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Advertising in Colour

Looking closely at colour.

Read through the attached link that explains how different colours influence how consumers respond
to advertising.
Then consider the following advertisements and analysis the colours by answering the questions
below each image.

Name the brand: The product in this advert is Guardian Music

Name the product: The product in this music festival and gig coverage.
Who is the target audience? The target audience in this ad are people from 25-40 because 25 to 40
year old’s are more likely to be organizing parties and go to the parties
What colours are being used? Blue, White Grey
Complete the table below identifying how each colour is making the audience feel in response to this

Colour How is this colour likely to make the audience respond to this
Blue Blue is a colour which arouses trust in the viewer. It may be a
little serious, but it also suggests success, depth, loyalty, calmness
and power.
White White color is associated with calm and serene. The purest of all
colors, the white, holds clarity, freshness, simplicity and being
organized in its traits.
Grey As mentioned, grey represents neutrality and balance, but it's also
a color that's sleek, chic, and sophisticated.

Name the brand: The name of the brand it Cadbury

Name the product: The name of product is Cadbury Dairy Milk
Who is the target audience? The target audience for this product is everyone because on a Cadbury
Dairy Milk
What colours are being used?
Complete the table below identifying how each colour is making the audience feel in response to this

Colour How is this colour likely to make the audience respond to this
Name the brand:
Name the product:
Who is the target audience?
What colours are being used?
Complete the table below identifying how each colour is making the audience feel in response to this

Colour How is this colour likely to make the audience respond to this
Name the brand:
Name the product:
Who is the target audience?
What colours are being used?
Complete the table below identifying how each colour is making the audience feel in response to this

Colour How is this colour likely to make the audience respond to this

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