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Good Governance: The Key to a Stable and Democratic Society

From the foregoing presentation of the administration of Philippine government under

the different chief executives, it was only during the time of President Ramon Magsaysay

when good governance existed in the country. People were empowered and given the attention

due them from their government.

Nonetheless, good governance is needed to achieve a stable and democratic society in

our country. According to Pagdanganan (2002), good governance is the efficient and effective

delivery of services to the people. It begins with a clearly defined mission, vision and objectives

It requires a definitive program with a specified time target, delineating functions an

responsibilities, and allocating resources to achieve goals. It transforms leadership from a

patronage orientation into one that is characterized by a high degree of public order

accountability, transparency, and trust. Good governance is anathema to graft, plunder

corruption and red tape. It rewards good performance and punishes the corrupt. It promotes

meritocracy and excludes influence peddlers

Good governance is extant in the country until now as corruption is so pervasive and

deep-rooted touching even the media and the judiciary (World Bank Report of 1996). The

government's strategy to combat corruption had not been effectively implemented based on

the SWS's survey in 1996. This strategy that ended up in failure consisted of the following

enhancement of government efficiency, effectiveness and accountability; improving economic

governance; further liberalization and deregulation; and improving peace and order. If good

governance exists, the people will be assured that public money is judiciously allocated, used.

and accounted for. Moreover, if good governance really prevails in the country, them

excessive bureaucracy, graft and corruption, cronyism, nepotism and other nefarious practice=

could really be eliminated.

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