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Skills: observe, develop a hypothesis, realize the project, verify and transfer.
Area: structures and mechanisms.
Starting point: conceiving and creating an object with a particular performance.


The town of Hannut is thinking about building a tower located “Grand-Place”. For this
purpose, they are asking students from the Lycée to conceive and realize different
structures. As new architects, you have 200 shish kabob picks and sewing strings to
realize your project. Your tower needs to be as high as possible and must resist a weight
of 500 gr. Be careful, we will measure the height of the tower on the point on which the
weight is dropped on your tower.

The highest tower (resisting 500 gr) of each class of second grade will be measured and
the best tower will be exhibited in the technologies class.

Individually, answer the following questions :

- What do I need to build ?


- Which material is provided to me?


- How will the tower be measured ?


- What is the performance expected of my realization ?



1. Individually, draw, annotate and describe the project.

2. In groups of ………, select and then draw, annotate and describe THE solution that will
be realized.

1. The realization of the project can start.

Make sure to respect the following :

- The « pieces » will be made.

- The elements that make the tower will be assembled.
- The whole piece will be tested.


1. Verifications of the following instructions :

- Does the tower stand up ?


- Is the tower made of wood exclusively ? …………………………….

- Are the picks only assembled with sewing strings ? ……………..………

- Does the tower resist the weight ? ………………….………………………..

2. Modifications / justifications.





3. Measure of the height of the tower : …………………….. cm.


1. Which number corresponds the best to how you feel ?

(1 = not at all, 2 = rathor no, 3 = rather yes, 4 = very much so)

- I was interested in the challenge : ……………………………………………….

- It was easy to pick the final solution : …………………………………

- The work was split equally between all members : ………………………

- I found my role within the team : ………………………………………………….

- I am satisfied by our realization : …………………………………………………

2. Complete the following sentences :

- With this work, I learned ………………………………………………………………...


-While collaborating with the team, I learned…………………………………………….


- During the realization, I learned …………………………………………………………


- During the realization, my weakness was ……………………………………………..

3. Shared ideas :























Evaluation grid


OBSERVATION The responses to the 4 questions are correct. /4

The individual hypothesis is drawn. /3

The individual hypothesis is annotated. /3

The individual hypothesis is described. /3

Individual bonus point. /1

The group hypothesis is drawn. /3

The group hypothesis is annotated. /3

The group hypothesis is described. /3

Group bonus point. /1

Investment in the work. /4

Respect for others. /3

The tower stands up. /5

The tower resists the weight. /5

The feeling has been evaluated. /5

The sentences are completed. /4

TOTAL / 50

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