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Preventive Maintenance Service Benefits

Anti-virus software updates, regular Minimize the risks associated with receiving infected files.
virus scans: keep antivirus software Valuable files aren’t compromised/destroyed by virus
updates current. infections.
Data Backups, protection and Disaster Increase system uptime and critical data availability in case
Recovery. Evaluating backup strategy, of data loss. Backups are an essential part of data
testing, monitoring and verification of protection.
functionality of data backups and
Spyware, adware, malware sweep Prevents intruders from unauthorized data
system scan and removal of malicious access/manipulation, entering and controlling your system.
software. This activity is crucial especially when you shop online
and/or do online banking, which involve secure transfers of
confidential and personal information.
Regular Hard Disk Defragmentation: Allows to keep your PC running at peak performance.
reorganization of data stored on hard
Operating System security Updates Keeping Operating System up-to-date will provide fixes to
and Patches installation. Automating security vulnerabilities and holes as well as resolutions to
software-related preventive well-known and identified software bugs.
maintenance activities whenever
Temporary and unnecessary files clean- Freeing up disk space. Overall system performance
up. Old unused programs removal. The improvement. Faster system boot-ups.
registry and Startup environment
Regular cooling system Inspections Increase longevity of CPU and other components by
and cleanup: verify functionally of avoiding overheating.
Preventive Maintenance Service Benefits
cooling fans, vents and heat sinks.
Current hardware review/inventory and Proactively plan for hardware upgrades and replacements
recommendations for upgrades if to prevent last minute, costly purchases.
necessary for uninterrupted system

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