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Small (0.6 x 0.6 to 1.5 µm) **** Former name: Small Small (C. jeuni)
Haemophilus equigenitalis
coccobacilli Slender, curved, rod Coccobacilli, Short, rods plump, short rod (1-1.5 x 1.5- coccobacillary rods Slender, curved, Gram polymorphic bacteria
2.5 um) ; occasionally cocci, negative rods in gull- (helical, comma-shaped, pairs
winged shapes and spiralshaped, coccal-
CHARACTERISTICS spiral form shaped forms) gram
negative rods
Campylobacter jejuni
Coccoid bodies are
formed when organisms
are exposed to air.
partially acid-fast Has been cultured in Highly fastidious (optimal non-fermentative non-fermenting Capsulated & fastidious Non-fermentative
enterocyte cell lines growth on chocolate agar)
non-motile Non motile non-motile Motile non-motile motile
non-sporeforming - Hydrophobic bipolar Polar flagellum is
- proteolytic present (C. jejuni)
- Aerobic Microaerophilic Microaerophilic Aerobic strict aerobes strict aerobes microaerophilic Microaerophilic bacterium
- Microaerophlic Requires 5-10 percent CO2 (5% О2, 5- 10 % СО2)
- capnophilic 5-
10% CO2
- media enriched No growth on inert - Factor X stimulates - requires serum/blood for - Utilize amino acids for energy - requiring cysteine + BAP for growth (glucose Many species grow on • They require
with blood or media growth good growth - grows on non-enriched/ordinary media – cysteine –blood agar used for culture. MCA enriched media special nutrient
serum required - BAP-flat, graying, beta- and MCA - No growth on MCA
by some species - Colonies: non- hemolytic, friable and Growth on blood agar and MCA - Has high lipid content enhance growth media, a surface
- stain red using hemolytic raised, produce pitting of agar • BAP – colonies of virulent strains are - Virulent isolates produce capsules of medium must
Ziehl Neelsen shining, smooth gray - MCA usually no growth small, convex and smooth Campylobacter jejuni be moist);
method pinpoint colonies • B. bronchiseptica – hemolytic • Colonies can be • Some grow on
- produce no acid • B. avium – non-hemolytic
flat, grayish, Skirrow’s agar
from CHO in • MCA – colorless, pale, non –lactose
conventional fermenting colonies = B.bronchiseptica transluscent • They give growth
peptone media and B.avium and granular in 48-72 hours,
with an irregular when antibiotics
edge that tends are used – in 13
to spread along days
the line of
inoculation or
round, convex,
with an entire
edge and a
• No hemolysis
Intracellular parasites obligate intracellular virulent stains are - Obligate parasite of animal, esp. URT; Facultative intracellular pathogen
pathogen fimbriated/piliated and (have an affinity for ciliated respiratory
- A campylobacter- hemolytic epithelium)
like organism - an opportunistic invader
formerly referred
ileal symbiont
- Has an affinity to
Stable in the environment labile in the environment
Catalase + (except B. ovis) Catalase + Catalase + Catalase + Catalase + variable catalase High catalase activity
reactions Catalase – (H. canis(
oxidase + (except B. ovis Oxidase + Oxidase + oxidase + Oxidase - Oxidase + High oxidase activity
and B. neotomae )
Urease + (except B. ovis) Phosphatase + Urease + High urease activity
brucellae have found on mucous membranes  F. novicida: avirulent to rabbits, white
predilection in both of carrier cattle mice, pigeons Commensals in the Found in the gastric
female and male  F. tularensis: shares antigen with intestinal tract of warm- mucosa n intestine of
reproductive organs in Brucella abortus
sexually mature animals blooded animals humans and animal,
- infect a particular C. jejuni and C. lari – including both domestic
animal species excreted in the feces of and wild animals and
- Infected animals birds birds
serve as reservoirs of
Campylobacter spp. -
excreted in the feces of
Campylobacter fetus
subsp. venerealis –
adapted to bovine
preputial mucosa
Differentiation of Brucella Differentiation of B.bronchiseptica and Distinguishing features of F. tularensis subsp.
species B.avium tularensis and Differentiation of
- colonial diff. based on: F. tularensis subsp. Holarctica Campylobacter species
appearance • Growth characteristics
- biochemical tests • Biochemical reactions
- specific cultural • Unique ability to agglutinate RBCs • Colonial
requirements • B. avium – requires differentiation from morphology
- Growth inhibition by Alcaligenes fecalis which is non-
dyes pathogenic
- Agglutination w/
- Campylobacter fetus
 A selective indicator medium
monospecific sera containing bromothymol blue as pH
- Susceptibility to indicator Campylobacter fetus
bacteriophages  Miniaturized biochemical ID systems subsp fetus – small,
- Molecular methods – are avail.for non-fermenting bacteria, round, smooth
PCR, PCR restriction w/c do not metabolize carbohydrates
fragment length translucent colonies
 Hemagglutination – occurs with
polymorphism, virulent isolates of both
with a dewdrop
pulsed-field gel B.bronchiseptica and B.avium appearance
- Campylobacter jejuni
– small, flat, grey
colonies with a
spreading, watery

- Some Campylobacter
spp. – that contaminate
clinical specimens are

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