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ABE International Business College

Cubao Campus
A member of the AMA Education System

ABE International Business College
Cubao Campus
A member of the AMA Education System

Appendix A: Gantt Chart

May June
16 23 30 6 13 20 24
Title Proposal
Approved Title
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Related
Chapter 3 Research
Chapter 4 Result and
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Creating System
System Application
Adding up Features and
System Application and
Revision, Editing,
Debugging of System
Implementation of System
Finalization of other
Final Defense
Submission of Thesis
ABE International Business College
Cubao Campus
A member of the AMA Education System

Appendix B: System Screen Shots

Customer Database

Customer Transaction:
ABE International Business College
Cubao Campus
A member of the AMA Education System

Appendix C: Survey Questionnaire

Name: _______________________ Date: __________________

This survey questionnaire is for the:

Assessment of the existing of Manual paper-based system of Rankine Enterprises

A Customer Database replacing the existing manual system with the computer-based system.

Put check the corresponding box according to your assessment please answer it with sincerity.

Survey Question
Yes Maybe No

Existing Manual - Paper-Based System

1. The existing system, the manual paper-based in keep-
ing transaction record for customer is unsecured, time
consuming and not efficient.
2. Using pen, paper and index card in tracking customer
record is space consuming, can be lost or misplaced
and cost much paper.
3. There is a difficulty during filtering and sorting records
of customer transaction.

4. The customer information is unsecured using index

card which can be seen by other employees.

5. Is manual paper-based is user friendly unlike computer-

ized based system.

Customer Database – Computer-based system

6. Is there a need to change the manual paper-based in to
a computerized system.
7. A customer database is more reliable and efficient in
sorting and filtering of transaction records.

8. The Rankine Enterprises can be manage easily and

user friendly using a computer.
9. A customer database is more secured than manual in-
dexing or book keeping
ABE International Business College
Cubao Campus
A member of the AMA Education System

10. It is cost desirable and more practical to use a com-

puter generated database than a manual paper-based

Appendix D: Permit – Rankine Enterprise

ABE International Business College
Cubao Campus
A member of the AMA Education System

Documentation at Rankine Enterprises

ABE International Business College
Cubao Campus
A member of the AMA Education System


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ABE International Business College
Cubao Campus
A member of the AMA Education System

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