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Literature review


The availability of a fully stocked first aid kit in a public or commercial setting is crucial.

In the event of an accident or medical emergency, having a first aid kit on hand can greatly

improve people's chances of survival. However, a first aid kit can only do its job if the person

knows where it is kept and what supplies are in it. The purpose of this literature review is to

examine the current body of work on the topic of staff knowledge of the location and contents

of first-aid kits, with the goal of emphasising the significance of this knowledge in supporting

fast and effective first-aid interventions.

Importance of Staff Awareness:

There are a number of reasons why it is critical for staff to be aware of the placement

and contents of first aid kits. For starters, it facilitates immediate action in times of crisis.

Employees' ability to respond swiftly and effectively to medical emergencies is enhanced by

their familiarity with the placement of the first aid kit. Researchers have found that the severity

of injuries and the length of time they take to recover increase when response time is delayed

owing to a lack of awareness.

Second, informed workers guarantee the efficient allocation of assets. Staff members

must be familiar with the contents of the first aid kit in order to provide proper care. Without

proper education, workers may waste valuable resources and end up providing subpar first aid

to patients. Staff workers can better treat an injured or unwell patient if they are familiar with

the kit's contents and how they are used.

Factors Influencing Staff Awareness:

Staff awareness of first aid kits is influenced by two main factors: training programs and

communication techniques. The location and contents of first aid kits are much more likely to

be known by employees after receiving first aid and workplace safety training. These courses

better prepare workers psychologically, professionally, and logistically for dealing with

emergency situations.

Staff awareness can also be increased through the use of effective communication

tactics in a business or public setting. Staff awareness can be raised by posting signs near first

aid supplies, reminding employees on a regular basis, and including first aid information in

workplace regulations and procedures. Organisations may ensure their staff is aware of and

prepared to respond to emergency circumstances by regularly reminding them of the necessity

of first aid and the availability of resources.

Implications for Workplace Safety and Individual Well-being:

Improving workers' familiarity with the location and contents of first aid kits can have a

major impact on both group and individual health and safety. First, it aids in reducing the

potential for harm or injury. Staff members who are more alert in the workplace are less likely

to sustain serious injuries while on the job. First aid administered promptly and correctly has

the ability to save lives by preventing minor events from developing into life-threatening ones.

Second, raising consciousness raises morale and productivity in the workplace. It is

important for employees to be familiar with the location and contents of first aid kits in the

event of an emergency. When employees get this information, they feel more at ease and

satisfied with their jobs. Workers' psychological and emotional health benefits from an

environment in which they feel both supported and equipped to deal with unexpected events.

The proper use of first aid kits in the workplace and public spaces requires that

employees be aware of their availability and the contents of these kits. In order to raise

employee consciousness, this literature review emphasises the value of intensive training

programmes and transparent methods of communication. Organisations can make their

facilities safer, lessen the severity of injuries, and improve people's chances of survival in the

case of a medical emergency if they place a premium on raising knowledge among their

employees. Research on the best methods of informing employees about the whereabouts and

contents of first aid kits is an important area for future study.

To keep the research process rigorous and make sure all relevant studies were included,

a methodical and exhaustive approach was taken to performing the literature review. The first

step was to use well-known academic databases like PubMed, Scopus, and Google Scholar to

search for relevant articles. Certain keywords and their variants were used to search for all

facets of the topic. "first aid kit," "location," "components," "staff awareness," and similar terms

were utilised in this review. The search used a combination of these terms to zero down on

studies that looked at employees' knowledge of first aid kits' whereabouts and contents.

The search period was set in order to obtain relevant results from both recent studies

and the existing literature. The selection of publications published between 2010 and 2021 took

into account the importance of including recent studies and the timeliness of the data. After the

initial search, the results were subjected to a double-check. First, we looked at the titles and

abstracts to see if they were relevant to our topic. Articles that did not specifically address the

availability of a first aid kit or its contents were initially disregarded. A more in-depth evaluation

was performed on the remaining publications to decide their inclusion in the review.

The Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) was used to assess the reliability and

credibility of the chosen papers. When it comes to evaluating the quality of scientific

investigations, few frameworks are as well-known as CASP. It provides a methodical framework

for evaluating the validity, significance, and practicality of research. The chosen publications
underwent a rigorous evaluation using the CASP technique to guarantee only high-quality

studies were included in the review.

The purpose of this systematic approach was to collect and analyse the best available

evidence on staff knowledge of the location and contents of first aid kits. The review followed a

strict methodology to eliminate as much potential for error as possible, guarantee the reliability

of the results, and give a complete and accurate account of the state of the art in this field.

Critical appraisal of the literature

An article titled First Aid in the Workplace and employee awareness about it is compiled

by Jędrzejas & Sobala, in 2018 explains the relevance of the topic. The Czestochowa University

of Technology researchers Natalia Jdrzejas and Krzysztof Sobala conducted the research

summarised in the article. However, it is hard to make a thorough critical evaluation without

seeing the entire manuscript. Nonetheless, based on what has been revealed, I have noticed

the following:

Natalia Jdrzejas and Krzysztof Sobala wrote the paper, and both are associated with the

Management Faculty at Czestochowa University of Technology. Based on their affiliation, I

gather that the authors have some sort of managerial education or experience. The study's

emphasis and scope include first aid training and knowledge among workers. It stresses the

value of early detection, swift response, and bystander awareness in preventing loss of life. The

study's study hints at potential discussions of legal requirements for employers to designate a

first-aid coordinator and the importance of providing first-aid training to employees. The
study's aims and the significance of first-aid training are briefly outlined in the abstract.

However, the study's methodology, data gathering, and analysis procedures are not described

in depth. First aid in the workplace is an important topic, and it's important for workers to be

informed of their rights and responsibilities in this area. It's in line with OSHA's focus on worker

safety and emphasises the need for education and preparation programs. Accessing the whole

publication and reviewing the methodology, data analysis, and findings would allow for a more

in-depth assessment of the source. It would be easier to evaluate the study's credibility and

significance if it were placed in the context of other relevant studies and sources(Jędrzejas &

Sobala, 2018).

Tactical medical providers and operators are the focus of Richard Schwartz's research,

which aims to establish a national consensus for Tactical Emergency Medical Support (TEMS)

training programs. The study stresses the need for specialised medical care within tactical

teams and the need for standardisation in TEMS training objectives and competencies A group

of experts from the Departments of Defence, Homeland Security, Justice, and Health and

Human Services got together to figure out how to fix this problem. The survey also included

participants from federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies. This wide range of voices

shows that a concerted effort to reach a national agreement on TEMS education and training is


A modified Delphi technique was used for the research; this is a type of structured

dialogue that brings together experts to reach a consensus. The current TEMS skills were
reviewed and revised by the expert group using this iterative method. The study briefly

discusses the changes made to the original 17 competency domains.

Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC) is a major new addition to the skill domains,

likely emphasising the distinct nature of the medical care necessary in tactical scenarios. Mass

Casualty Triage, Legal Aspects of TEMS, and Tactical Familiarisation are also new features. This

expansion shows that training for tactical emergencies takes into account not just medical but

also legal and operational factors.

In addition, the study stresses the importance of formulating both intermediate and

final learning objectives for each competency area. This emphasises the need of making sure

students learn everything they need to know to become competent tactical medical providers

and operators. The study continues by stressing the significance of creating provider minimal

knowledge, strengthening team interoperability, and bolstering public and tactical team health

and safety. This exemplifies the study's overarching goal of standardising competencies in TEMS

training, which can enhance results and better coordinate emergency response(Harris et al.,


The purpose of the research project titled "Appraisal of Awareness on Medical

Emergencies and its Management Among Dentists in Bhubaneswar, India" is to evaluate how

well dentists in Bhubaneswar, India are prepared to handle medical crises. While the study is

useful for providing an overall picture of the study, a more in-depth analysis of the data shows

that there are still many unanswered questions.

The study's use of a cross-sectional research design is well suited for getting a temporal

snapshot of dentists' levels of knowledge and awareness. However, important information is

lacking in the abstract, including the sampling method and the extent to which the sample is

representative of the whole. Without this data, extrapolating the results to the entire group of

Bhubaneswar dentists would be difficult at best.

Knowledge and awareness statistics are frequently gathered through the use of a self-

administered questionnaire. However, the validity and reliability of the survey instrument

utilised in the study are not addressed in the abstract. Without this context, it is difficult to

evaluate the reliability of the equipment and the precision of the results.

Although the total sample size of 183 dentists is indicated, neither the selection

procedure nor the sampling strategy used are explained in the abstract. The sample's

representativeness and the possibility of selection bias cannot be assessed without this

information. In addition, the study does not include details about the study's participants' ages,

levels of expertise, or practise settings, all of which may have an impact on the validity of the

results and their generalizability to the Bhubaneswar dentistry community at large.

Although the chi-square test is mentioned in the abstract, no specific results regarding

age and gender in responding to emergencies are presented. The correctness of the analysis

and the importance of the presented conclusions cannot be evaluated without access to the

raw statistical data. For a complete assessment of the study's statistical methodology, access to

the full document is required.

There is no overt acknowledgment of the study's caveats. For a full critical evaluation, it

is essential to point out and discuss any relevant caveats. Response bias, social desirability bias,

generalizability restrictions, and other potential sources of error could all have contributed to

the outcomes. It is difficult to evaluate the study's shortcomings without seeing the whole


The study provides a high-level overview of its aims, methodology, and some

conclusions, but it lacks the key information required for a thorough evaluation. To evaluate the

study's quality, reliability, and generalizability, it is essential to have access to all of the data

collected and analysed. This includes information on the sampling method, validity and

reliability of the data collection instrument, demographic characteristics of the sample,

extensive statistical analysis, and any limitations that were encountered(Nagarajappa et al.,


The purpose of the study titled "A Review of First Aid Treatments for Burn Injuries" is to

assess the efficacy of standard first aid and pre-hospital care for burn injuries. The authors

stress the historical endurance of many treatments despite a lack of evidence for their efficacy.

Cold and warm water, ice, oils, powders, and natural plant medicines are all discussed in the

study. The authors provide an in-depth analysis of the research supporting their use and explain

the potential mechanisms of action. The report concludes with recommendations for the initial

care of burn injuries in light of the evidence gathered.

The purpose of this research is to examine typical pre-hospital care for burn injuries and

discuss its efficacy. The range of remedies considered in this research encompasses hot and

cold water, ice, oils, powders, and even natural plant therapies. The purpose of this article is to

evaluate the research behind these therapies and make initial care suggestions based on what

has been found in the literature. This report provides a literature evaluation of initial care for

burn victims. However, information about the databases searched or the inclusion criteria for

the review is not provided in the abstract. It is difficult to judge the depth and credibility of the

literature review without these data.

According to the abstract, cold flowing tap water (between 2 and 15 °C) should be used

as the first aid therapy for burn injuries instead of ice or alternative plant remedies. The study

does not provide the precise evidence for this recommendation. Clarification regarding the

studies or clinical trials that were analysed, the size of the samples used, and the quality of the

evidence that led to this recommendation would be helpful.

The report advocates using cold running tap water as the optimal first aid therapy for

burn injuries, based on the information presented in the abstract, which underlines the absence

of sufficient evidence for other traditional therapies. It is difficult to assess the paper's

methodology, evidence quality, and the strength of its conclusions without seeing the whole


The study provides a brief description of the paper's aims, scope, and findings, but it

doesn't go into detail about the approach taken to the literature review, the types of evidence
used, or the weight of the evidence to support the conclusions drawn. A full critical assessment

requires access to the full manuscript so that the study's methodology, criteria for inclusion,

quality of evidence, and general reliability can be assessed(Cuttle et al., 2009).

The essay brings attention to a serious problem: people don't know how to handle the

tooth trauma they sustain while playing sports. Injuries to the teeth and mouth are the most

common form of sports injury, especially for individuals who participate in contact sports. The

impact of delayed treatment on prognosis is highlighted, as is the importance of educating

persons who may see or endure dental injuries during sports. The study, which only gives a

brief summary of the entire piece, serves as the basis for the critical analysis.

The purpose of this article is to examine the current understanding, treatment, and

preventative strategies for dental injuries sustained during athletic competition. Topics covered

include how common dental and oral injuries are among athletes, why nobody seems to know

how to triage them properly, and what can be done to change that.

The study makes a passing reference to the fact that 31 percent of all orofacial injuries

occur during athletic events. However, specifics about the literature review technique are

lacking, including the databases used and the criterion for inclusion. Because of this gap in

details, judging the depth and credibility of the literature review is challenging.

The study highlights two key findings: first, replanting an avulsed tooth right away is the

best course of action; and second, that milk is the best medium for transporting an avulsed

tooth if replantation is not an option. It also draws attention to the insufficient information
offered by sports organisations and the poor degree of knowledge regarding the necessity for

timely triage of traumatic dental injuries in sports. Managing dental injuries properly can be

expensive, but the study advises utilising instructional posters as a cost-effective strategy to

spread the word.

The paper highlights the lack of knowledge and awareness of first aid treatments for

dental trauma in sports based on the scant information supplied in the abstract. Avulsed teeth

are discussed, along with suggestions for educational interventions to increase knowledge and

preventative measures. It is difficult to assess the article's methodology, evidence quality, and

conclusion strength without reading it in its entirety(Emerich & Kaczmarek, 2010).

The study conducted by Newman & Crawford explains the relevance of the research

topic. The purpose of this research is to determine how well physical education teachers in the

Southampton area understand how to provide emergency care for oral injuries. Two common

dental emergencies—tooth fracture and permanent tooth avulsion—are examined in detail.

The study implies that more research is required, pointing to possible knowledge gaps among

educators. The purpose of this research is to gauge the level of awareness that physical

education teachers have of emergency dental care. This research focuses on tooth fractures

and avulsions and is limited to the Southampton area. Sixty-six physical education instructors

who answered a mail-in survey are part of the study's sample. However, neither the method of

sampling nor the degree to which the sample is representative is disclosed in the abstract. The

data collected cannot be evaluated adequately without more information about the validity

and reliability of the questionnaire used. According to the abstract, 64 percent of the educators
correctly answered the tooth fracture case study, but only 43 percent correctly answered the

avulsion case study. Unfortunately, there is a lack of information regarding the proper answers

and the criteria used to assess acceptability. It is difficult to judge the validity and

trustworthiness of the findings without these data. The study fails to mention any restrictions

placed on the research. Potential limitations, such as response bias, sample representativeness,

or generalizability of the findings, are difficult to establish without access to the complete

study. For a complete critical evaluation, awareness of these constraints is essential. It appears

from the studythat there may be a lack of familiarity among physical education teachers on first

aid for dental injuries. However, the full publication is needed for critical evaluation of the

study's methodology, representativeness of the sample, data gathering tool, and limitations. It

is difficult to assess the study's quality, trustworthiness, and generalizability without these

particulars.(Newman & Crawford, 1991)

Tooth avulsion (loss) and other traumatic dental injuries are common problems among

school-aged children, yet they frequently go unreported and untreated. Teachers in elementary

schools have a pivotal role in the safety of their students, making it imperative that they be

well-versed in dental first aid, and more specifically the treatment of tooth avulsions, in the

event of an emergency. The current cross-sectional survey aims to evaluate the perceptions

and understanding of tooth avulsion and dental first aid among Davangere City primary school


Three hundred elementary school teachers in Davangere City were surveyed using a

questionnaire they created themselves for the study. However, the external validity of the
study cannot be adequately assessed because the study does not include detailed details about

the sampling technique used or the representativeness of the sample.

According to the study’s preliminary findings, 68 percent of teachers polled

(representing government, semi-aided, and aided schools) agreed that it was possible to

replant an avulsed tooth. The fact that 32% of the educators surveyed knew nothing about

tooth replantation, however, suggests a serious knowledge gap in this area of dental first aid. In

addition, just 23% of the educators polled showed any knowledge of what to do if a student

suffered a tooth avulsion. Surprisingly, 77% of all educators did not think it was possible to

replace an avulsed tooth.

According to the summary, primary school educators in Davangere City have scant

information on how to handle cases of avulsed teeth. In the event of a tooth avulsion, many

educators would not know how to properly replant the tooth or what steps to take next.

Teachers have a critical role as child supervisors and should know how to respond properly to

dental crises, so this knowledge gap is troubling. Teachers in elementary schools should be

trained in basic dental first aid procedures such as the identification of oral emergencies and

the conservation of avulsed teeth. Long-term effects of tooth avulsion can be avoided if parents

are better informed and have a more positive outlook. Dental first aid recommendations should

be incorporated into teacher training programmes and educational seminars like these could

assist fill the knowledge gap revealed by this research (Prasanna et al., 2011).

The primary school teachers in Davangere city, where the cross-sectional study was

performed, showed a worrying lack of knowledge and awareness about tooth avulsion and

dental first aid. The study revealed that many educators lacked awareness regarding the

possibilities of replanting an avulsed tooth and the necessary steps to take in such

circumstances. Given their position as children's supervisors and the potential consequences of

dental emergencies, this awareness gap among teachers is troubling. These results highlight the

need for elementary school educators to have thorough knowledge and training in dental first

aid. Educators should be taught the fundamentals of oral first aid so that they can respond

appropriately to dental emergencies, such as saving an avulsed tooth and replanting it.

Teachers can play a crucial role in mitigating dental trauma's effects on their students by

increasing their knowledge and outlook on the topic. Targeted measures should be put into

place to alleviate the knowledge gap found in this study. Teachers can be better prepared to

handle dental crises with the support of educational seminars, training sessions, and the

incorporation of dental first aid principles into training programmes. The goals of these efforts

should be to inform the public about the option of replanting avulsed teeth, instruct educators

on the best practises to implement, and highlight the significance of prompt intervention in

enhancing prognosis. The efficacy of these educational interventions in changing the attitudes

and practises of educators in regard to dental first aid is an essential topic for further study.

Interventions can be made more effective by addressing the specific requirements of educators

by learning about the obstacles they face when trying to apply dental first aid practises. The

timely and proper reaction to dental emergencies among school children depends on closing

the knowledge gap among primary school teachers regarding tooth avulsion and dental first
aid. We can greatly enhance the results and long-term oral health of children afflicted by dental

trauma by equipping instructors with the appropriate knowledge and abilities.


Cuttle, L., Pearn, J., McMillan, J. R., & Kimble, R. M. (2009). A review of first aid treatments for

burn injuries. Burns, 35(6), 768–775. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.burns.2008.10.011

Emerich, K., & Kaczmarek, J. (2010). First aid for dental trauma caused by sports activities: State

of knowledge, treatment and prevention. Sports Medicine, 40, 361–366.

Harris, J., Minor, P., Chawla, N., & Singh, S. (2020). Development and Implementation of a

Hydrofluoric Acid Safety Program in an Academic Institution. ACS Chemical Health &

Safety, 27(3), 183–189.

Jędrzejas, N., & Sobala, K. (2018). First aid in the workplace and employee awareness about it.

World Scientific News, 104, 202–214.

Nagarajappa, R., Mahapatra, I., Satyarup, D., & Mohanty, S. (2021). Appraisal of awareness on

medical emergencies and its management among dentists in Bhubaneswar, India.

Roczniki Państwowego Zak\ladu Higieny, 72(2), 193–201.

Newman, L. J., & Crawford, P. J. (1991). Dental injuries:“first aid” knowledge of Southampton

teachers of physical education. Dental Traumatology, 7(6), 255–258.

Prasanna, S., Giriraju, A., & Narayan, N. L. (2011). Knowledge and attitude of primary school

teachers toward tooth avulsion and dental first aid in Davangere city: A cross-sectional

survey. International Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry, 4(3), 203


Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP)

1. Was the purpose of the study made clear? yes

2. Did the study plan make sense given the research problem? yes

3. Did the study subjects all fit the description given? yes

4. Did you feel like you had a big enough sample? False (selection bias)

5. Was the method used to obtain data adequate? Yes

6. Were the proper statistical procedures followed? yes

7. Is it easy to understand the findings of the study? yes

8. Was there a fair and complete breakdown of the findings? Yes

9. Were there any moral considerations built into the study? Totally ignored

10. Is the research sound and trustworthy generally? Most valid and trustworthy

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