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Country Facts Language, customs, traditions and
behavior are unique in every culture.
Every country has cultural artifacts that
are obvious in the surface and are
apparent. They are symbolic elements.
A country's cultural uniqueness is shaped
by many other factors: its history,
geography, politics, religion(s), and of
course its population. Communicative
behavior of people differs across cultures.
They are obvious and observable. People
share both popular and traditional cultures.

Cultural Profile
A cultural profile describes the salient features of a country's culture, from
the surface to its deeper level. It offers a critical understanding of the
people's communicative behavior shaped by culture. Thoughts, assumptions,
beliefs and values are precursors to individual and social behavior.
It explains to make sense of the obvious.
It promotes cultural appreciation.
It explores deeper meaning of symbols.
It encourages self/other awareness.

Culture is like an iceberg, it has

surface and deeper levels (Hall,
1976; Kohls and Weaver, 2005).
People vary as they are wired in
mental frames of their culture
(Hofstede, 2001).

Analytical Discussion
Culture profiling is analytical: it is focused on specific topics of interest; has depth and
breadth to provide an imagery of a peoples culture; well supported by reliable
information; and communicated relevant know-how for others to adapt well in that
culture. Unlike a travelogue, it has critical value that is presented in creative ways.

Focusing Exploring Examining Knowing

"A nation’s culture resides in the hearts and in

the soul of its people."
Mahatma Gandhi
Cultural Profile
How to present a country
culture profile?

What country interest you the most?

Decide on a country which you would you

like to know more about. Explore some
informative materials about that country
(e.g. geography, history, politics, religions,
customs, traditions, mix, etc.). Give your
audience a brief background on these.

What is interesting about it?

Identify, explore and describe salient

features in the country's surface culture
(i.e. language, traditions, customs,
behavior). Limit exemplars to 2-3
elements, focusing on unfamiliar things
that others might not be aware of.

Discover its Dimensions Dive Deep in Culture

Visit https://www.hofstede- Explore online resources (i.e. and check the government information, research,
country's national cultural profile critical discussions, essays, etc.) to
based on identified dimensions. Take further explain and interpret the
note of the culture's characteristics, meanings of those salient features
and examine how those statistical and cultural dimensions you noted.
indicators inform about the salient This guides your analysis, focusing
surface cultural elements you on thoughts, assumptions, beliefs
identified. and values of people.

Analysis and Presentation

Steps and Expected Outcomes

1. Introduce the country briefly by providing facts and figures as
to its: geopolitical background, history, population, religion,
and general cultural characteristics that you obtained from
your initial exploration of relevant texts.
2. Present your central idea about that country’s culture.
3. Describe the surface culture, its elements, and salient
4. Discuss your analysis as to how those features inform about
the people’s deep culture.
5. Conclude by synthesizing your analysis and restating your
central idea about that country.
6. Offer recommendations or practical tips for your audience to
appreciate that country’s culture based on your conclusion.
7. Supply a creative title to your presentation.
8. Cite your sources in-text and include a reference list for all
borrowed information, ideas, pictures, and videos at the end
of your presentation material.
9. Develop your communication material in a short audio-video
format (3-5 minutes).
10. Submit your output as an external link in the assigned
Dropbox and share it also in the discussion forum for others to
learn from it and provide feedback.

Communication Purpose

The content offers highly relevant information on a country's

culture profile, strictly observing the guidelines.

Content Adequacy

Content details demonstrate that they were well researched to

inform the audience.

Content Development

Ideas were presented in a very organized manner to be unified

and coherent as a meaningful whole.


The content shows strong evidence to meet its purpose of

communication in creative and innovative ways.

Critical Thinking
Depth & Breadth of Analysis

The content demonstrates strong evidence that critical thinking

was applied, to be highly evaluative and analytical.


Language Style

The presenters demonstrated very high proficiency in using the

language to convey their ideas clearly and convincingly.

Oral Skills
Vocal Qualities

1he presenters utilized their voice effectively to keep the

audience interested throughout the delivery.

Visual Appeal
Message Amplification

The presentation materials were very enticing and effectively

applied visual communication principles, to amplify the message.

Technical Complexity

The presentation effectively and innovatively utilized various

techniques to amplify their message.

Audience Engagement
Confidence & Control

The presenters strongly engaged the audience, as they were

highly confident and showed control and maintained presence
throughout the presentation time.


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