, Japan
Department of Drug Discovery, Science Farm Ltd., 1-7-30 Kuhonji, Chuo-ku, Kumamoto, 862-0976, Japan
Chemistry of Natural Compounds Department, Pharmaceutical and Drug Industries Research Division, National Research Centre, Dokki, 12622, Cairo,
Medicinal Plant Laboratory, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Nagasaki University, 1-14 Bunkyo-machi, Nagasaki, 852-8521, Japan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The competence of hydrophilic interaction (HILIC) and reversed phase liquid chromatography (RPLC)
Received 2 December 2019 modes, employing two new stationary phases: triazole- and pentabromobenzyl-bonded silica (PBr),
Received in revised form 7 March 2020 respectively, was inspected for separation of two polar basic analytes: famotidine (FAM) and its acidic
Accepted 7 April 2020
degradant famotidone (FON). Comparison of the chromatographic efficiency, greenness, and economy
Available online 18 April 2020
aspects showed that the RPLC is superior to the HILIC. Hence, the RPLC method was adopted and validated
adhering to the FDA guidelines showing excellent linearity for FAM (1.0−20.0 ␮g/mL) with a detection
limit of 0.14 ␮g/mL. The method was applied to study the behavior of FAM in simulated gastric juice
(SGJ), where it exhibited rapid degradation yielding FON. This degradation pathway is a probable major
RPLC reason for the poor bioavailability of FAM. The kinetic study of the gastric degradation of FAM in SGJ
HILIC demonstrated pseudo-first order reaction with a rate constant of 8.1 × 10−3 min-1 . Moreover, FAM degra-
Gastric instability dation has been proven to be pH-dependent and catalyzed by the gastric juice components. Hence, in situ
In silico tools buffered dosage form is recommended to overcome or decrease this problem. Molecular docking study
shows that FON is missing a crucial stabilizing interaction with the key amino acid Asp98 causing a
reduced activity at hH2 R receptor relative to FAM. Moreover, ADMET properties prediction revealed
some differences in the toxicity, pharmacokinetics, metabolism, and solubility profiles of FAM and FON.
© 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction RP columns while highly polar or ionic molecules with high

hydrophilicity are not adequately retained and eluted nearby the
Reversed-phase liquid chromatography (RPLC) is a key tech- column void volume [1]. The analysis of ionized bases that con-
nique for the separation and analysis of a vast range of compounds. stitutes greater than 70 % of pharmaceuticals, by RPLC suffers also
However, it is not applicable for all types of analytes. Compounds from many difficulties, for example interaction with the stationary
with adequate lipophilicity could be retained on the common phase silanol groups and overloading which both cause poor peak
shapes [2].
Some approaches have been adopted to enhance the retention of
∗ Corresponding author at: Department of Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry, polar and/or basic compounds on RP columns such as derivatization
Faculty of Pharmacy, Mansoura University, Mansoura, 35516, Egypt. or using ion-pair chromatography (IPC). Another chromatographic
∗∗ Corresponding author at: Medicinal and Biological Chemistry Science Farm Joint
approach to improve the retention of such challenging analytes is
Research Laboratory, Faculty of Life Sciences, Kumamoto University, 5e1 Oehon-
ion-exchange chromatography (IEC). Yet, these approaches entail
machi, Chuo-ku, Kumamoto, 862-0973, Japan.
E-mail addresses: rania, rania some drawbacks. For example, the derivatization techniques need
(R. El-Shaheny), (M.O. Radwan). multiple steps and lengthy time [1], while IPC and IEC are applica-
0731-7085/© 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2 R. El-Shaheny, M.O. Radwan, F. Belal et al. / Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 186 (2020) 113305

ble only for ionizable compounds and the complex nature of their tant since FAM exhibits a poor bioavailability of about 20 to 66%
mobile phases leads to irreproducibility compared to simpler ones. [9], thus it is mandatory to explore whether the drug degrada-
Moreover, these two chromatographic modes are not compatible tion in gastric juice has a contribution to the poor bioavailability or
with mass spectrometric detection because of the ion-suppression the major cause is the poor intestinal permeability only [19]. The
in the electrospray ionization in case of IPC and the contamination ADMET (absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion, and toxi-
of the spectrometer with the high salt concentration in the mobile city) properties and receptor binding affinity of FON have been also
phase in case of IEC [1,3,4]. investigated by in silico tools and compared to FAM itself for better
Modern developments in LC stationary phases provide some understanding of the potential results of gastric-induced degrada-
superior alternatives for the separation of polar and basic com- tion of FAM and its fate in human body.
pounds. For this purpose, some polar stationary phases that are
compatible with RPLC have been developed. Among these sta- 2. Experimental
tionary phases is the newly emerged pentabromobenzyl-bonded
silica (PBr) which enables the separation by London dispersion 2.1. Equipment
force interactions that contribute to intermolecular force among
all molecules whether polar or non-polar [5]. Thus, compounds LC separation was performed with a Hitachi HPLC setup (Tokyo,
with little hydrophobicity, which are not retained on traditional RP Japan) consisted of 655A-11 liquid chromatograph, a high sensi-
columns, could be separated by dispersion force interactions using tivity series L-4000H UV-detector, D-2500 chromato-integrator,
the PBr column. LC-organizer, and a Rheodyne injector valve with a 50-␮L sample
Another evolving approach for separation of polar and basic ana- loop. An online Gastorr BG-34 solvent degasser (FLOM Corporation,
lytes is the hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC) Tokyo) was integrated into the system. The pH measurement was
that uses a polar stationary phase and a mobile phase containing done using SK-620 pH-meter (Sato Keiryoki MFG Co. Ltd, China). A
a mixture of aqueous buffer (≥5%) and a less polar solvent (mostly BT-15 Yamato thermostatically-controlled water bath (Tokyo) and
acetonitrile, ACN ≥ 60 %). The mechanism of HILIC separation is As One ultrasonic bath (Osaka, Japan) were used.
complex including partitioning, ion exchange (IE), and hydropho-
bic retention [6]. HILIC provides several advantages for the analysis 2.2. Software
of polar compounds such as selectivity, good retention, reasonable
peak shape, and possibility of using high flow rates due to high The amino acid sequence of human H2 receptor (hH2 R) P25021
organic solvent content in the mobile phase. In this connection, a was retrieved from the Universal Protein Resource (Uniprot)
new HILIC column packed with a triazole-bonded silica has been ( The crystal structure of turkey ␤1 -
recently manufactured and assigned for the separation of polar adrenoceptor was obtained from Protein Data Bank (PDB entry:
and highly polar compounds of different natures (acidic, basic, neu- 2vt4) [20] and used as a model. The sequence alignment, homology
tral, and amphoteric). The main interaction force involved in this model, and geometry validation of amino acids, and docking pro-
stationary phase is the hydrophilic interaction with a weak anion cess of FAM and FON into the generated model were performed by
exchange ability [7]. Molecular Operating Environment MOE 2018.01 (Chemical Com-
The aim of the present study is to compare the performance of puting Group, Montreal, Canada) utilizing its default parameters
HILIC and RPLC modes employing the new triazole- and PBr-bonded [21]. ADMET PredictorTM 9.0 from Simulation Plus, Inc. (CA, USA)
stationary phases, respectively, for the separation of selected was used to predict The ADMET properties. HPLC-Environment
polar basic analytes to explore the most fitted method in terms Assessment Tool (HPLC-EAT) was applied using the software
of column efficiency, selectivity, analysis time, costs, and eco- developed by Gaber and co-workers [22]. Statistical analysis was
harmony. Famotidine, 3-[[[2-[(diaminomethylene)amino]thiazol- accomplished with Microsoft Office Excel 2013.
4-yl]methyl]sulfanyl]-N-sulfamoylpropanimidamide [8] (FAM) is
the candidate of this study since it is a highly polar basic com- 2.3. Materials and reagents
pound with a partition coefficient (log PO/W ) of -0.64 and a pKa
of 7.06 [9]. It is a histamine H2 -antagonist that is widely used Famotidine pure sample (Lot No. FXLHF-HC) with a certified
as a therapy for benign gastric and duodenal ulceration, gastro- purity > 98.0 % was purchased from Tokyo Chemical Industry Co.,
esophageal reflux disease and Zollinger-Ellison syndrome [10]. Ltd. (Tokyo). Ammonium acetate, sodium chloride, and pepsin from
FAM is highly susceptible to acidic degradation [11,12] yielding porcine gastric mucosa (powder ≥250 units/mg solid) were pur-
3-[[[2-[(diaminomethylene)amino]thiazol-4- yl]methyl]sulfanyl]- chased from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA). Acetonitrile (ACN)
N-sulfamoylpropanamide [8], also known as famotidone (FON), (HPLC grade) was obtained from Kanto Chemical Co., Inc. (Tokyo).
that is identified by the United States Pharmacopoeia (USP) [13] and Concentrated HCl (35–37 % w/v) and glacial acetic acid were pur-
the British Pharmacopoeia (BP) [8] as a specified impurity in FAM chased from Nacalai Tesque (Kyoto, Japan). Preparation of SGJ (pH
pure powder and pharmaceuticals. To the current date, most of the 1.2) was done as per the USP [13] by dissolution of 2 g NaCl and
reported HPLC methods for FAM [14–18], including the Compen- 3.2 g of pepsin in 7 mL HCl and making up the final volume to 1.0 L.
dial methods [8,13], depended on IPC or employed aqueous-rich Solution A containing 0.2 % NaCl and 0.32 % pepsin in 0.06 % acetic
mobile phases which cause de-wetting of RP columns leading to acid (pH 3.5) was also prepared to be used as a substitute of SGJ in
poor retention, low selectivity, and reproducibility problems [1]. the validation study to avoid degradation of FAM.
These concerns motivated the authors to conduct a comparative
chromatographic study for inspection of the retention character- 2.4. Chromatographic conditions
istics of FAM and its related compound, FON, on the two cited
stationary phases, triazole- and PBr-bonded silica, to test their sep- Cosmosil® HILIC packed column (250 mm × 4.6 mm ID, 5 ␮m
aration power for discrimination of these two closely-related polar particle size) and Cosmosil® PBr packed column (150 mm × 4.6 mm
basic compounds. ID, 5 ␮m particle size), from Nacalai Tesque Co., were used in the
According to the results of this study, the more efficient chro- comparative chromatographic study. Mobile phases used in this
matographic mode was applied to investigate the gastric stability study were prepared by mixing ACN and ammonium acetate buffer
of FAM and to shed light on the kinetics of its degradation to FON in various proportions. Acetic acid was used for pH adjustment.
in simulated gastric juice (SGJ). This investigation is very impor- Mobile phases were degassed via ultra-sonication for 30 min and
R. El-Shaheny, M.O. Radwan, F. Belal et al. / Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 186 (2020) 113305 3

filtered with 0.45 ␮m membrane filter. UV-detection was carried 2.7. Procedures for studying the stability of FAM in simulated
out at 267 nm for simultaneous sensitive detection of FAM and FON gastric juice
[8]. The optimum mobile phase finally selected for analytical appli-
cations was ACN: 0.01 M ammonium acetate buffer (25:75, v/v), pH Twenty mg of FAM pure powder was accurately weighed,
6.3 at a flow rate of 1 mL/min using the PBr column. dissolved in 50 mL of SGJ (pH 1.2), and incubated in a
thermostatically-controlled water bath at 37 ◦ C. Aliquots of 25 ␮L
of the incubation mixture were taken at specific time-intervals
2.5. Stock solution and resolution solution (10−160 min), neutralized with 25 ␮L of 0.03 M Na2 CO3 , and com-
pleted to 1 mL with the mobile phase. Solutions were mixed well,
For the calibration and validation study, FAM stock solution and filtered through 0.45 ␮m membrane syringe filter. Fifty ␮L
(100.0 ␮g/mL) was prepared in Solution A. This solution was stable were injected (triplicate) and eluted under the optimum chromato-
up to 5 days without any degradation when kept in a refrigerator graphic conditions.
at 4 ◦ C. During the separation study, a resolution solution was pre- For comparing the stability of FAM in SGJ with variable pH val-
pared so as to contain a mixture of FAM and FON, by dissolving ues, a modification of the USP method [13] was done to prepare
FAM (10.0 mg) in 50 mL of 0.06 M HCl, this solution was incubated SGJ of pHs 1.6 and 2.0 using 0.01 and 0.005 M HCl, respectively.
for 30 min at 37 ◦ C in a thermostatically-controlled water bath. A Moreover, the experiment was also carried out in 0.06 M HCl for
volume of 0.75 mL of this solution was transferred to 10-mL volu- comparison with SGJ (pH 1.2). Then, the same procedure described
metric flask, neutralized with 0.03 M Na2 CO3 , and made up to the earlier was performed using these solutions. A control experiment
final volume with the respective mobile phase for the HILIC or the was also conducted using Solution A (SGJ of pH 3.5) where no degra-
RPLC method. This solution was found stable without further degra- dation of FAM was evident.
dation of FAM for 5 days when kept in the refrigerator at 4 ◦ C. All The observed pseudo-first order rates of FAM degradation to
flasks were wrapped with aluminum foil for protection from light a
FON (k) were calculated from the semi-logarithmic plots of log a−x
to avoid incorporation of any additional degradation factor. versus time (t) according to Eq. (1) [23]:

2.6. Calibration curve a

kt = 2.303 log (1)
Calibration curve was constructed using 100.0 ␮g/mL solution
of FAM prepared in Solution A as a substitute for SGJ due to the
Where (a) is the initial drug concentration, (a–x) is the remaining
high instability of FAM in it. Increasing aliquots of FAM solution
drug concentration, (t) is the time (min), and (k) is the degradation
(10.0–200.0 ␮L) were transferred to a series of glass vials and made
rate constant (min−1 ).
up to 1 mL with the mobile phase to obtain final concentrations
Also, the half-life time (t1/2 ) was calculated according to Eq. (2)
within the range of 1.0−20.0 ␮g/mL. Solutions were mixed well,
filtered through 0.45 ␮m membrane syringe filter, and 50 ␮L were
injected in triplicate. The calibration curve was constructed by plot-
ting the average peak areas versus drug concentration (␮g/mL) and 0.693
t1/2 = (2)
the linear regression equation was calculated. k

Fig. 1. Illustration of the mechanism of interaction and separation of FAM and FON on (A) HILIC and (B) PBr stationary phases.
4 R. El-Shaheny, M.O. Radwan, F. Belal et al. / Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 186 (2020) 113305

3. Results and discussion while no attraction occurs with positively charged species such as
FAM [1]. Meanwhile, the changeable retention of FON with varia-
In this study, HILIC and RPLC modes, employing newly com- tion in the pH is possibly attributable to the variable electrostatic
mercialized stationary phases were compared for separation of interaction of the electronegative carbonyl oxygen of FON with the
two polar basic compounds; FAM and FON (Fig. 1). The reported positively charged stationary phase, where decreasing the pH of
log P(O/W ) and pKa values of FAM are -0.64 and 7.06 [9], respec- the mobile phase resulted in association of the carbonyl oxygen to
tively, while those of FON were calculated by the ADMET predictor’s a proton (Eq. (4)) [26] leading to a weaker interaction with the HILIC
physicochemical and biopharmaceutical (PCB) module [24] to be - stationary phase and a decreased retention of FON (Fig. 2A). pH 6.4
1.172 and 6.86, respectively. Thus, it seems a challenge to achieve was selected as the optimum pH for further experiments giving
good separation and satisfactory chromatographic retention of short analysis time with good resolution. In addition, FAM has a
these two related compounds by conventional RPLC method. In higher stability at this pH according to Junnarkar and Stavchansky
next sections, we discuss the separation of the two compounds by study [12].


The influence of % ACN in the mobile phase was also studied

over the range of 40–90 %, adjusting the final pH of the mobile
HILIC and RPLC utilizing triazole- and PBr-bonded silica columns, phase to 6.4 in each experiment. From the retention profile curve
respectively. of the two analyte as a function in ACN content in the mobile phase
(%, v/v) (Fig. 2B), it is noted that the retention of both compounds is
3.1. HILIC separation of FAM and FON on triazole-bonded silica scarcely varied with increasing the content of ACN up to 80 %, v/v.
column Even though, both FAM and FON are adequately retained on the
HILIC column under these conditions. The retention of the two com-
The separation of FAM and its acidic degradation product, FON, pounds increased by using 90 % ACN, and it was observed that the
by the HILIC technique was studied using the triazole-bonded silica peak shape was adversely affected and broadened. This is probably
column (HILIC). This stationary phase is assigned for the separa- due to the greater hydrophilic interactions and stronger retention
tion of basic, acidic, or neutral compounds [7]. Generally, HILIC is at high ACN ratio [1,7]. Since satisfactory resolution and adequate
a multi-mechanistic separation mode based mainly on hydrophilic retention together with symmetric and sharp peaks were achieved
partitioning of solutes between the organic-rich mobile phase and at lower ACN content, 60 %, v/v ACN was chosen as the optimum
the static aqueous layer on the stationary phase surface. The more for consequent studies.
polar analyte will associate to a greater extent to this layer and Then, the effect of ammonium acetate concentration on the
eluted later and the reverse for the less polar analyte. Secondary, retention and separation of FAM and FON was executed over the
the HILIC separation is also affected by electrostatic interaction range of 0.01−0.1 M. In the HILIC mode, the salt concentration
between the charged analyte and stationary phase. Hence, the directly influences the ionic interaction, where higher salt concen-
mobile phase pH has a significant contribution to the separation tration suppress the ionic interaction. Experiments showed that,
process by controlling the ionization of both the analytes and the the retention of FON decreased significantly with the increase
stationary phase. in salt concentration, while FAM retention was slightly affected.
In this study, the separation was investigated using the reso- The dependence of the analytes retention on the concentration of
lution solution described in “Section 2.5”. First, the effect of pH of mobile phase counter ion can be demonstrated as follows [1,27]:
ammonium acetate buffer on the separation and performance char-
Logk = Constant–S log[C] (5)
acteristics was investigated. Due to the apparent change of buffer
pH up on mixing with ACN, the pH was measured after mixing Where; k’ is the capacity factor, [C] is the concentration of the salt in
(Table S1, Supplementary material). As illustrated in Fig. 2A, the the mobile phase, the Constant includes the phase ratio, the IE equi-
change in pH has a limited effect on the retention of FAM, while hav- librium constant, and IE capacity of the stationary phase, and S is the
ing a profound effect on the retention of FON. Though, the degree ratio of the charge of solute ion and counter ion (salt) in the mobile
of ionization of FAM, as a basic drug, is dependent on the pH of the phase. It is anticipated that a 1:1 complex is formed between the
mobile phase according to the following equation [23]: counter ion (acetate) and the chemically-bonded charged groups on
the column surface (positive triazole group) [26] (Fig. 1A). As the
% Ionization = (3) slope (S) becomes closer to -1, this means that IE dominates where
[1 + antilog (pH − pka)]
almost complete exchange between the solute and the counter ion
Despite the variable degrees of ionization of FAM to cationic takes place, while S value closer to zero means weak IE.
species with the change in the mobile phase pH: 82.03 % ionization Plots of Log k’ versus log [C] were graphed for FAM and FON and
at pH 6.4 versus 22.39 % ionization at pH 7.6 (Supplementary mate- a linear correlation was observed (Fig. 2C). The S value for FAM was
rial, Table S1), its retention was almost unaffected. Considering the +0.14 while it was -0.61 for FON. The positive value of the slope for
chemistry of the HILIC column could explain this behavior since FAM is a suggestive of a net electrostatic repulsion with the station-
it is packed with 1,2,4-triazole-modified silica (Fig. 1A) that can be ary phase due to similar charges, which explains its steady tR with
positively charged over the whole studied pH range where its pKa is different concentrations of the salt. On the other hand, the value
10.26 [25]. As a result, the stationary phase would interact strongly of the slope for FON points to synergetic combination of IE and
with the negatively charged analytes by electrostatic interaction, partitioning mechanisms, thus it showed a variable tR with chang-
R. El-Shaheny, M.O. Radwan, F. Belal et al. / Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 186 (2020) 113305 5

Fig. 2. Retention profiles of FAM and FON on HILIC column as a function of (A) pH, and (B) %ACN in the mobile phase, (C) log k’ versus log buffer concentration [C] curve for
HILIC separation of FAM and FON, retention profiles of FAM and FON on PBr column as a function of (D) pH and (E) %ACN in the mobile phase.

ing the salt concentration. 0.05 M ammonium acetate was selected cal RP behavior, where their retention decreased with the increase
for further study since it gave a good resolution in a reasonable of %ACN (Fig. 2E). 25 %ACN was considered the optimum vol-
analysis time. Fig. 1A illustrates the mechanism of interaction and ume to give sharp symmetrical peaks and good resolution in a
separation of the two analytes by the HILIC column. short run time. The concentration of ammonium acetate buffer
The flow rate of the mobile phase was also considered by varying was also studied from 0.005 M to 0.05 M. The increase in buffer
it from 0.6 to 1.4 by 0.2 mL/min increments. 1.0 mL/min was taken concentration leads to a slight decrease in the retention of FAM
as the optimum flow rate yielding good resolution and analysis time with a minor effect on FON. Therefore, we chosen to use 0.01 M
(5 min). A typical chromatogram depicting the separation of FAM ammonium acetate buffer for maintenance of the column durabil-
and FON using a mobile phase composed of ACN: 0.05 M ammo- ity. Then, the flow rate of the mobile phase was studied from 0.6
nium acetate (60:40, v/v) of pH 6.4 at flow rate of 1.0 mL/min and to 1.4 mL/min, and 1 mL/min was finally selected to be the opti-
the Cosmosil® HILIC column is presented in Fig. 3A. mum.
As a result of these studies, the optimum mobile phase for best
3.2. RPLC separation of FAM and FON on separation on PBr column is a mixture of ACN and 0.01 M ammo-
pentabromobenzyl-bonded silica column nium acetate buffer (25:75, v/v) of pH 6.3 at a flow rate of 1 mL/min.
Fig. 3B shows a typical chromatogram for separation of FAM and
Initial studies on PBr column involved the effect of pH of ammo- FON under these conditions.
nium acetate buffer on the retention and resolution of the two Fig. 1B illustrates the mechanism of interaction and separation
analytes. Preliminary, the pH study was conducted using a mobile of the two candidates by the PBr column. The elution order on PBr
phase containing 30 %, v/v ACN, but early co-elution of FAM and column, FON then FAM, under the optimum analytical conditions
FON at 2.1 min was observed. So, consequent investigations were can be explained according to the following concept:
done while keeping ACN ratio at 15 %, v/v. As seen in Fig. 2D, a
remarkable dependence of the two solutes retention on the pH is i Common interaction forces exist between the two compounds
apparent. The retention of FAM decreased by the decrease of the and the stationary phase include: ␲ stacking between the aro-
pH while the retention of FON increased and a complete co-elution matic rings of the two compounds and the stationary phase, ␲-␲
of the two compounds took place at pH 5.3. The protonation of FAM interactions between the aliphatic residues of the two compounds
increased by decreasing the pH (Supplementary material, Table and the aromatic ring of the stationary phase [29].
S1), so it is eluted earlier due to the increased polarity, and vice ii Cation–␲ interaction occurs between cationic FAM and the aro-
versa, which is a typical RP behavior. In the meantime, the carbonyl matic ring of the stationary phase [29].
group of FON is protonated in the acidic pH and the protonated iii Ion–induced dipole interaction between cationic FAM and the
form is mostly resonance-stabilized (Eq. (4)) [26]. Since compounds brominated stationary phase [30].
with delocalized electrons and resonance have greater dispersion iv Dipole-induced dipole interaction between FON carbonyl group
forces [28], the protonated form of FON exhibits stronger interac- and the brominated stationary phase [30].
tion with the PBr stationary phase exhibiting longer retention at v Since ion–induced dipole interaction is stronger than
lower pH. Despite the mobile phase of pH 5.7 gave shorter analysis dipole–induced dipole interaction as the charge of any ion is
time, mobile phase of pH 6.3 was finally selected as the optimum far greater than the charge of a dipole moment [30], in addition to
to preserve the maximum stability of FAM. the cation–␲ interaction associated with FAM only, FAM exhibits
Secondly, the influence of ACN ratio on the retention of the stronger binding to the stationary phase than FON and eluted
two compounds was examined. The two solutes showed a typi- later.
6 R. El-Shaheny, M.O. Radwan, F. Belal et al. / Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 186 (2020) 113305

resolution factors were further evaluated [13]. As deduced from

Fig. 3, the two LC modes excellently resolved the two analytes, with
the higher resolution (Table 1) and superior peak shape provided
by the RPLC method.
Overall consideration of these entire factors revealed compara-
ble chromatographic performance of the two LC modes, with some
surplus advantages for the RPLC method regarding shorter analy-
sis time and usage of a shorter column. In addition, the successful
application of the HILIC mode needs a special attention to ensure
adequate column conditioning before use and re-equilibration
between injections since insufficiency of these steps can result in
failure in re-establishing the aqueous layer on the particles of the
packing which causes fluctuation in tR and irreproducible results.
From the aforementioned perspectives; we, so far, outweigh the
RPLC method over the HILIC method.
For assessing the greenness of the developed method and its
influences on health, safety, and environment, a three-sided green-
ness assessment approach was adopted for a true judgment. First,
we used the Green Analytical Procedure Index (GAPI) [31] that is
based on 5-pentagrams representing different stages of the ana-
lytical procedure. The GAPI pictograms for the two LC methods is
shown in Table 2 and their interpretation is shown in Table S2 (Sup-
plementary material). The obtained results showed that, the green
character of the two methods are similar. The second metric to
evaluate the greenness of the two studied LC modes is the ana-
lytical eco-scale [32] that considers the nature and the volume of
reagents, instruments used, energy consumed, occupational haz-
ards, and volume of waste. Penalty points are given to each factor,
and the sum of penalty points is subtracted from 100 as the score for
ideally green method. The two LC methods had the same analyti-
cal eco-scale score of 76 which means excellent greenness (Table 2
and Supplementary material Table S3). The similar responses in
these two metrics are attributed to giving the same impact to a
wide range of reagent volumes, where the analytical eco-scale score
approach gives a penalty point of 2 to any reagent volume ranged
from 10 to 100 mL [32] and the GAPI approach assigned a red color
for any reagent volume > 10 mL [31]. Thus, despite the RPLC method
employed a mobile phase containing much lower amount of ACN
than the HILIC method, the two metrics could not discriminate the
two modes.
Thus, the HPLC-Environment Assessment Tool (HPLC-EAT) [22]
was utilized to mainly evaluate the impact of the solvents used in
Fig. 3. Representative chromatograms obtained after the incubation of FAM the HPLC method. The HILIC method’s EAT unit is 10.731 while that
(15.0 ␮g/mL) at 37 ◦ C for 30 min in 0.06 M HCl showing the separation of FAM and
of the RPLC method is 3.576 (Table 2). The higher EAT unit of the
FON using (A) HILIC and (B) RPLC modes, where (a) is FAM and (b) is FON.
HILIC method is attributed to using a higher concentration of ACN
in the mobile phase. Thus, the RPLC method is considered greener
3.3. Criteria for selection of the most proper separation mode than the HILIC method with lower safety, health, and environmen-
tal impacts (Supplementary material, Fig. S1).
The selection of the better separation mode is judged with In term of cost efficiency, the RPLC method consumes less
three criteria in mind: (i) the chromatographic performance, (ii) amount of acetonitrile for the mobile phase, in addition to using
the method harmony with green chemistry concept, and (iii) the a shorter column (150 mm) that needs smaller volumes of organic
economy character. solvent for washing and equilibration with the mobile phase before
Table 1 shows a comparison of the chromatographic per- starting the analysis. Hence, the RPLC method is considered more
formance of the two separation modes under their optimum economic and cost-effective.
conditions. We can realize that the analysis time in case of PBr From the above-mentioned results it is concluded that the RPLC
column is slightly shorter than the HILIC column, meanwhile, the method is superior to the HILIC method in terms of chromato-
peak areas are quite similar. As well, the HILIC column has a rather graphic performance, method greenness, and cost-effectiveness.
higher number of theoretical plates (NTP) for FAM and FON while Despite the difference is not very intense, the RPLC method was
the PBr column has a smaller height equivalent to the theoretical the method of choice for studying the gastric stability of FAM and
plate (H) for both compounds. The higher NTP in case of HILIC col- the next validation and application steps are done adopting the
umn is explained by being longer than the PBr one (250 mm versus RPLC method.
150 mm, respectively). Despite that, the H values for the PBr column
are approximately 1.5 times lower than those for the HILIC column 3.4. Validation of the developed method
which indicates the greater efficiency of the PBr column relative to
its length. For a good LC practice, it is better to minimize the extra- The developed RPLC method was validated according to the
column volume especially if no additional advantage is gained. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) instructions [33] using Solu-
R. El-Shaheny, M.O. Radwan, F. Belal et al. / Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 186 (2020) 113305 7

Table 1
Chromatographic performance of HILIC and RPLC modes for separation of FAM and FON.

Retention time (tR ±SD)a Peak area Number of theoretical Height equivalent Resolution
plates (NTP)b theoretical plates (H, mm)c (Rs )d


HILIC 3.14 ± 0.05 4.77 ± 0.17 66,586 82,776 8589 12,605 0.029 0.020 6.0
RPLC 3.89 ± 0.04 2.48 ± 0.14 69,295 82,305 7790 12,030 0.019 0.012 9.9
Average of ten injections.
NTP = 5.54(tR /w1/2 )2 .
H = L/NTP.
Rs = 2(tR2 -tR1 )/W1 +W2 .

Table 2
Comparison of HILIC and RPLC methods regarding greenness and eco-friendship using different evaluation metrics.

Evaluation metric HILIC RPLC

Analytical eco-scale score 76 76

HPLC-EAT units 10.731 3.576


Detailed calculations of analytical eco-scale scores, interpretations of references to colors in GAPI pictograms and detailed impacts of HPLC-EAT are provided in the
supplementary materials.

Table 3 a considerable UV absorption at the detection wavelength, 267 nm

Linearity, accuracy, and precision data for the developed RPLC method.
[35]. This fact is supported by the absence of such peak in chro-
Linearity matograms of FAM treated with HCl only instead of SGJ (Figs. 3B
and 4C).
Parameter Results
Moreover, the accuracy and precision of the RPLC method
Concentration range (␮g/mL) 1.0−20.0
were estimated using three concentrations of FAM (1.0, 8.0, and
Limit of detection (LOD) (␮g/mL) 0.14
Limit of quantification (LOQ) (␮g/mL) 0.38 20.0 ␮g/mL for low, medium, and high concentration) and 5 repli-
Correlation coefficient (r) 0.9998 cate per concentration in the same day (intraday level) or on 5
Slope 8.567 × 103 respective days (interday level) (Table 3). The %RSD for intra- and
Intercept 1.245 × 103 inter-day precision was ≤ 2.38 indicating the high precision of the
Standard deviation of the residuals (Sy/x ) 1.08 × 103
Standard deviation of the intercept (Sa ) 3.23 × 102
developed method. As well, the intra-day and inter-day accuracy of
Standard deviation of the slope (Sb ) 62.87 the developed RPLC method was also checked using the same three
% RSD 2.87 concentrations and it ranged from 98.70 to 100.67% (Table 3). These

% Error (% RSD/ n) 1.08 values confirmed the accuracy of the developed method.
The stability of stock solution and resolution solution was also
Accuracy and precision
examined by comparing the response of fresh solutions with aged
Conc. Intra-day Inter-day solutions maintained for 5 days in the refrigerator at 4 ◦ C. As well,
(␮g/mL) the bench-top stability of the samples, prepared according to proce-
Accuracy Precision Accuracy Precision
(%Found) (%RSD) (%Found) (%RSD) dure in “Section 2.6”, was also checked up to 6 h under laboratory
handling conditions at 20 ◦ C. Excellent stability was achieved in
1.00 98.70 2.01 100.67 2.38
8.00 99.34 2.31 99.26 0.99 both levels where the accuracy was within +0.67 to −0.74 % and
20.00 99.91 1.35 99.35 0.92 −0.09 to −1.30 % of the nominal concentrations, respectively.
From the aforementioned results, we can conclude that the
developed RPLC method met the acceptance criteria for FDA bio-
analytical method validation [33].
tion A (pH 3.5) as a modified SGJ to overcome the instability of FAM
in SGJ. Calibration curve based on the peak area showed excellent
linearity over the range of 1.0−20.0 ␮g/mL with a correlation coef- 3.5. Comparison of the proposed method and the reported
ficient r = 0.9998. The limits of quantification and detection were literature for separation of FAM and FON
found to be 0.38 and 0.12 ␮g/mL, respectively. The linearity data
are collected in Table 3. As compared to the reported HPLC methods for separation of
The method selectivity is revealed by the freedom of the blank FAM and FON [8, 13, 36–38], the proposed method is characterized
from interference from SGJ components at the retention times of by its rapidness, high samples throughputs, ideal chromatographic
the two analytes. Additionally, no significant matrix effect was peaks, simple mobile phase, and isocratic elution. The reported
observed from SGJ components on FAM, where the statistical com- HPLC procedures either necessitate gradient elution [8,38], water-
parison of the assay results in Solution A and in the mobile phase rich mobile phase [13,37], ion-pairing additive-containing mobile
by t- and F-tests showed no significant difference since the calcu- phase [8,36], or temperature-controlling [8,13,38]. Additionally,
lated t- and F-values were < the theoretical values [34] (Table 4). the long analysis time (≈ 25 min) [8,37] and the poor sensitivity [37]
However, the small peak appeared ahead of the chromatograms are main disadvantages of some of the reported methods. Table 5
obtained for SGJ experiments (Fig. 4) is assigned for pepsin that has displays a comparison of the performance of the proposed method
8 R. El-Shaheny, M.O. Radwan, F. Belal et al. / Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 186 (2020) 113305

Table 4
Statistical evidence of non-significant matrix effect on FAM in SGJ (pH 3.5) relative to in the mobile phase.

Mobile phase SGJ (pH 3.5)
Conc. taken (␮g/mL) Conc. found (␮g/mL) % Found Conc. taken (␮g/mL) Conc. taken (␮g/mL) %Founda

1.00 0.986 98.60 1.00 0.987 98.70

8.00 7.989 99.86 8.00 7.947 99.34
20.00 20.034 100.17 20.00 19.981 99.91
Mean ± SD 99.54 ± 0.83 99.32 ± 0.61
Variance ratio F-testb 1.89 (19.00)
Student’s t-testb 0.38 (2.78)
Each result is the mean of 5 separate determinations.
The numbers in parentheses are the theoretical t and F-values [34].

Fig. 4. Representative chromatograms showing FAM (10.0 ␮g/mL) after incubation for 1 h at 37 ◦ C in (A) SGJ of pH 3.5, (B) SGJ of pH 1.2, (C) 0.06 M HCl, pH 1.2, (D) SGJ of pH
1.6, and (E) SGJ of pH 2.0, where (a) is pepsin peak, (b) FAM, and (c) FON at respective tR = 1.29 ± 0.03, 3.89 ± 0.04, and 2.48 ± 0.14 min.

and the published literature for separation of FAM and FON showing of more than 5% of the drug is indicative of a potential instability
the main merits of the new method. [19].
FAM is known by its limited oral bioavailability since only 20–66
3.6. Study of FAM stability in SGJ % of the oral dose gets systematically available in healthy humans.
All the oral dosage forms of FAM (suspension, tablets and cap-
The investigation of drug stability in gastric juice is important sules) have the same bioavailability [9], which indicates that the
for determining if the drug is lost due to poor intestinal perme- limited bioavailability is not a dosage form-related issue. Yet, the
ability or the degradation in such medium has an impact prior to exact reason of this poor bioavailability is not completely known. It
membrane absorption. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is not clear whether FAM is lost by degradation in the stomach
guidance on in vivo Bioavailability and Bioequivalence Studies for prior absorption or the sole reason for its limited bioavailabil-
Immediate-Release Solid Oral Dosage Forms [19] recommended ity is the low intestinal permeability. Since the developed RPLC
to study the drug stability using simulated fluid since taking real method is stability-indicating and it is able to resolve FAM and
fluids from human is problematic and needs intubation, instead, its acidic degradation product FON, it was applied for the inspec-
USP fluids [13] can be used. Some simple steps were addressed by tion of FAM stability in SGJ to give indication about the degree
the FDA as a guidance for conducting such studies by incubation of its decomposition in the stomach prior intestinal permeation
in the simulated fluid at 37 ◦ C for a suitable time period similar process.
to the actual contact time of the drug with the fluid. Degradation
R. El-Shaheny, M.O. Radwan, F. Belal et al. / Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 186 (2020) 113305 9

Table 5
Comparison of the performance of the proposed method and the published literature for separation of FAM and FON.

Method Conditions Column LOD (␮g/mL) Analysis time Remarks Ref.


HPLC-UV Mobile phase A: mixture of C18 – ≈25 • IPC, high column [8]
methanol: ACN: sodium temperature, and gradient
hexanesulfonate pH 3.5 (6:94:900, elution are needed.
v/v/v), mobile phase B: ACN, • Long analysis time
temperature: 50 ◦ C
HPLC-UV Mobile phase is a mixture of C18 – – • High water content in the [13]
acetate buffer (pH 6.0): ACN (93:7, mobile phase and high
v/v), flow rate 1.4 mL/min, UV column temperature are
detection at 275 nm. needed.

HPLC-UV Mobile phase is 50:50 v/v ACN: Porous 0.1 ≈6 • IPC is needed. [36]
water containing 0.5% pentane graphitic • Poor resolution of FAM and
sulphonic acid, UV detection at carbon FON
265 nm.
HPLC-UV Mobile phase is a mixture of C18 0.4 ≈ 25 • Long analysis time [37]
ammonium acetate buffer (pH 2.9)
and ACN (84: 16, v/v), flow rate of
1.5 mL/min, UV detection at
254 nm.
UPLC-UV Mobile phase A: a mixture of BEH Shield C18 6.0 ≈2 • Gradient elution and [38]
sodium acetate buffer (pH 6.0): temperature control are
methanol (80:20, v/v), mobile needed.
phase B: a mixture of sodium • Poor sensitivity.
acetate buffer (pH 6.0): methanol
(30:70, v/v), UV detection at
260 nm, temperature: 30 ◦ C
HPLC-UV Mobile phase is a mixture of ACN PBr 0.14 ≈4 • Isocratic elution with Present
and 0.01 M ammonium acetate simple mobile phase. method
buffer (25:75, v/v) of pH 6.3, flow • Short analysis time and high
rate of 1 mL/min, UV detection at sensitivity.
267 nm. • Ideal peaks and excellent

With this goal, FAM (20.0 mg) was incubated in 50 mL of USP Table 6
Kinetic parameters for the degradation of FAM under different conditions.
SGJ (pH 1.2) [13] at 37 ◦ C and the degradation was monitored by
the developed RPLC method up to 160 min. The quantity of FAM in %Degradation Reaction rate Half-life
Condition constant, k time, t1/2
the test is based on the available oral dosage forms (20 and 40 mg
60 min 160 min (min−1 ) (min)
tablets and 40 mg/5 mL oral suspension). As well, the average vol-
SGJ, pH 1.2 43.2 74.8 8.1 × 10−3 86
ume of gastric juice is about 50 mL [39], so we used this volume
0.06 M HCl, pH 1.2 32.2 60.6 5.0 × 10−3 138.6
to conduct the present study. Despite the FDA [19] suggested to SGJ, pH 1.6 14.0 15.0 4.6 × 10−4 1506
study the gastric stability for 1 h, we extended the investigation to SGJ, pH 2.0 11.5 14.1 3.92 × 10−4 1767
160 min since the gastric emptying time may vary from 2−3 hrs in
response to many factors [40].
The obtained results confirmed the high instability of FAM under (Table 6) confirming the pH-dependent degradation of FAM. Fig. 4D
this condition compared to the control (Fig. 4A). A gradual degra- and E illustrate chromatograms for FAM in SGJ of pH 1.6, and 2.0,
dation of FAM with time was observed where about 43.2 % of the respectively.
drug degraded after 1 h yielding FON (Fig. 4B). A kinetic follow-up This investigation highlights the instability of FAM in the stom-
of the degradation process revealed that it is a pseudo-first order ach and suggests that gastric degradation is a major player in the
reaction in HCl concentration. The reaction rate constant was calcu- drug loss and its poor bioavailability rather than the intestinal per-
lated and was found to be 8.1 × 10−3 min-1 . To understand whether meation.
this degradation behavior is driven by the pH only or it is promoted
by the gastric enzyme and other components, we conducted a study 3.7. Comparative molecular docking study of FAM and FON at
of FAM degradation in 0.06 M HCl (pH 1.2) omitting the other con- hH2 R receptor and ADMET prediction
stituents of SGJ [13]. We found that, the drug is also highly unstable
in this condition following a pseudo-first order degradation. Yet, The previous study of Yanagisawa et al. [41] suggested that
approximately 32.2 % degradation was detected after 1 h (Fig. 4C), FAM outperforms FON H2 -antagonist activity, however this was
and the reaction rate constant was 5.0 × 10-3 min-1 . Thus, it is con- a hypothesis and their interaction pattern into hH2R recep-
cluded that the degradation of FAM is mainly pH-dependent, but tors has not been compared yet. hH2 R is a member of the G
the components of SGJ probably have a catalytic effect on the degra- protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) group that is characterized by 7
dation reaction that contributes to the higher % degradation and transmembrane segments (TM1–TM7). Since hH2 R has not been
reaction rate constant in SGJ (Table 6). crystalized yet, we utilized its homology model as an alternate
Furthermore, for emphasizing the effect of pH on the degra- tactic [42] as per our previous study [43]. In this context, GPCR-
dation of FAM, and since the gastric pH may vary from 1.0 to 2.0 turkey ␤1 -adrenoreceptor was utilized as a prototype to generate
[40], we studied the degradation kinetically in modified SGJs of hH2 R model by virtue of the remarkable amino acid resemblance
pH 1.6 and 2.0. A dramatic decrease in the %degradation and the (≈38 % sequence identity) [44]. After creation of 10 models,
reaction rate constants together with increased t1/2 were obvious the most suitable one was chosen based on Ramachandran plot
10 R. El-Shaheny, M.O. Radwan, F. Belal et al. / Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 186 (2020) 113305

Fig. 5. Binding mode of (A) FAM green sticks and (B) FON blue sticks, into hH2 R model’s pocket. Key amino acid residues are depicted in Simon sticks. All atoms, other than
carbons, were colored by element and settled intermolecular interactions were shown as black dashes. (C) and (D) are 2D-depiction of FAM and FON, respectively, into the
hH2 R model’s pocket (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.).

(Supplementary material, Fig. S2A). The model did not display out- effects are not accompanying FON. On the other hand, no endocrine,
lier residues or atom clashes (Supplementary material, Fig. S2B) cardiac, or reproductive toxicity is detected for both compounds. As
approving its rationality for the following modelling steps. Dock- well, both drugs cannot induce chromosomal aberration or phos-
ing of FAM into hH2R model pocket revealed that its terminal pholipidosis [24].
guanidine forges a salt bridge with Asp98 side chain in accor- The predicted metabolic profiles of the two candidates shows
dance with a previous similar docking report [45]. Mutagenesis also some differences with respect to the metabolizing enzymes as
study on hH2R has established Asp98 at transmembrane 3 (TM3) well as their potential as enzyme inhibitors as obvious in Table 7.
to be essential for histamine binding [46,47]. Furthermore, the Some differences between the two compounds were also detected
N-́sulfamoylformimidamide group of FAM forms three interactions by the ADMET predictor’s PCB module regarding their solubility and
with Asp186 and Tyr250 which anchors FAM inside the active site partitioning (Table 7). In addition, the pharmacokinetics of the two
with a binding energy of -7.8 kcal/mol (Fig. 5A and C). Although FON compounds differs to some extent. The % of FAM unbound to human
keeps binding Asp186 and Tyr250, it lacks the key interaction with and rat plasma protein is greater than FON which means that the
Asp98 and its binding energy is -5.7 kcal/mol (Fig. 5B and D). The fraction of free active FAM that can cross membranes, metabolized,
reduced activity of FON compared to FAM seems to be attributed and excreted is greater than FON. This contributes to different bio-
to missing a crucial stabilizing interaction with the key Asp98. logical half-lives and clearance for the two compounds [48]. In the
Then we tried to get more insights into FON toxicity/safety pro- same vein, the volume of distribution (the volume needed to con-
file. In silico toxicity prediction showed that the gastric degradation sistently distribute a quantity of a drug to achieve the observed
does not appear to cause additional toxicity. Instead, FON seems to blood concentration, Vd) of FAM is 2 times that of FON which is
be relatively safer than FAM itself in some aspects. According to attributed to the greater plasma protein binding of FON. The human
the ADMET toxicity prediction module [24], FAM is associated with blood/plasma concentration ratio of FAM is about 1.6 times that of
an elevated level of serum alkaline phosphatase (Ser AlkPhos), a FON pointing to greater distribution of FAM to erythrocytes specif-
mutagenic activity in one of the 10 tested bacterial strain models, ically [24].
and a greater rat and mouse toxicity than FON (Table 7), while these
R. El-Shaheny, M.O. Radwan, F. Belal et al. / Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 186 (2020) 113305 11

Table 7
Differences in the ADMET properties of FAM and FON.

ADMET property Descriptor Descriptor definition FAM FON

Toxicity module
Hepatotoxicity Ser AlkPhos Serum alkaline phosphatase level Elevated Normal
Genotoxicity MUT m102+wp2 Estimation of mutagenicity in 102-strain of S. Typhimurium and -wp2 strain of Positive Negative
E. Coli
Animal toxicity models
Rat Acute The quantity of the compound (mg/kg) that leads to killing of 50 % of the rats 621.749 3862.965
when given orally regardless of the mode of action
Rat TD50 The quantity of the compound (mg/kg) given orally to rats or mice during 17.842 25.107
Mouse TD50 their lifetimes that induces tumors in 50 % of population 12.676 18.866
Metabolism module
CYP inhibition CYP3A4 Ki testo Quantitative estimate of the substrate-specific inhibition constant (Ki) values 15.996 8.798
(␮M) in recombinant-expressed CYP3A4 with testosterone as substrates
CYP2C9 Inh Classification of drugs as inhibitors/non-inhibitors against CYP450 Yes No
CYP1A2 Inh isoforms Yes No
UGT substrate UGT1A9 No Yes
Classification of drugs as being metabolized (yes) or non-metabolized (no)
UGT1A4 Yes No
by UGT isozymes
UGT2B7 Yes Yes
ADMET Predictor’s
PCB Module
pKa S + Basic pKa* Estimation of pKa based on a thermodynamically accurate multiprotic model 6.67 6.86
for multiple ionization sites according to atomic descriptors and neural
networks not a database.
Partitioning S + logP Quantitative estimate of the partition coefficient between octanol and water. −0.498 −1.172
S + logD Quantitative estimate of the distribution coefficient between octanol and −0.572 −1.096
buffered water.
hum fup% %Unbound of the drug to human plasma protein 58.32 37.727
rat fup% %Unbound of the drug to rat plasma protein 37.467 26.831
Vd Human volume of distribution 1.199 0.549
RBP Human blood/plasma concentration ratio 1.708 1.018
RBP rat Rat blood/plasma concentration ratio 0.876 0.705
Solubility models S + FaSSGF Solubility in fasted state SGJ 3.71 6.187
S + FaSSIF Solubility in fasted state simulated intestinal fluid 1.426 7.339
S + FeSSIF Solubility in fed state simulated intestinal fluid 0.361 0.626
The strongest basic pKa .

3.8. Recommendations for practices to optimize FAM activity and while the two techniques have comparable chromatographic per-
safety formance. Based on the obtained results, the RPLC mode using
the new PBr column was selected for LC separation of the two
On the light of these findings, we can recommend in-situ analytes. The developed RPLC method met the acceptance crite-
buffered formulation to increase the stability of FAM in the stomach ria of FDA on bioanalytical method validation. Application of the
and improve its bioavailability. In this tactic, the formulation con- developed method to study the stability of FAM in SGJ revealed
tains a substance that buffers the site of drug delivery then release its high vulnerability to degradation under the intra-gastric con-
the drug in a non-acidic medium, thus increasing its stability [49]. ditions where about 43.2 % of the drug degraded after 1 h. The
Moreover, the in-situ buffering will enhance the solubility of FAM pseudo-first order degradation reaction was proved to be pH-
since it is a weakly basic drug [50]. Since FAM acts by competitive dependent and catalyzed by the gastric juice. This degradation
binding to the H2 -receptors in the parietal cells present in the gas- probably has a significant role in the poorer oral bioavailability
tric glands [51], the enteric-coating is not an applicable solution for of FAM. Molecular docking study evidenced that FON lacks a cru-
the problem of FAM instability where it prevents the drug release cial stabilizing interaction with the key Asp98, leading to poor
in the stomach and allowed its release in the intestine. This means activity as H2 -antagonist. However, some differences in the toxi-
that enteric coating leads to loss of FAM activity. On the other hand, city profiles of FAM and FON were also detected in favor of FON.
the results of the in silico studies revealed the necessity to conduct Moreover, differences in the pharmacokinetics, metabolism, and
a safety lead optimization of FAM to minimize the potential toxic solubility of the two compounds were also identified using the
properties and side effects while maintaining its activity at hH2 R. ADMET prediction tool. We suggest in-situ buffered formulation
The outcomes of this study are important not only for the for protection of FAM from gastric degradation. As well, safety lead
widespread use of FAM as anti-ulcer, but also due to the expected optimization of FAM is suggested to curtail its potential toxic side
future increase of its applications as adjunct therapy for patients effects.
with resistant schizophrenia [52].

3.9. Conclusions CRediT authorship contribution statement

In this contribution, a comparative study between HILIC and Rania El-Shaheny: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software,
RPLC modes employing newly manufactured columns was con- Validation, Formal analysis, Investigation, Data curation, Writing
ducted for separation of FAM and its acidic degradation product - original draft, Writing - review & editing, Visualization, Project
FON. The RPLC method is greener with lower impacts on the safety, administration. Mohamed O. Radwan: Software, Data curation,
environment, and health as deduced by HPLC-EAT tool. Also, less Writing - review & editing. Fathalla Belal: Writing - review & edit-
costs and shorter analysis time is achieved by the RPLC method, ing. Koji Yamada: Funding acquisition, Resources.
12 R. El-Shaheny, M.O. Radwan, F. Belal et al. / Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 186 (2020) 113305

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