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Lab 4.01 Step 1. Open your favorite browser and navigate to

What are the stated objectives of the IEEE 802 committee? A: To develop Local Area Network standards and Metropolitan Area Network standards Step 2. Select the hyperlink to enter the page where you may download the various standards and select the click here for the index to the standards link. Now click on the 802 committee you are interested in, currently the IEEE 802.3: CSMA/CD Access Method. Follow the directions to download Section 1 of the document. What is the title of this standards document? A: IEEE Standard for Information technology Telecommunications and information exchange between systems Local and metropolitan area networks Specific requirements Step 3. Within the introduction, scroll down to the paragraphs defining the contents of each section. What are some of the key points covered in Section 1? A: Architectural Perspectives, Layer Interfaces, and Application areas, as well as the various forms of notation required by the standards. What are some of the key points covered in section 3? A: RS and GMII, Repeaters, and State diagrams. Step 4. Locate Clause 3.1.1 MAC Frame Format. Note the diagram of the Ethernet frame. How does the diagram differ from the diagram of the Ethernet frame in Figure 4-2 of the textbook? List the main fields of the MAC Frame Format.A: It is positioned vertically, and includes the amount of octets used by each portion of the frame. Preamble, SFD(new), Destination Address, Source Address, Length/Type, MAC Client Data(new), Pad, Frame Check Sequence, Extension(New). Lab 4.02 Step 1. In the following space, describe how the Ethernet Carrier Sense function enables network nodes to determine if the network media is in use. A: ECS allows nodes to sense whether the line is being used; furthermore, if a collision does occur due to two nodes sending at the same time, they will wait a random amount of time before sending again. Step 2. Describe how the Ethernet Multiple Access rules govern which network node gets precedence with regard to network media access. A: No node has precedence, but only one may talk at a time.

Step 3. Explain how Ethernets Collision Detection function enables network nodes to recover from data collisions. A: Step 4. Maggie asks if there is a way to configure the network so that no data collisions occur. What do you tell her? A: I would advise her to simply use a switch. Step 5. If you have access to an old Ethernet hub with a collision detection indicator, monitor and make note of the collision rate on your network for a short time period (ten minutes or so). What are the results? A: No access to one. Lab 4.03 Step 1. What length of cable will you be using? A: Variable length. Step 2. Using the diagram above, or one of the diagrams you have found, record the proper wire for each of the pins fo the RJ-45 modular connector when assembled using the TIA/EIA 568B standard. A: Pin 1: OW Pin 2: O Pin 3: GW Pin 4: B Pin 5: BW Pin 6: G Pin 7: BrW Pin 8: Br Step 3. Using wire strippers (often the crimping tool has wire strippers and snips built in), carefully remove approximately 0.5 inches of the outer insulating jacket of each end of the UTP cable. (Done; evidence found in that I actually did the lab and tested the wires with you) Step 4. Separate each pair of wires and align them in the correct seque3nce according to the TIA/EIA 568B standards defined in Step 2. The next step where you insert the wires into the RJ-45 connector will go more smoothly if you take your time during this procedure. Once the sequence is correct, grasp the wires firmly between your thumb and forefinger, and carefully snip the edges of the wires to make them even as in Figure 4-2. (Done; as above) Step 5. With the pins of the RJ-45 connector facing up and away from you, slide the wires all the way into the connector. The outer insulating sheath should be just past the first crimping point in the connector, and you should be able to see the copper of all eight wires if you look at the head of the RJ-45 connector. (Done; as above) Step 6. Place the RJ-45 connector into the crimping tool. Firmly squeeze the handle of the tool until the wires are crimped into place. The crimp should bind each of the wires tightly, and the connector should bind the outer jacket. If any of the wires can be pulled from the connector with a gentle tug, the connection is incorrect, in which case one would snip the RJ-45 connector off and return to step 3. (Done; as above) Step 7. To complete the assembly of the patch cable, repeat steps 3-6 above to add a connector to the other end of the cable. Step 8. Now you will verify the construction of the UTP patch able by using a commercial cable tester. Most testers come with a remote end and a master

module. Plug each of the RJ-45 plugs into the jacks on the cable tester. Following the directions provided with the cable tester, verify the performance of the UTP patch cable. Record your results: Wire Pair 1; Pin 5 to 5: Good ; Pin 4 to 4: Good Wire Pair 2; Pin 1 to 1: Good; Pin 2 to 2: Good Wire Pair 3; Pin 3 to 3: Bad; Pin 6 to 6: Bad Wire Pair 4; Pin 7 to 7: Good; Pin 8 to 8: Good Lab 4.05 Step 1. Once again, open your favorite browser and naviage over to Select the hyperlink to enter the page where you download the various standards and select the click here for the index to the standards link. Now click on the 802 committee you are interested in, currently IEEE 802.1: Bridging and Management. Follow the directions to download the IEEE 802.ID2004 standards. Navigate to clause 17 of this document. What is the title of this clause? A: Spanning Tree Protocol Step 2. Now pop over to the Cisco Web site and search for information on the Spanning Tree Protocol. Your instructor can help with the search if you get stuck. Document one or two of the URLs that the search directs you toward: A: shtml a.shtml Step 3. Given the information from the textbook, the IEE 802 standards, and the Cisco implementation, write a short summary of the Spanning Tree Protocol. A: STP allows a loop-free network with bridged ethernet, which would otherwise cause large amounts of slowdown on a network. Additionally, it allows one to create a mesh-like topology for the purpose of redundancy. Lab Analysis 1. How does an Ethernet switch improve the overall performance of a network? A: It prevents collisions by performing smartly, sending packets only to the recipient instead of broadcasting it. 2. What is the basic function of the Frame Check Sequence in an Ethernet frame? How does this compare to the Cyclic Redundancy Check used by other technologies? A: The basic function of the FCS is to make sure data being sent is uncorrupted. A CRC is simply a particular type of FCS which is

particularly good at picking up noise that might have corrupted the data, according to Wikipedia. 3. When you create a crossover cable, what pins are connected to each other on the RJ-45 connector? How does this facilitate communication between two PCs without a hub or switch? A: Orange, Orange-White, Green, and Greenwhite. This allows both PCs to send and receive data, as otherwise they would each be sending data on the same line and listening for it on the same line. 4. What is the purpose of including the destination address and source address fields in an Ethernet frame? What is the common name for these addresses? A: So that the hub or router that the frame is sent to will know where to send the frame to, and so that the receiving computer may reply; Recipient MAC and Sender MAC 5. John is throwing a LAN party this weekend and needs to whip up a few extra Ethernet patch cables for his guests. He already has the cable and the connectors. What tools would you recommend he use to build and test the cables? A: A crimper, possibly scissors, and a multimeter (as it's one of the cheapest ways to test it, and good to have around anyway!) Key Terms Quiz 1. A repeater takes frames received on one port and retransmits them out of all the other ports. 2. The spanning tree protocol prevents switches that have been mistakenly connected back into themselves , forming a bridge loop, from flooding the network with damaged packets. 3. A crossover cable is created when you construct a UTP cable using the 568A standard on one end and the 568B standard on the other. 4. The Ethernet standard developed by Xerox was eventually handed over to the IEEE 802.3 committee who continue to manage the standard today. 5. Ethernet uses a method called CSMA/CD to determine which computers can use a shared cable at any given time to send data.

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