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Lab Session 03

Simply Supported beam with Center Load

To calculate the maximum deflection of 1m long simple supported beam which has fixed
support at one end and roller at the other end. If the beam is loaded with Center load of 5000N and
Young`s modulus of the material is 210000N/mm2 while cross section beam is square 40mm do
simulation on ANSYS.

Introduction to static Structural Analysis System

A Static Structural analysis determines the displacements, stress, strain, and the forces in
structures or components caused by loads that do not induce significant inertia and damping
effects. Steady loading and response conditions are assumed that is the load and the structure
response are assumed to vary slowly with respect to time. The types of loading that can be applied
in a static analysis include:
• Externally applied forces and pressure
• Steady-state inertial force (such as gravity or rotational velocity)
• Imposed displacement
• Temperature (for thermal strain)
A Static structural analysis can be either linear or nonlinear. All types of nonlinearities are
allowed large deformation, plasticity, stress stiffening, contact element, hyper elasticity and so on.
Detail of how to handle nonlinearities are described in Nonlinear Controls. Note that available
nonlinearities can differ from one solver to another.

Basic Steps of Modeling and Analysis in Static Structural

Create Analysis System
From then Toolbox, drag a Static Structure, Static Structure (Samcef), Static Structure
(ABAQUS) template to the project Schematic.

Define Engineering Data

Material Properties can be liner or nonlinear, isotropic or orthotropic, and constant or
temperature dependent. You must define the stiffness in some form (Young`s Modulus,
hyperelastic coefficients, and so on). For Internal load (such as Standard Earth Gravity), you must
define the required for mass Calculations, such as density.

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Attach Geometry
When 2D geometry is used, generalized plane Strain is not supported for the Samcef or
ABAQUS solver.


Assignment Structural Steel

Nonlinear Effects Yes

Thermal Strain Effects Yes

Bounding Box

Length X 1000. mm

Length Y 40. mm

Length Z 40. mm


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Volume 1.6e+006 mm³

Mass 12.56 kg

Centroid X 500. mm

Centroid Y 20. mm

Centroid Z 20. mm

Define Part Behavior

A rigid part is essentially a point mass connected to the rest of the Structure via joins.
Hence in static structural analysis the only applicable loads on a rigid part are acceleration and
rotational velocity loads. The output from a rigid part is the overall motion of the part plus any
force transferred via that the part to the rest of the structure.

Define Connections
Contact, joints, spring, beams, mesh connections, and end releases are valid in static
Structural analysis. Joints are not supported for the ABAQUS and Samcef solvers.

Apply Mesh Controls/Preview Mesh

Provide a mesh density adequate for resolving stresses; areas where stresses or strains are
of interest require a relatively fine mesh compared to that needed for displacement or nonlinearity
resolution. If you want to include nonlinearities the mesh should be able to capture the effects of
the nonlinearities. For example, plasticity requires a reasonable integration point density in area
with high plastic deformation gradients.

Apply Loads and Supports

For a static structural analysis applicable loads are all inertial, structure, imported and
interaction loads and applicable supports are all structural supports. Hydrostatic pressure, bearing
load, bolt pretension, joint load, fluid solid interface, motion loads, compression, only support,
Elastic Support.
Loads and supports vary as a function of time even in a static analysis as explained in the
role of time in tracking. In additions see the Apply loads and support section for more information
about time stepping and ramped loads.

When performing a nonlinear analysis you may encounter convergence difficulties due to
a number of reasons. Some Examples may be initially open contact surfaces causing rigid body
motion, large load increments causing non-convergence, material instabilities, or large
deformations causing mesh distortion that result in element shape errors. Any convergence data
output in this printout can be graphically displayed as explained displayed as explained in the
solution information section.

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Review Result
All structural result types except frequencies are available as a result of a static structural
analysis. You can use a solution information object to track, monitor or diagnose problems that
arise during a solution. Once a solution is available you can contour the result or animate the result
to review the response of the structure.
You can use probes to display the variation of a result items as the load increases. An
example might be large deformation analyses that result in buckling of the structure. In these cases
it is also of interest to plot one result quantity such as displacement at a vertex against another
result item such as applied load. You can use the charts feature to develop such as charts.

• Open Static Structure Analysis from left toolbox of Analysis Systems
• Then double click on engineering data to add a required material i.e. mild steel
• Now again in workbench, open geometry and draw according to given data
• Now mesh the model and apply boundary conditions. Then save the project.
• Now click on solution and select the stress, deformation, then click to solve.
• It will show the ANSYS Analysis of stress and deformation in geometry window. The
minimum and maximum values will be shown on side with colors.
• In case of Center load applied on the body we select the geometry and select the face edge
and take offset command from skitch and take the canter line on the body.
• Then we select the face split option and select the surface edge and generate it.
• Then go the model and select the force at the center the body and solve it.
• Then we just check the value of deformation and stresses as above.
• Save the images of all analysis and save the project report.

Input Design Data

A beam is drawn in with 1m and 1000mm length and 40mm square cross is made
of mild steel having young`s modulus of 210000M/mm2.

Pre-Analysis Calculations
y= − 48EI

Moment of inertia of the beam will be

I= 12

= 12


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Now we have enough data to calculate deflection of beam
y=− 48(210000)(21333.33)

y= -2.3251mm

Simply Supported Beam Analysis

Open the ANSYS workbench and go to toolbar for analysis system selection and Select
static Structure the project schematic will appear. Start the analysis by steps representing on project

Engineering Data
First of all Select the material of your structure that is structural steel in that case. Then add
data that is about the Young`s modulus of material, poisson ratio etc that is necessary to add.

After selecting the engineering data close it and select geometry from the project
schematics. Draw the geometry that is require with specific dimensions and saved it in system.

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After creating geometry select model from project schematic ANSYS simulation file will
open with geometry that has made before it. Then apply mesh on the structure according to

After meshing then apply load that has to apply structure in particular area or face and
apply the boundary conditions and see the results.

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Analysis Setting
After applying the load and boundary conditions change the analysis setting according to
requirement or for more refine solution

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As you solve the structure software show all the possible stresses, deformation and strains
that may occur in the structure for that particular load.

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Result Plot
There are the result that has made by ANSYS on simply Supported beam with center load.

Deformation Plot
Here are shown the directional deflection of simply supported beam with uniform
distributed load.

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Stress Plot
Here are the stress plot that contain minimum and maximum stresses on beam the result
are shown in table.

The value of deflection calculated experimentally by ANSYS deflection value is 2.33mm
with center load and we also calculated the value of stresses experimentally by Using ANSYS
software and get the value of Stresses which is maximum is 115.48 MPa with center load. The
results of the above given analysis of the simply supported beam when it is loaded at center point
shows that the results obtained by the ANSYS analysis that are -2.3377mm are similar to the results
given by the hand calculations that is. y= -2.3251mm it can be seen in the hand calculations. The
error may be occur due to inaccuracy of the procedure adopted for analysis. The ANSYS software
provides ease for determining the exact value of the stresses that are induced in the structure due
to the applied load.

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