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Optional rule

Certain areas, objects, and creatures may be irradiated, and touching

or standing near them can be harmful to a creature’s health. Irradiated
is measured in six levels. An effect can give a creature one or more
levels of irradiated. Creatures that are immune to the poisoned
condition are also immune to the irradiated condition.
If an already irradiated creature suffers another effect that causes
irradiation, its current level of irradiation increases by the amount
specified in the effect’s description. A creature suffers the effects of its
current level of irradiated as well as all lower levels. A creature’s
irradiated level can be reduced by 1 by finishing a long rest for level 1
or 2 irradiated, or by casting the spell listed in the Cure column. All
irradiated effects end if a creature’s irradiated level is reduced below 1.

Level E fect Cure

When the creature makes an ability check, the creature Long rest,
1 must roll a d4 and subtract the number rolled from the lesser
ability check. restoration
When the creature makes an attack roll or saving Long rest,
2 throw, the creature must roll a d4 and subtract the lesser
number rolled from the attack roll or saving throw. restoration
3 The creature cannot use reactions.
At the start its rst turn in any combat, the creature
must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or the Greater
creature spends its action that turn retching and restoration
When another creature spends a total of 1 hour within
30 feet of the irradiated creature, it must succeed on a Greater
DC 12 Constitution saving throw or gain 1 level of restoration
irradiated, to a maximum of level 5.
The creature dies. For 1 week, any creature that spends Raise
a total of 1 hour within 30 feet of its corpse must Dead or
succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or gain 1 similar
level of irradiated. magic

There are a few ways to avoid getting yourself irradiated. Typically,

when an effect lists an amount of time that a creature can spend within
a certain distance of a radioactive source before having to make a
saving throw to avoid becoming irradiated, that means the radiation is
radiating through the air. This effect is blocked by 1 foot of stone, 1
inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt.
It's also blocked by a hazmat suit, which functions as a thin sheet of

Hazmat Suit. (25 gp, 20 lb.)

This suit makes you immune to airborne and waterborne toxins,
poisons, diseases, and radiation. It has its own internal air purifier,
allowing the user to breathe in hazardous environments indefinitely.
This suit also counts as wearing a thin sheet of lead. It is enchanted to
be able to quickly seal small punctures or cuts. You have advantage on
saving throws against caused by attacks which would make you
irradiated while wearing the suit. You cannot wear anything heavier
than light armor under this suit, and it is difficult to speak to others
while wearing this suit. You have disadvantage on Wisdom
(Perception), Charisma and Dexterity checks while wearing the suit.
Attacks and creature abilities that force a saving throw are more
difficult to avoid. A hazmat suit grants advantage on the saving throw if
it is being worn, but it does not automatically negate the radiation.

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