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According to LIS and EBEIS the current enrolment data of Amulung National High
School as of June 2022 is 1534. It is Higher by 86 learners compared to the previous
S.Y 2020-2021 with 1448. From SY 2020-2021 the number of male enrollees
increased from 723 to 753 and the number of female enrollees increased from 725 to

As a fast-growing school, enrolment data increased exponentially. For the SY 2019-

2020 the total number of learners was 1,401, 689 males and 712 females. For the past
3 years enrolment data is increasing by 2.55% per year, we were able to maintain the
continuous increase in enrolment hence we aim to raise the percentage from 2.55% to
5% in the upcoming SYs.

Health and Nutritional Status

For the nutritional status, the number of wasted learners for three consecutive years
are fluctuating. In the current school year, 2.48 percent (19 of 766) of the male
learners fall outside normal health status.  

Teachers professional Development

The school has a total of 58 National Funded teachers and 7 administrative staff. The
highest educational attainment of most teachers is a master’s degree with 45 out of 58
or 77.59 percent of a total number of teachers. 

Funding Sources
The following are the fund sources of the school:
School MOOE                                       2,231,000
Local Government Unit funds                 250,000
Donations                                               584, 955

The biggest source of school funding came from the MOOE amounting to 2,231,000 or
74.87 percent of the total fund source. Followed by donations coming from
stakeholders amounting to 584,955 thousand then Local Government unit funds.

Awards and Recognition

For the previous years, the school was awarded as Second Best-Brigada Eskwela
Implementer in the Division, and at the Congressional level. As it continuously,
improves its services and learning environment, the school also received one of the
most prestigious awards in the Division as the Most Beautiful School and Most
Outstanding Learning Environment in the year 2019, and in 2021, the school was
awarded an SBM Level III practitioner by the region. 
Performance Indicators

GOAL 1: Expand ACCESS to Basic Education

Drop-out rate

The school dropout rate for the school year 2018-2019 is 0.13 percent or 2 out of
1534, as compared to the dropout rate of S.Y 2017-2018 which is 0.28 percent or 4
out of 1,448. The most pressing cause is financial-related factors.

School Leaver 
One pressing issue under access is the school leaver. For the school year 2018-2019
we only have 1 SL the same with SY 2019-2020. But for SY 2020-2021, we have 6 SL,
this is attributed to change of residence.

For the number of repeaters, we have fluctuating data by 80% for the last 3 years.
2018-2019 we have 5 repeaters, while for the SY 2019-2020 we only have 1 repeater
but for the previous SY, it increases to 5. 

Goal 2. Revitalizing QUALITY

Promotion rate
The average promotion rate in SY 2021-2022 is 100% percent as compared to the 0.99
percent of the previous school year.  

The mean percentage scores in the specific subjects observed to be decreasing
for the past three years. As recorded, English is decreased by 4.33% and the
Mathematics subjects by 3.2%. And in general, the MPS of all subject areas is
below average.

Literacy and Numeracy

In the SY 2018-2019, the frustration level of reading is 14.86, the instructional level is
66.56 and 18.58 for independent. Unfortunately,  in SY 2019-2020 up to 2020-2021,
no data were recorded due to the restrictions of the pandemic. However, in SY 2020-
2021, the school was able to conduct a survey through the Brigada PAGBASA at
PAGBILANG.  Through this initiative, the Language and Mathematics teachers were
able to assess students reading and numeracy skills and were able to identify eight(8) 
students from G7 and G8 who shall be the main clientele of the said program.
Goal 3- Integrating Governance

Physical Facilities
For the student led-watch, the following should be taken into action to ensure the
safety and security of the learners. Some of the concerns to be addressed are the
rehabilitation of drainages and clogged canals, replacement of the busted plugs, light
bulbs, and some electrical fixtures in some of the classrooms and repair of the
dilapidated ceiling at the back of the SBM lounge. In addition, the school also needs to
repair the dripping ceiling at the gymnasium and SBM lounge. 

On solid waste management, the school an needs additional  Material Resource

Facility for the proper segregation of waste and storage of materials. 

For safety and security, there is also a need for the provision of fire extinguishers, and
functional buzzers.

Learner-Seat Ratio
At present, the school has an insufficient number of chairs for the learners with a
ratio of 0.58:1. In general, the school is needing 644 seats for the learners. 

Learning Materials

There is a lacking number of learning materials for JHS, especially for the SHS. As
recorded, there are no available materials in all subject areas in the Senior High
School, and only 6% of the materials were available for the grade 10 because almost
all were flooded and were damaged by typhoons. Meanwhile, there is 31.55% available
materials for the grade 7, 41.56% for the grade 8, and 44.44% for the grade 9.
However, there is still a great need for the provision of learning resources to meet the
1:1 ratio for the learners. 

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