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Maps with “Londinuim” or “Basilla” in the top right corner use the Grey or Yellow side of the setup location
cards respectively. Add the 3 neutral starting temples as per player count.
Each player gets: 3 starting cities, 3 of each of the 3 resources, (no coins).
The player sitting to the right of the start player (determined randomly), gets the “Bellona” card.
Strict order of phases in each player turn:
1: Select and perform rondel action, 2: Found new city(s), 3: Win ancient personage(s) (VPs).
Rondel. (Move your rondel marker up to 3 places clockwise on the rondel then take that action).
(You can pay any resources to go a further 1 space per resource up to a maximum of 4 extra)
Production Each city you own produces 1 resource of the type shown (or 3 with a temple). You
also receive 1 coin (total) whenever you produce. Coins are “wild” and can be used as any resource.
Militia: Purchase military units for 2 irons each. You can add up to 1 new unit in each region in
which you have a city or 3 new units per region where a temple is also present. Pre existing friendly
or enemy units in the region do not affect this limit.
With the “Bellona” card you receive 1 extra free military unit and must pass the card to the right.
Templum: In cities you own with no temple you may build one. The cost is 5 marble each.
Scientia: You can “discover” 1 or more techs. If you are the first player to get this tech pay the
higher gold price, otherwise the lower one. (A player’s token in the bottom row requires previous
acquisition of any related first row tech)
Tech effects –
Mercaruta or Commercium: Trade any 2 or 3 resources for any 1 or 2 resource (not coins)
Metallum or Moneta: When you produce resources get 1 or 2 (total) extra of that resource
Regnum or Res Publica: The defence of all your cities is increased by 1 or 2
Strata/Navigato: Your land/sea units may cross 2 red/blue boarders when moving
Movere: Each military unit may cross a border of the appropriate colour
Battles between opposing units:
Regions where opposing units of the same type exist and one of the controlling players is taking a
“Movere” action will have a battle if any of the present players wish it. Units of the same type are
removed one-for-one. Note: A city’s resource and military production is not affected by the presence
of foreign units in its region.(“Type” here refers to land or sea units).
Conquest of cities:
After completion of all movement and battles the invading force of a moving player may choose to
attack the local enemy city. The attack may only be carried out if the invading force’s strength is at
least equal to that of the city. The city’s strength is 1, +2 with a temple, plus +1 for each of its land
and sea units in the region, +1 if defending player has fewer than 3 VPs, +1 or +2 if the defending
player has the “Regnum” or ”Res Publica” techs respectively.
If the conquest goes ahead – the attacker removes a number of units equal to the city’s defence
strength. Remove the defender’s units, city, and any temple. Replace the city marker with one of the
attacker’s city markers. (The attacker pays no resources for this city. They are occupying, not building)
(Starting neutral temples have a defence value of 3. An attacker cannot build a city if they have no surviving
units after destroying a neutral temple).
A nation’s last single city is immune to attack.
Found City(s) You may found a city in any region where you have presence at a cost of 1 each of three
basic resources (supplemented with coins as desired). This may be done after any of the actions on the rondel.
Not just move.
Ancient personages (VPs)
Kings (10). For every 5 cities owned at once
Generals (7). For each temple you destroy
Citizens (6). For every 3 temples owned at once
Scholars (9). For each tech you discover before anyone else
Navigators (5). For every 7 sea regions you control at once
IMPORTANT NOTE: A player 1 point away from winning can earn a VP for destroying a temple even if all the
generals have gone.

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