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is a person who has been found to have committed a those who are actually not criminals but constantly in

wrongful act in the course of the standard judicial trouble with legal authorities because they commit theft,
processes. There must be a final verdict of his guilt. larcenies and embezzlement which are intermixed with
legitimate economic activities.
is a person who has violated the penal laws and have been
guilty of the charges upon observing the standard judicial What are Criminals classified on the basis of mental
procedure attitude

WHAT ARE CLASSIFICATION OF CRIMINALS those who commit crimes in an impulsive manner usually
due to aggressive behavior of the offender. Such altitude is
A person, who violate criminal law because of the impulse clearly shown in crimes of passion, revenge or resentment.
of the moment, fit of passion or anger or spell of extreme
jealousy. those who commit crimes because they are pushed to it by
inducement, reward or promises without considering its
persons who acted in consonance with deliberate thinking consequence.
persons whose actions arise from infra-psychic conflict those who are normal in their behavior but merely
between the social and anti-social components of his defective in their socialization processes. To this group
personality belongs the educated and respectable members of the
persons whose psychic organization resembles that of society who may be criminals on account of the situation
normal individuals except that he identifies himself with they are involved
criminal prototype. Crime is produced only by one factor or variable be this is
What are Criminals classified on the basis of behavioral social, biological, or mental. This theory is no longer in use
system at present

the lowest form of criminal career. They engaged only on Crime is not a product of a single cause or factor but a
conventional crimes which requires limited skills. They lack combination of several factors. Some factors are playing a
organization to avoid arrest and conviction. major role while the others are playing the minor role

these criminals have a high degree of organization to What are the EARLIER EXPLANATIONS TO THE EXISTENCE
enable them to commit crimes without being detected and OF CRIMINALITY
committed to specialized activities which can be operated Accordingly, men commit anti-social acts because of
in large scale business. Force, violence, intimidation and demons, spirits, or someone from the “other world”
bribery are used to gain and maintain control over their instructed, forced or pushed them to do so. This belief is
activities. Organized crimes of this special type include true during the pagan age when any wrongful act of men
various forms of rackets, control of gambling, prostitution from the evil spirits and to avoid them from being under
and distribution of prohibited drugs their influence and control they resorted to the use of
they are highly skilled and able to obtain considerable rituals
amount of money without being detected because of Men manifest criminal behavior because they are sinful so
organization and contact with other professional criminals. God wants to punish them. During the ancient period,
These offenders are always able to escape conviction. They criminals are given the right of sanctuary whereby they
specialize in crimes which require skills rather than can seek refuge in the temples of God so that they will be
violence such as confidential games, pickpocketing, free from prosecution and punishment. Early American
shoplifting, sneak thievery, counterfeiting and others. system of prison management do not give them more
What are Criminals classified on the basis of their activities opportunity to ask for forgiveness from God.

those who earn their living through criminal activities assification school of Thought by Beccaria) According to
Beccaria, men are fundamentally a biological organism
those who commit criminal act as a result of unanticipated with Intelligence and rationality which control their
circumstances. behavior. Before men; do something (commit crimes), he
tries to determine the amount of pain he will suffer and
those who continue to commit criminal acts for such the amount of pleasure he will receive. His future actions
diverse reason due to deficiency of intelligence and lack of will depend on the algebraic sum of the two
self-control considerations. If there will be more pain, he will carry on
his plan to commit unlawful act.
The explanation accepts the facts that crimes are According to survey, large numbers of assaults are found
committed in accordance with the free will of men but the to be correlated with low humidity and a small number
acts of committing a crime is modified by some causes that with high humidity. It was explained that low and high
finally prevail upon the person of commit crimes. These humidity are both vitally and emotionally depressing to
cause are pathology, incompetence, insanity or any the individual.
condition that will make it impossible for the individual to
exercise free will entirely. In the study of legal provisions, Under the same study, it was explained that during high
this termed as either mitigating or exempting wind, the number of arrest were less. It may be due to the
circumstances presence of more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere that
lessens the vitality of men to commit violence.
According to Cesare Lombroso, who is now considered as
the father of modern Criminology, criminals are born with Men as a living organism have been the object of several
some physical characteristic which becomes causes of studies which has the purpose of determining the causes
crimes. of crimes

Earlier criminologist correlated climate, humidity, wind This is the study of the relationship between the facial
velocity, atmospheric pressure, rainfall, nature of soil and feature and human conduct of a person in relation to his
other geographical pressure, nature of soil and other crimes.
geographical factors to the existence and development of the way to discover the character of a person is by
crimes and criminalities Following are some of the
explanations formulated by criminologist about This is the study of the external formation of the skull that
geographical and crimes; indicates the formation of the brain and the development
of its various parts in relation to the behavior of the
According to Queteles’s “thermic law of delinquency” criminal.
crimes against person predominate in the south pole and
during warm season while crimes against property claimed in their study that the shape of the head of the
predominate in the North Pole and cold countries. criminals differ from that of the non-criminals. The theory
however, was found without scientific basis
According to Montesquieu’s Spirit of Laws, criminality
increases in proportions as one approaches the equator It is very common that these criminals are known by
and drunkenness increases as one approaches the north childhood days whenever they become the subject matter
and south pole. of jokes by others.

Crimes against person are more in summer season while Types of Physique BY KRETSCHMER
crimes against property are more during rainy season.
Climatic condition directly affects one’s irritability and TYPES OF PHISIQUE BY WILLIAM SHELDON
causes criminality. During hot season, people get out of Relatively great development of digestive viscera;
the houses more, and there is more contact ad tendency to put on fats; soft round body; short tapering
consequently more probability of personal violence. limbs, small bones; smooth velvety skin
More crimes of violence are recorded in fertile level lands Relatively predominance of muscles, bone, and the motor
than in hilly rugged terrain. There is more congregation of organs of the body; large wrist and hands.
people and there are more irritations. There is also more
incidence of rape in the level land. Relatively predominance of skin and its appendages which
includes the nervous system; lean, delicate body, fragile,
There is also more incidence of violent crimes during warm small delicate bones, fine hair, relatively
months from April up to July having its peak in May. This is
due to may festivals, excursions, picnics and other sort of
activities wherein people are more in contact with one

According to Dexter, the number of arrest increases quite

regularly with the increase of temperature. The increase of
temperature affects the emotional state of the individual
and leads to fighting. The influence of temperature upon
females is greater than upon male

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